The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 03, 1908, Image 5

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TPJi mo i1
1 11111 VBl l I Hi
HllllHmillH I
No Central Time 1027 p M
2 i V
it A U
1 7I1 A M
14 042 pm
10 725 r m
No 1 MouutninTimo 910 a m
3 1142 pm
5 Arrives 8t0 p m
13 1025 am
15 1217 am
No 170 nrrJvo8Mountuin Time 505 p m
Nol75dopartB 710 A M
SIoepiuB dining nnc reclinluK chuir enra
seats froo on through trains Tickets sold
nnd bufwiKo checked to any point in tho United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps und tick
ets call on or write It K Foe Agent McCook
Nebraskn or L W Wnkoloy General Pubsuii
Ber Agent Omaha Nebraska
Darvo Burnett has gone to work in
the roundhouse
A G Arnold has been transferred
from Wood River to Orleans
Operator S Marloy of Brush was a
visitor at headquarters Tuesday
J W Chase returned to work Tues
day after a layoff of ten days sick
Extra Dispatcher J E Morrissey and
daughters were Denver visitors Sunday
Tho Q has increased by 000 tons its
recent order with the Illinois Steel Co
Roswell Cutler is now working for the
Burlington in the Denver telegraph
Engine 709 was shipped to Ilavelock
Thursday morning on 148 for an over
They have a fine 8J pound boy at the
home of William Hunter of E Howells
force Born Monday
Dispatcher and Mrs W E Euans de
parted for Fremont and other points
Thursday morning on a visit
Extra Dispatchers Morrissey Brown
ana Cadman are all at work in the dis
patchers office during the rush
Engines 1063 and 1459 and 3100 and
3186 with their Merry Widow bonnets
are on sidetracks to make roundhouse
Havelock shopmen and businessmen
are protesting againet the hiring of
Greeks to exclusion of Americans by
the company
JRRutherford is again working in
the telegraph office here coming from
Denver where he has been employed
with the Western Union
Engineer Schenck and family left
Tuesday night on No 3 for their new
home in Denver The household goods
were shipped the day previous
G C Smith ex general foreman of
the McCook shops spent part of last
week visiting in Flatcsmouth and other
points in eastern part of the state
D O Hewitt will spend the Fourth
in Orleans George Eckhart in Hast
ings Thomas Gettings in Denver Mr
and Mrs H O Swenson in Holdrege
A W Austin in Hastings
Extension work on the Harriman lines
was resumed July 1st The Athol hill
cut off in Colorado and the branch from
North Platte up the river to Northport
are both being vigorously pushed
A new time card will go into effect
next Sunday Under this card passen
ger train No 6 will lay over at McCook
instead of at Oxford and will leave here
just ahead of train No 2 Crews will
run through to Red Cloud
No 1 made up 221 between Lincoln
and Denver Monday making the loSth
day this train has arrived in Denver
on time The train was turned over to
the McCook division at Kenesaw 208
late carrying eleven coaches A run of
371 miles was made in 4S7 minutes
45 7 miles per hour
R F D NO 1
Mrs Orago of Loomis Neb visited
at Wm Rogerfl homo last week
A number of tho little friends of
Maude Lofton helped her celebrate her
Gth birthday Tuesday
Mr and Mrs J I Lee and Master
Rosnland visited with tho Kilgora and
Vnndorvort families last Sunday
Mr and Mrs Gerald Wilcox are busy
caring for a twelve pound boy who ar
rived at their homo last Friday
Loie Rogers has been quite sick the
past few days
Miss Jessie Hartman is staying with
Mrs George Rowland at present
Jess McAllister was called to his homo
in Kansas by the sudden death of his
mother and the high waters have wash
ed tho bridges away so he has not been
able to return
David Deviny commenced threshing
yesterday the first fellow to it in this
Real Estate Filings
Tho following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last report
P B Garrett and wife to Rob
ert P Cumming wd to lots 3
4 blk 4 Lebanon hf int 700 00
William M Staples and wife to
Robert P Cumming wd to
lots 3 4 blk 4 Lebanon hf
int 600 00
Mellissa Porter ot al to George
Warner wd to - of ne qr 31-1-20
1200 00
Jefferson II Stephens and
wife to George Warner wd
to se qr 30-1-26 1075 00
Lincoln Land Co to Martin C
Stephen wd to lot 10 blk 16
