The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 19, 1908, Image 1
i f y I e I I s I s ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL MATINEE A Large Crowd and Much Enthusiasm Marked Last Fridays Races That was a largo and very enthusiastic crowd at the matinee races last Friday afternoon The following in detail is an account of tho several races pulled off GREEN TROT HALF MILE DASH Flower Girl ch m Cox 1 Piince K ch g Kay 2 Farmer Girl br m McCarty 3 Kitty C br m McClain 4 -Judge Kent Jr br g Nelms Druggist Jr ch g Ball Prince C b g Lehn Time 124 whipping finish 125 TROT AND PACE Fashion Bells c f Moore 1 1 Capt Starr c g Zimmerman 2 2 Joe Wilkes br g Cos 3 3 Dan ODan c g Barger 4 4 Time 130 12G 120 CLASS TROT AND PACE Shes Right br m Moore 1 1 Jack Denton ch g Kay 2 2 Twinkle ch m Gunn 3 3 Miss Kerr b m Peel 4 4 Time 121 113 FREE-FOB-ALL PACE Carter G ch h Peel 1 1 Dr Porter b g Johnson 2 2 Webster br h Kay 3 3 Time 108 112 GUIDELESS MILE Genuine Moore Time 246 There was also an exhibition of bron cho busting by Dan Wray The Burlington ran special trains to and from the track There was music by the band The O E S conducted the refresh ment concession This was the last matinee before the races by the Driving Park association July 3 and 4 SOME THINGS NEEDED FOR YOUR VACATION TRIP Soaps sponges alcohol stoves drink ing cups fountain pens stationery cigars playing cards healing lotions or cold creams court plaster headache remedy cramp and colic remedy photo supplies etc All these or anything else required we can supply Best quality at lowest cost L W McConnell Druggist Lest We Forget McCook practically forgot Flag Day which was to have been observed on Monday although coming on Sunday the 14th instant There werent enough flags flying to call attention even to the event the 131st anniversary of the na tions glorious flag Notice There will be a meeting of the Neb raska State Railway Employes associ ation held in Ganschows hall Wednes day night June 24th at eight oclock Come everybody By order of the Com mittee J B Wade President Gasoline Stoves and Refrigerators Do not pass the summer without them and pay the amount out to doctors or in waste of food but come to our store and make a good selection McCook Hardware Co For Sale New 5 - room cottage bath - room closets cellar etc corner Douglass and Manhattan sts Phone black 312 Read Your Paper in one of our lawn swings or hammocks The young enjoy them too McCook Hardware Co USE McCONNELLS FRAGRANT LOTION FOR sunburn tan and freckles ATTEND THE I i 4th of July Celebration I AT McCOOK I i i I Races July 3rd and 4th I BIG PURSES Four Races Each Bay Notice To Normal Students Anything you may need in the line of tablets pencils book keep ing blanks etc can be obtained at our store Woodwokth CoDruggists I i s i i 3 I Cash Beginning June 1 On and after June 1st 190S I V shall sell meats on a strictly cash H basis This action is made j cessary by business conditions iS and will be strictly adhered to j Paul P Anton 4the TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR JC -v Special Session City Council All members present Bids for construction of sidewalks crosswalks and curbs were read On motion bid of H N Rosebush was ac cepted and contract authorized upon usual bond being submitted andapprov ed by council Reports of city marshal weighmaster and police judge were placed on file On motion street concessions for July 3 and 4 were granted the Fourth of July committee and the Driving Park associ ation with no gambling provision Bills as follows were allowed and ord ered paid out of proper funds McCook Electric Light Co 12870 P M Kimmell 1360 Nebraska Telephone Co 900 C W Kelley 800 L W McConnell 82 WC Bullard 30 N E Barger 2G40 Frank Cain 9075 allowed 64 50 L M Best 30 00 John Ekstedt 7590 Ed Fitzgerald 5500 G W Godfrey 6500 Henry Gale 29 50 V A Gold 4000 W S Morlan and J E Kelley appear ed before the council and interrogated the members as to its sentiment in re gard to entertaining a proposition from the present owners to sell the plant to the municipality intimating that the plant was not remunerative at present and as the life of the franchise is short the bondsmen and stockholders might find it necessary to apply to the courts for a receiver and the incidental fixation by the court of profitable rates It was also intimated by the gentlemen that the present owners