y v i li rfiCTira mymn lELLSOUNDSKEYNDTE Address of Temporary Chairman of the Democratic National Convention REPUBLICAN PARTY ARRAIGNED Special Attsntion Given to Platform Adopted at Chicago Attitudes or thu Democratic Parly Toward tbeltcgulation of Trans portation Com pun en Elec tion of Senator Theodore A Hell of California upon taking the chair as temporary chair man or lie Democratic national con vention spoke in part as follows We have assembled at a time when the public conscience is demanding honesty of purpose In the men who undertake to direct the affairs of the state The public eye is keenly sen sitive to every political movement and our proceedings here will be approved according to the degree of sincerity appearing in the Avork of this conven tion There is a widespread belief founded upon evidence of a convincing character that the party in power has not been true to its trust that it has betrayed the common interest into the hands of the enemies of good govern ment thereby forfeiting its right and destroying its ability to rule in the name of the people Apparent to eveiyone is the fact that way down deep in the heart of the Republican convention at Chicago there was a feeling of anger and re sentment over the popular clamor for reforms and it is equally patent that there is no bona lido intention on the part of the Republicans of granting any reforms if the machinery of that party can be retained in present hands Its paper platform divided like ancient Gaul into three parts barren prom ises makeshifts and evasions it is Loped will make a good campaign transparency but no one seriously be lieves the Republican party indorses that neutral manuscript which held the convention together until it could ratify the nomination of a presidential candidate Approaching our great task in a manly dignified manner imbued with the loftiest sentiments of patriotism ambitious to throw every safeguard around the liberties of our people de termined to stamp out the abuses that are consuming the substance of the na tion let us proceed to our appointed tduty with the sustaining consciousness that we are responsible alone to God and to our country for the justice of our cause There are three tilings that this convention should do It ought to present in a plain and intelligent man ner the serious industrial and present conditions that are disturbing the peace and happiness of our country We should then proceed to a courage ous exposure of the Republican policies that are co operating with private greed in the general oppression of the people Most important of all Ave must exhibit a readiness and an abil ity to grasp the problems of the hour and to effect their solution in a man ner that Avill satisfy the sober com mon sense of the multitudes whose in terests are at stake Among the great evils that afflict the country at the present time is th abuse of corporate power At first the advancing1 aggressions of the cor porations are not discernible to the common eye for every move is caro lully covered up until sufficient politi cal strength is attained to defy the protests of the people Thus the con stant and insidious invasion of the peoples rights finally results in a species of arrogance and defiance so formidable in its appearance that the body of the people in fear of even worse aggressions hestitate to exer cise their rightful authority over these colossal enemies of the commonwealth And so avo behold a subversion of our free institution5 a government volun tarily subordinating itself to selfish private ends special privileges resort imr to cunning bribery and intimida tion to maintain its unholy power while the masses timidly ask that when avarice has at last reached the point of satiety it Avill then ly permit the people to resume their rightful share in the government them selves The Democratic party is not an ene my of all corporations It recognizes their great A alue in the industrial world Through the agency of incor poration scattered wealth is brought together and given a driving force thai it would not otherwise possess Great enterprises are thereby undertaken and the undeveloped resources of the country added to the wealth of the world No rational man can be op posed to corporations as such and the assertion that the Democratic party is waging an indiscriminate Avar against this convenient form of transacting business has no foundation in fact It is the abuse only of corporate pow er that we seek to eliminate We are confronted with the in quiry what assurance lnis the Repub lican party given that it will use the forces at its command to restore the people to their rights In its Chicago platform