The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 10, 1908, Image 5

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T s i ln I
Reduction Sale
for One Day Only
There is a brand new shipment of Stylish and Dainty
Waists at GRANNIS and were going to close out the whole
bunch at the biggest reduction ever heard of in this part of
the state
India Linen and Batiste worth 225
now P 1 O
Fine Linen baby Irish trimmed worth 450
now j5 jD
White Silk Waists trimmed in German
cennes worth 5 50 now
Evening Dress Waists low neck beautifully trimmed with
valcncennes lace and baby Irish worth
550 now p4 25
Libert Satin Waists in assorted colors beautifully trimmed
in German valencennes worth 575
now TTtJLO
Taffeta Waists assorted colors trimmed with
faggoting and tucks worth 550 now P4 5
Hand Embroidered Black Taffeta Waists
worth 6 50 now 0JjD
Black Silk mikado sleeves elaborately trimmed with medal
lions and finest valencennes lace worth
750 now
All kinds of Pretty Waists in white and colors
worth 150 now V O C
The McCook Tribune
One Dollar Per Year
7 1 1
Ingestions for Painting
1 DONT paint during wet or frosty
2 DONT expect good results when
you paint wet sappy or pitch
3 DONT fail to shellac all knots
sappy and pitch spots
4 DONT be afraid to use PURE
linseed oil liberally in priming coat
5 DONT thin with or add anything
but PURE linseed oil except in
the following cases
On old work where the sur
face is in fair condition smooth
and hard use enough turpentine
on under coats to cut the gloss
During cold weather when
any paint is liable to crawl add
a little turpentine to under
coats Nothing should be add
ed to the last coat
6 DONT spread paint too thickly
as it will surely check and blister
if not well brushed out
7 DONT apply less than three coats
on new work Two are not suf
S DONT hurry Allow plenty of
time for each coat to dry well be
fore applying the next coat
9 DONT use anything but
Hughes Crescent Cottage Paint
H P Waite Co
Time Card
McCook Neb
10 1-
f0O A
715 a
012 r
1 MoiiiitnitiTimuj 0riO a
i 1112 1
5 Armes
bW i m
1021 a M
tcfiU a m
lib nrrivos Mountain Tiino SrtJi I M
No 7iilimrtn CI5 A M
Sleojiinj iliniut and ruclininc chair cars
Heats trim on through train- Tickott sold
and laKKato checked to any point in tlio United
States or Canada
For information tiinii tahlos rwtiis and tick
ots call on or writu It K Foi Acont McCook
Nebraska or Is V Wuktiloy General IufcStm
Kor AKont Omaha Nebraska
Jacob Scilicet is ofF duty on account
of sickness
Operator T 7 Cain was a Holdrege
visitor Sunday
Machinist Floyd Berry is oil duty on
account of sickness
N V Franklin visited his parents in
Cambridge Sunday
Engine 1062 is getting a number of
new Hues this week
Oporator Will Lyons made a pilgrim
age to Cambridge Sunday
Agont Bert Irwin of Ilaigler was a
hoadquartor visitor Tuesday
Walt Stilwell involuntarily joined tbo
white washing gang this week
Guerney Harman expects lo move in
to his new home about the lfth
The white washing and painting
gangs are overhauling the roundhouse
and machine shop
D O Hewitt was in Orleans Sunday
Monday looking after his new electric
light plant at that place
The 1753 is getting a largo patch on
her boiler and will have to go over the
drop pit to complete tho repair
Tho company is preparing to do a
largo amount of renewing ties this
spring over tho McCook system
John Hunt went down to Orleans
last night on 11 to do some ropair work
on branch coaches returning homo on
13 this morning
Claude Pierson and bride are occupy
ing a part of tho Sawyer residence ar
riving Monday They were married in
Hastings last week
Word from Des Moines Iowa an
nounces the birth of a nine pound son
to Mr and Mrs Floyd Dutt Mrs
Dutt will be remembered as Clara Anton
The Burlington coal chutes at Hold
rege were destroyed by fire Saturday
