The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 24, 1908, Image 8

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There Are Hundreds of Millions
of Them In India
This Idol Han Been Worshiped About
Two Thousand Years and His Na
tional Temple Is on the Sands of
Fur The Threo Monster Cars
If were asked to describe India Hie
fust remark that would spring from
my lips would he It is a land of
Mols It would be Impossible to com
itate the number of idols that there
must be at the present time in India
The Hindoos pretend to have 333000
XX gods and these are represented by
innumerable idols so that we are quite
tiewildered with the thought of taking
ine census of the idols of India The
yppnlation of the whole Indian empire
is now about 300000000 and possibly
contains ten times as many
idcls as people
Benares is the great center of the
53ol making business though in all
parts of India the trade flourishes
Potters the day through may be seen
3n the sacred city molding Images of
clay for temporary use Sculptors also
may be found producing reiresenta
tfives of the gods in stone or marble
Carpenters moreover make great
wooden idols for the temples and
-workers in metal goldsmiths copper
smiths and brass workers turn out
more or less highly Gnished specimens
in their respective metals
When speaking of idols it should be
borne in mind that the images turned
out by the potter sculptor carver or
manufacturer are not considered sa
cred or fit to be worshiped until cer
tain mystic words have been uttered
arver them by a priest The ceremony
of the giving of life as it is called
to the image is a very solemn affair
2nd when it is done the idol is regard
ed as holy and must ever afterward be
approached anu treated with the ut
2DOSt reverence
Out of the many millions of so called
pds in India all of -whom are counted
xorthy of worship three are regarded
as specially sacred and form the Hin
doo triad or trinity They are re
spectively Brahma Vishnu and Siva
Of those It is stated the second per
son of the trinity only has been rep
resented on this earth by human in
carnations Through one or all of these
33tls the Hindoos believe they may ob
tain salvation Brahma represents the
tray of salvation by wisdom Vishnu
by faith and Siva by works It is
immaterial which method is adopted
as they all lead to the same goal
Juggernaut is perhaps the most fa
2nons name among all the Hindoo idols
inasmuch as his fame has gone forth
Into every land His temple is situat
ed on the sandy shores of Orissa wash
ad by the wild waves of the bay oi
Bengal The worship of Juggernaut
tlates back nearly 2000 years and
flrissa has been the holy land of the
rQindoos from that time till the present
Sir William Hunter who was one of
the- greatest authorities on things East
Ufldian says in a wonderfully graphic
description of the temple of Jugger
naut On the inhospitable sands of
Pari a place of swamps and inunda
tions the Hindoo religion and Hindoo
snperstitution have stood at bay for
eighteen centuries against the world
13ere is the national temple whither
ii people flock to worship from every
province of India There is the gate
of heaven whither thousands of pil
grims come to die lulled to this last
sep by the roar of the eternal ocean
Well I saw on one occasion that
rmarvelous sight the dragging of Jug
gernauts car and the cars of his
la other and sister The three idols
are- inseparable and ugly things they
ere being nothing but huge logs of
wood coarsely fashioned into human
siape but without arms or legs
Juggernauts car stands forty one
Ieet high and has fourteen enormous
wheels The other two cars are just
aSttle smaller The great cars have
to be dragged a certain distance half
a mile or more from the temple and
the god -will not allow horses or ele
phants to undertake the work but
calls upon hU faithful worshipers tc
He ft themselves Immense ropes or
zither cables are attached to the cars
and at the word of command from the
jiriests thousands of men and even
women and children rush forward and
seize th ropes and range themselves
ia -order and the nest moment are
sexaiuiug and pulling at the
vevauees whch at k igtb
v iti a heavy ireikinjr noe
JCevrr shall I forget the sight Th
sosd was filled with tens of liijiisrinu
of lookers on all wild with pseitemenl
and the families w lipid the
