Baking Powder I The only Baking Powder made lfal I with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar y to Insures healthful and Spvjl delicious food for every j mbm 8 home every day L offerf I w Safeguards your food against Mhw rVnlTO aIuffl and phospIiats of Uffle fg5lS fWm McCook Markets Merchants and dealers in McCook at aoon today Friday are paying the fol lowing prices Corn 5 GO Whent 75 Qats 40 Sye GO Barloy 60 3ogs 5 30 Jlutter good 20 Sggs 12 HERE AND THERE J5o Burlington has made satisfactory enanges in the stock yards at Edison for ho protesting shippers of that place where facilities were inadequate Cambridge carried water bonds at the election last week by a vote of three to ane Big Medicine town 3d the light of the election last week tno claim that the church people are Tunning McCook will need some cor roborative evidence They ought to m Wi 5yST3s IMSaBE88Sa IS lST ki 34 LT m mmiE W L aVi 7 fefWfl ty a mtm r -ft V3JC5 JRS u ixi M STAGES jj JnfEAL iMii wMm - TV l i y - v l rt April 2Gth is the date of the I OOP anniversary celebration Akron went dry by 42 majority It is claimed that the railroad vote carried Alliance to the dry column last week Lincolns daylight saloons idea is re ceiving favorable comment in other Nebraska towns The idea is a likely one and should expand The average boozer should be able to tank up be tween seven a ni and seven p m Wo are gravely advised that some of the seasons corsets have that new broken bust feature that imparts a graceful brasserie effect It is need less Lincoln is said to owe her failure by less than 200 votes to carry prohibition by the vote of the negroes and Rus sians Iluber is still selling Wedding Break fast Coffee You know the brand Wixsa cS SawHHSS mnK GilSAT CONSOLIDATES Mmi rz3mmi v v i 3tsGmzDsz j2as5WKssassi icAk flmwffiW mm i j sojrs 777rwAjn m Wfla t m sm mm Sscfsi baS m 5sHi Sfev V x- - i UilAOM iCSN 1 4rAJijA if lafeiL t a Lvfc7 e b EVER INTRODUCED IN AMERICA -3 CIRCUS rings svsusEuiyf AQUARIU M 1900000 MENAGERIE 1LMAN n vJ mjrsixSPM ZiamZ3t FCH THE AMUSEMENT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE UNQUESTIONABLY u BH5Lyiy E bvut TWICE AS BiG AS BEFORE THROUGHGUI r y xC mm r I J HHLL I HSPPGBRQ I TWsi 1 PRODROME The Forersiost Show of the Would VOU CAN NEVER AFFORD TO MiSS THE TtfOMS HAJES HFEGTACUL - c ter rairr TiirrT RSWAf ucnGacKASLtif tiC tKBl SJS H BfflKEBBS VTJAiMAiffl a2 S tyB8b2aH E JTBHairsib SiSBSUR m THE FORENOON WELL WORTH A JOURNEY OF 100 VLE TO INSPECT fwO SHOWS DAZLV AT I AISO 7 x JL An H r ivsn to VVitne the Musur O s hfi Uv Ct i iivemem f the Orcus i to inc WillE xhibit at McCook fflRMM Failed of Confirmation Two of tho mayors appointments that of chief of police and city physi cian failed of confirmation at tho ses sion of tho city council Monday eve ning Tho mayor has however ap pointed Walter Godfrey as chief of po lice and it is understood that his ap pointment will hold good under tho law until the next session of tho city council ilowovor tho matter of salary will still be up in the air As tho ad ministration of Mayor Stophona starts out there seems to bo araplo room for lack of harmonious action between tho council and the executive Help The Lawns There are people in McCook who can greatly assist in producing and main taining lawns by just refraining from walking over tho lawns Tho work of seeding is greatly hampered in places in the city by persons walking over tho lawns The Trciiunk has been espo cially requested to urge a discontinu ance of this thoughtlessness Good people will you assist in this work Lawns are an expensive luxury and difficult under best circumstances of maintenance Dont make it any more difficult than tho natural drawbacks Death of Mrs Bloom Mrs Helen Bloom mother of Mr Sam Rogers formerly of our citydien Denver last Sunday Tho rem - were buried in Longmont Colo Do ceased is survived by her husband and ten daughters five of tho daughters being married and five single and all of them being present at the last illness Mrs Rogers of Havelock and Mrs Ol son of Omaha passed through