The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 24, 1908, Image 7

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A F 4 A M
McCook LwIbo No 135 A F A M meets
J ovory first anil third Tucmlay or tlio month nt
T 800 jjiu in Masonic hall
Jl Low Cone Sec
n H M
Occanoxca Council No 10 IlS M moots on
Uio Inst Saturday of ouch mouth nt 800 1 in
n Masonic hall
Raltii A Haobeuo T I M
R A 11
KIdr Cyrus Chnptor No 35 R A M moots
ovory llrdt anil third Thunsduy of uucli mouth ut
800 p ni in Mneonic hall
ClaeenceH Guat If P
Clinton j Sawteu Sec
St John Coimiiandery No 10 K T moots on
the second TimrMiay of ouch mouth at 800 ji
tn in Mubonic hall
Emeiihok Hanson E C
SxlvesteuCoudeal llec
Eureka Chnptor No 80 O E S moots tho
sccoud and fourth FriihiyH of ouch inontli ut
800 p m in Masonic hall
Mus Sakaii E Kay W M
F M K i mm ell Sec
Noblo Camp No GG3 M V A meets ovory
second and fourth Thursdny of each month nt
830 p in in Guuschovvs hull Iny assessments
at Wliito House Grocery
J M Smith Clork S E Howell V C
Noblo Camp No 602 R N A meets ovory
second and fourth Thursday of each month ut
230 p m in Gnnpchows hull
Mrs Mary Walker Oracle
Mrs Augusta Anton Rec
w o w
Meets second nml fourth Thursdays at 8
oclock in Diamonds hull
Ciiah F Markwad C C
W C Moier Clork
McCook Lodgo No 61 AOUW moots ovory
Monday at 800 p in in Diamonds hull
C B Gray Rec Wm Wooton M W
I M Smith Finnncior
McCook Lodgo No 3 D of H meets ovory
second and forth Fridays of each mouth at 800
p m in Gnuschows hull
Mrs Laura Osburn C of H
Mrs MatieG Welles Roc
locomotive engineers
McCook Division No G23 11 of L E meets
every second and fourth Saturday of each
mouth et 1130 iu Morris hull
Walter Stokes C E
W D Burnett F A E
McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E
meets every Saturday at 730 p m in Guns
chows hull
I D Pennington M
Geo A Campbell Sec
Hurvoy Division No 95 O R C meots the
second and fourth Sundays of each mouth ut
300 p in in Diamonds hall
Joe IIegenoerger C Con
M O McCluee Sec
C W Bronson Lodge No 457 B of R T
meets llr t and third Sundays at 230 p m and
second and fourth Fridays at 7 30 p in each
month iu Morris hall Neal Beeler 21
R J Moore bee
Young America Lodge No 450 B R C of A
cneets on the first and third Thursdays of each
mouth iu Diamonds hall a730 p m
John Hunt C C
N V Franklin Rec Sec
Red Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meets
every second and fourth Tuesday of tho month
at 8 0d p in iu Ganschow hull
D O Hewitt Pres
W H Anderson Roc Sec
McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of
A meet first and third Fridays of each month
in Odd Fellows hall
McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every
Wednesday at 800 p in in Masonic hull
M Lawritson C C
J N Gaarde K R S
odd fellows
McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every
Monday acS OO p m in Gauschows hall
W H Ackerman N G
W A Middleton Sec
McCook Aerio No 1514 F O E meets the
second and fourth Fridays of each month at
SrfX pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings
on the first and third Fridays
R S Light W Pres
G C Heckman W Sec
McCook Council No 1120 K of C meets the
first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800
p m in Diamonds hall
G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K
Court Granada No 77 meets on the first and
and third Tuesdays of each month at S p m in
tho Morris hall Anna Hannan G R
Josephine Mullen F S
Valley Qneen Hivo No 2 L O T M meets
every first and third Thursday evenings of each
mouth in Ganschov hall
Mrs W B Mills Gommander
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each mouth at 230 p m
Ganschows hall
J M Henderson Cmndr
J H Yaegee Adjt
McCook Corps No 93 W R C meets every
second and fourth Saturday of each mouth at
230 p m in Ganschow hall
Adella McClain Pres
Susie Vaxdebiioof Sec
l of g a r
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on
the first and third Fridays of each month at
230 p in in Diamonds hall
Jessie Waite Pres
Matite Knipple Sec