dragging the ears along
renzfed zeal Every now and then
there would be a stop that the men
jnlglit rest I supposed but instead ot
resting they tis iU to jumping in lhe
strand to whirling themselves nrrrnu
33e dancing dervishes and shouting
st the top of their breath Vic lnry
fTfctory to Juggernaut
Once on a time infatuated worship
ers would throw themselves under the
of the mighty car that they
night be crushed to death counting it
a- privilege and a joy thus to perish
Some might do it today if the paternal
British government did not provide
against such catastrophes by taking all
Sae precaution John J Pool B D
3 R G S in Los Angeles Times
Yellow Fever
The- first appearance of yellow fever
ia said to have been among the
of Columbus in 1493
Trial Marriage Is the Rule Among
Many Peoples
Among many people of the world
trial marriages are the accepted cus
tom Among the Greeks marriage Is
considered only as a temporary con
venience tiot binding on the partie3
more than one year the consequence
being that a large proportion of the
old and middle aged men by frequent
chauglng have had many wives and
their children scattered around the
country are unknown to them Evi
dences of similar practices of experi
mental matrimony and connubial vari
ety are found among many of the
American Indian tribes on both conti
In parts of Greenland six months is
the trial dead line husband and wife
separating if the two -hearts-two -minds
theory develops discord instead
of harmony
Marriage among the Eotocudos ac
cording to Keane is of a purely tempo
rary nature dissolved on the slightest
pretext or without any pretext at all
merely through love of change or ca
In Tasmania says Dr Milligan
trial marriages result in a succession
of wives
In Samoa the wifes tenure of office
is frequently limited to a few days or
weeks and marriage is sometimes only
an excuse for the feasts and festivals
so dear to the hearts of the pleasure
loving natives
In the Indian archipelago it is a com
mon practice for formal marriages to
be limited sometimes for only a month
and at others for a period of several
years Schoolcraft
The William Shakespeare Signature
That Admiral Luce Had
Admiral Luce was in command of
the north Atlantic squadron in lSSii
and his flagship for a time was an
chored in New York bay where it
was visited by many people One day a
party came aboard which included
among others a very pretty girl and a
very dignified and learned Englishman
As Admiral Luce was entertaining
them in his cabin he asked the pretty
girl if she would like to see an original
autograph of William Shakespeare
At this the dignified and learned
Englishman pricked up his ears and
remarked that he had made a study of
the autographs of Shakespeare and
was positive there was no authentic
example in America Admiral Luce re
plied that he was very positive his was
authentic and that its genuineness had
never been questioned This made the
Britisher quite mad and he delivered
a lecture on the fraudulent autographs
and manuscripts that were brought
over to America and exhibited as orig
Well replied the admiral I am
convinced that my autograph of Wil
liam Shakespeare is genuine and I
am going to have the pleasure of show
ing it to this young lady whereupon
he went to his desk took out his vis
itors book turned back a few pages
and then pointed out the signature
William Shakespeare mayor of New
Orleans Jan 12 1SS3 The English
man gave a painful gasp and retired
A Welsh College Yell
The sooner the college yell is intro
duced into England the better it will
be for the youth of the land In
Wales they have it and see how
Wales always beats all opponents at
football This is the cheery shout of
the Aberystwyth students when their
men are engaged In any athletic con
test Hip hip hurrah Hip hip hur
rah Hip hip hip hurrah Boom
Warra Ishmabi Ishmabi Keezle
keezle wagga wagga Keezle kee
zle wagga wagga Ishmabi Keezle
wagga Boom Wa Ra Tschz
Now that is something like a yell One
can see at a glance that it contains at
any rate some of the elements which
go to make up a yell It would inspire
a caterpillar A pew opener who had
that shouted in his ear would sprint
out and die for his country London
The Birth of Christ
The exact date of the birth of Christ
is unknown Among the early churches
there was no agreement as to the date
of the Nativity some celebrating it in
