The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 03, 1908, Image 1

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830 Oclock
Last of normal series They will
captivate you
Tickets reserved at McConnells
Saturday July 11 S a m
Tickets 50 cents
Mrs Northrup Injurecl
Mrs Mary A Northrup had the mis
adventure to fall down the stairway at
the home of her daughter Mrs C H
Boyle Thursday morning and to re
ceive severe injuries chiefly an ugly
gash over the forehead which required
the surgeons skill She also sustained
a severe shock to her nervous system
Happily her injuries are not dangerous
she is resting comfortable and a little
timewill fully accomplish her recovery
can be depended upon to do good work
Every can is full measure both as to
quantity and quality When you buy
S W P you get your moneys worth
It wears for the longest time covers the
greatest amount of surface If you
want quality and economy buy S WP
L W McConnell Druggist
Charged With Boot legging
Red Willow countys jail is now safe
keeping a Federal prisoner William
R Spain was placed in the jail Monday
evening He is charged with selling
liquor without a government license
Spain is a Tennesseean but has been
living and operating in Frontier county
for the past year and until Federal min
ions brought his boot legging career to
a period
Majestic Ranges
are built of malleable and charcoal
iron with eighty pound fire box linings
and air tight oven That is why they
bake so good and last so long
McCook Hardware Co
At Cambridge Aug 31 to Sept 5
The Southwest Nebraska District G
A R reunion will be held at McKinloy
park Cambridge this year from Aug
ust 31st to September 5th
Be Comfortable
Summer is here and alpaca coats are
a necessity to comfort We can fill
your wants in blacks and grays
Rozell Bargee
Enjoy the Summer
in one of our lawn swings or hammocks
or both McCook Hardware Co
Celebrate at McCook
i July 3rd and 4th
Ball Games Races and Fun j
Going on All the Time
Cash Beginning June 1
On and after June 1st 1903 I j
shall sell meats on a strictly cash
basis This action is made
cessary by business conditions fa
and will be strictly adhered to
Paul P Anton
Assaulted the Night Policeman
Arthur Forbes appeared before Squire
LeEIew Tuesday on a change of venue
from Squire Berrys court charged with
assault and battery with Night Police
man Ed Fitzgerald as complainant
The defendant demanded a jury trial
and six men wore duly selected and
sworn for that purpose who promptly
brought in a verdict of guilty Squire
Lellow imposed a fine of 83000 and
costs Forbes appealed his case and
provided a bond of 5200 -conditioned
upon his appearance in district court
It appears that Forbes and several
other young men were drinking and on
the streets at a late hour The night
policeman took Forbes by the arm and
sought to have Forbes go home It
was then that Forbes is claimed to have
struck Fitzgerald in the face with some
iron weapon after which he took to his
heels and escaped from the dazed and
blinded policeman It is claimed that
threats had been made against the po
liceman by the party but it was difficult
to get testimony to this effect witnesses
being afraid to testifiy
Anti Saloon League
That was an earnest gathering of Mc
Cook citizens in the Methodist church
Monday evening when the Anti Saloon
League was reorganized and officered
for business
The new officers are H E Culbert
son president T B Campbell and
Howe Smith vice presidents O E
Pearson secretary Clarence Rozell
treasurer The board of directors will
be composedf6f two members from each
of the churches of the city and of two
members of each of the temperance so
cieties and labor unions of the city
which may desire to cooperate with the
league along the lines of temperance
law enforcement and civic righteousness
and purity
The Tribune believes that the good
work of the organization will be effect
ively continued and that results will be
Union Temperance Meeting
The churches of the city united last
Sunday evening in a temperance meet
ing in the Cbngregatioual church The
interest in the subject of temperance
was strongly indicated by tho large at
tendance the church being crowded
The address of the evening was deliver
ed by Rev Edker Burton of the Baptist
church who made plain the need of
temperance work in McCook He urged
that the best way to control the liquor
traffic was to annihilate the traffic en
tirely a sentiment in which his hearers
were well agreed The meeting showed
that McCook has a growing and strong
sentiment against the liquer business
and that the future may develop a
campaign along that line such as the
city has never before experienced
Might Have Been Serious
A cubeb cigarette stub was the inno
cent cause of an incipient fire in the
court house Tuesday evening in the
hallway leading from the main upper
hall into the offices of the clerk of the
district court and the sheriff Fortun
ately County Assessor T A Endsley
and Court Reporter L W Stayner dis
covered the fire in a wooden cuspidor
and removed the burning article from
the building before any damage of note
had been occasioned The cuspidor was
filled with sawdust which the cubeb
stub easily ignited A hole in the floor
was the extent of the damage
Come Take It Away
The work of excavating for the new
