Middleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phono 182 McCook NobrnBka A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnellH drug store McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEE McCook Nebraska Sajs ARetit of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Ofllco in Poatoffico building C H Boyle C E Eldeed BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distance P nne 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor - xtl PoEtofflco Building MCL00 Neb DR t CO DENTIST rcNE Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook GATEWOOD VAHUb DENTISTS Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 H P SUTTCXN MccnoR V JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cast New location jnst across PnCrmlr Ktrr atir P Wnlch 1 llVUUft Were Just As Thankful For a small package as a large one Each will receive the same thorough and careful attention If we pet the former it may in time grow to the later 2 by the satisfaction jou will derive in wearing our laundered work Family washing 5c per pound McCook Steam Laundry W C BLAIR Prop Successor to G C Heckman PHONE 35 West Dennison St Real Estate Filings The following real estate tilings have been made in the county clerks ofllco since last report Edgnr L Means ec ux to Frank J Schumacher wd to se qr 22-1-30 3200 00 II N Rosebush ot ux to McCook Cement Stone Co wd to pt ne qr se qr 30 3 29 2500 00 Lincoln Land Co to Iva A Gam mill wd to lot 3 blk i Cen tral add to Bartlsy 30 00 Lincoln Land Co to Iva A mill wd to lot 3 blk 4 Cen tral add to Bartloy 30 00 Edmond T Meyer et ux to Wil liam II Smith qcd to e hf sw qr se qr nw qr sw qr ne qr sec 6330 100 00 E G Caine Co to John Mc Clung mech lien to lot 23 blk 39 Indianola 439 55 Adam Brunner et ux to Lizzie Matthies wd to so qr 18 1 30 1200 00 Allen P Day et uxto James P Holiday wd to lota 78910 Goodrichs add to Indianola 1200 00 Esben P Day et ux to James F Holiday wd to Jots 78910 Goodrichs add to Indianola 120C 00 EP Stewart to Villiam Up right wd to sw qr 7 130 ne qr so qr 12-1-31 Hitchcock county 1800 00 JohnKrieger et ux to John E Sanborn wd to lot 7 blk 25 McCook 1S00 00 United States to Ance Shrater pat to s hf uv qr n hf sw qr 14 229 Edith V Fowler et cons to John R llammell qcd toshf sw qr 14 s ni se qr lb n nr ne qr 22-2-29 John R llammell et uxto Edith V Fowler qcd to s hf nw qr n hf sw qr 14 2 29 Any time you find yourself in need of Supplies for your O just drop in and see if we do not have exactly what you want whether it be a box of paper clips or the latest improved filing system 1 00 1 00 Marion Powell et ux and Mar tin Nilsson et ux to C B Q RR wdtoptnw qr aw qr 34 128 175 00 Rosa M Emerich et con3 to Bradlev B Duckworth wd n hf lot S lot 9 blk 19 In dianola 150 00 Correspondence Wanted The Tribune wants correspondence from Perry and Coleman precincts in fact from any part of the country where the paper is not now represented Write the publisher to day FURNACE AND FITTINGS 5500 OUR SPECIAL OFFER Absolutely a first class furnace either upright or horizontal capa city to heat 8000 to 12000 cubic ft with pipe ters and fittings 5500 A 40 inch furnacecapacity to heat 12000 to 16000 ft 6500 Larger furnaces at correspofid ingly low prices We make 25 dif ferent furnaces mwmm SRI and can ship everything ready fitted so that any handy man can install a furnace in two days I Send for FREE CATALOGUE Bovee Grinder Furnace Works 14th street Waterloo iowa HffCi 1 1 1 i fice The TRIBUNE Office rfyrrrJ i V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier JAS S DOYLE Vice President teR CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK NEB a Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 15000 m DIRECTORS JAS S UUYLb V FRANKLIN A V tUtHt VWl1lWW WrWfill t J THE LAND OF GRAVES Ancient Egyptians Believed In Con stant Reminders of Death To the Egyptian death was but the beginning of a career of adventures and experiences compared with which the most vivid emotions of this life were tame He lived with the fear of death before his eyes Everything around him reminded him of that dreadful Initiation Into the mysteries of the tremendous after life for which his present existence was but a prep aration Ilis cemeteries were not hid den away lu remote suburbs his dead were not covered with mere grassy mounds or a slab of stone The whole land was his graveyard Its whole art was of the mortuary Are there no graves In Egypt that thou hnst brought us Into the wilderness to die asked the Israelites In derision and we may believe that Moses winced at the snr cani Egypt Is the land of graves and the whole energy of the people that could be spared from keeping life together was devoted to death The mightiest tombs in the world the pyramids