The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 20, 1908, Image 2

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    Appreciating the patronage we have re
ceived since commencing business we have
MAY 1st providing the number of customers
reach 200 by that date We have also de
cided to continue the 5 rate for service con
nections until APRIL 15th DO NOT MISS
THIS OPPORTUNITY but place orders at
once so that we may rush the work and
have the 200 ready by May 1st Remember
the time is short and it takes time to do the
The Gas Company is a home institution
Its stockholders are your neighbors business
associates and friends and we can assure
that the rates will be reduced as fast as the
business will jusfify Do your part and we
will do ours Place orders today
McCook Nebraska March 1G 1908
To the People of McCook
We trust that you will pardon a brief discussion of the advantages and disad
vantages of Municipal Ownership of Public Utilities The undersigned in nearly
twenty years experience in the electrical business has naturally made a careful
study of this question and without the slightest personal or selfish interest in
the matter until the present situation has long since concluded that it is unde
sirable and generally a delusion and a snare
Municipal Ownerships only attraction and apparent advantage is lower rates
It might seem theoretically that a public plant could save to the consumers the
difference between interest on the bonds say six per cent and the somewhat
larger profit that a private company would reasonably expect for its work trouble
and ability in running any line of business There is a prevalent impression that
Public Utility Corporations earn exhorbitant profits but this is a mistake at
least in recent times and in the great majority of cases They make no more if
as much as capital invested and worked in manufacturing farming mercantile
and other lines of business The McCook Electric Light Company has made little
more in the past and less than six per cent last year This is based on ordinary
expenses without regard to special expenditure nor any sinking fund for deprec
iation nor any part of tho improvements which were paid by additional capital
raised by assessment on the stockholders
The moderate profit above bond interest which a municipal plant might save
if operated as well as a private plant is generally more than eaten up by its in
efficient uneconomical and often dishonest administration Its management is
naturally political changing with the elections and its employees are selected
with reference to party affiliations and vote getting capacity rather than to en
gineering or business qualifications They frequently consider it a proper or at
least opportune perquisite to eke out their regular salaries by commissions on
purchases and other forms of graft which of course come out of the pockets of
the people Even if honesty run the operation is generally poor and uneconomi
cal as the management have no personal interest involved and what is every
bodys business is nobodys business
Reports concerning lower expenses and rates of municipal plants usually do
not prove up on careful investigation Records are carelessly kept labor fuel
etc are charged in part to other departments there is no consideration for loss
of taxes that would be paid by a private company but not by the city and gener
ally there is no provision for depreciation or extensions very important matters
After allowing for these and other omitted items the expenses are generally found
to be larger than in private plants The rates are frequently as high or if lower
there is a loss real if not apparent on account of covering expenses in other
ways which falls on the taxpayers
Municipal ownership is a mild form of socialism and communism which make
the thrifty and industrious carry the burdens of the shiftless and improvident
Why not equally have municipal factories stores hotels etc or better still a
single immense department store including all needed supplies with an annex for
dispensing legal medical and religious advice
A few years ago this country suffered from a wave of municipal ownership
and numerous plants were installed On account of tho dishonest incompetent
or otherwise unsatisfactory management many of them have been abandoned