April or May others in January Dec
23 can hardly be exact for it falls in
the rainy season of Judea when shep
herds would not have been watching
their flocks by night in the open The
December date came into general ob
servance naturally but gradually
When the heathen races of the north
were Christianized they simply substi
tuted for their Yule celebration in De
cember the observance of the birth of
Looking Backward
A Mississippi official tells of a col
ored citizen of that state who gave a
Tustice of the peace a big fat possum
as a wedding fee
A year after the justice on meeting
the darky asked
Joe how do you like married life
Well sab answered Joe ruefully
all I kin say is I wish Id eat dat pos
The Best Authority
Hettie Harry is a man always to be
trusted He has never deceived me
Clara But how do you know that
Hettie Know it Why he told me so
himself only last evening Boston
The Lady to hastily retreating bur
glar Pardon me but wont you please
wait till my husband sees you I told
him there was some one in the boose
and he said Rubbish Harpers Ba
Odd Events That at Times De
moralize Veterans
Two Terrifying Episodes That Oc
curred During the Franco Prussian
Campaign Madness May Seize Even
the Most Hardened Troops
It is a peculiar circumstance that
hardened and trained troops will go
through a long fight surrounded by
all the horrors that are Inseparable
from war without flinching and with
the utmost apparent callousness and
the same men will be struck terrified
by a single trifling incident
Every war of any importance par
ticularly wars between civilized na
tions is prolific in incidents of trivial
character in themselves but so un
usual and unnatural that they appeal
to the natural instinctive horror of
men more suddenly and intensely than
perhaps the main terrors of days of
carnage Such an incident is the one
for example which occurred at the
battle of Worth in the early days of
the Franco Prussian war
In the heat of the great battle a
wing of the Prussian army was - - -ed
by the regiments of French cui
in the hope of turning the wing
and facilitating the falling back of the
French infantry But the cuirassiers
were driven back by the unflinching
Prussians Again the cuirassiers
charged and again they were driven
back by the withering fire
For a third time they came down
again and as the enemy waited for
them to draw nearer a horrible blood
freezing terror seized the Prussians
and for the moment it looked as if
they would turn and fly or be cut
down without defending themselves
But in a moment they had pulled
themselves together and beaten back
for the third and last time the gallant
The sight that terrified the Prussians
appears nothing very much In black
and white It was a regiment of cui
rassiers led at a dashing rate toward
them by a headless officer sitting up
right in his saddle and apparently en
couraging his men It was no less
a person than Futzum de Lascarre of
the Third regiment of cuirassiers
whose head had been carried com
pletely off his shoulders as the troop
broke into the third desperate charge
by a cannon ball which also took off
another officers hand and cut the
bugler in two
It is remarkable and singular that at
the battle of Forbach whicii took
place the same day as Worth a very
similar incident occurred and did more
to shake the nerves of the Germans
than hours of roaring cannon and
fighting had done
While a regiment of Prussian infan
try were standing in reserve watching
the fight as well as they could from
their position of shelter a charger be
longing to a French dragoon regiment
one which was practically destroyed in
the battle galloped right into the midst
of the men who rushed to arrest it
and immediately fell back in alarm
for swinging to the bridle was the
whole left arm of the chargers rider
the fingers of the hand firmly grasping
the reins The arm appeared to have
been severed a few inches below the
shoulder and was certainly that of an
officer but who the officer was has
never been satisfactorily established
So moved were the hardened men of
battle at the horrible sight that no one
would touch the horse and the animal
was allowed to gallop off to be killed a
few minutes later in crossing before
some Prussian guns Thrilling as the
incident was many of the brave fel
lows who witnessed it declared that
