The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 31, 1908, Image 1

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Seeking Missing Valuables
Special Administrntor James Roonoy
of the estate of the lato Mrs Penelopo
Thompson Saturday nftornoon before
i Probate Judge J O Moore sought by
the examination of certain witnesses
persons who were employed about the
house to discover the whereabouts of
missing personal effects of the decedent
amounting to a computed sum of about
One witness Mrs Mary Hies by name
was regarded as an especially valuable
witness in this connection but sufficient
evidence was not secured from the exam
inatfon to warrant arrests and the mat
ter was dismissed
J O Stevens of Hastings appeared
for the estate and W R Starr for the
star witness in the case Mrs Ries
The mystery remains unsolvod as to
what has become of certain jewels mon
eys papers and valuables supposed to
have been on the person or about the
bed of the lately deceased Mrs Thomp
A New Hospital
Viersen Standisb the newshoo firm
on West B street formerly Donnison
are always coming to the front with
something new Their latest innova
tion is the establishment of a Shoe
Hospital where all kinds of repair
work will be done They have secured
the services of Mr Clyde Sass an ex
pert shoe maker of West Point Neb
to take charge of this branch of their
business and the high class of work he
is turning out for them goes to prove
that in a very short time the new shoe
hospital will be the popular place for
shoe repairing
The check system used in this hos
pital prevents mistakes and anyone
haveing any repair work done can leave
it at the Viersen Standish Shoe Parlor
with the full assurance that they are
getting the best in the city
Adding Fuel to the Flames
100 mens wash vests cut now to 49c
150 mens wash vests cut now to S9c
35c ladies black gauze vests cut now
to 19c
S125 ladies white parasols cut now
to 59c
150 ladies white parasols cut nowto
275 boys corduroy suits cut now to
Shoppers and bargains meet daily
here The Thompson D G Cos clear
ing sale
Gratifying Opening
George D Keating Co of the Mis
sion Inn feel quite gratified over their
formal opening occasion of last week
Friday They entertained a large num
ber of guests whose remarks and obser
vations were complimentary of the ar
tistic establishment conducted by these
gentlemen in the Walsh block Frappe
was served from eight to ten oclock
and Freys orchestra played during the
Shipped Body to Humboldt
Frank Leon the nine-months-old
baby boy of Mr and Mrs Vernie
Graves died at the National hotel
Tuesday night of cholera infantum
The remains were shipped Wednesday
night on 14 to Humboldt Nebraskafor
burial Mr Graves has been employed
in the brick work on the addition to the
National hotel this spring and summer
Rev Carman conducted brief services
at the hotel before the remains were
taken to the traiu for shipment
First Lessons In Gambling
It ha3 been c mplained at this office
that gambling betting is one of the
disagreeable as well as unlawful
practices attendant upon base ball
games in McCook And that a partic
ularly unfortunate fact in this connec
tion is the participation in the betting
by mere school boys who are thus ac
quiring the first lessons in gambling
T F Gockley a Candidate
The announcement of one of the well
known young farmers of the Beaver
country for commissioner of the First dis
trict appears on the editorial page of
this paper We refer to T F Gockley
of Danbury precinct
Too Warm to Write
Well send some of the McCook local
views post cards to be had at The Tri
bunk stationery store Thousands of
them and a score of different subjects
Largest On the Globe
Rozell Barger carry a full line of
the famous Wilson Bros gents furn
ishings This is the greatest house on
the globe in this line
Our Colorado peas corn etc are as
near perfection as it is possible to ap
proach in canned goods Huber
Barney Hofer has received 20000 new
colored post cards of McCook
Crackers that are crisp in spite of the
weather Ask Scott about it
In Honor of Mrs Ihomas
The Awl Os entertained Monday
evening at the cosy home of Mrs Harry
D Stewart in honor of Mrs G H
Thomas of Harvard Nebraska and it
was one of the affairs of special noto for
which the Awls are famous
The opening feature of the gathering
waB a guessing contest in which Miss
Mollio Ryan captured the honors and
Miss Addie Doan the consolation
A luncheon of dainty particulars was
served in courses three
The head liner of the evening was
the string of toasts under the adroit dir
ection of Mrs J Raymond McCarl
