The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 03, 1908, Image 7

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A r A M
BLcCook LocIro No 135 A F it A M mootB
ovory first miii third Tuowluy of tho month nt
3 10 p in in Masonic Iiall
Ciahikh L Faiinehtock N M
Lon Cose Soc
h h it
Occonoxoo Council No 10 II S M moots on
tho hint Saturday of each mouth nt 800 i in
n Masonic hull
Halvh A IlAanuno T I M
KInf Cyrus Chnptor No It A M meots
overy llrt mid third Thursday of each inouthut
80 p in In Maeonlc hull
Ciinton U Sawyeb Sec
St John Coininnndory No 10 K T moots on
tho rocoutl Tliurtduy of each month at 800 p
m in Mubouic hull n
Emkiujon HyisoN K C
Sylvestkk Couueai Kcc
Eureka Chnptor No 80 O 12 S moots tho
second nud fourtli Fridays of eacli month at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Mas Sakau E Kay W M
Sylvester Corukal Sec
Kohlo Camp No 001 V V A moots overy
second and fourth Thursday of eacli month at
8150 p m in Ganschowjs hall Pay assessments
at White Ifouso Grocery
J M SMinr Clork S E Howell V C
Nohlo Camp No 8GZ R N A moots overy
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
230 p in in Ganpjchows hall
MR8 Maey Walker Oraclo
Mas Augusta Anton Rec
w o w
Meets second and fourth Thursdays at 8
o clock in Diamonds hall
W C Moyek Clork
McCookfLodco No 01 AOUW meets overy
Monday at800 p m in Diamonds hall
C B Gray Rec Fred Sciilagel M W
McCpk Lodpre No 3 D of H meets every
seconAl fand forth Fridays of oach month at 800
p mK in Ganschows hall
Mrs Laura OsnuRN C of H
Mis Matie G Welles Rec
f McCook Division No 621 B of E meets
very second and fourth Saturday of oach
lonth at 230 in Morris hall
Walter Stokes C E
W D Burnett F A E
McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E
moots overy Saturday at 7 30 p m in Gaus
chows hall
I D Pennington M
Geo A Campbell Sec
Harvey Division No 95 O R C moots the
second and fourth Sundays of oach mouth at
300 p in in Diamonds hall
Joe Hegendeeger C Con
M O McCluee Sec
C W Bronson Lodso No 487 B of R T
moots first and third Sundays at 230 p m and
second and fourth Fridays at 7 30 p m each
month in Morris hall Neal Beeler M
R J Moore Sec
Young America Lodge No 450 B R C of A
meets on tho first and third Thursdays of each
mouth in Diamonds hall ai70 p in
Con Kreigee C C
N H Snyder Rec Sec
Red Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meets
every second and fourth Tuesday of tho month
at S00 p m in Ganschow hall
D O Hewitt Pres
W H Anderson Rec Sec
McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of
A meets first and third Fridays of each month
in Odd Follows hall
McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every
Wednesday at 800 p in in Masonic hall
M Laweitson C C
J N Gaaede K R S
odd fellows
McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every
Monday at S00 p m in Ganschows hall
W H Ackeeman N G
W A Middleton Sec
McCook Aerio No 1514 F O E meets the
socondand fourth Fridays of each month at
300 pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings
on the first and third Fridays
R S Light W Pres
G C Heckman W Sec
McCook Council No 1120 K of C meets tho
first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800
p in in Diamonds hall
G R Gale F Soc Frank Real G K
Court Granada No 77 meets on tho first and
and third Tuesdays of each month atS p m in
tho Morris hall Anna Hannan G R
Josephine Mullen F S
Valley Queen Hivo No 2 L O T M moots
every first and third Thursday evenings of each
month in hall
Mrs W B Mills Commander
Harriet E Willetts R K
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
tho first Saturday of each month at 230 p m
Ganschows hall
J M Henderson Cmndr
J H Yaeger Adjt
McCook Corps No 5 W R C meets overy
second and fourth Saturday cf each mouth at
230 p m in Canschawhall
Adella McClain Pres
Susie Vaxdeehoof Sec
I OF g a r
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on
the first and third Fridays of each mouth at
230 p m in Diamonds hall
Adeline Dole Pres
Matie Welles Sec
Chapter X P E O meets the second and
fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m
at the homes of tho various members
Mrs G H Thomas Pres
Mrs C H Meeker Cor Sec
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoffice July 3 1908
Coons Mr and Mrs Miss Lila French
Good Ed Johnson Miss Margaret
Johnson C E Norris W H
Moore Miss Mable McDonald Mr W C
Young Mrs Nola B
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
S B McLean Postmaster
Hard and Soft Paper
in convenient sizes for desk use in fig
uring and making notes at the Tribune
office Very reasonable price
OT gftfehcMlUlMl
two big casks on it They were painted
red and marked Danger Powder in
