The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 26, 1908, Image 7

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McCook Lodco No 131 A F is A M tnoeta
ovory first and third TuoHduy of tbo month at
800 p m iu Masonic hull
Lok Cone Soc
b B H
Occonoxoo Council No 16 R fc S M moots on
the last Saturday of each month at 800 p ni
n Masonic liall
Ralph A Hagbekq T I M
Sylvkhteh Cohdeal Sec
KinR Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M moots
every first and third Thursday of each month at
800 p in in Masonic hull
ClaeenceH Ghat H P
Clinton D Sawyeb Sue
St John Coiutnandery No 16 K T meets on
the second Thursday of each month at 800 p
in in llusonic hall
Emerson Hanson E C
Stlvestee Cokdeai Rec
Euroka Chnptor No 6 O E S moots the
socond and fourth Fridays of each month at
800 p in in Masonic hall
Mrs Sarah E Kat W M
Sylvester Cordeal Soc
modern woodmen
Noblo Camp No C63 M W A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
830 p m in Qanschows ha
at White Houso Grocery
Pay assossinont
J M Smith Clork S E Howell V
ROYAL neighbors
Noblo Camp No 802 R N A moots ovory
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
230 p m in Ganscliows hall
Mrs Mary Walker Oracle
Mrs Augusta Anton Rec
w o w
Meets second and fourth Thursdays at 8
o clock in Diamonds hall
ClIAS F MADKlvin n rv
C Moyer Clerk
McCook Lodso No CI AOUW moots ovory
Monday at 800 p m in Diamonds hall
C B Gray Roc Fred Schlagel M W
McCook Lodge No 3 D of H moots every
second and forth Fridays of each month at 8 00
p in in Ganscliows hall
Mrs Laura Osburn C of H
Mrs MatieG Welles Roc
McCook Division No 623 R of L E moots
every second and fourth Saturday of each
month at 230 in Morris hall
Walter Stokes C E
W D Burnett F A E
McCook Lodge No 5S9 B of L
meets every Saturday at 730 p m
chow s hall
I D Pennington M
Geo A Campbell Sec
Harvey Division No 95 O R C
second and fourth Sundays of each
300 p m in Diamonds hall
meets the
month at
Joe Hegenberger C Con
M O McCluee Sec
C W Bronson Lodfre No 487 B of R T
meets first and third Sundays at 230 p m and
second and fourth Fridays at 730 p m each
month in Morris hall Neal Bekler M
R J Moore Sec
Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A
meets on the first and third Thursdays of each
month in Diamonds hall at 730 p m
Con Kreigee C C
N H Snyder Rec Sec
Red Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meets
every second aDd fourth Tuesday of the month
at 800 p m in Ganschow hall
D O Hewitt Pre3
W H Anderson Rec Sec
McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of
A meets first and third Fridays of each month
in Odd Fellows hall
McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every
Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall
M Lawritson C C
J N Gaarde K R S
odd fellows
McCook Lode No 137 1 0 0 F meets every
Monday at 8 DO p m in Ganscliows hall
V H Ackeeman N G
W A Middleton Sec
McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets the
second and fourth Fridays of each month at
800 pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings
on the first and third Fridays
B S Light W Pres
G C Heckman W Sec
McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the
first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800
p m in Diamonds hall
G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K
Court Granada No 77 meets on tho first and
and third Tuesdays of each month atS p m in
the Morris hall Anna Han nan G R
Josephine Mullen F S
Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
every first and third Thursday evenings of each
month in hall
Mrs W B Mills Commander
Harriet E Willetts R K
g A R
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each month at 230 pm
Ganscliows hall
J M Henderson Cmndr
J H Yaeger Adjt
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on
the first and third Fridays of each month at
230 p m in Diamonds hall
Adeline Dole Pres
Matie Welles Sec
p e o
Chapter X P E O meets the second and
fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m
at the homes of the various members
Mrs G H Thomas Pres
Mrs C H Meeker Cor Sec
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoffice June 26 1903
Anderson Miss Anna Boreman Gottlieb