Friendship Miss Sadie Coylo
Woman Miss Anna Hannan
Man Miss Addie Doan
Young America Miss Nelle Gunn
Old Maids Miss Bessie Peterson
Present Past and Future
Miss Lona Phelps
It is intimated to the writer that af
ter Miss Doan had concluded her eulogy
on Man all the girls wore moved with
the Psalmist to remark What Is Man
That Thou Art Mindful of Him
Among the special guests of the oc
casion were Mrs Edward J Kates of
Lincoln Nebraska Miss Eva Dimmitt
of Salem Oregon Miss Lillian MoBride
of Leavenworth Kansas Miss Linna
Mehaffey of Wilkinsburg Penna Miss
Ruth Campbell and Mrs L R Burney
The occasion was in the nature of a
farewell to Mrs Thomas
Worse and More of It
We announce these additional and
deeper cuts in our clearing sale
Rajah silks cut from 75c to 39c
50c Arnold silk lawns cut to 33c yd
45c Pongee silk G colors cut to 29c yd
20c Mercerized panama cut to 10c yd
25c Real flax suitings cut to 15c yd
12Jc Plain colored lawns cut to 6c yd
350 white linen dresses cut to 175 each
275 ladies pongee coats cut to 149 each
375 ladies pongee parasols cut to
8249 each
175 misses fine straw hats cut to
75c each
150 misses fine straw hats cut to
69c each
Our sale becomes more interesting
every day You are invited to partici
pate The Thompson D G Co
Victim of Cholera Infantum
Cholera infantum robbed Mr and
Mrs W J Russell of South McCook of
their baby girl
Marjorie la3t Saturday morning The
burial of the little one occurred on Sun
day afternoon at 430 oclock from the
home Rev M B Carman conducting
the services interment being made in
Riverview cemetery The parents have
the tender and fullest sympathy of all
their neighbors and friends in this keen
Our hearts go out in gratitude and
thankfulness to all the neighbors and
friends for their helpfulness and sym
pathy in the sickness of our dear one
Mr and Mrs W J Russell
New System Now in Vogue
The work of numbering the business
houses and residences of the city and
of marking the streets of the city ac
cording to the new system is about fin
ished and our citizens may at once com
mence using the new system in referr
ing to their street locations The house
numbers have not been changed As a
sample the writer formerly lived at 806
Marshall st He will now be found at
806 1st street east
An Unlawful Practice
Some one is carrying the matter of
distributing catalog literature in this
community to an extreme which may
get them into trouble with the postoffice
department of the government Cata
logs without postage are being placed in
rural free delivery mail boxes
This item of news may be of use to
the right persons
Many Friends Urge Him
Elsewhere can be read the announce
ment of Frank Moore of his candidacy
for representative A former county
judge and an old time resident he needs
no introduction to Red Willow county
Local Gas Company Donates
The McCook Gas company has agreed
to donate the city for street lighting in
the business portion of the city ten 60
candlepower lamps to be located on
order of the city council
Lincoln Paints
The paint that wears the beat and
looks well the longest
A McMillen DruggiFt
Keen Kutter Safety
razors Thirty days free trial Get
one now at
McCook Hardware Cos
Crackers that are crisp in spite of the
weather Ask Scott about it
Huber is still selling Wedding Break
fast Coffee
Surprised the Doctor
Members of the D of Hf the R N A
and the M W A gave Dr and Mrs W
E McDivitt a pleasant surprise Wed
nesday ovening at the home of Mr and
Mrs M E Ruby All wan arranged so
cleverly that the doctor who was called
on professional business suspiciotied
nothing Confess but with medicine
case in hand be arrived at the Ruby
home fifteen minutes after being called
and was very much surprised not only
to find that the supposed patient seem
ingly in a critical condition bad entire
ly recovored without medical aid but
that a large number of merrymakers
confronted him Light refreshments
were served after which the doctor and
wife wore presented with a nice finish
ing sot Twas midnight whon all de
parted Those present were Mr and
Mrs W P Burns and daughter Mr
and Mrs V J Gathercole Mr and
Mrs Oscar Grismore Mr and Mrs
Lewis Fleischman Mr and Mrs R O
Light Mr and Mrs Fred Schlagel and
children Mrs Laura Hamilton and
daughter Mrs J R Van Horn Mrs C
A Deloy Miss Francis Hughes Mr
Guy Hughes Mrs R J Moore and
daughter Com
Making No Bones of It
Our sale means clearance and each
day is more interesting than the pre
ceding one You can buy from us
Best prints per yard 4 l 2c
Best oil cloth per yard 14c
Yard wide L L muslin 5c
Lonsdale bleached muslin 10c
