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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1908)
Creating a Reserve is not dillicult onco you start to save money sys tematically But if you ever oxpoct to be inde pendent financially thru your own efforts you must MAKE A START Money Baved and put away Bafoly will protect you from misfortune and prepare you to take ad vantage of opportunities that will surely come to you Funding the capital of your working years Insures Your Future But choose the right place to put your capital or the hard earned sav ings of a life time may be swept away in a day THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of McCook is the safe place By F M KIMA1ELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance And the blood of the martyrs was the seed of the church Alas even the Fourth of July has given place to pleasure and pelf And patriotic sentiment is a negligible quant ity With the first issue in August the Cambridge Clarion enters the twice-a-week ranks of Nebraska newspapers Ambitious Cambridge The Pullman car company has abandoned the selling of liquors in the state of Illinois on account of local op tion laws being effective in so many states The Red Cloud Chief after being Republican for nearly forty years will now become a Democratic newspaper Mr Da Wolfe is the new editor and pro prietor Nebraska was recognized in the Nat ional Educational association election of officers this week by the selection of State Supt McBrien as one of the vice presidents For commissioner of public lands and buildings J M Shively the present deputy is receiving numerous pledges of support from all over the state He is well qualified for the position and disposed to a square deal in fact as well as in sentiment The law enforcement people of Hast ings have raised a fuud of a thousand dollars with which to carry on their campaign for temperance social purity and law enforcement Shall McCook follow the example with a similar action It seems to be necessary if we are to have some needed and desirable reforms Where there is a will there is a way to enforce laws and ordinances Governor Sheldon has agreed to serve as one of the vice presidents of the International Congress on tuber culosis that is to be held in Washington under the auspices of the National As sociation for the study and prevention of tuberculosis from September 21 to October 12 The arrangements for Ne braskas participation in the Congress and in the exhibition to be held in con nection with it are in the hands of a committee of which Dr A S VonMans felde of Ashland is chairman Dr Chas O Giesse of Holdrege is treasurer and Rev Stephen P Morris of Omaha sec retary Othpr members of the commit tee are Dr H Jensen of Weeping Water Dr W F Milroy of Omaha Dr EJ C Sward of Oakland Dr S T Towne of Omaha Mrs Draper Smith of Omaha and Dr Henry B Ward of Lincoln Time She Began It was on a Sixth avenue surface car A woman sat with her little daughter who to all appearances was seven or eight years old The conduct or came for the fares and the woman gave him a five cent piece Is the littJe girl with you madam tasked the conductor Yes assented the woman Her fare please said the man But I never have paid for her be gan the woman And does that prove that youre never going to asked the conductor taking the fare reluctantly tendered INew York Press Life In Christianla Many of the residences of Christianla stand villa like In the midst of pretty gardens which in summer are full of bloom and give the streets a peculiar charm and sense of openness Within the people live simple wholesome lives kindly and hospitable with that truest hospitality which Invites the guest to share in good cheer without ostentation or display Dinner is at 3 or 4 oclock served by trim fresh looking maids nnd supper at 8 where except on form al occasions the guest Is free to forage around the table for himself Host and hostess drink the health of each guest with the word skaal replied to by the eyes over the glass after drink ing Adjourning to the drawing room the guests thank both master and mis tress of the house and on the next meeting never fail to say Thanks for the last time One is everywhere struck by the frank and unaffected sim plicity of the life and the straightfor ward kindliness of the people H H D Peirce in Atlantic Dread of Marble Portraits One peculiarity of human nature that I am reminded of daily said a sculptor is the disinclination of the average man to look upon himself re produced hi marble The sight strikes him with positive dread It makes him feel as if he were looking on his own lifeless body For that reason it is difficult to persuade mauy persons worth modeling to sit for a sculptor Frequently I am asked why most of my work is modeled after dead and gone subjects The answer is that liv ing people refuse to give me a commis sion The art of the sculptor differs there from that of the painter Every body likes to be painted The sight of ones face ones figure ones clothes In a picture evokes nothing but pleasura ble emotions if well done but to see oneself carved out of marble produces such an overpowering sense of death that many sensitive