The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 26, 1908, Image 6

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    The Great Western
yy - ftylKB
fEKHH fff
Jest y y
Urate came on you
ims closet t because
It follows raott closely
every law of nature
assisted by artificial
forces in tho most of
t ectlve way
It is Ball bearing
which means easy run
nine has low down
I arize SuddIv Tank
The Crank is just tbo
right beieht to make
too macntno
turn easy
Gears run in oil prao
tically self oiline and
has wide baso to catch
all the waste
Made as accurately
as a watcb
Ihcrcases your
yield of cream
cow each year
Ask your dealer about
The Great Western and
dont let him work any sub-
It 3 your money you aro
going to spend you should insist on having the best
inebreat Western tame worm s Dest e
write just these words in a letter Send m
Thrift Talks by a farmer and rour book NoJioO
which tells all about the breeds dairying the core
of milk etc They are free Write now
SMITH MFG CO 158 Harrison St Chicago I
H RWaite Co
Middleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
CURES catarrh of the stomach
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
p r i ces
eep it
is Harshs
He wants
trade and
by merit to
The Butcher
Phone 12
Hiss Ha M Briggs
fwill teach class on piano Grad
uate of Bethany conservatory
of Lindeborg Kans Studio at
home of A G Bump Phone
Black 252 Scholars call or
phono for further information
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnelPs
store McCook Nebraska
- JV J iT iMnnr J - SalSriltf tg jaKr
I jTSBsBBSSfSSsSSsaidLSfs -- --
McCook Nebraska
aAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water WorkB Office in Poatoffico building
C H Botlk C E Eldbkd
Attorneys at I aw
Long Distanco Ione 44
Rooms 1 and 7 second fioor
PoEtofflco Building
McCook Neb
DENTIST phone uz
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location just across IlnCrflr
street in P Walsh building x UVVUIV
Were Just
As Thankful
For a small package as a large one
Each will receive the same thorough
and careful attention If we get the
former it may in time grow to the later
by the satisfaction you will derive in
wearing our laundered work Family
washing 5c per ponud
McCook Steam Laundry
Successor to G C Heckman
PHONE 35 West Dennison St
Any time rou find yourself in need of
Supplies for
your Office
just drop in and see if we do not have
exactly what you want whether it
be a box of paper clips or the latest
improved filing system
The TRIBUNE Office
mjtySVbVVSV WWbi fe
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 15000
VjjWMfi ir
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska Juno 18 1908
Tbo county board of equalization mot pur
suant to adjournment present F S Lofton C
B Gray and S Premer commissioners T A
Endbley assessor and Chas Sknlln clerk
Tbo minutes of the last meeting were read
and on motion approved
The equalization of assessments was contin
ued throughout the day
In the matter of the assessment of the im
provements on lot 2 block 7 4th addition to
McCook presented to tho board by J F Cor
deal n motion was made by Gray seconded by
Premer that tho valuation bo reduced from
1500 to 1250 Motion carried unanimously
In tho matter of the assessment of part of
tho northeast quarter of tho northeast quarter
of section 29 Tyrone precinct of L A Sheldon
asking for the deduction of 10 for one half
acre of school district No 82 n motion was
made by Premer seconded by Gray that tho
valuation of said quarter should stand as re
turned by the assessor Motion curried unani
In the matter of the assessment of tho im
provements on the southeast quarter of section
22 Willow Grove precinct of W P Burns hav
ing been missed by the assessor a motion was
made by Endslcy seconded by Gray that a val
uation of 20000 be placed on said improve
ments Motion enrried unanimously
In the matter of tho assessment of tho im
provements on lot 7 block 9 original town of
McCook assessed at 100 a motion wns made
by Gray seconded by Endslcy that said valua
tion bo stricken from the list as it is an error
Motion enrried unanimously
On motion bonrd adjourned to meec Juno 19
190S F S Loftox Chairman
Attest Chahles Skalla Clerk
McCook Neb Juno 19 190S
The county board of equalization met in regu
lar session Present F S Lofton S Premer
and C B Gray commissioners T A Endslcy
