The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 19, 1908, Image 7
R ft fc v i r J f k CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A r A M McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M moots overy tlrat nnd third Tuonday or tbo mouth at 800 p ni iu Masonic hall ClIABLEB It FAHNESTOCK W M Lon Cone Bee B S M Occonoxco Council No 10 RS M moots on the last Saturday of onch mouth at 800 p in n Masonic hall ItALnt A Haodero T I M Stlvebteh Coudeal Sec It A M KIur Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M moots ovory llrat und third Thursday of oach monthat 8 -00 p in in Masonic hall ClauknceI Ghat H P Clinton B Sawtek Sec KNIOIITH TEMPLAK St Johu Conunnndory No 1G K T moots on tho second Thursday of oach month at 800 p in iu Mufaouic hall Emcbron Hanson E C SriAESTEH COKDEAL Rec EA8TEUN 8TAU Eureka Chapter No 80 O E S moots tho second and fourth Fridays of onch month at 800 p in in Masonic hall Man Sakaii E Kay W M Stlvesteh Cobdeal Sec MODEHN WOODMEN NohleCumpNo 6GJ M W A meets ovory second and fourth Thursday of ouch mouth u 8S0 p m in Guuschows hall Pay assessments at White IIouso Grocery J M Smith Clerk S E Howell V C BOYAL NEIGHBORS Noblo Camp No 802 R N A moots every second and fourth Thursday oT oach month at 2U0p in in Ganschows hall Mrs Mary Walker Oracle Mrs Augusta Anton Rec w o w Meots second and fourth Thursdajs at b o clock in Diamonds hnll Markwad C C W C Moyer Clork WOBKMEN McCook Lodco No 01 AOUW meots every Monday at 800 p m in Diamonds hall C B Gray Rec Fred Schlagel M W DEGREE OF HONOR McCook LodsoNo 3 D of II meets ovory second aud forth Fridays of oach mouth at800 p in in Ganschows hall Mrs Laura Osburn C of II Mrs MatieG Welles Rec LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS McCook Division No G2J B of L E meots every second and fourth Saturday of oach month at 2 30 in Morris hall Walter Stokes C E W D Burnett F A E LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E moots every Saturday at 730 p m in Gans chows hall I D Pennington M Geo A Campbell Sec railway conductors Harvey Division No 95 O R C moots the second and fourth Sundajs of each month at 300 p m in Diamonds hall Joe Hegenberger C Con M O McClube Sec railway trainmen C W BroLson Lodge No 4S7 B of R T meots first and third Sundays at 230 p m aud second and fourth Fridays at 730 p m oach month in Morris hall Neal Beelee M R J Moore Sec railway carmen Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A meots on the first and third Thursdajs of each month in Diamonds hall at 730 p in Con Kreigee C C N H Snyder Roc Sec M CniNISTS Red Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meets every second and fourth Tuesday of tho month at 800 p m in Ganschow hail D O Hewitt Pres W H Anderson Rec Sec BOILERMAKERS McCook Lodgo No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first and third Fridajs of each month in Odd Fellows hall KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meots every Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall M Lawritson C C J N Gaarde K R S odd fellows McCook Lodco No 137 1 0 0 F meets every Monday at 8w p min Ganschows hall W H Ackeeman N G W A Middleton Sec EAGLES McCook Aerio No 1514 F O E meets tho second and fourth Fridays of each month at 800 pm in Diamonds hall Social meotings on tho first aud third Fridays R S Light W Pres G C Heckman W Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets tho first aud third Tuesdays of each month at 800 p m in Diamonds hall G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meots on tho first and and third Tuesdays of each month atS p m in the Morris hall Anna Hannan G R Josephine Mullen F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hivo No 2 L O T M meets every first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Ganchow hall Mrs W B Mills Commander Harriet E Willetts B K G A R J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each month at 230 pm Sanschows hall J M Henderson Cmndr J H Yargee Adjt L OF G A B McCook Circlo No 33 L of G A R meets on the first and third Fridajs of each month at 230 p m in Diamonds hall Adeline Dole Pres Matie Welles Sec P E O Chapter X P E O meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m at the homes of the various members