The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 21, 1908, Image 1

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Henry George Jr an attraction at tho
McCook Chautauqua August 28 2930
Fractured His Right Leg
11 Knowles of Culbertson was tho vic
tim of an accident a few miles west of
McCook Tuesday evening in which his
right leg was fractured just above tho
Mr Knowlcs was driving home from
this place At tho place where tho acci
dent occurred an automobile had failed
and a party in tho auto desired especial
ly to get home promptly He asked and
received permission to get into Mr
Knowles buggy and drive home with
him to Culbertson While the gentle
man was in tho act of getting into the
buggy and while holding onto Mr
Knowles hand the horse reared up and
both gentlemen were pulled out of the
buggy In tho mix up following the
horse stepped onto Mr Knowles right
leg with the result above indicated
The injured man was brought back
to McCook and taken to the home of
his son Charles and surgical assistance
called Ho is getting along as well as
may be expected
Not From Missouri
You naturally and properly want to
know tho quality of tho pudding
Chewing tho string is not tho most sat
isfactory means of ascertaining Its
eating tho pudding that tells the whole
story Same with meat It may make
your mouth water to read about juicy
tender corn fed meat But complete
satisfaction and realization comes only
with the eating of the meat and it is
here that Marsh the meat man gets in
to the game His steaks roasts cutlets
in all the kinds of meats have the quality
of showing you notwithstanding they
do not come from Missouri He wants
an opportunity to make good Try
the Marsh meat market for anything
seasonable in his line
Union Temperance Meeting
The union temperance meeting in the
Methodist church last Sunday evening
well filled the church Rev Carman
spoko to the topic Is County Option
Practical His address was character
istic and warm His advice to all anti
saloon people was to support candidates
who openly were in favor of the county
option measure
Baby Swallowed Piece of Coal
Operator and Mrs A J Brown are id
an Omaha hospital with their baby
who swallowed a little piece of coal
Monday the coal lodging in the babys
throat or bronchial tubes They are
awaiting developments before the opera
tion is performed The distressed young
parents have deep sympathy
When m Need
of pepper allspice cloves cinnamon
mace nutmeg caraway coreander
mustard ginger capsicum tumeric
curry and other spices or condiments it
will pay you to call on McConnell
Let Us Take Your
order for a tailor made suit of clothes
We are McCook agents for the great
M Born Co house of Chicago We
will be gJad to show you their Blue
Book Rozell Barger
Majestic Ranges
have air tight ovens If you get one of
these you settle the range question
McCook Hardware Co
WANTEDApprenticc girls at Miss
Andersons millinery store successor
to ODonnell ODonnelltf
t ITfMl1 IT t fit I f 1 r
We wish to assure the readers j
of this paper that we are still in 3
business also that we still handle
the Florsheim Shoo and shall
continue to do so as long as they
prove satisfactory J
We have lately received a large
shipment of these shoes in the j
latest styles for winter and are j
prepared to fit every one If we J
havent your size we can get it
The Model Shoe Store
jjijj ihsi n Lt 4 1 tuxi 1 a ja x
Pinched the Preachers
Two preachers of Albion this state
were recently fined 2100 and costs for
killing prairie chickens Thats tho
Notwithstanding tho fact however
that no game can be lawfully killed at
this time but rabbits there aro men
intelligent business men in this city
who are not observing the game law
Just why men who know the game
law and who ought to obsorvo it and
thus set a proper example to others
should year after year in this city trans
gress the game law Tiie Triijune is un
able to understand It is a moral mys
tory to us why men who are in many re
spects law abiding will sneak out into
the country trespass on the lands of
others and kill chickens and quail at
this season of the year
Tue Killing of prairio cnicKens or
quails any time for mere sport or in
wantonness is indefensible accordingly
to our code but their premature slaugh
ter out offseason and in utter defiance of
law who has the face to excuse or de
Eating Oil
This is a growing and a sane idea It
is olivo oil that is becoming one of the
important foods of the world Its val
uo lies in the fact that it is all nutri
ment and is a kind of food that leaves
no harmful waste matter that results
from using other foods
Use all the olive oil you can be care
ful about tho quality only That is in
sured by coming here for it
Wo handle a special brand that is not
only absolutely pure but also of delic
ious flavor
L W McConnell Druggist
School Days Come Again
in the near future What bright and
happy days they are the greetings of
all the old friends the bustle of the
