The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 01, 1908, Image 1

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John Frank Conner Pleads Guilty to
Murder in the Second Degree
Conner Waives Preliminary Examination
Goes into District Court and Pleads
Guilty In the Second Degree and
Is in the Pen Next Morning
The terrible domestic tragedy on
Thursday afternoon of last week on the
Conner farm south of this city had a
quick donouement last Saturday
afternoon in tho preliminary trial the
trial in district court tho sentence of
the criminal and his dispatch to tho
penitentiary at Lincoln all taking place
within a few hours
About fivo oclock in tho district
court room before Justice of tho Peace
II II Berry occurred tho preliminary
hearing Tho prisoner through his
attorneys Morlan Ritchie Wolff
waived examination and hearing and
tho justice bound tho prisoner over to
appear in the district court forthwith
placing tho prisoner in tho bauds of tne
sheriff of Red Willow county for safe
R C Orr judge of tho district court
was present in the room and announced
that the -appearance forthwith would
mean at eight oclock in tho evening
in thb court room
At the appointed hour the district
court room was crowded perhaps fifty
women being among the audience
which numbered about 300 all very
quiet and orderly
After some delay caused in prepara
tion of tho complaint and indictment
County Attorney P E Reeder appeared
and tho complaint of the state of JSo
braska against John Frank Connor who
had proceeded the prosecuting attorney
into tho court room was read by Mr
Reeder The complaint iu tho language
of the law alleged that John Frank Con
ner had on April 23 190S on the Conner
farm in Gerver precinct Red Willow
county Nebraska shot and murdered
his wife Minnie Conner with malico
aforethought and premeditately the
indictment being in detail and full
phraseology of law
The prisoner being asked what his
plea would be to the indictment replied
that ho would plead guilty to murder in
the second degree admitting tho killing
of his wife
The sentence of the law in cases oi
murder in the second degree provides a
minimum of ten years and a maximum
of for the term of natural life
County Attorney Reeder announced
that ho would accept the plea of guilty
of murder in tho second degree with the
understanding that the sentence should
be a life sentence knowing as he did
the circumstances and facts of the case
and believing they merited the severest
sentence possible to the law
It then became the unpleasant duty
of Judge Orr to pas3 sentence But be
fore so doing the judge stated that be
thought the prisoner owed it to himself
to the court and to tho people to give
his reason for committing so terrible
crime as wife murder and opportunity
was given the prisoner so to do
The prisoners statement was made in
so low a voice that it was impossible
for the audience or those even nearest
him or even the court stenographer to
catch much or a connected account of
the story He recounted the story of
the cattle episode in connection with
the affair which culminated in his be
ine shot by A H Redfern on the bridge
spanning the Beaver creek a year or
so ago This matter was gone over in
detail by Conner and according to his
statement was the beginning of the
end of his troubles in that neighbor
hood The gist of Conners story is
that the entire neighborhood was
againts him from that time on that he
Let Us Show You
our Wall Paper before you make
your purchase
A McMillen Druggist
July 3rd and 4th 1908
Four Races Each Day
Arrangements are being made for
Patriotic celebration July 4th
I 111 I Jl
wunriF i n iw i
Wash Fabrics
Very pretty lawns in figured and iu
plain colors for 5c a yard from that up
to 75 cents Wo show all tho desirable
uovolties of the season in lawnsbatistes
voiles natural and dyed linen suitings
silk muslins pongees arnold Swisses
French ginghams etc You can see
theso very conveniently in our counter
books which contain cuts from every
piece in stock Wo invito your inspec
tion Tho Thompson D G Co Actual
cash prices
when we furnish your camera supplies
We have tho sort of stock of photo
goods that pleases the critical amatour
You pay for tho best and freshest sup
plies in any case Hero you get what
you pay for All sizes of iilms and
plates carried all tho desirable papers
Agency for Eastman kodaks
L W McConnell Druggist
Damaged Fruit Severely
While there is considerable difference
of expressed opinion as to the amount
of damage caused by the severe freeze
of Tuesday night thero is small doubt
but that the damage was heavy in this
section Ice formed to a thickness of half
