The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 28, 1908, Image 5

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To the Voters of Red Willow County
Dear Siks The primary election will be held Tuesday
Sept i This is an important event for this election will
1 irgely determine who will be our officers and the policies
they will pursue for the next two years if not longer We
will that day say whether all the people or a part of the
people only are to have a voice in public matters Will you
not consider these things
You no doubt have received circulars and other matter
from the saloon and other organizations soliciting your help
at the polls The purpose of these allied powers is to secure
a subsidized legislature that they can handle at will Your
interests are therefore at stake
Among the issues demanding your attention there is none
more important than that of County Option This is true
first because the tax payers of the county will if such a
measure carries be entitled to say whether or not they shall
be taxed to pay the court -costs of the saloon business This
is no small thing In Red Willow county the cost to the
county of only two cases that grew out of the liquor business
within the last year has already reached the sum of
34i5SS and this is only a part of the burden
The constitution gives us the right to express ourselves
upon every question where we are subject to taxation No
Taxation Without Representation Shall we not contend
for our rights To stem the tide the saloon men are urging
the sufficiency of the Slocumb law But the Slocumb law
provides that only the towns shall have a voice in this matter
the place where the saloon and her dupes are located
But farmers whose trade helps to build these towns who
help to pay the extra tax caused by the saloon and whose
boys are many of them corrupted by the saloon ought to
have a vote on the saloon question County Option gives
them this right We urge you to attend the primary and
vote on this proposition
Now just a word about the candidates It is well known
that some of them stand four square on this question
They have printed their platforms Others without making
a printed platform have above their signatures pledged for
County Option No man need go outside his party to vote
for such a man John C Gammill Republican of Stockville
and Cecil E Matthews Democrat of Bartley candidates for
State Senator from the 29th district have declared themselves
for this measure as has also Frank Moore Republican ot
Indianola and John W Hoppe Democrat of Bartley for
Representative It is almost needless to say that S R
Smith Republican of Indianola candidate for County Attor
ney is also alright on this question All other candidates for
the above named offices have had an opportunity to declare
themselves and they have either given an evasive answer or
have ignored the question altogether
But the man who has committed himself is to be trusted
on this question and not only on this but on other problems
Their stand is an index to other things Be sure and get to
the polls and help to nominate them No matter how busy
you are you cant afford to slight this important duty of citi
zenship Remember that the polls are open from noon to 9
oclock p m
for sowing grain than a
13 v I ivl
Drill I
These drills and several other
good ones are for sale in Mo
Cook by
7 f
1 St
No 1
Time Card
AlcCook Neb
Mountain Timo
No C Central Timo 1027 r M
2 500 am
12 71Sa m
14 942 pm
10 400 r M
950 a M
1142 p M
3W p m
1025 a M
1217 A M
No 17Carrivo9 Mountain Time 5 -05 p M
No 175 departs 710 am
SleepinK dining and reclininfr chair cars
seats froo on through train Tickots sold
and baKae checked to any joiut in tho United
States or Canada
For information tirao tables maps and tick
ets call on or write It K Foo Agent McCook
Nebraska or L W Wukeley General Infesen
Kor Agout Omaha Nebraska
Engine 703 is getting some new flues
and other repairs
John Brening is working in the back
shop now vice Hewitt
Agent Cann of Dahbury was a Mc
Cook business pilgrim Tuesday
Chase was in Oxford yesterday ro
pairing ths coal chute gasoline engine
Conductor Carmoney has Lewis run
on passenger and Burnoy has the 1437G
Conductor Win Hegenberger was up
from tho St Francis branch Tuesday
