The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 28, 1908, Image 4

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means a great deal to you as
a depositor In point of work
ing capital capital surplus
and undivided profits of 880
00000 The First National
Bank of McCook ranks first
among the banks of western
Our books are examined by
National Bank examiners un
der the supervision of the
Comptroller of the Currency
at least twice a year There
is no better security than that
For Your
Thrift is a simple thing but
it means a great deal It is
the foundation of financial
success and contentment
Save money and put it away
safely for a rainy day De
posit in
The First
of McCook Nebraska
flPl 5J
For President
of Ohio
For Vice President
of New York
At tho very urgent request of many
Republicans I hereby announce myself
as a candidate for the nomination of
county attorney before the Republican
primary to be held September 1 1908
S R Smith Chairman
Republican Co Central Com
1 hereby announce myself as a candi
date for re nomination for the oflice of
County Attorney at the Republican
primary on September 1 1908
P E Reeder
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for Commissioner of the First dis
trict subject to the decision of the Re
publican primary election September
1st 190S T F Gockley
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the oflice of county commissioner for the
First district subject to the Republican
primary election September 1st
George B Morgan
I hereby announce my candidacy for
renomination for county commissioner
of the First district subject to the de
cision of the Republican primary elec
tion September 1st
Frank S Lofton
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of state senator from the
29th senatorial district of Nebraska on
the Republican ticket subject to the
decision of the primary election to be
held September 1st 1908
John C Gammill
Stockville Nebr
I wish to announce to the people of
the 29th district my candidacy for the
nomination as state senator from the
29th Nebraska district subject to the
decision of the Republican primary
election September 1st
D S Hasty
Vote for the constitutional amend
ments at the primary
The Burlington and Rock Island have
T- considered and concluded to be
us They will grant the Nebraska
-rate fair a three cent round trip rate
The Burlington has a minimum of 5100
ho other roads aro expected to be good
i o and we hope so
aarMB9ijjiffwpTl1P3TQflt i m mi hd iwiiiiiiiiMiiwiiniiinittiT nm - nrrn iwimiim lui ihiiwwim mi r -
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Arapahoe Nebraska
At the request of numerous voters I
hereby offer niyself as a candidate for
the nomination to the office of represen
tative for Red Willow county on the
Republican ticket subject to the decis
ion of the primary election to be held
September 1st
Indianola Neb July 24 190S
Frank Moore
I wish to announce myself as a can
didate for state representative from Red
Willow county subject to the decision
of the Republican primary election of
September 1st 190S
Allen E Pennington
Lebanon Red Willow county Neb
To the Republican Voters of Nebraska
I ask tho Republican voters of the
state to support my candidacy for the
nomination for the office of railway
commissioner at tho primaries which
are to be held September 1st Having
for years past been a large shipper my
experience will be of valuo -in the ad
justment of rates My record as a re
publican will bear inspection
Myron D Karr
Columbus Neb Aug 11 1908
Mr Hasty Announces Himself
In this issue will be found the formal
announcement of tho candidacy of Mr
D S Hasty of Arapahoe Furnas coun
ty for state senator 29th district sub
ject to the decision of the Republican
primary election September 1st Mr
Hasty is a former state senator and an
old resident of the district and needs
no introduction to the voters of the
Silas R Barton Republican can
didate for the nomination of state audi
tor comes fourth on the ballot Dont
make an error in casting this vote but
look for the fourth man Silas R Bar
ton and you will nominate a man who
will not only strengthen the ticket but
bo a credit to the party
Men learned wise and patriotic may
devote themselves unstintingly to the
solution of the problem but until the
water is squeezed out of railroad stock
aud real values are thus established no
just and equitable freight rates will be
secured in Nebraska or any other state
As well attempt to cure a malignant
caucer by applications of ointment to
the local eruption
The measure of the success or failure
-of law enforcement in tho largo is the
executive and public sentiment Laws