might accept bonds in payment from tho city and further that the valuation might be -determined by the council and owners or by apprais ers selected in the usual way The council took no definite action at this session but have the matter under consideration It is an important matter House of Skill and Comfort This week J J Baker purchased the interest of his partner R L Okerson in the Commercial barber shop and is now the sole proprietor of that popular shop Mr Baker promises to keep that three chair shop up to the high and popular standard it has always maintained among the leading and first class ton sorial parlors of the city being equipped with the latest furnishings and appa ratus and employing competent and ex perienced men to cater to the demands of his patrons Everything in the line of barber work is guaranteed with skill and comfort and in an obliging manner Old and new patrons are cordially in vited First class bath rooms in con nection Remember the place the Commercial hotel basement Cambridge Won the Odd Wednesday at Cambridge the fifth game in the series between Cambridge and McCook was played and McCook went down to honorable defeat The score was 1 to 0 Mondays game at Cambridge went to Cambridge 2 to 1 The first game was contested at Cam bridge they winning by a 2 to 1 score Both games on the McCook diamond were won by our boys in 4 to 2 1 to 0 order Finer ball is seldom seen out side professional leagues A special train well filled was run from McCook to Cambridge Wednesday Splendid Corn Fed Bunch D C Marsh has just closed the pur chase of a carload of fancy corn fed cat tle from William Byfieldthe well known feeder of cattle of high grade These are prime animals of the highest quality and this juicy rich nutritious meat will be furnished his customers at the mar ket regularly now Finer meat than this is not obtainable anywhere Bought right for cash and will be sold right for cash Union Temperance Rally The churches W C T U and Anti Saloon League will unite in a grand temperance rally in the Congregational church Sunday evening June 28 at 8 oclock The speaker will be a good one and is selected but to know who it is you will have to come Everybody come Tell your friends and those who are not so friendly Must Pay Your Dog Tax Dog tax in the city of McCook became due and payable on June 15th All taxes must be paid on or before June 22 190S as after that date all unlicensed and untagged dogs will be killed Pay your license to the city treasurer G W Godfrey City Marshal Indefinitely Postponed The Methodist Sunday school picnic that was arranged for Saturday June 20th has been postponed indefinitely on account of the recent rains having made the picnic grounds unfit White Linen Skirts 175 Other wash skirts 175 The Thomp son D G Co Actual cash values U g lllc00li MORE THAN A THOUSAND Dollars Worth of Stock Subscribed During the Past Week EVERYBODY BOOST AGAIN The Total Amount Now Subscribed Is Nearly 2900000 But More Is Urgently Needed As wo go to press today we are able to report the subscriptions to stock this week for tho temple opera house enterprise as totalling over a thousand dollars and the total subscriptions to the project up to date us nearly 29000 Below we give the names and amounts subscribed this week W H Ferguson 10 E P fluber additional 5 Joseph Allen 10 C L DeGroff Co 25 Eikenberry Clark 10 James McAdams 10 Samuel Hornback 10 Mrst P Thompson 10 W K Starr 10 Fred Munden additional 4 G F Randel 2g F J Pierce 5 C W McDonald 5 Pade Furniture Carpet Co 5 S D McClain 3 J K Gordon 1 Total 2859 KEEP ON BOOSTING Whilo other labors in this connection have demanded the time and energies of the temple opera house boosters and no special organized effort has been made to secure additional stock sub- scriptions it must not be concluded that there is no further need of buying stock in this great enterprise Indeed quite the reverse is the case Several thousand dollars more must be raised by the sale of stock a fact made imper ative by the requirement and desire of Some of those who have subscribed for stock that the structure shall be com pleted and financed without debt Let the people be thoroughly awake to the fact that we are not entirely out of the woods in the matter of first im portance the sale of sufficient stock to completely finance the opera house temple project And the enterprise should not be allowed to