Douglass Wentz and Harry Adams
are new members of McArthurs boiler
Mrs llarry Tyler and son Harold were
up from Orleans end-of-week on busi
ness matters
Conductor Wilber Fish and family
returned Thursday morning from their
outing in tho mouniains
Threo train crews were taken out of
service yesterday those affected being
Conductor Kent Martin and Nash
Brakeman T J Clark returned first
of the woek from a trip to the San
Luis valley and side points in Colorado
Conductor T A Malen returned from
his vacation first of the week and re
sumed his run between Hastings and
Red Cloud
Conductor Burney is on furlough for
ten days and will serve as oflicial um
pire during the ball tournament at
Machinist Tom Gettings has a badly
mashed and broken hand received
yesterday afternoon by getting the
member right hand in the turret
machine in the machine shop
C M Noble and cousin Mrs Mag
gie Jeffries departed Monday on a visit
east of several weeks Chambersburg
Penna is the principal point to be
visited Mr Noble may also visit in
Waynesboro Altoona and other places
in the Keystone state
The Burlington expects at an early
date to require passengers to present
tickets to trainmen before boarding
trains at stations where a reasonable
opportunity is afforded for the purchaso
of tickets This rule will meet with
public approval especially if the com
pany is required to provide the public
with facilities for making the purchases
of tickets at their stations a condition
which does not exist now at more than
one station
Loyal Parker is on the sick list
Mr and Mrs Pierre McFee of
lin are visiting at the home of Will
Lester and William Musgrave are suf
fering from the results of coming in con
tact with poison ivy
Mrs Al Boyer has been quite sick
The Misses Kate and Dora Greenway
have returned from their Iowa visit
Lelia Burbridge who has been visit
ing her father near Franklin came back
Friday of last week
The Misses Hallie Green Alta Mor
gan and Alice Delong were McCook
visitors last Sunday
James Springer and Earl Powell who
have been sick with fever are both able
to be out again
MrsMose Young and Mrs W A
Minniear have returned from their Kan
sas trip
Mr Cribben who has been visiting in
the eastern part of the state is expected
home Thursday of this week He will
be accompanied by his daughter Mrs
John Evers of Valparaiso who will visit
at the McDonald home
Mr and Mrs R W Stilgebouer were
Bartley visitors first of the week Mrs
Sarah Ruby who has been visiting in
Bartley camo home with them
Dan Clouse of Indianola visited Sun
day with relatives in Danbury
The play given here Wednesday of
last week by the Indianola young peo
ple was greatly enjoyed by all attending
the young folks doing exceedingly well
for amateurs
Ralph Stearns of Oberlin is visiting
his uncle Robert Green
The infant child of Mr and Mrs
Tom Plumb is very low with but little
hope of rpcovery
The Sunday school picnic at Marion
was well attended and the different
schools did themselves credit in the
delivery of the programme
Mrs Cordia Harbaugh and children
are visiting with her parents Mr and
Mrs McGuire
B V Lord and family visited in Mc
Cook a few days this -week
A Famous Poison Mystery
England had a famous poison mys
tery In the last century Two mem
bers of a great club In Manchester
both men of position and keen politi
cians each received apparently as a
Now Years gift small boxes contain
ing a few cigars of the very highest
quality apparently Both were taken
fearfully ill after smoking and one of
them subsequently died The cigars
were found to be loaded with poison
and it was said that the man who
recovered only did so because he used
a cigar holder The facts were at lirst
hushed up because as was said the
suspected sender whose motive was
revenge on account of a lady was a
man of wealth and power But this
subject was cleared and the mystery
was deepened by the following cir
cumstances A rich Manchester mer
chant traveling one day in a railway
car about the time of the incident re
lated got into conversation with a
most ajrreeably and highly cultivated
stranger who finally offered his cigar
case The Manchester man was found
at Leeds almost unconscious and the
only occupant of the carriage lie
grasped in one of his convulsed hand
