r l44fJSSfflJl aJfe PZ J tcmpppanpp rnnTMN j v rnndnrtpd bv the McCook W C T U i I J TELLS WHAT HE WILL DO Minneapolis Aug 21 If lam elect as president of the United States on the iosd day of November and inaugurated aitobo fourth day of nest March I will ecsl a snecial session of the congress of b United States the nest day after my j inauguration and ask them to legislate lib liquor traflic out of osistence This cbclBjation by Eugene W Chadb pro Sufcitfon candidate for president found Snooty approval in the crowd of working jama and others who met the candidate Bffiic today bff a quarter or a century the church Ebs been the football of the liquor sell ce but now tho latter are acamporing Snm tho gridiron in dismay They fear ab storm that has already broken about Hia5r heads and grows blacker and more lihroatening with every passing moment CEAs saloon is learning to its cost that to ohurch people have backbones and 5TO503B to stand up and light for their iis as American citizens Rev J Scndder The tea held at Mrs Rosebushs last jFkiday afternoon was well attended rShs refreshments were very appetizing Tb nest meeting will be hold at Mrs SL3L DeLongs Members and all interested in the Cfcxnperanco cause vote for Chafin the jaohibition candidate for president All jisj ladies read up on the good things 3ageno W Chafin is saying and infiu o4S9 the men to vote for him Keep on 2nlking temperance we can all do so 3iDch more than we do It is to be re rsgretted that all the women in our town couldnt hear Mrs Armour of Georgia who certainly would inspire jo to greater work Vote for Chafin CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Christian Bible school at 10 a m Sreaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E a7 p m All are welcome R M Ainsworth Pastor Seiscopal Preaching services at St S5xrr3 church at 11 a m and 730 p rv Sunday school at 10 a m All ankelcome to these services E R Earle Rector Jwholic Order of services Mass am Mass and sermon 1000 a m S7Bning service at 8 oclock Sunday sxkool 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kibwis O M I Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m teaching service at 1100 a m Even ing service at S00 B Y P U at 7 p m most cordial invitation is extended to s31 to worship with us E Burton Pastor cThristian Science Services Sun day at 11 a m and Wednesday at S p 33 Meetings held in the Morris block 3ioom open all the time Science litera Sbib on sale Subject for next Sunday Christ Jseus Sokgregational Sunday school at IS a m Preaching at 11 a m by pastor Sobject The Fog Horn No evening 3W7ice C E at 7 p m Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at eight oclock 523 public is cordially invited to these 3eivices G B Hawkes Pastor 5thodist Sunday school at 10 a m inching at 11 by Rev C C Wilson cfetrict superintendent Fourth quart ssJy conference Monday night August Ssfrat 8 p m Ep worth League at 7 2ira7er meeting Wednesday night at S cordial welcome to all M B Carman Pastor PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES Here is another of Henry VanDykes pain maxims drawn from experience saSead over again the ten best books you 2S2TO already read The result of this srpsiiment will test your taste measure 507 advance and fit you for progress ec the art of reading D Howells in one of his books Etitiedr Heroines of Fiction asserts aid reasserts that tho real greatness of ar7 co7elist depends upon his power to 5rtray his heroines so truthfully that by seem living personalities to the ader He aualyes the heroines of Jane Austen Charlotte Bronte Dick ers Thackeray Charles Reade George Elrafe Mrs Humphrey Ward Haw thorne Cable and many others almost defying greatness to names we have Mag enrolled among the immortals and gsnerously according near greatness to sihsj names that while they haonot feesr obscure have hardly held place in e thought as belonging among the Saghest in literary fame Such an eminent literary critic as