Ifa By F M KIMA1ELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Minnesota states tlio western senti ment with precision and without pro lixity Wo roiidirm tlio principles of pro tection of American Inhorand industries hut wo believe tho timo lias como when thoro should bo a rovision of tho tariff schedules by a Ropublican congress Tub Hastings Democrat has com menced to defeat G W Norris for congress again Wo remember that about sovon 3 oars ago when this papor was the lirst to suggest tho name of our presont congressman for tho position tho Democrat commenced tho killing business It is still at it It is slow death Boavor City Tribune Special Terra of Court Judge Orr opened i special term of court hero Monday and tho same is still in session Divorces was granted to plaintiffs in tho following cases Grace Dixon vs Zack Dixon Ado lino Hung vs Earlo Rung Laura Ham ilton vs James Hamilton The water works suit was taken up Wednesday and evidence submitted It is expected to argue tho case this afternoon Tho J I uber case involving title to Home McCook real estate was before tho court this morning Trip to Europe Tho K R B and S C of tho Congre gational Sunday school will give a can tata Trip to Europe in the church next Tuesday ovening April 2Stk Thero will bo an additional program of several musical numbers After which ico cream and cako will bo served All for the price of 23c for adults and 10c for those under fifteen years of age Tho evening will bo worth while Come and enjoy it Two Deputies Appointed Miss IJ E Asten has been appointed deputy district clerk by District Clerk Rodgers and Norman J Campbell has been appointed deputy assessor by County Assessor Endsley Both ap pointments have been confirmed by tho board of county commissioners and their bonds approved You Can Use a Detroit Jewel Gas Range with great satisfaction with out previous experience They cook so good and bake so good and use so little gas well that is what makes them popular McCook Hardware Co Married In Benkelman Martin L Volker 27 and Lillian R Mathews 33 both of our city were married by County Judge Hamilton of Dundy last week Thursday The Calf Bawled Givo me hand separator warm skim milk from a Sharpless Separator or give me death Sold by The McCook Hard ware Co FOR SALEOIraETC For Sale 863 will buy an SSO new rubber tired top buggy See L E Barker at tho clothing store Fok Sale Brand new gasoline stove Phone black 202 For Sale Barred Plymouth Rock eggs 75c for 13 or 3400 oer 100 J W Proctor cedar 3421 i 17 4 For Sale A good piano Inquire at this office M tt Cottage to Rent three blocks north of new high school Inquire at this office Ktf For Rent Good barn one square north Catholic church Phono black 2SG B J Lane Lost Between West McCook and Fisher Perkins store a shoe Finder please leave at The Model Shoe StoreN True to Life Those new Carnegie Library post cards at The Tribune office Two for a nickel Artistic and neat not gaudy Plain Sewing At moderate prices also shadow embroidery Mrs Slosson ono block north of new school house Phone Black 24S Dressmaking at home or will go out Phono red 2S9 from 630 p m to 830 p m Mrs F R Mclntyre 4 10 4t Dress Making in all its branches done at home Call at last house on north Melvin street or phono red 293 Good work and satisfaction guaranteed Mrs Frank Carson Post cards local views Easter cards Taft and Bryan cards greeting cards otc at The Tribune stationery dept Pasture to Rent Half milo east half mile north of McCook Horses 75c cows 50c per month AP Morse Cofrtpn sppd in hnllr lawn UUJ Vi www - u u grass flour and feed Call on C J Ryan Initiated Eight Candidates Court Granada No 77 Daughters of Isabella initiated eight now members into tho order Tuesday evening Tho court was largely represented by a full membership and tho event was featur ed by tho presence of tho popular dis trict dopuy Kev 7 J Loughran of Dawson Nobraska former pastor of St Patricks Catholic church of our city who assisted in the initiatory sorvico After tho work tho court ontortained tho members of McCook council No lliG Knights of Columbus at a lunch eon which with social particulars con cluded a delightful evening for both court and council Wednesday ovening occurred tho re gular installation of tho officers elect of Court Granada as follows Miss Anna Hannan G R Miss Sndio Coylo V G R Miss Julia Ryan Prophetess Mrs George Martin Mon itor Miss Josephine Mullen F S Miss Mamio Fitzgerald Historian Mrs Maurico Griffin Sentinel Mrs Nannie Wright Lecturer An Increasing Business Tho gas