The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 10, 1908, Image 7

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A 1 4 A U
McCook XicmIko No ii5 A F A M meets
ovory Urat ami third Tuocdny of tlio montli nt
81HJ p tu in Maaonlc lmll
CiiAULica L Fahnustock V M
Lon Conk Soc i
n h m
Occonoxoo Council No 16 R S SI moots on
tlio Inst Saturday of each mouth ut 800 p in
u MitbOttic hull
KamH A Hagiieiio T I fit
Stkvistuu Coudkal Soc
u A M
KiriK Cyrus Chnptor No 35 It A M meots
ovory first itud third Thursday of each mouth at
800 p m in diatonic hall
ClakbnckI Gray II P
Clinton B Sawykk Sue
St John Conimauilory No 10 K T moots on
tho second Thursday of ouch month at 800 p
m in Masonic hall
Kmkuson ITanbon 12 C
Sylvester Coiidral Hoc
Eureka Chaptor No fcC O E S meots the
second and fourth Fridays of ouch mouth at
400 p m in Masonic hall
Mas Sauau E Kay W M
F M Kimmkll Sec
Noblo Camp No CCU M V A moots ovory
second and fourth Thursday of each mouth at
830 p in in OanscliowH hall Pay assessments
nt Wliito Houso Grocery
J M Smith Clork S K Howell V C
Noblo Cnmp No 862 It N A moots ovory
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
230 p m iu Ganschows hnll
51 us Mary Walker Oracle
Mrs Augusta anton Hec
w o w
Meets second and fourth Thursdays at 8
oclock iu Diamonds hall
Ciias F Makkwad C C
V C Mover Clork
McCook Lodco No 01 AOUW meets ovory
Monday at 800 p in in Diamonds hull
C U Gray Itec Fred Sciilagel M V
McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets ovory
second and forth Fridays of oach mouth at 800
p m iu Ganschows hall
Mrs Laura Osrurn C of H
Mus MatieG Welles Hoc
McCook Division No G23 Li of L E moots
every second nnd fourth Suturday of each
mouth at 230 in Morris hnll
Walter Stokes C E
W D Burnett F A E
McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E
meets every Saturday at 730 p in iu Gaus
chows hall
I D Pennington M
Geo A Campbell Soc
Harvey Division No 95 O It C moots tho
second and fourth Sundays of oach month at
300 i in iu Diamonds hall
Joe Hegenberger C Con
M O McClure Sec
C W Bronson Lodge No 487 B of It T
meets iirt and third Sundays at 230 p in and
second and fourth Fridays at 730 p m ouch
month in Morris hall Nevl Beeler M
It J Mooee Sec
Young America Lodge No 45G B It C of A
meets on the first and third Thursdays of each
month in Diamonds hall aS730 p m
Con Kreiger C C
N H Snyder Kcc Soc
Bed Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meets
every second and fourth Tuesday of the mouth
at 800 p in in Ganschow hall
D O Hewitt Pres
WH Anderson Rec Sec
McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of
A meets first and third Fridays of each month
in Odd Follows hall
McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every
Wednesday atS00 p m in Masonic hall
M Lawritson C C
J N Gaarde K R S
odd fellows
McCook Lodge No 137 1 G O F meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Ganschows hall
W H Ackeeman N G
W A Middleton Sec
McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets the
second and fourth Fridays of each mouth at
S00 pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings
on the first and third Fridays
R S Light W Pres
G C Heckman W Sec
McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the
first and third Tuesdays of each month atS00
p in in Diamonds hall
G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K
Court Granada No 77 meets on the first and
and third Tuesdays of each month at S p m in
the Morris hall Anna Hannan G R
Josephine Mullen F S
Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
every first and third Thursday evenings of each
month in Ganschov hall
Mrs W B Mills Commander
Harriet E Willetts R K
g a r
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each month at 230 p m
Ganschows hall
J M Henderson Cmndr
J H Yaegee Adjt
McCook Corps No 93 W R C meets every
second and fourth Saturday of each montli at
230 p m in Ganschow hall
Adella McClain Pres
Susie Vandebhoof Sec
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on
tho first and third Fridays of each month at
233 pm in Diamonds hall
