J Il1 iwiiiji fnrnnMiBiftta8WaeBwa - Middleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM PITTING All work guaranteed Phono 182 McCook Nebraska A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnells drug store McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY ATTOBNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTBACTEB McCook Nebraska CAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Wiitor Works Oflico in PoatolDco building C H Boyle C E Eldbed BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distanco I one 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second tloor PoetofOce Building nn I las a McCook Neb mm DENTIST phonb ii2 Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook GATEWOOD VAHUh DENTISTS Office over McAdams Store Phone 1 90 H P SUTTON L jew Mccook IWIHUWUM LER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA Mike Walsh DEAIEB IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Now location Inst across 11 ACcrr a street in P Walsh building 1CWOOK g Were Just As Thankful For a small package as a larse one Each will receho the same thorough and careful attention If we pet the former it may in time grow to the later by the satisfaction jou will derive in wearing our laundered work Family washing 5c per pound McCook Steam Laundry W C BLAIR Prop Successor to G C Heckmau PHONE 35 West Dennison St rfLijnvjuiu ra iHiiiiiyi stssibjmmmm csTrrinii PiSiBtJHli WSMxmMwM PI Any time you find yourself in need of Supplies for tipwtwT just drop in and see if we do not have exactly what you want whether it be a box of paper clips or the latest improved filing system S 9 your Office The TRIBUNE Office Vaaa fcrfc - v PRESIDENT A C EBERT CASHIER JAS S DOYLE Vice President 5 V FRANKLIN Jl jixjSijr THR CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 15000 f DIRECTORS JAS S DOYLE 1bWll MkVV A C EBERT mammmmnxaisfifix52z - IIJ Correspondence Wanted The Tribune wants correspondence from Perry and Coleman precincts in fact from any part of the country where the paper is not now represented Write the publisher to day IBa SPECIAL RATE BULLETIN To the East Daily low excursion tickets to eastern cities and resorts North- em Michigan Canada and New England To the West Attractive low excursion rates to the Pacific Coast Yellowstone Park Utah Colorado Big Horn Mountains and the Black Hills Low Colonist Rates Daily during September and Oc tober to California Washington Oregon and hundreds of inter mediate points Irrigated Farm Lands Ready for Immediate Settlement Io the Big Horn River Valley Wyoming watered by completed canals Small cash payment and terms covering nine years Round trip fare from Missouri River and Nebraska points 34 00 Write D Clem Deaver General Agent Landseekers Information Bureau Omaha for new folder Its free Write a brief description of your proposed trip and let us advise you how to make it the best way at the least cost R E FOE icket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb vmsmmmBaaKSsaasmsssm FURNACE AND FITTINGS 5500 OUR SPECIAL OFFER Absolutely a first class furnace either upright or horizontal capa city to heat 8000 to 12000 cubic ft wrath pipe regis ters and fittings 5500 A 40 inch furnacecapacity to heat 12000 to 16000 ft 6500 Larger furnaces at correspond ingly low prices We make 25 dif ferent furnaces and can ship everything ready fitted so that any handy man can install a furnace in two days Send for FREE CATALOGUE t Bovee Grinder Furnace Works 74th srrpfit -- ti I I- IWVM 36 Zdf L JwT or- jrs i enr sees Airship Builders Present Craze Has Many In teresting Phases Baldwin Von Zeppelin the Wright Brothers and Farman T HE airship craze has now reach ed that interesting and tan talizing period where a half dozen inventors and syndicates are on the verge of demonstrating that aerial craft can be safely and reliably used for commercial purposes but which inventor will be the fortunate one to hit on the solution to the prob lems now existing no one can tell Some are certain that Count von Zep pelin the German expert will be the lucky man to be hailed by posterity as the man who actually gave mankind the mastery of the air Others remem ber the work of Santos Dumont He however has ceased practically all his operations of late Captain Thomas S Baldwin has his supporters too and many of them owing to the work of his dirigible war balloon and other models The Wright brothers of Toledo Herring of New York and various French experiment ers expand the list of men who may at any moment win undying glory by taking the airship entirely out of the experimental processes and establish ing It as a matured product Probably the greatest evidence of the wide public interest in airships was provided when Count von Zep pelins magnificent craft the No 4 was destroyed in Germany near Lake Constance When the news was flash ed throughout Germany that the Von Zeppelin machine had been demolished and partly burned during a thunder storm a score of city governments im mediately proceeded to appropriate money for the count The Emperor William himself had the imperial gov ernment send the count 125000 im mediately and a public subscription list was started for the purpose of raising an additional 300000 At this writing most of this 300000 has been pledged and a large percentage paid in There are two general types of air shipsthose which are buoyant by con struction and those which are kept above ground