hive of pupils the acquirement of new
friends the new books How charm
ing a new book Last but not least the
new dresses It is time now to buy the
goods and get busy making them Be
sure and inspect our offerings of bright
plaids nev Tricot flannels moderate
priced fancies and even the pretty flan
nelettes Prices all the way from 12 c
up We expect you The Thompson
D G Co Actual cash values
Wir immer Verkauf
good yard wide muslin 5c yd Best
dress prints 5c yd Best apron gingham
G 1 2 yd Mosquito net 5c yd Lons
dale cambric 12 l 2c yd Lonsdale mus
lin 10a yd Mens stout blue denim
overalls 39c Jackets of the same 39c
Mens muleskin gloves 18c pair Best
table oil cloth 15c yd Peerless carpet
warp 22c lb Mens pure black worsted
suits 31000 Mens very decent
SG50 The Thompson D G
ual cash values
Stephenson Bryan
Mrs Belle Stephenson and Mr The
odore J Bryan were married Sunday
last Eev M B Carman officiating
Both have been residents of our city
for years and their friends will wish
them happiness
One of the talented Kirksmiths who
are programmed for the McCook Chau
tauqua for Monday next August 24th
One Week More Only
Another week will close your oppor
tunity of securing great clothing bar
gains at The Phelps Clothing Cos
Save The Fodder
and get a Sharpies Tubular separator
and get the profit from your cows
McCook Hardware Co
Fall Styles Now In
Our shipment of fall hats is now in
store The famous 63 00 Graham and
4 00 Stetson Rozell Barger
A season ticket transferable in ones
own family cost 82 now Get a season
ticket at any store or phone Mr
Carman before Saturday noon and he
will deliver it to you
lyyrp irftui p iii iiprp irrirjinytfinTtS
A Rug Opportunity
We have just received direct
from the mills a full line of the
t famous and unexcelled Hartford
rugs We have them in all grades
and room sizes
This is your opportunity no
such stock has ever been display
ed and offered for sale in South
western Nebraska
Prices to meet any and all com
petition And of the magnitude
of our lino you will got an ade
quate idea only by calling and
seeing the stock
Pade Furniture Carpet Co
gfViiliif hj 1 ii imi itii t aiiaaiuuia
Misses ODonnell Sell Out
This week The New Idea Millinery
Store the Misses ODonnell proprietors
passed into the ownership of Miss Flor
ence Anderson late of Plattsmoutb
Nebraska who assumed charge of the
store yesterday morning The Misses
ODonnell will return to their former
home in Stratton
Miss Anderson has been in business
in Plattsmouth for some time past and
is thoroughly posted in the fine millin
ery business She announces that an
experienced trimmer from Chicago will
arrive soon and that a new fall line of
uptodate millinery will arrive from east
ern markets in a few days of which due
announcement will be made in these
Commissioners Allow Claims
The county commissioners have been
in session this week and have allowed
a mass of claims which have accumu
lated during tho weeks claims could not
be allowed or warrants issued on the
county general fund for lack of funds to
pay same
The proceedings are so voluminous
and the work of the clerks ollice so
pressing that the proceedings could not
be prepared for publication this week
However it will be pleasent news for
those who have had claims pending to
know that their claims have been allow
ed and that the warrants will be avail
able after the usual ten days
Regular proceedings next week
Nash Smith
Sunday afternoon Miss Lula Nash
and Mr Frank femith were united in
marriage Rev Edker Burton perform
ing the ceremony at the Baptist parson
age The bride has been a popular
sales lady in J H Grannis store and
the groom is one of H P Suttons ef
ficient workmen They are making
their home with Mr and Mrs JC Mar
shall at present The Tribune joins
many friends in well wishes
First Sermon
The newly ordained German Evan
gelical Lutheran missionary of McCook
Nebr will deliver his first German ser
mon Thursday morning August 23rd
at 1030 oclock in the court room of
McCook court house AH Lutherans
Germans as well as Russians cordially
invited Rev Wm Brueggemann
607 5th St East McCook Neb
A Heavy Rain
One of the heaviest rains of the sea
son fell here Tuesday night Between
two and three inches of water fell dur
ing the night much of it in a compara
tively short time
Workmen Won
The great game yesterday between
the Workmen and Knights of Pythias
was won by the Workmen the score be
ing 13 to 1L
Lincoln Paints
The paint that wears the best and
looks well the longest
A McMillen Druggift
All For a 5 William
School suits for the boys consisting of
coat two pairs of pants a cap and pair
suspenders at Rozell Bargers for to
Get a Keen Kutter
safety razor on free trial at McCook
Hardware Cos
Ely Wilcox of the Electric theatre
have gone to great expense to present
the Passion play next Wednesday and
Thursday night A professional lectur
er will explain the pictures Special
sacred music by a special singer
