The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 27, 1908, Image 4

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Cost and Operation of a Municipal Lighting Plant
With reference to voting 20000 bonds for the purpose of installing
nn Electric Light plant for the city of McCook whether or not it would bo
posBiblo to build a lighting plant suitable for the city of McCook for this
amount of money
The writer haa spent tho last eleven years at installing and operating
Electric Light and Power plants and in my opinion and after figuring on
it for somo timo I find that 45000 would be the least amount that could
bo expended for a proposition of this kind that would any way near fill
the requirements for tho city of McCook
There would be some little advantngo in installing an Electric Light
ing plant in connection with a Water Works system but tho amount
saved over a separate installation would not exceed 3000 as the only
apparatus that could bo used jointly would bo the boilers Some people
Beom to have advanced tho theory that an Electric Lighting plant can be
built in connection with a Water Works system for one half the price and
that tho apparatus used for running the tlynamoB will also pump the
water This however is not the case at it requires altogether different
apparatus Ono is a pump and the other is an engine This however is
a very small end of the installation
For example to show something regarding the cost of building and
maintaining Electric Lighting plants the extensions and improvements
to the McCook Electric Light plant since tho present company took hold
of it alone amounts to considerably over 20000 whereas the city is try
ing to vote bonds for 20000 to build an entire light system
One cause of a great many municipal plants being started is that
some one claiming to be an electrical engineer but really having little
practical knowledge has given the municipality an estimate making it
very low trying to show tho people how cheaply a system of this kind can
bo built but afterwards proved to be much more or even double what
they expected causing the people to feel that they had been buncoed
and they probably were by the party who was trying to feather his own
nest at tneir expense
Now that the lighting plant has been built at a very much greater
cost than the first estimates called for wo find that tho maintenance is
along tho samo lines tho municipality wanting a plant that can be much
- more cheaply operated than can a plant belonging to a private individual
or corporation This however is seriously in error as the municipalities
cannot buy coal oil and other materials nor labor to run tho plant any
less than a private corporation provided they get aB good material and
experienced and capable men
In the firal place tho operation of an Electric Light plant requires
extensive engineering and technical education and experience and it
would bo impossible to obtain a suitable manager or superintendent for
tho 1000 per year authorized by law Capable men in these lines can
demand and are receiving much larger salaries than this amount as cor
porations are continually on the lookout for this class of men and are
picking them up as fast as they are developed
With reference to tho Mayor and the City Council looking after the
interests of a municipally owned plant it is hardly probable that they
will feel like neglecting their own duties to attend to those of the city
In case they should try to perform bothduties they certainly will neglect
one or the other and I believe that I am safe in saying that they will
look after their own business first For that reason the citys business
must be neglected On the other hand it is really asking a great deal of a
Mayor and City Council to perform all these duties for the mere glory
there may be in it McCook is certainly in no position to pay tho Mayor
and City Council salaries to look after this class of business Neither is
the City Clerk in a position to devote his time to keeping these books and
making collections
I have had occasion at different times to inspect municipally owned
plants and have found that they are very loosely operated I have had
occasion to take charge of a municipal plant and only did so after a con
siderable length of time of chewing the rag as to what the salary would
be However the city finally consented to pay the salary I asked This
lighting plant by the way was losing about 300 per month and if I
placed it on a paying basis inside of a year I was to have 2500 extra per
month At the end of nine months I had the plant paying expenses but
at that time I was replaced by a man at 60 per month and eight
months later the plant was sold to a private company The reason for
this was that the city could not make it pay and it is today operated by
a private company This is another case of cheap help operating a prop
osition that requires experience and technical education This is one of a
great many cases of municipal failures
The people certainly need not think that the rates could really be any
cheaper under a municipally owned plant than they are with the present
company We will suppose that they might be a little cheaper for the
reasons that a municipal plant never figures on making any profit and do