Adeline Dole Pres
Matie Welles Sec
p e o
Chapter X P E O meets the second and
fourth Saturdays of each montn at 230 p m
at the homes of the various members
Mbs G H Thomas Pres
Mes C H Meeker Cor Sec
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate tilings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last report
James M Rupp and wife to
Citizens Bank McCook wd
to lot 11 blk 21 2nd McCook 3500 00
United States to Alfred A
Hunter pat to se qr se qr 11
w hf ne qr ne qr nv qr 11-1-26
F J Lambert and wife to An
drew P Lambert wd to sw qr
304 27 G100 00
Andrew F Lambert to J F
Holiday wd to sw qr 30-4-27 6000 00
Lewis A Burg to Frank Ry
strom wd to w hf ne qr 13-3-
30 2250 00 J
The Method by Which a Measure Is
Transformed Into Law
On a day set for the consideration of
tho bill the house goes Into committee
of the whole A chairman appointed
by tho speaker presides The bill is
read by sections nnd clauses after gen
eral debate has closed and any mem
ber may offer amendments All voting
In committee Is by rising The yeas
and nays are not taken
When the bill has been gone through
and all amendments have been voted
upon the committee rises and the
chairman reports the bill back to the
house with the amendments The
bouse then votes upon them either sin
gly or in gioss and by yeas and nays
If they are ordered to be taken
The bill is then ordered to be en
grossedthat is written out in a fair
hand and just as it is after being
amended and to be read a third time
As it is usually already engrossed It is
at once read the third time by title as
before and passed
The clerk takes the bill to the senate
by which body It is referred to the
finance committee In due time the
committee if It sees Gt and not other
wise reports the bill back to the sen
ate with propositions to amend In
the senate the bill Is considered as in
committee of the whole the nnd
ments of the finance committoi and
other volunteer amendments are ac
cepted or rejected they are again
voted upon when the bill is reported
to the senate from the committee of
the whole and the bill is passed
As the two houses are not agreed
upon the bill a committee of confer
ence usually consisting of three mem
bers of each branch of congress is ap
pointed The committee when it has
come to an agreement reports to each
house and the acceptance of the re
port is the final stage of the bill in its
The measure is now enrolled that
is it is printed in large open type
upon a parchment and is taken first to
the houso where it is signed by tho
speaker then to the senate where the
vice president signs it and finally to
the president and makes the bill a
Congress is notified that the Wll Iras
boon approved and the original cony
of the act is deposited in the depart
ment of state Edwin Tarrisse m Har
pers Weekly
Full of Reminiscence
At the different army stations in the
west it is the practice for the officers
on leaving their post for some distant
station to sell off everything they do
not care to keep In connection with
this custom in Reminiscences of a Sol
diers Wife Mrs Ellen Diddle tells an
amusing story
There was a very estimable woman
living at the garrison a veritable Mrs
Malaprop She told us of some jew
elry she had lost and among the
things was a topaz chain with a beau
tiful pendulum
The lady held an auction before she
left after her husbands death and
when some silver plated knives were
put up for sale she rose and in a sob
bing voice said Oh dear no I can
not sell them They have been in dear
Johns mouth too often
Your suggestion said a depositor
to the bank receiver offers very cold
comfort It is a bachelors comfort
that is to say no comfort at all
What said a bachelor to a Bene
dict only married a year and already
so blue
Ah but groaned the Benedict I
never imagined that a wife would
prove so expensive
The bachelor patted the blue mar
ried man on the back in a consolatory
Yes he said a wife is an expen
sive article that is true But then
you must remember that she lasts a
very long time
What subsists today by violence
continues tomorrow by acquiescence
and is perpetuated by tradition till at
