re J k i mi W J y r - rrriirz - J - kKilHBB r illTflfIMIfrill I 1 Independence Bell A Poem That Has Been Read for Years That Is Worth Heading Again Who Wrote It When It became certain thnt the Declaration of Independence would be adopted and con firmed by the signatures of the delegates in the Continental Congreoi It was determined to an nounce the event by rinirinir the old State House bell which bore the inscription Proclaim liberty to the Undf to all Inhabitants thereof I and the old bellman posted his grandson ut the door of the hall to await the instruction of the doorkeeper when to rlnsr At the word that the docu ment had been 6itrncd the little patriot scion rushed out and fllnttinir up his hands shouted Ring I Rlnc RING There was a tumult in the city In the quaint old Quaker town And the streets were rife with people Pacing restless up and down People gathering at corners Where they whispered each to each And the sweat stood on their temples With the earnestness of speech As the bleak Atlantic currents Lash the wild Newfoundland shore So they beat against the State House So they surged against the door And the mingling of their voices Made a harmony profound Till the quiet street of chestnuts Was all turbulent with sound Will they do it Dare they do it Who js speaking Whats the news What of Adams What of Sherman- Oh God grant they wont refuse Make some way there -Let me nearer I I am stifling Stifle then When a Nations lifes at hazard Weve no time to think of men So they beat against the portal Men and women maid and child And the July sun in heaven On the scene looked down and smiled The same sun that saw the Spartan Shed his patriot blood in vain Now beheld the soul in freedom All unconquered rise again So they surged against the State House While all solemnly inside Sat the Continental Congress Truth and reason for their guie Oer a simple scroll debating Which though simple it might be Yet should shake the cliffs of England With the thunders of the free At the portal of the State House Like some beacon in a storm Hound which waves are wildly beating Stood a boyish slender form With his eyes fixed on the steeple And his ears agape with greed To catch the first announcement Of the signing of the deed Aloft in that high steeple Sat the bellman old and gray He was weary of the tyrant And his iron sceptered sway So he sat with one hand ready On the clapper of the bell When his eye should catch the signal The happy news to tell See 1 see I The dense crowd quivers Through all its lengthy line As the boy beside the portal Looks forth to give the sign With his small hands upward lifted Breezes dallying with his hair Hark with deep clear intonation Breaks his young voice on the air Hushed the peoples swelling murmur List the boys strong joyous cry Ring he shouted Ring Grandpa Ring Oh Ring for Liberty And straightway at the signal The old bellman lifts his hand And sends the good news making Iron music through the land How they shouted what rejoicing How the old bell shook the air Till the clang of freedom ruffled The calm gliding Delaware How the bonfires and the torches Illumined the nights repose And from the flames like Phoenix Fair Liberty arose The old bell now is silent And hushed its iron tongue But the spirit it awakened Still lives forever young And while we greet the sunlight On the Fourth of each Juby Well neer forget the bellman Who twixt the earth and sky Rung out OUR INDEPENDENCE Which please God shall never die DOES IT RAIN ON THE FOURTH Uncertainty on This Point Has Given Rise to Two Schools of Thought The afternoon of Fourth of July has a strong tendency to be poky To avert this catastrophe many devices have been introduced One of them is to have a picnic Now there are two op posing and mutually exclusive schools of thought in re the Fourth of July pic nic The one school holds that it al ways rains on that afternoon the oth er denies that proposition and main tains that those who so vividly recall standing under a tree a tree as a shelter when it rains pitchforks and feather beds is the rankest kind of a swindle and something ought to be done about it standing under a leaky tree and watching the little men jumping in the lemonade tub while the tablecloths soak into sodden rags and the layer cake pitifully dissolves are really thinking of the annual Sab hath school picnic when of course it rains I dislike very much to take sides on any question I am like the politician who was campaigning in a neighbor hood divided on entirely non political lines into two parties one maintain ing that it was just foolishness to say that the earth turned clear over every day and the other that it must be so because it said so In the geography book You know about such things they ask him Now does it It dont does it Not clear over We ell Ha It does a little he said Eugene Wood in Every bodys Very True Oh said Edith Louise as she saw the soldiers getting ready to fire the Fourth of July cannon you mustnt go near that gun or you might get killed and Its dangerous gettln killed M 3K 2E HAS