not even establish a sinking fund for the purpose of extensions and re
pairs These small savings are generally more than eaten up in poor ex
travagant or dishonest management The plant is maintained by taxes
and after it has been in operation for some time it is necessary to make
some repairs and extensions In order to do so we must again vote bonds
for this purpose and levy a heavy tax to keep up the interest Probably
however the legal limit of bonded indebtedness has been reached so the
plant must worry along without increase betterment or even necessary
repairs goes to rack and ruin and is finally sold or leased to a private
Figure your extra taxes over and above what they are under the priv
ate plant and see how much cheaper your lights are You probably will
find that your light bill itself might be a few cents less but on the other
hand your tax receipt shows that you are paying one third to one half
more than you did under private ownership On the other hand you own
a piece of property and do not care about using electric lights Your
neighbor across the street does not own property but uses electric lights
You are paying tho taxes for the purpose of saving him a few cents on his
light bill He is getting the benefit and you are paying the extra taxes
for the sake of living in town The property owner and heavy tax payers
are the people who get the blunt end of municipal ownership but even
the non-tax-payers derive no real benefit but a disadvantage in the long
I believe that the people of McCook will look at this from a business
standpoint and after thorough examination and consideration will do
what they can in their power to defeat municipal ownership
Very respectfully yours
A R Scott
To the Voters of the City of McCook
Inasmuch as the principal spokesman of the Citizens party has seen
fit in a scurrilous article in our city papers to attack the Republican
party and especially the candidate for Mayor and deliberately sought by
falsehood and calumny to destroy my character and influence the vot
ers I deem it necessary to make a reply
The Reverend Carman sayB in his article that Mayor Fahnestock
ordered the houses of infamy closed and that he was offered a bribe of
300 if he would let them run and that he promptly refused such bribe
and he furthermore states that Fahnestock could not be bought which
we fully believe as Mr Fahnestock is both a man and a gentleman but
the reverend gentleman would have you believe that I had either been
bribed or could be bribed for the sake of getting the office of Mayor of
the city of McCook
While we admit that the houses of infamy weie ordered closed it is
an open secret and a deplorable fact that such houses are now and have
been almost continuously running ever since that order was issued and
we believe that there are more such places now than ever before in the
history of our city even if not quite as public as formerly and I believe
that the Reverend gentleman is fully aware of the fact but asks you to
believe that no 6uch places exist at the present time in the city of Mc
Cook but would start up at once if the Republican ticket is elected
I will state right here that I did not seek the office of Mayor of our
city but was solicited by a large majority of our business men and a
goodly number of cur best citizenB to accept the nomination and it does
not look reasonable that such men would want a bribe taker or such a
villainous man for Mayor as Mr Carman would have you think that I
am and if the reverend gentleman will let his memory run backward
only one short year he will remember how he in the presence of several
of our prominent citizens importuned me to accept the nomination for
Mayor and on my refusal to accept the nomination for that office he in
sisted on my running for councilman and he approached me at least
twice on the same question But now he would have you believe that I
am ono of tho worst men in the city simply because 1 am on the ticket
that he does not support I would call his attention to the quotation
that Consistency is a jewel and I might add that few there be that
possess it
It seems to me that if the reverend gentleman would look at home he
might find many ways in which he could conduct himself with more pro
priety and decorum and perhaps would be able to do more good in his
Any minister of the gospel that mixes too much in politics is very
apt to lower himself in tho estimation of the people and thereby lose his
power for good which he might otherwise have or if ho does mix in pol
itics at all it is better to confine himself to the truth and not seek to in
jure or defame tho character of others but keep a close watch on his own
morals Respectfully submitted
J H Stephens
Mns J C Moore is improving from
an attack of pnenmonia
Mks II D Stewart visited Alma
relatives part of last week
Mrs Stephen Finn departed last
night for Illinois on a visit
Guy son of S D Hughes is laid up
with an attack of diphtheria
J R Pence was north of Bartloy
Tnesday serving legal papers
Mns E W Peacock is visiting the
nomefolks in Danbury this week
C E AmioTT of Fremont was a brief
city visitor fore part of tho week
Mrs William Washhurn is here
from Alliance visiting the homefolks