last the hoary abuse shakes the gray
hairs of antiquity at us and gives itself
out as the wisdom of ages Thus the
clearest dictates of reason are made
to yield to a long succession of follies
And this is the foundation of the
aristocratic system at the present day
Its stronghold with all those not im
mediately interested in it is the rev
erence of antiquity Edward Everett
Satan Terrified
There is as great genius displayed in
advertising as in the higher branches
of literature No problem daunts the
modern advertising man
In the window of a little book store
in Eighth avenue New York was re
cently heaped a great pile of Bibles
marked very low Never before were
Bibles offered at such a bargain and
above them all in big letters was the
Satan trembles when he sees
Bibjes sold as low as these
Well Grounded
Is xuy son getting well grounded in
the classics asked the anxious mil
I would put it even stronger than
that replied the private tutor I may
say that he is actually stranded on
them Chicago Itecord Herald
Certainly Would
City Man to villager Wouldnt It
open your eyes if you were to look
across at that lot there and see one of
our city skyscrapers covering it Vil
lage Man Waal I guess I would see
in as Ive got twenty head o cattle
grazin there Bohemian
Wait is a hard word to the hungry
German Proverb
w j
Human Beings Should LiVe at Least
a Hundred Years
Every man who dies before he la a
hundred years old does so because Ua
has neglected the laws of health 1
believe the time will come when men
will commonly live to bo 150 years old
But to do this they must be born right
and be taught matters of health with
their A B Cs
A majority of the people of America
lose about thirty years of life through
hot understanding or not following the
demand of nature for regular and ade
quate exorcise Our systems of civili
zation have worked a vast improve
ment in production by training men
to special lines of work Thus they
becomo wonderfully proficient To see
a man rattling up long columns of
reading matter on a linotype machine
is inspiring to hear a lawyer clearly
and incisively summing up a case fills
one witli admiration to read a strong
forceful editorial affords pleasure at
the thoughts so well expressed to
watch the violinist and listen to the
sweet melodies he draws from the
strings wafts our souls to higher
realms yet the apquirement of each
and all these abilities has robbed the
trained or talented performers of some
thing else The linotype is wearing
out his nerves in setting type at such
a rapid pace the oratory of the law
yer has been acquired at the expense
of a dyspeptic stomach the man who
wins us with his facile pen envies the
strengtli of the sturdy laborer shovel
ing in the street the virtuoso would
fain have the appetite of the perform
er on the big horn in the little street
In thus specializing each is apt to
neglect the routine work for all the
muscles that nature demands to keep
up the physique Had each of these
performers or geniuses done his stint
of work on a farm raising the food he
consumed he would have been less
skilled In his vocation but possessed
of vastly better health And all would
live out not only their full seventy
but a round hundred or more of years
Charles II Cochrane in Metropolitan
The Average American Knows Ver
Little About Washington
Born Feb 22 1732 died Dec 14
l 709 fought Indians- time and place a
little vague Was he not with Brad
dock Married a widow named Mar
tha was commander all through our
Revolution was our first president and
had two terms wrote a farewell ad
dress knew Lafayette and Thomas
Jefferson crossed the Delaware at
Trenton just before Christmas and sur
prised the Hessians beat Cornwallis
at Yorktown and was first in war first
in peace and first in the hearts of his
These are all public facts What
does the reader know of Washington
the man More than likely it will be
as follows
Cut down a cherry tree with a
hatchet owned up to having done so
saying Father I cannot tell a lie
threw a stone very far across some
river climbed up the side of the
Natural bridge and cut his initials
