The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 07, 1908, Image 1

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A Great Need
7978 cnrs of corn were inspected and
sold upon tho Chicago Board of Trade
during tho month of Juno Only ono
car graded No 1 only 772 cars or loss
than 10 per cent graded good enough
for No 2 2873 cars or about 3G per
cent graded No 3 3872 cars or nearly
one half of tbo entiro amount graded
No i and 400 cnrs were of such poor
quality that no grade was attached
This evidence shows tbo great need for
grain improvement Tho grain dealer
and tho receivers in the markets are
anxious to lend assistance
This great cereal exposition enterprise
is not confined in its element of educa
tion training and advantage to ono
class of persons representing a single
industry such as the growing of crops
It extends in its general scope of in
fluence to ovory business and industry
carried on by man In fact it appeals
to tho appetite of every human being
for endorsement of better food products
better living and a fuller compensation
for labor performed
Tho grain dealers of tho United States
are a recognized strong and influential
class of business representatives In
recognition of their business relution to
this great cereal exposition and their
interest in its success and permanent
influence for better grains and larger
crops the management has planned for
a grain dealers day and will arrange
for excursions from all parts of the
country The entertainment that will
be provided for this occasion and the
completeness of arrangements in gen
eral is a guarantee that thousands of
leading grain men of tho country will bo
in attendance
Fire in the Coal Chute
Tho hostler driving No 3s engine
into the ronndhouse early Wednesday
morning discovered the coal chute to
be afire Ed Howell was called by
phone and he and Cliff Woolard with
the available night roundhouse force
succeeded in extinguishing the fire
which is considered to have been of
possible spontaneous combustion origin
The fire was located in the bottom of
one of the bins and was difficult to get
at JFortunntely tho firo was discovered
before much headway had been made
by the flames else the damage might
have been serious
Some Wash Goods Prices
5c lawns cut to 3Jc
7Jc lawns cut to 4c
12 solid color lawns cut to 6c
15c lawns voiles etc cut to 9c
20c mercerized panama cut to 10c
25c linen suitings cut to 15c
35c fine Bilked suitings cut to 23c
50c half silk suitings cut to 33c
75c rajah silk suitings cut to 39c
A clearing sale that clears The
Thompson D G Co
Young- Man Fatally Hurt
Indianola Neb Aug 1 While
hauling hay yesterday a young man
named Conrad was thrown from the
load by a sudden lurch of the wagon
striking the ground with such force as
to break his back Special Lincoln
The Best All The Time
If its reasonable and procurable in
the market if his customers want it
thats enough You can get it at
Marshs meat market The best for
everybody all the time
Too Warm to Write
Well sendsome of the McCook local
views post cards to be had at The Tri
bune stationery store Thousands of
them and a score of different subjects
As To The New Franchise
The present outlook does not seem to
be very propitious for a new electric
light franchise The companys old
franchise does not expire for about IS
Free City Mall Delivery
is coming and you will find at McCook
Hardware Cos mail boxes to hang up
or receivers for your doors or windows
This firm always has the goods you
Sunday School Picnic
The Baptist Sunday school had a pic
nic yesterday in the grove at the water
works with all the joys and satisfactions
attendant upon such occasions
P H Smiled Just the Same
P H Blunck finished his harvesting
last week and announces the average
from his 90 acres of wheat as being two
bushels to the acre
Womens Sun Bonnets 10c
The 20c kind for 10c The 35c kind
for 20c Not many left Get your
share Tbe Thompson D G Co
For your Pump and Wind Mill Work
see McCook Hardware Co They havo
a fine line of mills and all work guaran
irtiBTfrffywdTfcifflOTWflnimi mvmKMwmimiHm
Sweet Spirit Passes On
Oran the 10 year old son of Mr and
Mrs Ed S Dean of Geneva Now York
who was brought to our city a few
weeks siuce in search of health died at
90G 2nd street W early Wednesday
morning The boy had been ailing since
December last Tho father and mother
a younger sister and an aunt were with
tho boy at death and with friendly
neighbors ministered to his every want
and comfort until tbe end
Oran was born at Ashland Nob
where most of his life was spent and
hero the parents laid away his remains
