The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 24, 1908, Image 1

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A Farewell to Supt Thomas
The impromptu farewell tendered
Supt George II Thomas Monday eve
ning was characteristic of McCook and
measured up to the social traditions
which have made our city notable Tbo
occasion was a praiseworthy desire on tho
part of tho citizens of McCook to have
Mr Thomas carry with him to his now
homo and avocation some adequate im
pression of tho high regard in which ho
is held hero where ho has served Mc
Cook with such efiicioncy and distinc
tion for tho past ten years as superin
tendent of our city schools The
Monte Cristo eafo provided tho sotting
for tho affair and o dainty dinner in five
courses was tho initial particular of a
social occasion in which much pleasure
and satisfaction was experienced by all
by Mr Thomas in learning from the
lips of his friends expressions of ap
preciation of his long and faithful and
successful suporintendoncy of our citys
pride heartfelt utterances each mingled
with but regret at tho separation of ties
closely united by tho hosts of tho eve
ning because it afforded them opportun
ity to utter some of tho many kindly
sentiments with which their hearts
were overflowing
At ten oclock the company to the
number of about forty was seated and
enjoyed tho following
Scared Fruit
Chicken Pelnil
Toast Sticks Celery
French Bean Salad
Boneless Chicken Boston Style
Tickled Tongue
Mashed Potatoes
Timbled Peas Lafayette Freres
Parker House Rolls
Ico Cream Assorted Cakes
Tea ColTco Iced Tea
Bon Bons Cigars
Then ensued the toasts of the eve
ning each vieing with another in ex
pressions devoid of perfunctoriness or
cant tho ensemble being a genuine
chorus of eulogy appreciation and pro
phecy of larger accomplishment yet to
be attained the only minor tone being
that of regret that McCook and ibe
state should lose his services for educa
tion There was however many an ar
dent hope expressed that Mr Thomas
would reap success and-
newly chosen business Those re
sponding to toasts to which no titles
were assigned by the ever clover and
humorous toastmaster George S Scott
were in their order
C H Boyle John Rice
J E Kelley Hon G YV Norris
F M Kimmell Geo E Thompson
J F Forbes Rev M B Carman
The reply by Mr Thomas was in kind
and earnestness such as has gamed for
him note even in Btate gatherings for a
cleverness and facility and lucidity rare
and attractive His diction and de
meanor left no room or occasion for
doubt that he deeply appreciated the
occasion and the friendship expressed
Mr and Mrs Thomas departed
Thursday morning for Harvard
The hosts of the evening were
Hon G W Norris George S Scott
L W McConnell C H Boyle
J E Kelley C A Rodgers
F M Kimmell J F Forbes
H P Waite C E Eldred
F A Pennell C Cordeal
G E Thompson H P Sutton
Rev M B Carman S B McLean
J R McCarl Lon Cone
H TV Conovcr Norman Campbell
V B Mills H G Phelps
A C Ebert Louis Thorgrimsou
John Rice George Willctts
C R SVoodworth J A Wilcox
J E Ludwick B H Stewart
Dr S C Beach C L Fahnestock
C B Gray Frank Real
E H Doan C W Barnes
The Band Concert
The band concert last evening was
associated with considerable discomfort
from smoke and lack of seats but there
-was no shortage in attendance and ap
preciation A vocal solo by Mr Dutch
Harper the baseball deity was a spec
ial feature of the program
Rev Leavitt of Franklin
At the Congregational church Kev
T M Leavitt will preach both morning
and evening Mr Leavitt has just left
tho pastorate of Plymouth church Om
aha to become principal of Franklin
Academy All are invited to hear him
Largest On the Globe
Kozell Barger carry a full line of
the famous Wilson Eros gents furn
ishings This is the greatest house on
the globe in this line
Best Prints 4 l 2c Yard
in the Clearing Sale of The Thompson
D G Co Not over 10 yards to a cus
Our Colorado peas corn etc are as
near perfection as it is possible to ap
proach in canned goods Huber
Mens Wash Vests 69c
in the Clearing Sale of The Thompson
D G Co
Barney Hofer has received 20000 new
colored post cards of McCook
Council Proceedings
The city council mot in adjourned
session last Friday evening with all
Tho city clerk was instructed by the
council to request companies furnishing
light to file with tho clerk on or before
Monday ovening July 27th bids for