worked hard at school was steady
was very good all the time and every
body looked up to him of course very
brave of course very wise and a great
patriot was one of the greatest men
in all history was tall strong wore
those knee breeches of colonial days
and a wig looked stern would prob
ably lecture you and tell you to be vir
tuous and you would be happy Such
if I mistake not is the readers vision
of Washington as a man cold austere
unemotional without passions grand
not merely greater than human sim
plj not human at all a sort of marblo
statue A figure to prize to be proud
of as an American a figure to revere
but not a character to love to be
drawn to to feel any kinship with in
a word immortal yet not living
Everybodys Magazine
The Preservation of Caste
It is well known how carefully ap
parently at least the Hindoos are to
preserve their caste from contamina
tion with anything of a lower order
In towns where Hindoos and Mussul
mans followers of Mohammed live
side by side tho sellers of drinking
water supply the liquid through little
portholes one for each religion The
drinker is thus supposed to be ignorant
of the caste of the man who supplies
the water and his own caste is conse
quently unbroken
From Hand to Mouth
Til never speak to him again ex
claimed the dark young woman ne
called me his queen and asked if he
might kiss my hand I said yes and
and after that he kissed me on the lips
without asking
J suppose said the light young wo
man he followed along the line of
least resistance
Melancholy Milk
Havent you any milk that is more
cheerful than this queried the new
boarder as he poured some of the liq
uid into his coffee
Why what do you mean by that
queried the landlady
Oh nothing rejoined the new
boarder only this milk seems to have
the blues
Mean of Her
Everybody says baby is very like
me said young Mrs Papley fondly
Yes the cute little thing remarked
Miss Diggs What fat ankles she
has Philadelphia Press
Evading the Issue
Did you break this dish Mary
Nom I only dropped it St Louis
Another fine rain fell here the first of
tho week
Mo3t of our town boys are out in tho
country this week harvesting
John Davis came over from Danbury
Saturday and wont down to Bartley to
tho celebration
Miss Lottie Lamborn and brother
Mnrris of Wilcox are visiting tho Misses
Flora and Angie Quick
Mr and Mrs Georgo Mick aro tho
proud parents of a baby boy born Sun
day morning
Dr and Mrs Minnick spent their
Fourth of July in Holbrook
Will Sheets came up from Bartley
Tuesday morning and will assist Mr
Ryan in building his now house
Mr and Mrs E S Byfield visited
with relatives in McCook Saturday and
Andy Lamtort went to Denver on
business Sunday ovoning
Frank W DelTer was an Indianola
visitor Sunday
Miss Ethel Silvernail came down from
Haigler Friday evening for a short
visit with homefolks
Mrs Rose Crabtree accompanied by
her niece and little Wayne Lambert went
to Funk Monday morning for a visit
with friends
Mrs Dabarsh and daughter Mrs Jim
Lee went to Denver Sunday morning
and returned Wednesday morning
Conrad Bauer of Cambridge was in
Indianola Sunday evening between
Mrs James Ryan and Mrs Edward
Toley are enjoying a visit from their
brother who is a resident of Cozad
H W Keyes I S Sherdan Wil
liam McCallum and James McCIung
are helping swell the crowd in Denver
this week
Frank Howe has gone to Wray Colo
to engage in the business of his pro
Mrs Margaret Baxter was the guest
of Mr and Mrs Tom Haley a few days
last week
Rev and Mrs S D Burrus are en
tertaining Mr Burruss mother also a
nephew and niece all of Texas They
arrived Sunday and will make a pro
tracted visit at the parsonage
Indianola did not celebrate this year
but went down and helped make the
eagle scream at Bartley
Quite an accident happened to Wil
mer Ilardesty while engaged in the
sports common on the Fourth He was
holding a large firecracker in his hand
when it exploded burning his hand quite
Miss Anna Smith visited relatives in
McCook Saturday night and Sunday
Miss Lillian Gentry was a Cambridge
visitor July the 4th
Mr and Mrs W H Smitn were the
guests of Agent and Mrs Frank Purvis
