The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 19, 1908, Image 8
CARE OF THE BUGGY Fine Repair Work a Specialty L S Viersen No oflice is complete without a Red Swarf Ink Pencil Hofer sells them A delicious Mary Widow is waiting lor you at Woodworth Co soda foun tain Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower jheubarb etc constantly on hand at Hubers Liquid Veneer makes old furniture look like new A McMillen Druggist Corns removed quickly with Light ning Corn Cure 10 cents L W McConnell Druggist Before material you paint get our prices on L W McConnell Druggist We make a specialty of the best toilet articles creams powders and lotions A McMillen Druggist Godfrey Co are operating a feed mill See them for feed of all kinds at light prices Patronize home industry by smoking B T 10 cent cigar and the McCook Un ion 5 cent cigar Delicious crisp appetizing potatoe ships Magner Stokes sell them Better than mother makes Our Colorado peas corn etc are as near perfection as it is possible to ap proach in canned goods Huber Double - strength Heinz vinegar imitated by all equaled by none for sale by Magner Stokes Souvenirs of McCook 21 views of the town in a folder 10c each 3 for 25c at Woodworth Cos Druggists Dont buy the same wall papers that avery one else is buying buy your wall papers at L W McConnells drug store ihey have exclusive patterns The Journal Lincoln speaking of the Sanford Dodge company is very strong in its praise The costumes are alluded to as the finest seen on the Oliver stage his season Christian Endeavor Topic for next Sunday evening 7 oclock Congrega tional church How to Get and Keep a Situation iuiss oiaDy ieaaer Young people always welcome Sanford Dodge and his excellent company will appear here for three per formances next week He will play Dumas masterpiece The Three Mus keteers June 2i Shakespeares de lightful comedy The Taming of the Shrew will be the offering June 25 and a special matinee June 25 of The Merchant of Venice For thiB matinee ihe prices will be 15c for the children ind 25c for adults If you have a bright new buggy this spring you cer tainly want to keep it with that new look as long as possible Be sure to use good sponges and chamois that will not scratch We have that iind Have them in splendid variety Sponges 5 cents up Chamois 5c to 8150 Theres no axle grease equal to a good grade of castor oil We have the right iind at 25 cents a pint Enamel for buggy tops Harness oils etc L W McConnell Druggist I VIERSEN STANDISH SHOE PARLOR ii2 West Dennison St PHONE 369 If its drugs you want see Woodworth Co The dry weather has gone into his rain cave Prunes in 25 pound boxes at 225 per box Hubers A son was born this morning to Mr and Mrs Will Meyers One of the largest assortments of souv enir postals in town at Woodworth Cos Druggists To free your feet from corns use Lightning Corn Cure L W McConnell Druggist The market does not have anything in the cattle line too good for Paul Antons customers What is nicer on a hot summer day than a delicious ice cream soda or sun dae at Woodworthsdrug store Twenty thousand new post cards col ored views of McCook made in Germ any just received at Barney Hofers Boiler work sharpening lawn mowers making keys repairing bicycles general repair work Fred Brewer phone 88 Mr Dodge who is well known here will appear at Menard opera house June 21 25 with special matinee on June 25th Alaska refrigerators are insulated with pure charcoal They preserve food perfectly H P Waite Co sell them The teachers at the normal will be entertained by Sanford Dodge during his stay in our city next week by com limentary readings If you want a screen that is superior in every way to a factory made screen and at the same price then leave your order with C W Graves All accounts due the dray firm of R M Douglass Co will be found at the White House grocery Those indebted to this firm please call GeoA Scott Cameras all sizes and prices from 200 up every one guaranteed Push the button and they do the rest See them at Woodworth Cos Druggists Modern patented sprinkler top cans containing the very finest violet scented talcum powder Remember the name BY LO L W McConnell Druggist Mr Sanford Dodge will be supported here in his performance next week by Miss Louise Marshall and an excellent company The costumes are said to be the finest ever carried by any company in this section Correspondents and those having church society and lodge notices in order that the information should ap pear promptly and accurately should send in theircommunications as early in the week as possible A weekly newspaper that publishes twenty one columns of good reliable news each week is rare in these days of cheap weeklies intended only to sell some article that the publisher is inter ested in Credit is due The Weekly Inter Ocean for keeping its columns filled with fresh and up-to-date news Give it a trial by subscribing through The McCook Tribune Appreciative audiences have always greeted Sanford Dodge in McCook He has always brought us the very best of everything and always lives up to his advertising This season he is guaran teeing every production to be first class and to give absolute satisfaction The offerings here will bo Three Muske teers June 21 Tamingof the Shrew June 25 with special matinee in after noon in The Merchant of Venice McCook New Arrivals McConnell for drugs A - Walk and Save a Dollar We have received some very pretty new styles in Mens Womens and Childrens Oxfords For instance Mens two buckle tan Oxford 400 Mens blucher Gun Metal Calf and Patent Oxfords 350 Ladies Blucher Oxfords tan and black 300 Misses Blucher Oxfords size i il to 2 150 Childrens Blucher Oxfords size Sh to 1 1 1 25 And many others which can be seen at our store Remember these are brand new goods See Our Windows for the Hot Weather Specialties for Children and Grownups E G Standish SMALL MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE Everything in drugs McConnell Wall Paper at McMillens drug store Say Drink Hires root beer At McMillens Barney Hofor has received 20000 new colored post cards of McCook Huber is atill selling Wedding Break fast Coffee You know the brand Picture framing The Ideal Store Fruits of all kinds at all times at Hubers Mary Harrison nurse 286 6 Phone black