The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 24, 1908, Image 4

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Paid on
of Deposit
23 Years
Start a savings ac
count next payday
and save regular
ly for some defin
ite purpose You
will be surprised
to see how fast
your account will
grow when you
Get the Saving Habit
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
At the very urgent request of many
Republicans I hereby announce myself
as a candidate for the nomination of
county attorney before the Republican
primary to be held September 1 1908
S R Smith Chairman
Republican Co Central Com
1 hereby announce myself as a candi
date for re nomination for the office of
County Attorney at the Republican
primary on September 1 1908
P E Reedek
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for Commissioner of the First dis
trict subject to the decision of the Re
publican primary election September
1st 1903 T F Gockley
At the request of numerous voters I
hereby offer myself as a candidate for
the nomination to the office of represen
tative for Red Willow county on the
Republican ticket subject to the decis
ion of the primary election to be held
September 1st
Indianola Neb July 2i 190S
Frank Moore
It is just as well for us to sit up and
take notice of the fact for county op
tion will demand enough attention in
the next legislative campaign to be
heard distinctly
The editor of Harpers Weekly recent
ly ventured out of Manhattan into the
wild and woolly west and returned
home with the conviction that the
western man is the trun American
Governments are constantly at work
trying to save the people from them
selves The postoffice has recently is
sued an order barring cocaine and its
derivatives from the mails The cocaine
habit has become one of the alarming
vices of the day
It is not conspicuously clear to the
average Nebraskan why a special objec
tion should be made to the reelection of
J A Williams the railroad commission
er - He has made an efficient officer
but that fact should not be a liability
but an asset The opposition comes in
the main from a source which ought to
be a stimulus to the people of the state
to return him to the position by an in
creased majority
A state or government guarantee of
deposits in state or national banks will
do what the work of state or federal
bank examiners ought to do and largely
fails to do At all events it is a matter
of small and indifferent moment to a de
positor how or why he loses his money
That it is lost is the fact he wants pro
tection against not against the specific
manner of its losing or whether in a
wildcat or supposed solid bank
Banker C M Brown of Cambridge
scents the activity of the railroads in
an effort to capture the next legislature
and thus forestall proposed legislation
and possibly undo some of the accomp
lished work and vigorously warns the
people of Furnas county in an able open
letter This he urges is no time to
take the back track He favors keep
ing the railroads out of Nebraska poli
tics and the voters of this district will
too if they understand the situation
Even the Omaha Boo prints it Bon
Russian strikes cost employers and
employes two hundred million dollars
during past
Mooney is lined up for Merwin
that do settle it Until we hear
Ready anyhow
The law of Louisiana makes drinking
on a railway train even out of ones
own bottle a misdemeanor punishable
by fine or imprisonment or both Train
men are vested with police authority
John C Gajimill the old Frontier
county war horso is the latest knight
to enter the lists for the Republican
nomination for state senator in this
district John is one of the old guard
and will give an interesting account of
himself at the coming primary
J M Shively has no more formid
able handicap in his race for land com
missioner than the fact that ho is now
deputy in that office He is however
a splendid young fellow well qualified
for the position a Republican of the
new order of things and without guile
Terrifying Experience With a Deadly
The Paris Eclair tells a blood cur
dling serpent story the scene of which
was the island of Martinique and the
dramatis personae Sergeant Legraud
and Private Durand and the snake a
deadly lancehead
The soldier had been punished with
a night in the cells for some trivial of
fense but as the night was very hot
the sergeant had left the door open In
the morning at 5 oclock Legrand went
to wake his prisoner and to his horror
beheld a lancehead snake coiled up and
fast asleep on the mans breast
The sergeant did not lose his presence
of mind He stole noiselessly away
ran to the guard room and followed by
all the men on duty returned to the
cell with a bowl of milk and a tin whis
tle Placing the bowl of milk at the
entrance to the cell the sergeant began