sold or leased to private companies to operate All reports indicate that the feel
ing in favor of municipal ownership is gradually dying out It would bo strange
if McCook which enjoys tho reputation of being a substantial progressive city
and disposed to give a square deal to capital invested in good faith in its enter
prises should fall in at the tail of tho vanishing M O procession
Irving Hale
McMillen proscription druggist
Dont wait until you are notified call
and advance your subscription up to
January 1st 1900 April 1st 190S all
subscriptions delinquent one year must
he discontinued Thats the law
We have no choice
No one objects
water wagon
to John Ekstedts
Have you seen that beautiful root
beer keg at Woodworths drug store It
is especially made for serving Hires
root beer in the most delectable form
five cents per stein
Vic Fitzer visited Stockville friends
part of last week
E B Cox of Bartley was a business
visitor in the county capital
Julius A Kinz visited the homofolks
in Arapahoe part of last week
Mrs A P Ely went down to Red
Cloud first of last week on a visit to
her parents
J F Cordeal was legally engaged in
Beaver City Tuesday returning home
on No 3 same night
R A Green was over from Cedar
Bluffs Kansas Sunday to visit with
the wife and children
A R Mehaffey went down to Lin
coln Monday to look into a business
proposition offering at that place
C J OBrien C J Ryan and G R
Gale were in Cambridge Sunday in
the interest of the Knights of Colum
Mrs C B Sawyer came up from
Lincoln Saturday night to be at homo
a brief while before takiug a trip to the
west and northwest
Mr and Mrs C F Lehn had the as
sistance of the stork in celebrating St
Patricks day It is a fine boy and de
serves to be called Pat
J II Woddell left Monday night
for Des Moines Iowa where he will at
tend sessions for a couple weeks of a
School of Auctioneering
Mr and Mrs W E Hart wore called
up to Denver end-of-week by the death
of the wifes relative Mr Hart return
ed home Monday morning
W II Wyatt of Holdrege is making
his daughter Mrs I L Rodstrom a
visit of a few weeks A little laer he
expects to make McCook his home
Mrs Jacob Matz and little Henrietta
visited with Mrs E E Willis and fam
ily fore part of week at Arapahoe while
on her way east to see tho homefolks
Mr and Mrs E E Rogers have tho
sorrow of the death of their new born
biby Sunday The remains of the
little ono were laid away in Riverviow
cemetery Monday afternoon
Mr and Mrs Morris Cliggett do
parted Tuesday morning for their homo
in Kansas City Mo Mrs Cliggett has
been somewhat improved by her resi
dence with her sister Mrs Murphy in
our city for the past few months
Earl Casten a former McCook boy
now of Cheyenne is spending a few
days in the city Earl is now in the
railway mail service running out of the
Wyoming capital and giving a splendid
account of himself in Uncle Sams ser
1 1 jsL
Mrs J C Moore is suffering with
Master Carl Marsh is held at homo
with a severe attack of rheumatism
J E Kelley and John Cordeal are in
Imperial and Hayes Center on business
Mr and Mrs J A Harmon are hap
py in the birth of a big boy baby Mon
Mrs J C Davis is nursing one of Dr
Kays sick patients in the country this
Geo E Thompson returned yester
day from eastern markets and will
tell the Tribune readers all about it in
due season
Mrs A C Wiehe was in Oxford
Wednesday inspecting the Eastern
Star lodge there in the capacity of de
puty grand matron
Frank Lechleiter Frank Brady
and E O Williams made a journey to
Arapahoe on Knights of Columbus
business last Sunday
Mr and Mrs Da id Diamond an
nounce the birth of another gem into
tho family It s a daughter of nine
pounds weight and St Patricks day
was her natal day
A Handy Receipt Book
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
Advertising is strictly a busiuess
proposition The Tribunes subscrip
tion book is open to any advertisers
2 ss jgsg pg
vw vir puft
Many have availed themselves of the
opportunity to get
John Deere Implements
But we still have a good line
The Model B Disc
With Center Lever is as popular as
ever and no farmer who owns one
would take a
Five Dollar Bill
For that third lever but we have the
Rockland and Columbia and any of
them with
Tongue Trucks
At a little extra expense
Harrows and Harrow Carts