Mosquito netting 4c
Plain black lawn 3 l 2c
Peerless carpet warp per lb 22c
Ladies white hose 10c
Ladies tan hoso 10c
Childrens tan hose 6c
165 white quilts for 119
1250 voile skirts for 869
650 batiste skirts for 469
50c shirt waists for 25c
S200 shirt waists for 139
Muslin baby bonnets for 10c
Lace curtains per pair 39c
1000 other interesting items
The Thompson D G Co
Gas Instead of Electricity
The action of the city council Wed
nesday evening in accepting the bid ot
the Welsbach Street Lighting Co of
America changes McCooks system of
street lighting from electricity to gas
doing away with both arc and incan
descent lamps on the streets
The new system will be of the type
recently displayed at the corner of the
First National Bank and it is claimed
that a well lighted street can be secured
from gas at even a less expense and
that with the lamps which will be
placed by individual business men the
streets in the business section will be
better lighted than under the present
electric system
Something For Ladies
A vanishing cream a cold cream one
that can be freely used without making
the hair grow It is something new
and contains no particle of oil It is
especially recommended for chapped or
sunburned face and hands Ask to see
it Woodworth Cos Druggists
George B Morgan Announces
George B Morgan the well known
merchant of Danbury was over to the
county seat yesterday filing his peti
tion witn the county clerk and announ
cing in Thr Tribune his candidacy for
commissioner for the First district
You Dont Get All
you want in this world but you can get
John Deere plows of all kinds at Mc
Cook Hardware Cos and these are ac
knowledged leaders
Fall Shipment In
We have just received a shipment of
fall suits of the popular and well known
W S Peck clothing Dont buy until
you have seen them
Rozell Barger
Dont Forget Fly No
It keeps tne flies off If your cow has
toput in all her time fighting flies she
isnt going to give much milk Get
Fly No of Woodworth Co Drug
Only One Cent a Yard
saved on a lawn dress means ICc but
you can have the 13J c lawns for 9e in
The Thompson D G Cos clearing
Harvest Time Is Here
You will need gloves We have them
in gauntlet and without Good wearers
and the prices right
Rozell Barger
Free Free Free
1000 in cash trade at The Model gets
a beautiful dish free See window dis
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
Crackers that are crisp in spite of the
weather Ask Scott about it
A Citizens Query
Mr Editor Will you pleaso enlight
en a citizen subscribers inquiry about
the following matter
The Electric Light Co has offered to
accept a renewal of its franchise at the
following scale of rates
1 to 15 KWH per mo 16c per KWH
16 to 50 15c
50 to 75 14c
75 to 100 13c
100 to 125 12c
125 to 150 lie
150 to 200 10c
Over 200 9o
The Palmer hotel The Commercial
hotel numerous merchants and citizens
express satisfaction with the above rates
and all is well with one single exception
One certain member of the city council
projects his own peculiar notions into
the arena and proposes a scale running
from 16c down to lie and requiring
every users bill to be figured in part in
each olass above that into which it falls
in the scale For example take a Palmer
house bill of 250 KW hours any man
on earth except this councilman would
say it would be 250 K W H at 9c
equal to 2250 But this expert drawer
of ordinances who drew the water or
dinance last year and attempted to pro
vide against double minimums on a
meter but left a hole through which the
water company drives its coach and
four insists that this 250 K W hours
figures in each and every rate as follows
15 K W H at 16 35 K W H at 15
25 at 14 25 at 13 25 at 12 25 at 11 50
at 10 and 50 at 9c making a total of
2965 or 11 4 5c per K W hour instead
of the 9c named in the scale
Now Mr Editor heros the question
Inasmuch as all interested parties
agree upon the scale of prices shown in
table above and desire it to be figured
and construed in the ordinary way what
motive or object can exist to cause this
councilman to insist upon a method
hitherto unheard of and which raises
the scale of rates from lc to 3c per KW
hour Can the reason be discerned in
his proposal to restrict the lowest rate
to lie while the Light Company is offer
ing to make it 9c Can it be that he
hopes to prevent the Light Company
from furnishing light as low as the Gas
Company may do under their unrestrict
ed franchise If his proposal is put
through the result will be the with
drawal of all large users of light from
the Electric Light Company who will