before returning to their present home
in Geneva N Y Tho remains were
shipped to Ashland Thursday morning
Oran was one of thoso sweet quiet
and trustful souls made uncommon in
our experience by very reason of their
rareness Ho became a member of the
Baptist church at ten years of age and
was an earnest Sunday school worker
until sickness precluded activity aDd
made search for health imperative
Mr and Mrs Dean desire us to in
this way express their appreciation of
and gratitude for tho help and sym
pathy of neighbors and to the Sunshine
club for flowers
Porter Craven Wedding
Miss Fay Porter of our city and Mr
William Merle Craven of Juniata this
state were married Wednesday eve
ning at 830 oclock at the home of
the brides parents Mr and Mrs Will
iam Porter in East McCook Elder H
H Berry performing tho ceremony in
the presence of about forty relatives
and guests
After tho ceremony light refreshments
were served
The young couple wore well remem
bered in gifts pretty and useful
They departed on No 6 last night
for Hastings nnd will occupy a farm
near Juniata as their home
The out-of-town guests were Mr
and Mrs W B Craven Mrs D S
Giles Mrs C S Craven Miss Lettie
Craven Mrs R V Koyse of Lincoln
and Mr and Mrs George Sheppard of
Summer Visitors
We are unusually equipped to supply
summer visitors needs both in necessit
ies and those little luxuries that add so
much to the vacation pleasures
Each line in wide variety and youll
surely find here the quality desired
Our prescription department is up to
date in every particular Purest drugs
Expert prescriptionist Full line of
proprietary preparations always in slock
L W McConnell Druggist
Shallenberger at Indianola
Indianola Neb Aug I A C
Shallonberger spoke to a small crowd
on the street here this evening The
crowd was about equally divided be
tween the Republicans and Democrats
He claimed the credit of giving Ne
braska the 2 cent passenger rate He
said the time is ripe for Democratic vic
tory because a panic always brought
about a change in administration and
that the Democrats were just entering
upon forty eight years of power Spe
cial Lincoln Journal
Nothing Succeeds Like Success
It doesnt take much unfavorable cir
cumstance to break up the meeting
with some people Its too hot or too
cold there is a surplus of moisture or
a shortage business is too brisk or lag
ging cant get the stuff etc But none
of these things move Marsh He gets
the stuff anyhow and places it on sale
for his customers at right prices all the
time And thats business And
thats one of the elements in the pop
ularity and success of his meat market
A Dutch Social
The Sunshine club will give a Dutch
social and serve ice cream and cake on
the lawn at the home of Mrs F M
Kimmell next Thursday evening Aug
ust 13 Ice cream 10c cake 5c You
are all cordially invited
We Are Sized Up Again
in the Wilson Bros soft shirts with and
without collars and can meet any want
in that line Rozell Barger
Save Your Corn Stalks
with a Dain Corn Cutter You can
save its price on twenty acres Sold by
McCook Hardware Co
Rajah Silks for 39c
Cut from 75c white brown and pearl
grey The Thompson D G Co
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
Crackers that are crisp in spite of the
weather Ask Scott about it
Huber is still selling Wedding Break
fast Coffee
To The Voters Of The 29th Senatorial
Tho Hon John C Gammill of Fron
tier county has consented to become a
candidate for senator It is not a mat
ter of his seeking but a matter of yield
ing to tho wishes of his friends who are
desirous of seeing that important office
filled by an honest and capable man
who will bo a credit and an honor to our
people I have personally known Mr
Gammill for over twenty years and I
havo yet to meet a moro courteous gen
ial honorable and manly man than I
have found in him
Ho was a Captain in tho Civil War
and is ono of a comparatively few of tho
survivors of that contest still young
enough and vigorous enough to respond
to the call of the public His years are
resting lightly upon him his heart is
young and he retains his military
He has beon a resident of Frontier
county for a quarter of a century whore
he can safely claim that everyono is his
friend They like him for his rugged
honesty his gonial companionship and
his true western hospitality for his
door has never been closed to the way
farer A farmer and ranchman during
all of these years he is a true represent
ative of the large majority of tho voters
of his district
In national politico at least he has
always been republican He was a keen
admirer of Blaine a most loyal support