of Bartley Saturday
Mrs Will Short Miss Georgia Short
and Mr and MrsR P Fry are spending
a couple of weeks in Denver
Mrs James Boldman arrived home
Monday noon after a four weeks visit
with friends in Bloomington
Ttamps are beginning to bloom and
they are always looking for wurruk
George Rollins and Miss Edith Rohrer
were passengers on 5 Sunday evening
their destination being McCook
Mack Lord and Miss Gertie Lehn
were married at the Catholic parsonage
Thursday evening Mrs Helen King
served the wedding supper at their
home in east Indianola
A Mr Wolfe who lived here in early
days now a resident of California is in
this section of the country visiting old
time friends and neighbors
R E Lant commenced binding grain
last week
As usual the 4th claimed its victims
The little baby girl granddaughter of
our Mrs Gregory had her arm broken
while riding on the merry go round at
Marion Also a young man at Traer
Kas got badly hurt from falling off a
horse while racing There were smaller
casualties but when July 4th 1909
hoves in sight we will be just as determ
ined as ever about recognizing the an
niversary of the birth of independence j
Ed Towle and Geo Sigwing with
their force are heading on the Beck
place this week
M Austin has purchased an interest
in Jce Relphs header and will put his
grain in stack without any strings on it
this year
Our people celebrated so hard Satur
day they couldnt get up energy enough
to come out to Sunday school next day
We can tell the press agents of the
great circus have been around by the
hand bills scattered over the plains
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6 to4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
S W Stilgobouer and wife of Dan
bury were bore to celebrato with us and
visit his son F G and family
Only one accident occurred to mar tho
pleasuro of our celebration A pronia
turo explosion of fire works was tho
cause of A J Crawmer roceiving a
bad injury to tho ankle
Tho address of Hon G W Uorgo in
tho opera house July 4th was much
better than ordinarily dolivered on such
questions Tho large audienco was
well pleased
II L Burton and wife of Waunota
whore hero visiting friends and taking
in tho celebration last week They re
turned to their homo this week
Tho fine rain hero Sunday night and
Tuesday morning was just what wo
needed Corn is booming smco the
rain It is freo from weeds in most of
the fields and never looked moro prom
ising at this time of tho year
S W Stilgebouer Jr is having a
fine residence erected F A Hodgkins
is tho contractor When finished Mr
and Mrs Stilgebouer will have a ploa
sant homo where thoir many friends will
be welcomed
The only great disappointment of our
celebration was caused by tho Cam
bridge ball team not being hero as
agreed This sorely grieved tho large
number of people who woro expecting a
fine game of ball and took tho money
from the town without earning it Tho
McCook team was hero on time and
played ball while here and wero entitled
to the money they got It was no fault
of the Bartley people that tho gamo was
a failure
Workmen aro again busy on Dr
Browns new business building and will
push it rapidly to completion
The now hotel served throe hundred
meals for dinner and supper on tho
Mrs Voilis is entertaining relatives
from Wyoming
Ed Curlee is suffering with lumbago
R F D NO 1
Mr and Mrs John Billings of Hois
ington Kansas are the guests of J P
Notley They arrived hero Thursday
night of last week
J I Lees ice deliverers had soma try
ing experiences Monday with cave ins
of sewer ditches
Joseph Dudek is under tho doctors
care a sufferer with asthma and com
Ernest Markwad is receiving a visit
from a niece from Eastern Nebraska
Ed Downs is in Mindon assisting
William Staddler
Walton Randel Ora Stewart and Miss
Hazel Bellaire were Sunday guests of
G F Randel
The Broncho Busters and tho Pump
kin Riders nlaved ball Sunday last at
nTr t -
utto ivartnouser s ousters ueating oy
a score of 10 to 2 Tho Rider3 went
home before the game was out The
two previous games wero won by the
Riders in 23 to 3 and 12 to 1 order
Riders battery was unable to be on