Mr Sbwells himself a creator of heroines r3akes most interesting reading as he talko to us about the heroines of other sritseo He quotes quite at length the novels he discusses and in so acing renews our interest in the ones we Scvrassd and creates a desire for the arqueintance with the ones we have not Huown After reading his critical assays one can hardly take up the next novel without looking at the heroine scsaewhat through Mr Howells glasses It is refreshing to read not only good Basks but about books and we have ssce excellent books about books in the JSnar Librarian inrKtiiKWaprTaMpLiiiiiwwii jy4 ilKBjSisxBS3BSuEBBrL JOHN C GAJIMILL Republican candidate for State Senator from the 29th Senatorial district of Neb raska at primaries September lat 1908 My Platform Believing the people of the 29th sen atorial district have a right to know where those seeking their support at the primary stand I have pleasure and satisfaction in placing before the people my platform and ask their votes upon its merits and upon their confidence in me that I u ill do my utmost to carry out its promises if elected PLATFORM 1 I unreservedly endorse the policy of the square deal 2 I believe that our primary law should be amended so that committee men shall be elected by vote of the people 3 I favor judicious legislation in tended for tho improvement the pub lic highways 4 I will support any legislation rec ommended by Gov Geo L Sheldon in line with the policy which he has so far pursued 5 I will support reasonable legisla tion intended to supplement our nation al legislation and make it effective with in our state 0 I am in favor of permitting the people to vote upon any question of public policy whether it be in munici pal county or state affairs Therefore I favor a county option law and will support one if I have an opportunity to do so 7 I will support anyj reasonable measure intended to regulate in a just and equitable manner the powers and duties of corporations I believe the state should be bigger than any corpor ation in it and where a corporation is a natural monopoly or where two or more corporations have formed a trust to create a monopoly I believe they should be placed under strict regula tions by the state John C Gammill GERVER Arrangements are being made to move the school Quite a few of our young folks at tended the dance at Harve Rowlands Saturday night That article in last weeks Tribune anent preachers hunting game out of season will apply to some of our county officers We have positive evidence of their hunting chickens before this time The rain of 2 inches Sunday night prevented Mr Austin getting his wheat threshed first of the week T J Relph was in the vicinity look ing for cattle to ship Tuesday Talking about it raining in Missouri and Iowa This month has demonstrat ed that it can rain in Nebraska A daughter of Mr and Mrs R E Lant is visiting with them Miss Emma Dickenson will teach our school this term The Tribune all home print A city display of rug3 at city prices That is the opportunity now offered the people of McCook and surrounding country by the Pade Furniture and Car pet Co Quantity quality size and prices all right Typewriter ribbons for sale at The Tribune office Stock Reducing Sale Must have more room and to make it will sell for the Next Twenty Days AT DEEP CUT PRICES All Furniture in Stock Look at these prices 82500 Com Book Case at 2000 31450 Com Book Case at 1250 83000 Buffet at 2250 83500 China Closet 2800 82200 China Closet 1 7 50 82000 2 in Continuous Post Vernis Martin Bed 1500 830 Genuine Leather Chair 2300 Dressers from 81050 up Chiffoniers from 8350 up Mattresses and everything else in proportion FINCHS West Dennison Street DINING ROOM TABLES LOW COST BE- flMlJl l id-a- bounty Commissioners Proceedings McCook Neb August 10 1908 The county board of equalization met pursuant to adjournment pres ent F S Lofton S Preraer and C B Gray commissioners P B Pieeder county attorney and Chas Skalla