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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1908)
V s J f TWENTY SIXTH YEAR IC The Quantity Consumed The pumping records of the water company show that during the year ending March 31 1907 they pumped 227350104 gallons of which total pumping tho Railway Co took 78100 000 gallons at 5c per thousand leaving the city to consume 149190104 gallons for which tho people paid 1457000 or 9 and 4 5 cents per thousand gallonB Tho water company prospered and de clared and paid dividends or 500000 cent During tho or over eleven per iivo monthB of that summer of 190G from April 1st to Sept 1st the people used 82280804 gallons which was all consumed under the flat houso rates and ten dollar lawn rato During tho same five months of 1907 when tho wa ter company was compelling by unlaw ful exactions the payment of 30 conts per thousand tho people only used 47 536170 gallons for which thoy paid more than for tho 82286804 gallons of tho year before But the company has tho effrontery to use the consumption of the summer of 1907 as tho basis of its contention claiming it as the normal consumption If the water company had received 16c for what the people used in the year ending March 31 1907 149190164 gallons their dividend would have been S12500 instead of the 500000 actually earned If the con sumption of the present year ending March 31 1908 bo only in the propor tion of tho five months compared above it will total 86530295 gallons At 16c this will total 1384484 which is with in 73500 of what they received the year before for the 149190164 gallons and has required 270000 less of coal to pump thereby putting the company to the good 196500 above the year before There is no doubt that the normal consumption of water in McCook is 150 millions of gallons per year and in creasing yearly with the growth of the city Upon that quantity of water we are entitled to tho best there is in it That moans municipal ownership as quickly as possible Vote for the bonds and for Meeker as city engineer The Water Consumers League New Silks Wo are showing new stripes and checks new pongees in the rough and smooth finish New plain colored taf fetas now black taffetas and peau de soie a complete range of colors in Jap silks the silk muslins and the part silk wash goods as well as the silk finished goods We solicit your inspection Tho Thompson DG Co Actual cash prices Burled Baby Here Monday The remains of the ten-months-old baby of Mr and Mrs G J Owens of Parks Dundy county were shipped here from Benkelman on 14 Sunday for interment which was made on Monday morning at S30 oclock in Calvary cem etery after brief service in St Patricks church Parents are employes on the Phelan property at Parks New Dress Skirts In wire voile in chiffon Panama in shadow striped Panama with silk folds with self foldsin blacks browns blues and grays with a few tans greens and reds Prices from 12 50 down to 200 Alterations free The Thomp son D G Co Actual cash values Peanut Social The Christian Endeavorers realized very satisfactorily from their Peanut Social in the Congregational church Tuesday evening They had a liberal patronage Besides the refreshments served a literary musical program of en tertaining numbers was offered They Sell Sunshine Yes we have it in all colors The best varnish stain ever made Put some Sunshine on that old rocking chair or book case and it will look like new For sale at Woodworth Cos Druggists Initial Embossed Free You can have your initial embossed free on fancy box paper bought at Hof ers the up-to-date dealer in stationery souvenirs and post cards Always pat ronize the old reliable Pneumonia Claimed Little One James the five-months-old baby boy of Mr and Mrs Samuel Arnold died on Tuesday of pneumonia Remains were buried in Riverview cemetery Wednes day morning Heatherbloom Pettlcoas 225 in black brown navy Copenhagen blue red green and gray The genuine Heatherbloom nicely made and only 225 The Thompson D G Co For Sale Cheap A high grade five passenger automo bile Enquire of H L Kennedy Mc Cook Neb French Lawns 25c 5uc 75c at The Thompson D G Co Actual cash value Apples 125 per box White House Grocery Ask Scott about it Fone30 The Cost of Electric Light Tho cost to manufacture it and not the price to consumers The latter var ies according to tho ability to work the different towns and cities McCook has been worked heretofore for 20c until recently the company made a play for sympathy by coming down to 18c Chi cago is now readjusting her rates to about 8c Hastings Nebraska with its own plant has a rate of 8 and l 10c A portion of Kansas City Mo is supplied by a private plantthe Hall plantat from 3c to 7c according to quantity consumed What it costs to produce electric cur rent is another matter and ono not talk ed about as often as rates The comp any that sold and put in the gas engine that runs tho generators for the McCook Electric Light Co will enter into a written contract and guaranty to in stall machinery to generate current for less than one cent per kilowatt per hour for which tho company charges us con sumers 18c Genl Hale the chief own er of tho plant has written a public letter in which he seeks to pose as a benefactor to tho people of McCook for charging them only 18c for what he manufactures at a cost for labor and fuel of less than ono cent It may be that tho Genl doesnt come at it so cheap as that owing to lack of capital to proceed properly or for other reasons but it can be done as witness the letter