persons put off im mortalization at the hands of a sculp tor until they are really dead New York Press His Brothers At the usual monthly petty sessions court held in a certain provincial town some weeks ago the following incident occurred One of tho local police constables had summoned a neighboring farmer on a charge of having a number of asses wandering at will ou the public road The defendant failed to appear but his brother was present in the person of the clerk of petty sessions who on hearing the sentence of the presiding magistrate Fined 2s 2d and costs rose to the occasion by replying Theyre my brothers your worship Ill pay the fine He was shocked when his becoming exhibition of fraternal love for the asses was rewarded with an outburst of laughter London Graphic Where the Shoe Pinched It was easy for Mr Randall to bear with his wifes remarkable decision of character at all times but her obsti nacy he found most difficult to endure I cant quite comprehend her he confided to his brother after one try ing experience Many years as we have been married she still surprises me Why all in the same day some times in the same hour she will settle a disturbance in the kitchen put the children just where they belong adjust some matter in the church and then when her judgment ought to be at Its best display the most astounding ob stinacy in attempting to regulate my goings out or comings in Its its in comprehensible Moslem PrayerRugs Prayer rugs were evidently invented for the purpose of providing the wor shipers with one absolutely clean place on which to offer prayers It is not lawful for a Moslem to pray on any place not perfectly clean and unless each one has his own special rug he is not certain that the spot has not been polluted It does not matter to these followers of Mohammed how unclean a rug that is on the floor may be because over it they place the prayer rug when their devotions begin An Eye Experiment The two eyes really see two objects If the two forefingers be held one at the distance of one foot the other two feet in front of the eyes and the for mer be looked at two phantoms of the latter will be observed one on each side If the latter figure be regarded two phantoms of the nearest finger will be observed mounting guard one on either side Answered Two ministerial candidates named Adam and Low preached in a Scottish church Mr Low preached in the morning and took for his text Adam where art thou He made a most excellent discourse and the congregation was much edi fied In the evening Mr Adam preach ed and took for his text Lo here I am His Economy Father Its only fair to tell you that Im pleased with your economy this term Your requests for money were too frequent last term Son Yes fa ther I thought so too so this term Ive had everything on tick London Tit Bits Lucky Smith Just missed running down an old lady with my auto Jones Bah Jove youre a lucky dog Smith Sure I just had it painted last week Chicago News Little Food Student Something is preying on my mind Professor W It must be very hungry Yale Record JwGiwtuwtrrMll0mimi trriMVnTU j a rest In India The Campaign of Major Gen eral Sir James Willcocks AgainstthcZakhaKhels Evi dences of Native Discontent dispatches from India re garding the operations of the expedition under command of Major General Sir James Will cocks have called the attention of Americans to the fact that the British government Is face to face with a most serious situation in one of the most extensive portions of the empire under its sway The expedition under command of General Willcocks was or ganized for the punishment of the re bellious Zakha Khels and Mohmauds on the southern frontier of Afghanis tan He took with him 7000 men and has since been re enforced with troops from Calcutta and Luckuow and the British war office is also preparing to send out additional re enforcements from Aldershot Within the past few months there have been so many man ifestations of unrest among the native Inhabitants of the Indian empire that this latest outbreak has given the home authorities much concern lest it should spread to other tribes Much secrecy attended the setting out of General Willcocks expedition owing to the fact that he wished to put down the Zakha Khels before their rebellious spirit had a chance to spread among the neighbor ing peoples It now appears that the home government in England is dis trustful of the ameer of Afghanistan himself who since the signing of the Anglo Russian treaty has been inclined to ignore representations made to him as to the affairs of his realm The scene of the operations under General Willcocks is the Bazar valley some fifteen miles long by nine broad the center of which is Chinar the lar gest village in the region An officer employed in a former campaign against the Zakha Khels said When you em bark upon an Indian frontier cam paign you are going into a gunpowder store with a lighted match Such ac tion involves great possibilities but with good fortune and a good political organization this affair should not spread beyond the Zakha Khels espe cially as this tribe is extremely un popular with all its neighbors Sir James has been associated with India since