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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1908)
TAFT HD SHERMAN Republican National Convention Names Standard Bearers OHIO MAN GETS 702 VOTES Temporary Chairman Reviews Work of Republican Party Praises dent Roosevelt for Refusing to Ac cept Nomination for Third Term Chicago June 1G Amid miles of bunting and thousands o flags used In decorating the interior of the big Col iseum and with practically all dele--gates in their seats from the various states territories and possessions of the nation together with thousands of enthusiastic spectators Harry S New of Indiana chairman of the na tional committee called the m i JULIUS C BURROWS lican national convention to order at noon today After prayer by Bishop P J Muldoon of Chicago Chairman New was presented with the gavel which will do service during all ses sions of the present convention Fol lowing this the official convention Jcall was read by Secretary Elmer Dover of Ohio after which Chairman New introduced Senator J C Burrows of Michigan as temporary chairman Mr Burrows on assuming the chair made a speech in the nature of a keynote for the Republicans in the campaign He spoke in part as fol lows Senator Burrows Address Four years ago the Republican party in national convention submitted the record of its achievements to the American people announced its pol ices for the future and invoking con tinuance of public favor placed in nomination for the office of president and vice president of the United States Theodore Roosevelt and Charles W Fairbanks who were elect ed and the platform approved by a popular vote of 7623485 a record un exampled in the history of political parties since the foundation of the government receiving the indorse ment of 32 states out of the 45 with iut 13 in opposition Since the last national Republican convention four years ago our popula tion has increased from 81500000 to 87500000 while 4000000 of immi grants from every quarter of the globe have found welcome to our shores and protection under our flag During the last four years our flocks and herds have increased in value from 2998000000 to 4331000 000 The value of our farm products irom 5917000000 to 7412000000 Our product of gold from 74000- 000 to 90000000 The accumulation in savings banks of 2815000000 in 1903 was augment ed to 3495000000 in 1907 Two millions of spindles in our cot ion mills were added and the domes tic cotton used in our factories in 1907 amounted to jver 5000000 bales as against 3924000 bales in 1903 In spite of the disquieting condi tions incident to the regulation of Tates on interstate railroads 20000 miles of new trackage have been ad ded in the past four years The output of pig iron the barom eter of trade in 1007 was 257S1000 tons as against a little over ISOOuOCO tons in 1903 and our exports of iron and steel increased from C9GC42000 in 1903 to 1S1531000 in 1907 Our exports of manufactures ad vanced from 4CS OC00O0 in 1903 to 740000000 in JS07 Our imports of raw material for tise in domestic manufacture in creased from 3300C0000 in 19C3 to 5447000000 in 1907 while our exports in the calendar year of 1907 were nearly 2COOO0OCO0 an increase of 30 per cent ever those of four years ago rne mnis and lactones tem porarily closed by reason of financial disturbances are rapidly resuming operations calling labor back to profit able employment This record of material activity in jaeld and forest factory and farm mines and mills during the last four lyears might be indefinitely extended but this is quite sufficient to show the development and robust condition of our industrial life Praise of the President f In the broader field of the worlds drama where the nation are actors our country has taken a conspicuous and commanding part Having become a world power our influence is world wide and always exerted in the inter est of peace and the betterment of mankind iuf Wmmm v si J 5oA i - i - j WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT 7Sj was that in which the president him self took the initiative halted the armies of Russia and Japan bringing about an honorable and it is to be hoped enduring peace Yet nothing has added so much to his just fame as his persistent and ir revocable refusal to break the un written law of the republic by accept ing a nomination for a third term By his act of self abnegation he places his name and fame in the secure keep ing of history by the side of that of the immortal Washington SPEECH OF SENATOR LODGE Permanent Chairman Makes Stirring Address Chicago June 17 The second day of the Republican national convention brought the long expected Roosevelt yell a whirlwind of enthusiasm which raged within the vast amphitheater ol the Coliseum for fully forty five min utes and for a time presenting to the timid the specter of a Roosevelt stam pede Roosevelt for four years more came in a deafening chorus from the full sweep of the gallery each four exploding like the boom of heavy artillery Texas and Ken tucky appeared to be the center of the agitation on the floor New York viewed the storm with calm and so did Ohio except strangely one of the lonesome Foraker delegates Judge Marcus Shoup who mounted on a chair kept both arms in motion with a waving flag and a newspaper and his voice joining in the general roar This demonstration was decid edly the feature of a day otherwise notable for much practical procedure in placing the convention on a smooth running basis the stirring speech of Permanent Chairman Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts and the defeat of the plan to reduce the representa tion of southern states at future na tional conventions Speech of Senator Lodge Gentlemen of the Convention I thank you most sincerely for the great honor you have done me in choosing me to preside over your de liberations I shall not delay or de tain you with many words Your resolu tions will set forth the principles of the party and declare the policies up on which we will ask for the