be left to serve only the small consum
ers mostly the residences and will have
to get a higher rate than heretofore or
withdraw from the field leaving the
town without competition in lighting
and without the most safe cleanly and
modern light known Will the people
of McCook stand for it
If this councilmans peculiar method
obtains the following effect will be
produced upon the scale of rates
1 to 15 KWH per mo 16c 16c
16 to 50 15c 15Kc
50 to 75 14c 15c
75 to 1C0 13c 14c
100 to 125 12c 14c
125 to 150 lie 13Jc
150 to 200 10c 12c
Over 200 9c ll4c
Kindly shed light on the question
above asked and oblige
Yours respectfully
A Citizen
During the hot sultry days of summer
every one is in peril This peril creeps
upon us unaware and weakens and dis
ables us without a moments warning
Serious stomach and bowel troubles are
liable to attack at any time Such
troubles are said to be of a germ origin
and germs can not be seen or avoided
That harmless house fly you simply
shoo away may have already left dan
gerous germs on viands in process of
cooking that before morning may render
you or some member of your family
weak and suffering
by keeping a bottle of McConnellsi
Blackberry Balsam on hand 25 cents
A Good Looker
So manv ranges are bought because
they look nice but looks never did a
baking or help to lengthen the life of a
range The Great Majestic Range isnt
the finest looking range made but it is
made to last and do its work perfectly
Sold bv McCook Hardware Co
25 Per Cent Discount
We are giving a 25 Per Cent Discount
on all straw hats summer underwear
summer pants and two pices suits
Come and participate in the saving
Rozell Barger
160 Acres for 80000
That is the nature of a real estate
bargain advertised in another depart
ment of this issue by J A Murphy
Philadelphia Penna 2422 Lehigh ave
Crackersthat are crisp in spite of the
weather Ask Scott about it
Many Citizens Attended
Tho regular session of the city coun
cil Monday night was quito largely
attended by interested citizens tho
electric light franchise ordinance being
under consideration
All members wore present
Police judgos report was recoived
and filed
Bids for street lights wore opened
and considered but action on tho same
was deferred until Wednesday evening
Tho matter of tho street grade at
tho corner of tho C L DeGroff Co
storo was discussed It was finally de
cided to let the grade remain as it is at
The matter of tho ordinance granting
a new franchiso to McCook Electric
Light Co was taken up and discussed
at length Another ordinanco prepar
ed by interested citizens being after
the similitude of tho Holdrego ordi
nance was submitted by citizens pre
sent This ordinance is unlike thnt
held under abeyance by tho council
especially in the item of rates This
ordinanco establishes rates running from
a maximum of 16 cents down as low as
6 cents the later being for power
The citizens ordinance also provides
that the plant may be bought at any
time by the city after six months noti
fication to the company But tho prin
cipal difference in tho ordinances is the
matter of rates No notion was taken
on either ordinanco at this sitting which
lasted until a late hour but tho matter
was referred to the ordinance committee
Bills as follows were allowed
Frank Cain street work 2400
R Heskett same 1440
C H Mates samo 1920
Tom Crogan same 2280
S B Frazier same 1630
A L Mickens same 1500
F F Brunswick same 2000
John Schmidt same 4060
C W Dewey samo 2700
Eph Benjamin same 2120
DickOsborn same 1865
C B Carpenter same 1260
Paul Miller same 970
Earl Murray same 550
T MPbillippi police duty 2200
William Smear same 100
J L Gray same 600
L M Best park service 3000
Dr J D Hare city physician 400
G M Battershall numbering
houses 3465
McCook Water Works Co 29911
Adjourned to Wednesday evening
Adjourned session Wednesday even
ing All present except Councilman
Ordinance 183 was read first time
On motion the proposition of the
Welsbach Street Lighting Co of
America was accepted Mayor author
ized to enter into contract with said
The lamps which the company will
put up are similar to that one recently
erected at the First National Bank
The city engages to take at least 75
such lamps
Tr ompensation is 62 00 a month
for 6o eat lie power lamps
The bid of the electric light company
was 2 15 for a 50 candle power lamp
An Important Matter
The selection of a satisfactory meat
market is not a trivial matter it is
worth while More it is important
You will want of course good meats
and you will want the best obtainable
prices When the meat and tho price
are right and you have prompt court
