The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 10, 1908, Image 4

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r w - -- i - S -
of McCook is the safe
m 2
a Reserve
is not diflicult onco you
start to save money sys
tematically But if you
over oxpect to bo inde
pendent financially thru
your own efforts you must
Money snved and put
awoy safely will protect
you from misfortune and
prepare you to take ad
vantage of opportunities
that will surely come to
Funding the capital of
your working years
Insures Your Future
But choose the right
place to put your capital
or the hard earned sav
ings of a life time may be
swept away in a day
Mens Harvest Pants
One lot mens double stitched light
weight cottonade pants with two swing
pockets watch pocket back pocket
juct the thing for summer wear Our
price only 29c worth 50c of any mans
Ladies Gauze Vests
10c kinds reduced to 7c
15c 10c
20c 14c
50c A1 - 35c
- -
- -
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
For County Attorney
At the very urgent request of maDy
Republicans I hereby announce myself
as a candidate for the nomination of
county attorney before the Republican
primary to be held September 1 1908
S R Smith Chairman
Republican Co Central Com
Judge Dungan of the district court
has decided for the dry element in
the Hastings fight and that city will be
saloonless for the ensuing year
A Handy Receipt Book
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at Thh
Tribune office
5U v - -
End of an Active Season
Saturday Morning July 11
We offer our entire stock of spring and summer goods at re
ductions made with a determination to sell the last yard garment
and item of the seasons purchases They must go and not stand
upon the order of their going See this partial list of reductions
Mens Suits
It will pay you to forestall your act
ual needs at these prices
8 500 suits reduced to S3 89
650 4S9
750 539
10 00 769
1250 8G9
150 suits to select from
Boys Threepiece Suits
8400 ones reduced to S2S9
450 339
500 389
750 - 538
950 689
Boys Twopiece Suits
8125 ones reduced to 8 89
200 139
275 189
3 50 239
500 369
Long Kimonos
SlCOlawn now 8 79
125 kinds now S9
200 139
Gauze Corsets
35c ones reduced to 23c
50c 35c
Ladies Gauze Pants
25c ones few now
Extra sizes and regular
Sun Bonnets
Childrens misses and ladies
20c kinds now 10c
25c 15c
35c 20c
Enough said
Wash Goods
5c lawns reduced to 31 2c
63 c and 7Jc lawns reduced to 43 c
10c and 12 l 2c 7lc
131 2candl5c 9c
16 l 2c kinds reduced to lie
20c 14c
25c 17c
35c silk mulls reduced to 23c
50c 35c
65c 44c
75c rajah silks reduced to - 49c
Still a large assortment including
pongees voiles mulls dress linens
mikado cloth embroidered panamas
more than 100 pieces to select from
Dressing Sacques
8 35 lawn ones now 25c
50 kinds now 39c
75 48c
100 69c
Ladies Wash Suits
8200 suits reduced to 8129
300 199
350 249
trz4s t
rtf a
William Hammel ia visiting in Den
ver this week
W F Evekist departed first of the
week for Seattle Wash on business
Mrs H R Childress of Hastings
has been a guest of Mrs W S Tomlin
son this week
County Clerk Skalla is among the
lookers on at the Democratic convention
in Denver this week
Manager A R Scott of the electric
light company is receiving a pleasant
visit from his mother
Mrs Herman Pade her sister Miss
Burrows and niece Miss Smith are
spending this week in Colorado
C H Boyle went up to Denver first
of the week to visit the homefolks and
to view the Democratic convention at
close range
Charles Northrui came up from
Kansas City close of last week to visit
his mother and other McCook relatives
and friends briefly
Mrs F H Higgins and daughter
MiBS Katherine arrived from Fort Col
lins Colorado Tuesday night and are
guests of the publisher and family
Mrs G W Norris and children ar
rivod from Wymore early in the week
and the family is getting settled in
their McCook home for the summer
Mrs R D Austin who has been
visiting the homefolks in Red Cloud
for a few weeks returned home on last
Friday Mr Austin accompanying her
Mrs M E Battekshall on her way
to Okarche Okla is spending the week
here with her son Guy and visiting the
old home and friends She has been
with Mr and Mrs C T Watson at
Brookfield III
George J Heckman came down from
Denver last Saturday evening and will
spend a vacation of several weeks here
with his parents Mr and Mrs G C
Heckman Mr Heckman is a violinist
and instructor on that instrument and
is earning success in Denver
Mr and Mrs A G Chapman en
tertained at their home 1230 G street