support But the crowning act in this drama the DeDDle oL the united States My duty is merely to aid you so far as I can in the orderly and prompt transaction of the business which has brought us together That business is momentous nothing less than to name here the two men who speaking with the simplicity of truth will be the next president and vice president of the United States The response of the people to the policies urged by the president has been so emphatic that it has been made clear once for all that the gov ernment of the United States is never to be dominated by by money and financial interests and that the political party which permits itself to be ruled by them is doomed to defeat The policy of the Republican party in dealing with these new and formid able questions which have taken con crete form in enormous combinations of capital and in great public service corporations has been formulated and determined That policy is to use government regulation and supervision for the control of corporations and HENRY CABOT LODGE combinations so that these great and necessary Instruments of commerce and business may be preserved as use ful servants and not destroyed cause they have threatened to become dangerous masters This policy is the absolute opposite of government ownership and all like measures advocated by our opponents which tend directly to socialism and to all its attendant miseries and evils It is in pursuance of this policy shaped and settled during the past few years that old laws have been enforced and new ones enacted Nothing is more destructive to the respect for law the chief bulwark of civilized society than to place laws upon the statute book in order to still public clamor and satisfy the people but which it is never intended to en force The worst laws imaginable are those which are allowed to rust un united States today He has been more abused than any president ex cept Washington Lincoln and Grant He possesses the love and confidence of the American people to a degree never equaled except by Lincoln and Washington May it not be said in sober truth that the fearless perform ance of a sworn duty is not without its exceeding great reward But the work has not ceased with the enforcement of existing laws A Republican congress and a Republican president have placed new laws upon the statute books designed to carry out the Republican policy of govern ment regulation in a safe reasonable and effective manner The Elkins law aimed at preferential rebates which have been the curse of our transporta tion and our business the railroad rate law which made the supervision of railroads more effective and the pure food law which has been in the highest degree beneficent to the mass es of our perple are all monuments of the policy and the labors of the Re publican party The president who has led his party and the people in this great work retires by his own determina tion from his high office on the 4th of March next His refusal of a nom ination dictated by the loftiest mo tives and by a noble loyalty to Ameri can traditions is final and irrevocable Anyone who attempts to use his name as a candidate for the presidency im pugns both his sincerity and his good faith two of the presidents greatest and most conspicuous which no shadow has That man is no friend to Thoodoro Roosovelt and docs not cherish his name and fame who now from any 0TOh WILLIAM H TAFT motive seeks to urge him as a candi date for the great office which he has finally declined The president has re fused what his countrymen would gladly have given him he says what he means and means what he says and his party and his country will re spect his wishes as they honor his high character and great public service But although the president retires he leaves his policies behind him To these policies the Republican party stands pledged We must carry them out as we have begun regardless alike of the radicals of reaction and the radicals of revolution We must hold fast to that which is good while we make the advances which the times demand W H TAFT FOR PRESIDENT Ohio Man is Chosen on First Ballot Amid Uproar of Enthusiasm Chicago June 18 For president of the United States William H Taft of Ohio Taft on the first ballot Taft by 702 votes Taft by the uuanimous choice of the convention Such is the result of the culminat ing day of the Republican national convention of 1908 effected amid scenes of tumultuous enthusiasm and after a nerve racking continuous ses sion lasting nearly eight hours The picture within the walls of the amphitheater as the presidential can didate was named was one truly grandiose in its magnitude In front to the right and left below and above the billowing sea of humanity restless after hours of waiting and stirred from one emotion to another was in a fever of expectancy for the culminat ing vote The favorite sons of other states had been named save Knox and LaFollette and now on the roll call came Ohio As the Buckeye state was reached the tall gaunt form of Theo dore B Burton advanced to the plat form to nominate Ohios candidate He spoke fervently with the singing voice of an evangelist which went ringing through the great building The close of his speech of nomi fition was the signal for loosing the long- pent up feeling of the Taft legions Instantly the Ohio delegates were on their feet other Taft states following while the convention hosts in gallery and on floor broke into mad demon stration Taft Taft W H Taft came in a roar from the Ohioans Megaphones seemed to spring from concealed places and swell the Taft tumult into thunder A huge blue silk banner bearing the familiar features of the statesman secretary was swung before the delegates awakening a fresh whirlwind of enthusiasm All semblance of order had been abandoned and the delegates arena was a maelstrom of gesticulating men The guidons of the states were snatched up by the Taft enthusiasts or borne under by the storm of disor der The band was inaudible a mere whisper above the