The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 26, 1908, Image 5

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Make a Noise
Like an Order-
and buy your Dry Goods where the prices are every day as
low or lower than others reduction sale prices
If It Is Too Hot
to come dov your purchasing PHONE US YOUR
ORDER We will guarantee you satisfaction give your
order careful attention and if you can not send for your
goods we will get them to you
The Last Week before the Fourth
finds our store overflowing with exceptional bargains and
special inducements in
Summer Dress Goods Suitings Skirt
ings Waistings Dress Skirts Duck
Skirts Silk Suits White Dresses Shirt
Waists Muslin Underwear Petticoats
Visit our store before you buy
One special lot of wide
Silk Ribbons
ioc per yard
McCook Neb
Repair Work
No 6 Central Time 1027 v m
2 522 a ji
12 715 a
L S Viersen
942 p jr
725 r m
No 1 Mountain Time 950 A 31
3 1142 p 31
5 Arrives SSJO P 31
13 1025 A 31
15 1217 A 31
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 505 P 31
No 175 departs 710 am
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write R E Foe Agent McCook
Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Engineer W C Schenck is in town
this week arranging for the removal
of his family to Denver W C likes
his new run 301 302 Denver Alliance
very well
One special assortment of
Laces all widths
5c per yard
13 Off on AH Millinery
In Order to Clean Up Our
Stock of Trimmed Hats
This week we offer every hat in our Millinery Department at
just off the regular price Call at once and make your se
lection from our now complete stock
You know the Place We have the Goods
You are familiar with our Low Prices Come
H C Clapp
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings
Time Card
Phone 56
222 Main Ave
Brakeman and O W Dewey resigned
from the service this week and moved
to Kearney
Conductor W A Cassell is at Oxford
relieving Conductor Harbaugh who is
off on furlough
Mrs Win Weintz spent last week in
Palls City putting up fruit which she
reports as plentiful there
The hiring of two Greeks in the gang
caused a walk out of ten members of
the blacksmith force at Havelock Wed
Mr Pitt of the purchasing department
was here first of the week investigat
ing a new kind of coal the company is
experimenting with
Engineer J W Bartholoma returned
Sunday night from a trip east of several
weeks in which he visited in Chicago
Cleveland Milwaukee Detroit took a
little jaunt over into Canada viewed
Niagara and had a great trip generally
He returned to work first of the week
H2 West Dennison St
ew Arnva
Engineer John J Mullen Killed
A telegram from Shoridan Wyo
yesterday evening announced the death
of Engineer John J Mullen a former
well known engineer runningoutof Mc
Cook His engine went through a
bridge and ho was caught under the en
gine Accident occurred at 645 in the
evening Mrs Mullen is a daughter of
James Ritchie formerly master me
chanic at this place
No 1941 is over the drop pit this
Mrs W H RadclifTe spent fore part
of the week in Denver
Mrs W L Bass has gone to Colorado
on a visit of some length
Engines 10H6 and 704 have both re
ceived roundhouse repairs this week
Preight traflic on this division is said
to be lighter just now than for several
All the glass in the Edison station
were blown out by the storm of Monday
Brakeman Wren Williams has moved
his family to Oberlin his present lay
over point
An elevator and several houses were
blown over by Mondays storm at Nor
catur Kas
Master Mechanic II J Helps of the
Plattsmouth shops has resigned effect
ive July 1st
Brakeman W Mapes returned mid
week from his vacation and visit at
home Cuba Kans
Mrs Wilber Fisk returned close of
last week from a brief visit with her
parents in Hastings
Some of tho smaller engines are being
gathered in and prepared for the pas
senger rush end of next week
The 1749 has had her brasses reduced
this week together with some other
generalrepairs of a minor nature
J E Morrissey has returned to the
telegraph service this week having sold
his interest in the smoke house
Conductor Van Horn had Pearces
car while he was handling the civil
engineers sppcial first of this week
Engines 1331 1354 and 1092 are all
down on their wheels and will soon go
into the roundhouse for final touches
Conductor Geo Brooks of the Red
Cloud Oberlin run contemplates moving
to McCook soon and working out of
Five new operators for the McCook
division arrived from Chicago first of
the week and are being assigned to
different stations on the division
Thursday night was a busy one for the
stork in railroad circles and as a net re
sult they have fine boy babies at the
homes of Engineer and Mrs J W Hasty
and Engineer and Mrs R E French
Wire Chief C F Heber is going over
the McCook division getting the lines in
shape for the big convention business of
week after next The different road
masters are taking him over the divis
ion in their motor cars
A special consisting of seven sleepers
two diners and baggage car occupied by
members of the American society of
civil engineers passed through here on
Monday Conductor Pearce had it
from Hastings and Conductor Willetts
from here to Denver
Have You Houses To Rent
Then you should be supplied with
rent receipt books The Tribune has
just what you want compact and com
A Handy Receipt Book
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
sr 5 Si IS vfi
Save a Dollar
We have received some very pretty new styles in Mens Womens and Childrens
j Oxfords For instance
Mens two buckle tan Oxford 400
Mens blucher Gun Metal Calf and Patent Oxfords 350
Ladies Blucher Oxfords tan and black 300
1 Misses Blucher Oxfords size i U to 2 150
Childrens Blucher Oxfords size Sh to 1 1 1 25
And many others which can be seen at our store Remember these are brand
new goods
---- -
See Our Windows for the Hot Weather