the cigar he had been smoking and aft
er analysis showed it to be identical
with the others Tie recovered but
the stranger was never discovered
Easy Way to Bo Generous
In a church of a New England vil
lage was an old man who had all the
Christian graces save one and that
was the grace of liberality He would
do anything in the world for the cause
of religion but give up his money At
the close of the financial year 18G9
the church found itself 1C0 in debt
A church meeting was called and it
was voted to circulate a subscription
paper on tho spot and endeavor to thus
raise the sum needed This was done
and the old gentleman did not put his
name on the paper The result was
rather disheartening 200 only having
been pledged Silence reigned for a
moment when one of the most gen
erous men in the church moved that
we double our subscriptions In
stantly the old gentleman was on life
feet and A with extraordinary fervor
cried I second the motion
lie evidently felt that he was thus
doing his part in hastening a most de
sirable result
Would Follow His Example
After the battle of Prestoupans e
witty Scottish farmer amused himself
by writing a ballad upon it which so
stung one of the English officers who
had behaved very basely on the occa
sion that he sent the poet a challenge
to meet him at n for mortal com
The second found the farmer busy
with his hayfork and at once delivered
the challenge of the redoubtable hero
The good natured farmer turning to
ward him with the agricultural imple
ment coolly said
Gang awa back to Mester Smith
and tell him I hae nae time to come to
II to gie him satisfaction but that if
he likes to come here Ill tak a look
at him and if I think I can fecht
fight him Ill fecht him and if I
think I canna fecht him Ill just do as
he did Ill run away
His Inspiration
The negro brass band connected with
the traveling troupe was blatting a
tune in its characteristic slap bang
style in front of the theater when a
dusky cornet player who had been
sulking all day suddenly quit blowing
and did not resume
Say Mose demanded the leader in
the ensuing pause aint yo workin
any mo
Ah is wen Ah gits de inspiration
retorted the sulky musician throwing
the whites of his eyes across at the
Wen am dat
Wen Ah gits mah las weeks pay
Kansas City Independent
Conscientious About It
Mr Glizzard asked the caller are
you carrying all the life insurance you
can afford
No answered the man at the desk
I can afford more and I had expected
to take out more but from a note I got
from my employer this morning I have
begun to suspect that Im carrying a
good deal more than I am worth
Chicago Tribune
Forcing a Success
What is the name of your new
The Dungeon Good gloomy title
Yes That name alone ought to get
the book among the six best cellars
Washington nerald
Nothing Liberal About It
Wilkins I understand you are giv
ing your son a liberal education
nobbs Liberal Not a bit of it They
dont give anything away at the col
lege where he is I have to pay for
every plaguy thing he gets Boston
Mr Saphedde I like to be different
from other people
Miss Caustique That is very con
siderate of you I dare say the other
people appreciate your thoughtful
ness Philadelphia Record
He Look at this infernal bill lou
know I cant afford it Now Im go
ing to give you a piece of my mind
She Are you qnite sure you can afford
that papa dear London Opinion
Economy may be the road to wealth
but a large number of people wiH re
fuse to travel It until the good roads
movement has made t smoother
Washington Heral7
JSvJ A 3Die
ii nuuiiuu
r w
1 4AK
r A ii
s t
r r
Isit keepipg cool tle easiest wy tocool
iotlpiQg is so Ipot s ipot old clothes
FresI Iiglt fleecy sunder clothes njkke
you look veil too
Is tlere 9y resoQ wly Xou should iot
put siside tlpose old clotlpes d get yew oqes
Qi you C9 buy for tlpese prices
LW9S wortl 782 rd 9 eerts
90 w 4 1 1 ce9ts
09e lot sunder goods formerly 10
9d 11 I SL ce9ts 90 v 8 ee9ts
696 lot sunder goods formerly 18
9d 5L5L ce9ts 90W 151 ce9ts
Otlper lots 16 10 Si S 9 ce9ts
A New Fall
lock of flillinery 3
is now on display in my store
t No Old Goods are Shown Here 3
An expert trimmer from Chicago
is in charge of the work room and
correct styles and satisfaction
are guaranteed to all
Miss Anderson
White House Grocery
one 30
McCook Neb