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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1908)
Creating a Reserve is not dillicult onco you start to save money sys tematically But if you over expect to bo inde pendent financially thru your own efforts you must MAKE A START Money saved and put away safely will protect you from misfortune and prepare you to take ad vantage of opportunities that will surely come to you Funding the capital of your working years Insures Your Future But choose the right place to put your capital or the bard earned sav ings of a life time may be swept away in a day THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of McCook place is the safe By F Mr KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance The Tribune gathers from 117 ex changes that it is unlawful in Nebraska to sell fruit of the hen of uncertain vin tage It should be the object of the Christ ian people of McCook to Keep enough salt in this part of the moral vine yard to keep us out of quarantine King Alfonso and Queen Victoria of Spain will have no difficulty in matri culating in the Roosevelt club They were married May 31 1906 Their first son was born on May 10 1907 and the second boy will celebrate his birthdays on June 22 1908 For violation of the Sherman anti trust law twenty four paper manufact urers were each fined S2000 Monday in federal court by Judge Hough But as the trust cleared 1600000 last year from their unlawful trust combination they can stand the fines and will not be forced into the hands of receivers Coming up for reelection State Rail way Commissioner J A Williams has experience and close study in this very difficult work to command him to the people of Nebraska for their favorable consideration and action at the polls besides he has been fearless and im partial and seeks to be just and square dealing Worse things can befall McCook than the preachers and old women hav ing a voice in her municipal affairs At all events my countrymen ought they Dot to have an equal opportunity a square deal with the saloonmen and the sports generally The Tribune is just old fashioned and orthodox enough to believe that the Almighty still has a working interest in McCook The Tribune believes that the people of McCook know and believe that it is not impractical or impossible to prohibit Sunday baseball playing or close up the houses of disrepute Both can be ac complished by the order of the mayor Both are contrary to law and ordinance Both are prohibited by human and Di vine enactments If allowed to exist in McCook it is because the authorities prefer they shall rather then enforce the btatutes against them If the peo ple do not insist upon their prohibition it will also signify that lust and greed outweigh law and social purity with us Are these still binding on us Thou shalt not commit adultery Remem ber the Sabbath day to keep it holy Or have we forgotten the thunderings of Mount Sinaii Then why so puncti lious about Thou shalt not steal Is the loot of an imperial treasury compar able with the debauchment of one im mortal soul Are we eeriously more intent upon acquiring gold and indulg ing our passions upon debased women then we are in promoting and protect ing virtue and womanhood Does our craze for sports or idle amusement over shadow our respect for Sunday entirely Are we Do we Correspondence Wanted The Tribune wants correspondence from Perry and Coleman precincts in fact from any part of the country where the paper is not now represented Write the publisher to day MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Miss May Stangland is home for the summer vacation Mns Bkrtua Berry returned home the first of the week Mrs IIiram Thrailkili arrived in town first of the week Mrs P J Rolpe were passengers on 13 today for Colorado on a visit Miss Kathryn Sawyer expects soon to join her parents in Greenacres Wash Mrs M D King and little daughter Helen visited relative in the city end-of-week Mrs Emerson Hanson was down from Denver end-of-week and over Sunday C A Rhady the Hayes Center lawyer-statesman was in town Monday evening Mr and Mrs Dan Baker of Frank lin were guests of George Hoffhank last week Mrs H P Waite arrived home from Crete Wednesday night Miss Edith on No 1 yesterday Miss Kittie Stangland who taught in Bertrand past year is home for the summer vacation Mrs C L Wickwire spent part of last week with friends in her former home in Imperial Guy M Battersiiall came up from University Place end-of-week and will make his home hero for the present Mrs T B Campbell and Miss Rutn returned Tuesday night from their visit to Mrs E J Kates University Place Miss Estella Faus departed Tues day night for Iowa to be absent a month or six weeks on her summer va cation Mrs J G Stokes arrived home close of last week from her absence in Iowa and other points east of several weeks W V Miller from near Marion was in town Wednesday on business and to look at the early political situation at first hand Mrs Ellington C Britt was re elected recording secretary of the grand chapter P E O at last weeks session in Red Cloud Mrs C A Fisher and Mrs Janie Forsythe together with their