Friday evening in honor of Mrs C L
Fahnestock of McCook The suests
were former members of the Union so
ciety of the state university this being
the first gathering of the kind held in
six years The time was most enjoy
ably spent in talking over reminiscences
Musical numbers were furnished by
Miss Chapman Miss Abbott Mrs
Stevenine and Mrs Ingham Light re
freshments were served by the hostess
after which the guests departed feeling
they had spent a delightful evening and
hoping such reunions might be held
more frequently Lincoln Journal
General Irving Hale is down from
Denver today
Mrs C L Fahnestock arrived home
Wednesday from her trip east
Scott Doan made a flying visit on
business to Omaha Tuesday night
Mies Minnie Berry arrived home
Wednesday on No 1 from her Illinois
W A Mitchell was up from Lincoln
to see the family and relatives during
the 4th
Mrs F W Bosworth and Ralph
were down from Denver for over the
races and the Fourth
William Hiersekorn and family
were over from Lebanon to celebrate
the guests of Charlie Knosp and family
D Bratton and family Walter
Deininger and John Watson are down
from Wauneta today to see the show
C B Sawyer departed Tuesday for
his new home Greenacres Wash Suc
cess and contentment be their portion
Mrs Severns the invalid mother of
Mrs W H Smith was placed on train
No 14 Tuesday evening for her homo
in Wymore
L Morse of Benkelman was in town
Friday on his way to Houston Texas
to the burial of his brother Albert who
died in Los Angeles Calif Tuesday of
last week
Mesdames Suess Oyster and Schwab
and members of their families spent
Tuesday -Thursday with Mrs S D
Bolles Jr outing on the Willow near
Box Elder
Misses Jennie and Rose Brady
Wednesday accompanied Miss Kate
West home to Hayes county Miss Kate
visiting here briefly on her way home
irom studying three months at the
Kearney state normal
James E Delzell superintendent of
the Lexington city schools Dawson
county is in town today on McCook
Chautauqua business He is incident
ally looking after his candidacy for
state superintendent
Mr and Mrs J E Lovell of Bed
ford Iowa arrived in town Monday
night and on Tuesday together with
Mrs J P Nies left for Colorado on a
short trip They will visit here briefly
on heir eastward journey
Marjorie Schobel gave a breakfast
this morning in honor of Marian Norris
A four course breakfast was served
The place cards were decorated with
hand painted and the
eight young guests each wore a badge
done in hand painted marguerites
Miss Beulah Mitchell won the honors
in the making of a hat with crepe paper
A guessing game completed the happy
Sun Hats
For misses and children
5 35 ones now 23c
65 44c
75 49c
150 89c
175 99c
Good bye hats
Mens Thin Coats
300 mohairs now 8199
Mens Wash Vests
8100 ones reduced to 69c
150 99c
Dress Skirts
Entire skirt stock including voiles
chiffon panamas batistes etc as fol
81250 skirts reduced to 8869
1000 769
900 639
750 5 69
6 50 4 69
5 00 3 89
4 00 289
3 00 199
250 169
200 139
175 129
Alterations free the same as always
First choice is best
Including white black and colored
waist in lawns mulls all over em
broideries silks etc
8 50 waists reduced to S 25
75 49
100 69
150 99
200 139
250 169
3 00 199
4 50 2 99
Childs 10c ones reduced to 7c
20c 13c
50c 39c
Ladies 8125 white ones reduced to 69c
150 89c
The 10c
Washable Belts
kinds reduced to 5c
- 15c
i - i f -4
lBMaMllMBagWl -
An Ancient Joko of Which Thre Aro
Many Modern Versions
The following tale was translated
from a very old Chinese book for Col
liers Weekly
A certain magistrate upon opening
his court observed one of his Actors
whose face was covered with wounds
and asked him what was the matter
Replied the Hctor Yesterday evening
I was reclining and enjoying the fresh
air under my grape arbor which was
suddenly upset by a gust of wind and
fell on me and caused these Injuries
But the judge was skeptical and
said That is too thin It Is easy to
see that the marks on your face are
from scratches from nails It must be
tliat you nave had a row with your
wife and got a clawing from her Is
this not so
The Hctor crimsoned all over and re
plied Your honor has truly guessed
Then said the judge Why is your
wife so fierce as this Wait till I sum
mon her and give her a beating and
you your revenge
While he was yet speaking the judges
own wife suddenly came out from the
house and fiercely said Who is this
you are going to beat
The magistrate hastily announced to
the lictors and tiug chai tis This
court stands adjourned Disperse in