Chapter X P E O meets he second and
fourth Saturdays of each monti at 230 p m
at tho homes of the various members
Mrs G H Thomas Pres
Mrs C H Meeker Cor Sec
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoflice July 24 190S
Adams Mr Alu ais Cummins Mr Jno L
CrockfordJ J Hurth Mr Earnest 2
McAdams Mr Jessie McDonald Mr W C
Moore Miss Lillian Nelson Mr Carl
PciTer Mr A L Stratton Miss Clara
Williams Miss Anna
Axtell Miss Florence Bartlett Mr C M
Green Mr I D Mitchell Mrs Bertha
Moore A G 2 Stewari Miss Jessio
Stratton Miss Clara Walsh Mrs Anna J
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
S B McLean Postmaster
A Daring Burglar Who Attained
Fame In His Line
It Is Now Applied to the Most Danger
ous Criminals With Whom the Offi
cers of the Law Have to Contend
Nitroglycerin In Safe Bursting
In the expressive slang that per
meates police circles throughout the
country a yegg is one of the dan
gerous criminal class
The question is often asked What
Is a yegg and how did the expression
originate An answer to the latter
part of the query will lead to an eluci
dation of the first
Some years ago when the United
Slates government was experimenting
with high explosives wishing to secure
some death dealing and destructive
shell that would cause more damage
than any hefore manufactured some
one suggested that nitroglycerin he
tried Up to that time this most pow
erful of explosives had not heen util
ized in this way
Tho government experts went to
work and the results of their experi
ments were from time to time pub
lished broadcast through the commu
nity At last they succeeded In mak
ing a shell in which nitroglycerin was
the chief component part and which
made all former ones sink into insig
In a town in the middle west at tho
time there lived a man named John
Yegg In his earlier days he had been
one of the most expert electricians as
well as all round experienced mechan
ics in the country Later through drink
and bad associates he had descended
to a life of crime his principal art be
ing that of safe blowing
He was attracted by the published
accounts of the experiments of the
government authorities with nitro
glycerin The thought struck him
Why could not this be used in blowing
The method at that time was to drill
a hole iu the safe to be wrecked Gil
this with powder or dynamite and
then touch the fuse This method
however required considerable time to
pull off a job and was noisy and
Yegg went to work on the nitro
glycerin method Lie tried it and it
was a complete success Furthermore
after he had performed job after job
he had the police of the country baf
fled They did not know how the
work was done Yegg instructed
others in the art and soon from one
end of the country to the other safes
were being wrecked but by what man
uer no one knew
Yeggs method was to take some of
the explosive which he and those with
him called soup and by the way
this term is still extant and pour it
in the crack of the safe near the
hinges of the door The small aperture
was then covered with soap to hold
the explosive in place The fuse was
applied and with the explosion off
went the doors slick and clean The
entire job took but a few minutes It
remained for a young Pinkerton de
tective to solve the matter on a safe
that was blown in Coldwater Mich
where a bank was wrecked and many
thousands of dollars secured
The crime was traced to Yegg and
some of his companions and they
were found guilty and sent to prison
Thereafter those who employed the
nitroglycerin instead of the older
methods were called yeggmen or
This was the beginning of the term
but since that time the application of
it has grown greatly Today a yegg
viewed from whatever aspect is the
most dangerous criminal with whom
the police of the country have to deal
He is one who rides the country oer
on freight trains working through the
south in the winter and migrating to
more exhilarating climes during the
summer Lie will beg when he is
hungry and will steal and commit
murder when he sees an opportunity
of benefiting himself
Today there are thousands of yeggs