er of McKinley while Roosevelt chal
lenged his perfect approval He was
chairman of his home delegation in the
state convention that nominated Norris
Brown and Governor Sheldon and sup
ported both Further evidence that he
belongs to the progressive element of
his party is unnecessary
If elected he will be a senator who
will be warmly welcomed by Governor
Sheldon or any Governor having a simi
lar policy for they would at once recog
nize in him one who would not have to
be watched one who would be a true
loyal and capable supporter not only
upon the floor where all are exposed to
the public gaze but in the secrecy of
the committee room where the real
work is dono and where tho knave dis
plays his hand He is a good public
speaker with a direct concise style that
carries conviction and commands recog
My purpose in preparing and publish
ing this communication is to contribute
what I can to securing a senator from
this district who will faithfully and con
scientiously represent its people and
interests I publish this at this time
that all who desire may verify my state
ments before casting their votes
C M Brown
Cambridge Nebr Aug 3 190S
Erroneous Impression
An erroneous impression has gotten
into circulation in the city to the effect
that the term of school coming year
would only be eight months long Of
course this is wrong The usual term of
nine months will be held commencing
in all probability at the usual date the
first Monday in September which on
this occasion falls on September 7th
Supt Taylor is expected to arrive in
the city any day now
For Representative 67th District
Filings of candidates for representa
tive in the 07th district composed of
Hitchcock Hayes Dundy and Chase
counties areas follows
A L Taylor Republican Trenton
George Y Kittle Democrat Eureka
William H Smith Republican Pali
sade W Z Taylor Democrat Populist
Something For Ladies
A vanishing cream a cold cream one
that can be freely used without making
the hair grow It is something new
and contains no particle of oil It is
especially recommended for chapped or
sunburned face and hands Ask to see
it Woodworth Cos Druggists
Girls Straw Hats
35c ones cut to 23c
65c ones cut to 41c
150 ones cut to 09c
175 ones cut to r 75c
Not many left They must go The
Thompson D G Co
Dont Forget Fly No
It keeps the flies off If your cow has
to put in all her time fighting flies she
isnt going to give much milk Get
Fly No of Woodworth Co Drug
Boys Corduroy Suits 149
Thats our 275 stout corduroy suits
Good lookers and good wearers A few
suits left The Thompson D G Co
Lincoln Paints
The paint that wears the best and
looks well the longest
A McMillen Druggit
His Illness Was Brief
Andrew R Hammell died at his farm
a few miles southeast of the city Wed
nesday morning at an early hour after
a brief illness of four days Deceased
was taken with a serious and acute af
fection of the bladder which an opera
tion failed to relieve death ensuing
Deceased for many years lived in Val
ley Grange prcinct where he was high
ly esteemed by his neighbors and
friends At his death ho was 57 years
of age
Services wero held at tho homo tho
Baptist church and tho grave by Rev
Edker Burton of the Baptist church
burial being had in Riverview cemetery
on Wednesday afternoon
Tho bereaved brother and children
have deep and genuine sympathy of
friends and neighbors in tho great
sorrow wnich hascomo so suddenly into
their homes
Wo wish to express our thanks and
appreciation to tho kind neighbors who
assisted us during the illness and after
tho doath of our dear father and brother
John Hammell and Family
Mrs C B Fowler and Family
Mrs George Walters and Family
Street Lighting Situation
While tho council has not as yet de
finitely settled the matter it looks as
though both gas and electricity would
bo used in lighting the city While tho
city has contracted with tbe gas comp
any for 75 GOcandle power lights at
200 per light per month amounting
to 1800 annually it is understood that
on Main avenue at least several arc elec
tric lights would bo retained These
cost 9 per month While it is claimed
the city will be much better lighted un
der this arrangement the total cost too
will be materially greater amounting
to about 2200 annually as against
about 1500 as at present
A Drawing Card
Tho game Monday between the lo
cals and tho National Bloomer Girls of
Boston from the box office point of view
was the greatest game of tho season As
an exhibition of base ball playing by
women or girls it was a fake as was to
have been expected although there were
two or three females among the Bloomer
bunch one of them the occupant of
