The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 10, 1908, Image 1

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- i
f t
t nr
830 Oclock
Lastof normal series Theyjwill
captivate you
Tickets reserved at McConnells
Saturday July 11 8 a m
Tickets 50 cents
Earl Cunningham and Charles
land Will Serve 18 Months For
33 Stealing Four Hogs fZZ
Earl Cunningham Charles McFar
land and Joseph Dack three young
men of this city and neighborhood ap
peared before Judge Orr at chambers
Monday charged with stealing and
carrying away four hogs the property
of Mrs Sarah E Christian of Perry pre
cinct and valued at 1000
Joseph Dack was allowed by the
court to plead guilty to petty larceny
and was fined 510 and costs amounting
to 2385 and was required to make
restitution to Mrs Christian twice the
value of the hogs or 8000
Earl Cunningham and gCharles Mc
Farland each pleaded guilty to grand
larceny and were sentenced to be con
fined in the state penitentiary at Lin
coln for a term of one year and a half
The young men were tauen to Lincoln
Tuesday morning by Deputy Sheriff
Dick Osborn
This is a pathetic picture but it may
have its use in serving as an example
to be shunned by other young men in
this city and neighborhood who may be
on the road to a similar fate on account
of bad company and unlawful habits
Attention of Tribune subscribers is
directed to the fact that one half of 1908
is now gone and some of the subscriptions
of the year remain unpaid The law
requires that subscriptions to weekly
newspapers must be paid some time
during the year Look at the date
printed on your paper in connection
with your name The Publisher
It Is a Well Known Fact
that most dealers dont like to wait on
babies and children but not so at the
Viersen Standish Shoe Parlor where
everything is done to make the little
folks want to come back again and best
of all their childrens shoes wear a
big difference
Will Locate Here
Arthur Golfer has decided to locate
in McCook in the practice of dentistry
He has rented rooms in the postoffice
building which he is equipping for his
Dont Hunt
all over town for Oxfords Viersen
Standish have some new ones that will
make you feel glad to have walked
half-a-block and saved a dollar
Be Comfortable
Summer is here and alpaca coats are
a necessity to comfort We can fill
your wants in blacks and grays
Rozell Barger
Barney Hofer has received 20000 new
colored post cards of McCook
Cash Beginning June 1
On and after June 1st 1903 I
shall sell meats on a strictly cash
basis This action is made ne
cessary by business conditions
and will be strictly adhered to
Paul P Anton
Kti itA is Srt fc
Gone to Her Reward
After an illness of about six months
Mrs Reuben J Branscom was early
Tuesday morning relieved from her suf
ferings and passed on to her reward
Burial was made at River view cemetery
the same evening at 030 oclock after
services at the home conducted by Rev
G B Hawkes of the Congregational
church All of the children of the de
parted were present at the funeral ex
cept the son Edward of HayosCentor to
whom it was not possible to got the
word in time ho being out on the
Center star route at the
Hannah Elizabeth Congging Brans
com was born September 1832 in the
state of North Carolina died in McCook
Nebraska July 7th 190S being almost
7G years of age Her childhood was
spent in Eastern Tennessee She was
united in marriage with Reuben J
Branscom in that state November 2
1853 They moved to and lived in North
Carolina for a while and then came to
Nebraska which remained her home
for many years and until the end De
parted was an active woman until she
became blind about 25 years ago She
was for many years a member of the
Dunkard church and hers was a vic
torious Christian death A touching
tribute was that of an early pastor Rev
Jessie Heckler now of Minneapolis
A faithful unselfish Christian wife and
mother patient and cheerful in her long
illness she had the love and affection of
all who knew her A husband and
seven children survive all of them hav
ing visited her during her last illnes3
We are grateful beyond our words to
express to all the neighbors and friends
for their sympathy and unfailing help
and devotion to our dear wife and
mother during her long and painful ill
ness This devotion will ever remain a
happy memory to us all
R J Branscom and family
We Call Attention
to our large advertisement on the editor
ial page of this issue giving a splendid
opportunity to all consumers of Dry
Goods Clothing Waists Skirts and all
ready-to-wear goods to supply them
selves at wholesale cost in many cases
and less in others We trust that this
regular end-of-season sale of ours will
not be judged by the kind of sales
run by some stores in other towns
where theres a sale on so often as to
suggest the thought that at their regular
prices their goods will not sell At the
end of each season we regularly hold a
legitimate clearing sale at actual cut
prices Please compare the prices we