Mrs J S Chambers is ill with diph
theria and the home under quarantine
Pete Berryman operates tho cash
register in a tonsorial palace in Wilson
Fred Schrepker went up to Waun
eta Friday morning to make his home
F N Lowe traveling solicitor for
Omaha World Herald spent part of the
week here
Mrs E W Soverns went down to
Republican City last week on a visit
to her parents
Mrs Floyd Berry is enjoying a
visit from her mother Mrs G II Mer
shon of Wilcox Neb
Mr and Mrs J P Crouse were
brief guests of Mr andgMrs A S En-
nis in Alma last week
John F Jones family joined him in
Wauneta this week He is miller for
the Wauneta Roller mill
Miss Virginia Bowlby had the pleas
ure of a visit Saturday Sunday from
her sister Miss who is teaching
in Alma
Mrs F W Bosworth will make her
sister Mrs H M Tyler a visit in Or
leans and then join her husband at the
new home in Denver
Lester Littel county supt of Hitch
cock county was in the city Wednes
day discussing the coming Junior Nor
mal with Principal Thomas
F A Pennell returned Monday
night from spending a few days in
Omaha visiting his daughter Leah
who is attending school there
Mr and Mrs CBSawyer departed
yesterday morning for the northwest
to be absent several weeks visiting and
looking after some realastate matters
Mrs RoseBayless has purchased a
lot on Manhattan street now one of the
coming residence streets and contem
plates erecting a modern cottage there
W B Whittaker and family are oc
cupying the Haley residence lately va
cated by Conductor Willetts and family
He expects to buy or build soon how
Mrs Anna Murphy accompanied her
sister Mrs Morris Cliggett on her re
turn to Kansas City Mo and is spend
ing some time visiting in the city on the
R A Green was over from Cedar
Bluffs Kansas Sunday Mrs Green
accompanied him over to the Bluffs
Monday and is assisting in settling a
home for the family over there
H O Mason supt of agents Fre
mont Neb of the Elkhorn Life and
Accident Insurance Co of Norfolk was
in the city Tuesday establishing an
agency here with Fred Hamilton as
local agent
Mr and Mrb J A Kuns are now
residents of Beaver City south of which
he owns a farm upon which he will
build a dwelling at once They spent
the past winter in McCook
Mrs Margaretta Heinlein who
has been visiting in Kreglingen Wer
temberg Germany and vicinityfor past
six months writes that she started for
home last Saturday and will be home
W S Collett of Trenton who was
with the McCook National Bank for a
few months after its opening for busi
ness has moved to Crete where he has
bought a controlling interest in the
State Bank
Frank Freelove has been suffering
from blood poisoning in the left hand
resulting from a slight scratch The
once ugly wound is now healing and in
all probability the hand will be well in
a few days Oakdale Calif Leader
Colonel CA Ready barrister of the
Hayes Center Republican who divides
with Judge Orr the dignity and honor
of carrying around in his vest pocket
the political province of Hayes sojourn
ed in these urban precincts early in the
Uhas S E aston of the Furnas County
Land Company returned Monday even
ing from a trip over the eastern part of
the state and while away closed a
48000 land deal a part of which was
1640 acres of the Doyle ranch north of
McCook Cambridge Clarion
J M Shively deputy commissioner
of public lands and buildings was in
the city Saturday on his way to Hayes
county to attend a sale of school lands
for the state Shively is a candidato
for commissioner a natural desire
which his acquaintance with tho office
well equips him for
Apples 125 per box White House
Grocery Ask Scott about it Fone 30
yjreKJyyfc r
Mrs Pratt Granted Divorce
District Judge Stewart yesterday af
ternoon granted to Mabel Pratt a decree
of divorce from Herbert Joseph Pratt a
practicing dentist of McCook The
plaintiff informed the court that she
was married to the defendant at Atlan
ta Ga five years ago and that they
moved to McCook two years ago She
is of English birth but has lived most
of her life in this country She asserted
that defendant had been guilty of cruel
treatment toward her the same consist
ing of scolding and swearing at her and
of coldness indifference and lack of
sympathy His treatment became such
that she could live with him no longer
and she left him last August coming to
Lincoln -Lincoln Journal March 27th
A Unique Affair
The entertainment presented by the
humble little sisters of the Mission
Study class in the Methodist church
Friday last was one of the cleverest
and most unique lately given by local
talent The audience was fair The
Chinese ladies were decidedly pretty
and quaint in their costumes Several
numbers of the all star program were
heartily enchored Tea drinking and
eating a al Chinese were engrossing di
versions in which some skill and more
amusement were provided by skillful
manipulation of the chop sticks The
class cleared 20 for Mission work in
Mens Mass Meeting
All voters are invited to attend a
mens mseting Sunday next at 3 p m
at the Baptist church to discuss the
moral issues of tho city election E S
Howell will preside and speeches will
be made by H E Culbertson J D
Young G B Hawkes E Burton and
I S Wade of Indiana a noted reform
orator All men are welcome
The Eternal City