were raised upon the deaths of multi tudes of toiling slaves The hills were honeycombed passages and galleries chambers pits all painfully excavated in honor of the illustrious dead and sculptured and painted with elaborate skill to make them fit habitations for his ghost Wherever he looked the Egyptian be held preparations for the great turning point of existence The mason was squaring blocks for the tomb chamber the potter molded images of the gods or bowls and jars to be placed in the grave for the protection or refreshment of the Ka exhausted with the ordeals of the underworld the sculptor and painter were at work upon the walls of the funeral chamber illustrating the scenes through which the ghost was to pass or depicting the industrious life of the departed The very temples which cluster along the levels beside the Nile were in a sense but vestibules to the tombs in the hills behind The sacred lake now the weedy picturesque haunt of water fowl was then the scene of solemn ferryings of the dead The temple walls were covered with the terrors of the judgment to come The houses of the living indeed were built of per ishing mud but the homes of the dead and the shrines where supplication was made to the gods who ruled their fate were made to last forever On these all the strength the science and the artistic skill of the ancient Egyptians were cheerfully lavished London Sat urday Review A Preserve Owners Sick Trout A man whose experience as a sports man had been limited to an occasional days fishing in the mountains bought for himself a place with a fine trout preserve on Long Island He looked forward with great interest to the last opeuiug daj as that would be his first opportunity to fish in his own pond and when the day at last arrived the first streak of daylight found him leav ing his house rod in hand A day or two later a sportsman friend inquired as to what luck he had had I caught plenty of fish and big ones too responded the owner of the preserve There are plenty of trout in the pond but they all seem to bo sick Why whats the matter with them asked the sportsman Well answered the preserve own er to tell the truth we were afraid to eat them Their flesh is pink and I never saw a brook trout that color be fore Dont you know man exclaimed the sportsman with a laugh that any trout will turn pink if it lives in salt water Your pond empties into the sound and of course the trout run in and out The next time you have any of that sort of sick trout just send them in to me and Ill eat them for you with pleasure New York Times A Tiny State The miniature republic of San Ma rino is a mere dot on the map of Eu rope being the smallest state in the world as well as the oldest independ ent republic Its area is thirty eight square miles only little less than twice that of the island of Manhattan It lies entirely in Italy but is wholly independent Its situation is on the easterly side of the Etruscan Apen nines and about twelve miles from Rimini on the Adriatic sea The fron tier is only twenty four miles in length and the population would make only a small city ward numbering less than 12000 There is no public debt and the annual expenses met by taxation amount to G0000 The country has bronze and silver currency coined by Italy loS000 lire of the latter and 103 000 of the former The principal ex ports are wine cattle and stone The military force of the republic numbers 3S officers and 930 men The Wild Boar The wild boar is a most courageous animal The element of luck counts for a great deal in pig sticking as in most other forms of sport and it often happens that the foremost sportsman who by dint of hard riding or thanks to the fastest horse has come up with the quarry is deprived of the coveted honor of first spear by a sudden jink or turn of the pig The boar in spite of his clumsy appearance is not only possessed of a great turn of speed but is extraordinarily active He will turn and twist like a hare putting every obstacle in the shape of bushes rocks winter etc between himself and Iiis pursuers but all the time mak ing for the nearest patch of jungle and safety The pace after pig is faster than the best of runs with hounds but Is sooner over Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News VETERAN OF MANY WARS Field Martha Lord Roberts and His Quebec Visit The Canadians gave a great welcome to Field Marshal Lord Itoberts on his visit to Quebec to participate In the Clmmplain tercentenary The occa sion brought together many who fought under him In Soutii Africa in the war with the Boprs The grizzled veteran of many wars wears his honors grace fully in these years of his green old age He will be seventy six in Sep tember The decorations he has re ceived make a brave showing and the list of