big letters There were also huge rolls
of thick pasteboard each sheet big
enough to make the whole side of a
house and there were so many of
them that the horses could hardly pull
Uncle Dick rubbed his hands and
chuckled like anything when he saw
the material
You shall certainly have a sky
rocket said he to Jimmy And the
best of it is that the greater part of
the country for hundreds of miles
around will have one too
Jimmy was very curious and still
more puzzled but he knew that Uncle
Dick did not like to explain his inven
tions beforehand so he asked no ques
tions but merely kept his eyes open
and did not go out of sight of the in
ventory shop all morning
Before noon a great gang of men ar
rived and under Uncle Dicks orders
they began to carry all the material to
the pasture where they deposited it
around a huge old dead pine tree that
stood smooth and straight reaching
into the air fully 80 feet without a
branch to break it except on the very
top and that was soon gone too for
Uncle Dick sent men up there and
they lopped it off so that then the
tree stood sleek and smooth like a
Then the sheets of pasteboard were
laid on the ground and rolled into a
great cylinder 30 feet long and at least
ten feet in diameter
As soon as a sheet was rolled into
shape the men tied it tightly with
yards on yards of rope and then an
other sheet was rolled around the first
and more rope tied around that and
so on until all the pasteboard had been
used up and that was such a lot that
It took the men all day with the hardest
kind of work
The next day they opened the casks
of powder and began to load it in and
in hour after hour until the last grain
was pounded in good and hard and
Jimmys Uncle Dick said
So Theres 800 pounds of powder
in there That ought to make her fly
But how about the stick thought
Jimmy He did not say it knowing
how easy it is to spoil an inventors
ideas by interrupting him with friv
olous conversation
He was to learn very soon how about
the stick for as soon as the mighty
cylinder was all finished Uncle Dick
had a derrick rigged and up went the
big thing until it dangled alongside of
the dead pine tree near the dizzy top
of it
Then mighty cables were sent up
and the men lashed the loaded paste
board cylinder to the tree until it was
completely hidden by ropes
Now for the fuse said Uncle Dick
He set the men to work untwisting
ropes until they had more than 300
feet all unraveled Uncle Dick went
up the derrick and put the end of the
unraveled rope into the bottom part of
the rocket Then he poured kerosene
oil all over it and rubbed gunpowder
into it
So he said coming down hand
over hand Now shes finished all ex
cept her looks
He got a great load of shingles and
built a little conical tower nearly as
tall as a house This was painted red
and when it was hoisted to the top of
the tree and set on the rocket it looked
That afternoon Uncle Dick sent out
invitations both by mail and by mes
senger to places as far away as 200
miles saying
Jimmy Broderick respectfully in
vites you to his Uncle Dicks farm to
see him set off the biggest skyrocket
in the world on the evening of the
Fourth of July
Uncle Dick also sent word to the
papers about it and on the evening of
the Fourth more thau 10000 people
aa a
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JIMMY not only a great inventor
but one of the kindest men that
ever lived
Although he earned his living by in
venting useful things like automatic
plows that would plow a whole field in
the night time while the farmer lay in
bed asleep and automatic fish poles
that would bait their own hooks and
throw out their own lines and pull in
their own fish and take them off and
bait the hooks over again still Uncle
Dick was ready at a minutes notice to
drop all that sort of thing and invent
something to give a boy pleasure And
you will agree that a nphew who has
an uncle like that has a treasure
Jimmy Broderick knew this and he
took great care of Uncle Dick carrying
an umbrella for him when it rained and
watching to see that he ate his meals
regularly for like all great inventors
Uncle Dick could not take care of him
self very well
What would you like for the Fourth
of July Jimmy asked Uncle Dick
about a week before that important
I would like most of all to have a
great big sky rocket said Jimmy
You shall have one said his uncle
and immediately went into his inven
tory shop which is the funny name
that he gave to the little room where
he invented things
The telephone bell rang a good deal
that day On the very next morning a
big truck arrived from the city with
were at the farm wondering at the im
mense skyrocket and trembling all
over at the thought of the explosion