only through the use of power The first class necessarily in cludes balloons whose use makes the specific gravity of the whole airship y VZjmzgP - - SS tSV AsSS Vj t lXvyC VSJCZGL YsS 4 A 3 m J y f1 T1 V rmk Zz fSSSi lLW1 0tl g watJWW tWCtTTi GREAT BRITAINS WA1 BAI1I1OON AND USIT ED STATES ARMY BALLOONISTS less than that of air by reason of which a balloon airship floats in the air as a boat floats on water The other type to which the Farman ma chine belongs is dependent for its buoyancy wholly on mechanical means and not on specific gravity The Wright machines which were devel oped in Ohio and offered for sale to France belong to the second class in that their buoyancy depends on me chanical means The Baldwin dirigible is now believ ed to have found more favor with the American government than any other craft The recent trial of the flier at Fort Myer Ya under the supervision of government officials was pronounc ed a success The craft flew three miles under perfect control and came back to its starting point after per forming intricate maneuvers Lieuten ant Frank B Lahui a daring aero naut and experimenter is given credit for the present activity of the United States government in balloon develop ment The war department now con templates spending millions of dollars on the advancement of war balloons experiment stations and observation plants The United States signal service now has a balloon squad made up of aerial experts and the squad is rapidly In creasing in size Great Britains development of the airship for purposes of war is being followed with the keenest interest by military observers of all the nations of the world The British govern ment is apparently as open and above board in conducting its experiments as we are in this country The British army has an airship that recently cov ered seven miles in the London sub urbs The craft can carry three men and is equipped with two seventy horsepower quadruple engines r3iBW22mmmP tnu iiM Won Her a Diadum How did the French come Into Sici ly A woman did it At a festive en tertainment held at a French court Beatrice countess of Savoy and wife of Charles of Anjou the brother of Louis IX of France was removed from the superior range of seats oc cupied by her two younger sisters the queen of France and the queen of England Mortified by the humiliation she returned to her apartments and burst into tears Upon learning the cause of her chagrin and her saying that she would be able to give up her life to confine her tresses for one hour beneath a diadem Charles embraced her affectionately and said Set your heart at rest countess for before long I will make you a greater queen than either of your sisters So he prom ised her He defeated Manfred the last of the Norman kings and caused Conradino the great grandson of the Emperor Frederick to be mercilessly slain he himself and Beatrice witness ing the scene Upon the death of his brother Charles became king of Na ples thus fulfilling the cherished de sire of his wife for a diadem The Vrist and the Arm The real wrist as one might say is the elbow joint It is all hand prac tically speaking from thatpoint to the tips of the fingers When you turn your wrist it is the whole forearm that makes the twist and every move ment of the fingers is controlled by the muscles of the forearm The power to turn the wrist to and fro at the el bow joint Is possessed only by human beings and monkeys and even the higher apes are not able to do the trick nearly as well as we can In this movement the great biceps muscle in the upper arm is importantly con cerned its powerful actipn in turning the forearm outward being accounta ble for the fact that we are able to put so much more strength into a twist In that direction than the opposite way Many of our most familiar tools indeed such as the screwdrher are made with reference to the anatomical peculiarity in question It is for this reason and no other that all screws turn to the right Reed and Strout Thomas E Reed served in the navy during the civil war and in 1SG3 he returned to Portland to practice laAV One of the strongest men at the Port land bar at the time was A A Strout Before beginning the trial of a suit It was Strouts habit to inquire of every juror as to the state of his health and impress each with the idea that the lawyer was solicitous of that jurors personal welfare Iteed and Strout were constantly antagonizing each other though they were very good friends In nearly every case of im portance Strout and Reed were on op posite sides It was annoying indeed for the suave Strout to hear Reed drawl out before the opening of a case Well your honor Brother Strout having finished his morning task of shaking hands with the jury we may now I hope proceed with the busi ness of the court Beating Women If it is true that national adages give an insight into the ideas of a peo ple says the Berlin Radical women must occupy a strange position in Rus sia One of these old saws runs Love your wife as much as your mule and another tells the good man Shake your wife as you would a fruit tree That woman is not considered frail is shown by the adage You may safely beat your wife with a broom handle for she is not made of porcelain Beat ing must be considered a wholesome pastime to judge from the saying If your -rife deserves a beating in the morning remind her of her faults by giving her another at noon In jus tification of this kind of attention