the first sack being quite a star per
The Bloomers are out for the money
and they get it playing ball or gam
bling or both
For State Senator
The following named gentlemen have
filed with the secretary of state their
applications to have their names print
ed on the primary ballots for the elec
tion September 1st
John F Cordeal Republican Mc
Cook I A Sheridan Democrat In
dianola DS Hasty Republican Arap
ahoe J C Gammill Republican
Stockville Cecil E Matthews Demo
crat Bartley
Almost an Inch of Rain
After a week or two of dry hot weath
er an inch of rainflal Thursday night
greatly improved our physical comfort
and gave the crop outlook a more favor
able tone The rain extended from the
Rocky mountain to the Missouri river
hence was a wide spread blessing
A Camping Party at Lycns
Messrs George Scott Leroy Kleven
C W Barnes J E Morrissey W F
Pate and R E Foe departed Monday
I night for Lyons Colorado near which
place they will go into camp for an out
Carrie Nation at Cambridge
Mrs Carrie Nation the famous tem
perance advocate in whose coat of arms
the hatchet is preeminent will speak at
the Cambridge Chautauqua tomorrow
afternoon at three oclock
Farm Wagons Built
for this country are the New Moline
Weber Birdsell and Bur Oak
You will find them at McCook Hard
ware Co and you will make no mistake
if you buy one of these
25 Per Cent Discount
We are giving a 25 Per Cent Discount
on all straw hats summer underwear
summer pants and two pices suits
Come and participate in the saving
Rozell Barger
Fall Styles Now In
Our shipment of fall hats is now in
store The famous 300 Graham and
400 Stetson Rozell Barger
Cook With Gas
on a Detroit Jewel Gas Range sold I y
McCook Hardware Co and get the
comfort out of life that is due you
Mens Wash Vests 49c
They are our 100 vests 150 ones
now 89c The Thompson D G Co
Crackers that are crisp in spite of the Crackers that are crisp in spite of the
weather Ask Scott about it weather Ask Scott about it
Operations Performed
Some vory difficult operations requir
ing the use of the knife and other in
struments usually unknown to tho
craft havo boon performed this week at
tho hospital
Most of the patients have gono homo
immediately after being treated but a
few are still awaiting means of trans
Everyono especially thoso closoly re
lated to the patients themselves have
expressed themselves as more than
pleased with tho treatment they ro
In most cities hospitals are in tho
suburbs or outskirts but this ono is
right in tbo center of this city at No
113 West B street
It is being run in connection with
the Viersen Standish Shoo Parlor
and the patients referred to aro crippled
It makes no difference to them how
small or how great the job all receive
the same expert attention
Death of Grandma Kller
Mrs W II Smith of our city received
a telegram last Sunday saying her
mother Mrs B S Kilor died that morn
ing at 220 oclock at tho homo of her
daughter Mrs C Kiler Barneston
Neb Grandma Kilor was 83 years 7
months old at the time of her death
She leaves ono son E W Severance of
Barnestno Nob four daughters Mrs
T S Jones of Laurens Iowa Mrs CA
Smith of Beatrice Neb Mrs C Kiler
of Barneston Neb Mrs W H Smith
of McCook several grandchildren and
great grand children to mourn tho loss
of a loving mother and kind friend to
Surprise on Jhn Hunt
A jolly party of neighbors and friends
surprised John Hunt Wednesday even
ing the occasion being Mr Hunts birth
day Card playing High Five whiled
away the evening pleasantly and swiftly
Mrs Fred Bruns winning the honors
Tho storming party was composed of
Mr and Mrs Fred Bruns Mr and Mrs
L E Bradley Mr and Mrs J O Mc
Arthur Mr and Mrs M O McClure
Mr and Mrs Earl Spencer Mrs James
Steinman and Miss Miller
Glad Feet
Make your tired burning feet glad
with our foot powder Ones feet need
all the help that can be given them
They do a lot of work under difficulties
especially in hot weather
McConnells Foot Powder
prevents chafing excessive sweating
disagreeable odors Prevents also tbe
formation of corns and callouses Keeps
the feet cool healthy and comfortable
Price 25 cents
Bring It To McCook
Tho Southwestern Nebraska Log Roll
ing meet will be held at Alma August
13 and 14 The high school band of
our city and quite a number of Wood
men will be present It is to be hoped
our boys will successfully defend their
loving cup and that they will succeed
in having the next meet at McCook
Dissolved Partnership
The firm of Ralston Bruhn cigar
manufacturers has dissolved and Mr
Bruhn will continue tbe business Mr
Ralstons health has not been satisfact
ory and he expects to remove from the
