The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 14, 1908, Image 1

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It Is Up To McCook
As tho time approaches for the open
ing of tbo McCook chautauqua it bo
comes moro and moro evident that if
McCook desires to continuo in the
chautauqua circuit anothor year she
must do her very best to make good
this year Wo are willing to pour our
money into sports without stint and we
can truthfully sny without profit but
nro wo just as willing to pay a fow dol
lars as compared with the expenditures
for sports in somothing elevating in
structive and entertaining It is up to
McCook right now to determine The
Tribune hopes the verdict will bo over
whelmingly in favor of the chautauqua
and that the sale of season tickets to
this most commendable enterprise shall
rapidly increase the short time inter
vening bofore the season opens Satur
day August 22nd
The Tribune encourages legitimate
lawful sports indulged in lawfully and
in reason but there is more in life oven
to the youth than merely having a
good time The chautauqua gives
the opportunity of having a rational
good time and at the same receiv
ing something enduring and elevating
and instructive and worthwhile
The Tribune appeals for the better
things of life Let us not waste too
much of our valuable time and hard
earned money in frivolity Let us get
something out of life for the mental
and spiritual man Let us feed our
heads and hearts and souls a little while
we journey along
Buy a season ticket for the chau
tauqua today
Not From Missouri
You naturally and properly want to
know the quality of the pudding
Chewing the string is not the most sat
isfactory means of ascertaining Its
eating the pudding that tells the whole
story Same with meat It may make
your mouth water to read about juicy
tender corn fed meat But complete
satisfaction and realization comes only
with the eating of the moat and it is
here that Marsh the meat man gets in
to the game His steaks roasts cutlets
in all the kinds of meats have the quality
ofshowing you notwithstanding--they-
do not come from Missouri He wants
an opportunity to make good Try
the Marsh meat market for anything
seasonable in his line
Are Putting1 In the Footing
The building committee of the temple-opera
house are engaged now in put
ting in the concrete footings for the
big structure and tho water con
nections will be made and other ar
rangements perfected in anticipation of
the commencement of work on the
brick superstructure
Plans for much of the building have
already been received and are in hands
of several contractors Bids will be
opened on August 31st and it is the
hope of the committee that work may
be commenced shortly after this date
A Big Jod
The state board of equalization made
only a small reduction in Red Willow
countys farm land assessment but
County Clerk Skalla says it will take
one clerk nearly a month to make the
changes and corrections on the book3
Frontier Countys Fair
September 29 30 October 1 and 2
are the dates for Frontier countys fair
this year It will be held at Stockville
Write L H Cheney Stockville for par
Let Us Take Your
order for a tailor made suit of clothes
We are McCook agents for the great
M Born Co house of Chicago We
will be gad to show you their Blue
Book Rozell Barger
Union Temperance Meeting-
There will be a union temperance ser
vice held at the Methodist church Sun
day evening Let everybody come and
show your interest in this cause
New Net Waists
Very attractive new fall net waists
made over silk just received for 3325 to
450 The Thompson D G Co Act
ual cash values
John Deere Disc Plows
can be used any old time and they leave
the ground so it will hold water Th3
McCook Hardware Co
Brick Work Under Way
The foundation and basement brick
work on the DeGroff Co building is
progressing now
Corn Binder Bargains
One second hand Come early The
McCook Hardware Co
Best Taole Oil Cloth 14c
in our clearing sale The Thompson D
G Co
Huber is still selling Wedding Break
fast Coffee
As To City Free Delivery
Postofliee Inspector Grogan of the de
partment spent several days in McCook
this week looking over ground and
making arrangements for city free de
livery to which this city is now by
reason of its postoflico receipts entitled
under tho postal laws and regulations
Tho city has been separated into three
districts and three carriers will servo
whon tho system finally goes into effect
and tentativo provision is made for a
fourth carrier when the demands of tho
system requiro it
On account of practically entire ab
sence of sidowalks in both East and
West McCook theso additions to the
city will not at present recoivo free de
livery Tho same is true of South Mc
Cook on account of its inaccessibility
But East and West McCook can re
move their disability by laying tho re
quired sidewalks Tho necessity of
sidewalks has been urged by The Tri
In anticipation of free delivery tho
department suggests that all persons at
onco begin the use of their street and
house numbers in writing and urgo that
all mail sent them bo addressed to their
streets and house numbers This is
important Got tho habit
Then again bewaro of the letter box
fakirs Pass them all up Local deal
ers can and will supply at reasonable
rates You will be deluged with fakir
advertisements Remember this warn
Letter boxes will in time bo placed at
the depot hotels at numerous points
on Main avenue and at necessary points