children arrived home Monday evening from their Wauneta visit Postmaster and Mrs Thomas of Trenton spent Monday evening in town enroute to Lincoln to the Nebraska postmasters convention Mrs W J Krauter came down from Akron close of last week on a visit to her parents Judge and Mrs LeHew returning home early in this week Mr and Mrs R W Hume of In dianola were visitors to the county capi tal Thursday Mr Hume came to Red Willow county in 18S2 and he intends to stay Mr and Mrs C D Ritchie arrived in the city last Friday night from their wedding trip and are occupying one of the Fitzgerald cottages on North Marshall street Dr and Mrs W E McDivitt re turned last Saturday night from their western wedding trip and are located in their suite of rooms in the McNeely block Main avenue George Sheppard of Macon a well-to-do farmer was a guest last week of Thomas Moore who accompanied him on a visit to Trenton Mr S was looking into some real estate offerings Miss Emma J Burrows and niece Miss Mable Smith both of Fond du Lac Wisconsin arrived in the city close of last week and are guests of Miss Bur rows sister Mrs Herman Pade Mrs Hiram Thrailkill after trans acting some items of business and visit ing relatives here and up the Imperial branch departed on Thursday for Los Angeles to visit briefly at Colorado Springs en route Misses Milcicent Slaby Ruth Campbell Dora Oyster Helen Burns and Ida Rugles and Mr Oliver Jef fries went down to Franklin this morn ing to attend the district Christian En deavor convention M J Morrisey arrived Wednesday from Jacksonville Illinois where he is city attornoy and is securing figures on a brick bungalow he contemplates build ing ou his farm late the property of V H Solliday southeast of town Josephine daughter of Mr and Mrs M O McClure celebrated her ninth birthday Saturday About a score of young friends made merry and happy the event and left many little remem brance of the day and of their love Mr and Mrs Lewis Fleischman and family Mr and Mrs Eay Light Mr and Mrs J L Clark took train 3 Tues day night for Colorado to spend a month in the mountains on a vacation The Eoyal Neighbors surprised the party at Fleischmans Tuesday evening A supperwas served Eev W J Kirwin of St Patricks church will depart for Buffalo N Y July 5th to participate in the election of a delegate to the general chapter Oblate Congregation in Eome whose business is the election of a new superi or general the late incumbent having died about three months since From Buffalo - Eev Kirwin will go to his home in Lowell Mass on a visit of a Junior Normal Notes Sanford Dodge highly entertained the normal Tuesday morning with readings from Shakspeares dramas He was keenly appreciated The new teachers enrolled this week are Hazel Downing of Wilsonville Merle nnd Loda Fiunell of Havana The total enrollment of the normal this week reached 221 The normal students in o body visit ed the round bouse machine shops etc Wednesday It was very interesting to most of them Colonel Howell had a fire drill and water fight for their enter tainment Commencing next week Monday and continuing all week there will be an exhibition of the Horace K Turner Co pictures in the new high school build ing Priday and Saturday last were held the regular June county examinations in the now high school building State Supt McBrien and a party of teachers will leave Saturday for the National Educational association meet ing in Boston Their trips includes a trip down the St Lawrence and sight seeing in several eastern cities The Normalites and High School boys had a pretty close and warmly contested game of base ball Tuesday afternoon on the B M grounds Score 9 to 8 in favor of the High School boys MANDRIL WONDER With Hagenbeck Wallace Show The Carl Hagenbeck Great Wallace shows exhibit the only great blue faced rib nosed baboon in captivity He is a giant in size and is possessed of the strength of a hundred men Decked with rare tints with gorgeous colors and with indescribable hues he grins at the startled thousands a degenerate man or redeemed brute which is he Scientists have not answered the ques tion He has passed through Hagen becks school for animals and has thrown aside many antics and notions of the brute creation and taken on many idiosyncracies of finite man He is at once a wonder and a mystery and his queer grimaces and wise expressions provoke smiles and serious reflections from the simple and the philosophical To see this rare freak of nature is never to forget it The Carl Hagenbeck Great Wallace shows combined according to the gen eral verdict the greatest circus alliance the world has ever known will be in McCook July 10 Afternoon perform ance only Childrens Day Exercises The children of the Congregational Sunday school provided an evening of pleasure to a full church last Sunday evening the occasion being the regular Childrens Day exercises of the school The program was vocal and literary in character with the little ones occupying the center of the stage to the entire satisfaction and enjoyment of all with their little songs recitations etc ap propriate for the most part to the day observed It was in fact the childrens affair