to play the Blue Danube It is need
less to remark that the weakness of
the lancehead is milk and music Tho
serpent which was a six foot speci
men awoke glided from the soldiers
body toward the bowl but it had no
sooner buried its head in its beloved
drink than ten cudgels descended on
it with terrific force killing it outright
The soldier Durand who was in a
swoon was taken to hospital where
he lay for many days on the verge of
madness He finally recovered and re
lated his horrible experience how he
had awoke in the middle of the night
as the serpent was coiling itself on his
bare breast and how he had lain there
in an agony for hours not daring to
move a muscle
Durand was sent back to France as
soon as he had sufficiently recovered
The only trace of his terrible experi
ence adds the Eclair is that his hair
is now snow white
Time She Began
It was on a Sixth avenue surface
car A woman sat with her little
daughter who to all appearances was
seven or eight years old The conduct
or came for the fares and the woman
gave him a five cent piece
Is the little girl with you madam
asked the conductor
Yes assented the woman
Her fare please said the man
But I never have paid for her be
gan the woman
And does that prove that youre
never going to asked the conductor
taking the fare reluctantly tendered
New York Press
His Narrow Escape
I tell you the closing of the Steenth
National was a mighty close call for
How was that
Why a friend had advised me to
put my money in it and
And you took his advice
No but I would if Id had any mon
ey Philadelphia Ledger
Net the Kind He Wanted
Little Willie ran away to hunt red
But he didnt find any until his fa
ther had finished with him Harpers
is my fortune
sir she
Well he replied poverty is no dis
grace but its awfully inconvenient at
The Wicked Husband
Why does a man lie to his wife
asks a woman writer Dear me does
he Duluth Herald
A moral sensible well bred man will
not insult me No other can Cowper
Engineer and Mrs J M Henderson
Jr arrived from San Bernardino Calif
on 14 last night and will spend a
month or two visiting relatives here and
Mr and Mrs Hiler parents of Rdy
Hiler have been visiting in the city
part of the week
Engineer George Pronger has sold
his North Madison street home to Mrs
Elizabeth B Monks Consideration
1400 The property is being im
Mrs H M Tyler of Orleans was a
visitor Wednesday
Miss Frances McCarty returned to
tho city first of the week
Mr and Mrs Russell Rutherford
spent last week visiting in Republican
W C Bullard was out from Omaha
Monday looking over his lumber inter
ests in McCook
Frank Burbridge of Orleans arrived
in the city Monday and went to work
for R L Okerson
S R Smith and C M Gobon were
up from Indianola Tuesday on some
matters of business
Miss Gertrude Storer high school
principal went to Nelson Neb her
home Saturday night
M U Shurtleff is up from Tecum
seh looking after his real estate interests
in this section of the state
Miss Nelle Gunn returned Saturday
night from her two weeks vacation
which was spent in Colorado
Mrs A P Ely was called to Red
Cloud Tuesday night by the serious
illness of her youngest brother
Mrs N B Bush and children arrived
from Almena Kansas Sunday morning
and is the guest of her sister Mrs J C
James Powell of Dundy county near
Max was in town close of last week
Jim for years was in charge of the Mc
Cook yard section
J M Miller of Carleton Neb was
hero end of last week looking after his
real estate interests in Coleman pre
cinct this county
Mrs J E Kelley and Mrs J E
Morrissey who have been spending a
number of weeks in California arrived
home early in the week
Howe Smith was in Hastings Tues
day to see Grandma Kendall He
found her well and improved physically
but failed and failing mentally
Mrs E R Briggs and Mr and Mrs
Bert Briggs all of Oberliu Kansas who
have been guests of McCook relatives
returned home Tuesday evening
Miss Fay Eikencerry departed close
of past week for Iowa on a visit to re
latives which will be extended on to
Kokomo Indiana on a similar mission
E S Byfield of the Indianola Re
porter spent Monday in the city solicit
ing advertisements for the premium
list of the county fair at Indianola this
Mr and Mrs Lewis Fleischman and
family Mr and Mrs Ray O Light and
Mr and Mrs J L Clark arrived home
Wednesday from their trip to Colorado
of a few weeks
Miss Tessa Fish was thrown from a
horse she and Miss Vera Fitzeerald
were riding Saturday evening It was
at first thought her injuries were severe
but they proved slight
Joshua and Jacob Gerver moved in
from the farm in Gerver precinct end of
last week and have located in West
McCook in the Sherman dwelling and
will enjoy town life for a while
Frank Moore of Indianola was in
town yesterday He announces his