all over the free delivery section of tho
Weak places in the paving of the city
in this connection are 3rd street W
from B to K streets and 6th street E
from B to G streets These it is confi
dently expected will be made good at
once by the property owners who of
course aro anxious to secure the free
delivery service Get busy brethren
Worth the Entire Bill
The four musical companies that will
furnish two concerts daily at the Mc
Cook chautauqua which will open Sat-
day Aug -22 aro woith move than the
entire cost of a season ticket Tho
Kirksmith Concert company is com
posed of four beautiful young ladies
three of them sisters They are all in
strumentalists while one of them sings
soprano and another contralto
The Hesperian Male Quartette was the
Chicago University Male Quartette of
twelve years ago They are all men of
affairs and have won laurels in other
lines but they have maintained their
organization all of these years and have
been together every summer Natural
ly they have a wide selection of songs and
their voices have become beautifully
harmonized They are excelled by no
quartette in America
The Sterlings are the strongest com
pany of colored artists obtainable The
peculiar timble of their voices is espe
cially adapted to out of door singing
The Royal Hungarian orchestra con
sists of eight superb artists and soloists
There is no better orchestra on the
See That Hump
the hump that people get on to reach
our clearing sale before the event is de
clared over 7Jc lawns for 4J c 20c
mercerized panama for 10c S350 white
linen finish suits with embroidered
panels for 8175 Nice lawn dressing
sacques for 25c 175 misses fine sun
hats for 75c 8150 white waists beau
tifully made and trimmed for 99c 81 00
wash vests for young men for 49c 810
mens suits for 3769 310 ladies voile
dress skirts for 3769 81 50 ladies white
parasol for 79c ladies 15c tan hose for
10c childrens ribbed tan hose for 6c
1000 other items to interest your pocket
book The Thompson 1 G Co
In Charge or His Attorney
William H Bryant was before the
county board last Friday for examina
tion as to his mental condition It was
decided to withhold verdict for the
present He was placed in the care of
his attorney for thirty days awaiting
Why Longer Delay
Our very large and handsome 8165
fringed white quilts with cut corners for
8119 in our clearing sale The Thomp
son D G Co
We Are Sized Up Again
in the Wilson Bros soft shirts with and
without collars and can meet any want
in that line Rozell Barger
Decreased Red Willow
The state board of equalization has
decreased the valuation of Red Willow
county farm lands five per cent
Keen Kutter Safety Razors
are as easy to use as to wash your face
Two more weeks in which to get them
on free trial at McCook Hardware Cos
fgvyvriyfii trfl iOWFiVnvirrrTnVg
A Rug Opportunity
We have just received direct
from tho mills a full line of the
famous and unexcelled Hartford
rugs We have them in all grades
and room sizes
This is your opportunity no
such stock has ever been display
ed and offered for sale in South
western Nebraska
Prices to meet any and all com
petition And of the magnitude
of our line you will get an ade
quate idea only by calling and
seeing tho stock
Pade Furniture Carpet Co
foytdiUtiAtAidUUliliiil it it Jmtil iA iJUUlii llJ
An Open Letter
As has before been stated in these
columns Viersen Standish have
something new to toll tho readers of
this paper every week The followihg
will prove beyond a doubt that in the
short time they have been in business
since June 1st they havo firmly estab
lished themselves not only at home
but among the manufacturers of the
country as well as the leading shoe
store conducted upon the most ap
proved up-to-date methods and carry
ing nothing but the best specialty lines
that can be bought
Standing in a class by itself preemi
nently For the Man Who Cares is
the Florsheim Shoe which enjoys
the reputation the country over as be
ing the best that years of experience
and honest effort can make it Tho
Florsheim Shoo Co of Chicago the
manufacturers of this famous shoo only
establish one agency in each town and
the retailers who are fortunate enough
to secure these agencies aro certainly
to be congratulated on being the choice
of a firm like tho Florsheim Shoe Co
to act as their representative in thehv
localities So this young firm Viersen
Standish have good reason to feel
proud in making the announcement to
the readers that they have secured tho
exclusive agency for the Florsheim
Shoe and have received the first ship
ment for fall embracing the newest
styles and leathers and extend to their
many friends a cordial invitation to call
at their store 113 B street west and
see the latest Dont forget the hospit
al that is being run in connection with
the Shoe Parlor
McConnells Blackberry Balsam
Acute stomach and bowel troubles
are apt to come at any time There
aught to be a remedy in every home for
immediate use for these diseases are a
form of poisoning and every minute
McConnells Blackberry Balsam
is a pleasant vegetable remedy and cures
diarrhoea cholera morbus cramps etc
Equally good for adults or children
Price 25 cents
L W McConnell Druggist
Opened Monday Evening
The new moving picture show The
Pastime opened for business Monday
evening in the Fahrenbruch building
on West B street The apparatus was
moved here from Sheridan Wyoming
and is owned by Mrs Linnie Raitt
Their opening program consisted of