city before long He is at present help
ing Mr Bruhn in the 3hop
Another Moving Picture Show
Two gentlemen from Sheridan Wyo
ming have rented tbe Fahrenbruch
building on West B street have rear
ranged the same for their purposes and
expect shortly to add another attrac
tion to our list of places of entertain
Fall Suits Are Here
from two of the funding clothing houses
of the Unitea States Prices range
from 7 to 20 Come in and look them
over We want to bhow you
Rozell Barger
Majestic Ranges
are popular as ever and are the longest
lifed range made You will find them
at McCook Hardware Cos where they
have been sold for twenty years
Four New City Views
and an attractive assortment of greet
ing and other tasteful post cards re
ceived this week at The Tribune office
Something new every week
Ladies Wash Dresses
Our 3 50 white suits now 175 our
200 black lawn suits with pin dot for
129 The Thompson D G Co
Get a Keen Kutter
Safety Razor at McCook Hardware
Cos Thirty days free trial It is a
pleasure to use them
Crackers that are crisp in spite of the
weather Ask Scott about it
Typewriter ribbons papers etc for
sale at The Tribune office
Banks aro becoming moro tho
custodians of tho funds of tho
IHjodlo of both largo and small
means This is duo to a wider
appreciation of tbo valuo of bank
ing service as its usefulness is
extended and its methods hecoino
hotter known In tbo case of
The McCook National Bank
The Best
service is assurod Its officers
aim in every way to protect tho
interests of its patrons making
uso of every means of precaution
Its system of accuracy
promptness and tho same careful
attention to largo or small depos
itors make it a bank for all tho
people rich and poor men wo
men and children
When you havo banking bus
iness to transact como to
A home bank
A growing bank
Political Conference at McCook
Earnest enthusiasm marked tho con
ference held here Tuesday between
Chairman Hayword and tho county
chairmen of this section of Nebraska
From the views of those present tho
conference developed tho fact that a
strong Taft sentiment is steadily grow
ing in this section of tho state and that
tbe Bryan onthusiasm which formerly
characterized tho campaigns of tho Fair
viow statesman is noticeably absent
This lack of tho usual Bryan senti
ment was attributed by tho county
chairmen present to the weakness of
tho Democratic candidato which was
also responsible for the increasing
sentiment for Taft The Republicans
of this part of tho state are well satis
fied with the progress of tho campaign
The day was spent in tbo exchanga ot
suggestions between Chairman Hay
wood and tbe county leaders This
conference which was tho second will
bo followed by a third which will con
vene in Hastings Wednesday Among
those in attendance Tuesday were
Chairman Haywood W J Hopper of
Imperial L Morse and C L Kotler of
Benkelman L II Cheneys of Stock
ville S H Lawrence of Trenton S R
Smith of Indianola A L Taylor of
Trenton and E B Perry of Cambridge
Chairman Haywood and his private
secretary left on train G Tuesday night
for Hastings where another conference
was held Wednesday
We Mean Clearance
Our sale means clearance and each
day is moro interesting than the pre
ceding one You can buy f us
Best prints per yard 1
Best oil cloth per yard He
Yard wide L L muslin 5c
Lonsdale bleached muslin 10c
Mosquito netting lc
Plain black lawn 3 l 2c
Peerless carpet warp per lb 22e
Ladies white hose 10c
Ladies tan hose 10c
Childrens tan hose Ce
165 white quilts for 119
1250 voile skirts for 369
650 batiste skirts for -169
50c shirt waists for 25c
200 shirt waists for 139
Muslin baby bonnets for 10c
Lace curtains per pair 39c
1000 other interesting items
The Thompson D G Co
Publishing Versus Posting
If the purpose of posting election not
ices is to give tbe people notice ot the
fact the result can be much more gen
erally attained and at a less expense by
giving such notices publicity through
the newspapers Posting the notices is
expensive and doesnt accomplish the
work half as well Let the people
know Publish the election notices
Let Us Take Your
order for a tailor made suit of clothes
We are McCook agents for the great
M Born Co house of Chicago We
will be glad to show you their Blut
Book Rozell Barger
Many Braved Wind and Dust
Notwithstanding the wind and dut
last evening the band gave a fine con
cert to a large hearing at intersection
of Main avenue and C street
For Sale
New 5 - room cottage bath - room
closets cellar etc corner Douglass and
Manhattan sts Phone black 312
Crackers that are crisp in spite of the
weather Ask Scott about it