Specialties for Children and Grownups
E Q Standish
A Lemon Social
At the parsonage last Tuesday oved
ing tho ladies of the Baptist church
gave a lemon social A large crowd
came bringing their admission fee a
lemon Tho house was decorated in
green and yellow paper lemons Miss
Sadie Everist told fortunes under a
lemon tree in the parlor whilo some
scaler in the sitting room caused much
merriment as the couples were weighed
A guessing contest and a lemon race
were other features of entertainment
Lemonade and wafers were served at
the close A very pleasant evening
Quarterly Missionary Meeting-
Last Thursday afternoon a number
of the Baptist ladies went out into the
country to the beautiful new homo of
Mrs Ed Fiitcraft for their quarterly
missionary meeting Beside the regu
lar program Miss Fay Eikenberry de
lighted the company with several piano
selections Delicious ice cream and
caUo were served by Mesdames Utter
and Fiitcraft assisted by the latters
A goodly sum was added to tho mis
sion treasury as a result
Free Delivery Next
The gross receipts of the McCook
postofTice for the year ending June 30
190S will be 81120000 This showing
entitles the city to the advantages of
free city delivery just as soon after July
1st as the department and the city au
thorities can perfect tho necessary ar
rangements Several months will be
Among other requirements will be
that the houses will have to be num
bered the streets indicated and lacking
sidewalks supplied
Following are the marriage licenses is
sued since our last report
Wesley Mapes 20 Annie Rosina Col
lser 2G both of McCook
Frederick Laurence Wolff 28 and
Myrtle Meyer 25 both of McCook
Oris R Redding 31 and May Short
21 both of McCook
William G Pankey 28 of Washing
ton DC and Libbie Louise Fisher 22
of Denver Colo Married June 26th
by Judge J C Moore
Bachelor Dinner
Mr F L Wolff was host to eight gen
tlemen friends at a dinner at the Com
mercial hotel Thursday evening The
fatal chair coming in regular and swift
succession from O D Ritchie to F L
Wolff on this occasion came to Dr JA
Toren causing Cupid to smile and the
boys outburts of merriment The guests
were B H Stewart J A Toren A G
King Prank Smith Henry Best L C
Stoll John Murray and Frank Hassler
Farmers Attention
I am receiving cream for the Fair
mont Creamery Co of Crete Neb
Bring your cream to me and 1 will guar
antee good results You get your
checks every shipment To those part
ies that are delivering cream to other
creameries if you will divide give one
half to me I think after a few ship
ments you will bring it all to me
M Walsh
Diphtheria Prevalent
There are a number of cases of diph
theria in the city None of them are
severe however and quarantine regula
tions have been invoked As similar
reports come from other towns in this
section it would appear to be somewhat
prevalent in this part of Nebraska
Anti Saloon League
There will be a meeting of tho Anti
Saloon League in the Methodist church
next Monday evening The president
of the league hopes for a representative
Odd Beliefs About the Cure of Cancer
and Mumps
Yes I am heartily glad that execu
tion by hanging is passing out of ex
istence said the jailer of twenty five
years service Not only was hang
ing by the neck a grewsome hor
rible affair to me but it was always
followed by a host of requests for a
bit of the rope with which the hanging
was clone Of course these requests
came mostly from ignorant people but
they were no less of a nuisance on that
account Oh no they didnt want bits
of the rope for morbid reasons but
because they firmly believed in the old
Riinorstitffvn flint n nf vnno nwil in
on the affected part None of them
ever came back to report whether a
cure was effected but I reckon if there
had been any cures I would have
heard of them
That isnt the only rope superstition
by the way In Maine where I came
from some folk always use hempen
rope for the mumps A piece of it Is
tied around the waist of the sick per
son so that the disease will not creep
to any vital part but remain in the
face The superstition is observed by
a few people of this day and if you
go into small remote country towns
in Maine you will see hempen ropes
hanging in the corner grocery store
bearing a label Ropes For Mumps
New York Tribune
I teli you sir kissing the hand that
smites you is nothing to what I saw In
the hotel this morning
What was that
The porter blacking the boots that
had kicked him last night London
Comonv likes to see
new table linen
Svnhonnct Svbie5v
110 g Xs
Boit you tlpipk good njel testes better
wlpep it is spread 09 spotless fobleclotr
Ayd you kior Iov nueL you yourself e
joy operi95 out Lpddsorpe levy big IiQe
towdys you soil lots of tble Ii9e9 d
towels Do9t you tLpi9k it would be well to
get irjore
Will you 9ot tyer diter reditycj tlpe priees
we 90W rrke 09 Ii9es conje to our store gd
see trpese values we tell you hout
Pure Ii9e9 t 5 0 c
A better quality t J 5z TA 2cc
Our 10 0 9d 150 values unsurpassed
sassHS8sigvaji sE22S5raMr
1 NKKsavssBsasn
raised by the Mower and Binder Trust is only to make Ne
braska farmers pay their large ousted fines forced by
Oklahoma and Texas
G W PREDMORE SONS have Mower Knive
Sections Wearing Plates Clips Pitmans and Pitman Straps
Boxes and Bolts Guards and Guard Plates all kinds and
sizes of Rivets for the McCormick and Deering mowers and
we can soon get them for any other that you may have
We have bought from the same manufacturer for iS
years the same goods and we are selling at the same old price
We are not controlled by any trust combination or associa
tion We buy for cash and sell for cash Come and hear
our whispering and we will sell you the goods
G W Predinore Sons McCook
Shop Phone 19 Residence Phone Ash 3605
Fire Wor
For the Kids
For the Parents
That is Our Line for the Fourth
Ask Scott About It
Fone 30