clerk The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved The state board of equalization not having made its report the county hoard on motion adjourned to meet August 11 1908 F S LOFTON Chairman Attest CHAS SKALLA Clerk McCook Neb August 10 190S The hoard of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment pres ent F S Lofton S Premer and C B Gray commissioners P E Reeder county attorney and Chas Skalla clerk The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved The 190S levy not having been made the hoard on motion adjourned to meet August 17 1908 F S LOFTON Chairman Attest CHAS SKALLA Clerk McCook Neb August 11 190S The county hoard of equalization met nursuant to adjournment pres ent F S Lofton S Premer and C B Gray commissioners P E Reeder county attorney and Chas Skalla Clerk The state board not having made its report the county board on mo tion adjourned to meet August 12 190S F S LOFTON Chairman Attest CHAS SKALLA Clerl Neb August 1 3 The county board of equalization met pursuant to adjournment pres ent F S Lofton S Premer and C B Gray commissioners P E Reeder county attorney and Chas Skalla clerk The state hoard of equalization not having made its report the county board on motion adjourned to meet August 13 190S F S LOFTON Chairman Attest CHAS SKALLA Clerk McCook Neb August 13 190S The county board of equalization met pursuant to adjournment pres ent F S Lofton S Premer and C B Gray commissioners P E Reeder county attorney and Chas Skalla clerk The state board of equalization not having made its report Mie county hoard on motion adjourned to meet August 17 190S F S LOFTON Chairman Attest CHAS SKALLA Clerk McCook Neb August 17 190S The county board of equalization met pursuant to adjournment pres ent F S Lofton S Premer and C B Gray commissioners P E Reeder county attorney and Chas Skalla clerk The hoard having completed the equalization of assessments and the state hoard of equalization and as sessments having made its report to the counts finds that the total as sessed value of the real and personal and railroad property of Red Willow countv as returned by the assessors and equalized by the county and state boards of equalziation for the year 190S is 312925999 A motion was made by Gray sec onded by Premer that the levy of taxes for the year 190S he made as follows County General Fund S mills County Road Fund 2 mills McCook City 22 mills Bartley Village 13 mills Lebanon Village 5 mills County Bridge Fund 3 mills County Soldiers Relief 1 10 mills Indianola City 11 mills Danburv Village 4 mills PRECINCT CITY VILLAGE AND SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS Willow Grove Precinct Bond 3 mills McCook City Sewer Bond 2 mills McCook City Bond 2 mills Bartley Village Bond 3 mills School Dist Bond Gen H S l 9 a 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 2S 29 30 31 32 DO 35 34 3G 37 3S 39 41 42 43 44 M id 40 47 4S 49 50 31 54 55 5G 57 5S GO 61 G2 G3 64 65 66 G7 a 5 4 9 I 1 9 23 20 25 S 24 19 10 G G 7 13 10 10 25 1G 25 10 25 15 20 9 15 25 G 10 25 25 25 14 20 22 15 13 25 21 25 19 24 22 16 12 23 25 IS 25 25 24 9 S 20 20 25 24 15 IS 25 21 10 17 14 1 1 i l i i 2 2 2 9 2 5 Tofl 10 23 20 20 S 23 1 11 7 6 S 14 10 11 25 19 31 12 27 15 22 9 1 16 25 1G 10 30 30 25 16 20 23 2G 25 17 15 25 23 25 24 24 2G 16 12 23 ni ol 22 25 32 9 GS 1G 2 IS GD 9 9 70 G 23 31 71 G 25 31 72 - 7 1 S 73 11 H 74 1G 16 75 25 25 U lo io 77 12 25 9 4G SO 90 20 ol -U o - S2 7 23 3 35 53 4 25 5 34 54 16 16 S3 24 24 86 25 4 29 SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT TAX No 1 North Valley prect2 mills No 2 Alliance precinct 5 mills No 3 Fritsch precinct 1 mill No 4 Box Elder precinct 1 mill No 5 Coleman nrecinct 5 mills No 9 Indianola precinct 1 mill No 10 East Valley prect 5 mills No 11 Tyrone precinct 1 mill No 12 Missouri Ridge prect 1 mill No 14 Valley Grange prect 2 mills No 15 Driftwood precinct 1 mill No 1G Grant precinct 3 mills No 17 Gcrver precinct 1 mill Motion to make