Lebanon 75 00
Lucy Terrill and hus to to J E
Corey wd to lots 5 6 blk 6
4th McCook 650 00
Lincoln Land Co to J E Corey
wd to lot 4 blk 6 4th Mc
Cook 250 00
James Casey and wife to Asa F
Ballah wd to s hf se qr nw
qr se qr sw qr ne qr 27-4-26 3400 00
F J Lambert to Andrew F
Lambert contract for deed
to swqr 30-4-2 3350 00
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6tol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
The entries in the live stock depart
ment for the coming State Fair Aug
31 to Sept 4 now give promise of an
excess over those of prior years Ap
plications in the swine department far
exceed the capacity of the 714 pens on
the grounds The horse barns are
about filled and entries of cattle are
pouring in daily
Engine 101S is on a side track waiting
room to go into the backshop
Earl Newkirk has been off duty for
the past ten days on the sick list
Passenger train No 3 has been running
in two sections the past few nights
Mr and Mrs C D Noble were in
Denver Sunday Tuesday on a visit
Engines 702 and 1749 are both receiv
ing work on their driving brasses this
Operator McClintock of Arapahoe
substituted for J E Morrissey during
J Es absence in Denver Sunday
Repair work SHOE PARLOR Half a Bo
a and
Specialty 112 WEST BENNIS0N STREET Save a Dollar
TF youd go into a shoe store and announce that
you wanted to buy forty pairs of shoes youd
get special attention wouldnt you
Every person who comes into our store looks at
least like a forty pair customer They are
Well sell them the first pair and the fit comfort
and wear that they get out of them will be pretty
apt to take care of the other thirty nine or more
We dont make enough profit on one pair of
shoes to be indifferent as to where you buy the
next pair so we do things that make you want to
buy them here
See Our Window Display of
New Styles for the Fourth
Phone 369
ti i
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Mtrsy rifuMiWIH r i i m
The Method by Which a Measure Is
Transformed Into Law
On a day set for the consideration of
the bill the house goes Into committee
of the whole A chairman ippoited
by the speaker presides The bill Is
read by sections and clauses after gen
eral debate has closed and any mem
ber may offer Hinomlmonts All voting
in committee is by rising The yeas
and nays are not taken
When the bill has been gone through
and ail amendments have been voted
upon the committee rises and the
chairman reports the bill back to the
house with the amendments The
house thou votes upon them either sin
gly or in gioss and by yeas and nays
if they are ordered to be taken
The bill is then ordered to be en
grossedthat Is written out In a fair
hand and just as it is after being
amended and to be read a third time
As it is usually already engrossed it Is
at once read the third time by title as
before and passed
The clerk takes the bill to the senate
by which body it is referred to the
finance committee In due time the
committee if It sees fit and not other
wise reports the bill back to the sen
ate with propositions to amend In
the senate the bill is considered as In
committee of the whole tho aml
ments of the finance committee and
other volunteer amendments are ac
cepted or rejected they are again
voted upon when the bill is reported
to the senate from the committee of
the whole and the bill is passed
As the two houses are not agreed
upon the bill a committee of confer
ence usually consisting of three mem
bers of each branch of congress is ap
pointed The committee when it lias
come to an agreement reports to each
house and the acceptance of the re
port is the final stage of the bill in its
The measure is now enrolled that
is it is printed in large open type
upon a parchment and is taken first to
the house where it is signed by the
speaker then to the senate where the
vice president signs it and finally to
the president and makes the bill a
Congress is notified that the bill has
been approved and the original copy
of the act is deposited in the depart
ment of state Edwin Tarrisse in Har
pers Weekly
Full of Reminiscence
At the different army stations in the
west it is the practice for the officers