when she went off And all over the
land people who could not go to tho
farm were watching the heavens and
paying very little attention to the oth
er fireworks of the United States be
cause the papers had told all about the
rocket and had explained that it could
be seen hundreds of miles when it
went up
When the time came Uncle Dick
gave Jimmy a big piece of lighted punk
and then he stood in front of the treo
and said
Ladies and Gentlemen You will
notice that this tree is inclined toward
the north My calculations tell me
that when the rocket is lit it will pull
the tree clear out of the ground and
go north for at least 1000 miles which
will bring it over uninhabited country
where it will fall without hurting any
body unless a bear or a moose should
get in the way Now Jimmy touch
her off
Jimmy touched the end of the fuse
and then everybody ran away to a safe
distance The fire climbed swiftly and
suddenly with a bang that shook the
hills and broke the windows even in
Ten Thousand People Were There
towns 100 miles away the giant rocket
went off
Out came the tree roots and all and
sailed grandly into the sky with a hiss
ing trail of fire behind it The amazed
spectators watched it for more than
half an hour getting smaller and
smaller till it disappeared in the
northern sky
For days after that the paper printed
reports from distant places from peo
ple who had seen a wonderful fiery
thing in the night By means of these
reports it was possible for Uncle Dick
to pursue the course of his wonderful
rocket until he found that it had gone
far over Canada but he could not
learn where it had fallen and he did
not learn until recently
But about a week ago a hunter who
had been in the very far north of Can
ada near Hudson bay shooting musk
oxen visited Uncle Dick He told a lot
of interesting hunting adventures and
finally said
The queerest thing that I saw was
far up in the barren lands where there
are no trees One day I saw something
odd some distance away and I went
there on my snow shoes
What do you suppose I found A
mighty tree That was queer enough
up there But queerer still was the fact
that this tree did not stand in the
ground as other trees do but stood
roots up with its crown buried deeply
in the soil It was the most marvelous
sight I have even seen and I can hard
ly believe it yet I would give a good
deal to know what caused this strange
freak of nature
Uncle Dick chuckled and winked at
Did you ever hear of Jimmys won
derful skyrocket he asked
No never said the hunter You
know I have been in the wilderness a
long time
So Uncle Dick told him After he
got through the hunter said I am
glad to knew this I intended to write
a book about it but now I shall be
able to save myself the trouble
Betsy Ross
A quiet house a quiet street
A needle and a thread
A scissors and a square of blue
Some strips of white and red
And slender hands that deftly stitched
The shining- stars across
Twas thus the flasr of Liberty
Was made by Betsy Ross
Though Father Time has worn to rags
The ermine robes of kings
And left the guns of war to rust
Among forgotten things
Though crowns and scepters at his touch
Have turned to dust and dross
Yet not a broken stitch has marred
The work of Betsy Ross
In stately hall and lowly home
This day Its colors wave
The shelter of the worlds oppressed
The beacon of the brave
Let glory on the nations shield
Among the stars emboss
Tho thread the needle and the namo
And fame of BetBy Robs
illnna Irvine In Leslies Weekly
Rico Rowo youngest brother of S B
Rowo was hero from Sheridan Wyom
ing visiting relntivos and old friends
Inst week
Dr Mackechnio and Will Dolnn and
family wore in Bnrtloy last week
The largo amphitheater nt tho bnll
park is now completed It is strong
and comfortably seated for about GOO
Two gnmes July 1th
Bnrtloy will colebrato July 1th in
grand stylo this year There will bo
many attractions Tho two ball games
and tho oration by Hon G W Bergo
of Lincoln will please ovory ono who at
S W Clark has returned and waa so
well pleased with the Nasby convention
ho is just slashing tho prlco of stamps
Juno 30th at 8 p m at tho homo of
Mrs G W Ritchio occurred ono of the
special events at Bartloy during tho
month of June tho marriago of Mr S
W Stilgobouor and Miss Pearl Ritchio
Row Hagoman officiating General con
gratulations Hnd refreshments followed
Many fine and useful presents wero re
ceived Every ono contributes their
wishes for the prosperity and happiness
of those young people through lifes
Everything is booming for a big cele
bration July 1th
Several harvesters are busy now gath
ering the golden grain The straw is
9hort but tho grain is excellent Corn
is doing extra fine and the past week
