The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 28, 1908, Image 1

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Electric Light Franchise Granted
Council mot in an adjourned session
Tuesday afternoon Minutes of previ
ous meeting woro rend and approved
A petition was presented by Frank
E Uttor and others asking that Bide
walks be ordered laid on tbo east sido of
block 7 in tho second addition to Mc
Cook abutting on lots 1 3 4 and 5 was
read and referred to the streets and al
leys committee
Ordnance No 188 granting a fran
chise to tho McCook Electric Light Co
for a period of 20 years and fixing the
rates to bo chargod was passed under
suspended rules and approved by tho
mayor Tho full text of tho ordinance
appears in this issue of The Tribune
Claims as lollows wore allowed
Nebr Telephone Co phone rent 8450
L M Best work in city park 3000
A R Mehaffey carpenter work 175
Fire claims of 8300 each were allowed
as follows
Frank Putnam R C Cathcart Hur
ley Dye W C Allison Albert Blatt
C W Wimer C A Leach J N
Gaardo W C McCarty L W Jen
nings Douglas Wentz M F Stoner
Floyd Berry
Firo claims of 500 were allowed as
C W Kelley Darve Burnett and E
O Vahue
Change in Ownership
This week Stephens Modrell dis
posed of their restaurant business to
Messrs Martin Matson and George
McClain the consideration being about
83000 The new proprietors assumed
charge of the business Tuesday morn
ing Messrs Stephens and Modrell will
remain in McCook where they both
have considerable interests and after
resting up after several years of close
hard application to business may en
gage in business again here
The new proprietors aro well known
young men of our city and assume con
trol of a profitable business with bright
Let us give you pjomferscm the latest
styles and methods of finishing natural
We have all the best and latest ma
terials for all sorts of finishing and
painting Supplying as we do most of
such materials used in this locality our
store becomes a sort of clearing house
for information and experience No
matter what you have to paint or finish
see us about it
L W McConnell Druggist
Not A Four Page Paper
The publisher hardly feels compli
mented in having to remind its readers
that The Tribcne is not a four page
paper but an eight page newspaper
with local and county news on each of
the eight pages not to mention well
selected illustrated and general miscel
lany Dont be satisfied with a perusal
of half of the news This weelc and
every week you will find news of inter
est on every page news secured at no
small expense to us and to which you
are entitled if you will
At Arapahoe
A base ball tournament will be held
at Arapahoe Nebr from Sept 8th to
12th inclusive 8900 in purses with
such good teams to compete for it as
McCook Cambridge Oxford Friend
and Seward Morning games start at
1030 and afternoon games at 330
Dances and other amusements each
evening Five consecutive days of fun
See big posters
Let Us Take Your
order for a tailor made suit of clothes
We are McCook agents for the great
M Born Co house of Chicago We
will be glad to show you their Blue
Book Rozell Barger
Cash Only Sept 1st
Beginning with Sept 1 bundles will
be delivered for cash only
McCook Steam Laundry
If you are particular about the fit
style and quality of babies shoes take
the youngsters to the Yiersbn Stan
dish Shoe Parlor where the most ox
acting attentich is paid to the wants of
young America and his sister
If you want a screen that is superior
in every way to a factory made screen
and at the same price then leave your
order with C W Graves
You can buy no better shoe for the
boy going to school than the Excelsior
Sold exclusively at the Viersen Stan
dish shoe parlor
Fall term commences at the McCook
Business College Sept 15 1903
L W Stayner
McConnell for drugs
Death of Mrs W W Fisher
The remains of Mrs W W Fishor ar
rived from Laramie Wyoming Sunday
morning on train 2 were taken to tho
home of her son Charles A from which
thoy were buried in Longview cemetery
at two oclock tho samo afternoon Rev
M B Carman of tho Methodist church
conducting brief sorviees at the homo
and at tho grave
Mrs Martha Sims Fisher was born in
Muskingum Ohio October 24 1839
Died in Laramie Wyoming August 21
1908 at tho homo of her daughter Mrs
John H Davis Deceased came to Red
Willow county Nebraska from Char
lestown III in 1880 settling on what
is now known as tho Hatfield ranch a