Masonic temple opera house is now in
progress and vast quantities of earth
are available for all who have use for it
in filling up low places and grading
The earth will be loaded onto your wa
gons free Come and take it away
McCook vs Cambridges
With games between McCook and
Cambridge this forenoon and tomor
row forenoon the fans will have noth
ing to complain of in the realm of base
ball Both clubs are dingers and will
put up the best game possible
One More Header
on hand to sell to the first man who will
figure that be can save enough grain to
pay for it and some besides First
come first served
McCook Hardware Co
Have You Houses To Rent
Then you should be supplied with
rent receipt books The Tribune has
just what you want compact and com
Largest On the Glooe
Rozell Barger carry a full line of
the famous Wilson Bros gents furn
ishings This is the greatest house on
the globe in this line
A Handy Receipt Book
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
An Artistic Success
Viewed as an artistic effort the organ
recital in St Patricks church Monday
evening was a success tho work of Dr
John Mills Mayhew A M of Lincoln
on the pipe organ was excellent and in
spiring while the vocal efforts of Mrs
P F McKennn Mr Arthur V Coupo
and Mr Fiancis M Uolfer were not
lacking in full appreciation Tho at
tendance however fell below expecta
tions and deserts The program follow
ing indicates tho excellent character of
the music given
Marche Pontificate Lemmens
a Fairy Music Volkmann
b Ilumoreska Dvorak
c Largo Handel
O Divine Redeemer Gounod
Arthur V Coupe
Offertoiro Batiste
a Minuet Berowsai
b Prize song Meister Singer Wagner
Festival Calkin
Ave Marie Cherubini
Mrs P F McKenna
Maestoso de la Tombelle
a Andante Cantabile Tchaikowsky
b Two Oriental Sketches Bird
A Dream of Paradise Gray
Francis M Colfer
Allegro Lemarp
The accompanists were Miss Miilicent
E Elbert Mrs G H Thomas
A Sad Home
Mr and Mrs Frank Cain and family
have the profoundest sympathy of this
city in the death of their son Edward
aged 18 years Thursday morning at 7
oclock The young man was recover
ing from an attack of diphtheria when
complications not uncommon in that
terrible disease set in involving the
heart etc and death resulted yester
day morning despite every effort made
for his recovery
Edward was born in Red Willow
county and had grown up into a vigor
ous young manhood when death brought
his young life to a sad and untimely end
Tho burial occurred this afternoon at
four oclock in Calvary cemetery Rev
W J Kirwin pastor of St Patricks
church conducting services at the cem
This is the second death in the Cain
home within a few weeks and they are
the objects of special sympathy of tho
city on that account
No Need to Fear
There has been lots of comment lately
on the injurious effects of some com
plexion creams face lotions etc and no
doubt some of the stories told are true
We would be the last to countenance
the use of any of these deleterious sub
stances and with the object in view of
protecting our customers we have only
the very best and most highly recom
mended face creams face lotions tal
cum powders baby powders etc that
can be bought You need have no fear
of any of these bought of C R Wood
worth Co druggists
Pleased a Large Crowd
The second park concert last evening
by the McCook band pleased a large
and animated crowd in the city park
These concerts will be given every
Thursday evening during three months
of the summer The band is improv
ing with each concert and gradually at
taining oldtime standard of excellence
You should treat yourself too well to
miss any of these concerts
Farmers Attention
I am receiving cream for the Fair
mont Creamery Co of Crete Neb
Bring your cream to me and 1 will guar
antee good results You get your
checks every shipment To those part
ies that are delivering cream to other
creameries if you will divide give one
half to me I think after a few ship
ments you will bring it all to me
M Walsh
Judgment For One Hundred
N E Barger brought suit against
Andrew Sherman before County Judge
Moore Monday for damages and breach
of contract in the sum of 200 Barger
was allowed 100 damages The matter
was the outgrowth of some difficulty
connected with the sale and purchase
of the machine shop on West Dennison
Correspondence Wanted
The Tribune wants correspondence
from Perry and Coleman precincts in
fact from any part of the country where
the paper is not now represented Write
the publisher to day
At the Race Track
a Fairbanks Morse Gasoline Engine will
pump the water Every farmer will
own one of these some time Why not
buy now of McCook Hardware Co
Harvest Time Is Here
You will need gloves We have them
in gauntlet and without Good wearers
and the prices right
Rozell Barger
Have You Made That Selection
of a buggy at McCook Hardware Cos
If not you should at the special price
now offered
New Method of Billing
The Burlington road in tho futuro will
use revised methods of marking tho
company freight GW Holdrege gen
eral managor of the road has sent out
the following order regarding tho mark
ing of company materials
In order to save time and labor on the
parts of agents trainmen and others on
gaged in the handling of company ma
terials and onablo us to got them over