scattered throughout the country Mos
of them belong to some certain band
each one of which has a leader He
is the king It is his duty to enlist
recruits To him also is shipped all
the loot and he in turn converts it into
money and places the amount to the
credit of the member sending it in
For this the king receives a commis
Most of the yegg gangs carry what
is known as a kitten with them The
kitten is a boy young man or crip
ple whose duty it is to visit houses
and places of business apparently beg
ging food or selling shoestrings lead
pencils etc and who then reports to
the gang the lay of the land so that
when the time comes for pullimr off
the job all are familiar with the prem
ises The kittens are often runaway
boys and later become yeggs them
selves destined to follow a life of
crime and degradation Pittsburg Gazette-Times
Nautical Information
By the way captain said the
sweet young thing ou the second day
out with a smiling attempt to be
chummy where does Mother Carey
feed her chickens
In the trough of the sea young wo
man replied the captain of the ocean
liner with solemn dignity Chicago
A good head and industrious hand
are worth gold In any land Dutch
The Way This Filmy Dust Train Is
Tossed About by the Sun
No bridal veil was ever so filmy as a
comets tall Hundreds of cubic miles
of that wonderful appendage are out
weighed by a jarful of air
By means of the spectroscope we
have magically transported -this fairy
plume to our laboratories and have
discovered that it Is akin to the blue
flame of our gas stoves for the gas
by which we cook and the delicate
tresses of a comet both consist of com
binations of hydrogen and carbon ap
propriately called by chemists hydro
When it first appears in the heavens
far removed from the sun a comet is
a tailless blotch of light
As a comet swims on toward the
sun the hydrocarbons of the tail split
up under the increasing heat into hy
drogen gas and hydrocarbons of a
higher boiling point With a still
closer approach to the sun these more
resistant hydrocarbons eventually yield
to the increasing heat and are decom
posed in the form of soot
Interplanetary space is airless hence
the soot cannot burn It must pursue
the comet in the form of a dust train
The particles constituting that train
are small enough to be toyed with by
the pressure of sunlight
No matter where the comet may be
in its orbit whether it has just entered
the solar system or is speeding away
that plume is inevitably tossed away
from the sun just as if a mighty wind
were blowing it from the central lu
The appendage of shining dust Is the
symbol of the triumph of light over
solar gravitation Harpers Magazine
What the Man of Science Has to Say
About Its Wonders
The jolly Jovians are said to be real
ities and not myths Not only are
there said to be inhabitants on Jupiter
but also on some of his moons in the
midst of which the vast planet 1300
times the size of the earth spins at
such tremendous speed that it causes
around the equator a furious wind that
blows perpetually at the rate of 230
miles an hour Those who believe in
the Jovian say that his height runs
from fifty to fifty five feet and that
he exists for about S00 to 1000 of
earth years The Jupiter year how
ever consists of 144 months The
oceans of Jupiter torn into fury by the
hurricanes would pay no attention to
one moon such as moves the tides of
our earth and it takes no fewer than
five of these satellites to perform this
work for Jupiter They travel at va
rious rates of speed some flying close
to Jupiters surface others far off
They have atmospheres like ours on
earth and a moonlight on Jupiter is
indeed a glorious sight for these
moons have a variety of color two are
blue one is yellow and one red Jupi
ter needs all her moons at night for
illumination for without them her five
hours of darkness would be black in
deed So distant is the sun that broad
daylight is hardly brighter than twi
light on earth and one lone moon
would not reflect enough of the suns
rays to guide the Jovian footsteps