few miles east of the city the men of
tho family having preceded the family
and locating on the ranch in 1879 In
the summer of 1882 with the laying
out of the city the family moved into
McCook where they lived several years
later going up to Wauneta whore they
owned what is now the townsite of that
burg and whore the family resided for
a number of years A few years after
the death of her husband in 1893 she
departed moved to Denver and later
about six years since went to Laramie
Wyoming to make her home with her
daughter where she nassed away with
cancer of the stomach
The remains were accompanied hero
from Laramie by her daughter and
husband and sister Mr and Mrs
John H Davis and Mrs Kate Ash
more of Palisade Another daughter
Mrs G W Snider of Ogalalla and son
William of Atwood Kansas were also
present at the burial here
Deceased was a life long member of
the Methodist church Also a member
of the Order of the Eastern Star the
members of Alpha chapter of Laramie
being at the train on which the body
was shipped to McCook
The floral tributes to this sweet
mother were numerous and lovely
The children have tenderest sympathy
of many friends in this sorrow
Our hearts go out to McCook friends
in appreciation and gratitude for all the
sympathy and helpfulness extended us
during the last rites to our mother
The Family
Five Initiations
The Ladies of McCook circle No 33
met in regular session on last Friday
initiating a class of five new members
Refreshments were afterwards served
Mrs McBride past department presi
dent of Kansas and national correspond
ing secretary was a visiting member
The flag salute and pledge is a new
addition to the floor work and is very
impressive and beautiful The mem
bers are showing great interest in the
work and the order is growing encour
agingly under the presidency of Mrs
Jessie Waite and the secretaryship of
Mrs Mattie Knipple
Beauty Protection
and beauty prorhoting may be ac
complished by one and the same method
McConnells Fragrant Lotion
every night on retiring and the skin will
not only be nourished whitened and
beautified but protection against injury
from sun and wind will be afforded
You can enjoy your out-of-door sports
without fear of skin injury This is a
dplifrhtfulrefreshincr cooling lotion
that you will enjoy using
L W McConnell Druggist
Their Annual Gathering
The annual gathering on Red Willow
creek of the old settlers of Red Willow
county will be held this year on Thurs
day September 10th one mile north of
Red Willow station With the years
these gatherings become more and more
endeared to the old settlers and the
early arrivals in Red Willow county
Every one who can should make it a
point to attend these yearly meetings
New Fall Skirts
You will be pleased with the range of
styles colors materials and prices in
cluded in the newly arrived lines
Everything desirable from 81250 down
to 8200 Alterations without extra
charge The Thompson D G Co
Actual cash values
Paint That Pays
Thats Lincoln paint Why Be
cause it covers more surface wears
longer and looks better than other high
grade paints Get our free color card
A McMillen Druggist
A New One
The merry widow button shoe for
women at the Viersen Standish shoe
parlor is a beauty and is priced within
the reach of all
The hospital is crowded to its capac
ity which is proof that our repair work
is better than is usuallv done
Picture framing The Ideal Store
jgi ir7tt jott tiflyWOTViWi v irpWxi
A Rug Opportunity
Wo have just received direct
from tho mills a full line of the
famous and unexcelled Hartford
rugs Wo have them in all grades
and room sizeB
This is your opportunity no
such stock has over been display
ed and offered for sale in South
western Nebraska
Prices to meet any and all com
petition And of the magnitude
of our lino you will get an ade
quate idea only by calling and
seeing tho stock
Pade Furniture Carpet Co
ffi i -iv 1iuiuiaAUririditfaAgl
Has Been Replete With Instruction and
Entertainment Come Again
The McCook chautauqua as we go to
press this afternoon has been in its ini
tial operation since last Saturday after
noon and has made good notwithstand
ing some annoying but apparently una
voidable program changes and failures
failures due to railroad delays and ex
press company fauts
Musically we have had such attrac
tions as the Hespenans the Kirksmiths
both barrels tho Hungarians
Eldredge has entertained us