it did not make even a decent pretense of championing the peoples cause and the proceedings of that con vention are glaringly insincere It was noted tbat the elements were pres ent Jh that gathering one -with suf ficient Aotes to adopt a platform and name its candidate for president the otlier powerful enough to unwrite that platform and tie the hands of the nom inee The distinguishing feature of the Chicago platform is its oft repeated premise to do a lot of thlijgs that the Republican party has heretofore failed to do That parly Avent to Chicago fresh from the halls of comrress when an overwhelming Republcan majority in both branches enabled it to jiropuse to and adopt any legislation that it chose Dots the Republican party be lieve that it can be absolved from its dereliction of duty by an empty prom ise to do In the future Avhat it lias wilfully failed to do in the past Some one suggested that thN con vention should publish an indictineii against the Republican pnity We can probably expedite the jroco dings by entering the plea cf guilty that is con tained in the Chicago jihitfonn simply changing the words We -will to the words We did not to conform to th admitted facts We then have the fol ICAving confession of guilt We did not revise the tariff We did not amend the wiiti trust laws to secure greater effectiveness in the prosecution of criminal monopdic We did not add a single line to the interstate commerce law giving the federal government supervision over the issues of stocks and bonds by Interstate carriers We did not exact a currency measure that Avould mitigate the evils of a financial panic such as has recent ly protracted the country under x Re inihlican administration We did not limit the opportuni tles for abusing the Avrit of injunc tion We did not establish postal sav ings banks We did not establish a bureau ot mines and mining We did not admit into the union the territories of New Mexico and Ari zona as separate states The last congress Avas in session during a finacial crisis Avhen innumer able banking institutions prefering a holiday to a funeral closed their doors and filled the nvnds if the millions of depositors Avith anxiety an i fear The sentiment in favor of postal savings banks which had been steadily growing m this country became al most universal during the recent panic So insistent 1ecame the voice of the people that the president sent a special message to congress urging the estab lishment of postal savings banks where the earnings of our people might be safely deposited under the direct control and responsibility of the federal government and Avhere no speculating bank cashier or any mem ber of the ooard of directors could eat up the savings of years The United States senate shOAved its hearty sympath with this popular demand and its profound respect for the president by adjourning the senate while the message was being react while over In the house of represent atives they refused to suspend the roll call of the house to receive the com munication which had been sent there from the White House Tile Chicago platform points with prido to the passage of a child laboj law for the District of Colombia Let the Republican party go further than the enactment of penal laws and in the name of humanity use its vast energies for the removal of the con ditions that are forcing our children into the labor market It is the reign of monopoly that is emptying our school houses and filling the sweat shops Avith child labor and this same system of monopoly is fast limiting the opportunities for independent liv lihood among those avIio are forced into the industrial field and thus it i doubly blighting that hope of youth which in former stages of our national growth opened an avenue of honor and independence to every child upon bur soil The most palpable instance of the insincerity of the Chicago platform is found in its declaration respecting the issuance of injunctions It would have been entitled to more respect if it had omitted all mention of it At session after session of congress labor ha pleaded for relief from the abuses of injunctions but its appeals have fallen on deaf ears and there has been no in dication that remedial legislation ol any character avouUI be enacted The oligarchy in house and senate has de cided that nothing shall be done tc weaken any ad antage that corpora tions have gained in labor disputes The charge that the courts art being assailed is simply made for the purpose of diverting attention from the real issue Heretofore it has no been considered treason or an unwar rantable attack ujon the honor of the courts to define their jurisdiction pre senile their