JjfSls I To introduce the carts we are going to
make a special low price These carts
are fitted with dust proof axles and
Hard Oil cups
The John Deere Listers
In the walking One Row and Two
Row with the Edge Selection drop
per or round hole if you like the
shape of the mould boards make the
furrow free from weeds growth and
then to follow these with a
John Deere Two Row Lister
Which the farmers say will come the
nearest to hoeing the corn of anything
will make you a good outfit but you
may need a
Good Wagon
We have them in the New Moline
Weber Birdsell and Burr Oak
and are now offering 8500 wagons
for 7500 and 8300 wagons for
7300 This means you can save a
Ten Dollar Bill
We have a large stock bought before
the last two advances and we are
going to sell them at this price Be
sides this we are going to continue un
til April 15th
Our 500 Off On Buggies
We have a large line for you to select I
from and you should have them for j
the summers use We have had a
Large Sale Of Harness
But still have a good stock which is
going at prices that will please you
Also Robes Blankets Whips and ev
erything to go with a good outfit
Eclipse Wind Mills
As well as Dempster Woodmanse
Perkins and others so that you can
take advantage of the cheapest power
on earth next to which is our
Fairbanks Morse Gasoline
Phone 31
Quarterly Meeting
Tho Womans Mission Circle of the
Baptist church held its quarterly meet
ing with Mrs Rose Bayles Thursday
afternoon An interesting program on
Educational Missions illustrated by
map and pictures was given and Mrs
Bayles and Mrs French served a dainty
and elaborate lunch The attendance
was large and a good sum of money- was
added to the treasury
Following are the marriage licenses is
sued since our last report
Edward B Cox 13 and Mrs Iva A
Gammill 31 both of Bartley Neb
Married March 17th by county judge
James II Myers Go Grand Junction
Colo and Adeline A Smith M0 Strat
ton Neb Married March 10th by
county judge
Sheriff Peterson Thursday seized
some household goods of II S Brown a
tenant of Miss Alice Jones yesterday
for delinquent rent Goods were stored
in the court bouse
Probably Close Sunday
The revival services which have
j in grogress for three weeks have grown
in interest from the begiuing During
this week the Christian church has
united in the service Rev E Clutter
evangelist has assisted in the preaching
These services will probably close Sun
day evening in a union service At tho
close of the seivico the ordinance of
baptism will be administered to a num
ber of candidates All are cordially in
vited to theso meetings
Pump Pipe Well and Wind Mill Work Of All f
Kinds Done By Us
Call and See Us
St Patricks Day 21 Years Ago
Twenty one years ago Tuesday was
a memorable St Patricks day for Mc
Cook It will be recalled as a raw cold
snowy windy day with Pinkertons
patroling the Burlington
yards and pro
perty at this place The day was so
inclement that temporary protections
improvised out of grain doors etc wore
hastily erected in different part of the
Burlington domain behind which
ImKs all wearing the
forth undismayed
green hold
New Carnegie Library post cardsat
Tribune office
ice hereby Riven that the Mastic Tem
ple raft of McCook Nebraska has fifed
Ei IT rr10J tke Kce of the
retary of tare of the State of Nebraska- The
principal place of tran actin the buini of
aid corporation shall be McCook Nebraska-
Rrra naurof business to beTraL I
acted by -aid corporation
-hall be to
real estate u McCofc Nebraska npohfch
biiildiiiK for Ma omc
rooms fur
oilic ton ami oth r
tCT tuiu to erect
and con truct said buildinTlin
ora on
and to ea e and recene the r ut of aid build
b maintain -am opera house and receive
t he therefrom the amount of capital
stock authorized 1 -hall be SMtWOfcl divided of
tMuT i tIOreafClii Hhich arp to ffl
H TIV I of
i r - amount vi imii rT
oy earn tier ihpnt
V 1 7 1 Vc
- ni
cam uo cnoer
ien not -
tOfn Ullwirintn LI
1 juiy
total is
ihi entirely
corporation -hull itn
twentieth day of Mareh I and i d Z
yauue perpetual lle hiKhe t amount of
or liability to which tnecorTwrKi
of the capital
-tock subscribed
1 The
affairs of the
are to becoViducted
by a pre uient
secretary and
trea urer who toother with ttvc other
selected from anions the win
constitute the Board of Direcr3 t3sMH
Attest lix Sfe
i -