of all kinds are usually enforceable if
the executive and his officers want to
really enforce them And some times
a thoroughly awakened public con
science and sentiment compel law en
forcement despite attitude of executive
and officers
It is our opinion that the republicans
of Nebraska can do no better than nom
inate H L Cook for state auditor We
know he is honest and competent and in
nominating him we take no chances
We suppose the other enndidates for
that position are also honest and will be
come competent after a time if elected
but Mr Cook is equipped now to meet
the legislature when it convenes and
give all needed information regarding
bills filed and demands made As dep
uty auditor Mr Cook has demonstrated
his fitness in every way for the chief
position and his name will add strength
to the republican ticket Other candi
dates may be very gocd men and yet not
be in the same class with Mr Cook in
this race Tho Times hopes for the
good of the party anrt the state that he
will receive the nomination York
Daily Times
The chairmen of ihe Republican
Democratic and Peoples Independent
state central committees have united in
the following statement favoring the su
preme court amendments In our
judgment the proposed constitutional
amentment increasing the number of
judges of the supreme court which is to
be voted on at the coming primaries is
a step in the right direction This
amendment if adopted will enable the
court to hear and decide all cases with
out the assistance of commissioners
The substitution of four judges for six
commissioners will not only give the
state a better working court but will be
a great saving of expense to litigants in
that court and hence a great benefit to
the people of the state We hope that
every voter of our respective parties will
vote for it at the coming primaries
Wm Hayward Chairman Republi
can State Committee
T S Allen Chairman Democratic
State Committee
C B Manuel Chairman Peoples In
dependent State Committee
Practically all doubts have been re
cently removed as to the attitude the
Republican voters of Red Willow coun
ty should sustain toward Railroad Com
missioner Williams who is a candidate
for renomination at the primary elec
tion next Tuesday The fight being
made on him should insure his renom
ination and reelection Apparently the
greatest crime Williams has committed
is his friendliness toward tho people his
desire and effort to give them a fair
show in controversies with the railroad
That Williams is no death bed reform
er is indicated by the compliment paid
him by United States Senator LaFol
lette in Lincoln August 18th at the
Epworth Assembly
You have made a good start in this
state in the way of railroad regulation
We have on the platform hero tonight
one of your state officers whom I have
known for many years He was in at
the beginning of tho fight in Wisconsin
23 years ago He is now doing good work
here I want to say to you that the
people of Nebraska will do well to re
elect Commissioner Williams this fall
You may think this is dropping into
politics but I could not help saying this
much for my old friend
CURES catarrh eS the stomach
A Matter of Record
To the Voters of the 29tb Senatorial
Tho Hon D S Hasty is once more
asking you to support him for state sen
ator His homo paper in making his
announcement says thnt he has no one
to publish paid press notices or hini
If that is intended for me I will say
that I will gladly do for him what I
have done for Mr Gammill publish
bis record
Mr Hasty was put in the field six
years ago by the railroad machine and
nominated and elected We do not
seriously blame him for that for the
railroad machine had control then and
that was the only way that a senator
coulb bo made at that time in this dist
rict There was no serious fight made
in that legislature for any measure reg
ulating freight or passenger rates The
railroad had too many safe men in the
legislature for anyone to seriously hope
for success along that line No one
therefore knew the degree of excellence
which Mr Hasty attained as a railroad
senator until about the time for nomin
ating his successor Mr Hasty was at
tending the state convention There
was considerable agitation over railroad
taxation at the time and he wa3 asked
by a reporter of the Nebraska State
Journal to state his views on the sub
ject His sage reply was that he did
not think that the roads should not be
taxed That there was no use of tax
ing them for they would add it to the
freight rates and collect it back from the
public Mr Hasty evidently thought
that the railroad managers were the on
ly ones who were listening to his re