this levy carried unanimously A motion was made by Skalla sec onded by Premer that the board of equalization does now adjourn sine die Motion carried unanimously F S LOFTON Chairman Attest CHAS SKALLA Clerk McCook Neb August 17 190S The board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment pres ent F S Lofton S Premer and C B Gray commissioners P E Reeder county attorney and Chas Skalla clerk The following claims were audited and allowed and the clerk was in structed to draw warrants on the county general fund levy of 190S as follows For Jurors February Term Hurley F Dye 3G30 C J Suiter 50 20 Robert Highland 3630 U B Bartholomew 4700 Geo Kearns 3430 J II Woddell 3740 Chas Rogers 5040 Jack Bryan 4030 W E Hart 4030 Patrick Callan 2550 C G Budig 4420 T W Fleischman 4335 Geo Godown y 50 G W Prohasco 5200 lrank M Howe 47G0 E S Howell 4230 Henry Vontz 4S50 F M Jennings 4290 W M Weidenhamer 3430 Fred Schlegel 4G20 Alex Ellis 4400 P J Hickman 5520 H S Shriner 4230 W H Anderson 3430 For Talesmen February Term Harry Slosson 1810 V M Rozell 610 Chas AV Kelley 410 M L Search 610 F J Rolfe 8 10 Wm Raine 610 C R Sheets 210 Mart Morris j 0 Tnnnh Wishon 600 N H Wolfe 320 Gus Morosic -20 George Ridgeley 390 Joe Morris 550 Wm Kami 2120 Henry Schamel 320 H C Whitmore 220 John Crocker 2070 J C Dedman 2120 Leroy Jones 500 Conrad Beck 420 L A Bible 2120 A T Wilson 2125 Robert Larrington 500 J W Turner 2150 Orley Hadley 2160 Ed Lakin 510 Trn XPPl 290 Wm Zwieg 320 Frank Teel 320 T M Campbell 500 Chas King 540 W B Sexson 500 Frank Lyttle 500 Geo Harrison 520 L M Brannan -00 Frank Lakin 570 S O Hoagland 530 H I Peterson salary for February 10000 ruary H I Peterson salary for March 10000 II I Peterson salary for April 10000 H I Peterson salary for May 10000 H I Peterson salary for June 10000 H I Peterson salary for July 10000 II I Peterson stamps and call ing talesmen 725 II I Peterson attendance dis trict court 5000 H I Peterson attendance dis trict court 1S 00 H I Peterson committing prisoners to 400 oners -jail Geo Fowler salary as janitor Jan and Feb 7500 C A Rodgers first quarter sal 10000 ary H I Peterson posting primary election notices 3100 J C Moore office expenses 297 R M Osborn special deputy in Connor case 300 M R Osborn special deputy in Connor case S20 W C Schenck special deputy in Connor case S20 H P Waite special deputy in Connor case 3G0 R M Osborn salary deputy sheriff Dec 1907 and Jan I90S 3250 J II Snvder services as spe cial bailiff 66 00 Claudia B Hatcher junior nor mal fund appropriation 15000 Claudia B Hatcher office ex- 97 on i j penses Claudia B Hatcher office expenses 16 10 penses Claudia B Hatcher salary first quarter 190S 29000 t Clnnrlia B Hatcher salary sec- fl ond quarter 190S 29000 S t E Reeder salary first 20 ter 190S 20000 20 p e Reeder salary second 2 nnnrtPr lflOS ZUUUU 24 chas W Kelley surveying road 1140 22 chas W Kelley surveying road 660 21 c Naden money advanced for 25 freight bills and 23 tion of paupers 4S11 15 c Naden freight bill paid 9S4 19 n Xnrten office expenses 1st 17 half year 190S 13550 25 v M Welch Mfs Co supplies rffTSg5B u j ij to superintendent 1710 W M JVelch Mfg Co supplies to superintendent 450 Hammond Stephens Co school supplies to Supt 1740 Hammond Stephens Co school supplies to Supt Hammond Stephens Co school supplies to Supt 1215 3G5 Hammond Stephens Co school supplies to Supt 2000 Hammond Stephens Co school supplies to Supt 315 Hammond Stephens Co snhnnl snnnlies to Sunt 11 o Hammond Stephens Co school supplies to Supt llOo Hammond Stephens Co school supplies to Supt 1220 Hammond Stephens Co school supplies to Supt 165 Chas Skalla first quarter rrr nn ary as cleric oi uoaru uuu Chas Skalla second quarter salary as clerk of hoard 7500 Chas Skalla compiling real es tate list for assessors 15000 Chas Skalla office expense February S32 Chas Skalla office expense March to July 1st 4950 The following claims were rejected and the clerk was instructed to notify the