his early boyhood as his father had a command there and his family lived at Delhi He is fifty one years old and is an officer experienced in the peculiarities of warfare with the wild tribes of the Indian frontier hav ing served under Lord Roberts in the Afghanistan campaign of 1S78 S0 He I hyp II I vgt II II F4 GENERAL WXLIiCOCKS AND NATIVE MULE BATTERY proved himself a valuable assistant to Lord Kitchener in the latters scheme of reorganization of the army in India It was last December that the vet erans who fought for the suppression of the Indian mutiny of fifty years ago gathered for a banquet in celebration of the jubilee at Albert hall London and a poem for the occasion by Rud yard Kipling was recited some lines of which read Today across our fathers graves The astonished years reveal The remnant of that desperate host Which cleaned our cast with steel Calcutta dispatches say that the gov ernment authorities now fear they are confronted by a deep laid and wide spread scnemc of native revolt perhaps more formidable and on a larger scale than the mutiny of half a century ago The trouble on the Afghan frontier is but a part of the difficulties the impe rial goiijl has to iice A much more extensive movement than that is revealed in the arrest and confession of a nathe who recently throw a bomb in MozuITerpur capital of the province of the faiic name in Ltccai killing two Europe ins examination of the prisoner ivsultel in tlk of thirty person the discovery of incriminating documents aid of a supply if bombs The documents saLo I C J tiie fact that it vs rv -ct n to kill Lord KiTehp er comniaulor in chief of the British forces in Inula and other high oilR ia and to laugter Euro peans by tlu wholesale Soim of those arrested state that the plot wai part of a revolutionary campaign extending throughout tiie whale of India Ten years airo it was the Russian bear that menaced British rule in In dia Now the danger is from a nitive uprising which has receiel encourage ment from the success of Japan in whipping Russia showing that yellow and brown men can sometimes beat white men Little did the British dip lomats who negotiated the Anglo-Japanese alliance imagine that the rise of Japan as a world power might thus confront them with the danger of loss of their empire in India Instead of con firming them in its possession by put ting an end to Russian aggression frWreiJifJJa iuMK ntriMifctir 1 Odd Use For Bread Perhaps the most novel use to which bread is put may be seen In one of our great watch factories where more than forty loaves of fresh bread are required each day An official of the watch fac tory is quoted as saying There Is no secret regarding the use of bread in this factory and I am will ing to tell all I can coucernlr From the earliest times In the jry of watchmaking it has been the custom of watchmakers to reduce fresh bread to the form of dough This is done by steaming and kneading They then use this dough for removing oil and chips that naturally adhere in course of manufacture to pieces as small as a part of a watch There are many parts of a watch by the way that are so small as to be barely visible to the naked eye The oil Is absorbed by this dough and the chips stick to It and there is no other known substance which can be used as a wiper without leaving some of its particles attached to the thing wiped This accounts for the continued use of bread dougli in the watchmaking industry American Food Journal A Quaint Compliment On Mark Twains seventy second birthday a Hartford clergjman said of him No wonder he finds happiness in old age All the aged would be happy if they were as sympathetic and as kind as he He is continually going out of his way to please others and the result is that he is continually pleasing him self Listen for instance to the quaint compliment lie paid me the last time he came to hear me preach He waited for me at the church door at the serv ices end and shaking me by the hand said gravely I mean no offense but I feel oblig ed to tell you that the preaching this morning has been of a kind that I can spare I go to church sir to pursue my own train of thought but today I couldnt do it You interfered with me You forced me to attend to you and lost me a full half hour I beg that this may not occur cgain Philosophy of Descartes Turning the mental vision inward as Bacon turned it outward Descartes watched the operations of the soul as an object in a microscope Resolved to believe nothing but upon evidence so convincing that he could not by any effort refuse his ascent he found as he inspected his beliefs that he could plausibly doubt everything but his own existence Here at last was the everlasting rock and this was re vealed in his own consciousness hence his famous Cogito ergo sum I think therefore I am Consciousness said he is the basis of certitude Interro gate it and its clear replies will be science for all clear ideas are true Down in the depths of the mind is the idea of the infinite perfection the mark of the workman impressed upon his work Therefore God exists New York American Science and Sound Fact The workings of the human mind when asleep are full of wonder re marked a scientist