an inch and fruit which was advanced
to any considerable extent was no ques
tion damaged
Laces and Embroideries
Our method of displaying theso goods
manes selections easy and pleasant
Our counter books contain cuts from
every piece in stock which numbers
over 400 pieces of all kinds of embroid
eries and more than that many laces
We invite your inspection Tho Thomp
son D G Co Actual cash values
Hade Voluntary Assignment
First of tho week Harry Simons made
a voluntary assignment in favor of his
creditors Chicago and local parties
are the creditors The store is now
closed while the stock is being invoiced
Unforable business conditions is the
reason given for the failure
Mens Suits 500 to 1250
The newest brown in stripes at 1250
Very handsome greys at 51250 Abso
lutely pure black worsted suits for S10
Neat business suits 8350 and SG50 and
good looking suits for 500 The
Thompson D G Co Actual cash
Score 25 to 12
When the accountants completed
their arduous duty Saturday after
noon the score of the ball game between
the McCook and Cambridge high school
teams was found to be 25 to 12 in favor
of the local club The locals got some
fine track work to boot
To the Reform School
Judge Orr held a session of juvenile
court last Friday and sentenced Phillip
and Bernie Spiker to be taken to the
reform school at Kearney The boys
were taken to Kearney by Sheriff Pet
erson last Friday night
Suits Have Arrived
The suits for the McCook base ball
team have arrived The suits are green
in color with stockings in red ana
green The letter M in white on the
shirt fronts They are the famous
Spaulding make
Attention I 0 0 F
It is desired to have all members pres
ent at the next regular meeting Monday
evening May 4th when degree work
will be given Visiting Odd Fellows
cordially invited to attend
W A Middleton Secy
They Sell Sunshine
Yes we have it in all colors The
best varnish stain ever made Put some
Sunshine on that old rocking chair or
book case and it will look like new For
sale at Woodworth Cos Druggists
Velie Buggies
are the strongest buggy built and the
best for the money and are really the
cheapest to buy because they last so
much longer At tho McCook Hard
ware Cos
For Sale
One M h p Star engine tender and
tank 32x52 Port Huron separator self
binder weigher and wind stacker
Price 81000
F B Amass Bloomingtion Neb
Majestic Ranges
are the acknowledged standard of range
construction that is why the biscuits are
that beautiful brown all over when
baked in these range3
McCook Hardware Co
Quick Heal Gasoline Stoves
have large burners this means a saving
of oil the vapor stoves work like gas
McCook Hardware Co
Special Price on Pictures
Your choice of fifty designs at ten
cents each A McMillen Druggist
Proposed Masonic Temple - Opera House Enterprise
Meeting with Enthusiastic Popular Approval
Another Meeting Will Be Held Next Tuesday Evening When
Subscriptions Will Be Open for Stock to Fur
ther This Great Enterprise
No ono could have attended the citizens meeting in the McCook com
mercial club rooms Monday evening held in furtherance of tho proposi
tion to build a Masonic temple and opera house in combination without
to the final outcome of the cam
feeling a swelling tide of optimism as
paign recently inaugurated to accomplish that
attendance of McCook business
There was a large
men and citizens interested in McCooks growth and the consensus of
expression was that wo can and we will realize this dream of years
The proposition was clearly stated by Dr C L Pahnestock and
Albert Barnett the former making plain what the Masonic fraternity had
accomplished in securing three very desirable lots on Main avenue adjoin
ing the present postoffice building and the latter going into detail as to
what is further contemplated Pictures of a suitable building were
exhibited on the walls of the club room blue prints plans and elevations
and photographs exterior and interior were available to give tho eye as
well as tho mind something to feed upon Mr Barnett digressed enough
in a rominiscont way to bring to the minds of those present what McCook
had accomplished in a quarter centurys growth indicated her possibilities
in a commercial way referred to what McCook had done for many of the
citizens of McCook and suggested that now is one of the best times in tho
citys history for those who had been benefitted to do something worth
while for McCook
The plans and ideas advanced contemplate tho spending of 35000 in
the enterprise This is thought to be sufficient to give McCook a modern
opera house seating 1000 people splendid Masonic temple facilities be