their first almost irresistible impulse
was to throw down their arms and
bolt Yet it was with the help of just
such men that General von Goben
routed the French that memorable day
in August 1S70
It is a well known fact that the
finest and bravest troops the world can
produce have no immunity from that
strange and mysterious madness known
to military history as war panic A
heavy war frequent sanguinary en
gagements night marches and sur
prises someflmes play havoc with sol
diers nervous systems and render
them more like high spirited colts than
men who have taken the field prepared
to suffer immeasurable horrors and
take death cheerfully
During the peninsular war two Brit
ish regiments the very pick of the
army and seasoned veterans were
marching along in good order when a
rumor ran down the lines that the ene
my was at hand The next moment
the line of orderly soldiers was changed
into an elongated mob of armed men
throwing away arms baggage and all
they carried running away in every
direction blind terror in their hearts
their faces blanched and their ears
deaf to the thundered commands of
their officers
For the moment they knew but one
sentiment one emotion a sudden pas
sionate blind terror and they fled
Without thinking whether they were
running into the arms of the thing
they dreaded or not It was a terror
that was madness and only its mad
ness redeems it from dishonor If
anything were necessary to demon
strate the unnaturalness of the panic
it would be done by the grand fact that
the moment it became known that the
enemy was really at hand the men in
stantly fell in and showed the utmost
eagerness to attack
Such war panics are mysteries
Even the most experienced military of
ficer cannot satisfactorily explain them
The Veakness That Comes With Great
Muscular Exertion
It Is a curious fact that perfect health
Is riot consistent with high muscular
development Professional athletes and
all men who acquire phenomenal
strength seem to lose in length of life
and activity what they gain for a few
years of record breaking powers I was
privileged to see on several occasions
Louis Cyr the Canadian giant who
broke all weight lifting records Ho
weighed 320 pounds and was all solid
bone and muscle I saw him hold his
wife out at arms length with one
hand I nv him raise a 3U0 pound
barrel from the floor to his shoulder
using only one hand and arm I
saw him get down on all fours un
der a platform bearing 4000 pounds
of big men selected from the the audi
ence and he raised the platform with
his mighty back Yet this remarkable
man was muscle hound and crippled
at thirty seven when he should have
been at the height of his wonderful
Kennedy the oarsman who Avon n
diamond belt for lifting with his hands
from the floor absolutely without ap
paratus a thousand pound weight was
used up and crippled before he was
forty Dowd professional strong man
and teacher of athletics wore himself
out and died at forty seven Common
Sense In Exercise by Charles n
Cochrane in Metropolitan Magazine
Medicine Helps cf Course but Faith Is
a Fowerful Factcr
Theres a truth at the basis of all
this discussion of disiase and Us cure
which despite the fact that it has boon
apparent for generations is still too lit
tle understood by people in general
In fact appearances would lead to the
belief that it is not appreciated by all
physicians It is the truth that not
the medicine but nature cures the ill
The most that medicine can do is to
place the patient in a condition most
favorable for the work of nature
Here comes in tho value of this ele
ment of -faith It is the best possible
help to nature the firm belief that
youll get well It may well take the
place of many drugs It may in In
stances displace the need of the physi
cian Even tho surgeon can do no
more He simply cuts away debris
puts the body in the best trim he
knows how adjusts merely mechan
ical breaks or displacements and waits
for nature to do the rest The physi
cian who pours in an inordinate amount
of drugs thinks he is assisting nature
As a matter of fact he is sometimes
impeding her The best physicians in
all except extreme cases use few med
icines and those as mild as possible
New Haven Register
On Heaven
If I could be out of physical pain
said a lifelong invalid I would ask
no other heaven If I could be in a
place where I might know that my