deafening volume of sound For ten fifteen then twen ty minutes this uproar continued It was a repetition of the scene when the name of Roosevelt broke the con vention into a frenzy repeated in in tensity and almost in duration But there is a limit to physical resources of throat and lung relays had not been established and at last the tired voices died down to a hoarse shout and at last subsided This lull now gave the opportunity for the speech seconding Tafts nomi nation by George A Knight of Califor nia his big round face beaming forth on the sympathetic multitude and his splendid baritone voice swelling forth like the tones of a great church or gan Californias tribute to Taft was brief and fervid Now there was an other lull in the Taft movement while the remaining candidates were placed in nomination It was late in the afternoon before the convention now literally swelter ing in the intense heat and weary after nearly seven hours of continuous session reached the end of the flood of eloquence and the decks were at last cleared for the culminating act But no just as the last swell of ora tory the seconding speech for La Follette had died awayf like a cyclone from a clear sky burst a LaFollette demonstration which swept the con vention from its very bearings It was the same deafening wave of sound that had greeted Roosevelt Wednes day and Taft a little while before in tense and maddening and with the vital ring of genuine enthusiasm It seemed as though Wisconsin had sud denly peopled even- foot of the gal leries The delegates sat calm and waiting except the frantic Wiscon Eins but the convention for the time being was in the possession of the calleries Now a singular transformation oc curred Gradually the- whirlwind veered from LaFollette to Roosevelt A banner bearing the Roosevelt por trait and waved from the gallery wa3 the signal for the change but in tho confused babel of voices there was no distinguishing where the LaFollette cheers ended and those for Roosovelt began Amid this pandemonium and with the galleries in full control Chairman Lodge decided upon heroic action in order again to make the convention master of Its affairs He ordered the roll call of states to begin for the vote on president Such a call under such circumstances of intense confusion has probably never before occurred in the history of national conventions A ballot was taken to nominate a can didate for president while the conven tions was cheering frantically for a man whose name had not been pre sented to the convention The votes were being counted for Taft while the people were shouting for Roosevelt The delegates however cast their votes uninfluenced by the clamor of the crowd More than this the first states on the call Alabama and Ar kansas had been relied upon by the Roosevelt enthusiasts to start the stam pede for the president but they hela by their instructions while the stam pede raged all about them The secre tary was powerless to make his call of the states heard above the deafening clamor Seizing a megaphone he shouted the roll of states Alabama Arkansas but his voice was swal lowed up in the mad uproar Gradual ly however the curiosity of the multi tude conquered their enthusiasm and they lapsed into silence to hear the result of the roll call A hush of ex pectancy hung over the assembly as the call proceeded Hasty summaries showed that Taft was far in advance When New York was reached the Tart column totalled 427 Ohio carried the Taft total to 511 twenty more than enough to nominate Still the call went on till the final result was announced by Chairman Lodge For Theodore Roosevelt 3 votes for Jo seph B Foraker of Ohio 16 votes for Charles W Fairbanks of Indiana 40 votes for Joseph G Cannon of Illi nois 61 votes for Robert LaFollette of Wisconsin 25 votes for Charles E Hughes of New York 67 votes for Philander C Knox of Pennsylvania 68 votes and for William H Taft of Ohio 702 votes Nomination Is Made Unanimous A great shout went up as Lodge con cluded his announcement and with one accord the cohorts of Cannon and Knox and Hughes and the other he roes joined in a common tribute for the candidate of the party General Stewart L Woodford for Governor Hughes leaping upon a chair moved to make the nomination of Taft unani mous Senator Penrose for Knox and Boutell for Cannon and Henry of Georgia for Foraker and Wisconsin for LaFollette seconded the move ment for an unanimous vote The vote was given with a ringing cheer SHERMAN FOR RUNNING MATE New York Congressman Wins Second Place on Republican Ticket Chicago June 19 Congressman James S Sherman of New York was nominated for vice president by the Republican national convention this CONGRESSMAN SHERMAN OF NEW YORK morning Mr Sherman was placed in nomination by Timothy L Woodruff of New York and the nomination was seconded by Speaker Cannon of Illi nois who took the platform amid a scene of wild enthusiasm The uncertainty over the vice pres idency lasted all night but this morn ing it was found that Congressman Sherman was far in the lead and early assurance was given that the Taft fol lowers wouM support him REPU3LICV rLAYFORM Acoptcd by the r2 onrl Convention at Chicago on June 18 The piriform declares that no such progress haj been zi since the days of Washington as linger the Roosevelt administrate u and tfcet under the guidance of Leyujiian principles the American natcn hes grown rich and great revision or tc tariit by a spe cial session of cznzTc immediately after the iuaururaticn of the novr president is pledged the recent cur rency measure is approved postal savings banks are favored the strengthening cf the anti trust law by amendments is advocated further legislation in the regulation of rail roads an in behalf cf labor is urged advocates putting a limitation on the power to issue injunctions favors more and better road construction in rural districts condemns any state laws or regulations that deprive the negro ct the franchise indorses waterways andj vecvatiQn ot naturaL resources V T V i