McCook Thursday morning on train 2 for their respective homes Next Meeting in McCook The Republican Valley Association of Congregational churches met in conven tion first of this week at Bertrand in conjunction with the High Line associa tion and a profitable session is reported albeit the attendance was not what it should be largely on account of many pulpit vacancies in the two districts The Republican Valley association will meet in McCook for the fall session some time during the last of September Easter Musical Service A special Easter service of music and recitations will be given by the Sun day school of tho Congregational church next Sunday evening at S oclock Sunday morning a large choir will sing special anthems and the pastor will preach an appropriate sermon Every body invited The High School Lost The high school base ball team and many admirers and rooters went up to Culbertson Saturday to engage the local high school team there on the diamond The story is told in the score 9 to 7 with the big end in Culbertson s favor They Sell Sunshine Yes we have it in all colors The best varnish stain ever made Put some Sunshine on that old rocking chair or book case and it will look like new For sale at Wood worth Cos Druggists A Fine Shower This section of Nebraska was visited by a needed shower yesterday While the precipitation was not heavy it was welcome with its promise of more At the Baptist Church Sunday Easter service and sermon at 11 a m At S p m a cantata The Easter Evangel will be rendered to which the public is cordially invited Motor and One Minute Washers at the McCook Hardware Cos Save the women labor and do away with the washboard LAST WORDS Thoughts That Marked the Passing of Some Noted Men There is a collection o last words of celebrated men which contains many beautiful and startling phrases Wheth er they were really uttered by the men to whom they have been credited says the Berliner Post is another matter Thus the words of Augustus The comedy Is at an end did I play my part well are known to nearly every reader The collection of last words of great physicians published by The British Medical Journal gives Haller credit for saying The artery beats It beats no more and says of Noth nagel that he wrote The night of July G after a violent attack of angina pectoris I will die of arterial calcination Cooper Bright and Bro die died with blessings upon their lips and Darwin looking death calmly in the face said T really do not fear death Locolzs last words were flip pant Au revoir gentlemen At the autopsy we will meet again None of these classic sentences however Impress one so much as did the words of one of the few mortals who to our knowledge went into the unknown with minds undimmed He was an old man who had lived a good and full life With his last breath he said It is not yet time I want to stay that was the voice of nature Genius Defined Professor of Polite Literature and High Art Now young gentlemen can any of you give me a good definition of genius Beloved Disciple Genius sir is an unlimited capacity for taking er what belongs to others Sydney N S W Bulletin MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Soods at II P Waito Cos New cabbage at tho White House Strawberries at tho White House Fruits of all kinds at all timos at Ilubers McConnolls Fragrant Lotion for tan and sunburn 25c Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower rhoubarb etc constantly on hand at Ilubers If its seasonable and in his line no use to go any farther than Marshs meat market Double - strength Heinz vinegar imitated by all equaled by none for sale by Magner Stokes Magnor Stokes keep their grinder going some theso days and havo plonty of ground bone for chickens Como and bring your friends to hear the Columbia Tennesseans at tho M E church Monday April 20th If it is from Marshs its the host ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business Alaska refrigerators are insulated with pure charcoal Thoy prosorvo food perfectly II P Waite Co sell them A G Bump room two ovor McCon nells drug