his titles is a long one But Bobs is the name by which he likes best to be known and it expresses the affection which is felt for him by the British public lie won his Victoria cross which he always puts first when adorning himself for full dress ff f V S gM - Illlll lllWW tl i FIELD MAItSHAIi IOKD HOKEIITS sions about a half century ago when only a lieutenant Though he is every inch a soldier he is not a large man In fact he is slim and small One day he was presented to a prom inent man of great physical propor tions who on being introduced to Lord Itobcrts shaded his eyes in a would be funny attempt to simulate difficulty in seeing the small person of the earl and remarked All Lord Roberts delighted I have frequently heard of you but I have never seen you before To which his lordship calmly replied And I have frequently seen you but I have never heard of you before ARTHUR I V0RYS Judge Tafts Friend Who Is Managing Ohio Campaign During the Roosevelt administration the tennis cabinet has been an im portant factor in affairs of state Should Judge William H Taft occupy the White House for the next four years golf will doubtless become the administration sport as the Republic an presidential nominee is devoted to the game and it suits his portly build better than tennis which necessitates ones being all over the court at the same time a difficult achievement for a fat man One of the prominent Re publicans who agree with Judge Taft as to the general superiority of golf as a sport is Arthur I Vorys manager of the campaign in Ohio He can play a good game of golf despite the fact that his right hand is minus several fingers Mr Vorys father Isaiah Vorys was a carpenter by trade and owned a large woodworking establishment Young Arthur worked at the bench and one day he had an experience with the buzzsaw at tho conclusion of which it was necessary to bandage up a very mutilated hand A few days later his father came upon him playing marbles with his left hand his right being still in the bandage The elder Vorys liked the boys nerve ii iirmrrTn 1 in - mii mi in miiiiiiiiii j r hniimumMMIMWtframinniMiiiiHiii mi im i mil wi AETHCn I VOlTS nd remarked To reward you niy son I will buy you some marbles You dont need to dad said young Vorys Ive got a pocketful the fel lers gimme for showin em the fingers I lost Ive got em in a bottle Whatever the game in hand Mr Vorys makes it his business to know how to play it Ilis success while in Charge of the Taft boom in the Buck eye State in the preconvention period resulted in his being asked by Judge Taft to continue his work in the same field during the presidential canvass Mr Vorys is fifty two years old and has been practicing law since 1SS0 Lancaster was his birthplace and he studied at the Ohio State university He was city solicitor of Lancaster and has served several terms as insurance commissioner of the state ne married a daughter of John D Martin of Lan caster a warm friend of Senator John Sherman SYMPTOMS OF RABIES Signs by Which You Miy Know Whcv a Dog Is Really Mad Hydrophobia is so rare and terrifying lhat its symptoms and treatment are little understood As a matter of fact the commonly accepted expression ol madness In a dog is often misleading The real mad dog does not shun wa ter as it is said On the contrary oind dogs often rush to the water and drink it cngerlj if they are able to swallow The mad dog does not froth at the mouth It does not run amuck Buapping at everything in its path What then are the indications of tho mad dog To those familiar with a given dog the surest symptom and tho one which should excite closest atten tion Is a distinct and unaccountable change in the dogs disposition a staitl dog becoming excitable and at frisky duo dull That condition does not nec essarily mean rabies but it is sus picious and if in addition the dog has trouble in swallowing as though It seemed to have a bone in its throat beware That dog should be instantly tied up because if it be rabies it takes but a day or two for ferocious in stincts to develop The unmistakable evidence however of a dog with rabies is the sticky whitish saliva which covers the teeth and shows on the drawn lips The eyes glare and are red the dog has paroxysms of run ning fury during which it barks hoarsely which alternate with periods of temporary exhaustion Caspar Whitney in Outing BORED AND PLUGGED The Truthful Story cf a Ship Struck by Lightning In Duluth down on- the docks some days ago some fresh water Ancient Mariners were talking of adventures on the raging main began an old steamship man Captain H said one it seems to me Ive heard some where that your vessel was once struck by lightning while sailing sailing over the bounding main Yep twice said Captain n Hap pened off Point