drag for lack of interest and public spiritedness And this recalls the fact that several leading and financially interested citi zens of means have so far not joined the boosters and made liberal purchases of stock according to their financial ability These subscriptions are greatly needed as well as the purchases of smaller blocks by citizens of more modest means The benefit of the proposed building will be to all whether they have property interests or not so all who are able should feel it their privi lege and duty to help on this big and promising project with their money and influence but money talks The building committee is engaged with architects on various plans and we hope soon to be able to announce the settlement of this important question the closing of a contract with a reliable builder and the early commencement of this big enterprise But in the mean time brethren get in the procession with your subscrip tions to stock Boost Absolute Security When you have a prescription or re cipe to be compounded with certainty that it is put up just right this positive assurance can always be had if you take your prescriptions to McConnell Druggist His prescription department is organ ized with this very end in view The equipment is perfect throughout and the checking system is a guarantee against error Prices always right L V McConnell Druggist Wash Goods We offer good lawns in solid colors and fancies at 5c 6c 7ic 10c 12c Other varieties such as voiles Swisses poplins mikado cloth mercerized taf fetas silk mulls pongees rajahs etc up to 75c a yd Dress ginghams 10c 12fc 15c Fine corded madras 12J oC We solicit you trade The Thompson Dry Goods Co Actual cash values In East McCook The union Sunday school in East McCook will give its exercises for Child rens Day on next Sunday afternoon Those in charge hope to see a good at tendance of young and old of that part of the city Be Well Dressed That means a Stein Block suit They are Americas leaders Prices from 18 to 30 They look right and are right Rozell Barger Detroit Jewel Water Heaters heat the water which you are preparing for the bath at an expense of about two cents McCook Hardware Co vX9SJxmaamfm McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 19 1908 Large and Appreciative Audience The Players clubs presentation of Charleys Aunt Tuesday evening in Menards opera house had a largo and appreciative hearing It was a breezy farce comedy in three acts all fun with Dr S C Beach in the leading role and tho following CAST CF CHARACTHRS Charley Wychom a good follow FranklColfor Jack Chesney Charleys friend Ray Light Lord Fancourt Uabberly always in trouble SC Beach Sir FraticisChosnoy Jacks father 15 HSto wart Stephen Spottigue old and crusty Geo Keams Hrassott a model servant Frank Ploussard Kitty Ycrdum Jacks girl Ethel Morrissoy Amy Spottiguo Charleys girl Elsie Campbell Donna Lucia DAlvauorez rich and hand some Sadie Everist Delia Dolchey sweet and pretty Gortrudo Morrissoy The play was handsomely costumed and the entire cast gave a creditablo ac count of itself In addition to the always acceptable music of the Pythian orchestra there were music numbers by Miss Elsie Campbell Mr Ray Light Mr Frank Colfer tho Albion quartette Messrs Ploussard Light Colfer and McFann Master Fred Heckman and others all of them well done Dr Beach and his associates are to be congratulated upon tho histrionic achievement and to bo held in grateful remembrance for the handsome addi tion to the temple opera house fund about S80 After the performance the members of the Players club were guests of tho Masonic Temple Craft at a delightful luncheon at the Monte Cristo Awl 0s Surprise Shower The Awl Os at the homo of Mrs C R Woodworth Wednesday evening tendered in connection with their reg ular meeting a plate surprise shower to Miss Myrtle Meyer From a Japanese umbrella suspended in the arch way between the parlors a spider web stretched away in every di rection and at the end of each string was a handsome Haviland plate At the end of one of the strings was another umbrella filled with rice which of course Miss Meyer succeeded in pulling down upon her self to the merriment of the others There was a flower con test in which Miss Sadie Coyle won the honors with Miss Elizabeth Bettcher second The members of the club also present ed Miss Meyer with a handsome chaff ing dish A three course luncheon