The Gabs Nelson Fight A Guilty
Conscience Johns New Suit with
Theres Nobody Just Like You as the
vocal attraction of the evening
Something For Ladies
A vanishing cream a cold cream one
that can be freely used without making
the hair grow It is something new
and contains no particle of oil It is
especially recommended for chapped or
sunburned face and hands Ask to see
it Woodworth Cos Druggists
Dont Forget Fly No
It keeps the flies off If your cow has
to put in all her time fighting flies she
isnt going to give much milk Get
Fly No of Woodworth Co Drug
Save the Fodder
and get a Sharpless Tubular Cream
Separator at McCook Hardware Co
and make money off your cows
Lincoln Paints
The paint that wears the best and
looks well the longest
A McMillen Druggist
Ladies Gauze Unions for 2Tc
in our clearing sale The Thompson D
G Co
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
Saving the Boys
Under tho above head the following
tribute to the able work being done by
Judge Lee Estelle in the juvenile court
of Omaha is paid by his old friend Rich
ard L Metcalf in Mr Bryans Com
fo one expects perfection at once in
tho administration of juvenile court
laws but tho marked success of Judge
Lee Estelle of Omaha in reaching and
saving the boys is an evidence of what
great results may be achieved in this
great work So long did society enact
laws to protect itself from the individ
ual that it overlooked the necessity of
enacting laws to protect the individual
from society But of late tho protec
tion of the individual has been given at
tention with the result that wo now
have child labor laws employers liabil
ity laws safety appliance laws and oth
er laws of similar character At the
very foundation of all these laws how
ever is the law protecting the children
from the greed and carelessness of so
ciety The old plan of herding delin
quent and so called incorrigibles in
the same bull pen with old and seas
oned criminals was only a plan for tho
propagation of crime It made crimin
als instead of protecting society The
new and saner plan is to prevent boys
and girls becoming criminals They aro
not only protected from the greed that
would rob them of their childhood and
chance in order to profit by their toil
but they are protected by being taken
from bad environment and put in the
midst of proper surroundings
It requires not only a knowledge of
boys but the knack of interesting them
and gaining their confidence in order to
successfully prosecute this great work
Judge Estelle posesses these attributes
in rich measure and his work in Oma
ha is bearing rich fruit It is gratify
ing to know that such men are growing
more and more in demand as chautauqua
lecturers When men of great legal
learning like Judge Estelle tell society
how to handle tho boy problem great
results may be expected results that
will be of incalculable benefit to society
Those who have heard Judge Estelle
are a unit in endorsing his work as a
judge and as a lecturer His years of
experience in the work his warm and
tender sympathies and his magnetic
personality combine to make him
markedly successful in this great work
Our people will be glad to Know that
Judge Eetelle will appearm our Chau
tauqua platform tor one or more addres
Fire in an Ice House
About two oclock Sunday morning
the ice house in the rear of Mitchell
Clydes saloon was discovered to be on
fire An alarm was sounded by the en
gineer of the electric light plant and
the fire was soon under control The
structure is an old shell of wood cov
ered with tin the wooden part of the
building was pretty well consumed to
gether with a quantity of ice
Being within the firu limits the ques
tion of repairsis a troublesome one
and this may be the chief item of
expense althoughthe damage and loss
will total 3200
The time and place were both favorable
for a serious fire in the business district
and the result is a matter for congratu
are a revelation of richness and delic
iousness to the housewife who has al
ways used ordinary spices
McConnells spices are pure and fresh
having the strength aroma and fine
flavors which nature alone can give
Use them in pickling canning and
L W McConnell Druggist
Study of Mexico
The Womans Missionary society of
the Congregational church will meet at
the church Thursday afternoon Aug
ust 20 at three oclock The study of
Mexico will be continued and a good
program arranged by Mrs Schwab and
Mrs Jones An interesting collection
of pictures and articles will be shown
by one who has traveled in Mexico
25 Per Cent Discount
We are giving a 25 Per Cent Discount
on all straw hats summer underwear
summer pants and two pices suits
Come and participate in the saving
Rozell Barger
Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges
are the best of bakers and gas savers
sold by the McCook Hardware Co
Tent Is Here
The tent and seating for the McCook
chautauqua is here
One Dollar
will buy a big load of kindling at The
McCook Hardware Cos
225 Lace Curtains for 169
in The Thompson D G Cos clearing
ail nif in iiii ini if
14 1908
The National Corn Show a Big Far
mers Institute
Experiment station enterprise will
establish a veritable school in agricul
ture at the National Corn Exposition at
Omaha duriug the bijj show in Decem
ber It is the purposo to have as full
and complete an educational exhibit as
can be mado by the various stato agri
culture colleges and experiment stations
This is planned to be of such a charac