stantly It seems as though the courts
grape arbor is also about to collapse
king Up Is a Very Ancient Femi
nine Art
Making up as applied to the an
pearance is by no means as modern
an art as many people imagine
In the days of Roman supremacy
the women tinted their eyebrows with
black in emulation of ox eyed Venus
They painted their faces sprinkled
themselves with perfume and even
wore false hair or tinted their own
locks in accordance with the prevail
ing fashion
The Greek ladies of the same period
employed maids who rubbed out their
mistress wrinkles decorated her
face with red and white paint and
darkened her eyebrows It was then
also the fashion to coat the face with
white of egg and goose grease to pro
tect it from the sun and wind It is
even said that they had a recipe for
turning blue eyes to black
These fashions all had their origin
in Italy where in later years the no
torious Lucrezia Borgia is said to have
dyed her hair different colors accord
ing to her fancy of the moment
In England in the eighteenth cen
tury many women among them Lady
Coventry died from the effects of
rouge So in all ages beauty at all
costs was the motto of smart la
dies Pearsons Weekly
Gingham Petticoats
65c grade now 44c
Deep flounce with ruffles
Baby Bonnets
S 15 swiss bonnets now 10c
25 kinds 15c
35 25c
50 35c
75 49c
100 69c
Including China silks and crochetted
Ladies Gauze Unions
8 40 ones reduced to 27c
50 39c
65 44c
100 69c
Girls Gauze Unions
25c ones reduced to 18c
30c 21c
Hoc 2oc
Bojs Balbriggan Unions
50c suits reduced to 39c
Boys Balb Shirts and Drawers
25c ones reduced to 19c
Infants Gauze Vests
20c sleeved now 15c
Mosquito Netting
Best grade made is always sold by us
for 5c a yard In this sale only 4c
Ladies White Hose
15c plain hose now 10c
25c lace
Ladies Tan Hose
15c plain hose now 10c
20c lace He
25c 18c
35c 25c
35c plain 25c
Childrens Tan Hose
10c ribbed tan hose now 6c
12c 8c
25ceilk lisle ig0
30c o2c
yflw Wn T3wr nr rv
After You Bought
A Good Article
You know the recollection of quality remains long after the
price has been forgotten This is the way with
The Velie and John Deere
They are built of the best material by the best workmen
Tubular Cream Separator
Which are guaranteed to skim clean
er to run easier and to be easier
cleaned than any other and also to
last longer But these are only a
few of the good things we have for
Childrens White Hose
15c lace sox reduced to 10c
15c hose lie
20c 14c
25c 18c
20c white lisle hose reduced to 14c
Oil Cloth
We always sell the best table oil
cloth at 15c a yard It goes in this sale
at 14c
Best Prints 4 l2c
Our regular price on Simpsons Am
ericans Allens and all the best prints
is 5c In this sale they go at four and
one half cents but no more than 10
yards to any one customer
Apron Ginghams
One lot apron check ginghams our
regular 5c grade in this sale 4 l 2c yd
but only 10 yds to any one customer
Mens Balb Unions
S125 ribbed unions now S9
Mens Balb Shirts and Drawers
35c grade reduced to 25c
50c 39c
65c 4dc
Mens Black Shirts and Drawers
35c grade reduced to 25c
L L yard wide muslin 5c
Lonsdale bleached muslin 10c
cambric 12 l 2c
Pepl 9 4 blchd shtg 25c
Peerless carpet warp a lb 22c
Am A 2 bu bags 20c
Amoskeag ginghams 6 l 2c
Extra stout crash 10c
McCook Hardware Co
w b mills phone 31 R- B- SIMMONS
White Quilts
The benefit to you
jednow 8 99
The fringed ones are cut corners
Notice the saving Do what you ought
to do
Muleskin Gloves ISc
Mens all leather muleskin work
gloves such as sold generally at from
35c to 50c We have a further supply
for this sale at ISc a pair
Lace Curtains
We are told our assortment is the
largest in McCook Eeduced as fol
8 50 a pair reduced to 8 39
75 55
100 73
125 59
175 129
225 1G9
300 229
400 299
500 3S9
000 469
Nottinghams brussels tambourIrish
points and other styles
Silk Coats
3 275 short pongee now
1000 long taffeta now
A Special Offer
Our very fine 40 gauge mercerized
silk lisle ladies black hose never sold
anywhere below 35c our regular price
We offer now in this sale 6 pairs for
8175 Monarch brand
Our Uniform Success
In clearing sales is founded on the reliable grade of goods we
handle at popular prices and on the confidence which people justly
feel in the genuineness of our reductions Our regular prices are
gauged by our low expenses and cash method The reduced prices
are forced by our invariable custom of clearing out all goods of a
season at its end They speak for themselves You are invited to
take advantage of them
The Thompson DGCo