the road more promptly betweon com
pany storehouses it has been decided to
designate each company storehouse by a
number so that in the future it will be
necessary to stencil this number on tho
material This will also do away with
tho necessity of itemizing tho different
articles on way bills
Tho stencil to be used will bo larger
and plainor than a written tag and will
enable employes to identify it with less
handling of packages and the marks
will also be less subject to obliteration
than is the case where tags aro used
It will also enable agents to immediately
ship to the proper designation materials
which may be over at their stations
as the stencils will give them the proper
destinations It will also save tho mark
ing of Over and Short Reports in many
cases and will enable the company to
get material into service instead of hav
ing it lie around waiting for consignees
to be found The storehouse number
will invariably be stenciled or painted
on the material in white paint
Under the above plan billing will not
be itemized but will read as follows
nieces of company material
marked in white paint
In the space before the word pieces
the total number of pieces or packages
will be shown In the space before tho
word in the storehouse number sten
ciled on the articlo will be shown
The billing must show that tho store
house number on the material is in white
paint so that it may be designated from
any other number that may appear on
the material
Each and every item less than full
carload lots consigned to one store will
positively be stenciled
Visit From Early Residents
Engineer and Mrs Charles Dietrich
of Denison Texas together with their
three children spent Thursday in the
city visiting friends of the olden times
Both Mr and Mrs Dietrich were
among tho earlier residents of McCook
Mr Dietrich ran an engine out of here
for years as did Mrs Dietrichs father
Engineer Carl Clark now of Emporia
Kansas They found quite a number of
friends here but the city greatly chang
ed during the eighteen years they have
been absent They returned to Lincoln
this morning Mr and Mrs Dietrich
and son will return from there to Texas
while the two daughters will extend
their visit on east Mr Dietrich is an
engineer on the Houston Texas Cen
tral railroad and a brother of Master
Mechanic Dietrich of Lincoln
The Melt-In-Your-Mouth Kind
Paul Anton has just secured about
fifty head of corn fed cattle to meet tho
needs of his meat market A finer
bunch of cattle have never been seen in
McCook indeed it is claimed for them
that the best markets of the country
cannot beat them These animals will
be served to customers of Mr Antons
market and the juiciest richest cuts
are guaranteed at reasonable figures all
the time These meats will almost melt
in your mouth
Opening Auspicious
As The Tribune goes to press today
the indications are promising for suc
cessful races The weather bids fair to
be propitious The track is in fine con
dition There is a splendid string of
horses on the grounds The way the
people are coming in this morning in
dicates that the attendance on the
opening day will be very encouraging
and that tomorrows crowd will be large
When in Need
of pepper alspice cloves cinnamon
mace nutmeg mustard ginger capsi
cum curry or other spices or condi
ments it will pay you to call on Mc
Connell Druggist
Fresh Vegetables
For vegetables in season gathered
from the garden each day call phone
birch 1352 before 7 a m and they will
be promptly delivered
G II Rowland
Redeem Your Bakery Tickets
Heckman bakery tickets will be re
deemed by us up to and including
Monday July 6th
Barbazette Son
Smile and be comfortable in one of
our fine hammocks
A McMillen Druggist
Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves
keep your kitchen comfortable
McCook Hardware Co
Are They With Hagenbeck Wallace
To those who are loitering on tho cir
cus ground when the magnificent parado
of the Carl Hagonbeck Groat Wallace
shows returns to tho tents in this city
McCook Nob Friday July 10 ono
performance it may appear that tho
massive cages and dons of nuimals aro
placed indiscriminately in the menag
erie tent but this is not tho case It is
absolutely necessary for tho family rep
resented that the arrangement of the
animals be tho same day after day If
the lion cage is first tho monkey cage
next the polar boar next tho seals next
the hippopotamus next tho ocelot next
tho tigers next and so on down ono sido
of the mammoth menagorio tent and
back on tho other ono day tho same ar
rangement is necessary after that Tho
ends of tho cages aro closed so that tho
animals cannot see their neighbors but
they can smell them Any change of
order among tho dens will promptly
start something in the zoo
When tho Hagenbeck Wallace circus
exhibits hero tho circus patron cau ob
tain much interesting information by
closely observing the first prize colossal
No Cause For Alarm
While there aro several cases of diph
theria in McCook and the same can bo
truthfuly said of other towns in this
part of the state there is absolutely no
occasion for alarm and tho fact should
keep no one away from enjoying tho
splendid races arranged for this after
noon and Saturday afternoon by the
Driving Park association
We make this statement simply bo