marks He never once thought of the
public until it was too late But the
public heard it and the machine did
not venture to put up Mr Hasty again
and he was exchanged for another
That was four years ago and had Mr
Hasty shown any disposition to sever
his relations with the roads and cease
working at all times and places for their
interests we would not now be relating
this history What was Mr Hasty
doing two years ago He was fighting
Norris Brown for senator to the best of
his ability and doing what he could for
Senator Millard as all railroad support
ers were Norris Brown believed that
the railroads should be taxed and the
taxes collected and he attended to the
collection Hasty condemned the prac
tice Mr Hasty was in the state con
vention as a delegate and did what he
could to defeat Mr Brown Geo L
Sheldon was nominated for governor by
that convention Did Mr Hasty vote
for him By no means He voted
every time for Mr Miles of Hastings
the Burlington candidate Mr Hasty
has just been endorsed as a candidate
by the Nebraska Railway Employees
Protective Association which claims
that it is going to counteract the fool
legislation of last year and one of
its avowed purposes is to defeat Gov
Contrast this record with that of Mr
Gammill given in a former letter Mr
Gammill was in the convention of two
years ago and as chairman of his home
delegation did all in his power to assist
the nomination of Senator Brown and
Gov Sheldon
As between these two men there is the
same difference that there is between
Joseph Cannon and Theodore Roose
velt Every voter in this district should
be at the primaries and express their
preference as to these men
Heretofore I have contented myself
with an attempt to make the people of
this district acquainted with Mr Gam
mill and had Mr Hasty confined him
self to his own matters this letter would
not have been written I promised Mr
Gammills friends that if he became a
candidate that 1 would assist him what
I could I knew what he stood for and
I felt perfectly willing to make some
sacrifices for the principles as an
nounced in his platform I have done
so before Mr Gammills wife was
sick at the time and her continued serious
illness has prevented his attending to
his campaign The responsibility has
fallen upon me and I have felt that I
should attend to it as though it were
my own Mr liammill discharged
his duty to the people and the Union by
permitting himself to be shot at for
nearly four years at about 813 per
month As compared with such a sac
rifice let me not mention mine One of
the highest and most respected public
officials in this district says that he is
supporting Mr Gammill because the
honor belongs to him He is right I
hope you feel tho same toward him
Some have said they do not know me
Ask your banker and I will be satisfied
with the reply
C M Brown
Cambridge Nebraska August 1G0S
And now the Union Pacific thinks it
can carry state fair people for one cent
a mile and not go into the hands of a
receiver Their minimum fare will be
50 cents
A city display of rugs at city prices
That is tho opportunity now offered che
people of McCook and surrounding
country by the Pado Furniture and Car
pet Co Quantity quality size and
prices all right
The Tribune all homo print
Typewriter ribbon3 for sale at The
Tribune oflice
Mr Reeder Points With Pride
County Attorney P E Reeder who
is a candidato for reelection points with
prido to his record as county attorney
for the past two years
Forty misdemeanor cases tried since
I have been in office Not one of these
have cost tho county any money I
have required the complaining witness
to furnish security for costs Of nine
felony cases where the sentence is to
the penitentiary tried seven have
pleaded guilty and sent to the peniten
tiary for terms of from one year to life
Of these the Conner case there was no
expense whatever to the county oxcept
for special deputy sheriffs to prevent a
lynching In the other six tho expense
was nominal as the state paid for ex
tradition and all expense after sentence
The costs were small as there was no
jury and no witness fees to amount to
anything In the Gossard matter I
filed the complaint and forced him to
resign myself and in the face of the
fact that he was sent to tho asylum as
an insane patient I secured tho short
age from the Surety Company In this
I made two trips to Lincoln to secure
the assistance of tho state officials on
mv own expense Never filed a bill for
this expense In his trial I had the as
sistance of Morlan considered the best
prosecutor in Western Nebraska In
the Blackey or Boyer cases I convicted
tho woman and she paid 100 into the
county as a fine and costs In these