furnishing light for street lightning
Following bills wore allowed
Nob Telephone Co phone rent S 450
Henry Gale office fixtures 270
V T Clark street work G00
Earl Murray street work 1000
Paul Miller street work 1300
I L Riggins street work 400
Maurice ORourk 400
Dr J D Hare 1200
Tho remainder of the session was oc
cupied in passing ordinances ordi
nances 144 to 188 inclusive Deing
These with the other revised ordi
nances of tho city are now being printed
in pamphlet form and will appear in a
few weeks
On Monday ovening a special session
of the council was held at which time
the recently passed and approved ordi
nance granting a now franchise to tho
McCook Electric Light Co was up for
discussion It now appears that the
members of tho council were not fully
and satisfactorily advised about the or
dinance they passed especially that
feature of the ordinance referring to
rates Just what action if ajny the
council may take has not as yet been
Own up Every normal human
being likes pictures and likes to make
them Further it is an art worth
while It gives pleasure it developes
the artistic sense it gives you a pictor
ial record of your life that will grow in
value with advancing years
The money necessary to buy one will
most likely be spent any way in useless
things Waiting until you have a sur
plus for the purchase is apt never to
come If you want a camera buy it
now You will be glad you did In
making a selection our stock and our
experience will be invaluable to you
It will prevent a mistake and insure
the utmost economy in any case We
have the Eastman cameras and every
thing in photo supplies
L W McConnell Druggist
Hurrying the Waists
The following reduced prices on silk
net mull and lawn waists prevail in our
waist department and are pushing out
the waists
50 cent waists reduced to 25c
75 49c
S100 G9c
S150 99c
S200 8139
300 199
3450 8219
You are invited to participate
The Thompson D G Co
A Stand Off
McCook and Oxford played two games
on the local diamond this week divid
ing the honors McCook acquired Tues
days game 6 to 5 and Oxford annexed
Wednesdays 7 to 5 largely through a
little fuzzy work on the part of the lo
cals especially on second base
Not With Complacency
A partially successful effort has been
made this week to drain the frog pond
up on Donevan street Such accumula
tions of stagnant water cannot be
looked upon with any complacency
these July days Drain them speedily
Vacation Reading
You can probably find more satisfact
ory reading on our book shelves than
any where else hereabout Wont you
need a few new books on your vacation
L W McConnell Druggist
No One Hurt However
Tho peaceful trend of our city life was
interrupted or at least temporarily dis
turbed by two minor personal encount
ers in which small physical damage
was done
Select a Good Plow
and disk and keep the weeds from cap
ping your ground- Full line of the best
kinds now ready
McCook Hardware Co
Lincoln Paints
The paint that wears the best and
looks well the longest
A McMillen Druggit
175 Dress Skirts for 129
in the Clearing Sale of The Thompson
D G Co
Huber is still selling Wedding Break
fast Coffee You know the brand
15c Childrens White Hose for lie
in the Clearing Sale of The Thompson
D G Co
Was at the Head
It will bo an item of satisfaction to us
all to know that the McCook Junior
State Normal school whose 1908 ses
sions and finals came to an end with
last week was at the head of the pro
cession among the half dozen similar
schools held in Nebraska this summer
This fact stands good in attendance as
well as in results attained in school
work The finances and business affairs
of tho school wore also in first class con
dition everything being closed up in
order by Principal Thomas before leav
ing for Harvard this week
McCook and Southwestern Nebraska
would be pleased to see the word Senior
substituted for Junior and a full
fledged state normal established hero at
an early date Give Western Nebraska
some recognition
Union Temperance Meeting
A large and sympathetic audience
filled the Baptist church last Sunday
evening on the occasion of the union
temperance meeting of tbo Methodist
Congregational Baptist and Christian
churches Rev Ainsworth of the
Christian church delivered tho address
which was well receivpd by an interested I
people The Baptist choir offered sever