candidacy for representative and while
here took an initial inventory of his
friends and well wishers in the capital
Mrs Robert Gunn is visiting her
parents in Denver and will be joined
there first of next week by her husband
and then accompanied by the Bos
worths will go to Spearfish S D on a
camping and fishing trip
Rev G B Hawkes of the Congrega
tional church departed Tuesday morn
ing for New England where Mrs
Hawkes and the children have been
visiting for some time where he will
spend his vacation of several weeks
Mis3 Ila M Briggs who has been
teaching music in our city for several
months past has decided to return to
her home in Oberlin Kansas leaving
on Tuesday evening She has the best
wishes of many friends made during her
residence in our city
Dr ERONeill of Uncle Sams An
imal Industry Bureau who has been
located here for a few years has been
transferred to Kansas City Mo which
will be his headquarters He will work
in the southwest The doctor wife and
baby departed Wednesday evening
for their new home We hope success
and contentment may be their portion
Mrs C W Stockton and daughter
arrived from New York via Kansas City
Monday on No 13 and will be guests
of her sister Mrs A C Ebert for two
weeks Mrs Stockton will be remem
bered by early settlers as Miss Lillian
Stockton She and Miss Dorothv have
been briefly visiting in Chicago St
Louis Kansas City and Omaha Mr
Stockton is assistant to the president of
Wells Fargo Express Co in New York
Mr and Mrs J W Wimer are en
tertaining old friends from Iowa Mr
and Mrs Bradford Ferson of Frendale
Iowa and Mr and Mrs Merton Ferson
of Iowa City Iowa Mr Merton Fer
son is librarian of the law depaitment
of the State University of Iowa he be
ing a graduate of that department His
wife is a member of the P E O and
other societies After visiting here
they will go to Denver and Colorado
Springs for a few weeks vacation
A Remedy That Dampened Hi3 Ardor
For Sitting
The head of a bureau In an Impor
tant government department has long
been afflicted with a friend who calls
upon him regularly and sits down and
sits and sits and goes on sitting till
assault and battery becomes a virtue
The other day this sedentary bore was
In tho full exercise of his functions
when suddenly the official who had
been scrutinizing him closely cried I
knew it I was sure of it Confound
those office boys with their tricks on
strangers Theyve been putting glue
on your chair again Hi Jimmie bring
a sponge and a pall of water And
pressing with all his weight on the
shoulders of his victim to keep him
down he continued Dont stir youd
tear the cloth sure Nothing is half so
adhesive as glue on a cane seat chair
Here Jimmie moisten this gentleman
so that we can get him loose Dont
spare the water the cloth wont shrink
or fade The faithful messenger
obeys and when the operation is con
cluded the official conducts the visitor
to the door and bids him farewell with
the remark Perhaps you want to hur
ry home and change your clothing so I
wont keep you Goodby bless you If
your trousers are spoiled let me know
and Ill stop the price of them out of
the pay of the infernal scoundrel if I
can find out who he was and to that
task I will devote all the energies of
my lifetime and the whole machinery
of the government Goodby The
scoundrel I thought for several days
past that there was something wrong
His friend goes like the visions of
youth never to return Argonaut
An Illegal Practice Which Has Fallen
Into Disuse
Closely allied to the making of coun
terfeit coins and usually combined
with that nefarious trade is what is
known as sweating which requires
considerable skill to accomplish suc
cessfully A rubber mold is used into
which a gold coin to be sweated is in
troduced and held with a clip
Qopper wires having been adjusted
the coin is immersed in a bath of
cyanide of potassium and an electric
battery set going The action of the
electricity upon the coin in the acid
uniformly sweats the metal that is to
say causes so much of it to become
detached This process is gone through
with a large number of coins and the
gold deposit thus obtained is extracted
from the acid
It is for the purpose of detecting the
existence of such reduced coins that
bankers weigh gold coins in a balance
and if one is in the scale it will imme
diately be shown by the indicator The
light coin is then taken out and what
ever the shortage represents that
amount the customer will have to
make up or be fined
3ut all things considered sweating
Is but a poor business says II L
Adam in his interesting book The
Story of Crime and evidently it is
thought so by the criminal fraternity
for it has dwindled to a mere nothing
A sovereign weighs 12327447 grains
and the limit of error in the weight is
2 of a grain from which it may