of tho Weber Gas Engine Co printed elsewhere in this paper What we con sumers want is municipal ownership for JfitCooh the benefit of all the people instead of private ownership for the benefit of Genl Hale Voto for water aDd light bonds and for Meeker for city engineer The Water Consumers League Musicians of Merit That was a too small but genuinely appreciative audience in the Methodist church Monday evening to hear the Kirksmith concert Tho young ladies four who compose that company of worthwhile entertain ers are pretty lady like well gowned and enthusiastically wholesomely ar tistic in soul and substance They gave a program of music varied as to instrumentation with enough of vocal excellence to make you uncertain of which you desired the more The musical menu was for the most part of the classic order with a predominating light and human strain throughout The young ladies are entitled to a large and cultured hearing anywhere Painting Days There is no economy in putting off painting Paint protects and preserves Added to these most important qualities of paint is that of beautifying Therere plenty of chances to display ones taste in selecting colors nowadays because durable paints may be secured in every conceivable color shade and tint If your house needs painting the longer you put off painting tho more it will cost you It will take more paint and more time to apply it than at the pre sent time Paint this spring L W McConnell Druggist Beautiful White Waists In all over embroidery in net in soft mulls in lawns in more substantial checked and dotted white waistings in silk With 3 quarter sleeves with full length Buttoning in front or in back Some with detachable jabot frills Price from 500 down to 100 The Thompson D G Co For 4r20 you can fence a quarter section hog tight with American fence sold by Mc Cook Hardware Co and raise hogs one cent per pound cheaper than by the dry lot and scoop shovel method Supreme Court Calendar Red Willow county has two cases in the supreme court which will be called for hearing on April 7th Lee vs City of McCook Hess vs Dodge Get Cheaper Water by using good hose Our hose comes direct from the factory We can give it to you in any color and every piece guaranteed all going at a special low price McCook Hardware Co Mcmper Suits Childrens play suits combination suits washable the same that others ask 50c for our price 39c The Thomp son D G Co Actual cash prices Apples 125 per bos White House Grocery Ask Scott about it Fone 30 Harness of all kinds and collars that are made to use all of the best style and workmanship at McCook Hardware Cos It is no small matter to decide on the patterns you may wish to use in prepar ing your home this spring We can give you great aid at our store by showing you our new line and late styles Its a pleasure for us to do so Call and see us Woodworth Co Final Notice In obedience to the ruling of the postoffice department after this weeks issue of The Tribune no paper will be sent to any subscriber who is more than one year delinquent in his subscription This is our final notice to any and all who who owe for one year and over Those who desire to con tinue as readers of the paper must pay up to at least the beginnine of the present year and the subscription for the current year must be paid within the year This is the order of the government and must be obeyed The Tribune will obey the order As soon as practicable after April I 1908 all delinquent subscriptions remaining unpaid will be placed in the hands of our collection agency for settlement Is It a Square Deal To the People of McCook If a town has no electric lighting plant and private capital cannot be raised to install one there is some reason to try a municipal plant and take the chances on its changing political and generally incompetent management But when private parties have invested their money in providing such an enterprise expended most of their earnings and a large amount of additional cash in extending and improving it are earnestly using their best efforts to give good service and treatment at reasonable rates and are barely earning fair interest on their capital is is right for the municipality to destroy or cripple such an investment with no ad vantage that cannot be better obtained by reasonable co operation with the private company We bought tho McCook Electric Light Co from a citizen of McCook paying a fair price for it and immediately expended several thousand dollers installing additional machinery extending the lines and putting up larger wires to give better pressure furnished more meters and re duced the rates In 1906 we put in another boiler engine and genera tors reinforcing and extending the lines and adding meters to take care of the increasing load Last fall a gas producer engine and electric gen erators of the latest and best type were installed giving with the steam plant ample power with better economy and permitting further reduc tion in rates In fact since the purchase of the plant in 1903 we have more than trebled its generating capacity correspondingly extended and increased the size of the wires installed over ten times as many meters generally improved the service and reduced the rates A day service for lightheating appliances fans and meters for mis cellaneous purposes is now under consideration and although involving still further expenditure will be started if tho additional business will barely pay the expense We have always aimed and usually succeeded in giving good and im proving service