RECORD FOR GOOD WORK British Engineer Fought Africans and Built Road Above Clouds Basil Tanfield Boothby bronzed from his experience in the tropics in the last 13 years building railroads fighting savages and shooting big game has arrived in America bound for his home in England The young engineer has helped to make history during the long time that ho has been away from civilization and the story he tells Is one of absorbing interest Ho left England for Uganda Africa in 1895 under orders from the Brit ish foreign office to carry the con struction of the government railroad from Uganda to Mombassa This railroad was needed for strategic reasons to hold Uganda Boothby stayed in the African wilder ness four years carrying out the im portant task intrusted to him He is enthusiastic over Uganda as a sportsmans paradise declaring that it is the greatest big game country in the world Walton Harrison one of the engineers in his party was killed as a result of a stirring ad venture while lion hunting with him Harrison killed one of the beasts but was torn to pieces by a lioness which he had wounded Boothby took part In many skir mishes with the native tribes which were hostile to his work His position as a government engineer made him ex oflicio a magistrate and he led one campaign against 500 blacks who had harassed his party poisoning the water and waylaying stragglers and cutting their throats This tribe was the Wak ikuo and lived on the edge of the Great Gift valley This extraordinary valley is 1000 miles long running north and south and 40 miles wide at its narrowest point It is 2000 feet deep and through an upheaval ages ago is 5000 feet above the level of the sea It is full of lakes and rivers and volcanoes and inhabited by the finest tribe of warriors in Africa savages who eat no vegetables or fruit but subsist on a meat diet entirely This tribe the Massai is allied to the Zulus When Boothby finished his Uganda railway in 1S99 he took an order to build a railroad across the Andes in South America from Buenos Ayres to Valparaiso The surveys carried the line over a district of lofty peaks the pass where the divide was crossed be ing 13000 feet above the sea level Boothby encountered many difficul ties aside from engineering problems The negotiations with the Chilian gov ernment were not successful and the result was that only part of the line the Argentine side was finished In 1900 Boothby went to China to work on the Shanghai Nanking rail road a line which will be ready to be opened soon The road will serve a rich district and Boothby says that tnus lar tne traffic is very encourag ing The difficulties which the road encountered with the likin the inter nal customs bureau of which Sir Rob ert Hart is the head are about to be adjusted amicably The Shanghai Nanking railroad ex tends 200 miles and cost about 10 000000 It was built for the Chinese Imperial railways through a loan raised by a British and Chinese cor poration Chicagos Great Subway One of the most remarkable of lat ter day romances of millions has to deal with the freight subway system of Chicago a marvel of enterprise re quiring a staggering expenditure While this great enterprise was not intended primarily to economize in time its purpose was to facilitate the local receipt shipment and exchange of freight to prevent congestion of streets and in this way to insure a more prompt transaction of business in the second largest city in the country A swifter transaction of the business of the great city has been the result so that this expenditure of 30000 000 for 45 miles of tunnels beneath Chicagos streets may be charged up to the world wide fight to gain time In its simpler commercial aspect this subway system is a 45 mile network of underground conduits to facilitate the movement of freight from depot to depot from warehouse to ware house from factory to store and from merchant to consumer Every street within an area nearly two miles square is duplicated ex cept as to buildings at a depth of from 25 to 40 feet underground each street intersection name and direction below corresponding to the same on the surface China Building Railroads In China during the last year through traffic was resumed on the Alanchurian railways The Hsinmintun Mukden line has been redeemed by China at a cost of 1G66000 The Shanghai Nankin railway has been ex tended to Chinkiang and should he completed within a few months to Nankin the Kalgan railway built en tirely by Chinese of which the first section was opened on September 30 190G has been steadily pushed for ward the Chentung Taidan branch of the Pekin Hankow line was opened on December 6 the construction of the 182 miles having taken three years and three months while another branch from Kalfeng to Chenchou was opened earlier in the year Work on the Canton Kowloon railway Is also being pushed on rapidly Canadas New Line Canadas new transcontinental rail way from Moncton on the Atlantic to Prince Rupert on the Pacific a dis tance of rather more than 3000 miles Is fully under way and is to be com