Harl Thomnson John B AldenW R
Bennett Mohammad AH T B Fletch
er Dr Markley Judge Estelle Champ
Clark they have all inspired us and
instructed us Orchard too
All have made good and us better and
Other demands those of politics etc
have made it impossible for us to go into
detail and particular as the attractions
have merited and this shortcoming will
be atoned for next week after the con-
elusion of the whole matter
The chautauqua wiil close Sunday
evening We hope these closing sessions
will be crowded
New Cloaks
Ladies new 50 inch coats received in
twelve styles including garments of
broadcloth of kersey of thibet of chev
iot lined throughout lined m body but
not fn skirt with coat collars without
collars with high fur storm collars
The most of them semi fitted backs
also a few numbers of the loose back
and a trace of the empire in one or two
Prices range from S750 to S22 50 We
will take pleasure in showing you The
Thompson D G Co Actual cash
Death of Baby Gilbert
Clarence the seven-months-old baby
of Fireman and MrsGilbert who live at
corner of C and 1st st E died at 1130
oclock Tuesday morning after an ill
ness of a few weeks Rev Edker Bur
ton of the Baptist church conducted
services at the home Wednesday after
noon and burial followed in Riverview
cemetery The bereaved parents have
a large sympathy in their sorrow
Noble Camp Meeting
Noble camp No 6G3 M W A met
in regular session last night but owing
to the several entertainments the meet
ing was adjourned until next Wednes
day evening at which time officers of
tho Southwestern Nebraska
association will be elected to ar
range for the next log rolling to be held
in McCook during next fall
All For a 5 William
School suits for the boys consisting of
coat two pairs of pants a cap and pair
suspenders at Rozell Bargers for 85
Apprentice Girls Wanted
Call at Miss Andersons millinery
store the former ODonnell O Don
nelly store
Lincoln Paints
The paint that wears the best and
looks well the longest
A McMillen Druggist
It is the experience of many farmers
in this vicinity that early fall plowing
is best These farmers get onto the
ground with a Moline or some other
good gang or sulky plow just as soon as
possible after harvest so the soil may
be in proper condition to receive tho
seed H P Waite Co can fit you
out with the best plows
Godfrey Co are operating a feed
mill See them for feed of all kinds at
right prices
No office is complete without a Red
Dwarf Ink Pencil Hofer sells them
of all kinds at all times at
Patrons of the Public Schools
The city schools of McCook will open
Monday morning September 7 It is
very desirable that all pupils be entered
proraptlv the first days of school The
samo organization of tho schools will be
carried out this year as last
The beginners who have never attend
ed school before will go in tho after
noon only Those living oast of Main
street and north of tho railroad will go
to tho East school Those west of
Main street and north of tho railroad
will go to tho West school Lost year
beginnsrs or the A class preparatory
will follow the samo arrangement but go
to school in the mornings
The work will bo divided among tho
buildings as follows Central grades 7
8 and high school East grades prepar
atory 1 2 3 4 5 and G West grades
1 2 3 and 4 South preparatory
Examinations for consignment to
classes in tho grades will be given in tho
Central school Wednesday and Thurs
day September 2 and 3
A number of promotion cards un
claimed may be had by calling at the
superintendents office in the Central
school any time from nine oclock in
the morning till four in the afternoon
Establishment of City Delivery
The Postmaster General has ordered
the establishment of free city delivery
in McCook the date being set for Nov
ember 15th next
The order provides for three carriers
to be chosen by standing in a civil ser
vice competitive examination to be held
and of which future notice will be given
Apply to postmaster for blank applica
tions to enter examination One sub
stitute carrier is provided for
Thirteen letter boxes will be provided
nt QiiitnhlA nlanns over the citv for de
positing mail matter These will be
attached to the poles of the McCook
Light Co
Patrons should in due seasan provide
themselves with private boxes or drops
for the receipt of mail
A Social Occasion
The Familiarity club enjoyed a very
busy session at the home of Mrs E G