which from an extended knowledge of other plants is as good or better than most lighting station throughout the country We frankly admit and regret that our service during part of last year was not what it should have been or we desired These annoying interruptions were due partly perhaps to our fault in not sufficiently anticipating the causes but principally to unavoidable accidents and conditions for which neither we nor our apparatus were responsible and which might have equally occurred in the best and most modern plant Many of the troubles were caused by storms lightning burning of water works delays on coal ordered and accidental breakages We had at all times ample capacity of engines and generators capable of producing the best of light but on account of the condition of the boilers although they had suffic ient rated capacity combined with poor coal it was some times impossible to supply enough steam to handle the increasing load When this condi tion arose I immediately went to Kansas City to purchase a large boiler to tide us over until a new gas producer and engine plant could be install ed but finding that such an outfit could be obtained immediately order ed it raised the necessary money from the stockholders who responded promptly and the new plant was in operation in an exceptionally short time Our next desire if municipal ownership does not prevent and we have reasonable assurance of continuance is to erect a new power house re place the old machinery with the most modern and economical apparatus improve and extend the lines to the suburbs supply day service for power as well as light still further reduce rates and in short give McCook as up-to-date efficient and economical an electric plant as any town of double tho size in the country Before installing the new machinery last year wo expressed a desire to the City Officials to Duild a modern plant if not interfered with and given an extensiun of our franchise which expires in two years but could hardly afford to make such an investment without reasonable assurance of its permanence They told us to show our good faith by making the necessary improvements and they thought that there would be no trouble in securing a new franchise We took them at their word installing the new apparatus promptly and at heavy expense in the face of general financial depression and local agitation of municipal ownership trusting that they and the people would confirm this view and reciprocate our con fidence by not destroying our investment but giving us a chance to even tually obtain the return to which it is entitled All we ask is a fair opportunity and square deal Irving Hale Secretary McCook Electric Light Co t a I Who Is Irving Hale We mean the Irving Hale whose letter addressed to the People of McCook on Municipal Ownership appeared in last weeks papers He does not live in McCook though he dates hi3 letter McCook Neb March 16 1903 He is known personally to but few of our citizens Some of our best citizens have inquiredwho is this man Hale The fact is that Irving Hale is the owner of the McCook Electric Light Co and his interest in advising the people of this town is obvious It brings to mind the fable of Aesop about the wolf who solicitously offered to vatch the sheep while the shepherd might take some needed rest He poses as the public benefactor whose self assumed task of operating a light plant for the people of McCook saves them from their own slackness folly and in competence Mr Hale leans over the counter and advises his customer which piece of goods to take Mr Hales success in keeping down the rate of light to the low price of eighteen cents per Kwhourwhile the cost to produce it runs to the high figure of nearly one cent for the fuel and labor prompts him to offer to continue his arduous work if by so doing his sacrifice may save McCook from the sad fate of Hastings which owns its own plant and pays its own way while supplying light for eight and one tenth cents per Kw hour Noble General Hale Let his name be writ high but dont let his candidate for city engineer get a single vote from any citizen who desires for his family and his community the ben efits these ready plotting advisers labor to take for themselves Vote for the bonds and for Meeker for city engineer The Water Consumers League Srtbtiti MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 27 1908 I The City Engineer His dutieB are important in connec tion with any public work As soon as bonds nre voted for a work it becomes his duty to rondor to tho city council an estimate of its cost and tho law pro hibits the city council from letting the contract at any higher amount If the city engineer desired to defeat the building of water and light plants all he need do would be to fix his estimate too low for the work and that would end it the bonds might as well not bo voted Therefore every voter who now favors tho movement for a city light and water plant will cast his vote for bonds and against Charles Kelley whose father owns the water plant Charlie Kelley is a bright and popular young man but ho must not be elected to tho office he seoks which the water and light companies are now seeking to put him into Voto for C H Meeker and the bonds The Water Consumers League I 9 I Orchestra has Center of Stage At last Sunday evenings meeting in the Congregational church the orches tra of the club had the chief part of tho program under auspices of the Mens Sunday Evening club They had a large audience and a appreciative one The