assessor Chas Skalla clerk and P E Recder
The board continued the equalization of as
sessments throughout the day
In the matter of the assessment of the im
provements of 500 of J M Hammond which
erroneously were placed on tho southwest
quarter of section 11 Driftwood precinct a mo
tion was made by Gray seconded by Premer
that said valuation be placed on the southeast
quarter of 11 in said precinct Motion carried
In the matter of the improvements of John P
Reiter on a part of the southeast quarter of
tho southeast quarter of section 12-3-28 in In
dianola city a motion was made by Premer
seconded by Skalla to reduce said valuation
from 900 to 700 Motion carried unanimously
In the matter of the assessment of the im
provements on lot 11 block 25 original town of
McCook presented to tho board by Chas D
Noble a motion wns made by Gray seconded
by Premer that the valuation of same be re
duced from 900 to 700 Motion carried unani
In the matter of the assessment of lot 12
block 25 original town of McCook presented to
the board by Chas D Noble a motion was
made by Gray seconded by Premer that the
valuation be reduced from 500 to 500 Motion
carried unanimously
In the matter of tho assessment of certain lots
in blocks 21 and 20 and of the improvements on
lots 4 and 5 block 16 all in original town of Mc
Cook presented to tho board by J E Kelley a
motion was made by Gray seconded by Premer
that the valuation of lot 16 block 21 of Patrick
Walsh be reduced from 1000 to 900 that the
valuation of lot 17 of the Lincoln Land Co of
lot 18 of Patrick Walsh of lots 19 and 20 of J
H and Georgo E Mitchell and of lot 21 of J
E Kellej all in block 21 be reduced from 1000
each to 700 each that the valuation of lot 22
block 21 of J E Kelley be reduced from 1000
to S00 and the valuation of lot 21 block 21 of J
E Kelley be reduced from 2000 to 1200 that
tho valuation of lotl block 20 of Philipp
Blatt be reduced from 2000 to 1200 that the
valuation of lot 3 block 20 of Philipp Blatt be
reduced from 1000 to 800 that tho valuation
of lot 4 of Philipp Blatt of lot 5 of Francis
Cain of lots 6 7 and 8 of James Cain all in
block 20 be reduced from 1000 each to 700
each that the valuation of lot 9 block 20 of
James Cain be reduced from 1000 to 900 and
that the valuation of the improvements on lots
4 and 5 block 16 of J E Kelley be reduced
from 16000 to 14000 Motion carried unani
In the matter of the assessment of the im
provements on lot 10 block 12 1st addition to
McCook of Chas D Noble a motion was made
by Premer seconded by Skalla that the valua
tion on same as returned by the assessor should
stand Motion carried unanimously
In the matter of the assessment of the im
provements on lot 11 block 12 1st addition to
McCook of J D Hare a motion was made by
Premer seconded by Gray that tho valuation
of same be reduced from 1500 to 150 as it is
an error Motion carried unanimously
In tho matter of the assessment of tho north
east quarter of section 5 Missouri Bidge pre
cinct presented to the board by H W Kejes
a motion was made by Skalla seconded by Pre
merthat the valuation of same be reduced from
2300 to 1600 Motion carried unanimously
In the matter of tho assessment of the im
provements on certain lots in blocks 12 and 13
original town and in block 22 1st addition to
McCook a motion was made by Gray seconded
by Premer that the valuation of tho improve
ments on lot 12 block 13 original town of A G
Bump be reduced from 2000 to 1500 that the
valuation of the improvements on lot 9 in same
block of A G Bump be reduced from 1800 to
1600 that tho valuation of the improvements
on lot 7 block 12 original town of McCook bo
reduced from 3CO0 to 2400 being owned by A
G Bump that the valuation of the improve
ments on lot 9block 22 1st addition to McCook
of C H Boyle be reduced from 900 to S0O and
that the valuation of the improvements on lot
10 block 22 1st addition to McCook of J E
Kelley be reduced from 1000 to 900 Motion
carried unanimously
On motion board adjourned to meet June 22
190S F S Lofton Chairman
Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk
McCook Nebraska June 20190S
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment Present F S Lofton S
Premer and C B Gray commissioners and
Chas Skalla clerk
The minutes of the last meeting were read
and on motion approved
On motion the resignation of J R Pence as