The Human Touch
Janie had a doll that would say
Papa and Mamma
What became of it
Janes mother is an advanced per
son and she said the doll was an inex
cusably childish reminder of a grossly
benighted period
And what did she do
She threw it in a dark closet where
Janie didnt dare to go And then a
day or two later she happened to step
on it in the dark and it shrieked Mam
ma so naturally that she fell over in
a faint and bumped her head and had
two buckets of water poured over her
before she recovered consciousness
Cleveland Plain Dealer
An Anticlimax
Sir Henry Irving was frequently a
victim to the interjections of gallery
gods When playing Macbeth one
night he had reached that dramatic
moment in the banquet scene when in
dreadful fear he bids the ghost of
Banquo to vanish
Hence horrible shadow
Unreal mockery hence
he exclaimed and shuddering convul
sively dropped to his knees covering
his face with his robe As the ghost
vanished a shrill voice in the gallery
broke the momentary silence Its all
right now Enery hes gone London
Achill Island
There are few people who once hav
ing seen the island of Achill can for
get its beauty The island lies close
to the west coast of Ireland When
the skies are blue mountains green
and smiling bogs clad in purple and
pink heather and the whole pictur
esque island in sunshine the place is
a wonderland
The people who say that women are
inconstant and inconsistent declares
the philosopher of folly are dead
wrong A few years ago a girl told me
she was just twenty two and she
sticks to the same figures today
Cleveland Leader
In His Line
First Ball Player I was out so late
last night that my wife wouldnt let
me in Second Ball Player Well you
are used to being out at home New
York Press
We have only two days to live It Is
hardly worth our while to spend them
In cringing to contemptible rascals
Miss Golda Tower of Wilsonvillo vis
ited Miss Minnie Dolph the foro part of
the week
Mis9 Alma Noe has been under tho
doctors care for the past week
Born to Charles Allen and wife July
17th a ton pound girl
Dan Clouso who has been in McCook
for a few weeks came homo first of the
Leila Burbridgo has gone to Franklin
to visit her father
Kuss Haven and wife are tho proud
possessors of twin boys born July 21
Mrs Rena Dewey who has been visit
ing with her parents Mr and Mrs J
B Dolph returned to McCook last
Miss Alice Delong who has been at
tending the summer school in Lincoln
is expected home this week
Wm- Sandon returned homo Tuesday
from a weeks outing in Denver
G B Morgan expects to remodel his
house in the near future He will have
tho roof raised ho as to have a full two
story building
T E McDonald is quite busy these
days learning to run his new auto
Ray Young had the misfortune of hav
ing his collar bone broken one day last
While hiving a swarm of bees Roy
Thomas was stung severely about the
head and face
The baby boy of Mr and Mrs Alex
Zweigle is quite sick
Our basket ball girls played tho Lob
anon girls on the home grounds Tues
day evening Score 11 to 00 in favor of
the Danbury girls Quite a number
came up to see the game
Another fine rain last Saturday night
Farmers will about finiah harvesting
this week Corn is looking fine
Mrs J E Dolph Mrs J C Ashton
and daughter Christine and Mrs R O
DeMay were McCook visitors last Sat
urday and Sunday
Mrs Hess started last Sunday to Mis
souri for an extended visit with relatives
C Wise had a runaway this week and
is slightly bruised up in consequence
His team became frightened about half
a mile west of Harry Buttless Mr
Wise was thrown out and dragged a
short distance His little son was also
thrown out but escaped uninjured
Quite a disastrous fire occurred in
Marion Monday night about one
oclock It originated in the meat mar
ket and completely destroyed it also
the hotel building and the building used
by Dr Bartholomew the two latter
buildings being owned by Wm Andrus
Mr Andrus had 1900 insurance but
that will not cover his loss It was only
by hard work that tho remainder of the