the Russian says The more a man beats his wife the better his meals will be The Sea Serpent Myth It is possible even probable that the sea serpent myth started in all good faith In the southern seas grow the gigantic algae the largest of which measure from 400 to GOO feet in length These Avhen rolled on the beach form enormous cables several hundred feet long and as thick as a good sized tree trunk Such cables washed out to sea by storms may very easily have given rise to the farfamed but yet undiscov ered sea serpent New York Ameri can Nice Easy Job The following advertisement recently appeared in an English newspaper Man required for demonstration pur pose an old English rack star cham ber pattern would have to be slightly stretched to show how rack worked man should be short to start with Quite Fortunate New Girl timidly I spose you are a fine cook mum Young Mistress Bless me no I dont lenow anything about it New Girl relieved Then well got along famously mum dont either New York Journal The brave man may fall cannot yield Irish Proverb I The Pearl of Great Price Tut disposition above beauty Is the advice of a modern sage to the young man who thinks of taking to himself a wife But It requires such a long time to discover disposition Providence Journal Conflicting There Is safety In numbers quoted the wise guy And yet we are told that too many cooks spoil the broth added the sim ple mug Philadelphia Record but be TOLSTOY AT EIGHTY 1 Attributes Preservation of Hi Powers to the Simple Life Count Leo Tolstoys natal month Is August and the great Russian reform advocate and literary genius In spite of his eighty years believes firmly that he has many years of activity still bo fore him Count Tolstoy attributes his long life and the preservation of his powers to the fact that he persists in living the simple life that is his diet and hab its conform to the simple life precepts but his writings and remarks accord lug to the most exalted Russian czar are just the reverse Tolstoy has been so near to transportation to Siberia be cause of his championing the cause of the oppressed lower classes in Russia that it may be considered a wonder that he has lived to an advanced age It is the general belief in Russia and elsewhere that Tolstoy has escaped ex- f V rt ft M rama jm vm r UK f 1 ivfii 9 t mSm hi Xwm mW0A ylmrn COUNT TOLSTOT THE COUNT IN PEASANTS GARB tremo punishment at the hauls of the czar of late years only because of the honor accorded him throughout the civ ilized world Tolstoy was born in Au gust 1S2S in Yashaya Polima where he now lives Educated in Kazan uni versity he served in the Crimean war with distinction He organized the peasant schools of Russia om a now and original basis making them practical and effective His writings and lec tures have been translated into all prominent languages MRS JAMES S SHERMAN Wife of Vice Presidential Nominee Has Domestic Tastes Mrs Tames S Sherman wife of the Republican candidate for vice presi dent is a woman of the typically do mesticated type She has no aspira tions to shine in society or in public life is a lover of her home and her family and is content to let the slory of the world be the exclusive property of those that seek and desire it In her comfortable home in Utica N Y she feels more satisfied than in the h MMi I B trCTT TO SEE YOU WOULD uu J M RupP FOR ALL KINDS OFRpjck Work P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska A Edear Hawkins rhouo Red 193 H H Evans rhoue Red 29 HAWKINS EVANS Contractors and Builders furnished Plans drawn and ostimates ished on application McCook Nebraska E F 0SB0M Drayman Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE ME A TRIAL Office First Door South of DeGroffs Phone 13 F D BUKGESS I Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA BsrsarscJESflBsapsjRsssxiB Typewriter ribbons papers etc for sale atTHE Tribune office F2IAMI 3EISTLE ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPE fruit III IU 21 LAYTHtHCE DENVrD Cm n flAtJ nt ii rl -B m F J SL fiFm m mm Am W tV BUCKBEES BULBS SUCCEED SPECIAL OFFER 7nile to TjnIId New Itnlno A trial will make you a tonn r biti fjctioa guaranteed orronr tj incy rt f ueiIi u fVl arUnrt wvu oow ropCrouCMmodoi AiiMiinVixlV - TallpOt Frt Eonli d LaS arS k Write io day MenOonthls Paper n ASM SENp25CENTS I Wy llVWsVN m - gilnConnaemorationof a ntiani nrenifal w M JKS W K MBjtaUMHordTaapImib ThlrrrtTcrlVaiV IT 14 gmofttooj TtUE3lbalo6IwcTlIur I VMS flKP T - MRS JAMES S SHERMAN Old Hickory 2 pIy Rubber Roof ing per square complete includ gay winter life in uashington where she couRI have shone brilliantly had she chosen to do so for years as Mr Sherman has lonir been prominently Identified with the important legislative matters in comrress and both are wel comed at the most exclusive homes and establishments of the capital Mrs Sherman was Miss Carrie Bab cock of Utica She is greatly wrapped up in the careers of her three sons Richard Thomas and Sherrill All three of the sons arc in business and Mrs Sherman has often been com plimented on her success in raising three boys now men who show promise of lsecoming equally as prom inent as their father some day The ony fn fr Shaman fnmv i the little daughter of Sherrill Sherman ing Rubber Cement and Broad including Headed Nails 225 American Rubbor Roofing 1 ply per square complete including Lap cement Tin Caps and Nails 195 r mi it M r1 n H fi u A A rw m i - i i r 4 y J