advertize with any heard of and inspect
our offerings here in the store We in
vite your participation
The Thompson D G Co
Sweeping dusting scrubbing and in
fact about all kinds of housework have
anything but a good effect upon Jhe
hands even if actual soreness does not
result Hand disfigurement can easily
be prevented by wearing a pair of our
These gloves are soft pliable elastic
and thin enough not to impair the sense
of touch We have all sizes g ZZJ
L W McConnell Druggist if
An Absurd Idea
Dont let anyone tell you that after
you have worn a pair of oxfords half out
theyll begin to feel good Viersen
Standish fit shoes to your feet and are
strangers to the theory of fitting your
feet to shoes
Keep Your Corn Ground
loose on top and not allow it to bake
We have a good line of cultivators and
now is the time to use them
McCook Hardware Co
A Challenge
We defy anyone to show a stronger
better line of mens work shoes than
the new ones just arrived at the Viersen
Standish Shoe Parlor
Have You Houses To Rent
Then you should be supplied with
rent receipt books The Tribune has
just what you want compact and com
Largest On the Globe
Rozell Barger carry a full line of
the famous Wilson Bros gents
isnings xuis is sue greatest nouse on
the globe in this line
Talcum Weather
Theres comfort in our BY LO tal
cum Price 25c
L W McConnell Druggist
Those Great Bargains in Dry Goods
are for seven days only Get your share
at Clapps next week
Huber is still selling Wedding Break
fast Coffee You know the brand
9lJiSSS r lcirtjC -
Burglarized the Store
Burglars entered the H P Waite
Co store Tuesday night and stole
some razors pocket knives ammunition
etc There is no clue to tho thieves
Entrance was made through a window
on the south side of the building The
amount stolen was not heavy
If You Get a Majestic Range
at McCouk Hardware Cos you settle
the stove qeestion besides having the
satisfaction cf owning the best range
Harvest Time Is Here
You will need gloves We have them
in gauntlet and without Good wearers
and the prices right
Rozell Barger
Look for the Sensational Sale Ad
in this issue Be there early Youll
save money by it
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
v t
y r
mmni ij y1
Just as The Tribune goes to press this afternoon word comes
over the wire of the nomination of William Jennings Bryan of Ne
braska for the Democratic candidate for president on the first
McCook and this Section of the State Visited by a Very
Heavy Storm Sunday Night
McCook and vicinity were visited
Sunday night by the severest storm of
the year a tremendous downpour of
rain being accompanied by hail and a
fierce high wind
The hail fortunately did not cover a
wide territory but was destructive of
gardens grain and corn fields where it
touched The wind was strong and
caused damage in many minor ways all
over the city but happily nowhere in a
large degree
The roof on the Elza Ward brick
building on west 1st street South Mc
Cook was blown off letting the front
gable fall into the house The house
is occupied by Chas Boyle and family
several of whom were injured but none
severely or seriously The walls and
interior of the building were also consid
erably damaged by hail and rain
Bird life suffered severely In some
localities where the feathered tribe were
want to roost the fatalities were espe
cially numerous particularly among the
young birds which were blown out of
their nests and pounded to death by
the hail
Con Kriegers new barn on McDowell
street was blown down and the wreck
age moved about 150 feet J W Jones
barn in the northwestern part of town
also succumbed before the storm
Two or three of the large panes of
glass in the front of the C L DeGroff
Co store building were blown in by the
wind or broken by the hail But the
damage from this source was small
About three feet of water found its way
into the cellar delaying the work of
moving the structure now in progress
Pumps had to be used in reducing the
water in the cellar
The Burlington was not a heavy
loser but suffered numerous items of
Should Be Doubled
Comparing the membership total of
the McCook Commercial club with some
other Nebraska towns and cities that
have similar organizations The Tri
bune is unwillingly forced the conclu
sion that the McCook club has just about
half the membership it should have
A vigorous effort should be made by
the organization to double its member
ship and we feel assured that this can
be accomplished if the men of McCook
who are intelligently interested in its
development and growth can be made
to feel and understand the value and
importance of a large wideawake pro
gressive Commercial club in the ad
vancement of the citys best interests
along all lines
Let us all get together and intelli
gently persistently and unitedly boost
for a bigger and a better McCook
Farmers Attention
I am receiving cream for the Fair
mont Creamery Co of Crete Neb
Bring your cream to me and 1 will guar
antee good results You get your
checks every shipment To those part