pleted by December 1 1911 at a coBt of 200000000 DRIVER CAME BACK GHOSTLY APPARITION IN THE EN GINE CAB Story Is Vouched for by Two Men of Good Reputation Recognition of Friends Seemed to Please Phantom KZ PL life MOST remarkable in stance of ghostly appari tion occurred In the yards of one of the big railroads running into during the win ter of 189G Engine No 587 was one of the largest and best on the division and had been relegated to the switch yards for bad behavior so the yardmen said Ever since No 587 had been built it had been run by Mr W one of the oldest engine drivers on the rail road The iron horse was a beauty large powerful and the pride of every one who had anything to do with it Soon after the big strike of the A R U Mr W died very suddenly and No 587 was of course turned over to other engine drivers The old engine went all right for a while but it was not long after Mr Ws death that it began kicking up and playing all sorts of pranks It ran off the track one night and came near ditching a whole train of freight cars If it had run off the track but once nothing would have been thought of it hut the per verse monster kept running off the track every few weeks and smashing things so badly that it was in the re pair shops nearly a third of the time The superintendent of course al ways laid the blame on the engine drivers and more than one man was laid off for it Finally No 5S7 was transferred to the switch yards where it worked all right for a while then it began smash ing things again At last it was turned over to one of Mr Ws old friends Mr N an engine driver of exceptionally good record who prided himself on never having had a wreck but even he could not keep No 587 on the track The weather had been bad for over a week the tracks were slippery and the engine driver on No 587 always was on the lookout that he kept to the track all right One night it was raining hard and was as dark as pitch No 5S7 started down the tracks after a bunch of cars There was a lot of freight to be pulled out that night and the switching was unusually heavy The fireman had filled the firebox with coal and had settled himself on his bench for a rest Mr N had his head out the window and was backing up slowly when he felt a cold hand laid on his own which was on the lever The coldness of the hand startled him but he thought of course it was the fireman who had clutched his hand to warn him of some danger turning his head to see what was the matter he beheld to his horror Mr Ws apparition looking as natural as though he were alive and about to start on his night run Of course his account of the appari tion was met with scoffing and con siderable chaffing upon the part of the railroad men about the yards and the engine driver began to think that it might have been a delusion after all One night however about a month after Ws apparition made its first appearance in the cab of No 5S7 the engine driver had his head out of the window waiting for the signal to back up The fireman was fussing about the firebox Suddenly as before Mr W put in his appearance again and stood there with his hand on the throttle Both engine driver and fireman saw the figure If the engine driver had been fright ened at Mr Ws apparition the fire man was paralyzed with fear crying out with chattering teeth Its Ws ghost and no mistake about it The recognition from his two old friends seemed to please Hie phan tom for he nodded his head smiled pulled open the throtVe and backed the engine As toe engine driver said afterward I didnt know whether I or W ran No 5S7 that night All to Save a Minute What is the value of a minute ol time Do you think 1000000 too ex travagant a figure Considerably more than this is be ing paid by some of the big railroads of the country in their efforts to van quish Father Time In order to save about 30 minutes in reaching the heart of New York the Pennsylvania rail road is spending about 60000000 to burrow under the Hudson river That is paying 2000000 a minute When the New York Centrals plans involving an expenditure of 70000 000 are completed engineers figure that the running schedule of cjach train will be reduced six or eight min utes Not all of this vast sum for im provements can be charged to a desire to save time however Still every minute lopped off will cost very near the high water mark Have Changed Countries It is a curious coincidence that Can adas greatest railroad man Sir Wil liam Van Home is a native of the United States and that the greatest railroad builder of the United States James J Hill is a native of the do minion Fast Travel In England The Bristol to Paddington Eng express covers 118 miles In two hours County Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nebraska June 21 1103 The county board of equalization met pur suant to adjournment present I S Lofton C H Gray nmlS lremer commLsMoncr T A Endsley and Clia Skalla clerk Thecciunlizntioiiof at Hsmcnts was contin ued throughout the dny In the matter of the assessment of the unim proved laud in Coleman precinct a motion was made