various claimants of the action taken by the board to wit W Godfrey special deputy in Connor case 300 Ed Fitzgerald special deputy in Connor case 300 J E Hathorn professional services 1000 L A Fitch rig for sheriff 250 Charles Rousch claim for damages on road No 412 7750 John Howe collecting taxes in Frontier county 265 On motion the board adjourned to meet st IS 190S F S LOFTON Chairman Attest CHAS SKALLA Clerk McCook Neb August IS 190S The board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment pres ent F S Lofton S Premer and C B Gray commissioners P E Reeder county attorney and Chas Skalla clerk On motion the clerk was instructed to draw a warrant on the county gen eral fund levy of 190S to Stephen Bolles for the amount of 10000 for making an exhibit at the state fair A motion was made by Premer seconded by Gray that the clerk be instructed to draw warrants on the county general fund levy of 190S for the following named claimants of dam ages on new roads granted since January 1st 190S which claims were allowed by the board at various meet ings to wit McKenna Boyle Eldrert road No 415 allowed Feb 14 ID0S 4000 J L Sims road No 415 allow ed Feb 14 190S 4000 Martha J Connors road No 415 allowed Feb 14 190S 4000 Louise W Randel road No 415 allowed Feb 14 190S 4000 G F Randel road No 415 al lowed Feb 14 190S S000 J W Dolan road No 411 al lowed Feb 25 190S 7500 F M Carpenter road No 411 allowed Feb 25 190S 7500 James Jameson and Ed Steinke road No 4121 al lowed March 9 190S 15000 Franz Zander road No 412 allowed March 9 190S 16000 A C Hippie road No allowed March 9 190S 12000 Fred Quador road No 419 al lowed March 25 190S 9000 Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Premer sec onded by Gray that the clerk be in structed to draw a warrant on the county general fund levy of 190S to James E Ryan for the amount of S240G0 as the appropriation to the Red Willow County Agricultural so ciety Motion carried unanimously It appearing to the board that J A Streff has made payment on the sw to Ben G Gossard county treasurer and Mr Streff having made satisfactory proof to the board that said Ben G Gossard overcharged him to the amount of 429S a motion was made by Premer seconded by Gray that the clerk be instructed to draw a warrant on the county general fund levy of 190S to said J A Streff for the sum of S429S Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Gray sec onded by Premer that all opinions given to the county board by the coun ty attorney must be in writing Mo tion carried unanimously A motion was made by Gray sec onded by Premer thai the clerk he in structed to hold all warrants issued to the sheriff and the clerk of the dis trict court until they comply with sections 3 and 5 of chapter 2S of Wheelers Statutes of 1907 which de mands that these officers make a re port to the commissioners at the he ginning of each quarter of the fees collected by them Motion carried unanimously On motion the county treasurer was instructed to refund to the following named persons the amount of 200 being the amount of poll tax illegally assessed to them and paid by them under protest as follows I L Rod strom McCook City having been a fireman and being exempt from poll tax J C Green McCook City having been also assessed for poll tax in Dundy county as shown by receipt - The following claims were audited and allowed and the clerk was in structed to draw warrants on the road funds of the various commissioner districts as follows T F Gockley road work Com Dist No 1 225 Thomas Plumb road work Com Dist No 1 75 Arthur Rozell road work Com Dist No 1 l0 Gottlieb Weyeneth road work Com Dist No 1 75 Jacob Wall road work Com Dist No 1 12 00 Henry Conrad road work Com Dist No 2 3650 George Buhler road work Com Dist No 2 300 H W Harry Mfg Co culverts Com Dist No 3 15330 And on the county general fund lew of 190S as follows Wm Nicholson assessing North Valley precinct and postage 7260 J L McCafferty assessing Al liance