procedure restrict theii processes and generallv to fix the bounds Aviti Avhk h judicial fr tifiU shall be exercised It makes no V Terence whethei the couiN are acting In excos of tiiei jurNuitici or stiictly within thei delegate power In eiHser case tin people have a righ to throw addition safeguards aounl human liberty There can ns in ton up ri til honesty of the i the passage o a measure that vl inline the ejuit powrs of tnc fe Ir rii judi iary hounds is the eoIe of the Tn ted States th orgh tlie legisativ branches of their goenieit may de termine This Poii must formally an 1 pledge itself to sj Avill jsreven the wrl from being euiveiv inent of oppression We have soniot In convention legislation as ivjtietr i to an to do in this convention besides pointing out evil and taking the Republican party to task for the part it has played in cre ating and perpetrating abuses Dem ocracy is once more called to the front to battle for the secret principles of self government It must wage an uncompromising war for the return of the government to the hands of the people and this means that the iihalanx of special Interest must be broken With the power and oppor tunity to carry out Democratic prin ciples we will be called upon to revise Dur tariff laws In the Interests of the tvhole people This Issue cannot be ilisposed of by the assertion that the Reimblican party also stands for tariff reform Republican revision and Democratic revision are two different things The Democratic idea is that Avhere tariff enables the trusts to maintain a system of extortion the duty should be removed from all trust made goods s that competition from abroad comiel reasonable prices to our own people There is a vast difference be tween the irotection of American in dustries and the protection of criminal monopolies The expense of our government even Avhen most economically admin istered avIH always require substantial tariff rates for the customs duties Avill always be our chief source of revenue The amount and distribution of these rates must always be delivered along equitable lines keeping in view the greatest hajipincss to the greatest number and particularly Avithholding the shelter of the tariff from those avIio use it not for legitimate self protec tion but for the criminal purpose of extorting the last dollar from the American consumer The corrupt use of large sums of money in political campaigns is largely responsible for the subversion of the peoples Avill at the polls The masses are nvakening to a realization of the great power of gold in contests that ought to be determined according to the character of nominees and tht soundness and morality of political is sues and there is a general demand for publicity in the collection and use of campaign funds so that our citizens may know Avhcther a political party has purchased its Avay into office fr has Avon its victories by honest means In the Chicago convention a minor ity report of the committee on resolu tions containing a declaration in favor of publicity Avas overwhelmingly de feated upon a roll call of the conven tion and the Republican party placed itself squarely upon record in favor of concealing the names of the con tributors and the amounts of their subscriptions It is eminently proper that this convention should define the Demo cratic attitude toward the regulation of transportation companies and call the attention of the country to the in disputable fact that it was only after years of Democratic effort that an amendment Avas made to the inter state commerce laAv authorizing the commission to establish reasonable rates whenever it appeared that an existing schedule was unjust and un reasonable The national platforms of the Republican party remained silent upon this great question for years and the fact that the necessary change was advocated by a Republican president who succeeded only through the aid of the Democrats in both branches of congress in placing the amendment upon our statute books does not affect the credit to which our party is en titled for having worked persistently for such an enactment Further amendment to our laws giving the fed eral government supervision over the issuance of railroad stocks and bonds is demanded We search in A ain for one syllable in the Chicago platform pledging the Republican party to retrenchment and reforms and it is no mere coincidence that has given us a billion dollar ses sion of congress en the eve of a na tional election and the possible revision of the tariff So long as we maintain the pres ent method of electing United States senators Ave cannot hope that the up per chamber of congress Avill reflect the