by lremer seconded by Gray that the valuation of the following unimproved land in said precinct be reduced from li per aero to 10 per acre Seventy acres in nv r of 0 owned by Jacob Uctz IM acres in sw ir of 15 owned by Edward L Grimes lJO acres in ne rof 7 owned by Florena 1 Walters- 40 acres in nw jr of se r of 7 owned by Florena I Wat srs 10 acres of sw qr in so ur erf 7 owned by Florena I Walters 35 acres in the cast hf of se qr of 7 owned by Florena I Walters 100 acres in nw qr of 7 William H Hublcr120 acres of sw qr of 7 own ed by Melvin Choat M acres in e Vt of no qr of J owned by A J Drake 30 acres in se lOowned by John 15 Smith CO acres in ne qr of 11 owned by George Ii Hoar 100 acres in nw qr of 11 owned by George I Hoar CO acres in sw qr 11 owned by John 15 Smith 40 acres in u hf of no qr of 17 owned by John N Smith 10 acres in south hf of ne qr of 17 owned by John N Smith 40 acres in north hf of se qrof 17 owned by John N Smith 10 acres in north hf of nw qr of 17 owned by Hoyle it Eldred CO acres in north half or Itie qr 18 owned by Florena I Walters 20 acres in north hf of nw qr 18 owned by J S liriihli SO acres in west hf of sw qr 1 owned by Asa E Schlegel 120 acres in lie qr of 20 owned by Mary E Simpson W acres in seqroT20 owned by Wesley M Hozelle 70 acres in sw qr of 21 owned by Wesley Jl Itozcllc acres in w hf or ne qr of 2 owned by Wesley M Uozell b acres in east hf of ne qr or 2 owned by Wesley Al Itozell 0 acres in west hf of nw qr of SO owned by Dalls J S Schlegel W acres in north M or sw qr of ow ned by Clinton Schlegel 70 acres in e liT oT ne qr 33 owned by Annie Coyle 80 acres in east hf oT sw qr r 33 owned by Pat rick Coylo M acres in w hT oT v qr 33 owned by Patrick Coyle 80 acres in west hf oT nw qr or 33 owned by Peter Xel ou 110 acres in so qr of 35 owned by Kester Peers IK in nw of 3T owned by Win H Hryant Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Gray seconded by En dsleythat a valuation of 2000 be placed on the SO acres of improed land on the ne quarter of section 10 Coleman precinct of John 15 Smith which had been misled by the assessor Mo tion carried unanimously A motion was made Ly End ley seconded by Premer that ail real estate in Gerver precinct without the improvements be raised 40 per cent Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Endsley seconded by Skalla that all real estate in Grant precinct without the improvements be raised twenty per cent Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Gray seconded by Premer that all real estate in Tyrone precinct without the improvements be raised fifteen per cent Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Gray seconded by Premer that all real estate in Missouri Hidgc precinct without the improvements bo raised live per cent Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Gray seconded by Premer that all improved land in Rondville precinct without the improvements be raised ten per cent Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Premer seconded by Endsley that the valuation of all real estate and the improvements in Perry precinct be re duced 20 per cent Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Endsley seconded by Premer that the valuation of the east hT of the nw tir of section 8 Valley Grange preciuctbe re duced 40 being owned by R D Rodgers- and that the valuation of the w hf of the ne qr of section 8 same precinct of E J Baker be re duced 300 Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Gray seconded by Premer that the valuation of all real estate and improvements in Willow Grove precinct except that part of sections 32 33 and 34 which lies south of the Republican river and except all parts which are platted and laid out into town lots be reduced thirty per cent Motion car ried unanimously On motion board adjourned to meet June 25 19U3 F S Lofton Chairman Attest Ciia Skalla County Clerk McCook Nebraska June 25 VMS The county board of equalization met pur suant to adjournment present F S Lofton S Premer and C B Gray commissioners T A Endsley assessorand Chas Skalla clerk The board continued the equalization of as sessments throughout the day In the matter of the assessment of the im provements on lot 6 block 10 original town of McCook E Rishel owner having been notified and appeared before the board a motion was made by Premer seconded by Skalla that the valuation of said improvements be raised from 4000 to 5000 Motion carried unanimously In the matter of the assessment of the im provements on lot 11 block 27 original town of McCook or Elizabeth Balbridge notice haing been sened a motion was made by Skalla sec onded by Gray that the valuation o said im provements be raised from 2000 to 30OJ Mo tion carried unanimously In the matter of the a eminent of the im provements of W B McCIain on lots 1 and 2 block 8 and oT the improvements ot T F En right on lots 3 4 and 5 block S all in the 1st addition to McCook notice to owners having been sered a motion was made by Gray sec onded by Skalla that the valuation or the im provements in each