on leaving their post for some distant
station to sell off everything they do
not care to keep In connection with
this custom in Reminiscences of a Sol
diers Wife Mrs Ellen Biddle tells an
amusing story
There was a very estimable woman
living at the garrison a veritable Mrs
Malaprop She told us of some jew
elry she had lost and among the
things was a topaz chain with a beau
tiful pendulum
The lady held an auction before she
left after her husbands death and
when some silver plated knives were
put up for sale she rose and in a sob
bing voice said Oh dear no I can
not sell them They have been in dear
Johns mouth too often
Your suggestion said a depositor
to the bank receiver offers very cold
comfort It is a bachelors comfort
that is to say no comfort at all
What said a bachelor to a Bene
dict only married a year and already
so blue f
Ah but groaned the Benedict T
never imagined that a wife would
prove so expensive
The bachelor patted the blue mar
ried man on the back in a consolatory
Yes he said a wife is an expen
sive article that is true But then
you must reinember that she lasts a
very long time
What subsists today by violence
continues tomorrow by acquiescence
and is perpetuated by traiition till at
last liie hoary abuse shakes the gray
hairs of antiquity at us and gives itself
out as the wisdom of aces Thus tho
clearest dictates of reason are inrde
to yield to a lone sutwssio of foiie
And this is the foundation of the
aristocratic system at the pvent day
Its stronghold with ail those not im
mediately interested in i is the rev
erence of antiquity Ktl ward Everett
Satan Terrified
There is as groat penius displayed in
advertising as in the higher branches
of literature No pruilem daunts the
modern advertising man
In the window of a Iilte book store
in Eighth avenue Xew York wa re
cently heaped a great pile of Files
marked very low Never before were
Bible oTored at such a bargain and
above them all in bis letters was the
Satan he sees
Bibles sal as low as these
Well Grounded
Is my son getting well grounded in
the classics asked the anxious mil
I would put it even stronger than
that replied the private tutor I may
say that he is actually stranded on
them Chicago Record Herald
Certainly Would
City Man to villager Wouldnt It
open your eyes if you were to look
across at that lot there and see one of
our city skyscrapers covering it Vil
lage Man Waal I guess I would see
in as Ive got twenty head o cattle
grazln there Bohemian
Wait is a hard word to the hungry
German Proverb
-S flljg
War Office Methods and the Test of a
Mountain Gun
The story that a gun of marvelous
possibilities invented in Eugland may
be sold abroad owing to the apathy of
the powers that be is not altogether
Whitworth refused Napoleon IIIs
offer of 30000 a year for life to go to
Paris and manufacture his cannon for
the French army but perhaps our war
office was not so ruddy then as now
Some little time ago a new gun ror
hill fighting was offered and was sent
out to India to be tried It was drag
ged up steep hills rushed down rocky
defiles left for a week at a time in
mountain torrents in fact submitted
to all the tests which a veteran officer
accustomed to war with the hill tribes
could suggest
The report was satisfactory in every
respect but a war office genius bland
ly asked if the gun had been dropped
down a precipice It had not
The war office was horrified and
amazed at the neglect of so elementary
a test The gun was now dropped down
a precipice with the Inevitable result
its internals were Irremediably dam
How was it possible the war office
asked to accept such a weapon And
the army of India was lert to potter
along witli obsolete weapons because
this new arm would not stand impos
sible tests London Sketch
The Awful Cold That Ccmes With
Eighty Degrees of Frost
It is difficult to form any conception
of the degree of cold represented by SO
degrees of frost that at times prevails
in certain parts of Russia Sir Leopold
McClintock tells us how in one of his
arctic expeditions a sailor was foolish
enough to do some outdoor work at
precisely this temperature His hands
froze and when he rushed into the