The collection of the evening goes to the Sunday school missionary work of Nebraska Flowers and potted plants added to the effective decoration of the evening An Exciting Runaway The delivery horse of the McCook laundry did a lively stunt last Friday afternoon on Main avenue A missing bolt let down one side of the shaft causing the horse to run As but one side of the shaft was holding one of the front wheels turned under the wagon which was overturned and considerably smashed up C E Eicketts the driver was in the wagon but escaped serious injury his left hand leg and ribs feel ing the blunt of the accident The horse was uninjured but made desper ate efforts to escape and was with great difficulty held About Viaduct and Subway Mayor Joe Stephens is in receipt of information from General Supt Byram announcing that the general superin tendent hoped soon to be in McCook to confer with the city officials in resrard to the Manhattan street viaduct and the Marquette street subway The comple tion of these proposed improvements by the railroad company would be hailed with delight by the people of McCook The Tribune understands in this con nection that the railroad company may also use the subway scheme on Manhat tan street instead of a viaduct con struction Pythian Memorial Sunday McCook lodge K of P observed the Memorial Day of the order last Sundny afternoon in usual form Assembling at their castle hall in the postoffice building at one oclock they marched in a body to the Christian church where they were appropriately addressed by the pastor and sir knight Elder E M Ainsworth after which they resum ed their march to the several cemeteries of the city where the graves of depart ed sir knights were decorated together with the deceased members of families of knights Refrigerators and Ice Cream Freezers are now in greater demand than ever and you will find a complete stock at the McCook Hardware Cos of the few weeks to his parents and relatives best makes at the lowest prices FOLLOWING THE ENGLISH IDEA First Notable Example of Regard for the Appearance of Things In this country the first notable ex ample of regard for the appearance of things along the line was furnished by a great railway company in the middle states Here the English Idea was followed In keeping with the excep tionally thorough organization of the companys service the manifest aim In these Improvements was to have everything along the line present what along the seaboard is known as a shipshape appearance that Is to bear a neat trim and well groomed look as on a ship where the decks are kept Immaculately holystoned the woodwork freshly scraped or painted the brasses polished the ropes colled ets Such conditions on shipboard are marks of discipline good repair and general efficiency So on a rail way where in similar ways attention is given to good appearance public confidence In safe and competent management is promoted Therefore just as the good mechanic takes care to make his joint swell fitting and his lines good so on this model railway the nicest attention was given to a thoroughly well ordered appearance of all the work about and near the tracks For instance the crossties are square ly cut at an exactly uniform distance from the rails on the roadbed the bal last is bordered by clean and regular lines the yards are kept scrupulously clean and clear of all rubbish and about the stations and other buildings the turf is nicely maintained In this case however until recently little at tention has ever been given to really artistic character the way stations as a rule are not architectural in the way of adornment some sparse flower beds represent good intention rather than achievement Two diverse methods are exempli fied in our forms of railway embellish ment One is governed by the prin ciple that ornament should be devel oped from the character of the thing ornamented that while general prin ciples may be laid down for guidance their application must be modified ac cording to the circumstances attend ing each particular problem What would be admirable in one place might prove wholly out of keeping and cor respondingly bad in another The second method has found a wider ac ceptance This proceeds with the as sumption that ornament consists in something pretty something decora tive that applying this prettiness to things makes them beautiful The former method was adopted for the first railway line in the United States where a comprehensive attempt at artistic treatment was made The results have been so beautiful so wholly admirable and withal so truly economical in maintenance that it seems remarkable that the example has not been more widely followed From Sylvester Baxters The Rail way Beautiful in the Century Millions Spent to Save Time Some one has estimated that it has cost the Pennsylvania from 200000 to 1000000 for each minute saved in its schemes to promote speed on its lines It has leveled parts of moun tains throwing them to this side or that it has tunneled has drawn crooked lines into straight tracks has spent millions for new bridges has cut across ravines filled in river crossings and changed the topography of entire sections