Dr A E Turner president of Hast
ings college will deliver a lecture on
Tho Eternal City with 50 illustra
tions in the Methodist church April
13th under auspices of the Delta Alpha
society Let everyone plan to attend
as it will be one of the most instructive
and interesting lectures ever given in
our city
Godfrey Co aro operating a feed
mill See them for feed of all kinds at
right prices
Successful Painting
can bo done by using Lincoln A
P Paint and at less cost owing
to its spreading capacity
A McMillen Druggist
Appreciating the patronage we have re
ceived since commencing business we have
MAY 1st providing the number of customers
reach 200 by that date We have also de
cided to continue the 5 rate for service con
nections until APRIL 15th DO NOT MISS
THIS OPPORTUNITY but place orders at
once so that we may rush the work and
have the 200 ready by May 1st Remember
the time is short and it takes time to do the
The Gas Company is a home institution
Its stockholders are your neighbors business
associates and friends and we can assure
you good service and fair treatment and
that the rates will be reduced as fast as the
business will jusfify Do your part and we
will do ours Place orders today
Experience With Municipal Ownership
Public Service has been investigating the operation of municipal
plants and compiled a list of ninety towns in which such plants during
the past year have been pronounced unsatisfactory and manv of them
abandoned leased or sold to private parties The following are i few
samples with brief summary of their troubles which illustrate the dis
advantages of municipal ownership and operation of public utilities
Alexandria Va Electric plant Service unsatisfactory and plant
sold to the Alexandria Electric Co for a fraction of its cost
Blanchester O Population 1788 Electric plant cost 34000
Patrons complain of unsatisfactory service and high rates and citizens
have urged sale of plant The Blanchester Star Republican2said In
our opinion the council could save the taxpayers monev wipe out most
of our debt and give better light service if they would sell the plant to a
private corporation
onST9KAXDFoUKSMi2r3f Population 2489 Electric plant cost
30000 Began operation m 1902 lost monev steadilv showing monthly
deficits and there was talk of abandonment Plant burned March 22
190 Citizens held mass meeting and decided almost unanimously not
to rebuild but make contract with private company in Grand ForksND
Galena III Electric plant Sold March 6 1906 to private parties
Mayor and Council unanimous and action met with public approval
bervice bad Plant made no profits Politics seriously hampered man
agement of plant
Harvard III Electric plant Arc lamps exceed 150 each per
year Plant sold in January 1907 to private parties
Herington Kans Water and Electric plant Now in the hands of
private company The Sun in discussing a proposed bond issue to build
new plants said Public ownership in Herington has been a dismal
failure in the past and many people are afraid to trv it again on that
KASer York- 0fficial reports shows plant worth
100000 with 31600 and
income claiming net revenue 800 but interest
alone would greatly exceed the total income
imAoASKVrater0rks SobOOfJ bonds for original plant
51100000 additional bonds for
improvements and
extensions SI 000 000
now wanted 1038040 raised by taxation for water works meifTearV
annual tax now about 150000 Meter rate
consumers 25c flat rate
sumers based on 28c per one thousand gallons Water bad
worse due largely to interference of politics
Lakewood O Population 3355 Electric plant cost about 60000
People twice voted down 25000 bonds for improvements Service
Arc lamps cost village 12956 each per year Sold March 21 1907 poor to
Mohawk X Y Electric and Water Works in coniunrrrinn tw
years of operation smallest annual deficit 3000 Amlmt i
irs ol00 each In 1905 operation turned nvor in nrrnto U
WEST Pa Pnniilntinn OJKO T-
sold July 5th 1907 to private parties who promise to make nece4a T
crease and improvement of the plant in
Washington Ind Electric plant Service unsatisfactory and plant
lost money City Treasurer Hastings said Under present conditions
the light plant will not pay its running expenses and its obligations un
der any management and recommend a receiver appointed by a court to
receive proper service and get out of difficulties City owing to bond
A Letter of Interest
Kansas Citv Mo Marph 17 ions
Mr G E Thompson President Water ConsunWLaue
McCook Nebraska n
Dear Sir
For your information we furnish the following guaranty with all of
our producers and gas engines that they will develop thefr full hi
power at all times and the fuel consumed will not exceed one and 7
half pounds of anthracite coal per horse power per hour
The cost of your pumping for fuel only based on pumping 1 440 000
gallons per twenty four hours pumping against a pressure of f25 nounX
would be less than throe fourths of one cent per 1000 gallons- this hH
on the price of fuel at 1000 per ton which is a high Estimate for fuel
As to electric current including attendance of first class character
phould furnish your current to the switchboard at lesa than one center
Kw per hour Yours truly per
Weber Gas Engine Company
Atwood Benton Civil Engineer