business part of town was saved
The remains of J A Curlee were
brought here from Lincoln last Sunday
on No 1 and taken directly to the M
E church where a large audience of Mr
Curlees friends assembled to hear the
funeral sermon delivered by Rev Hage
man Mr Curlee and family were for
many years citizens of Bartley A few
years ago they moved to Lincoln to
have advantage of advanced school pri
vileges for the Misses Pearl and Fern
Mr Curlee was in business there and at
Fairbury this state for a while but drift
ed back to Bartley and in a few years
opened business here with his son Ed
He then said he was glad to get back to
Bartley as it seemed home to him His
health has been poor for some time and
the end came last week at his residence
in Lincoln The family have the sym
pathy of every one in this hour of their
Mr Hollingsworth of Cambridge made
a business call in Bartley Tuesday
Mrs Sarah Crosby made a business
trip to Indianola Tuesday
Davis and Garrett are painting the
new schoolhouso and the new residence
of S W Stilgebouer
County Commissioner Lofton was a
Bartley caller Tuesday on his return
from Tyrone precinct where he had been
looking after some road matters
G W Jones J A Finnegan and H
L Brown were Cambridge visitors
G W Arbogast from Dundy county
is here on a visit
Jinks Fletcher and family have moved
to Omaha j
Dr Fred Premer was initiated into I
the A O U W lodge Tuesday night
E E Smith is having a lot of corn
shelled this week
A Bryan club of nearly 100 members
has been organized A Taft club will
soon be organized
Farmers Attention
I am receiving cream for the Fair
mont Creamery Co of Crete Neb
Bring your cream to me and 1 will guar
antee good results You get your
checks every shipment To those part
ies that are delivering cream to other
creameries if you will divide give one
half to me I think after a few ship
ments you will bring it all to me
M Walsh
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribute office
Miss Bertha Walkor is on tho sick
Mrs Gills and daughter of eastern
Nebraska aro visitors in tho Leonard
Smith home
Mrs John Fias died at her homo noar
Havana last week and was buried in
tho Indianola cemetery
M Y Stothord and wifo loft on 13
Tuesday for Oregon whero they will
visit for an indefinito length of time
John Harrison and wife of McCook
are visiting relatives hero this week
Dan Clouso and sister Mrs Millie
Billings drove over from Danbury Mon
day aftornoon returning homo tho
samo day
Arthur Smith who has enrolled as a
harvest hand this summer camo homo
Sunday for a few hours visit with the
homo folks
William Spencer who owns a farm
occupied by renters north of town has
purchased tho Widow Manns property
in north Indianola and will resido in tho
Mr and Mrs J C Fry Miss Georgia
Short and Mrs Will Short arrived homo
a fow days ago from their Colorado
Mrs Silvornail and daughter Mrs
Gallaway left Tuesday morning for
Merna Neb to bo absent about a
Georgia Welborn of Trenton Mo
is in town for a fow weeks visit with old
Miss Lela Fiddler camo up from Bart
ley Tuesday morning on 13 for a visit
with her friend Miss Walker
Mrs liurrus mother arrived this
week from Overton and will visit at the
parsonage this summer
William Spencer and wifo arrived
home on 5 Wednesday evening from
Iowa wnere they have been visiting for
tho past seven weeks
Mr Eaton who lives in San Diego
Calf was in town this week on busi
ness While here he called on old ac
W H Walker sold his residence pro
perty and will move to Salem Oregon
soon Mr Kannow was the purchaser
Tho Misses Verva Simpson and Merle
Council of Holdrego wore tho guests of
their cousin Mrs L Ilethcoto Monday
and Tuesday
Elmer Shouso of Holdrego was a Sun
day visitor in Indianola
Another fine rain Sunday
Rev Bodine will leave soon for Wis
consin where he will again resume his
ministerial duties
About a dozen young ladies gave Miss
Ena Gamsby a china shower Friday
Miss Ena Gamsby and Ora Teol drove
to McCook Saturday morning and
were married by the Episcopal minister
at that place They were accompanied