cases a felony had undoubtedly been
committed and everything pointed to
their guilt and under the law I had to
prosecute or the attorney general could
have had me impeached That the
county had to pay this expense was not
my fault but that of tho laws if any
as they exist on the statute book I
could not refuse to prosecute these
cases because the crime was committed
in a house of prostitution as parties
came to me demanding to file a com
plaint and that I prosecute In addi
tion to this is the case where the county
commissioners will have to pay back
some money they paid out wrongfully
P E Reeder
Frank Moores Position
In accordance with a very general de
sire that legislative candidates define
their positions on some very important
measures I gladly submit the following
To the Voters of Red Willow County
I heartily approve of the primary law
anti pass and railway rate legislation
and would be glad to support other leg
islation alongthis line
I am in favor of permitting the people
to vote upon any question of public int
erest Therefore I am in favor of
County Option and will work and
vote for such a law if I have an oppor
tunity to do so
I believe in some law that will furnish
a way for the establishment of good
country roads
I am a Roosevelt Republican and be
lieve in the policy of the square deal
I solicit your support at the primary
election to be held Sept 1st and promise
if elected to work and vote for the inter
ests of Red Willow county
Frank Moore
Candidate for Representative
Indianola Nebr
W S Fitch and daughter arrived
home from their California trip Wed-
Mr and Mrs E W Hendrick arriv
ed home early in the week from their
trip to the Pacific coast
James McKenna circulated among
McCook relatives and friends close of
last and fore part of present week being
out on a vacation
Miss Luella Thompson is here from
Seattle Washington guest of the
Misses Waite and meeting many friends
of tho days when the Thompsons made
this their habitat
Mrs E E Bentley and children of
Edgar Neb were guests of Mrs C L
Walker early part of the week while
enroute home from a pleasure trip
through Colorado and Utah
President Perry of Doane College
was in town part of the week in tho
interest of that 40000 fund which the
college is endeavoring to raise in the
state among Congregationalists
Mrs J D Young daughter Miss
Harriet and sister Miss Susanna Ward
of the teacher corps departed Monday
morning for Salt Lake City and other
points west to bo absent about two
weeks on a vacation trip
Sheridan Clyde spent Monday in the
city guest of his brother Mitchell He
was on his way homo to Elwood In
diana from a trip to Texas where he
accompanied some land seekers He re
ports a large immigration into Texas
Fred Schrepfer who has at times
worked on The Tribune came down
from Wauneta Tuesday evening aadon
No 1 the following day departed for
Mystic S D where he expects to en
gage in other work his health being
impaired by inside labor
Mrs Bertha S Berry and family
will depart early next week for their
old home in Minneapolis Minn where
they will make their home again the
change of climate being made necessary
by the altitude Mrs Berry has made
many warm friends during her residence
among us and all will join us in ex
pressions of regret at her leaving
A Good Wagon
is a good investment just the same as a GOOD PLO
You know the JOHN DEERE PLOWS are right and tno
is made by tho same firm for hard use and
dry country just like the
Sharpies Tubular
tpj VTWBff
Mens Patent Ox
fords 500 grades
Mens Patent Ox
fords 400 grades
Mens Tan Oxfords
400 grades
Mens Kid Shoe
400 grades
and tho
When you buy you might as well have the best
so come and see us
Hardware Co
Phone 31 R- B- simmons
Ladies Patent Ox-
fords 400 grades j0bl
Ladies Patent Ox-
j n
fords 350 grades JuU
Ladies Tan Ox-
j n
fords 350 grades 6J
Ladies Pat Shoes
350 4 00 grades O U U
Headquarters for School Shoes
Now is the time to be looking for strong ser
viceable shoes for the boys and girls We have
just what you want and at prices that ou will
sajr are right Come in and let us fit the boys
and girls We take just as much pains in
fitting the children as we do the older people
The Model Shoe Store
FlcCook Neb
reat Fall
To the people of McCook and
patrons we wish to announce that we are now
showing our complete line of Fall and -Winter
Shoes We cordially invite the public to come
in and look at the different lines and compare
prices and we feel sure you will say we are
giving you the saire styles and values to be
found anywhere else in the state
Special Discount for Cash
on All Spring and Sum
mer Shoes and Oxfords
v i
ew Moline Wagon
A n
v -
f A V