al excellent numbers during the service
The interest was thoroughly earnest
and alive
Disagree on Assessment
The McCook Electric Light Co and
assessor so far have not come to a satis
factory conclusion as to the amount at
which tho plant shall be assessed The
assessor returned the plant at 830000
which is the amount of the paid up
capital stock The company places the
value at 24000
The board of equalization has not
passed on the controversy as yet
Dress Skirts as Fellows
1250 ones reducedto 869
in tho Clearing Sale of The Thompson
D G Co
Something For Ladies
A vanishing cream a cold cream one
that can be freely used without making
the hair grow It is something new
and contains no particle of oil It is
especially recommended for chapped or
sunburned face and hands Ask to see
it Wood worth Cos Druggists
A Splendid Rain
One of the finest rains of the year
fell over this vicinity Saturday night
last and Sunday morning Coming
gently the soil drank it all in The
corn crop already in promising condi
tion was given a boost in tho right
Fall Shipment In
We have just received a shipment of
fall suits of the popular and well known
W S Peck clothing Dont buy until
you have seen them
Rozell Barger
Preaching Services
in South McCook next Sunday after
noon July 25 at 3 Subject The
First Things Minnie Viersen and
Florence Rosebush will sing Come and
bring your friends
Dont Forget Fly No
It keeps the flies off If your cow has
to put in all her time fighting flies she
isnt going to give much milk Get
Fly No of Woodworth Co Drug
Looks Like a Sheik
A young man of the city got his head
in the way of Fitzs club last Friday
night and has since had enough anti
septic bandage about his cranium to re
mind you of the sheik of the desert
Reeder the First to File
P E Reeder was the first candidate
to file his announcement of candidacy
for office with County Clerk Skalla
He filed Tuesday afternoon of this week
Harvest Time Is Here
You will need gloves We have them
in gauntlet and without Good wearers
and tho prices right
Rozell Barger
Free Free Free
1000 in cash trade at The Model gets
a beautiful dish free See window dis
Lace Curtains 39c a Pair
in the Clearing Sale of The Thompson
D G Co Others up to 469
Ladies Gauze Unions 27c
in the Clearing Sale of The Thompson
D G Co
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
Swiss Baby Bonnets 10c
in the Clearing Sale of The Thompson
D G Co
Burled in Orleans
Mrs Penelope Thompson died at her
home on West Dennison street last Sat
urday afternoon at two oclock after a
brief illness of intestinal impaction
age G3 years
Brief services were hold at tho resi
dence Sunday ovening at 8 oclock
conducted by C W Barnes lay reader
of St Albans congregation assisted by
the chapel choir
The remains were taken to Orleans on
train 10 Monday morning for burial
there besides the body of her first hus
band Weston by name
Three daughters one each from Chi
cago Lincoln and Alliance and a son
from Hastings accompanied tho remains
to Orleans
The deceased died possessed of consid
erable property one item of tho sched
ule being the brick rooming house op
ppsite the Palmer hotel
Gamsby Teel
MissEna Gamsby of lndianola and
Mr Ora R Teel of Frontier county were
united in marriage in St Albans chapel
Saturday morning at nine oclock Rec
tor E R Earlo officiating in the use of
the Episcopal ritual and the ring ser
vice Miss Stella McCool and Mr
Austin A Gamsby brother of the
bride both of lndianola stood up with
the high contracting parties besides
there were a few other friends present
The bride was attractively gowned in a
Copenhagen blue voile The young
couple and their friends drove up from
lndianola returning home during tho
Be Prepared
Theres one safe prompt sure euro
for all distressing summer complaints
but it must be taken as soon as attacks
come It should therefore be kept on
hand through the hot months at least
McConnells Blackijerry Balsam
It is a thoroughly reliable remedy and
is pleasant to take Cures diarrhoea
dysentery cholera morbus colic cramps
etc by removing the cause and reduc
ing all internal inflammation Good
for children and adults Price 25 cents
L W McConnell Druggist
Last One Released Tuesday
City Marshal Godfrey informs us that
the last case of diphtheria quarantined
in the city was released on Tuesday