Standish Saturday afternoon August
22nd A miscellaneous program con
sisting of musical numbers recitations
etc was rendered after wnicn a mncu
was served The club will meet again
tomorrow afternoon the 29th at 4
oclock at the home of Mrs C D
m Tho members Dresent at the
last meeting were Mesdames 11 P
Waite J D Young J G Stokes L S
Viersen C D Ritchie M E Knipple
E G Standish and Miss Lona Phelps
New Silk and Net Waists
More handsome than ever before
shown Elegant net waists over silk
S325 to 8450 Embroidered cream
colored batiste waists for 8250 Rich
and attractive silk waists open front
open back long sleeves short sleeves
54 00 More white waists at 3150 to
8300 We invite your inspection The
Thompson D G Co Actual cash
Deputy Game Warden
A deputy game warden spent a few
days in this neighborhood this week in
a fruitless quest so far as we are able to
ascertain The deputy is doubtless a
first blood cousin of Miss Justice
25 Per Cent Discount
We are giving a 25 Per Cent Discount
on all straw hats summer underwear
summer pants and two pices suits
Come and participate in the saving
Rozell Barger
BY L0 Talcum
Just a sprinkling stops the smart
L W McConnell Druggist
City mail delivery is soon to be estab
lished in McCook This will be a great
convenience to our city To insure de
livery when no one is in the house to
receive mail a letter box should be put
in some convenient place You can get
hese boxes at H P Waite Cos
hardware store
Our childrens school shoes are the
best that money can buy Easily pro
ven by calling at the Viersen Standish
Shoe Parlor
Takes real spices to make real good
pickles We have em
L W McConnell Druggist
Our Colorado peas corn etc are as
near perfection as it is possible to ap
nroach in canned goods Huber
Patronize home industry by smoking
Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and
the Smoke 5 cent cigar
Dr J Elsie Logan in postoQice
building Office phone 305 residence
phone 45 Palmer hotel
Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower
rheubarb etc constantly on hand at
Hammocks at McMillens drug store
A Week or Base Ball
Commencing with last Saturday
tho local fans havo been enjoying a week
of baso ball
Camuriuge McCooic
Saturdays gamo with Cambridgo was
won by tho locals by a score of 2 to 1
Cambridge 01000000 0 1
McCook 00000002 0 2
Hits Cambridgo 3 McCook 2 Er
rorsCambridge 2 McCook 3 Bat
teries Cambridgo Owsley and Lucas
McCook Moorehead and Ritchie
Circumstances made it nocessary to
call off Mondays gamo with Cam
bridge but Tuesdays schedule came on
and our way by a score of 5 to 4 Sum
Cambridge 10000003 04
McCook 20000030 0 5
Hits Cambridge 4 McCook 5 Er
rors Cambridgo 4 McCook 5 Bat
teriesCambridge Fugato and Owsley
and Lucas McCook Bennett and Rit
chie Umpire Burnoy
Franklin McCook
Trie locals also annexed tho opening
game with Franklin Wednesday tho
score being 5 to 4 in a game in which
victory camo to the locals in the ninth
inning bummary
McCook 01020010
Franklin 12100000
Hits McCook 10 Franklin 4
rors McCook 4 Franklin 1
1 5
0 4
teries McCook Barr and Ritchie
Franklin Smith and Bohner
McCook batted out a closa victory in
her second game Thursday afternoon
with Franklin in the eighth inning by
scoring three times Summary
McCook 00001000 12
Franklin 00000003 0 3
Hits McCook G Franklin J Er
rors McCook 3 Franklin 1 Bat
teries McCook Moorehead and Rit
chie Franklin Mitchell and Bohner
Burton Lyon
A very pleasant home wedding was
solemnized at the parlo of the Perry
Hotel Wednesday evening when Miss
Carrie Burton was united in marriage
to Mr William Lyon of McCook Rev
Alex Simpson performing the beauti
ful and impressive ceremony
The happy couple left on No 15
Tuesday morning for a wedding tour
to Colorado Springs and other moun
tain points and were accompanied by
the brides mother
Tho bride is ono of Cambridges high
ly respected young ladies and has many
friends The groom is a dispatcher for
tho Burlington at McCook and is said
to be a most excellent young man
The Clarion extends best wishes
Cambridge Clarion
We carry a complete line of the Amer
ican Book Cos text books used in Red
Willow and neighboring counties and
shall be glad to supply you with your
needs in this line
We also havo everything needed in
tho way of tablets pens pencils slates
crayons etc
L W McConnell Druggist
Walbrltige Graves
Wednesday evening at the Methodist
parsonage Rev MB Carman united in