by Austin Gamsby and Miss Stella Mc
Mr and Mr3 Teel were treated to a
tin shower on Saturday afternoon by
the little folks
Mr and Mrs Mike Sullivan of Utica
Neb visited with their old friends Mr
and Mrs Thomas Kennedy in Ju to and
this country looked so good to them
that Mr Sullivan came back and bought
a fine half section of land in Gerver pre
Mrs Ethel Byfield of Indianola and
Miss Roxa Byfield were visiting with
Mrs D C Shaw Monday
The fine rains the past month have
made corn look fine It never looked
better this time of the jear Potatoes
are good and will be a big crop This
week will finish the harvest The
wheat being short this year was cut
with a header
Miss Roxa Byfield is going to teach
in the Kennedy school district the same
school she taught in last term
William Zwieg sold his 1G0 acre farm
one mile north of the Indianola fair
ground for 850 an acre and then say
that Red William
coming up
county land isnt
R F D No 1
LaViga Olnntead and family spent
last Sunday at Georgo E Zimmormans
Lightning cauaod W l Brownfield
tho loss of n valuablo mare last Friday
A colt is also effected
Mr and Mrs Hari Meyer attended tho
funoral of Mrs John Fias at Indianola
last Saturday
Mrs A O Rogers entertained a sister
from At wood Kansas last Friday and
Shoridan Bowers is at Frank Duduka
with his sister whilo Frank and his
fathor aro absent in Colorado for tho
fathors health
A daughter was born to Mr nnd Mrs
Jeromo Walker Saturday
Joseph Downs is helping Miko Esch
stack this weok
Mr Smith has not been well at all
lately Has boon having heart trouble
A Mrs Colfer is helping Mrs Louis
Longnecker during the busy season
Mr Canaga has not been feeling well
for some time having stomach trouble
Herbert Critohtield Leon Smith and
Soth Waddoll are hoiptng Owons and
Louis Longnecker with harvesting
Roy tho boy whom Louis
Longnecker took from tho Homo is
much pleased with the placo and hopes
to stay ho is giving satisfaction so tho
prospocts aro that he has a perman
ent homo
Miss Orpha Satcholl of Culbortson is
visiting her brother W F Satchell
Rev Miller and wifo visited Mr and
Mrs Chas Masters one day last week
Mesdames D B Doylo Jr and Evert
Rutlodgo are visiting their parents Mr
and Mrs Thos Murrain near May wood
this week
Rev Miller will deliver his lecture on
The Flags at Spring Creek noxt Fri
day night
To the Pacific Coast
Daily low round trip rates to
Portland Seattle Tacoma San
Francisco Los Angeles and San
Diego Slightly higher to include
both California and Puget Sound
Ono whole business day saved by
our new schedule to tha Pacific
To Eastern Resorts
Daily low excursion rates to Can
ada Michigan Wisconsin Min
nesota Massachusetts and New
York tourist resorts also low ex
cursion ratesto tourist resorts in
Main Isew Hampshire Vermont
To Colorado and
the Rocky Mountains
Daily low rates to Colorado Utah
Wyoming the Black Hills and
Yellowstone Park
1000 Families Wanted
For newly irrigated lands in thb
Big Horn Basin Wyo No cy
clones or floods Water your land
as needed Soil is rich Timber
and coal plentiful Price 840 to
650 per acre Personally conducted
excursions first and third Tues
days of each month
Write D Clem Deaver General
Agent Landseekers Information
Bureau Omaha for new folder
Its free Write a brief description
of your proposed trip and let us
advise you how to make it the
best way at the least cost
ickot Agent McCook Xeb
Ask for and try once BLUE BELL Cough Syrup Pile Remedy Mans Pain Liniment oi
BLUEJBELL Stomach Tablets Diarrhoea Croup Nerve Cough Hay Fever and Catarrh Blood
General Tonic Bright Sunshine Heart Worm Kidney Headache Summer Complaint Soothing
Tablets for Children Liver Female Regulator or Quinsy Tablets
Sold by AMcMILLEN McCook Nebraska
TlS1StVQQvSdS toSr
rar rfffc1 I vi
Stone Work f
I ihiiiujii hii JUIII iMlMHIHIIUI 8
I have purchased the plant of the McCook
Cement Stone Company on West Dennison
street and am prepared to fill any and all orders
tor cement stone blocks and work
Also Sidewalk Curbstone or Cement Work
of anv kind
Phone Red 196 N IN KOSeDUSfl