l fit I v t n ii J hi 0 J -- Time Card fmffifti SPECIAL SALE on Mens and Boys Work Shoes at Diamonds Family Shoe Store We have just received a shipment of the best Mens and Boys Work Shoes in the market which we secured at greatly re duced prices which we are offering to the public This line includes Goodyear welt McKay sewed single or double soles plain or tip congress or lace every pair guaranteed by the manufacturer to give satisfaction These shoes were made to SELL REGULARLY AT 350 and 400 300 and 2 50 - - J UJJ OClllllWS THINK OF IT Sanitary Couch for 475 DRESSERS COMMODES SPRINGS MATTRESSES and other furniture at equally LOW PRICES FINCH JO West Dennison Street LOW PRICE LEADER J R Walden a Holdrege dentist a victim of an unrequited passion for a young woman of that burg killed him self Monday as the easiest and most expeditious release from an embarrass ing and impossible situation The de funct gentleman had a wife and chil dren SPECIAL price 265 and 285 235 and 195 165 As this is the season for work shoes they wont last long at these prices so dont delay but come at once and get best choice Dont make any mistake but remember the place DIAMONDS ILY SHOE ST On West Dennison Street Opposite Wilcox Grocery i WPwaiww im 1 1 i nrrnrrnni r rra m n 1 1 muTi n What Ugfrteigrcg HAY BO lm It may destroy your home in a flash Lightning is one of those unexpected things Why chance it when theres such an easy way to make your home absolute proof against it Let me send you free W C Shinns little book on Light ning Read it Then if you are convinced and you will be that you dont want to get along without WW b 0 m LigfotBiissg Rd System on your home Ill quote you a price and put it up for you tinder a signed and legally binding guarantee that fully protects you in the purchase I am Mr Shinns authorized agent and know the light ning rod business thoroughly You ought to at least read this book for the sake of your familys safety if for no other reason Write me for the little book or see me at the store today MC Hdw Co I T A HALEY Agt ink Xf4LT tr Jt jV1 vs till irii - a 13w hi r 1 1 if l ESGMAEAT3 LOVELL Cable Beautiful White Hats for Sweet Girl Graduates We have thorn in rich and charm ing profusion and at strictly right prices Also a fine line for children which will repay jour inspection New invoice of TRIMMINGS just received We are prepared to please you and will make every effort to do so N IES Biggest Ever A big 251 3 4 tons Mallet compound engine designed for hill service in the vicinity of Billings Mont number 1906 and lettered G N Ky has been set up in the Havelock shops and will be sent to the northwest today or tomorrow This is said to be the biggest machine that ever passed over Burlington rails west of the river It is eighty four feet long longer than the biggest locomo tives in either freight or passenger ser vice It is said at the Havelock shop that the engine is to be relettered and a classification othor than that given it by the Baldwin company shops where it was made will be put on It is un derstood that one or two others to be used in like service northwest will be sent west before long Two representa tives of the Baldwin works are accomp anying this machine but it has been set up for service by the workmen at the Havelock shops Lincoln Journal Tuesday Deal Closed This Week Bump and Simons closed the deal this week by which they become owners of the B and M Eating House business at this place and Messrs Mullen Bo hanan come into possession of the Phil Iippi farm lately acquired from the heirs by them J W Burrus present man ager will remain in charge under the new proprietors A good deal is credit ed to Messrs Bump and Simons in this transaction Jy ieMj 1 II II II IIIUI Mill II I Ml III I 109 West Dennison Street McCook Nebraska J lUWSSiu No G 12 II No 1 i fi 11 McCook Neb MAIN LINK EAST UIHMKT Contrul Timo MAIN mni WKST DBlAirr Mountain Timo Arrives 10t5 r 500a 711 a 912 1 1150 A M 1142 I M W i 1021 A M bW a M IMIiUIAI LINK No 170 arrives Mountain Timo 101 i m No nriiloijartb 011 a m Sliojmin linint and reclining chair cars suiia fri o on through trains Ticket1 MiliI and lniKKiito clieckuil toanj point iu tlio United Stntos or Canada For information time tithlcs maps anil tick ts rail on or writo K 12 Foo Aont McCook Nobrasika or L W Wakoloj Geueral Iahsen Ker Afjont Onmlia Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS No C020 had tires shrunk on her this week Thomas Gettings spent Saturday Monday in St Joe John Murray made the folks a visit in Indianola Sunday Tho Governors special will follow No Saturday morning T J Cain of tho telegraph