Kodaks and kodak supplies McCon nell Druggist Paul Antons meats are guaranteed to save you dental bills A summer safe guard McConnells Blackberry Balsam 25c One J Pluvius seems to be doing his duty in this vicinity just now Dr Hare examines eyes free and guar ntees satisfaction in fitting glasses The Degree of Honor enjoyed a big social time in their hall last evening Wall paper of every description for every room in the house L W McConnell Druggist Wall paper paints hard oil and all color varnish stains at right prices A McMillen Druggist A taste of McMillens ice cream and ice cream soda will convince you of its merits T C Beardsley scientific optician office with Leach the jeweler Saturday of each week Keep your feet cool and comfortable with McConnells Foot Powder 25 cents per package You will not be disappointed if you get your ice cream soda and sundaes at McMillens Drug Store The Congregational Sunday school will hold its Childrens Day exercises in the church next Sunday evening in place of the regular church service First of the week H A Dickson com promised his affair with the hotel people to whom he made partial payment of board bill and was released from con finement A New Departure After considerable agitation upon the part of those interested in the settlement of Government lands in the west the Government has now designated an eng ineer to show prospective settlers lands within the Shoshone Project in Wyo ming This is an innovation that will be appreciated by prospective home seekers for the reason that in the past persons seeking Government lands have as a rule had to depend upon strangers to show them the land and point out the corners but this is all changed now Settlers now going to Powell Wyoming where the Government Engineers have their headquarters for the Shoshone Project have one of the engineers at their service who goes with them per sonally and points out the corners and gives them any information desired These lands are all platted into farm units and the engineer who did the sur veying is the one designated to show the lands This is certainly a step in the right direction A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in 6 toll days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50o in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo Have You Houses To Rent Then you should be supplied with rent receipt books The Tribune has just what you want compact and com plete FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC For Sale A good piano Inquire at this office M tf Fon Sale A baby buggy Inquire at Tribune oflice for particulars Fon Sale Ono header sickle cheap Mrs J A Snyder 910 McFarland St 19 3 To Rent 5 room cottage with bath Mrs J A Snyder 910 McFarland St 19 2 Furnished rooms for rent Inquire first door north of ME church 15 tf J For Rent Good barn ono square north Catholic church Phone black 28G B J Lane Wanted A few horses to pasture Good pasture and plenty of water 75c permontb Mile and a half south of McCook Phone birch 1352 12 2fc G II Rowland Wanted Students in photography I am also prepared to make large views and enlargements Call at residence corner Douglass and Manhattan 612 2t H L Hull Wanted A man with stock of cloth ing and dry goods to fill spnee in ders new department store Finest op ening in the state P C Schruder Bertrand Neb PLEASANT PRAIRIE With a shower almost every day last week and a heavy rain Monday night this section is in fine condition for crops There was a church meeting at school house Wednesday night Account of the weather the attendance was small The proposition to buy the school house for a United Brethren church was drop ped MrsFrank Bell and children of Cedar Bluffs Kansas visited with J HRelphs family over Sunday Sallie Hawkins Ethel Lant and Mar ion Austin are attending Junior Normal school in McCook COURT HOUSE NEWS Following are the marriage licenses is sued since our last report George Shouse 31 of Indianola and Ollie Houchin 22 of McCook Hugh Ellsworth 25 of McCook and May Haining 18 of Bartley Correspondence Wanted The Tribune wants correspondence from Perry and Coleman precincts in fact from any part of the country where the paper is not now represented Write the publisher to day Remember Money Saving Values make satisfied customers and the grand success of our special weekly sales is but a positive proof that customers have true confidence in OUR SPECIAL SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS for we always do Just Exactly As We Advertise Special Voile Values for next week At these prices you should call at once and supply yourself with a new voile dress All Wool Tan Voile worth 125 goes for per yard 79c Silk Lisle Tan Voile worth 100 goes for per yard 69c Handsome Tan Stripe Heavy Voile also 69c Special Prices In Our Suitings All Light Colored Worsted Suitings 36 inches wide and worth 25 to 35c per yard will go on sale this week at 19c These are ideal clothes for Shirt Waist Suits and chil drens dresses and should attract yonr attention Our Unusually Great Sale Of Summer Dress Goods during the past week has caused the inevitable accumulation of remnants and short lengths which we have marked at ex tremely attractive prices These are principally waist pat terns and desirable lengths which will be of use in any home Call and look them over Special Reductions in Millinery are cleaning up our stock in a rapid way and you should not put off longer the purchase of your summer Hat or Sailor Inspect our stock Investigate our prices Do it now H C Clapp Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings Phone 56 222 Main Ave McCook We are not having a discount sale or cut price sale but are CLOSING OUTjTHIS ENTIRE STOCK and we must do it at once In orderjjto do this and do it quick we have put prices on everything in the entire stock that will move them in a hurry We are able to do this owing to the fact that we bought this stock at about fortyf ive cents on the dollar and it must go quick You understand that we are not going to continue this business for two or three months in order to dispose of the stock and if you dont get these bar gains others will Dont forget the place Open from 7 a m to 730 p m Sat urdays from 7 a m to 10 p m H G PHELPS CLOTHING CO Successor to H Simons K n 1 1 mi v