morning with a los3 of about 5000
Sparks from a locomotive are supposed
to have caused the fire
Operator E B Berry of Cambridge
has been promoted to the agency at
fUoomington and Operator Bauer of In
dianola has been sent to Cambridge to
fill vacancy
Tho Oxford Standard states that
Night Operator Lyons has been trans
ferred to tho McCook division and M
C Woolington is transferred from the
Lincoln division to take his place in
The result of the election in Alliance
is one of the marvels of the campaign
Ther6 have been nineteen saloons in
that burg whicn has about McCooks
population The temperance people
carried the election by 105 majority
The Southern railroads and allied
roads have agreed not to reduce the
wages of employes This action is a re
sult of the investigation made by Chair
man Knapp of the interstate commis
sion and Commissioner of Labor Neill
who formed a mediation board It is
declared that if business conditions do
not improve by July 1 negotiations for
a reduction of wages will be resumed
Methodist Church April 13
Dr Turners chapel talk was easily
one of the best addresses of the ypar
The aptness of his expressions the
pointedness of his humor and the na
tive force of his logic gave to his ad
dress that strength which is often lack
ing in such talks President Turner is
serving his first year in Texas but has
already demonstrated the fact that he
is a live wire and will bring things to
pass for his institution Baylor Uni
0 D A Club Ladies Entertain
Last Thursday evening at the home
of Mrs D C Marsh the ladies of the
O D A club had as guests their hus
bands Refreshments were served at
tables daintily and prettily decorated in
club colors and pink carnations It was
a social event of much enjoyment which
the gentlemen hope to modestly dupli
cate in due time
Mission In St Patricks
Rev W J Kirwin O M I of St
Patricks church has been conducting a
mission in the Catholic churoh all
week with good attendance and interest
Conducted by McCook V C T Ll
The Womans Foreign Missionary so
ciety will givo a reception to tho now
members Friday evening April 10 at
Mrs Llms Hnylua home Tho regular
meeting Friday afternoon will bo post
poned on account of tho reception until
next Friday April J7 when they will
meet with Mrs McBride Important
business will come up at that time Let
overy member plan for this meeting
Tho county convention will bo held in
the Congregational church of this city
Thursday and Friday April 23 21 Fol
lowing is the programme
A pit 1 u 23 10 a m
Opening Devotional
Plan of work Preventive Health
Heredity Medical Temporanoo
M rs J W Wimer
Educational Physical Culturo Litor
aturoSunday Schojl An ti Narcotic
Medal Contest Mrs Flora Fisher
Evangelistic - - Sabbath Observance
Mercy Mothers Meeting Purity
Rescuo Work Mrs Edker Burton
Music Red Letter Days Flower
Mission Fairs MissOrpha Deck
Legal Christian Citizonship Fran
chise Leaco and Arbitration
Mrs Inez Wicks
200 i m
Song Congregation
Devotional Mrs M B Carman
Greeting President Finity
Response Vice president
Organization Appointment of Secre
tary Reporters Committees on
Courtesies Membership Subscrip
tions to Periodicsls Institute Leador
300 i m
The Firt Step Toward Elliciont
vice Literature Department
M rs J W Townley
Schemes Used to Entice Bovs to Use
Narcotics Their Remedins
Mrs II A Rouch
3J5 p m
Hindrances to Law Enforcoiiu nt Ig
Rev M B Carman
800 v
Song Invocation
Special music
Medical Temperance Tho Real Ef
fects of Alcohol on the System
Miss Flora Quick
How Should Christians Observe tho
Lords Day Rev G B Hawkes
What Should be Their Attitude To
ward Sunday Opening of Business
Houses Rev M B Carman
Social Hour
April 21 10 a m
Devotional Service
Bible Quotations and Prayer
Mrs G B Hawkes
Course of Study for Local Unions
History Aims Plans and Achieve
ments of the Organization
County President