popular Avill The Democratic party will continue to labor for the direct election of United States senators and it appeals to the voters of all America to elect members of the different state legislatures A ho will pledge themselves to vote for no candidate for the United States setiate that is not in favor of this reform The affirmative position of the Democratic party rjon these great questions Avill bo made i lear dur ing the imjiending campaign and dis daining all subterfuges it Avill speak in a language that cannot be Its A oice will ring Avith a genu ine love for humanity and the charge of insincerity will never be brought to its doors Let our party declaration in this convention present the strong contrast between that AA hich Ave here propose and that Avhich was declared at Chicago Let any man take the temperature of the Chicago platform and discover if he can any sign of human warmth Not a single senti ment is there to redeem it from the materialism permeating it through and through This national convention meets at a time when the angel of peace is h v ering over the entire world and the na tions of the AAorld each day are strengthening those ties of friendship and common interest that will render war less frequent and permit man kind to turn their hands to the peacea ble pursuits of life rather than to the destruction of one another The Democratic party realizes the part that America must inevitably play in the affairs of the world and that avc cannot escape participation in the set tlement of every world problem that arises but Americas weight and in fluence must ever be on the side of peace on the side of justice on the side of the oppressed and if the Avill of the people shall commit to our hands the sceptre of power it will be used for the realization of the high Amer ican ideals that raise our own people to loftier and better things and through our precepts and examples contribute to the Avell being and happiness of all mankind ETIQUETTE IN KASSALA A Chat Between a Male Heathen and Two Native Ladies Some of the traditional observances in the polite society of other lands af ford In addition to amusement con siderable opposition to the free inter course to which modern conditions ba e accustomed us Mrs Speedy one of the first English ladies to visit lvassala gives a good instance of thia In her Wanderings In the Sudan when relating how she and her hus band received their first callers Their patroness was an Italian lady who had long been a resident of the city In the morning a rap came to the door writes Mrs Speedy and on opening it I saw madame Avith tAVO Arab Avomen standing outside She in quired cautiously if Charlie were with in and on my saying that he was she made a sign to the two ladies who drew the thickly concealing shawl still more closely over their hidden faces and moved off to one side in the pas sage turning their backs to the door way She then explained to me that they were of very high rank and of a very strict sect and must on no account be seen by a strange man especially not by one avIio Avas of another nation and an infidel They Avere however very anxious to see me and had come to do me that honor and if Charlie would not object to go below or into some other room for a few minutes they would make their visit very short I represented the state of the case and he at once consented to absent himself his only regret lining that he should not have a chance to converse with these ladies as there were many things which he wished especially to know and which he was not likely to have any opportunity so goad as the present for ascertaining In turn I represented this side of the question to madame and after much hesitation and Avhispered conversation in the pas sage a compromise was effected It Avas arranged that completely veiled the ladies should enter the room not venturing to turn their heads in the direction of the masculine hea then and tbat he should before they entered turn his back to the direction by which they Avould come in This Avas all strictly carried out and thus back to back and a considerable distance apart an edifying conversation Avent on for half an hour questions being put in bland inquiring tones and dulcet replies given Avhich appeared to be quite satisfactory to both parties The Longest Straight To the Bueuo3 Aires and Pacific railway belongs the peculiar distinction of having ou its system the longest straight stretch of railway in the world The length of this is 201 miles and it is situated on the main line between luS and 3G31 miles from Buenos Aires The straight was for merly broken by reverse curves form ing a detour around Lake Soria The