ies that are delivering cream to other
creameries if you will divide give one
half to me I think after a few ship
ments you will bring it all to me
M Walsh
damage Part of the shingles on the
roof of sections 24 25 27 and 29 were
blown off and all three of the smoke
stacks to the heating and steam plant
were blown down Tho roof of the cool
shed was also slightly damaged Their
largest item was the delay in work
caused by the downfall of the smoke
The water was high enough at the
foot of Main avenue to run over the
Burlington track several inches deep
and found its way into the baggage
room of the headquarters building
Numerous coalsheds and other out
buildings were turned over and trees
blown down all over town
The rainfall was by far the heaviest
at any one time this season The Burl
ington reports 175 inches and tho Bar
nett Lumber Co 251 inches Both
have similar guages and they are only
a few hundred feet apart
Full many a cellar was filled with
flood water Sunday night
Caved in sewer ditches made the al
leys undesirable for heavy traffic for a
few days after the storm
The electric light people came in for
their usual share of grief as a result of
the strong wind
Some debris from the Ward house in
South McCook smashed in some of the
window of E C Underbills residence
and the roof of the same rests in the
Underhill garden
The big trees about the water works
suffered greatly from the gale a number
being blown down and others broken
The west wall of the McCook laundry
building on West Dennison street was
considerably damaged
Telephone connections were disturbed
considerably by the storm
Set the Fans Afire
Tuesdays game of baseball between
McCook and Red Cloud was perhaps
the most remarkable one ever played
in McCook Eight innings were played
without either club scoring In the
ninth inning both clubs scored one run
each In the sixteenth inning Red
Cloud scored again and won the game
by a score of 2 to 1 Bennett pitched
the entire sixteen innings for the locals
Miller catcher for the home team re
ceived a broken finger during the game
The game aroused the greatest en
thusiasm and interest
mcook won the second
McCook captured Wednesdays game
by a score of 5 to 2 in a game without
special features
McCook had yesterdavs game won
up to the ninth inning At this junc
ture the balloon went up and Red
Cloud raced around the diamond seven
times McCook could only increase
her lead of one by two more runs
Hence the final score was 7 to 3 in fav
or of the visitors
nowadays All that is necessary is to
procure the right paint for the job
We have the right paint for any kind of
a job Have it in cans of just tho size
youll want to
Who Dont Know
the discomfort of new oxfords rubbing
blisters on your heels Avoid it by go
ing to the Viersen Standish Shoe
Parlor where you can enjoy having
your shoes fitted to your feet
Few Good Refrigerators Left
which you can buy at special low prices
at McCook Hardware Cos The hot
weather has just commenced
Smile and be comfortable
i fiiiiiUtt JmLwa x ii -
in one of
our fine hammocks
A McMillen Druggist
Remember the Place
remember the date Clapps great sale
begins Saturday July 11th
Not Won But Just Begun
A dangerous porcentngo of tho people
of McCook aro acting as though tho
teniplo opora house project wore an
fact rather than a
just begun enterprise
The Tribune wishes to state to tho
people of McCook and with especial
emphasis to those who have not sub
scribed for stock that this groat enter
prise is but fairly begun and that tho
big end of the work is still ahead of us
Instead of the Btock being all sub
scribed and the money all provided bo
tween 15000 and 20000 must still bo
raised and it behooves every patriotic
citizen of McCook who has not done his
duty in this tho greatest public enter
prise ever undertaken by McCook to go
down into his pocket and subscribe for
stock in this project to the fullest ox
tent of his ability
How soon and how well tho enterprise
shall prosper depends upon how soon
and how well those respond to the im
perative call for more stock subscrip
We must have more money and tho
people of McCook must ALL assist in
raising it not a few or a part of them
The Wages or Sin
The wrecking of two homes was briefly
indicated by the evidence heard by
Squire Berry Wednesday morning in a
case wherein the state of Nebraska was
plaintiff and Albert R Evans a livery
man of Wray Colorado was defendant
Adultery was the crimo alleged and a
Mrs Brady of near Wray was the woman
in the case McCook is testified to as
the place of the sinning and May 23 25
190S the dates involved During these
dates the guilty pair were entered on
the register of a city hotel as Mr and
Mrs Smith Justice Berry considered
that the evidence given warranted plac
ing Evans under an appearance bond in
the sum of S300 to answer at the next
term of district court for Red Willow
county in this city Walter E Haynes
of Oneida Iowa a brother of Mrs
Evans was present and is pushing the