constable of Willow Grove precinct was ac
The official bond of Robert L Cathcart as
constable for Beaver precinct was examined
and on motion approved
The following claims were audited and allow
ed and the clerk was instructed to draw war
rants on the road funds of tho respecthe com
missioner districts
T F Stroud Co ten road scrapers
Com districtNo 1 170 00
T F Stroud fc Co 1 road scraper Dist 3 17 00
Sam R Williams road work Dist 1 3 00
John Hammel same 1 50
Robert Johnston same 350
F H Strampher same Dist 2 7 50
A M Anderson lay on plow Dist 2 3 50
Herman Reiners road work Dist 1 57 00
Gustav Schultz same 17 50
Fred Unger same 16 50
Jake Unger same 21 50
The petition of Krcd Troestcr and others ask
ing for tho establishment of n public road was
rend and considered The board finds that all
owners of Innd along tho proposed lino of road
have givcu their consent thereto in writing and
that the public good requires it On motion
snmo was granted establishing a public road
as follows
Commencing nt a point where rond No 107
intersects tho south line of the northeast quar
ter of section 23 township 2 rango 29 running
thonco in a northwesterly direction along tho
oast lino of road No 107 to a point about 100
rods north of tho south lino of said quarter and
thence four rods west to the old rond and ter
minating thereat also vacating that part of
road No 107 running alongside and parallel
with tho proposed road And the clerk was in
structed to notify tho overseer of highways to
open said road
On motion board adjourned to meet July G
1908 F S Lofton Chairman
Attest Chas Skalla Clerk
McCook Nebraska Juno 22 1903
The county board of equalization met pur
suant to adjournment present F S Lofton S
Premer and C B Gray commissioners T A
Endslcy assessor and Charles Skalla clerk
Tho board continued tho equalization of as
sessments throughout tho day
On motion it was ordered that tho clerk bo
instructed to notify tho owners of the following
described renl cstate to appear before tho board
on Wednesday Juno 24 1908 to show cause why
the assessment of said real estate should not bo
YV S Fitch ne qr of 1 Driftwood S B Ran
kin nw qr of 1 and no qr of 2 Driftwood I H
Wnsson s hf of 1 Driftwood Mrs Mary E
Babcock nw qr of 2 Driftwood Joseph A
Schmitz ne qr and nw qr of 12 Driftwood W
G Dutton n hf of sw qr and so qr of 12 and no
qr of 13 Driftwood R S Ililcmnu s hf of sw
qr of 12 and n hf nw qr of 13 Driftwood John
Hesterworth no qr of 14 Driftwood J M
Hammond se qr of 11 Driftwood W B Mc
Clnin lots 1 and 2 block 8 1st addition to Mc
Cook TF Enright lots 3 1 nud 5block 8 1st
addition to McCook Elibabeth Baldridge lot
11 and n 12 feet lot 10 block 27 original town
of McCook
In the matter of the assessment of the im
provements on lot 1 block 161st addition to
McCook presented to the bonrd by J R Mc
Carl a motion was made by Gray seconded by
Premer that the valuation of same be reduced
from 1200 to 900 Motion carried unani
In the matter of the assessment of lots of the
town of Red Willow presented to the board by
Morlan Ritchie WollT a motion was made by
Gray seconded by Endsley that the valuation
of lots I 2 3 I 5 and 6 block 1 and lots 13 14
and 15 block 2 lots 1112 13 14 15 and 16 in
block 3 lots 1 2 and 3 block 4 also lot 4 block
4 all being owned by the Lincoln Land Co be
reduced from 30 to 15 per lot and that tho val
uation of lots 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
block 1 lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12
block 2 lots 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 block 3 and lots
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 block 4 all owned by
the Lincoln Land Co of lot 12 block 2 of John
F Helm and of lots 7 S 9 and 10 block 2 of
the Barnett Lumber Co be reduced from 50 to
10 Motion carried unauimoiisly
In the matter of the assessment of the person
al property of Frank Arp of Red Willow pre
cinct presented to the board 1 Frank Arp a
motion was made by Premer seconded by Gray
that said assessment should stand as returned
by the assessor Motion carried unanimously
In the matter of the assessment of the im
provements of Frank Stillman which w ere er
roneously placed on the north half of the south
west quarter of 26-3-29 a motion was made by
Gray seconded by Premer that the valuation
of 1000 for said improvements be placed on