Mrs G H Thomas Pres Mrs C H Meeker Cor Sec W Vj v Mmmm FRIEND TO FRIEND The personal recommendatxeria of pec pie who have been cured of coughs and colds by Chamberlains Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make It a gtaple article of trade and commerce ova 6 large part of the civilized -world ir StjtS WHs I St J X mmm mm WCZfgy The Cedar Where birds sing their lullabys crooning of gladness The Cedar flows on through a land of delight A sinuous sapphlrino stream in the sun light A serpentine ribbon of silver by night On down through the peace of Arcady It ripples Now softly now chanting now roaring it falls To tarry again where tho lush grass is rustling Enraptured nnd thralled by tho birds madrigals Where cattle stand idly in shade that Is drowsy The Cedar is laving Its monotone trill And plover send up through the glint of the sand dunes A resonant cry that is piping and shrill Now parting in half at the sight of an island It girdles the banks of a miniature world Where blithe in a haven of refugo from danger The meadowlanks song to his lady is purled Ah homes of contentment I see thee transcendent Enthroned on the banks by the sweet babbling way The song of the reaper the low of the cattle The rustle of corn and the scent of the hay The turn of the wheel and the slap of the paddle The hue of the corn and the scent of the grist And down through the valley forever un stinting The faithful old river flows on through the mist Ah Cedar of peace and of plenty I love thee I love every bayou and nook by thy side I float with thee ever anon in my fancy Float onward and downward to home on thy tide Let bards sing to sweethearts their sigh ing affection Of honeymoons sweet oer the bounding blue sea But true to the love of my boyhood within me I sing O ye old Cedar river to thee I sing to thee out of the depth of affec tion Straight out from the love of a heart that is true A worshiper now and forever I praise thee And long to be with thee once more with my crew By day I would drift with thee over the riffles And dance with thee ever oer billow and crest And under the stars with the moonlight around me I fain would drift on to thy harbor and rest -- Rag Time Today isnt in it with tomorrow if tomorrow is pay day Worry is always on very friendly terms with imagination To be worth her weight in gold a young woman should be careful that she does not grow too heavy There are a lot of men in this world who go out to the garage look a 3000 automobile in the face kick them selves and wish they could sell it for 750 S Before and After He pressed his suit And had her guessing Theyre married now She does the pressing The Fast Life A friend of mine tells me that they had a most exciting time out at his house yesterday morning His prize lady bull dog had six fluffy little pup pies and his son and heir cut the first tooth Thats going some for one family all right -- Why Oh if a button on a coat Is just the thing by gee Why isnt buttin of a goat Upon our trousers See 0 Rivalry The nightingale dies of shame if an other bird sings sweeter This in tense rivalry is also depicted in my town The residents instead of sing ing raise gardens and woe to him who does not have new potatoes by the Fourth of July G Experience A small boy is a lad But a man is not a ladder He merely grows up wise And oftentimes much sadder -- Loves Eyes When a lover passes on the beauty of another his deduction is apt to be biased Htenr J - r INDIANOLA Silby Ormnn went to Bartloy Tues day S R Smith roturnod home Friday morning from Omaha Albert Norman visited in McCook Sunday Alma Noe of Danbury visited friends in Indianola Saturday Mrs James Boldman is visiting in Bloomington Ed Baily of McCook visited with Tom Haley Sunday Preston Rollings and Robert Mc Will iams spent Sunday in McCook Mrs Solomon Stilgebouer of Marion visited friends hero Sunday Sam Minniear of Danbury visited friendu in Indianola Sunday Mrs C Miller and children of Funk Neb are hero visiting friends May Bartholomew of Danbury visited friends in Indianola Sunday Mrs J Noe of Danbury visited in town Monday F W DelTer of Holdrege arrived here Saturday ovening for a visit with friends Quito a number attended the eighth grade county exercises at McCook Friday Mr and Mrs Patrick