case be rai ed from COO each toS00 each Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Premer seconded by Endsley that the valuation of all real estate without the improvements in Iudianola pre cinct be raised thirty per cent Motion carried unanimously It was ordered by the board that the clerk be instructed to notify the following named own ers of real estate in Iudianola city to appear before the board on July 7 1WS to show cause why they should not be raised on their assess ment or said real estate Harry C Whitmore east hr of se qr section 7-3-27 Marion Powell w hfne qr and sw qr or ne qr or section Walter W Wilson part The clerk further was instructed to notify Ed Jeffries to appear before the board on July 7 K0S to show cause w by the assessment of his real estate in the se qr of the no qr of section 29-3-29 should not be raised A motion was made by Gray seconded by Skalla that the valuation of all the lots and platted additions to Iudianola city and the im provements thereon be raised twenty per cent Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Gray seconded by Premer that a valuation of 700 be placed on the improvements or Ed Jeffries on his real estate in the ne qr of section 29-3-29 which had been missed by the assessor Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Gray seconded by Premer that the valuation of the following de scribed land in Driftwood precinct the owners of which had been notified to appear before the board be raised from 40 to 60 per acre to wit The ne qr of section 1 owned by William S Fitch nw qr of section 1 owneQ by S B Ran kin se qr of section 1 owned by I H Wasson e hf of the sw qr of section 1 owned by I H Wasson se qr of section 12 Willrfrd G Dutton a hf of the ne qr of section 13 owned by Will- j ard G Dutton s hf of the sw qr of section 1211 S Hileiiati ne qr of the uwqrof section 13 owned by US Hileman and that the valua tion of the no qr or section 12 same precinct or Joseph Schmitz e raised from 10 per acre to 0 jHsr acre Motion carried unanimously In the matter of the assessment of the im provements or Patrick Walsh on lots 1 and 2 block 21 original town t McCook presented to the board by P Walsh a motion was made by Gray seconded by Endsley that the valua tion of said improvement bo reduced froml 000 to 20LJ0 Motion curried unanimously In the matter of the assessment or the block in part or the sw qr of the sw qr or section liKI 29 in McCook City owned by A Ebert notice having been served on A Ebert and he haing appeared be f oris the board a motion was made by Lofton by Sknlln that the valua tion or said block be raised ViO Premer act ing chairman put the motion and it carried unanimously A motion was made by Skalla seconded by Premer thnt the assessment f the Hamilton Lumber Co should stand as returned by tho assessor Motion carried unnnimoul In the matter r tho assessment or the person al property or 1908 a motion was made by En dsley seconded by Premer that the folIowiuK additions be made to wit Coleman precinct ten per cent on hor es Lebanon precinct 21 per cent on hordes Leb anon village 25 per cent on horses Mis ouri Ridge precinct ten per cent on horse- Ierry precinct 10 per cent on horsosTyrone precinct 10 per cunt on horses Willow Grove precinct 10 per Server precinct 10 per cent on cattle ierver precinct 10 per cent on cuttle Gerver precinct 20J per cent on agricultural implements Gerver precinct 2U0 per cent on household furniture Grant piecinct 10 per cent on cattle Grant precinct 200 per cent on agricultural implements Grant precinct 200 per cent on hou ehold furniture Motion car I ried unanimously A motion was made by Skalla by Gray that no more complaints shall be iieard by the board and that the board now adjourns to meet on July 7th 1908 to hear the Tour parties who were notified to appear that day Motion curried unanimously F ri Lorrox Chairman Atte t Chas Skalla County Clerk SHERIFFS SALE By virtue or an order or sale is ued rrom the district court ofKcd Willow count Nebra ka under a decree in an action wherein August Nothnngcl is plaintiff and the unknown heirs of ieorge II Castle et al are defendant- to me direcied and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for ca h at lite cast door oT the court Iiou e in McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on the 27th day oT July IKIS at the hour of one oclock p m the following de cribed real estate to wit The inrthwest quarter of section twelve in town ship two north of range twenty nine we t of the sixth P M in Red Willow cuiiit Nebras ka Dated this 20th day or June 1908 II L Pin lkson Sheriff REFEREES SALE By virtue or an order or sale to me directed by the clerk or tho district court oT Red Willow county in the State of Nebraska on a judg ment rendered in said court in the cau e where in Ludwig Suess was plaintiff and Sallie F DeGroffct al were defendants on the twenty ninth day or June li08 for the partition and sale or the following described real estate to wit Lot seventeen in block twenty seven of the original town of McCook Red