Cook Geo
Gordon W 2
Hamlin Mr
Hutter Mr W F
Miller Mr Eugene
Uerling Wm
Wilson W A
Broyles Mr Joo
Bruncc Mrs Henri
Brown Mr Will
Green Mr Albert
Gordon Mrs Minnie
Hubbard Mrs Frank
Homer Mr Hortan
Hall Mr Oric
Dyre Miss May
Good E B
Hopkins Mrs J N
Miller John
Price Mrs A E 3
Swanson Mr Mike
Lonely Mrs Pearl
Miller Leo
Miller Mr Geo
Oriloy Miss Maude
Spencer Mr E E 2
Stolling Miss Motta
Stevens Harry
Winters Minnio
Kless Mr Lon
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
S B McLean Postmaster
Conducted by the McCook W C T U
On Tuesday afternoon Mrs Gary
Mrs Stevens and Mrs Beardsley or
ganized a Loyal Temperance Legion at
the M E church basement Through
some misunderstanding in dates there
ware not as many children present as
wo wore anxious for Mothers if you
wish your children to spend a profitable
hour each week co operate with us by
urging them to come every Tuesday
afternoon at three oclock at the M E
church basement
Our Heavenly Father hear us now
And help us keep this sacrod vow
Though we are young Oh make us
Always to fight against the wrong
Bless those who join our band today
That they may never from thee stray
Oh keep them thine help them to stand
For God and home and native land
Send the lad with mo and we will
arise and go that wo may live and not
die both wo and thou and our little
ones Gen 43 8
What is the object of the Loyal
Temperance Legion
The L T L aims not only to interest
the boys and girls in total abstinence
principles through the teaching of
scientific temperance truth from care
fully prepared text books called temp
erance manuals but seeks to inculcate
the very highest ideals and its purpose
is in the broadest sense character
building The whole effect is educa
tional and it is founded on the principle
which Miss Willard advocated that the
real way to solve the temperance prob
lem is to set before the young the truth
concerning alcohol and the saloon give
them a knowledge of their relation to
society and to humanity and show
them that the only way to stop drunk
enens is to reach human souls before tho
chain of habit has bound them
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p
m Sunday school at 10 a m All
are welcome to these services Morn
ing subject The ReligiouB Nurture of
Children Evening The Merchant
and the Church
E R Eaklk Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Wji J Kirwin O M I
Christian Bible school at 10
Preachingat 11 a m and 8 p m
a m
at 7 p m All are welcome
R M Ainsworth Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E Burton Pastor
Christian Science Services Sun
day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p
m Meetings held in the Diamond
block Room open Wednesdays and
Saturdays from 2 to 4 p m Science
literature on sale Subject for Sunday
Christian Science
Methodist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m Subject The
New Patriotism Junior League at 4
Epworth League at 7 Union temper
ance rally at Congregational church at
8 Prayer meeting Wednesday night at
8 p m Sunday school every Sunday in
South McCook at 3 p m
M B Carman Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m by pastor
Junior C E at 3 p m Senior C E at
7 pm Prayer meeting every Wednes
day at S p m The public is cordially
invited to these services
G B Hawkes Pastor
A Surprise
Last Saturday was the 62nd annivers
ary of Mrs J E LeHews birth The
fact got noised about among the ladies
of the G A R and at about nine
oclock a loud noise and knocking was
heard at the front door Mrs LeHew
went to ascertain the cause and when
she opened the door a remnant of the
Old Army marched in and took posses
sion in the name of the G A R Mrs
LeHew surrendered on discretion and so
did her terrified husband The bunch
had evidently been on a loot and forage
expedition because they had tho plun
der with them
They invaded the kitchen and pan
try and helped themselves to what they
could find They handed out a very
palatable lunch among themselves and
offered Mr and Mrs LeHew some
Mrs LeHew was taken entirely by
surprise by such a bold performance
and for fear she wouldnt like it very
well they left her a souvenir spoon and
some dishes that they had gotten some
The invaders were Mr and Mrs
J M Henderson Mr and Mrs W P