McNeill left Sunday evening for Omaha where the former will receive eye treatment Walter Orman returned home Thurs day morning from Omaha whore he has been taking treatments in the hos pital Mr and Mrs Y Stothard visited re latives and friends in Cambridge Sat urday and Sunday Arthur Haley who has been visiting at his uncles Tom Haley left for his home in Kansas City Mo this week Leonard Smith had a little experience in connection with a storm Tuesday afternoon that he will not care to re peat He was driving over from his ranch on the B6aver and had gotten as far as the canyon this side of J Mallocks place south of town when he noticed tho water rushing down swiftly He thought to cross before the water became too swift only to find that he was in a perilous condition The water came with such force that the buggy was torn away and it went floating down thestreamwhile he held on to the lines and finally succeeded in reaching the shore He has not found his buggy yet GERVER The Childrens Day entertainment was certainly a success as evidenced by the pleasant looks the people wore Mr and Mrs Joe Dodge came up from Marion to be present at Childrens Day exercises As did also a number from Kansas Mrs Davis Mitchell and mother Mrs Margaret Roshong came down from Haigler on 6 Saturday night and are at Al Benjamins Mrs Mitchell will return in a short time but Mrs Ros hong expects to stay We heartily commend the writer of the article in the Tribune entitled Big Leak in the Lid It doesnt seem pos sible that men will destroy their man hood and character in such associations but pity tis tis true Little Sammy Ellis who has been very sick with pneumonia is getting along nicely There is quite a strong movement on foot to purchase the Dodge school house and use it for church purposes There will be a great deal stronger sup port to the movement if the people were satisfied it would be used as a union meeting place and not for any certain denomination and we believe it should be bought in that way Wheat is looking healthier since our series of rains George Lincoln and family were among our visitors at our exercises Sun day Marion Austin Ethel Lant and Sallie Hawkins who are attending McCook normal were out Childrens day Our base ball boys didnt play quite hard enough at Cedar Bluffs Saturday so came home the losers The hardest rain for a number of years fell here Monday afternoon Nearly three inches of water in a very short time In fact it was a veritable cloud burst RED WILLOW This season is very much like that of 1S72 when it rained 20 consecutive nights in June and the wind lightning and heavy reveberations of thunder were startling to those who dwelt in tents The voice of the insurance agent is heard in the land likewise that of the tree peddler also the lightning rod man A Mr Witmer who was around on business unexpectedly found some old friends in Mr and Mrs F C Smith and had a pleasant visit with them William Myers and family were visit ors at Rue Hauxwells on Sunday Leon Smith attended a party at Mr Dows in Indianola on Thursday eve ning being a birthday party on Fred Dow Louis Longnecker had lightning rods put on his house last week n mijy x rr MBBSPMsawgw BARTLEY The nice rains for tho past week havo been n great general benefit and of spe cial benefit to wheat corn and potatoes The only crop injured is some alfalfa that had been cut down when tbo rains began but this will bo more than made up by the large increase of the next crop as result of these rains Wo are very thankful for tho great benefit of these rains Grandma Etherton was visited Wed nesday by many of her friends and was the recipient of appropriato presents on her 82nd birthday anniversary Sho is a Unable and loving old lady who charishes the warm friendship of all who know her It is not presumed oho will have the pleasure of many more of these occasions but it is the wish of the writer that she may enjoy many years of pleasure with her friends For a small man Guy Ritchie is the biggest feeling fellow in our vicinity Its all on account of a 10 pound boy at the home Mother and child getting along nicely Guy convalescent D J Richmond is dipping his sheep this week He has been very successful with his sheep for the last few years Ed Curloe is in Lincoln