Willow coun ty Nebraska I will offer for ale to the high est bidder for cash on tho fourth day of Au gust 1908 at the east front door of the court house in said county at two oclock in the afternoon the above described real estate Dated this thirtieth day of June 1908 P E Rkedei Referee Y e T2Qft7r 1 lrr o n 1 T r r rr v ULLU11 lUUCL U11U XrillllJii NOTICE OF SUIT C C Everts William WeiKont William Wy Ktiit S T Rldgitley Math A Stewart Mattlmu Stewnrt A II William Elizabeth AComptoti Sallio F Hamilton Jeut io Hell Turner Cora L Campbell J a mo L Campbell Uy A Ketch and William Ketch defendants will takunotie that William plaintiff litis tiled hi IHtition against Hid defendants in the district court of Red Willow count Nebrn JvH Iho ob ject and prnjer of which are to quiet the title or the plaintiff in the norheift quarter and tho north half of the uorthwot quarter and the southeast quarter of the iiorthet qimrter and the west half or tlie wmtlieHit quarter of section four I tow u hip four hrtmxe t29 in Red Willow county NebrakH ami the southeast quarter I the quarter and the west hair or iho quarter iff section twenl i27t and the northeast quarter and the lorth hair or the southea t quarter hi il the quarter ut the Muitheu t quarter of thirty thruii 133 and the northeast quarter and east hair of the northwe t quarter ai d iHt half of wnitli east quarter or stction thirtj Tour ill all in township live 5 range twenty ninn O in rroatier couity Nebraska aid for a decree that the defendants and each iff them be de creed to have no intcre t in r any claim lieu or title to said premises or nil wrt thereof and that the plaiutitls title thereto is Kood and valid and that the defendants and each and all iff them be forever i njoiued from asfrtinKor claiming any right to or right of po HKiiHi of said premises or nil part thereof You are required to answer said petition oh or before Monday the iluv of Jul II Dated this 10th day or Jm Wiiii m Jkiis Plaintiff By Bole A Eldred his OKDKIC OF HE KING Tho state of Nebraska Red Willmv county In the county court In the matter of tho mm tato ir fame- II Short deceased On reading and tiling the petition or Mrs Lena L Ghuriug praying that administration of said estate may be granted to her as administratrix Ordered that July 11 D isus at one oclock p m in as iguei Tor hearing -aid petition when all per-on- interested in -aid matter mny appear at a count court to 1m held in and for -aid county and -how cau c why the praer of je titiouer should not be granted and that notice of the iKMidcucy of said petition and the hear ing thereof he given ty all per ons iuterttsted in said matter by publi hiug a copy of this order in the McCook Tribune a weekly news paper printed in -aid comity for three success ive week- prior to said of hearing Dated this I3th day of June VAS 0-20-3 J C Mookk County Judge NOTICE TO CKEMTOKS State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss In the matter of the estate of Jacob Crocker Notice is hereOy given to all persons having claim- and demand- again t Jacob Crocker late of said county deceased that the time tixed for filing claims against -aid estate is six month- from the Itb day of July 190 S Allsuch per-on- are required to pro eat their claim- with voucher- to the county judge of -aid county on or before the Ith da of Janu ary 1909 or the same -hall he forever barred All claims tiled will be examined and ad justed ly the county judge of said county at hi otlicc therein on the 0th da of January 1HI9 at one oclock p m It is ordered that the above notice be published in the McCook Tri bune a weekly new paper publi hed in said county for four weeks Given under my hand and seal of the county court this 1st day of July 1908 J Mooki Count Judge I ma i NOTICE OF INDEHTEnNESS We The McCook Waterworks Company a corporation by its Pre ident and a majority of the Hoard r Directors hereby give notice that the amount or all the existing debts of said corporation is Thirty four Thousand Ten and no 100 Dollar- Dated this twent sccond day of June 1908 A B Minoic lre ident J C Dkwiisk Director J W Hatkmu Director J E Kiiiky Director TheTuihcne all home print BEGGS5 BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach BfftJSKSN BVSVSSXVBNE SN9rSsasSLiN BBXHySxSNKNHFs BNSSSSZ7vCVnS ivrj See Bullard Before Buying Elsewhere - l iTQibsiVtob9iG Gi UAvtvjvaarp Attention Jtfuilders If you want a FOUNDATION CURBSTONE SIDEWALK J or anything pertaining to Cement Work see Or at Yard Two Blocks East of Main KOOIII 8 Wolyl ir av ZQSbQ2QAShQQ V PWwaa4aEiatttag c3S I he J Liincom i n any DtSLT Nebraskas Greatest Home Paper contains ail the news of the world and the nation ail the state end local news complete marhet reports a confide and up-to-date Nebraska newspaper in every respect No cut price rntes nor barn weeks The Star is worth all we ask 300 per year i 50 for six months with a useful premium free furth er information Sample cop ies etc by addressing Circulation Depart mentLincom Cdily StarLincoin NebrasKa wTvmy - n - w as rgcac J I I 1 1 V