Burns Mr and Mrs H H Berry Mr
and Mrs W R Starr Mesdames W P
Dutton Mary Northrup and Henry C
Tou are welcome to come again the
latch string will always hang on the
outside for such as you Com
Garment Will Be a Feature
Coming Season
of the
Quito a feature of the coming sea
sons fashions will be the separate
tailor made cloth jacket mado for
wearing with odd skirts and slmplo
frocks In light weight cloth pongee
etc For some seasons past It has not
been fashionable to wear separate
jackets except of silk or lace The
jackets have all been made to match
the skirts and when a coat of differ
ent material has been used it has been
a top coat quite long or at least three
quarters and loose In build whether
made of cloth or silk
But the new fashions show a very
definite place for the tight fitting sep
arate tailor made coat of cloth such
as is shown a tight fitting cutaway
with very little trimming and that
little of the most severely tailored
White cloth Is most attractive in
these separate tailored skirts It may
bo used with stitching or braid of the
same material for its only garniture
but the smartest coats have collar
and cuffs of black velvet The only
style of coat which is most success
ful in this severe development is a
double breasted cutaway not very
long and having only a slightly cut
away effect not sharply shaped at tho
bottom only but curving beautifully
from the top of the front to the bot
A little braid is used in conjunction
with the velvet on the collar of the
coat but on many of the most attrac
tive models the braid is not otherwise
it Cures Pimples Red Nose and
content Says Discoverer
Stretch girls and be beautiful Is
the latest cry of health agitators
- Again stretch stretch stretch and
be happy and good The secret of tho
joy of daily living is daily and hourly
Just how far the new stretch system
is to go is not known but according to
last reports from the front the limit
has not been reached Stretching is
tho latest fad advanced by a femala
stretcher who expounded her theories
to a number of women who were anx
ious to be beautiful yet happy This
new method is guaranteed by Its dis
coverer to cure dyspepsia discontent
red nose blues humpback bad tem
per run down at the heel and it will
change your mind after you have been
rehearsing what to say to hubby
when he comes home late In fact at
all crucial moments of life remember
the slogan Stretch
Chocolate Cure for Thinness
There is a new cure for excessive
thinness for which many women are
going to an obscure little town in Ger
many It seems to be a nerve cure as
well as a chocolate cure for the peo
ple taking the cure are out of doors
most of time enjoying the scenery
and exercising a little Then tho pa
tients eat chocolate lots of it and
all the time
The secret of the success of tho
treatment seems to be in the fact that
the people become stout in the right
places The arms become plump and
round and the neck and -bust fill out
gracefully The best part of it all is
that the cure can be taken at home
just as well and It is strange that
people will travel so far out of their
way to get such a simple treatment
The treatment consists simply of eat
ing chocolate all the time andNdrnk
ing the beverage in large quantities
Ornamental Lace Berthas
For the satin princess gown or tho
satin separate waist there are beauti
ful oriental lace berthas of exorbitant
prices or cheaper ones of beauty at
much less cost Some of the finest
lace ones are as sheer as cobwebs
and show a touch of oriental work in
tinsel effect The metallic arrange
ment when good is attractive and
really imparts a decided touch of ele
gance to the rich lace The filet
berthas with rich point lace edges are
fragile and look their best when used
decoratively upon soft chiffons of deli
cate tint
Pillow Tubing
I want some of the cheapest and
widest pillow tubing you have ex
claimed the woman leaning over the
linen counter You see I get this
wide tubing to cover my best dresses
All one has to do is to sew up one
end and put a drawstring in the other
Our house is dusty and this is the
enly way I can protect my clothes
from the furnace dust and gas ac
cumulation The idea certainly Is a
good one for often a dress will look