at least such as those through which its lines ran It is only because they are typical of the spirit of the age and more am bitious from the mere standpoint of money spending than others that the plans of Pennsylvanias and New York Centrals fight against Father Time have been enlarged upon here All over the land the same battle is being waged money is being used without stint Tunnels are piercing mountains ex pensive steel bridges are replacing wooden structures in the last ten years the Pennsylvania it is said has spent at least 15000000 on them and the Wabash system has put out even more within five years tracks are be ins straightened and strengthened and new equipment to guarantee speed provided Railroad Activities The railroad plays its part in all the wide activities of western life writes Ray Stannard Baker in the Century You will find it a vital pow er in politics often sinister often cor rupting always commanding Here is an especially bright newspaper which supports with sober logic the pretensions of the road Delve deep and you will find the money of the road working in the editorial till Here is a struggling church the road has not only furnished the land for the new building but its money has purchased the cabinet organ and the big Bible This street carnival glitters more brightly because the road has been amiable this water power has been developed because the road took part of the stock this library has more books because the first vice president has been interested And so mingling good and evil the road pursues its commanding purposes the development of an empire Division of Railroads Of the 600000 miles of railway in the world only about ten per cent are found in strictly tropical territory and no more than 15 per cent within what would be termed tropical and sub tropical areas Tracks abound in the temperate zone Put Stop to Use of Profanity Orders have been posted in the shops of the Pennsylvania railway sys tem prohibiting swearing among the men while at work The penalty will be an enforced vacation 8 How About That Buggy You have been figuring on buying The Velie and John Deere Buggies have best selected hickory poles and shaft as well as wheels with other wrought iron fith wheels clamp body corners which cannot spread in fact the best possible construction From Now Until After the Fourth We are going to give you 5 Off On Any Buggy Surrey or Spring Wagon - Our stock is large of new up to date rigs and we want you to have the summers use of them Now is the time to buy McCook Hardware Co w b mills phone 31 R- B- simmons FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC For Sale A good piano Inquire at this office M tt For Sale A baby buggy Inquire at Tribune office for particulars For Sale One header sickle cheap Mrs J A Snyder 910 McFarland St 19 3 To Eent 3 room cottage with bath Mrs J A Snyder 910 McFarland St 19 2 For Eent Good barn one square north Catholic church Phone black 2SG B J Lane School District No 5S will pay 840 to 315 for a competent teacher Address G E Spurgin McCook Neb route 2 6 26 3 Wanted A place to do general house work Phone red 212 R F D NO 1 EevH Eamelow has gone to St Louis to be absent i or 5 weeks visiting relatives Miss Maude ITughes is visiting in the Nelson Downs home She taught dis trict 3 two years Nelson Downs returned Saturday from his Illinois visit Dance at Henry Ilesterworths Sat urday night last Mr Otto a student missionary from Stratton preached in the German Luth eran church on Ash Creek last Sun day G E Stroud is the new substitute carrier on route 1 W N Eogers is building a kitchen addition to his ranch house A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in 6tol4 days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo Typewriter ribbons papers etc for sale at The Tribune office SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court of Bed Willow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein August J Nothnagel is plaintiff and the unknown heirs of George H Castle et al are defendants to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the east door of the court house in McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on the 27th day of July 190S at the hour of one oclock p m the following described real estate to wit The northwest quarter of section twelve in town ship two north of range twenty nine west of the sixth P M in Red Willow county Datcd this 2Gth day of June 1P0S H I Peteesok Sheriff McCook Markets Merchants and dealers in McCook at noon today Friday are paying the fol lowing prices Corn s 6G Wheat SO Oats jo Eye GO Barley 60 Hogs 5 CO Butter good ig Eggs 12 FlyNets at 130 per pair COME QUICK All Goods at Lowest Possible Market Prices Whole Wheat Eye and Graham Flour Special prices on lots of ten sacks or more SEMOLIA A fine breakfast food ua excelled in 2 lb packages All kinds of Mill Feed Corn Barley Chop Bran Shorts eic Orders Promptly Delivered McCook Milling Company E H DOAN Proprietor Phone 2P McCOOK HINKOF FINCHS T Sanitary Couch 475 DRESSERS COMMODES SPRINGS MATTRESSES and other furniture at equally LOW PRICES West Dennison Street LOW PRICE LEADER f a i fl s 2 V W i 5