cooking demonstration by Mrs L C Wingfiold of Milwaukee in this city this week under auspices of tho McCook Gns Co was very satisfac tory to tho company and certainly most instructive to those who had tho pleas- uro and advantage of Mrs WIngliolds skill and knowledge She demonstrated how cooking of all kinds could bo done quickly cheaply and excellontly Withal tho showing was most favorable to the company and will result in a still further broadening of their developing business Second Annual Successful The second annual ball of McCook lodge No 407 Brotherhood of Boiler makers in Menard hall Monday eve ning drew a good attendance and tho bojs showed them all a good time This annual function of the order is one in which tho brotherhood takes special pride and to which considerable atten tion is devoted by tho boys to tho end that their patrons shall be well enter tained and tho order shall receive pro per credit for their good intentions in tho matter We congratulate Lightning- Rod Insurance In another department of this paper will be found tho advertisement of T A Haley agent of the famous W C Shinn copper cable lightning rod Ar rangements have been made with the McCook Hardware Co for tho distrib ution of their advertising matter and for display of their fixtures Call and get a booklet Mr Haley guarantees this rod and fixtures If you are inter ested inthis form of insurance call at the store or address Mr Haley at In- dianola For Sale One hundred sixty acres good farm land 22 miles from Denver all smooth near neighbors half mile from running stream some fence seven miles from postoffice eleven miles from Brighton Homestead right can be used relin quishment can be had very reasonable if take at once Call on or address D W Colson McCook Neb Dr Smith Seriously Injured The Tribune learns with deep regret of the serious injury sustained by Dr Smith of Passadena Calif father of Mrs C H Meeker of our city The doctor was accidentally run over by a train in the alley in the rear of his own home sustaining injuries necessitating amputation of a leg Buy a Herrick Refrigerator if you wish the best high grade refriger ator made It may not be the cheapest in the first cost but will be in tho end Your health demands the use of a strictly sanitary refrigerator The Mc Cook Hardware Co They Are Doodles A new consignment of clothing for young men and boys just received at Rozell Bargers clothiers to the peo ple Dont buy that spring suit before seeing these Have A Large Patronage The Ladies Guild of St Patricks church enjoyed a large and delighted patronage Wednesday evening on the occasion of their dance in Menards opera house BOX ELDER Mr and Mr3 Earl Notley of McCook visited her parents Mr and Mrs A T Wilson Sunday Miss Debbie Johnson visited her sister Mrs Chas Wilson Sunday Mr and Mrs Otto Pate visited Mr and Mrs Geo Shields Sunday after noon There was no preaching services at the church last Sunday morning on ac count of Rev Miller being called to preach the funeral of L J Branscoms little boy at Zion Hill The entertainment Ma Sweet given by Miss Oyster and seven pupils at the church last Friday evening was enjoyed by all present The proceeds of the basket supper were 83600 In a letter just received from Mrs J A Pinkerton of Berkeley California she tells of the sudden death of her mother Mrs C L Reeves on April 8th Mrs Reeves and family were residents of this county for a number of years Mrs Pinkerton with her brother and sister A F and Anna Reeves have the sympathy of their Red Willow county friends in this their great sorrow MOVEMENrS OF THE PEOPLE W M Stonkr is in town today on business J R Burke is assisting Frank Real in tho elevator John Stevens of Arapahoe was in evidence Wednesday Miss Maude Jones of Stratton was a city visitor over Sunday Miss Mary Mugan is visiting in Den vor a few days of this week Schkll Kimmell roturned to Lincoln Tuesday morning to his school work H W Keyhs and S R Smith were up from Indianola Monday on legal business Mrs J O McArthur and Mrs L E Bradley spent tho day in Hastings Saturday II N Roskuush is operating a ce ment gang in Bartley where ho Las a largo contract Mrs C M Smith and Mrs I E Converse woro visitors in Hastings close of last week W II Ackerman is still confined to bed and not improving as his family and friends hopo for Ernest Graves of Red cloud has joined his brother hero and is associated with him in business Mrs II M Tyler and son Harold were up from Orleans Monday looking after McCook interests Mr and Mrs nI L Search are happy in the