was served with Miss Bettcher Miss Maud McMil len and Mrs H D Stewart assisting Compare These Prices Simpsons and American prints 5c yard wide L L muslin 5c apron ging hams 5c best table oil cloth 15c 22c mosquito netting 5cpeerless carpet warp pound American A 2 bushel grain bags 20c mens union made blue denim bib overalls and jackets 39c each childrens rompers 39c each mens muleskin gloves 18c a pair mens black underwear 35c childrens gauze union suits 25c wo mens ditto 40c to SI 00 mens suits So to S1350 long sleeve aprons 65c each 9 quarter wide pepperell bleached sheet ing 25c yard lonsdale cambric muslin 12J4 yard No special sale just our regular spot cash prices Other people s special sales dont meet our regular cash prices We save you money We invite your trade The Thompson DG Co Actual cash values The Melt-In-Your-Mouth Kind Paul Anton has just secured about fifty head of corn fed cattle to meet tho needs of his meat market A finer bunch of cattle have never been seen in McCook indeed it is claimed for them that the best markets of the country cannot beat them These animals will be served to customers of Mr Antons market and the juiciest richest cuts are guaranteed at reasonable figures all the time These meats will almost melt in your mouth Notice of Removal I wish to make known to all my pat rons of the past that I have moved to the Menard opera house building up stairs Phone red 257 Mrs S E Griggs Fresh Vegetables For vegetables in season gathered from tho garden each day call phone birch 1352 before 7 a m and they will be promptly delivered G H Rowland Plain and Fancy Colors Neat assortment of the seasons best in straw hats Also soft hats in fancy colors All fresh and up-to-the minute Rozell Bargers Clothing Store Meyer Wolff Cards are out to the wedding of Miss Myrtle Meyer and Mr Frederick Laur ence Wolff next Wednesday evening June 24th Hard and Soft Paper in convenient sizes for desk use in fig uring and making notes at the Tribune office Very reasonable price rib ttti A GRATIFYING SUCCESS Large Attendance Upon the Eighth Grade Graduating Exercises Notwithstanding tho other attraction of tho afternoon tho matinee racos the eighth grado graduating exorcises of tho Red Willow county public schools held in the auditorium of tho now high school building Friday afternoon last held a large audience and was marked by close attention and keen interest which was most gratifying to County Supt Hatcher and those associated with her in tho work The program of the occasion was worthful in each particular The class address of Deputy Stato Supt E C Bishop was earnest and practical Tho salutatorian and valedictorian both acquitted themselves with credit The music numbers were the artistic efforts of some of our most talented Taken in its entirety it was a proud occasion for Red Willow countys pub lic schools The formal program and list of grad uates are appended program Piano Solo Selected Miss Deborah Heckman Invocation Rev E Burton Vocal Solo Solectod Miss Ruth Wioho Salutatory Nollio Murphy Piano Solo Solectod Misslla M Brigga Class Addross E C Bishop Vocal Solo Solectod MissElsio Campboll Valedictory Raymond Short Presentation of Diplomas Supt Claudia B Hatcher Vocal Solo Selected Mrs P F McKenua Benediction Rev E R Earlo graduates Hazel Hoobler Gladys Stewart Esther Johnson Dorthy Doyle Annio Carlson Eugene VanMeter Ona Overstako Oklo Gallatin Mamie Poolo Lelah Diotsch Jennie Blair Loda Finnell Rosa RIair Glenn Lant GayelBlair Ruth Owens Sue Duckworth Joseph Harrison Stolla Weyonoth Raymond Short Vairo Godown Lena Uerling Viola Sheldon Florence Baker Lizzie Eifort Roxy Rollins Helene Green Fern Hedges Lovell Mooro Leon Smith Roed Henton Loo Ryan A Singular Life The loss was to all thoso who failed to hear Adrian M Newensin his matchless reading of A Singular Life in the new high school building Monday eve ning and by the same token the profit to those who braved the elements on that occasion and heard tho splendid effort Mr Newens is not only an att ist but he had an appealing subject and he handled the touching story with a spiritual insight and tasteful clever ness which marked him as a sympa thetic soul and a princely fellow The reading was a sermon of special ap propriateness for this city a temper ance address with a dash of theology altogether human and vital The only regret is that the severe rain storm pre vented