husband never could be killed on the
train cried one of the gentle wor
riers whose capacity for suffering is
neither understood nor respected by
the sanguine If I could take my
children to a world where every time
I hear a croupy cough my heart did
not stand still with terror urged an
other that would be heaven for me
The mulatto girl who burst into joyful
tears at first sight of a marble bust of
herself because it was white had a
glimpse of her heaven beforeits time
Heaven must be like any other form
of happiness only more so said a
thoughtful man And the conditions
of happiness are three a clean con
science something to do and some one
to love Elizabeth Stuart Phelps in
Harpers Bazar
They Go Together
Henry said the young wife who
had taken up physical culture how
do you think I am built
My dear replied her husband fond
ly you are built like a watch
Thank you Henry And Henry
If if I am built like a watch dont
you think I should have a few jew
And then Henry frowned and said
the man who compliments a woman is
an idiot
A Force Proportioned to Its Frame
The war of 1S12 has proved that our
free government like other free gov
ernments though slow in its early
movements acquires in its progress a
force proportioned to its frame and
that the Union of these states the
guardian of the freedom and the safety
of all and of each is strengthened by
every occasion that puts it to the test
James Madison
Not In Her Class
Mrs Spendero 1 wonder how youd
like it if I ever got new womanish
and insisted upon wearing mens
clothes Mr Spenders Oh I havent
any fear of you ever doing that Mens
clothes are never very expensive
London Opinion
Good at Keeping
And you call yourself honest do
Sir I keep the commandments
That must be because youve got an
Idea that they belong to somebody
else Cleveland Leader
And how did you come to marry
I didnt come to marry him an
swered the womanly little woman in
dignantly he came to marry me
First the thick cloud and then the
rainbows arc Sonar
McConnell for drugs
The TnnsDNE nl homo print
Everything in drugs McConnell
Picture framing The Idenl Storo
Hammocks at McMiliens drug store
Mary Harrison nurso Phone black 2SG
Fruits of all kinds at nil tiraoa nt
Paul Antons moats are guaranteed to
save you dontnl bills
Dr Hnre examines eyes free and guar
ntees satisfaction in fitting glasses
No oHice is complete without a Red
Dwarf Ink Pencil Hofer sells them
Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower
rhoubnrb etc constantly on hand at
Wo can save you a few dollars stick
a pin right here Viersen Standish
Shoe Parlor
T C Beardsley scientific optician
office with Leach the jeweler Saturday
of ench week
Fresh box candy chocolates and sweet
tooth confections at Woodworth
Cos Druggists
Dr J Elsie Logan in postoflice
building Office phone 301 residence
phone J5 Palmer hotel
Delicious crisp appetizing potntoe
chips Magner Stokes sell them
Bettor than mother makes
As to prices Viersen Standish are
simply nieetin dyspeptic business con
ditions with the pepsin of low prices
No need of suffering from summer
headache or any other kind of head
ache McConnells Headache Capsules
are a sure cure Price 23 cents
If you want a screen that is superior
in every way to a factory made screen
and at the same price then leave your
order with C W Graves
The Models new fall goods are arriv
ing daily and to make room for them
they are making some marvelously low
prices on certain lines See their adv
Good times rather than hard times
i the lot of our customers because
prices are kept within the limit of their
income Viersen Standish Shoe Par
We have hitched up big values and
prices and the team is carrying away
some of the most desirable bargains on
the wheels of reduced prices Viersen
Standish Shoe Parlor
Let us supply your needs in summer
toilet requisites We have a complete
and elegant assortment of high grade
L W McConnell Druggist
Actions speak louder than words
Advertisements are words We tell you
of the advantages offered here Come
and let our actions fulfill the promises
made in words Viersen Standish
Shoo Parlor
Rozell Barger have just received
M Born Cos Blue Book and are
prepared to show you and take your
orders for tailor made clothing for the
biggest and best clothing manufactur
ers on the globe
City mail delivery is soon to be estab
lished in McCook This will be a great