pastor spoke to tho topic J Hopeful Signs in American Life in a vigorous earnest fashion and a fewhymns and a vocal duet together with the customary organ pre- and postlude made up the eveniDgs program in total Well Well What do you think of it a 14 inch Lister Lay for 175 sharpened and guaranteed to fit the lister for which they are intend ed Moline Western Belle John Deere Canton Morrison Rock Island Brad ley Brown and Case G W Prodmore Sons have them in stock and can get others on short notice Shop phone 197 residence ash 3605 New Dress Goods Tho now shadow stripes the new light weight Panamas in beige mixtures in small checks in neat stripes the in dividual patterns of dressy novelties the complete assortment of tho solid colored batistes they make it very easy for you to select your new spring dress We invite your inspection The Thomp son D G Co Cleared a Half Hundred The members of JK Barnes post G A R assisted by tho W R C at their bean dinner and supper last Saturday cleared about 5000 and all parties to the event are feeling well satisfied with the result Pepperell Wide Sheetings 25c in the bleached 9 quarter width Roch dale unbleached 9 quarter sheeting 23c For actual cash prices see Tho Thomp son D G Co Basket Social A basket social will be given in Perry district No 23 school house Friday evening April 3 benefit of Perry B B team For Rent Store room first door east of DeGroffs store Good location lor any retail bus iness C F Lehn White SUK Hose 100 Also white lisle hose in lace at 35c and 25c Also in plain at 25c and 15c The Thompson D G Co Peerless Carpet Warp 22c for white and 21c for colors at Thompson D G Co Farm Loans Go to Johnson Rozell The Seeds at H P Waite Co- Grass flower garden and field seeds at H P Waite Cos Apples 125 per box White House Grocery Ask Scott about it Fone 30 Rubber hose grass seed and all lawn and garden supplies at II P Waite Cos The McCook Electric Light Co has just received a carload of poles for use in extensions and improvements to the plant Alaska refrigerators are insulated with pure charcoal They preserve food perfectly II P Waite Co sell them Majestic Ranges at McCook Hard ware Co are fuel savers besides you settle the stove question when you get one of these Our almond and cucumber cream does just what we say cures sunburn chapped hands and all roughness of the skin Woodworth Co Druggists If you are going to paint give us the dimensions of your house and let us tell you just what the material will cost You can use mixed paint or white lead and oil but get our prices before you paint Woodworth Co Druggists Seeds at H P Waite Cos A homo bank a substan tial bank and a growing bank THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK It aims to be abreast of tho times and still be con servative It merits your confi dence and invites your business whether you aro a depositor or a borrower P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cashr SMALL MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE McConnoll for drugs McConnells Balsam cures coughs If its meat you can got it at Marshs market April 1st is the date gaily get busy the assessors lo- Prunes in 25 pound boxes at 225 per box Hubers McConnolls chapped hands Fragrant Lotion for See that attractive display of Eastor post cards at tho Bon Ton Hubor is still selling Wedding Break fast Coffee You know the brand Anything everything in spring caps Roell Barger Kodaks and kodak supplies L W McConnell Druggist If its seasonable and in his lino no use to go any farther than Marshs meat market When down town eat your noonday lunch at the Bon Ton Home cooking Prompt service Do you have the blues A doso of McConnells Health Granules will prob ably euro them Rozell Barger the leading clothiers can have your Stetson hats reblocked for you good as new Wellerette cigars sold only in drug stores the best 5 cents will buy For sale at Woodworth Cos Our Colorado peas corn etc are as near perfection as it is possible to ap proach in canned goods Huber McConnells Concentrated Smoke is put up in 25 cent bottles and is suffi cient for 150 to 200 pounds ofmeat A G Bump room two over McCon nells drug store is agent for some of Americas best insurance companies Consult him McConnells Fragrant Lotion will keep your hands in good condition if used regularly Fine for the face after shaving 25c We have them galore spring caps for men and boys in all sizes every color latest and nobbiest styles Come in and see them We will please you Rozell Barger At the referees sale of the Phillippi farm last week Messrs Bump and Simons were the purchasers The price for the three quarters was slightly in excess of five thousand dollars If you want to see all the latest and attractive things in boxpapers you will have to see them here Our stock is up-to-date containing all the new things L W McConnell Druggist Topic for C E meeting in Congrega tional church Sunday evening March 29th is Home Missions Progress in the Phillipines Bible reference Matt 1331 33 Miss Ruth Wiehe lead- er All young people welcome If traveling men in numbers may be regarded as harbingers of reviving business there is nothing to be desired in that respect They are following each other so thick and fast well have to double track to avoid collisions The Sunday school union will meet every Saturday afternoon in the Meth odist church The meeting -tomorrow is for the special purpose of completing the organization which is for the bet terment of teachers work Four oclock is the hour Be present teachers