old when not kept Perfectly olean and
a whole suit could be slipped in the
tubing and kept perfectly clean
lndianola has a fow cases of diph
Charles Uorton was a Bartley visitor
Mr Evortson and ohildren visited in
Cambridge Saturday and Sunday
Steven Imel of Mo Ridgo wont to
Bartley Friday evening for a short
Bort Toogood and family left Mon
day morniog for Crete Neb
Kenneth Smith arrived home Tues
day morning from Colorado where he
has been visiting for several weeks
Ralph Randal of McCook visited at
the home of Norman Baker and family
John C Kerns wont to McCook last
week While there he sold a goodly
number of chicken porches and stock
Mr and Mrs Ed Mitchell and child
ren of McCook visited friends in ln
dianola Saturday
John Deveny of Mo Ridge went to
Hastings Friday for a visit with re
Fred Dow Clarence Frye and Verno
Short enjoyed a fishing trip on the Wil
low Saturday and Sunday
John Walker left Saturday morning
for Lincoln where he will work during
the summer
Tho building for the new saloon is
fast nearing completion
George Rollins has purchased him a
new automobile in which he will carry
the mail
Everybody celebrates tho Fourth of
July at Bartley this year so they say
The devil at tho Reporter office seems
to have serious trouble Wo see him
with his face all bruised up
Joe McKiver is hauling lumber for
the erection of a now house on his farm
north of town
Sam Minniear of Danbury visited
friends in townt Sunday
Robert McWilliams visited in Dan
bury the first part of the week
The Epworth League held a conven
tion here the first of tho week The
attendance scored some less then
hundred Each day was marked by
very interesting programme
Edith Gentry is quite sick with ty
phoid fever
Mrs Josie Leisure and Wilna Green
are both on the sick list
Miss Mamie Pool was visiting at the
T E McDonald home first of the week
Harlow Keyes was over from lndian
ola on business Tuesday of this week
Mrs Otto Puelz who has been in
Omaha for the past five weeks has re
tained home much improved in health
H V Lord is enjoying a visit from an
aunt from Iowa
A new boy arrived at the home of
James Roberts and wife last Saturday
Born to Mr and Mrs Albert Got
chell Saturday June 20 a girl
Miss Eva Teeson returned to her home
in Pawnee City this week
Dave Boyer and wife will again make
Danbury their home having lived near
Menlo Kansas the past six months
Mrs J L Evers formerly of this
place who has been quite sick with
samllpox at her home in Valparaiso
Neb is recovering nicely The re
mainder of the family havo not taken
the disease
Mr Kern lost a very valuable mare
from sickness on Thursday night
During the storm on Thursday after
noon Horace Taylor had a new calf to
drown and the mother came near drown
Ben King is putting up alfalfa for
Horace Taylor on shares
Mr and Mrs Everett Moore from
Lebanon are visiting old friends and
Mr and Mrs Calvin and his two sis
ters and a niece spent Friday at Owens
Louis Longnecker has taken a twelve
year old boy from the home
Childrens Day exercises took place
Sunday night A crowded house child
ren did well and 16o7 were raised for
mission work
Mr and Mrs Moore and Mrs Smith
spent Tuesday at John Longneckers
J A Modrell and family have moved
into their new house
The M H society met with Mrs J
A Modrell last Wednesday
Rev W J Miller accompanied his
wife to Omaha last Saturday night
where she will enter the hospital for
treatment for a complication of diseases
Mrs Thurston Doyle is entertaining
her father and mother Mr and Mrs
David Little of St Ann also a sister
Mrs Smith from Gunnison Colo
The stork visited the home of Mr and
Mrs George Shields last Saturday the
20th and left them a ten pound daughter
M H Tubb3 is building an addition
to his bouse
Typewriter ribbons for sale at The
Tribune office
Fourth of July at Box Elder
In the Dan Doyle Sr Grove Amuse
ments Good riusic Addresses
Two Balloons Will Go Up
Base Ball Foot Races Novelty Races
Horse Races Grand Display Fireworks
Address by Hon J R AlcCarl
Refreshments and amusomonts of all kinds on tho grounds This
will be a grand old fashioned celebration and you aro all wolcomo and
will bo nicely entertained
John Gammill returned from tho Chi
cago convention Sunday on No 13 Ho