sides two fine store rooms and several desirable suites of offices
Remarks in support of the enterprise were made by Messrs Walsh
Boyle Carman Waito Pennell Morlan Kimmell Menard Thompson
and others without a dissenting voice or a false note
There was a noticeable sentiment prevailing to attack tho work of securing
that several thousand
abdications are
ing stock subscripfcions away
and dollars would have been subscribed on the spot but it was thought
best to postpone this until tho meeting next week Tuesday evening
when the work will be taken up with a hearty will and pushed with all
The matter of a patriotic celebration July 4th was taken up and
decided in tho affirmative The celebration will dove tail into tho races
of tho driving park association as far as is practicable Committees and
details will bo given out by the commercial club in duo season
The matter of having band concerts during June July and August
came up incidentally and without opposition the meeting decided to
have them and at once took up the work of providing means to defray
the expenses of the concerts Those present subscribed 200 and Messrs
Carman Boyle and Scott were appointed a committee to complete the
Next Tuesday evening a citizens meeting will be held in the
Menard opera hall at which time tho matter of stock subscriptions
to the Masonic temple opera house enterprise will be taken up
This meeting will necessarily be a strictly business affair and of
necessity will be confined to men businessmen profes3ionalmen
in fine all men in every walk of life who are interested in McCooks
advancement and success
Entertainment of a musical nature will be provided on this
It is the fond hope of those boosting this proposition that the
men of McCook will attend en masse and that the enterprise will be
given a mighty impulse in the form of numerous and liberal sub
We can
We will
Norton Kansas has built an opera house costing 633000 Norton
nt mnr fhnn half the size of McCook and does not in any large de-
gree represent the commercial importance in its neighborhood that Mc
Cook does in this Lot the people of McCook come up to tno marie
promptly and liberally and the work will be accomplished Attend the
meeting next Tuesday evening and boost for the temple opera house by
taking a liberal block of stock in the enterprise
The members of tho Order of the Eastern Star have decided to give
a play for the benefit of tho temple opera house project of which fuller
ladies boosters for this enterprise
details in the near future Even tho are
prise let no men lag
that the Awl Os will
The Tribune understands upon good authority
be among tho active and efficient boosters of the temple opera house pro
l JJJlMIJHlfTITT1 Iflll lUil iT IT
The City Fathers
Regular session April 27th Present
all Previous sessions minutes read
and approved
Mayor appointed G W Godfrey us
city marshal and same was confirmed
Mayor appointed Dr J D Iiaro as
city physician and samo was confirmed
A motion was carried sotting out of
the firo limits tho north half of block
19 original town providod that no
frame structures shall bo built nearer
than 20 feet of tho south lino of lots 3
and 10 To make this motion effective
however an ordinance will havo to bo
passed approved and published
1 Request of Oliver Jeffries for permit
for a stand on Main or West Donnison
steots was referred to committee on
streets and alleys
Official bond of I N Biggs polico
judge for 500 was accoptod and filed
Finance committee reported favorably
on tho petition for sidowalk on Man
hattan and Douglass streets
City treasurers report was filad and
reforred to city attorney
Tho citizons having an option on land
in the valley south of town offered in
writing to transfer samo to tho city for
water works purposes Samo was ro
ferred to water committee in connection
with city engineer to investigate that or
any other suitable tract
Druggists permits were granted to C
R Woodworth Co L W McConnoll
and Albert McMillen
Saloon licenses were granted to Mit
chell Brothers McFann Cox W Y
Johnson M U Clyde James Stemman
and Hendricks Lathrop
Billiard and pool hall permits were
granted to William Sullivan Mrs J T
Kendlen Burnett Morrissey and Mc
Fann Cox
Card table permits were granted to
William Sullivan Mrs J T Kendlen
and Burnett Morrissey
City attorney was instructed by mo
tion to collect by suit any unpaid 1007
occupation tax
Bills as follows were allowed and or
dered paid from respective funds
Nebraska Telephono Co 450
C II Meeker 1010
H W Conover expense 178
D C Marsh mdse 825
A C Ebert salary 1250
C E Eldred salary 1200
McCook Hardware Co 7005
G S Scott mdse 1503