parentage of a promising daughter born on Monday Mrs Hugh Brown of Hastings came up to tho old homo Saturday and ro mained over Easter Sunday T A Haley was up from Indianola Tuesday on business Note his adver tisement elsewhere in this issue Herman Pade was in Culbortson Wednesday assisting in preparing for shipment east of an exhumed body Miss Ila M Briggs who was called home to Kansas by illness in tho family roturned to her work here Tuesday Mrs Jennie Huher was down from Denver part of the week on account of some litigation ovbr McCook property Mrs Augusta Anton arrived home first of the week from her visit to mem bers of tho family in Des Moines Iowa Mrs J M Trammell and Miss Re gina Provance went down to Havelock Thursday to visit a few days with friends Miss Maijel Mokko and Miss Anna Delaney departed Thursday morning for Denver where they will take em ployment Mis Josie Houlihan is now nicely located on her valuable claim on Cedar Creek near Cedar Forks S D The land is about six miles from Presho Claude McKillii will shortly com mence the erection of a good sized modern brick dwelling just south of the west ward school building in the Sixth addition Mr and Mrs A C EBERTand Louis Thorgrimson went over to Wilsonville Arbor Day and were the guests of Mr and Mrs C W Keyes making the journey in the Thorgrimson Reo Rev J J Loughran of Dawson spent a few days in the city this week greet ing his former parishioners and friends attending the initiation of the Daugh ters of Isabella Tuesday evening Mrs A Edgar Hawkins and Mr Hawkins mother went to Lincoln Sun day being called their by the sickness of a daughter Mrs Mabel Kelley who has been very ill for several weeks Thomas G Jones of Hendley Morris Ball of Beaver City and Hugh Brown of Hastings were members of St John commandery from out-of-town who at tended Easter services in McCook A H Redfern of the Beaver country had business in the countys capital last E riday afternoon Mr Redfern is ono of the very early settlers of Red Willow county having located here in 1S79 Miss Edna Waite who was home from Lincoln for tho Easter vacation roturned to tho university Wednesday morning Miss Emma Perry who was her guest here part of the vacation re turned with her Charles McKenna of Arapahoe an experienced dry goodsman has been employed by H C Clapp and is now assisting in the work in tho store Mr McKenna is a son-in-law of Joseph Evans of our city Dr C L Fahnestock and mother Mrs Xancy Fahnestock will leave for St Louis Saturday Mrs Fahnestock has a sister living there whom she will visit awhile in the hope of improving her health Tho doctor will return Monday Mrs C II Meeker departed Tues day night for Passadena California being called there in advance of a con templated visit by the news of the ill ness of her aged father Dr Smith well known to some of our readers Her nieco accompanied her Guy Kealey who has been doing some spring work on the farm a half section of fine farming land eight miles west of McCook owned by GH Kealey and E A Silver came home Thursday for a days visit with his parents Geo Kealey and wife returning to his work the following day Holdrege Progress -- SMALL MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE Baseball goods at Ilofers Wall Paper at McMilleus SeodB at II P Waito Com Everything in drugs McConnoll Picturo framing Tho Ideal Storo Drink tho favorito Hiros root beer A McMillkn Druggist A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs J II Korf Monday Polico Judge Biggs has his ollico over tho Marsh meat market 1 1 uber is still selling Wedding Break fast Coffee You know tho brand Dr Ilaro examines eyes free and guar antees satisfaction in fitting glasses Wall paper all tho latest and prettiest styles at Woodworth Cos druggists Model Shirts union mado a dress shirt par excellence at Rozell Bargors Rubber hose grass seed and all lawn and garden supplies at II P Waito fc Cos Enjoy tho May day broakfast at tho Congregational church Saturday May 2nd from 630 to 9 a m Our Colorado poas corn etc are as noar perfection as it is possible to ap proach in canned goods Hubor For good results in picture taking uso the Arisco non curling film mado in all sizes Wooinvoimi Co Agents Only by united effort can tho dunde lino pest bo successfully subdued You and your neighbor must work together The Burke news stand has been pur chased by John Went who took charge and possession of tho business clobo of last week All accounts due tho dray firm of R M Douglass it Co will bo found at the White House grocery