many from drinking in this in spiring effort Missionary Society Meets The Womens Missionary society of the Congregational church will hold a social and business meeting at the home of Mrs Edwin Waite Thursday after noon June 25 All tho ladies of the church and those interested in the work of the society are invited to be present At the close of the missionary meet ing a short business session of the Dor cas society will be held WHAT WILL YOU GIVE THE BRIDE If you can not answer that question now you will be able to after a visit to our store We have an almost endless assortment of items particularly suit able for wedding gifts CAINA PICTURES TOILET ARTICLES BRIC A BRAC ETC ETC What you select here you can give with assurance that it is not old fashioned L W McConnell Druggist Sunday School Classes Picnic The Sunday school classes of Mrs J W Wimer and Mrs S E Callen with their teachers picnicked on the Red Willow last week going down to the Willow on No 12 and returning home on No 5 Red Willow is a delightful place to enjoy such occasions and this was no exception to the rule What About That buggy surrey or spring wagon Have you not put it off long enough Call and look them over and see if you should not have the satisfaction of owning a good rig McCook Hardware Co For Sale Beautiful set of books 25 volumes Ridpath Library of Universal Litera ture Perfect condition One fourth cost price Rev G B Hawkes Be Comfortable Summer is here and alpaca coats are a necessity to comfort We can fill your wants in blacks and grays Rozell Barger j mjffmmirHW J 1 1 NUMBER 4 SAFETY FOR YOUR MONEY When you havo a surplus of money doiosit it with us Wo pay four per cent on timo depos its A checking account no mat ter how small is a convenience onco tried always used START A BANK ACCOUNT It helps you to save THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK PWalsh CFLehn President Vico President C J OBrien Cashier Pythian Memorial Next Sunday afternoon the Knights of Pythias will observe their Moraorial Day in usual form Meeting at their castle hall at one oclock the raombors of McCook lodge will march in a body to the Christian church where tho memorial sermon will be delivered After tho services at the church tho march will be resumed to the city cem eteries and the graves of the departed members and of deceased members of Knights families will bo decorated A Beautiful Woman like a beautiful rose ought to be as beautiful as she can It is not beneath true dignity to give thought and atten tion to the accessories for example the matter of corsets The American Beau ty corset is rightly named Made in gauze in batiste in coutil Made in all approved 3tyles Pre eminent for form perfection 100 to 35c The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Change of Management Messrs Bump Simons retire this week and the Kays assume charge of the B M eating house at this place Tho formal change was made Monday although the deal has been practically closed for some time Jud Kay is in tho active management of the houso at present Japanese Art Fans 5c Made of Japanese fiber paper on bamboo sprints heart shaped Deco rated with pictures and foliage in silver gilt bronz and other colors Rosewood handles Good size Price 5c Tho Thompson D G Co Actual cash values C E Officers Elected At the regular election of officers for Congregational C E society last Sun day the following were chosen Miss Ruth Wiehe president Bryce Jones vice president Miss Blanche Bowen secretary Miss Dora Oystercorrespond ing secretary Killed Ten Coyotes Ivan C Korb and Will Nothnagel have to their credit a good days work Tuesday in the digging out and killing of ten coyotes over in Valley precinct Besides a large bunch of sport Notice to the Public To all persons concerned You are hereby notified that I will not be re sponsible for any debts or bills made by my daughter Miss Edith Ford 19 2 Ellis Ford Ready for Your Inspection Two piece suits coats and pants only in summer weights stylish and tasty garments for men and young men Good selection at right prices Rozell Bargers Clothing Store Paint Your Buildings with our paint and you will feel prosper ous and look prosperous and therefore be prosperous McCook Hardware Co Farm Loans Go to Johnson Rozeli i nfr List Your City Property Farms Ranches with WHITTAKER GRAY Office in Electric Light office rear Citizens hank Phone 283 I e I 3 1