case against his erring brother-in-law
Both couples are separated by this
affair Mrs Brady is now living in
this city
Matt Uhren a Suicide
Matt Uhren shot and killed himself
Thursday morning on the C WLepper
farm up in North Perry precinct
Young Uhren was in love with a young
girl of this city and it is claimed that
his affection not being returned was tho
cause of his self destruction
Deceased was born in Illinois July
31 1831 Came with parents to Indian
ola Neb in 1S85 His father one
brother and five sisters survive the
mother being buried in Indianola
Services were held at the home early
Friday morning Rev Carman in charge
after which the remains were taken to
Indianola for burial
Fortunate Patrcns
Patrons of DC Marsh are fortun
ate in that they are able to secure at
his meat market the richest and juciest
and tenderest meats obtainable in any
market anywhere at any price Prime
corn fed cattle of first grade are placed
on the block for his patrons every day
Meats too which have been
ated long enough to make them the
most palatable These qualities with
prompt courteous and square dealing
and right prices spell success
Correspondence Wanted
The Tribune wants correspondence
from Perry and Coleman precincts in
fact from any part of the country where
the paper is not now represented Write
the publisher to day
We Dont Sell Shoes
in the ordinary way
but by paying attention to kitting the
shoes make you want to come back
again Try us and see Viersen
Standish Shoe Parlor
It Is Good Old Summer Time
use handy little cans ad you ought to have a straw hat
easy to open and easy to close
These handy paints cost little and
will aid you in making home beautiful
L W McConnell Druggist
i comfort We haw
and at prices to fit
them in all styles
any pocket book
Come and see
Rozell Barger
Are You Roasting
in your kitchen You need not if you
get a Quick Meal Gasoline Stove or a
Standard Oil Stove at McCook Hard
ware Cos
E C Scuffers
the original and only genuine scuffer
for children is being featured at the
Viersen Standish Shoe Parlor In
To Normal Students
We carry a complete line of pencil
and writing tablets composition books
box paper lead pencils etc
A McMillen Druggist
The Opportunity of a Life Time
to buy dry goods cheap at Clapps Sen
sational sale next week Dont miss it
mAL -- nL2S
111 ii hmnniii
ss - II V Willi
When you havo a surplus of
monoy dojHjsit it with us Wu
pay four percent on time depos
its A checking account no mat
ter how small is a convoniunuo
onco tried always used
It helps you to save
PWalsh C FLehn
President Vice President
C J OBrien Cashior
Business Men of McCook Will Meet in
the Commercial Club Rooms
Monday Evening to Greet
Mr Irving
Next Monday on his way to Colo
rado Mr Irving representing tho Dry
Goods Reporter of Chicago will be in
McCook and will address tho business
men of the city in tho Commercial club
rooms Mr Irving represents the
Town Boosting department of the
Reportor and his addross will bo that
of a specialist along general town im
provement lines
It is beyond question that Mr Irving
will be able to give tho business men of
McCook invaluable pointers and sug
gestions in tho matter of boosting
cities and improving and stimulating
business conditions w
Let every business man iu the city
make it a special point to bo present
Union Meeting In Park
There will be an open air union tem
perance meeting in the city park Sun
day July 18 at 8 p m to be addressed
by Rev R M Ainsworth Tho Bap
tist Congregational Methodist and
Christian churches unite in this meet
ing Room for all and a unique service
Watch papers next week for announce
ment Should the weather be bad
meeting will be in the Baptist church
Gas Street Light
The McCook Gas Co has erected a
fine cast iron lamp post and street light
on the First National Bank comer for
advertising purposes It gives a fine
light and being low tho illumination is
especially good on tho sidewalk The
gas company is looming up as a possible
competitor in the street lighting busi
ness of the city
High School Won
A large and vociferous gathering wit
nessed tho game of basket ball last Fri
day evening on tho Swastika grounds
between the High School and the Swast
ika teams The High School winning
by a score of 14 to 13
Death of Baby Brening
Alma the 9-months-old daughter of
Jacob Brening died this week Tuesday
and was buried in Riverview Wednes
day afternoon
Something New
in the way of mens work shoes just ar
rived at the Viersen Standish Shoe
Parlor and the low prices will surprise
you too
Cook With Gas
on a Detroit Jewel Gas Range sold by
McCook Hardware Co and you will live
economically and comfortablv
For Sale
New 5 - room cottage bath - room
closets cellar etc corner Douglass and
Manhattan sts Phone black 312
Hard and Soft Paper
in convenient sizes for desk use in fig
uring and making notes at the Tribune
office Very reasonable price
List Your City Property
Farms Ranches with
Office in Electric Light
office rear Citizens bank
Phone 283