longer portion Avas then 175 miles long and A as even then the worlds record The lake haA ing howe er practically dried up the company suppressed the curves and the cutoff was opened to service on Oct 13 1907 It seems that when the line was set out in the sev enties at Avhich time the country was in the hands of the Indians after leav Ing Junin which Avas a military out post and the last point of contact Avith the Buenos Aires civilization a course of aboutwest nortliAvest was set and the line run straight across the fiat pampas until it met another line about sixty miles long Avhich was pushed out east Avard from the Avesteru terminus Villa Mercedes There were no obstacles of importance to aA oid and hence the phenomenal bee line Engineer Cains Wife I never discuss marriage said the late General Fitz Hugh Lee without thinking of an old colored preacher in my state Avho was addressing his dark skinned congregation Avhen a white man rose up in the back of the build ing Mr Preacher said the white man Sir to you said the parson Mr Preacher you are talking about Cain and you say lie got married in the land of Nod after he killed Abel But the Bible only mentions Adam and Eve as being on the earth at that time Whom then did Cain marry The colored preached snorted with unfeigned contempt nuh he said You hear dat bred eron an sisters You hear dat fool question I am axed Cain he Avent to de laud o Nod just as de good book tells us an in de land o Nod Cain gits so lazy an so shifIess dat he up an marries a gal o one o dem no count pore Avhite trash families dat de inspired apostle didnt consider fittiu to mention in de holy word Departed Glories of Fez Fez the fertile the Rome of the western Arabs still retains traces of the magnificence which made her in the middle ages the riA al of Mecca In the twelfth century the holy city to which Avhen the road to Mecca was closed pilgrimages were made contained as many as 700 temples fifty of which were adorned Avith marble pillars In those old days the city was the haunt of philosophers physicians and astron omers A mere formal pretense ot study is now all that is practiced They have Euclid in folio volumes a traAeler Avrites but neither copied nor read The teacher sits crossleg ged on the ground and repeats In a drawling tone between singing and crying words which are echoed by the scholars sitting around him Fez how ever is honest enough In one respect she does not believe in outward show In the interior of the houses are apart ments decorated with paintings and arabesques while the outside walls are often built of mud CARLOTTA AND NAPOLEON How the Crazed Empress Curso Came to a Fulfillment General Henrico dAlmonte Avas from lSGIJ to lSUU the ambassador of lliu peror Maximilian of Mexico to the court of Napoleon III The most Inter esting and most jmthetlc episode to which DAlmonte was a witness and which Is vividly described In his memoirs is the meeting between the scheming French emioror and Maxi milians wife the beautiful and ambi tious Carlotta who shortly before the catastrophe at Queretaro had come to Paris to Invoke Napoleons aid for the tottering throne of her husband But Napoleon III Avho for his own per fidious purposes had by promises and allurements induced Maximilian then archduke of Austria to aecejt the re stored throne of Montezuma faith lessly abandoned the unfortunate prince to his cruel fate as soon as he realized his schemes to be impractica ble Even at her arrival in Paris Carlot tas mind was already in such a high state of irritation that it was deemed advisable to have General dAlmonte at her side during the meeting with Na poieon wmeii toou place in tnc em lress apartments at the Grand Hotel de Paris What lends sjecial interest to that interview Is the fact that the empress I crazed by desperation and fear for her I husbands safety and by Napoleons unsympathetic attitude hurled a curse at the latter Avhich In time was indeed fulfilled to the very letter The empress says General dAl monte pleaded partly on her knees and in the most beseeching terms with the stony Frenchman to no a ail Then t was that I Avitnessed the most har rowing and dramatic scene of my life I Frantic Avith grief and excitement the i empress witli drawn mouth and flash 1 Ing eyes sprang to her feet extending both her hands toward the retreating j emperor j Leave me she yelled In a voice which cut through me like a sword I leave me but go laden Avith my curse the same curse that God hurled at the first murderer May your own house and throne perish amid flames and blood and Avhen you are humbled In the dust powerless and disgraced then shall the angel of revenge trum pet