Our Colorado peas corn etc are as
near perfection as it is possible to ap
proach in canned goods Huber
Passion play at the Electric theatre
Wednesday and Thursday Aug 26 27
No office is complete without a Red
Dwarf Ink Pencil Hofer sells them
Lincoln McConnell who will bo at the
McCook Cnautauqua Sunday Aug 30
The Mclook Lincoln Game
Over a thousand people witnessed the
game Tuesday afternoon between the
league team of Lincoln and the local ag
gregation and saw one of tho closest
and best games ever played in Western
Nebraska The leaguers were early in
the game compelled to sit up and take
notice of the fact that the McCook team
is ono of the best in the state and they
would have to play ball if they won out
notwithstanding several errors on the
part of the locals which if avoided
would have given McCook a fair chance
for victory Indeed so close did the
game grow in the first half of the ninth
inning when McCook had two men on
bases second and third with Bennett
up that the visitors had to resort to
pretty cheap methods for a professional
team tossing the ball so high that Ben
nett couldnt have reached it with a
step ladder in order to shut McCook
out of a bright prospect of a score or
Reynolds a former McCook player
pitched tho first three innings Hendrix
completing the game in the box for the
visitors Bennett pitched the entire
game for McCook and gave a splendid
exhibition of pitching and all around
base ball playing striking out Manager
Fox and First Baseman Thomas both
showing that McCook gave a good ac
count of herself in every particular
save in the matter of the errors in the
third inning especially
Lincoln 10 10 0 3 0 0 0 5 5 1
McCook 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 13 i 5
Batteries Lincoln ReynoldSjIIendrix
and Zinram McCook Bennett and
Ritchie Three base hit Bennett
Two base hit Gagnier Jude Struck
out Reynolds 3 Hendrix 4 Bennett 8
Bases on balls Reynolds 5 Hendrix 3
Bennett 1 Hit by pitched balls Rey
nolds 1 Hendrix 1 Wild pitch Hen
drix 1 Umpire Burney of McCook
One Quality of Drugs
There are some things which druggists
sell in which a variety of qualities may
be necessary to provide proper assort
ment But when it comes to drugs
medicines or anything required for the
sick there should be but one quality
the best
Our stock of medicinal drugs is a rare
one both in extent and in the high
quality that is maintained
Uur sense of responsibility to our
customers is fully realized and no one
who trades with us has ever need to
question the quality of anything we
L W McConnell Druggist
Cement Stone Company Incorporates
The McCook Cement Stone Co has
been duly incorporated with a capital
stock of 810000 CO The reorganized
company is now officered as follows
A Barnett president B M Frees sec
retary H N Rosebush vice president
and treasurer The company has a
desirable location and plant with an at
tractive business outlook For the
most part it is a McCook concern with
stock largely held here where the of
fice and plant are
Within 13 Degrees of Freezing Aug 19
In view of that situation we feel that
you will thank us for announcing that
many of our new fall and winter coats
for ladies misses and children are
just received and have been put on our
tables We invite your inspection and
will be glad to assist you in iooking
them over The Thompson D G Co
25 Per Cent Discount
We are giving a 25 Per Cent Discount
on all straw hats summer underwear
summer pants and two pices suits
Come and participate in the saving
rib tin
Southwest Nebraska G A R Reunion
Tho annual G A R Rouuion of Old
Soldiors for Southwest Nebraska will bo
held at McKinloy Park Cambridge
Nebraska August 31 to September 5th
This is to be tho biggest and best re
union ever hold in Cambridge and
there have been many great reunions
hold in McKinloy Park
Tho park is moro attractive than ever
A discarded cannon has been mounted
in tho parte tho grass andshado aro bet
ter than over
The speaking program is tho strongest
over presented and is published below
Sept 1st 1030 a m address of wel
come Rev D A Leopor Response
Rev J Stuart Miller 230 p m lecture
Abraham Lincoln by Hon R D
Sutherland 800 p m address Rev O
R Beebe
Sept 2nd 1030 a m address II W
McFaddon Is our country worth what
it cost 230 p m address by Uni
ted States Senator Norns Brown S00
p m addressos by Hon John C Gam
mill and Rev O S Davis
Sept 3rd 1000 a m address Hon
J F Hoagland 1100 a m address
Congressman Norris230 p m address
United States Senator E J Burkett
800 p m address Hon A L Bixby
Sept 4th 1030 a in address Rev
Alexander Simpson 230 p m address
Hon A C Shallenberger 800 p m
addresses Captain Lee and B L
The free attractions will bo numerous
and will include a balloon ascension and
parachute leap daily trapeso perform
ance and vaudeville acts Everything
new and up-to-date
There will be two electric theaters
Forris wheel snake show merry-go-round
darkey minstrel show
Music for tho entire week will bo fur