ter as will give tbo visitor to tho exposi
tion an intelligent and comprehensive
idea of the experimental work being car
ried on at these stato institutions
There will be with each of these ex
hibits an instructor who will co operate
in any plan of lecture or demonstration
best Buited to instiuct tho public on
tho soil and climatic conditions of his
particular locality and tbo crops and
varieties of grain best suited to that
section The diseases of grains such as
rust and smut in wheat and oats tho
corn root louse and corn root worm and
the numerous insect pests that have
proven a menace to crop growing in
various localities over the great grain
producing districts will bo discussed
from a practical and scientific point of
view with definite information as to
their origin their life history nnd reme
dies that influence toward their exterm
There will bo lectures and discussions
on the composition and value of grains
Such topics as tho composition and
characteristics of heavy and light weight
wheat oats and barlev showing that
tho heavy weight grains aro desirable
because they contain n larger total
amount of food This with a more ma
tured germ gives the heavy weight ker
nel the advantage for seed purposes
Starchy and glutenous properties in
grains uniformity in composition of
wheat grown from a uniform lot of seeds
showing superior individuality in both
head and kernel these with scores of
other important experiments and tests
that have been worked out by tho ex
periment stations will be in tho lino of
instruction that will bo put forth by
agricultural colleges at this exposition
Henry George Jr
TbuRcdpalh Chautauqua System was
very fortunate in getting Hinry George
Jr of New York City to fill tho seasons
dates for Dr Peter McQueen who was
taken sick while in Africa preparing
material for a new illustrated lecture
Mr George has two great lectures both
illustrated with stereopticon slidrs In
-- TC
August 14 1903
Surplus -Deposits
Walsh President
C P Lkhn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J Louohran P F McKenna
Accounts solicited Customers
assured of every courtesy and ac
commodation possible under con
servative modern banking meth
first violinist of delightful Kirksmith
Concert Co at McCook chautauqua
August 22m
Council Proceedings
Council met in regular session Mon
day evening with all members present
Minutes of the last meeting read and
The report of the city marshal weigh
master and police judge were read and
place on file
A petition signed by V Franklin et
al was filed nuking that the council
order all old frame buildings such as
barns sheds etc hay and other rub
bish be removed from the alleys from a
street W north to the postofliee was
filed and on motion it was referred to
the fire committee
The McCook Electric Light Co
tendered a new ordinance granting to
I them a franchise to operate an electric
plant for a period of twenty years and
j fixing the rates to be charged which
was read and on motion this new or-
his Wonders of the New Japan he dinance along with the ordinance pro-
i has not kept in the beaten path of the
tourist but has talien some elegant
pictures which he explains with telling
effect But it is in Princes of Privi
lece that he is at his best not so en-
j tertaining perhaps but vastly more in
structive In this address he points
out the difference in the modes of life
of New Yorkers very rich and very poor
The Arkansas Travellers
The Jucais on the honn diamond
Tuesday defeated th Travel
lers by a score of 4 to 3 The Arkansas
Travellers an bound tor the coast and
1 return j lit up u yond imf but
the locals lit them to it in a stilf
I game
I Fall Suits Are Here
from two of the leading clothing houses
of the UniteQ States Prices range
from 87 to 820 Come in and look them
over We want to show you
Rozell Barger
New Fall Dress Skirts
Several numbers of our new fall skirts
have arrived You are invited to look
them over From 810 down Altera
tions free The Thomoson D G Co
Simpsons Prints 4 l 2c
in our clearing sale but only 10 yards to
a customer The Thompson D G Co
A Painful Corn
Any corn can be easily removed with
McConnells Lightning Corn cure 10c
Our bath supplies make bathing a
double pleasure
L W McConnell Druggist
posed two weeks ago was referred to the
light committee
The following bills were audited and
allowed and warrants ordered issued for
their payment
Henry Gale salary 8 27 00
W A Gold same 40 00
McCook Electric Light Co 129 GO
B C Bowman work on roads 30 00
T M Phillippi same 17 00
W T Clark same 10 00
II N Rosebush sidewalks 2 11 15
O L UeGrolf Co dirt 19 40
Ed Fitzgerald salary 55 00
U W Uodfrey salary 65 00
John Ekstedt work on streets 77 40
A L Mickens same
G A Folden painting and put
tin up street siyns
9 00
101 55
G M Battershall numbering
houses 1C 33
II P Wate Co hard ware and
supplies 167 55
W C Bullard lumber 3 45
James McAdams supreme court
fees 74 35
Clerk district court fees in Mc
Adams case 349 00
The Building Is Now Complete
The new Mills Simmons theatre and
office building is now completed This
buildinjr was probably erected in le33
time than any similar structure in Mc
Cook as practically only a month elaps
ed from time of building until the Elect
ric theatre was occupying the first floor
The building is modern from basement
to garret The upper floor will be used
for office rooms
Throw Away
that old fuel eating stove and get a
Majestic or Quick Meal Range at Mc
Cook Hardware