the southeast quarter of 27-3-29 Motion carried
In the matter of the assessment of the north
west quarter of section 18-4-27 presented to tho
board by O V Ault a motion was made by
Skalla seconded by Endsley that the valuation
of said quarter bo reduced 200 for the reason
that it is assessed as 160 acres when the U S
patent calls for only 145 acres Motion carried
In the matter of the assessment of the real
estato of Frank Stillman inWillow Grove pre
cinct presented to the board by Frank Stillman
a motion was made by Gray seconded by Pre
mer that tho v aluations of lots 1 2 3 4 5 G and
7 section 26 east half of southwest quarter of
section 23 and the northwest quarter of tho
southeast quarter of section 23 all in 3 29 bo re
duced twenty per cent from the valuation re
turned by the assessor that tho v aluation of
the south half of the southwest quarter of sec
tion 25-3-29 be reduced from 1000 to 3600 that
the valuation of the esthalf of the northwest
quarter of section 26-3-29 be reduced from
4800 to 2400 Motion carried unanimously
In the matter of the assessment of the west
half of the northeast quarter of section 31 Box
Elder presented to the board by P F Mc
Kenna a motion was made by Endsley second
ed by Premer that the assessment of said land
should stand as returned by the assessor Mo
tion carried unanimously
In the matter of the assessment of lot 9 block
16 original town of McCook presented to the
board by C H Boyle a motion was made by
Skalla seconded by Premer that the valuation
of said lot should stand as returned by the as
sessor Motion carried unanimously
On motion board adjourned to meet June 23
190S F S Chairman
Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk
McCook Nebraska Juno 23 1908
The county board of equalization met pur
suant to adjournment present F S Lofton S
Premer and C B Gray commissioners T A
Endsley assessorand Chas Skalla clerk
The board continued tho equalization of as
sessments throughout the day
It was ordered by the board that the clerk be
instructed to notify E Rishel to appear before
tho board on June 24 1908 to show cause Wie
the assessment of tho improements on lot 6
block 10 original town of McCook should not
be raised
In the matter of the assessment of lots 7 8 9
and 10 block 15 original tow 11 of McCook pre
sented to the board by J E Kelley a motion
was made by Gray seconded by Premer that
the valuation of said lots without the improve
ments be reduced from S100 to 57050 Motion
carried unanimously
In the matter of the assessment of all the lots
in block 4 2nd addition to McCook a motion
was made by Gray seconded by Premer that
the valuation of all the lots in said block be le
duced from 250 to 200 per lot Motion carried
in me matter ot tlio assessment of the we t
hnlf of the northwest quarter of section 3 Val
ley Grange precinct D BT Babbitt a motion
was made by Skalla seconded by Premer that
the valuation of the northwest quarter of the
northwest quarter be raised from 1400 to 2000
and of tho southwest quarter of the southwest
quarter be raised from 1400 to 1600 Motion
carried unanimously
In the matter of the assessment of the north
west quarter of section 21 Missouri Ridge pre
cinct presented to tho board by F A Pennell
a motion was made by Skalla seconded by
Premer that the valuation of said quarter be
reduced from 1500 to 1000 Motion carried
In tho matter of tho assessment of the west
half of the northeast quarter and the easr half
of the northwest quarter of section 3 Valley
Grnngo precinct of Thcodoro E Emory a mo
tion wag raado by Gray seconded by Prcmor
that tho valuation of each of these twoSO ncro
tracts bo raised from 3000 to 1000 Motion
carried unanimously
In tho matter of tho assessment of tho east
half of tho northwest quarter of section 28 and
of all tho lots in Browns Park addition to Mc
Cook presented to tho board by F A Ponnell
n motion was made by Endsley seconded by
Premer that the valuation of snmo should
stand as returned by tho as essor Motion car
ried unanimously
In tho matter of tho assessment of Valley
Graugo precinct u motion was made by Pre
mer seconded by Endsley that tho valuation
of all real estate without improvements in
sections 3 4 5 6 7 north half of 8 southwest
quarter of 8 and north half of northwest quart
er of 9in said precinct bo reduced 16 per cent
Motion carried unanimously