force spent tho day in Holdrege Sunday Fireman Wickham has moved his family from McCook to Akron The Burlington laid heavier rails in tho Red Cloud region last week Tom Hunt went to Denver Wednes day on an absence of a fow days A carload of sulphur burned on the sidetrack at Bnrtley Monday night Conductor and Mrs Hackett went up to Denver Tuesday on a short visit Engineer and Mrs Cljdo Wickwire were Red Cloud visitors end of week Walter Stilwoll of the white wash gang was a Denver pilgram Saturday Sunday Miss Florella Cook check girl in tho telegraph ollico spent Sunday in Brush Colorado The company has again shown its dis inclination to retain booze fighters in tho train or ongino service this week J R Pence late city marshal enter ed tho employ of tho Burlington Mon day night as night inspector at the round houso George W Ilartman was brought in from the road Monday suffering with a fracture of some ribs sustained while out with the pile driver It is now stated that trains Nos 13 and 16 will not bo put on the May 3rd time card but will come into com mission about May 17th Mrs A J Brown left last Saturday on No 14 for Creston Iowa on a visit to her people A J accompanied her as far as Saint Joseph Mo R E Jones night operator at Sup erior has been transferred to Smyrna as agent C L Bush of Syracuse goes to Superior as night operator The Burlington has commenced the construction of a depot at the town of Mariou on the Beaver creek south of McCook on the St Francis branch A Burlington fireman from this di vision made his peace with Uncle Sam in federal court at Lincoln this week by paying a fine of S2300 for a postal irregularity General Supt Byram was in the city Wednesday presumably on business of tho company Possibly in connection with the water works case which was taken up in special term of district court on that day Roy Sanderson aged 16 had a narrow escape from death Monday afternoon at Red Cloud Attempting to jump on to a moving train his foot caught in the step and he was dragged 150 feet before the cars were stopped Head lacera tions and body bruises were the extent of his injuries The Burlingtons summer time cards appearance is scheduled for May 3rd It is naid that many changes of a minor nature will bo made but that the prin cipal main line trains will run about as usual The St Louis Denver trains 13 and 16 will bo returned to the service in tho new card There are rumors that the Burlington is quietly making superb arrangements for equipping passenger trains No land No 6 as all Pullman trains except the mail cars of course The figures men tioned in connection with this new equipment quite takes ones breath as to elegance and splendor and include new engines of improved pattern as well The Canadian Pacific railway Tues day posted an open shop notice in all shops operated by the company from Fort William to Vancouver Four thousand mechanics are effected At the same time mechanics in the shops at Fort William and Montreal abrograt ed an agreement with the company pre paratory to joining the shopmen in a federation of allegiance to fight the open shop rule of the company What is considered the biggest engine in the world is now resting in the Have lock shops It is a Mallet compound and is considered the largest as well as the most powerful Railroad men say the Arkansas engines are pretty big but the Mallet proposition is much superior Several big engines hate been built for the Pennsylvania roads However the Havelock machinists believe they havo the prize The engine will be in the shops for several days Lincoln Star I T V Conducted by the McCook W C T n TEMPERANCE COLUMN VW Everyone attend tho Matrons Medal contest at tho Congregational church tonight Music by Freds orchestra Good program throughout Admission ten cents Tho W C T U met with Mrs Mc Brido last Friday afternoon It would ho a delight to my soul if saloons could bo exterminated but wo should not go into this matter with our eyes closed and get a law that will not bo enforced If you want a liquor law enforced hero you have to do as I havo long done Throw politics to tho winds and vote for men on moral grounds President James U Angell Carnegie as koe 27 TO DKIXK New fork March More failures aro caused by tho drink habit than any thing else in life A man who begins to drink can raro ly if over give it up I do not smoko because 1 could not afford it Chewing tobacco is no longer considered a decont habit Smoking will also bo tabooed in tho near future Andrew Carnegie made theso state ments tonight in an address to tho even ing classes at commencement exercises in Pratt Institute Brooklyn Ho caused