cabin and plunged one of them into a
basin of water so cold was the hand
that the water was instantly converted
into a block of ice
At 2 degrees Dr Kane says the
mustache and underlip form pendu
lous beads of dangling ice Put out
your tongue and it instantly freezes to
this icy crusting Your chin has a
trick of freezing to your upper jaw by
the happy aid of your beard My eyes
have often been so glued as to show
that even a wink was unsafe
During a theatrical performance giv
en by the crew of his ship at an inside
temperature of 30 degrees the con
densation was so excessive that we
could barely see the performers Their
hands steamed When an excited Thes
pian took off his coat it smoked like a
dish of potatoes Any extra vehemence
of delivery was accompanied by vol
umes of smoke Pearsons Weekly
A Wrong Diagnosis
The small boy with the big bundle
of papers was observed to be moisten
ing some of his stock in the street
Ah my lad said a benevolent old
gentleman it does me good to see
such an illustration of cleanliness
What do yer mean boss asked
the boy as he stared up in wonder
Why arent you trying to wash
the mud spots off the edge of your
No boss you are way off You
see some of dese papers is two weeks
old an if I dampen em up a bit peo
ple will think they are just from do
press an never think of lookin at de
date Good graft old sport Say
some day when I am a captain of in
dustry Ill give you a job
But the benevolent old gentleman
had lied Boston Post
The Order of St Patrick
The most illustrious Order of St
Patrick dates only from 17SU says a
Loudon writer when it was founded
by George III and is not to be com
pared in age with the most ancient
and most noble Order of the Thistle
which dating from a remote antiquity
was revived by James II in 1GS7 The
curious thing about the bands or rib
bons of these two orders is that St
Patricks is blue of the hue that may
be seen in the hackles or plumes in
the bearskins of the Irish guards
though it suggests the blue bells of
Scotland while the sash of the thistle
Is a dark green suggestive of Erins
verdant isle On state ceremonies
these two orders are frequently con
What She Was Trying to Accomplish
The other morning at the breakfast
table three-year-old Jeannette was pok
ing vigorously with her knife at a bis
What are you trying to do Jean
nette demanded mother Be careful
you will cut your hand
Said Jeannette Im trying to un
loosen this biscuit its so tight Xew
York Times
Not a Matter cf Choice
Columbia Alumnus That woman on
the debate team is intolerable You
wouldnt like to debate with a woman
would you Cornell Alumnus Got so
I dont mind it now Been married
five years Xew York Tribune
Hard Lines
Does your wife make you explain
nil your acts
Worse than that
Worse than that
Far worse she doesnt permit me to
explain them Houston Post
The Three Periods
Jason There are three periods in a
mans life when he does not under
stand a woman Grayson And they
are Jason Before he knows her
when he knows her and afterward
for the I
unbonnet cebies
O9 tle 4tf you re C50I9Q to celebrate
rert you 9 you do so U9less youre
dressed rlafox for tle occsio9
Art tlpere 9ot lots of little tlcjs yourdive
overlooked fyadkercipiefs prsols iposier
or red wlite yd blue ribbo9A9d bu9ti9
Suppose you coire dow9 to our store 09a
see if ve ve 9ot rry of tfpe little tlgs
you resdly ougt to lve for tle 4tr
That the Big Noise j
raised by the Mower and Binder Trust is on to make Ne
braska farmers pay their large ousted fines forced by Kansas
Oklahoma and Texas
G W PREDMORE SONS have Mower Knives
Sections Wearing Plates Clips Pitmans and Pitman Straps
Boxes and Bolts Guards and Guard Plates all kinds and
sizes of Rivets for the McCormick and Deering mowers and
we can soon get them for any other that you may have
We have bought from the same manufacturer for 18
years the same goods and we are selling at the same old price
We are not controlled by any trust combination or associa
tion We buy for cash and sell for cash Come and hear
our whispering and we will sell you the goods
G W Predmore Sons McCook
Shop Phone 19f
Residence Phone Ash 3605
a an
d k
Ask Scott About It Fone 30