convenience to our city To insure de
livery when no one is in the house to
receive mail a letter box should be put
in some convenient place You can get
these boxes at H P Waite Cos
hardware store
It is the experience of many farmers
in this vicinity that early fall plowing
is best These farmers get onto the
ground with a Moline or some other
good gang or sulky plow just as soon as
possible after harvest so the soil may
be in proper condition to receive the
seed H P Waite Co can fit you
out with the best plows
Only two species of that singular in
sectivorous mammal the solenodon
are known one inhabiting Haiti and
the other Cuba They differ chiefly in
the color and quality of their fur
Solenodons are quaint looking animals
rather larger than rats with long flexi
ble snouts and naked tails They are
nocturnal and obtain their food by
digging in the soft ground for insects
etc with their snouts Their brain
capacity is small and they are said to
have the curious habit when hunted
by dogs of hiding their heads in the
nearest holes and leaving their bodies
The Clock Vas Wrecked
Biway Use an alarm clock nowa
days Jigsup Xo never tried one
but once Biway How was that
Jigsup Well you see the first time it
went off I didnt exactly know what it
was and so I said Oh for heavens
sake Maria shut up Maria hap
pened to be awake and well that is
how it was Liverpool Mercury
Chivalrous Chicago
In Chicago more than in any other
place is woman regarded in the light
of a thing of beauty and a joy forever
There is hardly a man in Chicago who
does not esteem feminine loveliness as
something beyond price something to
live for to strive for to suffer for and
if necessary to die for Chicago Inter
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook at
noon today Friday are paying the fo
lowing prices
Corn 7f
Wheat 4-
Oats rJ
Rye 50
garey 570
Hogs jo
Butter good -
McConnell fills prescriptions
wall paper at Mc
Special prices on
Prunes in 25 pound boxes at 3223 per
box Hubers
Typewriter ribbons for sale at The
Tkidcne office
A now line of Austrian China at Mc
Millens drugstore
Wellorette tho best rife ar 5c will buy
for sale at Woodworth Cos
McMillen druggist carries a large
line of local and other postal cards
Puro strong superior flavoring spices
L W McConnell Druggist
See tho new lino of mens and boys
seamless work shoes at The Model Best
on earth
You need some of our new tan polish
on those tan oxfords dont you Vier
sen Standish Shoo Parlor
Use Fly No on your horses and cows
It keeps the flies off For sale at
Woodworth Cos Druggists
Wo have the power to make low prices
on worthy goods Vierson Standish
Shoe Parlor
Godfrey Co are operating a feed
mill See them for feed of all kinds at
right prices
Patronize home industry by smoking
B Y 10 cent cigar and the McCook Un
ion 5 cent cigar
The market does not have anything
in the cattlo line too good for Paul
Antons customers
Double - strength Heinz vinegar
imitated by all equaled by none for
sale by Magner Stokes
Twenty thousand new post cards col
ored views of McCook made in Germ
any just received at Barney Ilofers
Weve got a corner on low price3
High quality backs it up a strong com
bination Viersen Standish Shoe
Any thing you require for summer use
in the line of drugs and drug sundries
can be obtain of us at the lowest price
Woodworth Co Druggist3 v
Attention is directed to tho opening
announcement of the Mission Inn Its
this evening in the west room of the
Walsh building This is one of McCooks
new business houses There is a sur
prise in store for you Go
Dr J A Colfer
Room 4 Postoffice Building
Fly Nets at 130
per pair
All -Goods at Lowest Possible
Market Prices
Whole Wheat Rye and Graham
Flour Special prices on lots of
ten sacks or more
SEMOLIA A fine breakfast food un-
excelled in 2 lb packages
All kinds of Mill Feed
Corn Barley Chop Bran Shorts etc
Orders Promptly Delivered
McCook Milling
E H DOAN Proprietor
Phone 29 McCOOK
Stock Reducing Sale
Must have more room and
to make it will sell for the
Next Twenty Days
All Furniture in Stock
Look at these prices
S2oOO Com Book Puse at
81450 Com Book Case at
83000 Buffet at
83500 China Closet
82200 China Closet
82000 2 in Continuous Post
IT 50
ernis Martin Bed 1500
830 Genuine Leather Chair 2300
Dressers from 81050 up
Chiffoniers from 8350 up
Mattresses and everything else in