readily be gathered that sweating can
not now be a very lucrative business
London Tit Bits
The Waist Came Back
The other day I hung my prettiest
waist out on the line at the kitchen
window said the flat dweller after I
washed it Then I forgot all about it
and when I went to look for it two
days later it was gone I rushed fran
tically down to the janitress and we
climbed together over the coal into the
area to look for the waist I lamented
deeply It was a beautiful waist We
couldnt find it The janitor came
irom tue next House ami Helped us
look but there was nothing doing I
came sadly in at the window back over
the coal and ascended to my sixth
story flat
The next day I Iiokcnl in the draw
er of my chiffonier and found the
there Say anything the janitress
Well I reckon not Xtuv York Press
Curbing the GurYcgclle
Its all rignt Mary lu s iU pi
tiently Go in for politics and via id
for the London county council if via
want to But oic tiling vf
cartoonists wii be after you as soon a
youre a candidate
I dont care
And thc yH put your picture in the
paper with your hir out of curl and
your hat i u crooked
Bo you think tuy would dy thai
apprehiii ivey
Of coursf And theyll nirke yoi
Paris gown hok lio nd say
that your sivi cloa imitation
William sin said I think 11 m J
stay hero and the home happy
London Taller
Too Krarcouc
Yessir adniittcl a waiter I shali
be compelled to throw up my situation
Indeed What Ls the matter
More thau I can put up with The
governor insists on my eating mush
rooms in the presence of customers to
prove they are edible fungi London
Tit Bits
No End of Trees
Did your ancestors have a family
tree Mr Maguire
Family tree is it maam One of
me ancestors controlled th intire tim
ber privilege of the garden of Eden
Cleveland Plain Dealer
An Irish philosopher says its a great
blessing that night comes on late in the
day when one Is too tired to work
One of the most important parts of a vgH
Hk vehicle is the body Our illustration tells the fH
HWr aiuiy ah u ltiv nuiuD ujjjt miu iuiu uuv j SK
soon goes to pieces
When the selection of EHILE5 is puzzling- you do not
decide hurriedly but carefully investigate the merits of
Beere Vehicles
We are desirous of having you make a thorough and
conscientious investigation We are willing to have
DEERE VF HIUes subjected to the most rigid scrutiny Of
simple design strong in construction thoroughly painted and
varnished making them of lasting qualities
Dcerc Vehicles Are AH Right
and not only command themselves to the attention of pros
pective purchasers but immediatly challenge their admiration
Let us tell you more about the JEERE fetfyZJES and refer
you to the people who are using them and who KNOW
a wfotetrs W fC v A
- tet y v J W crx s y Jr K y H
Hardware Co
Phone 31 b summons
Founded in 1882
Hastings is the fourth city of Nebraska having a population of over
12000 and is supplied with handsome public buildings elegant resi
dences metropolitan stores and beautiful churches It is also an import
ant reilroad center being located on the C B Q St J G I C and
N Wi and M P railways There are also three branch lines of the
Burlington route so that access is easy from any quarter
It consists of twelve cultured men and women representing eight
different universities and colleges Post graduate work at Harvard Chi
cago Princeton Yale Berlin and Heidelberg gives their teaching and
scholarship unusual breadth and thoroughness
The College offering two courses for degrees with many electives
The Academy ofTering high school training under college pro
The Normal School issuing teachers certificates under state
The Conservatory of Music with courses in voice piano pipe or
gan vioim ana musical tneory
There are four buildings Ringland Hall a mens dormitory and
refectory McCormick Hall the principal recitation building Alexander
nail a womens dormitory Carnegie building the library and scientific
work are unsurpassed and all buildings have steam heat and electric light
Next year begins Sept 8 190S Handsome catalogue and illustrat
ed souvenir free upon application to
A E TURNER LL D President
IJ J Hi i i m n i up I ii i i i
We have cut every pair of Oxfords in ourstore Simply
had to do it to move our unusually large stock Tan Oxfords
for men and women are cut with the rest only they are odd
sizes Splendid black calf and gun metal Oxfords Mens
and Womens
Your size Mens from Io50 tO 450
Ladies from 100 tO 350
You cant buy such shoes anywhere else in the state for
less than 350 to 500
For women particularly this sale means an opportunity
to get a handsome comfortable pair of Oxfords for street and
everyday wear at 200
Buy a pair for this and next summer They will be a
genuine shoe investment
The Model Shoe Store
New Library Post Cards
at The Tribune Office