eous accurate service you have little
more to hope for What more can you
desire or expect Marsh meets all
these requirements Try him
Death Finally Claimed Him
Vaughn Smith brother of Mrs A P
Ely of our city died in Red Cloud last
Saturday morning at 4 oclock Remains
were buried in the Red Cloud cemetery
the afternoon of the same day His
was a wasting complication of ills The
sorrowing ones have very tender sym
Successtul Social
The lidies of the Catholic church
held a successful ice cream and cake so
cial on the church lawn Wednesday
evening having quite a liberal patron
It Is Good Old Summer Time
and you ought to have a straw hat for
comfort We haw them in all styles
and at prices to fit any pocket book
Come and see
Rozell Barger
It Mox Nix Ous
to the spendthrift whether he pays 20c
a yard for table oil cloth or gets the
same for 14c in The Thompson D G
Cos Clearing Sale
Every Farmer Can
own his own drill See McCook Hard
ware Cos adv on another page
Crackers that are crisp in spit 9 of the
weather Ask Scott about it
Typewriter ribbons papers etc for
sale at The Tribune office
Banks aro becoming moro tho
custodians of tho funds of tho
iwodlo of both largo and small
means This is duo to a wider
appreciation of tho valuo of bank
ing sorvico as its usefulness is
oxtonded and its methods become
bettor known In tho caso of
The McCook National Bank
The Best
sorvico is assured Its officers
aim in every way to protect tho
interests of its patrons making
uso of every means of precaution
Its up-to-date system of accuracy
promptness and tho same careful
attention to largo or small deios
itors make it a bank for all tho
people rich and poor men wo
men and children
When you have banking bus
iness to transact come to
A home bank
A growing bank
An Attempted Rape
J II Dwyor of this city now occupies
a cell in tho county jail of Red Willow
county charged with a most dastardly
crime the attempted rape of two young
Russian girls each but ten years of ago
The attempt was mado in each caso on
Tuesday afternoon in a box car in tho
Burlington yard hero and perhaps failed
through the facts being communicated
to tho polico by parties going to tho ad
jacent base ball grounds
Dwyer was arrested on tho spot and
held in jail until Thursday morning
when tho preliminary was had before
Justice of tho Peace II II Berry Tho
justice placed Dwyor under an appear
ance bond of 1500 in each case and
in default of bail ho was returned to
jail to await trial in tho next term of
district court
Tho evidence was quito conclusive and
a prison sentence of years seems to bo in
The Tribune desires to minimize tho
publicity of this affair out of much deop
sympathy for the wife and daughters of
Dwyer whose downfall and present des
perate position must be laid at the door
of strong drink
Entertains For Sister
Mrs Albert C Ebert entertained at
a Kensington a large company of lady
friends Satnrday afternoon in honor of
her sister Mrs Charles W Stockton
A two course luncheon was served
Mrs James II Hatfield and Mrs Wil
liam E McDivitt presided at the large
dining room table Mesdames II P
Waite II L Kennedy Viola Kenyon
and J A Wilcox assisting in the serv
ing Mrs W R Starr was in charge of
the punch bowl
Mrs Overman Improving-
The Tribune is happy to be able to
report Mrs A L Overmans condition
much improved She was for awhile
threatened with tetanus and her condi
tion grave
Mrs Overman was brought in from
the farm and is now progressing favor
ably at the home of her parents in our
city Mr and Mrs J E Tirrill
Mrs Overman accidentally shot her
self through the foot with a
Paid Balance Monday
Monday Treasurer Naden took up
the balance of the North Valley precinct
bonds 4000 in amount The original
sum was 7000 of which 3000 had
previously been retired These bonds
were voted years ago in promoting the
irrigation and power ditch from tho
Republican river to the Bartley flour
mill an enterprise which failed of real
ization or at least successful operation
P E 0 Porch Party
Chapter X P E O of our city en
tertained Wednesday afternoon at a
porch party in honor of Mrs C W
Stockton of chapter A Chicago at the
home of Mrs George Willetts Sweet
peas were used in profusion all over the
home in decorative ways Light re
freshments were served
What Do You Care
if they sell Simpsons and American
Prints for 4c a yard at The Thomp
son D G Cos 75 pieces to select
from and all new
For Sale
New 5 - room cottage bath - room
closets cellar etc corner Douglass and
Manhattan sts Phone black 312
Crackers that are crisp in spite of tho
weather Ask Scott about it