Those indobted to this firm pleaso call Geo A Scott Get your blood right and youll feel right McConnells Saksapakilla rights all wrongs in blood and general condition The fifth quadrennial excursion of the Jacksonian club of Nebraska en routo to Denver July 1th will arrive in McCook at 11 p m according to schedule The ladies of the Methodist church will serve dinner and supper next Thursday April 30th at the church dining rooms The baby daughter of Mr and Mrs Mike Fritz tenants on tho Hatfield ranch east of town fell into a wash boilor filled with water last Thursday evening and was drowned The county judge has been authorized to examine applicants for the position of cream tester and the state depart ment known as tho food dairy and drug commission has provided him with the necessary blanks The Christian Endeavor topic next Sunday evening in the Congregational church will be Foreign Missions Paton and Missions in the Islands Acts 2S1 10 Mrs G B Hawkes leader All will bo welcome Attention is directed to the advertise ment of J EMoland who is prepared to do anything required in the lino of cement work Yard two blocks east of Main avenue between Dodge and Den nison streets Room 8 in Walsh block We give careful attention in the selec tion of our toilet creams powders and face lotions and carry in stock only the best Any lady requiring an article in any of these lines will find our assort ment a very gratifying one Woodworth Co Druggists The board of managers of the Ne braska state fair have ordered plans for an auditorium to seat 1300 people This building is to be erected west of the Administration building on the side hill where a natural amphitheater is obtained This building will make a splendid place for Liberatis Grand Military Band and Concert company of GO people IS of whom are grand opera singers and soloists who render Stabat Mater and other grand operas Nation al speakers can aho be used here to ad vantage and we are pleased to see tho management are using their money for such buildings for the peoples comfort Watch the date Thursday April 30 the day when the Campbell Brothers great consolidated shows appear here Each succeeding year new features are hunted up and added to this already famous circus startling acts that play upon the imagination hair breadth escapes in mid air by daring acrobates and the various ring acts that never fail to amuse Horses always take a prominent part in every circus and this is no exception to the rule Beautiful silky -coated horses with glittering trappings and mounted by a bevy of pretty girls in natty costumes catch the eye on all sides no matter where it is in the parade or under canvas in the sawdust ring horses reign su preme Campbell Brothers are fa mous for their thoroughbred horses and the number and beauty of their circus horses this season are beyond comparison Watch for the grand street parade at 10 a m and the big shows at 2 and 8 p m under the new water proof tents rain or shine WHAT WOULD YOU THINK vmgp lie L h jSM y A Sit 1 H of buying a Safety Razor for 1 with 12 blades ami guar anteed to do the work Well you can just do it at our stoic and here is the picture Dont forget the name Some have told us they would not trade their lenders for a Gillette Anyway we HAVE ONE JUST AS GOOD as the Gillette and some say better It is the Keen Kutter Only 350 You hum i bought any Keen hvl7y V7CiiJi7iiVI - - - II asSEgiy u Kutter goods that you rouui not take HACK lO 1UUK DEALER AND GET YOUR MON EY if rot entirely satisfactory in every way Well it is the same way with other Razors and Shears which we carry But some ask how they will get the money to buy all these things Work for it of course But Loo n U V I IF YOU HAVE A FEW COWS you can buy all of the things you need and start a bank account providing you Use a Sharpies Separator that does not take your time and money for repairs McCook Hardware Co W B MILLS Phone 31 R- b simpions If you want a Side Walk Curb Stone or Cement Work of any kind H N Rosebush in Tnclucti JP Nm tTiiMir TIIWC DET 1 OC S uwwoui tu nuouou xux mi uy x xxvx vx x x New Library Post Cards at The Tribune Office traw Hats are - I t f J f VU SH J iv vys P TBI3 LABEL STANDS rOB 53 YEARS Or HNOW1NQ wnv ctfwirtorKytf if t V The Seasons BEST and Most Fashionable in the straw Also SOFT FELTS in Brown Gray Blues and Blacks The latest and niftiest offerings in Stein Bloch Suits and Spring Overcoats Come and see the leaders in all garments for men and boys And the Prices Are Right ROZELL BARGER THE LEADING CLOTHIERS t f f 1 i I