A motion wns mado by Premer seconded by
Endsley that all of Vulloy Graugo precinct real
estate without improvements bo raised 20 per
cent Motion carried unanimously
On motion board adjourned to meet Juno 24
1908 F S Loftox Chairman
Attest Chas Skalla Clerk
Observances of the Olden Time
and of Today
Scenes in the parks during this
month of flowers suggest the idea that
the young people of today are reviv
ing customs of the olden time that not
long since seemed in danger of being
quite forgotten Early May which Is the
season when the buds begin to open
and the llowers of the field and forest
are fresh and of most delicate fra
grance has long been observed by fetes
of some kind The ancient Komans
had their Floralia or floral games on
the 28th of April and several days fol
lowing In more modern times the
English have been famous for their
Maying festivities In the sixteenth
century it was common for the whole
population of a village at least all of
the people belonging to the middle
and humbler classes to go forth at an
early hour on May day and bring
from the woods and the Gelds the flow-
- ty -v -
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iVS sty v
ESwPsMWavy a Jc o
Iili 4 J J t
b - rw
to c t ju a
vv t ywA
imsiaSi ij
and branches of hawthorn
The Next Duty
What is my nest duty What
they decorated their homes
door and window in the village
he so adorned the fairest maid
in the town was crowned with flowers
and lads and lassies danced gayly
about a Maypole Even the king and
queen mingled in such festivities in
Chaucers time for the poet tells how
early on May day forth goeth all the
court both most and least to fetch
the flowers fresh Spenser Tenny
son and other immortal versifiers have
described similar festivities In those
days the Maypole was as much a vil
lage institution as the parish church
or the parish stocks The Puritans
caused the Maypoles to be uprooted
when they were in the ascendency in
the mother country and put a stop to
May day festivities But there was a
reversion to the popular customs later
ana in rural England today many ob
servances of olden time survive
the thing that lies nearest to ice
That belongs to your everyday his
tory No one can answer that ques
tion but yourself Your nest duty Is
just to determine what your nest duty
is Is there nothing you neglect Is
there nothing you know you ought not
to do You would know your duty if
you thought in earnest about It and
were not ambitious of great things
Ah then responded she I sup
pose it is something very common
place which will make life more dreary
than ever That cannot help me
It will if it be as dreary as reading
the newspapers to an old deaf aunt It
will soon lead you to something more
Your duty will begin to comfort you at
once but will at length open the un
known fountain of life in your heart
George Macdonald
Genius Defined
Professor of Polite Literature and
High Art Now young gentlemen can
any of you give me a good definition
of genius Beloved Disciple Genlua
sir Is an unlimited capacity for taking
er what belong to others Sydney
N S W Bulletin
Mr frnannnqiricr or shooting al
lowed on
Call at
sections 15 and 30 in
Valley Grange precinct undor
penalty of the law A Ebert
I have pood paBture for about
75 head of cattlo on sections 15
and 16 Valley Grange precinct at
40 cents per month
A Ebert McCook Neb
Lot el shallow to Rood water 1 pay expen
ses while hero 50 to locate no locate no
pay 18 years experience I furnish sur
oy corners on Homestends located Write
Ed Hanshaw Laird Colo
House and lot in Rood condition on block 4
lot 4North McCookfor snlo on terms Price
405 AVrito to Ed Hnnshnw Laird Colo
Contractors and Builders
Furnished Free
Phones Shop Black 324 Residence Black 312
zi Updike Grain Co e
Phone 169 S S GARVEY Mgr
J M Rupp
P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska
A Edgar Hawkins
Phone Red 113
H H Evans
Phouo Red 2fl4
Contractors and Builders
Plana drawn and estimates furn
ished on application
McCook Nebraska
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Office First Door
South of DeGroffs
Phone 13
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
I if1 SSlklaaM
lii ilil
Old Hickory 2 ply Rubber Roof
ing per square complete includ
ing Rubber Cement and Broad
Headed Nails 225
American Rubber Roofing l ply
per square complete including
Lap cement Tin Caps and
Nails 195
I lMT1