The Patriotism of Women Is it Wor
thy of Expression at the Ballot Box T
President Bartley Union
1100 a m
Evangelistic Hour
The Church Moving in Solid Phalanx
against Its Deadliest Foe Liquor
Traffic Rev Edker Burton
200 p m
Music Invocation
Temperance in Sunday School
President Indianola Union
Child Training Training of Law by a
Father Training of Love by a
Mother Training of Reason by a
Teacher Mrs Edker Burton
315 p m
Round Table Ten Questions to be
Handed in the First Day Session
S00 p m
The matrons contest will be held
Friday evening April 24
program medal contest
Overture Golden Eagle L HLosey
Freys Orchestra
Prayer Rev Burton
Temperance Poem Inscribed to the
Ladies Mrs Wilson
The Little Pop corn Girl Mrs Young
Solo selected Wilber Anderson
The Bridal Wine Cup Mrs Bosworth
Old Soapy Mra Gary
Solo selected Alma Weidenharaer
Good Will Toward Men Mrs Meeker
A Glorious Mounument
Mra Rodstrom
Bohemian Girl Balfe
Freys Orchestra
Presentation of Medal
Miss Flora Quick
Intermezzo Red Wing
Freys Orchestra
Benediction Rev Hawkes
Admission 10
A Word From the Governor
Topeka Kansas
To Whom It May Concern
I had the opportunity on very many
occasions last year to observer the prac
tical working of the new and unique
chautauqua system inaugurated by Mr
Keith Vawter manager of the Redpath
Lyceum Bureau Tbe three simultan
eous chautauques moving from place to
place offer a weeks entertainment each
under the management of a high class
man seems to me to constitute an ideal
chautauqua system The crowds were
everywhere immense and enthusiastic
and the economical features of the new
system enabled the managers to furnish
a weeks program far superior to that
which would be possible under a more
expensive system It lifts the responsi
bility from local communities and gives
them a series of entertainments of a
superior character at the least possible
outlay of money and concern Too
much cannot be said in favor of this
new chautauqua idea
Signed E W Hoch
Governor of Kansas
January 9 1903
This orgapization will conduct a
tauqua in our city during the coming 1
Garden seed in bulk lawn
grass flour and feed
C J Ryan
Call on
Ci -
riikuy ar rvttfirjij mji i r w ctvi t rnriTnTKckiv
H52 3p
Hve you lovely summer
101 m dtess Tooq
ckc ry Csunbonnet gabies
iunner witl II its 5U9Si7i9e Td fyet Is
cjoipcj to be lere before I09C3 90V
Do you k9ow vle9 it is tinje to put wy
tfyose old clothes 519c get redy for tlpe dys
vle9 you will e9Joy freslp crisp pri9c 9d
lunner clothes
Your Iusb9d does 9ot like for you to be be
id tinje 9d wo9t your frie9ds tlpirk njore of
you if you keep up vitl tle seso9
Let us deck you out i9 stylisl Jacket M
50 0 to 100 0 A suit t 150 0 or x
9ice seprte skirt t fronj 2e 0 to 150 0
The Work of An Artist Is Here
1 sssP i
JWttiiO W 7
fir yVv
rr N
it P7n A
44 Ask Scott About It -
An artist paints nature
not as it is but as it
seems An artist takes a
rugged and rusty moun
tain for a subject The
lirst strokes of a brush
tell us nothing Present-
ly the colors are mixed
and begin to glow Soon
we see the rising sun the
mountain is dotted with
trees a fawn startled in
to life is gazing in wond
erment at you In tho
gentle brerze the daies
sway and nod their heads
the lark lifts un his
J head and the yellow of
j his breast is cf burning
gold the notes of his
sweet song are almost
So it is with the de
signers of Regina hats
Out of flowers ribbons
braids and bands they
start the hat As they
place something here a fold there the beauty cf the hat grows and un
unfolds Oh yes We could take out some of the fine touches and reduce
the cost But women want hats that are beautiful and after all Regina
hats cost less than all others built of the same good materials Regina
hats are worn by women of style
White House Grocery
Dwinell Wristfit Cos
Teas and Coffees
Groceries Fruits and
Fone 30