was tired and suffering from a hurt in
getting off the cars Ho enjoyed tho
convention and although all thingswero
not according to his political ideas yet
he thought it would turn out all right
He was especially impressed with the
great demonstration when Roosevelts
name was mentioned Mr Gammill is
a great admirer of Roosevelt
C E Matthews Mr Watkins and
others wero visitors at lndianola Mon
day afternoon
Tho infant child of Mr and Mrs
Arley Tumbleson died suddenly Mon
Dr and Mrs Jeffries of Haiglor aro
visiting in Bartlby this week
Frank and Ethel Clark returned
Monday night from a visit in Iowa
Elder J Stuart Miller will preach in
the Christian church next Sunday
morning and evening
A hard wind Monday night didsomo
small damage to shade trees and caused
several persons to seek safety in storm
caves and cellars
G W Jones and Jim Finnegan re
turned from Omaha Sunday morning
with a large auto Mr Jones recently
S W Clark is in Lincoln attending
the postmasters convention this week
Several Bartley boys went to Cam
bridge Monday to see the Cambridge
Red Cloud ball game
The addition to our school houso is
progressing rapidly
The San Luis Valley Land
160 acres four miles from a good town
with a three wire fence around it and
twenty acres fenced hog tight Has
more than enough water for all purposes
from the best ditch in the valley and
added to this are three artesian wells
Tho place has a three room frame house
and bunk house blacksmith shop
stable hay barn stock shed machine
shed hen house and other sheds and
outbuildings This is the best bargain
in the San Luis Valley that we have
seen as other land separated from this
by only the fence is selling at from ten
to fifteen dollars more per acre
If interested write us We have
other land there at low prices Price of
the above land 25 per acre
We also have some fine land that can
be either homesteaded or taken up un
der the Desert Act Write us
E W Harris
Colorado Springs Colo
12 Midland Block
Powder I
m Best by Test iT
Resident Piano Tuner
Regulating and Repairing Satisfaction
Guaranteed Graduate of Central School of
Piano Tuning Sholbyvillo Iud
McCook Nob Phone black Z
if I iVidibl TTS
ii i munm n
To the Pacific Coast
Daily low round trip rates to
Portland Seattle Tacoma San
Francisco Los Angeles and San
Diego Slightly higher to include
both California and Puget Sound
Ono whole business day saved by
our new schedule to tho Pacific
To Chicago and Eastern Resorts
Republican convention tickets on
sale June 12 to 1G Daily low ex
cursion rates to Canada Michi
gan Wisconsin Minnesota Mass
achusetts and New York tourist
resorts also low excursion rates
to tourist resorts in Main New
Hampshire Vermont
An American Tour
For Nebraska Teachers
And theirfriends Excursion will leave
Lincoln 430 p m June 27 Will spend
three or four days at NE AConvention
in Cleveland thence Buffalo Niagara
Falls Toronto St Lawrence river by
steamer through Thousand Islands and
over the Rapids Montreal Boston Al
bany down tho Hudson to New York
thence Philadelphia Washington and
Pittsburg Ask the agent for an itiner
ary and full information or write the un-
To Colorado and
the Rocky Mountains
Daily low rates to Colorado Utah Wy
oming tho Black Hills Yellowstone
Park great Democratic convention at
Denver in July
Homeseekers Rates
First and third Tuesdays to the west
including the famous Big Horn Basin
and Yellowstone Valley where large
tracts of rich irrigated lands are being
opened for settlement by the government
and by private companies WriteDCIem
Deaver Burlington Landseekers Infor
mation Bureau Omaha excellent busi
ness openings in new growing towns
Write a brief description of your propos
ed trip and let us advise you how to
make it the best way at the least cost
icket Agent McCook Neb
Ask for and try once BLUE BELL Cough Syrup Pile Remedy Mans Pain Liniment o
BLUE BELL Stomach Tablets Diarrhoea Croup Nerve Cough Hay Fever and Catarrh Blood
General Tonic Bright Sunshine Heart Worm Kidney Headache Summer Complaint Sooth jag
Tablets for Children Liver Female Regulator or Quinsy Tablets
Sold by AMcMILLEN McCook Nebraska
If you want a Side Walk Curb
Stone or Cement Work of any kind
H N Rosebush
Successor to Rosebush Northrup PHONE RED 1 96