morning of this week He also informed
the writes that there are no suspect
cases in the city and that the city en
joys a clean Din oi neaun at present
from all infectious and contagious dis
eases The total cases of dipthheria in
the city only reached sixteen showing
as The Tribune indicated two weeks
since that the matter was largely and
unnecessarily magnified
Only Three Sites Offered
Proposals for the site of tho proposed
Federal building in McUook were open
ed in Washington last Thursday Fol
lowing are the offerings
David Diamond northeast corner Mc
Farland and West Dennison 2500
Phillipp Blatt Manchester avenue and
Dodge 5000 N J Johnson southwest
corner Main and Dearborn 3800
Other locations will be offered how
Collar Bone Fractured
During the second days races in Tek
amah last Thursday week W R Peel
of our city driving Pilot Bar in the
225 pace fell off of his sulky on the
further side of the track sustaining a
fractured collar bone The horse was
also injured somewhat
Lost Twice Last Saturday
McCook sustained a dual defeat at
Franklin last Saturday The baseball
went against us 9 to 7 and the Swastika
basket ball girls were the victims of the
Franklin girls in a contest 14 to 7 Mc
Cook however won from Franklin on
Thursday and Friday in baseball
Sunday School Picnic
The East McCook Sunday school en
joyed a pleasant picnic at the home of
William Byfield Saturday last A jolly
social time prevailed and refreshments
were served Miss Roxa Byfield had
the affair in personal charge
We Want Your Business
in wells wind mills pumps pipe etc
and repairing of ali kinds competent
men and good work guarantees
McCook Hardware Co
The N T Cs of the Congregational
church will give a Japanese fete at the
residence of G W Norris Thursday
evening July 30 1903 Candy for sale
165 White Quilts lor 119
in the Clearing Sale of The Thompson
D G Co
Illustrate Your Vacation
Kodaks 100 to 2500
L W McConnell Druggist
Ladies Pongee Coats 199
in the Clearing Sale of The Thompson
D G Co
rib nit
Are Planning to Attend
A number of tho young peoplo of this
vicinity aro planning on attending somo
good business college this fall In this
connection wo are pleased to note the
rapid growth and success of tho Hast
ings Business College of Hastings Nebr
Thia college has recently moved into its
now building and with the addition of
Prof II P Carson to tho faculty tho
Hastings Business College is now one
of the very best business training
schools in tho West
The college charges a very reasonable
rate for tuition in fact the collego will
take students right through the course
and find them positions before a cent
has to be paid A now featuro this
year is tho College Band and Orchestra
Students recoivo free instruction in
this department
In Dutchs Honor
On Thursday evening tho girls of the
Swastika Club entertained informally at
tho home of Miss Maude McBrayer in
honor of Dutch Harper who leaves
for Denver Colorado today Music and
singing were the features of amusement
nnd tho ovening passed only too quickly
Mr Morehead captain of the base ball
team presented Mr Harper with a ring
a remembrance of tbo baso ball team
Refreshments were served at tho Mission
Inn in a delightful and tasty manner
All report a jolly time Com
Will Be Considered Monday
Tho new franchiso ordinanco of tho
electric light compny has been temporar
ily held up and will be considered again
at the session of the city council Mon
day evening There is somo popular
objection to two features of tho ordi
nance namely tho length of the fran
chise and the 16 candle power basis of
rates Some regard ten years as ample
and the 16 candlo power rato feature
does not appear to be clearly under
stood by many while others claim it is
not equitable
Wash Goods Reduced
as follows in the Clearing Salo of Tho
Thompson D G Co
5c lawns etc reduced to 3c
7Jc 4J ic
123c 7Jc
liin Or
20c f 14c
Opening This Evening
We desire to announce to the people
of McCook our opening event
Friday Evening July 24
Freys orchestra will provide music
for the occasion Frappe will bo served
all guests No goods will be sold from
8 to 10 oclock You are moat cordially
invited The Mission Inn
Geo D Keating Co Props
West room Walsh block
New Building in District 30
The contract has been let for a new
school house in District 30 An acre of
land has been secured from Mrs S E