hand for the game and Branchs had
loaded with a Danbury pitcher and a
Marion catcher
John Braun left last week for Illi
nois where he will visit friends for a
The strong wind blew down two barns
and caused other damage in this neigh
Tony Braun went home to help the
folks harvest That new top buggy
oh my
Frank Brauso had a calf killed by
lightning last week
Jos Kennedy is helping them harvest
at Jos Harr this week
All enjoyed a good time at the Wood
man picnic July 4th at Spring Creek
Correspondence Wanted
The Tribune wants correspondence
from Perry and Coleman precincts in
fact from any part of the country where
the paper is not now represented Write
the publisher to day
Miss Amy Clark returned to hor sis
tors homo in Indianola after a woeku
viflit with Mrs Owens Longnocker
Mr and Mrs Smith Paul and Leon
Miss Rozollo and Gabriulla Longnccker
spent the Fourth at Bartley thou in
tho evening had ico cream at Mr
Louis Longuccker and family Roscoo
Korns and family and Lowis Elmer and
family had n delightful little social pic
nic on tho Fourth iu tho grove south oi
tho river Spring chicken and ico cream
wero iu abundance
Mr and Mrs L IJ Cox from Indian
ola and Mrs Coxs sister Miso Nollio
Leonard from Missouri spont Friday
at John Longneckors and called on
other frionds
Mrs Quigloy is still in tho hospital
at Omaha
Mrs Graves and littlo son aro visiting
at hor fathers and Miss Anna Holland
came on Tuesday
A heavy hail on Sunday night cut
down gardons
Hon G W Norris gavo an address at
tho celebration at this place the Fourth
Mrs W J Millor returned last
Thursday from tho hospital much im
proved in health
Tho M II society meots this week
with Mrs Stephon Bolles Sr for a
Rev W J Millor gavo an address at
Oaborn the Fourth
Resident Piano Tuner
ItcRiilatiiiK and Repairing Satisfaction
Guaranteed Orailuato of Central School of
Piano Tuning Sliolbyvillo Intl
McCook Null Ihouo black C22
To the Pacific Coast
Daily low round trip rates to
Portland Seattle Tacoma San
Francisco Los Angeles and San
Diego Slightly higher to include
both California and Puget Sound
One whole business day saved by
our new schedule to tha Pacific
To Chicago and Eastern Resorts
Republican convention tickets on
sale Juno 12 to 16 Daily low ex
cursion rates to Canada Michi
gan Wisconsin Minnesota Mass
achusetts and Now York tourist
resorts also low excursion rates
to tourist resorts in Main Now
Hampshire Vermont
An American Tour
For Nebraska Teachers
And their friends Excursion will leave
Lincoln 430 p m June 27 Will spend
three or four days at NE AConvention
in Cleveland thence Buffalo Niagara
Falls Toronto St Lawrence river by
steamer through Thousand Islands and
over the Rapids Montreal Boston Al
bany down tho Hudson to New York
thence Philadelphia Washington and
Pittsburg Ask tho agent for an itiner
ary and full information or write the un
To Colorado and
the Rocky Mountains
Daily low rates to Colorado Utah Wy
oming the Black Hills Yellowstone
Park great Democratic convention at
Denver in July
Homeseekers Rates
First and third Tuesdays to the west
including tho famous Big Horn Basin
and Yellowstone Valley where large
tracts of rich irrigated lands are being
opened for settlement by the government
and by private companies WritoDCIem
Deaver Burlington Landseekers Infor
mation Bureau Omaha excellent busi
ness openings in new growing towns
Write a brief description of your propos
ed trip and let us advise you how to
make it the best way at the least cost
icket Agent McCook Neb
Ask for and try once BLUE BELL Cough Syrup Pile Remedy Mans Pain Liniment oi
BLUE BELL Stomach Tablets Diarrhoea Croup Nerve Cough Hay Fever and Catarrh Blood
General Tonic Bright Sunshine Heart Worm Kidney Headache Summer Complaint Soothtnf
Tablets for Children Liver Female Regulator or Quinsy Tablets
Sold bv AMcMlLLEN McCook Nebraska
mr Mnne wnr
I have purchased the plant of the McCook
Cement Stone Company on West Dennison
street and am prepared to fill any and all orders
tor cement stone blocks and work
Also Sidewalk Curbstone or Cement Work
of any kind
I Phone Red 106 fl l hfOenOSn