cause some silly and idle rumors have
been spread abroad concerning the pro
valence of diphtheria in this city and
some have been frightened thereby
There have been some cases and still
are some but there is not now and has
not been at any time cause for alarm
Come to the races
Postponed to July 9th to 19th
The very heavy rains which overllow
ed Epworth Lake Park and much of
the street car track leading to the ground
made a postponement of the Nebraska
State Holiness camp meeting absolutely
necessary The camp meeting has been
postponed to July 9th to 19th There
will be no change in tho place of the
meeting the program as advertised in
the folder and only a slight change in
the working force The time is now so
short I ask all who read this notice to
assist in advertising the postponed
meeting W H Prescott Secy
Following are the marriage licenses is
sued since our last report
Solomon W Stilgebouer Jr IS and
Emma Pearl Ritchie lGboth of Bartley
Charles E Ludlow 21 and Lois D
Hileman 19 both of McCook
McArthur C Lord 18 and Gertrude
Evangeline Lehn 20 both of Indianola
Charles E Walton 19 and Rena
Witt 19 both of Bartley
Sidney L Johnson 23 and Medora
A Walkington 2G both of Cambridge
Fortunate Patrcns
Patrons of D C Marsh are fortun
ate in that they are able to secure at
his meat market the richest and juciest
and tenderest meats obtainable in any
market anywhere at any price Prime
corn fed cattle of first grade are placed
on the block for his patrons every day
Meats too which have been refriger
ated long enough to make them the
most palatable These qualities with
prompt courteous and square dealing
and right prices spell success
Surprised Him Some
Earl Spencer was the object of a suc
cessful surprise last Saturday evening
upon the occasion of his 23th birthday
About thirty friends were in the secret
Mrs Spencer presented Earl with a gold
watch and his friends present was a
large fine chair Refreshments were
enjoyed and a big time socially
- Salesman to represent us with com
plete line of shirth pants overalls etc
Liberal commission and exclusive ter
ritory around McCook Write Hugo
Aron 231 Market street Chicago 111
7 32
It Is Good Old Summer Time
and you ought to have a straw hat for
comfort We have them in all styles
j and at prices to fit any pocket book
Come and see
Rozell Barger
To Normal Students
We carry a complete line of pencil
and writing tablets composition books
box paper lead pencils etc
A McMillen Druggist
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
When you have a surplus ot
money deposit it with us Wo
pay four per cont on timo deios
its A checking account no mat
ter how small is a convenience
once tried always used
It helps you to save
P Walsh U FLehn
President Vico President
C J OBrien Cashier
No Charge Without Service
Tho State Railway commission has
adopted an order prohibiting telephone
companies from making a 10 cent
messenger charge whon no messenger
was used to get tho party to the
telephone Tho order becomes effectivo
August I Tho complaint was against
those independent companies connecced
with the Nebraska toll lines It has
been tho custom when calling tho party
over long distanco to charge the mes
senger fee If tho work of getting tho
party consists only of switching from
tho Independent to tho Nebraska lines
no charge after August 1 can bo made
Last of the Normal Series
The Chicago Gleo Club in the high
school auditorium Monday evening
July 13 will Close the junior normal
series of entertainments Their vocal
work trombone efforts and the Hoos
ier impersonations of Mr Dixon alto
gether make an entertainment of a high
and most entertaining order The Tri
bune hopes to see tho high school audi
torium filled to its fullest capacity
Tickets at McConnells Saturday July
11th 50 cents
McCook Took All Three
McCook and Franklin played three
interesting and warmly contested games
of baseball on the local grounds thi3
weeks and by close scores McCook cap
tured the whole bunch The games were
well patronized especially the closing
game and the interest was lively in the
entire series The scores of the three
games were as follows Monday 5 to
1 Tuesday 5 to 4 Wednesday 3 to 0
Harry Barbazette Buys the Bakery
Monday Harry Barbazette took
charge of the McCook bakery and news
stand buying from G C Heckman the
late proprietor Mr Heckman has not
fully determined what he will do but
is considering returning to his first love
life insurance a business in which he
spent many years of his life
For Sale
New u - room cottage bath - room
closets cellar etc corner Douglass and
Manhattan sts Phone black 312
Burn Gas on a Detroit Jewel Gas Range
and your cooking will be a pleasure
McCook Hardware Co
All Printed in McCook
Our attention has recently been
drawn to the fact that some of
our readers are overlooking much
of the local news of The Tribune
acting on the mistaken theory
that the four inside pages of the
paper are patents The Tribune
has for several years except at
short intervals been all home
print It is now all printed in
McCook and every one of the
eight pages contains more or less
local news and advertising both
of interest to our readers Read
them all The Publisher
List Your City Property
Farms Ranches with
Office in Electric Light
office rear Citizens bank
Phone 283