called there by the dangerous illness of his father Several Bartley folks went to Cam bridge on special train Wednesday to attend the McCook - Cambridge ball game Mrs Inez Neeling took out a bill of paint this week to paint her new house Our new hotel with Mr Spangler wife and daughter in charge is starting off fine They served 51 dinners last Sunday and have had other days when they served nearly as many dinners Frontier county holds over Rod Willow this year in having a delegate to each of the national conventions Hon John Gammill to Chicago and RD Logan to Denver Our old friend John Gammill of Frontier ceunty was in Bartley Satur day last on his way to the Republican convention at Chicago He is a dele gate This is right as far as it goes for no man deserves the honor more than John Grammil who has been so true loyal and zealous for the Republican party yet while this honor belongs to him it is only as a flower on tho casket of a friend or a toy balloon given to a boy to solace his fleeting hours Why has he not been rewarded with a plum or pie that would be of benefit to him before these declining years And now as he has grown gray and past the prime of life is given a trip that cost him his fare to Chicago and return and 83 to 810 a day while there People and parties should be grateful DANBURY This locality has had several fine rains the past week Mrs J L Sims returned from Oma ha last week where she has been tak ing medical treatment A baby girl arrived at the home of Milford Pew and wife Saturday June 13th Mr and Mrs Herman Wintjen came home from Ohlahoma the last of the week where they had been called on account of the death of Mrs Wintjens son The children of the Methodist church observed Childrens Day last Sunday evening They gave a cantata Every one was pleased with the evenings ex ercises S H Stilgebouer and family visited in Bartley last Sunday Mrs Sarah Ruby is afc home for a few days Dan Cashen is having a new barn built on his farm Mrs S C Bastran is enjoying a visit from her sister Mrs Toogood from tho eastern part of the state Rev Richards is still quite ill His sister arrived from Denver last Satur day to care for him Griff DeMay is at home for a weeks vacation after which he will return to Omaha to resume hi3 studies The children of the Congregational Sunday school enjoyed a picnic in S W Stilgebouers grove Friday of last week and report a good time GRANT Grant precinct has been visited with some fine rains this week Corn and potatoes are doing fine The Driftwood and Petersville ball teams played on ihe Grant diamond Saturday afternoon The score was 11 to 7 in Driftwoods favor John H Wesch and UH Blunk at tended the dance Saturday night at George Hendersons near Perry Mr and Mrs John Stimbert and Mr and Mrs Jacob Wesch were Sunday visitors at August Weschs PLEASANT RIDGE Lots of rain last week and some hail A narrow streak of hail Saturday mowed things down in the territory over which it prevailed Mrs M E Kimberling visited relat ives over on the Frenchman river Sun day last Mrs Stella Schmidt is very ill at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Van Horn John Bartlett and family visited Jover oa the Frenchman river Sunday last B2SaS3C3 WwMqpfyiJifiBBWMBIBl1lJaByOPW Fourth of July at Box Elder In the Dan Doyle Sr Grove Amuse ments Good flusic Addresses Two Balloons Will Go Up Base Ball Foot Races Novelty Races Horse Races Grand Display Fireworks Address by Hon J R McCarl Refreshments nnd amusomonts of all kinds on tho groun is This will bo a grand old fashioned celebration and you nro all weluonio and will be nicely entertained COMMITTEE BOX ELDER Soaking rains and corn looking lino Wheat not so good Tho M H society mot with Mrs S C King last Wednesday The Box Elder base ball boys encount ered the Centorpoint aggregation last Saturday afternoon and wore donated by a decisive scoro Tho Box Eldor boys defeated tho Red Willow team the preceding Saturday by a conclus ive score Mrs W J Miller is very sick Ram rain rain plenty of rain just now Miss Velma Satchell of Oxford is visiting her brother W F Satchell Word has been recioved that J K Gordon and family wore enjoying them selves on the banks of tho Niagara R F D No 1 Miss Hattio Miller was the object of a surprise last Monday