Christian on whose farm the new school
house will be located on the river road
It will be in readiness for tho fall term
of school
Must Boost Herself
Mr George Irving tho Booster
Man was here yesterday and form
ally withdrew his companys proposi
tion to McCook We must boost our
selves We can
It Is Good Old Summer Time
and you ought to have a straw hat for
comfort We hav2 them in all styles
and at prices to fit any pocket book
Como and see
Rozell Barger
Did It Ever Occur to You
that it is no art to find out what the
people want But it is an art to know
how to fill their wants at acceptable
prices Viersen Standish can prove
to you that they possess this art
Dont Fool
your time and money away with an old
stove Get a Majestic or Quick Meal
Range at McCook Hardware Co atid be
Ladies 50 in Black Taffeta Coats 669
in the Clearing Sale of The Thompson
D G Co
A limited number of beginners anrt
intermediate pupils taken for piano
Inquire at Ideal store C C Brown
Mens Ribbed Unions 89c
in the Clearing Sale of The Thompson
D G Co
McCook Chautauqua Aug 22 30
Get your season ticket now
will be 250 later
Mens Black Underwear 25c
in the Clearing Sale of The Thompson
D G Co
Typewriter ribbons papers etc for
sale at The Tribune office
Banks aro becoming more tho
custodians of tho funds of tho
Iodlo of both largo and small
means This is duo to a wider
appreciation of tho Value of bank
ing service as its usefulness is
extended and its methods become
bettor known In tho case or
Thk McCook National Bank
Tub Bkst
service is assured Its ollicers
aim in every way to protect tho
interests of its patrons making
use of every means of precaution
Its system of accuracy
promptness and tho same careful
attention to largo or small depos
itors make it a bank for all the
people rich and ioor men wo
men and children
When you have banking bus
iness to transact como to
Mccook national
A home bank
A growing bank
Mis Arlenb Allen visited Bon kel
man friends last weok
Tuck Wentz went up to Haiglor
Wednesday on business
Mrs A E Petty of Lincoln Is it
guest of McCook relatives
Mr and Mrs W S Morlan aro
homo from their outing in the North
Mrs A Li Overman has been having
a serious time with a foot accidentally
William Tuttlk has returned from
Eddy Oklahoma where he has been
located for some time
Mr and Mrs Gkorok Ericksox of
Clay Center Kansas aro in town on a
visit to their daughter
Mr came down from
Wauneta Wednesday evening and is a
guest of his daughter Mrs Barney
Barnfy Hofer is taking in the North
west Seattle and other points illex
Mehaffey is assisting in the store during
his absence
Mrs N E Mills of Grand Rapids
Mich arrived in tho city Wennesday
evening and will be a guest of her son
W B Mills for some time
Mr and Mrs J P Crocse departed
last Saturday for her home in Seward
to make a visit of some length
Miss Edith Ford who has been in
Superior Nebraska for several weeks
returned home first of the week
Mr and Mrs J II McAchron of
Los Angeles Calif are visiting in the
city He is a brother of Mrs J G
Mrs A C Erert entertained at a
Kensington Wednesday afternoon in
honor of her sister Mrs Charles W
Stockton of New York City The guests
numbered about fifty A two courso
lunch was served Mrs M B Carman
and Mrs J S Chambers presiding at
the table and Mrs II L Kennedy Mrs
Viola Kenyon and Miss Addie Doan as
sisting in the serving Mrs T B
Campbell served punch
Correspondence Wanted
The Tribune want3 correspondence
from Perry and Coleman precincts in
fact from any part of the country where
the paper is not now represented Write
the publisher to day
Epworth League Services at the
Methodist Church Sunday evening
July 26th at 700 p m will be in
charge of Misses Ethel Glandon and
Mary Novotny Subject The Fact of
Conversion You are invited
The reader will note the new profess
ional card of Dr J A Colfer in this
issue He will be found in room 4
postoflice building for the practice of
dentistrv in all its branches
Attention Tnreshermen
We have a full line of supplies includ
ing belting and hose Give U3 a call
McCook Hardware Co
Mens Muleskin Gloves 18c Pair
for harvest and threshing in the Clear
ing Sale of The Thompson D G Co
For Sale
New 5 - room cottage bath - room
closets cellar etc corner Douglass and
Manhattan sts Phone black 312
Best Table Oil Cloth 14c
in the Clearing Sale of The Thompson
D G Co