precinct 4950 - oecoQslnc East W N Lyman tu 3M 0 Valoy prect Burt assessing Y1 O W and pos- ola Prect and city Willow prect and posta Fritscn assessing p C Smith iut and postage LRNeel assessing Box Liaer preempt - Coie It E Divine assessing precinct V man Pprrv Perrj C H Jacobs assessing i Eickenherry Clark mulch ing for lawn L W McConnell supplies for county officers L W McConnell supplies for county officers Bert D Stevens rent for A L Kenner Pade Furniture Carpet Co table for assessor and other furniture A McMillen medicine for Mrs A McMillen medicine for Chas Ebinger Updike Coal Co coal for Lew and Joe Matson W C Bullard coal for Mrs Tuttle W C Bullard coal for Mrs Tuttle W C Bullard coal for Mrs Spiker W C Bullard coal for Mrs Soiker W C Bullard coal for Mrs Tuttle W C Bullard coal for Mrs Tuttle W C Bullard coal for Mrs Tuttle J H Grannis merchandise for 3600 i 4350 precinct vn S D McClain js8ln 1S300 low Grove and McCook cuy W M Rozell assessing Mc- nr nitv Drift O N Rector assessing wood precinct Alex Ellis assessing Gerver and Grant precincts A D Johnson assessing Valley nfinTo nrpnlnct AVm Karp assessing Bondville nrecinct and postage - - T F Gockley assessing JJan hury precinct and postage Fred Bamesberger assessing Missouri Ridge and Tyrone precincts and postage Wm J Stilgebouer assessing Beaver precinct and Dan bury village I C F Waterman assessing nninni ami Lebanon lull li viv - Q1 75 village and postage Mg N J Campbell assisting couu tv ussGssor T A Endsley salary 120 days as county assessor T A Endsley postage and of fice expenses Chas Skalla office expenses from July 1st to Aug 17th 7do J C Moore office expenses 32G George Fowler salary janitor 5 months March to Aug 1st loOOO Jones Finnegan Crawmer sunnlies E R Moon in Feb 2757 Jones Finnegan Crawmer supplies E R Moon in March 1303 Jones Finnegan Crawmer supplies E R Moon in April 1S32 Jones Finnegan Crawmer supplies Al Kenner in May 1394 Jones Finnegan Crawmer supplies E R Moon in May 1S41 Jones Finnegan Crawmer supplies E R Moon in June 2314 Jones Finnegan Crawmer supplies E R Moon in July 1660 J A Wilcox Son merchan dise for Mrs Kendall 2065 J A Wilcox Son merchan dise for Mrs Spiker 1735 J A Wilcox Son merchan dise for Mrs Kendall J A Wilcox Son merchan dise for Mrs Spiker Kelly Bros nails for road overseer Ben Jussell care of Clara Giles John Lofvenborg bread for Mrs Unger Mrs W T Clark care of Mrs Kendall M Mathes care and hoard of Chas Ebinger To 2405 255 700 200 350 425 N J Uerling merchandise for Mrs Vandervoort 6031 N J Uerling merchandise for Mrs Morgan 1950 J II Stephens meals for M E Knipple merchandise for Mrs Wallace Perry Bee Co coal for E R Moon F L Duckworth house rent for Mrs Morgan 11 months H P Waite Co supplies to road overseers 115 650 375 5500 785 C G Bosworth board of Chas Ebinger 1020 C G Bosworth hotel bill for Mrs Boyd C G Bosworth hotel bill for Herman Niiland EickenLerry Clark milk for 175 125 637 600 525 1566 900 596S 3170 425 430 G40 G90 425 425 425 400 400 Sam OConnor 579S J H Grannis merchandise for Mrs Boyd 147 J H Grannis merchandise for Mrs Spiker 3 it J H Grannis merchandise for Sam OConnor lCOft J K Grannis merchandise for M rs T J Wallace 1096 C L DeGroff Co merchan dise for Mrs Unger 9115 C L DeGroff Co merchan dise for Mrs Wallace 2 00 C L DeGroff Co merchan dise for Geo Jackson 2 65 C L DeGroff Co merchan dise for Boyer 455 C L DeGroff Co merchan dise for Mrs Unger 3269 C L DeGroff Co merchan dise for Mrs Kendall 3 10 C L DeGroff Co merchan dise for Fred Pfief nOG E G Caine Co coal for Mrs andervoort E G Caine Co coal for Mrs Morgan E G Caine Co house rent for H Amen E G Caine Co coal for Mrs Morgan E G Caine Co coal forMrs Vandervoort Earnett Lumber Co coaifAr S25 1050 12G0 2175 1325 Mrs Spiker 50 Barnett Lumber Co coal for -ma jvenuuu Smith Premier Typewriter Ca Concluded on page three 450 U 3300 I 7500 W I 4200 I tfi 5420 J J 7836 M 9000 Mi 1S600 p 60000 L I 415 fj 0 f V I t M 4Q h i v n t at L I I