much laughter by his statement that he could not afford to smoko when he was a young man Ilo was applaud ed for his attitude Mr Carnogio taid There is no such thing as forgiveness in life We must stand or fall by what wo do If we make mistakes in life nature will make us suffer for them This is an unrelent ing law Every action in our lives goes to tho weaving of a huge web I want to impress every one with this idea lur uarnegie tnen gave ins views on smoking and told the students that no man made a success of his life who merely did his duty Tho succesful man said he is the one who arrives a little earlier than tho others and stays a little later The man who is always watching the clock is not worth employing Every young man should know more about his par ticular work than his employer does Chicago Record Herald Horse Kick Proves Fatal Early last week little Orlie son of Mr and Mrs Lucius Branscom of Box Elder was kicked by a pony on the head receiving terrible injuries which resulted in lockjay and death Saturday morning His little fellow and other members of the family were playing with the pony which has been for years a pet when for some unexplainable reason the animal kicked the boy who was sitting on tho ground Tho skull was fractured and inflammation and lockjay set in with fatal termination Orlio was five years old and a bright and promising little fellow whose sad and tragic death is a terrible blow to the parents and relatives Tho remains were buried at Box Elder Sunday afternoon John Deere Listers with edge selection drop guaranteed to plant 93 per cent perfect You can get them in the one or two row or walking at The McCook Hardware Co Farm Loans Go to Johnson Rozell Con Yost and mother are visiting in Denver a few days George Eckhard is at home in Hast ings during the close up W H Holt is preparing to build a residence on the east side Gus Budig was in Denver Saturday Monday during the vacation Stalls Nos 5 and 4 are having new smoke jacks installed this week Tho McCook division has had 22 fruit specials already this month Machinist Tom Gettings is whiling away the vacation in Salida Colo L E Bradley of the boilermakers and wife are visiting in Horton Kansas Foreman J O McArthur of the boil ermakers spent Saturday and Sunday in Denver Mr and Mrs Frank Traver are spend ing a few days with relatives in Lincoln and Wymore The wheel departments and the bor ing machine is about the extent of oper ations in the backshop Mr Darrow of the Burlingtons corps at Lincoln was an important witness in tho water works suit this week Jacob Zimmer who was injured a few weeks since by being gored by a cow is now confined to bed from the injury George Hoffman has brought his wife home from Lincoln where she went for medical treatment She is not much improved however Locomotive No 3186 from one of tho eastern divisions arrived on this divis ion today She is equipped with the new patent stack made for the lignite coal Ujkhi order from headquarters tho locomotive shops and blacksmith shop at this place in common with the other shops of the company were closed Thursday and will not resume until on the morning of the 29th or Wednesday morning of next week J ItV going to roJo 2Ajnbonnet rbiflS CopnaX rf Xwi hj bonnT ablCo ChCfcV If it rdii95 9d you Irve 90 urrjbreita voit you Ive to go tlprougr the vt to get 09c If its 91905 pl09e us ad ve will se9d 09c rlofot up to you trt you niglt corne 9d see tle 9ew arrivals i9 vsl goods eve9 if it should red9 Ipeciad good values 90W 19 tfye nediun priced 9unhers 10c 1SL 1 ic 15c Ask to see Kyotk dilks t 50 c dJso te spec ial silk dit 48c For tlpis rgucl you C9 get proteetio9 digest ri9 9d sri9e 50c to 275 fora 5L6 i9cr Urghrelk 1 9d upward for 5L8 i9cl Urgbrelta Let us protect you CordirxIIy C L DeGROFF CO Sl 5fcaOLAw8r if Attention Builders If you want a FOUNDATION CURBSTONE SIDEWALK or anything pertaining to Cement Work see J E MOLUND I Or at Yard Two Blocks East of Main Room S J RafWan TlnArm ryA TUnnlfnn Wl 1 t 1 TlrSflr V RED WILLOW In trying to help his pet dog in u fight with another dog Leon Smith received a severe bite on his finger Lon Miller has moved into his new home on the old Brown place Mr Barrett of McCook has been do ing the finishing work on Mr Byfields new ranch house Mrs Taylor has improved so much she was able to attend church in In dianola on Sunday Don Quigley 13 helping Lon Miller with his work Lucy Miller was an over Sunday visit or at Owens Longneckers Clifford Bellair has been helping Loui Longnecker with farm work White House Grocery The Best of Everything in the Grocery Line Ask Scott About It Fone 30