who was paying a visit to an acquaintance Have you ever started up from a sound dream less sleep with every sense on the alert and with your whole being thrill ed with a vivid yet indefinable feeling that something was wrong and instant action required Often replied his hostess and in nearly every case I have found that 1 was awakened by the fumbling of my husbands key at the front door Impertinent Speaking of a man noted for his im pertinence an acquaintance said Blanks impudence was second only to that of a waiter I heard about the other day Look here waiter said a guest this fish is not cooked properly I know it sir said the waiter but you told me it was for your wife Well what of that asked the sur prised guest Why said the waiter I knew that if the lady was your wife she couldnt he very particular Realism In Art Two artists were boasting how they could paint Do j ou know said one I painted a sixpence on the ground one day and a beggar nearly broke his fingers trying to pick it up Thats nothing to what I did said the other I painted a leg of mutton on a stone and it was so realistic that a dog ate half the stone before he found out his mistake His Narrow Escape I tell you the closing of the Steenth National was a mighty close call for me now was that Why a friend had advised me to put my money in it and And you took his advice No but I would if Id had any mon ey Philadelphia Ledger Net the Kind He Wanted Little Willie ran away to hunt red skins Yes But he didnt find any until his fa ther had finished with him Harpers jWeekly Ungallant My face is my fortune sir she said Well he replied poverty is no dis grace but its awfully inconvenient at times The Wicked Husband Why does a man lie to his wife asks a woman writer Dear me does he Duluth Herald A moral sensible well bred man will not insult me No other can Cowper r MLwMimTrS A New Buggy for the Fourth is what you should have That is why we are offering 500 off until after that time The Velie and John Deere Buggies stand the test better than any other S ARPLE Tubular Cream Separator saves the cream and gives you the profit from the cows Why not buy now and have the pleasure of the buggy and the profit from the cows FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC Fok Sale Two threshing machine belts cheap Mrs J A Snyder 910 McFarland street 7 3 3 For Sale A McCormick binder only cut about 200 acres and is in good condition Address George Troendley McCook Neb route 2 For Sale Header and two boxes Inquire of Barger at the clothing store The household goods of the late Mrs Fannie Green are offered for private sale Inquire at residence of A Mc Millec next door House for Kent Five rooms Call phone red 278 School District No 5S will pay 40 to SIS for a competent teacher Address G R Spurgia McCook Neb route 2 6 26 3 An Indian Passion Play A remarkable Easter celebration is the Fassion plays of the Indians of the Schelt tribe on the banks of the Fraser river Skwa Vancouver Its motive is that of a sincere desire to in struct the Indians in the grand lessons of the death of Jesus Father Chi rouse a French missionary adopted the plan as the best to reach minds that could not comprehend the full sig nificance of the spoken word Its first representation in 1S99 re sulted in hundreds of conversions It has been continued since with the re sult that Indians of other tribes come from a great distance to see the spec tacle and in many cases go away be lievers Father Chirouse insists on the most reverent presentation Three hundred Indians take part in the twelve tab leaus First comes the garden of semane next is the betrayal and then in order follow Christ before Pilate the mocking of Christ by the Itoinau soldiers the famous Ecce Homo and all the other incidents until finally the climax is reached in the crucifixion Brooklyn Eagle Easter Weather Lore According to an old English proverb a wet Easter is not favorable to the consequent crop of hay A good deal of rain on Easter day Gives a crop of good grass but little good hay If the sun shines on Easter morning it will according to the same author ity shine again on Whit Sunday A Sussex piece of weather lore goes fur ther declaring tnat it tne sun smnes on Easter day it will shine a little ev ery day all the year round while there Is a corresponding notion that if it rains then it will rain a little If only a few drops every day during the en suing year New York Herald Just like the W McCook Hardware Co W B MILLS Phone 31 b Simmons McCook Markets Merchants and dealers in McCook at noon today Friday are paying the fol lowing prices Corn 5 GG Wheat 80 Oats 4 Rye Go Barley 55 Hogs 5 25 Butter good 18 Eggs 12 Fly Nets at 130 per pair COME QUICK All Goods at Lowest Possible Market Prices Whole Wheat Rye and Graham Flour Special prices on lots of ten sacks or more SEMOLIA A fine breakfast food un- excelled in 2 lb packages All kinds of Mill Feed Corn Barley Chop Bran Shorts etc Orders Promptly Delivered McCook Milling Company E H DOAN Proprietor Phone 29 McCOOK THINK OF IT Sanitary Couch 475 DRESSERS COMMODES SPRINGS MATTRESSES and other furniture at equally LOW PRICES FINCHS West Dennison Street LOW PRICE LEADER s i at I W - T- A