Aux Barques bout fif teen years ago We were joggin long when a thunderstorm overtook us and the very first Hash of lightnin struck the deck amidships and bored a hole as big as my right leg right down through the bottom of the vessel And she foundered of course No sir The water began rusbin in and she would have foundered but there came a second flash and a bolt struck my foreto gallant mast It was cut off near the top turned hot torn end up and as it came down it ente ed the hole and plugged it up as tin as a drum When we got down tG rydock we simply sawed off either end and left the plug in the planks Washington Herald Fatalities Yes said the beauteous young thing when I asked papa if I might go mountain climbing he took my head off But I had my own way of course and finally the crowd got start ed and you know they made me put on a lot of wraps and things that sim ply suffocated me And aLout half way up I slipped and fell over a cliff and broke my neck Indeed yes And when they had lifted and pulled me back on the trail I absolutely died from pain But before long 1 was able to go on to the top but by the time we were almost there I collapsed and sat down for I could never breathe again But they made me pull myself together and in time we got to the summit and there it was so cold I froze to death Oo ooh And I was glad I can tell you when we came down at last and as soon aa they got me home I went to bed dead from exhaustion Independent Will Remember His Friends When Patrick McGiuuagan became a member of the Chicago police force a delegation of his friends burst in upon him while he was at dinner and presented him with a handsome night stick in honor of his popularity and their esteem Completely bewildered by this unexpected token the new po liceman nevertheless struggled to his feet and stammered his appreciation Friends ye have upset me wid yr kindness he said flourishing the nicht stick Oill try an do me duty wid this little shillalah ar d I hope an thrust thot ivry man herll live t feel its inflooince The Alphabet The great Phoenician alphabet the parent of every form of European writing and of the scripts of Persia Arabia and India as well owes but little to Egypt It is true that in the construction of their alphabet the Phoenicians made use of certain hier atic characters found in their tradedeal ings with Egypt but this fact in no way detracts from the glory of tho in veution which belongs to the Yankees of antiquity New York American A Womans Era unnecessary cry these days The epoch of the man is past The twen tieth century is the era of the -woman Tnere is with a few very slight ex ceptions nothing that a woman as a woman cannot do and do every bit as well as if she were a man London P T O The Real Ccqucnce Mrs Premiere You always get a new gown before you go away on a visit dont you Mrs Seconde Xo 1 always go away on a visit after 1 get a new gown Womans non Companion Mn nrrs carry tir world for a mo mc Bt character for all time YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDSOFgpjck WOfk P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska A Edgar Hawkins Phono Ecd 193 GIVE US A TRIAL r 2 LBBIIr H H Evans Phone Bed 29 1 HAWKINS EVANS Contractors and Builders PlanB drawn and estimates furn ished on application McCook Nebraska EPOSBOBN JWWENTZ QSBORN WENTZ Draymen Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices Office First Door South of DeGroffs Phone 13 F D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA Hlnl inttn MtnfMa I II in m B nraramiiii LiiHiJpiJJ J I W lfttnrltv W - 1 1 n A BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach SYJTWwoiMia fill Dual 1 1 BJHbiiifeliiwVlallJlrtiii FRANK REISTLE ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER PrtONEUM 1420 24 LAWRENCE DEKVER COLO I 1 J I L J lJ II I I I Li tf35i3vS 111 W tt5 2E22 L V jg zrn BUCKBEES BULBS SUCCEED W 0 I n rf P f M uit tit SIne to bulJ w Knslne A 1 will m ko jou a prrcicitnt cu r t Hon guarantteU or jour J inuiiov n fund if V e- 1 x nc ri r i t y aujvBUK uvKcwiaui 7 M iuuui wrtj Grape llnrx ih F atirf Hv SiJ rnth riaj ma pata Irl tsUT tparxi utmniim 43owroDCrucinChi Atlftz Auiun d ti ift Eto M riH9 iKrwin Tu i Iarrat TII M T w TilTor3 l rrticb KEua tal Iiih rij s latf Tu fc i iwjmwcyt iHuau i an ik x XCU4 u out tt Uit f A i hct ui r us wt G1 1UDI CZl I In Cosxcecioratlon of cvnlanoaf n ful lMtiDrt ml loruetje TLuijioioieljiroilaqjrit iH W Bcexbes Iiis WI B 7CE3ES ST ilOCSTOIS ILL guuminuHBw Rubber KOOT r mg A 4 Old Hickory 2 ply Rubber Roof ing per square complete includ ing Rubber Cement and Broad Headed Xails 225 American Rubber Roofing 1 ply per square complete including Lap cement Tin Caps and Xails 195 BARNETT nun TTitjT Si X J f in fr I s i 4 X s S i F j JL r I 3 At l