has been just right for hay harvest
Mr and Mrs Seward Flanigan are
hnppy because of the arrival of a fine
boy baby Monday morning
Spontaneous combustion in about
fifty tons of coal in tho engine room
caused a fire Monday that made things
lively for a short time But little dam
age was done The coal was removed
and no further- trouble is likely to occur
Mr Shippey received another car
load of cement Monday which he will
manufacture into concrete building
block soon as possible
Mrs A C Teol is quite sick
John Strunk arrived home Friday
morning from his Texas trip
Mrs C Miller and children of Funk
Neb returned to their home latter part
of the week
Tho ball game between the Indians
and the Indianola boys last Monday
was well attended Our boys came out
second best
Frank Brown of Baring Missouri
who has been visiting in Kansas and
Nebraska was in town Tuesday enroute
for his home
Miss Porter who has been a visitor in
the home of Rev A D Burris and wife
left for her home in Overton last Mon
A small crowd of youngsters drove
down to Bartley last Sunday night ar
riving home in the wee sma hours
The diphtheria patients are getting
better and no new cases have developed
Alec Brown and daughter living near
Danbury were Indianola visitors Thurs
John Hedges of McCook came down
for a visit with the folks Sunday
S S Graham of Danbury was a guest
in the Hothcote home Monday While
in town Mr Graham did not overlook
the big ball game
Mr Wm Minnioar and son Sam of
Danbury were Indianola visitors Sun
Report says there is a wedding on the
program for this evening Will tell you
of it next time
S Messner of Danbury witnessed the
ball game here Monday
C W Dow returned home Friday
morning from a business trip to Kan
sas City
Miss Mary Burns who has been a
visitor in her fathers home Patrick
McDonald left for her home in Denver
Monday evening
Newton West a substantial farmer
and stock man was in town Wednesday
with some fine hogs for market
Miss Amy Clark of Crete is spending
the week with Mrs Owens Longnecker j
The school meeting passed off without
much open friction but a good deal of
and narrowness which prevented just
ice being done
A little tot had learned of Moses in
Sunday school She heard the older
ones speaking of the death of Mrs Helen
Moses president of the C W B M
when she asked Auntie is that Moses
Mr and Mrs Everett Moore returned
to their home in Lebauon the latter
part of the week after being welcome
visitors among old friends and neigh
Lewis Elmer and family drove out to
Louis Longneckers on Sunday after
noon also Gilbert Rankin with Emma
Howard Cassy Harrison and May
C W Dow and family spent Sunday
at Masters and called at Mr Smiths
in the afternoon
Row Richards is able to bo nbout
again Ho will go to his homo in Don
ver till ho has fully recovered
Harry Cruastnan and wife and Mrs
Sarah Ruby spent last Saturday and
Sunday in Bnrtloy
Dan Cashon is suffering with a soro
foot tho result of stopping on a nail
R O DoMay was on tho sick lint a
tow days last wook
Mrs Lulu Green was quito sick tho
lattor part of Inst week but is abtu to bo
nbout ngain
A number of people from Marion
came to Danbury Friday to watch tho
basket ball gnmo
Irono nnd Mario Ruby of Marion aro
spending this week in Bartley
Danbury is having somocomont walks
put in this week
By tho last of tho week a number of
farmers will bo harvesting though the
yield will bo light the grain will bo a
good quality
Tho social Around tho World givon
by tho young peoplos society on last
Saturday ovoning was onjoyed by every
ono present
Wo are sorry to roport tho death of
Mr Will Spoor at hor homo on tho
Motcalf ranch Tho hmiband nnd chil
dren havo tho heartfelt sympathy of tho
Rev Shepherds wife and baby havo
returned from n throo weeks visit with
The wheat is needing rain but corn
ground has ample moisturo for somo
The Prairie Dogs got the best of Lau
rel Dell in the ball game Saturday
Wm Tuttle who wont to Oklahoma
last spring is expected back
The ball games seem to be attracting
the boys and girls too from Sunday
school This is to bo regretted as tho
Sunday school is the very best placo of
influencing them for good
Wo understand there was another
Sunday ball game on tho Banksvillo
grounds between tho Traor and Banks
ville team the 28th
The following is tho gist of a political
conversation we overheard a short tirao
ago What is that man namo tho
Raypublicans are running for prisi
dont he says Taft says tho other
I believe Bryan can beat him I hope
the Dimmocrats will nomenato Bryan
ho says Bryan cant do any thing
says the other without the support of
congress and tho Republicans have a
majority I toll you ho says if
Bryan gits down to Washington and