store is agent for some of Americas best insurance companies Consult him Tho city improvement society meots in tho basement of tho Carnegie library building every Tuesday ovoning Do jou attend Marshal Godfrey is out for tho delin quent occupation taxes Excavate your receipts Occupation tax for 1908 is about duo A company of fortune tellers palmist exports havo been operating in the building in tho rear of DoGrolT it Co this week selling leathern goods etc as a side line Spring has a thousand beauties that can only be seen with the aid of the camera We have the ono you have wanted so long Let us show it to you L W McConnkll Druggist If wo cant suit you perfectly in our largo ready made stock wo cant fail in our order department 130 samples at from 813 to 621 per suit Give us your order and measure Rozell Barger If you want to spend an evening filled with enjoyment you will not be disap pointed if you hear tho Columbia Ten nesseans one of tho best companies of jubilee singers At tho M E church Monday night April 20th 11 iK w m m i J SgggSg22fi3gJ Pi H Rot Cro99 Bun When heo feeling fine and sunny Brother Rabbit Is a bunny In the rlba you eoah htm one Re becomes a hot cross bun Easter post cards Bon Ton Soods at II P Waito Cos New cabbage at tho Whito House Strawberries at tho Whito House Dr Hare examines eyes free and guar antees satislaction in fitting glasses Rubber hose grass seed and all lawn and garden supplies at II P Waito it Cos Dont fail to hoar tho Columbia Ton nosseans Monday evening April 20th M E church Our Colorado peas corn etc aro as noar perfection as it is possiblo to ap proach in canned goods Iluber Get ready for that Easter rain Ro zell Barger havo a fino lino of umbrel las including those indisponsablo self oponers You will not bo disappointed if you go to tho M E church Monday night April 20th to hear tho famous Colum bia Tonnosseans Monday night April 20th at tho M E church Tho trade excursion party of tho Omaha Commercial club will breakfast in McCook Monday May 25th on its way west over tho Burlington to Donvor The train will remain here from six till eight a m The little sorrol ponies doing service with tho Burgess plumbing establish ment did a quick stunt down Main av enue Tuesday afternoon relieving the monotony of a quiot day and causing no injury or damage to man beast or ve hicle Garden seed in bulk lawn grass flour and feed Call on C J Ryan jma jtifjiu JIjw FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC Foit Saik8j will buy nn 880 now rubbor tired top buggy Seo L E Harbor at tho clothing store Foit Saik Hrand now gasoline stovo Phono black 202 Foit Sale Harred Plymouth Rock eggs 75u for 13 or S400 nor 100 J W Proctor cedar M21 4 17 1 Tkltkto Likk Those now fCarnegio Library post cards at Tick Tkiiiunk ollico Two for a nickel Artistic and neat not gaudy Plain Skwincj At moderate prices also shadow embroidery Mrs Slosson ono block north of new school house Phono Black 213 Dkkssmaking at homo or will go out Phono red 2S9 from G50 p in to S30 p m Mrs F R Dukss MAKiNcinnll its branches don at homo Call at Jast houso on north Melvin street or phono rod 203 Good work and satisfaction guaranteed Mrs Frank Carson Post cakds local views Mastercards Taft and Bryan cards greoting cards otc at The Tribune stationery dopt Soods at II P Waito Cos itetesti THIS LARci UMATUIFUL Opalescent Berry Dish WITHOUT STAND FREE This week with all 100 purchases ML L RISHEL The Ideal Store iS 5JkXAiXMiJJClj JJUUWJJa April 20 mjtmjmmssm Mrs L C Wingfield the professional dem onstrator will give short lectures on culin ary subjects in connection with the dem onstrations in cooking with gas which will be given each day from 230 p m and from 7 to 9 p m in the west room of the Walsh building Every lady of FlcCook should attend these lectures and demonstrations Refresh ments will be served and valuable receipts given to those desiring them Dont forget the dates and place Monday Tuesday and Wednesday April 20 21 and 22 in the west room of the Walsh building gfifcWtfHW3 McCook m foi ip 3J idf jTj Xi ke m hi i f