into your ears the names of Maxi milian and Carlotta At Sedan and by the revolution in Paris Sept 4 1S70 the unhappy Car lottas curse was fulfilled to the letter Captain Charles Kiener in Los An geles Times The collection of coins and medals In the British museum consists of over 250000 specimens Y CKDKK OF IIKAKINU The stntiMif Nibrukn Itid Willow county s la tin- county court In matlcr of Ukj r tuttMif Jnine II Sliort IitciimhI On rtflmc mid lllinj the iM tilion of Jr Inu L ilww prnjiMK Unit administration of -aid estate mmr lit Krniitwl to Iut us iiduiini tratri 0lKYtf that July II A 1 IWi t oie ocIH k ji uit itiiiifi for lifiiriiiK wild petition ln all lterxui iuteresttii in mucI mutter mny wir nt u county court to ln hdcl in nml far 3I county ami show ciiiimj wlij the irajor of should not he u rnntel ninl iliiu ttwi or the ixMidcncy ofwuil petition and the hmr niK thereof Iipkiwii to all hmoiis ItilerwDrrt in Mild uiiittnr by uliliiifiK a ropy of ttAm order in tliu McCook Trilium a vtrxkly mjiM jMiper printed in nid count for three uicwr u Iflllli O UHIDI iteHrmjc Dated tlif COW lJtJi Inv of June 1WW I Mookk h unity XOTICK TO CHKD1TOK3 Stiite of XeuniMlii Ked Willow county Km the mutter of the entitle of Jacob Crocter Xotiee is herel y Khun to nil itermia having claims and demands naint ful Trucker late of Miid county that Wcw time Used for liling claims aKniuit -aid tetany i nix mouth from the ft It day of July KMi All blicli peryoiis are required to pre oul tlxc with ouchers to the coiiuy jiHlip hnid county on or liefore the Itli day of Jaait arv lKW or the same hall he forer ImiwL All elainii m tiled will ho examined ami ad justed by the county judw of -aid couutyttc hisollicc therein on the itli day of Jattn IM at one oclock p in It U ordered thattfcft above notice be iubli hfd in the McCook TVS bune a weekly new paper published in mmV6 county for four weeks iien under my hiMt and eal of the county court this Kt day July iuk J C Mookk County Jutliie iai 7--Its SHKHJFFS SALE Hy virtii of an order of -ale ined from tfie district court tf hd Willow county Xebrada under a decree in an action wherein Aim XohiuiKcl i plaintill ami the unknown rs of ieore II Castle el ul are defendants in directed and delivered shad otter at jKtMic sale and -ell to the billies r bidder for ca ha4 the east door of the court hou e in McCtk ited Willow county Ncbra kii on the 27th thxt of July Hi IS tit the hour of one oclock p mu the following described real estate to nit 75k m rihwest tpuirter tif seetn n twelve in toon ship two north of ran re tueiity nine west jT the sixth I M in Ked Willow county Xeitm ka Dated tlnVJtltli tiny of June tJOS II I IKTKMsow SlteriJL HKFKKKKS SALE IJy virtue of an order of sale to me direci by the cletk of the district court oT Hcd Willow county in the State of Xebra ka on i jixlir incut rendered in said court in the eause whuwr lu Ludwii Suess was plaintilT and Salli PL DeOrotret al were defendants on the tweitfjr ninth day of June lJOS for the partition mixk -ale of tin following docribed real estate wit Lot sewnttenin block twenty--eve i the original town of McCook Ited Willow ovtet ty Xebras ka I will otter for salt to tli Imk est bidder for iih on the fourth tlav of livb at the ea t front door or tlie oowrt hoiise in said county at two oclock iu ttt afternoon the above described real estate Hated this thirtieth day of June VJUb p j Uiidii Refer Realism In Art Two artists were boasting how tm could paint Do you know said or I painted a sixpence on the grooiaL one day and a beggar nearly broke feis lingers trying to pick It up Thale nothing to what I did said the ether I painted a leg of mutton on a stene and it was so realistic that a dog ate half the stone before he found out ids mistake BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIES CURES catarrh of the stomach See Bullard Before Buying Elsewhere A ESSESKSlTsrSN ENSSSSffSJSN SSSsSSSSIES aESJBSSNaSSTsSrs Attention minders I i L I 4r incom n aiv star Nebraskas Greatest Home Paper contains all the news of c v xi md the nation ail the state end ixat news complete marKet reports a cmiij cnJ up-to-date Nebraska newspaper w evr respect No cut price r cites no broi weeks The Star is worth ail ve dsk S jCO per year 150 for six month willi a useful premium free furth er information sample ccp ies etc by addressing Circulation Depdrt mentLincom bally StarLincoin NebrasKa If you want a FOUNDATION CURBSTONE SIDEWALK or anything pertaining to Cement Work see J E MOLUND Or nt Ynrrl Twn Rlnrkq Fast of Main KOOlll tS 1 r 33 ii iBf tt tv1 rs f Rafnroon Hrro o n A Tlon nicnn WiIl T ftT P Vlll Vs CWU IUUU v rpmtuwihijv - - -- - - rr L