N E Barger sidewalks 8320
L Thayer firo claims 630
Following fire claims of 2 each were
Floyd Berry J N Gaarde C A
Leacb W C McCarty and G S Scott
To My Patrons
I take pleasure in thanking one and
all of you for tho kind consideration
you gave mo during my brief stay in
the clothing business and I am sorry
to say that existing times caused a
disappointment in trade and in order
to protect all of my creditors I have
voluntarily turned over my entire stock
at a loss of several thousand dollars to
me in order tc protect them
But I am here to stay and I can be
found any time at tho B M eating
house which 1 will personally manage
Thanking you ono and all
I am respectfully yours
11 Simons
Knowing tho exact transactions
can verify the above letter
F A Pennell
Lace Curtains
Very handsome patterns and designs
in nottinghams brussels tambours
irish points and swiss curtains for fifty
cents to 675 per pair Also wide single
curtains for the landscape windows for
125 250 375 each Lace door
panels from 50c up House cleaning
time will shortly draw your attention to
Hip cmhiftpfc of lace curtains and we
shall expect you in to look us over The
Thompson D G Co Actual cash
A Different Spring
Tntoad of snrinir laziness why not
have spring energy You can by using
McConnells Sarsaparilla with Burdock
Purifies the blood tones up the nerves
and liver and gives strength and vital
ity Price 100 per bottle
L W McConnell Druggist
All A O U W members are request
ed to be present at the regular meeting
next Monday evening Matters pertain
ing to finances will be up for discussion
Also there will be initiation of candi
Benefit of D of H Drill Team
Under auspices of tho AO U W
a social dance will be given in tho Men
ard opera hall Tuesday evening May
19 Tickets 100
Get a John Deere Lister
at McCook Hardware Cos and not
havo empty rows across your field to
hurt your eyes all summer
Liko to foil that in bringing their
business to a bank thuy aro holp
ing to build it up in other words
thoy aro giving something for
what thoy recuivo Wo want
to feel that way toward us
Wo want your account want you
to know wo will appreciate it bo
it largo or small want to make
ourselves use to you in financial
matters and wo can handle your
business with profit to you and
to ourselves
PWalsh C FLehn
President Vico President
C J OBrien Cashier
Thero will bo a car of Extra
Fancy New Hampshire Baldwin
Apples on track in McCook Sat
urday May 2nd which will bo
offered for salo cheap consider
ing quality
Attempted Suicide
Denver April 23 Hauntod by a
lovo affair with tho daughter of a
prominent citizen of his home Geneva
Neb George W Eploy a graduate
of the university of Nebraska and at
ono time a loader of Geneva society
attempted suicide shortly after mid
night this morning by hurling him
self through a largo glass window an
th Ihml floor of i roomjng hnuso
When ho was picked up on a platform
about thirty feet below ho was a
bleeding mass Eploy was 35 years old
and camo from McCook Neb
terday Ho was tho son of tho presi
dent of tho First National bank of
Light Weight Suitings
in shadow striped panama in batistes
of overy color and threo grades in mo
hairs of newest striped and checked
patterns in voiles of black and colors
in shepherd checks of brown and white
of black and white of bluo and white
a very complete and desirable assort
ment at from 33 cent3 up to 100 yard
The Thompson D G Co Actual cash
Black Silk 29c a Yard
A flyer a chance shot just onco in a
life time as it were A good grade of
all silk with tho satin finished surface
most desired a perfect black for tho
unheard of price of 29 cents a yard
Not more than 20 yards to one customer
The Thompson D G Co Actual cash
I 1 VJlllllH
Jake Laceys Monster Show
Jake Laceys monster show opened
here last Saturday There was a par
ade in the afternoon with humorous
features of numerous sorts Jake car
ried all the solemnity of a Barnum
however and that sort of equalized
Dress Skirts 200 to 1250
in the desirable colors of wire voiles
chiffon panamas shadow striped ba
tistes etc etc 200 to 1250 Altera
tions free The Thompson D G Co
Actual cash values
Fireless Cookers
What do you think of that
Call and
see them at McCook Hardware Cos
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
Remember the May Day
Breakfast Congregational
Church Saturday morning
630 to 9 25 cents
- v mm
iTt iimi ii w n nrm
Strictly Cash Basis June l
This is to notify my patrons
that on and after June 1st 1903
my meat market will be conducted
on a strictly cash basis Busi
ness conditions make this action
necessary and it will be strictly
adheredto D C Marsh