marriage Miss Wilma Walbridge and
Mr Dmmie Graves both of Palisade
The young folks have been enjoying a
brief honeymoon in our city and taking
in the attractions of the chautauqua
They will return home close of the
week Mr and Mrs Joseph Meister of
Palisade accompanied them
We have just received our new line of
furs Very attractive and quite differ
ent running to smaller pieces in the
more expensive ones and extremely reas
onable in the usual stjle cf scarfs be
ginning at 50 cents for very good black
scarfs with six tails and going as high
as 812 50 The line includes muffs and
childrens sets We solicit your early
inspection The Thompson D G Co
Actual cash values
Fined For Illegal Seining
A gentleman by the name of Bessing
er of near Indianola got in the way of
the deputy game warden from Minden
this week and it cost him 81500 and
costs for illegal seining and selling of
Will Counsel Together
The real estate men of Nebraska are
arranging plans for a conference during
the state fair in Lincoln Thursday
September 3rd at 1030 a m in live
stock pavilion are particulars
Twenty thousand new post cards col
ored views of McCook made in Germ
any just received at Barney Hofers
Delicious crisp appetizing potatoe
chips Magner Stokes sell them
Better than mother makes
A Checking Account is indeed
a business necessity and ho who
tries to get along without one is
at a great disadvantage
It is not required that a person
should have a large bulk of busi
ness in ordor to open an account
Professional men farmers and
even many women aro running
chocking accounts If you have
nover done business in this way
and aro not familiar with tho
plan come to us and wo will got
you started
P Walsh President
G F Lehn V Pres
C J OBki kn Cshr
WANTEDApprentice girls at Miss
Andersons millinery store successor
to ODonnell ODonnell tf
R F D No 1
Some new tie rncks at district 31
They are doing some grading and
getting in readiness for school in tho
Kennedy district
Brick and sand on the ground for a
new foundation for tho school house in
district No 3
John Kruse who has been visising
August Miller has returned to his homo
in Clay county where the Millers e-
pect to follow soon
Mrs Mary Schlagel returned last
Saturday from Littleton Colo
Mike Bindewald who was injured
some weeks ago neur Indianola by fall
ing off a stack of wheat died in Sutton
Sunday lastaf ter horrible sufferings for
weeks with a broken back
Herman Ramelow and niece re
turned to St Louis Friday night on 14
Mrs Alice Ilorrell and children who
have been with her mother Mrs M J
Strout for a couple months departed
Thursday morning for their home in
Leadville Colorado
Mrs Joseph Downs returned Mon
day from visiting her daughter in
Do You Know Their Whereabouts
Mr Editor Will you please pub
lish this inquiry to learn if any ono
knows anything as to the whereabouts
of Harry Leonards people He camo
to Cheyenne two weeks ago sick with
pneumonia and fever and is now very
low He wont say anything about his
folks He had a copy of The McCook
Tribcne in his pocket and several envel
opes addressed to him from McCook
Any one knowing whero his folks live
please notify Dr J W Crowder Chey
enne Wyoming
Just Staples
9 quarter wide sheeting 21c Yard
wide muslin 5c Best table oil cloth
15c Simpson and American prints 5c
Best apron ginghams G 1 2 Yard wide
black taffeta silk 73c Long sleeve
aprons Goc Childrens romper suit3
39c Mens good stout bib overalls 39c
Jackets ditto American A 2 bu grain
bags 20c Fleischers German knitting
worsted yarn In lb skeins 25c Cash
counts Money talks Are you with
us The Thompson D G Co Actual
cash prices
Old Settlers Will Meet
The old settlers and tbeir friends will
gather on the Willow one mile north of
Red Willow station for annual reunion
and picnic Thursday September 10
1903 W S Fitch President
Mrs Kate Thomas Secretary
Knig hts and Daughters Picnic
A special train of three cars of Knights
cf Columbus and Daughters of Isabella
picnicked at Cambridge Wednesday
having all the good things and times
appertaining to such a delightful affair
Tricots and Plaids 35c
Large and complete lines of the above
about 30 pieces Best for school
dresses The Thompson D G Co
Actual cash values
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
Dr Hare examines eyes free and guar
ntees satisfaction in fitting glasses
Barney Hofer has received 20000 new
colored post cards of McCook