nished by Prof Geo Sheppards cornet
There will be two ball games daily be
tween the fastest teams in tho state
such clubs as Cambridge McCook
Friend Seward Superior and a colored
travelling team See programs and
bills for complete schedules of games
and detailed program
Plan to take your fall outing at Cam
bridge during tho big reunion Fishing
and boating are fine
Cox Tlrrill
Miss Estella Cox of Driftwood pre
cinct and Daniel Tirrill of McCook
were united in marriage at the homo of
the brides parents on Driftwood last
Sunday at high noon Elder II H Berry
officiating Relatives of tho young
couple and friends witnessed the happy
event A wedding dinner was served
after the ceremony
The bride is the daughter of Mr and
Mrs David Cox of Driftwood precinct
the groom a son of Mr and Mrs J E
Tirrill of McCook
The young folks are at present living
with his parents in McCook but will
occupy a new dwelling now building for
them in the city as soon as tho same is
completed and ready for them
Bound Over to Court
Clyde Hartman son of W II Hart
man of the Driftwood country was
brought before Justice of the Peace
Berry Tuesday under a charge of cut
ting wire fenco on tho Abram Peters
farm complaint being made by Peters
A change of venue was taken to Justice
Lellews court The young man was
held in an appearance bond of 200 to
answer the charge in the next term of
district court The bond was readily
Baoy Coffey Passes Away
Lavern infant son of Mr and Mrs
Jay Coffeyj died on Sunday morning at
the home on East B street Brief ser
vices were held by Rev M B Carman
of the Methodist church Monday after
noon after which interment followed in
Longview cemetery Baby Livern was
ten months old The parents have ten
der sympathy in the loss of their little
Supt Taylor Is Here
C W Taylor of Lead S D our new
city superintendent of public schools
arrived in town Tuesday night and is
busy making the preliminary arrange
ments for opening the fall term of city
schools September 7th of which due
notice will be given later Mr Taylors
personality and school record are an
earnest of successful and efficient school
work in McCooks excellent system
Heres the glad hand in the hope that
our schools may continue our pride
Fall Suits Are Here
from two of the leading clothing houses
of the United States Prices range
from 7 to 820 Come in and look them
over We want to show you
Rozell Barger
Do You Have the Blues
A dose of McConnells Health
ules will probably cure them
A Checking Account is indeed
a business neccflsity and ho who
tries to get along without one is
nt a groat disadvantage
It is not required that a person
should havo a largo bulk of busi
ness in ordor to open an account
Professional men farmora and
even many women aro running
checking accounts If you havo
never dono business in this way
and aro not familiar with tho
plan come to us and wo will gut
you started
P Walsh President
C F Lkhn V Pres
C J OBuikn Cshr
1 W i
Champ Clark who will address McCook
Chautauqua Thursday August 27th
Of course you will want to hear him
Death Finally Comes
Edgar Whitfield Cone died in Hold
rege last Friday eight after an illnes3
of about two months The faithful wife
and three sons were present at the
The remains were buried at Holdrege
Saturday afternoon services being held
at the home previously
Deceased was in his 7lst year Was
born in Geneseo 111 Served three
years in company A 7th Kansas Caval
ry Spent most of his life in Kansas
and Nebraska Was a pioneer of Hold
rege and Phelps county A member of
the Congregational church
The three sons who with their moth
er are left to mourn the loss of the de
parted one are Dr E E Cone of Ox
ford Lon Cono of our city and Charles
E Cone of Kansas City Mo These
were present at the funeral also three of
Mrs Cones sisters Mrs Bird and the
Misses Ella and Lillie Bates all of Weep
ing Water Neb
School Dresses
Mothers need not be reminded that
the near approach of school days make3
necessary a complete overhauling of the
childrens outfits What they wore last
winter wont do now because outgrown
and outworn Something new must b
discovered and secured Our all wool
tricot dress flannels are admirable for
the purpose Keep theircolor will wash
are warm and healthful Many colors
are in our stock Our price 33c a yard
The Thompson D G Co Actual cash
A League Ball Town
The local management feel warranted
in view of the splendid attendance upon
the Lincoln McCook game about a
1000 paid admissions in considering
McCook a league base bnll town and
they are desirous of making dates with
any Western league clubs which may
have open dates or are passing through
our city either east or west bound
They feel they can interest the leaguers
both in the quality of game the locals
can play and in gate receipts
Corn Binder Cheap
One second hand at McCook Hard
ware Co
The Anti Saloon League will hold a
meeting tonight at the Baptist church
Good program Everybody invited