Postal Clerk and Mrs AmosD Bower were home last week Ho returned to Omaha Saturday but she will remain a little while longer J C Wagner arrived from Julosburg Colorado last Friday on a visit to tho homefolks He has been working in a bank since his graduation from a busi ness college and will return to his posi tion Mrs Nelson Downs and daughter visited the Rincks on tho Willow last Friday Miss Nettie Endsley has been homo since last week SAINT ANN Mr and Mrs Henry Kolbet are tho proud parents of a baby boy Mr and Mrs John Brown and Mr and Mrs Mike Schneider visited at Quick Sunday It has rained in this neighborhood some every day for the past eight days Corn and weeds are doing fino Misses Nellie and Kathorine Kennedy are spending the week with their brother Joe near here John Pfaff took some young steers to McCook Monday ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postofnee June 19 190S LETTERS Brelsford W G Feimcll Mrs Winded R Hine Air Edward Kiler Mrs Hetsy Lippold Mr Chas Walker James H P Western Nov Co CARDS Beebo Mrs E Cook Dora Hawkins T C Kenard Jas Miller Mrs Ida Starkey G L When calling for these please say they were advertised S B McLean Postmaster Correspondence Wanted The Tribune wants correspondence from Perry and Coleman precincts in fact from any part of tho country where the paper is not now represented Write the publisher to day Humiliation I tell you sir kissing the hand that smites you is nothing to what I saw in the hotel this morning What was that The porter blacking the boots that had kicked him last night London Telegraph Typewriter ribbons for sale at Thk TitutuNR ollice JI1U11 FRANK REISTLE ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER PHONE 1114 1430 24 LAWRENCE DEKVEB COLO lilIliUliJJ ili M PRE BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach LOW RATE SUMMER TOURS To the Pacific Coast Daily low round trip rates to Portland Seattle Tauoma San Francisco Los Angeles and San Diego Slightly higher to include both California and Puget Sound One whole business day saved by our new schedule to the Pacific northwest To Chicago and Eastern Resorts Republican convention tickets on sale June 12 to 1G Daily low ex- cursion rates to Canada Michi gan Wisconsin Minnesota Mass achusetts and New York tourist resorts also low excursion rates to tourist resorts in Main New Hampshire Vermont An American Tour For Nebraska Teachers And their friends Excursion will leave Lincoln 430 p m June 27 Will Bpond three or four days at NE AConvention in Cleveland thence Buudo Niagara Falls Toronto St Lawrence river by steamer through Thousand Islands and over the Tapids Montreal Boston Al bany down the Hudson to New York thence Philadelphia Washington and Pittsburg Ask the agent for an itiner ary and full information or write the un dersigned To Colorado and the Rocky Mountains Daily low rates to Colorado Utah Wy oming the Black Hills Yellowstone Park great Democratic convention at Denver in July Homeseekers Rates First and third Tuesdays to tho west including the famous Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley where large tracts of rich irrigated lands are being opened for settlement by the government and by private companies WriteDClem Deaver Burlington Landseekers Infor mation Bureau Omaha excellent busi ness openings in new growing towns Write a brief description of your propos ed trip and let us advise you how to make it the best way at the loast cost R E FOE icket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb ggagggjgsjggaBiass MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING THE SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets MATTES YOTJR STOCK LOOK LIKE THE TOP PRICE I Contain no Sawdust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Asfc for and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets Worm Kidney Chicken Cholera Blister Heave Fever Hog Cholera tablets Louse Powder Spavin Cure Barb Wire Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone StuTener Tablets Sold b AMciMILLEN McCcok Nebraska BkS2QQQ QSyQSSt 1 n Ok 1 jr W B i II 1 iC f J If you want a Side Walk Curb Stone or Cement Work of any kind see H N Rosebush Successor to Rosebush Northrup PHONE RED 1 96 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