tills thim congressmen to do anything
theyll do it and dont you forgit it
he says
Ed Towles father who has been in
the St Francis country passed through
here on his way to his home in Hendley
New headers are in fashion this year
Grant and Traer crossed bats Sunday
afternoon with Traer winners in a score
of 13 to 7
Notice has been served on Harv Row
land by County Attorney Reeder to va
cate the premises and land at onco now
owned by I J Brinegarof Hebron Ne
Miss Belle Wescb returned home last
Saturday on Io 1 from Hastings
where she has been learning tho dress
making trade
A C Wesch has brought a new 12
foot header to harvest his crop of grain
A school meeting was held in district
No 51 last Monday when A M Ben
jamin was elected director and S W
Sigwing moderator
The entries in tho live stock depart
ment for the coming State Fair Aug
31 to Sept 4 now give promise of an
excess over those of prior years Ap
plications in the swine department far
exceed the capacity of the 714 pens on
the grounds The horse barns are
about filled and entries of cattle are
pouring in daily
D B Boylo Sr has had lightning
rods put on his hoiino
Rov M S Satcholl nnd wifo of Ox
ford nro visiting their 6on W F Satcholl
Leon Clifton nnd wifo viHitod Mr nud
Mrs Chnrloy Wilson Sunday
Wo aro pleased to note that vory fav
ornblo reports camo to us from Mrn W
J Miller who wont to tho hospital at
Omaha Inst Saturday for trnatmont
The San Luis Valley Land
1G0 ncres four miles from n good town
with a threo wiro fonco around it and
twenty acres foncod hog tight lias
more than enough water for all purposus
from tho best ditch in tho valloy and
added to this aro throo artesian wells
Tho placo has a three room frnmo houso
and bunk houso blacksmith shop
stablo hay barn stock shod machine
shod lion houso and other shods and
outbuildings Thin is the host bargain
in tho San Luis Valloy that wo havo
scon as other land separated from this
by only tho fonco is soiling at from tun
to fiftcon dollars moro per aero
If interested writo us Wo havo
othor land thoro nt low prices Price of
tho abovo land S2Ti per aero
We also havo somn finn land that can
bo oithor homostoaded or taken up un
der the Desert Act Write us
E W Harris
Colorado Springs Colo
12 Midland Block
Resident Piano Tuner
RcKuIatiii nnd Kojmiriiit Satisfaction
Guaranteed Uradunto of Ceutral School of
Iinuo Tuuinp Sholbyvillo Ind
McCook Nob Phone black Ci2
To the Pacific Coast
Daily low round trip rates to
Portland Seattle Tacoma San
Francisco Los Angeles and San
Diego Slightly higher to include
both California and Puget Sound
Ono whole business day saved by
our new schedule to tha Pacific
To Chicago and Eastern Resorts
Republican comention tickets on
sale Juno 12 to 10 Daily low ex
cursion rates to Canada Michi
gan Wisconsin Minnesota Mass
achusetts and New York tourist
resorts also low excursion rates
to tourist resorts in Main New
Hampshire Vermont
An American Tour
For Nebraska Teachers
And their friends Excursion will leave
Lincoln 130 p m June 27 Will spend
three or four days at NE AConvention
in Cleveland thence Buffalo Niagara
Falls Toronto St Lawrence river by
steamer through Thousand Islands and
over the Rapids Montreal Boston Al
bany down tho Hudson to New York
thence Philadelphia Washington and
Pittsburg Ask the agent for an itiner
ary and full information or write the un
To Colorado and
the Rocky Mountains
Daily low rates to Colorado Utah Wy
oming the Black Hills Yellowstone
Park great Democratic convention at
Denver in July
Homeseekers Rates
First and third Tuesdays to the west
including the famous Big Horn Basin
and Yellowstone Valley where largo
tracts of rich irrigated lands are being
opened for settlement by the government
and by private companies WriteDClem
Deaver Burlington Landseekers Infor
mation Bureau Omaha excellent busi
ness openings in new growing towns
Write a brief description of your propos
ed trip and let us advise you how to
make it the best way at the least cost
icket Agent McCook Neb
L W WAKELEY G P a Omaha Neb
Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets
Contain no Sawdust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Ask for and try once SKIDOO Conditioa
Tablets Worm Kidney Chicken Cholera Blister Heave Fever Hog Cholera tablets Louse Powder
Spavin Cure Barb Wire Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone StiSencr Tablets
Sold by A iMcMILLEN McCook Nebraska
Cement Stone Work
li - -
I have purchased the plant of the McCook
Cement Stone Company on West Dennison
street and am prepared to fill any and all orders
for cement stone blocks and work
Also Sidewalk Curbstone or Cement Work
of any kind
Phone Red i96 H N Rosebush