The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 07, 1908, Image 8

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So does Germany
The sale of alum foods
has been made ilb 1 v7ahington and the District of Colum
bia and alum baking powders are everywhere recognized as
injurious jq fe y0ursef against aSum
when ordering baking powder
ft o
of the feed
and be vry sure you get Royal
Royal is the only Baking Povder made from Royal Grape
rc m of Tartar it adds to the digestibility and whole-
Typewriter lor Sale
If you are interested iu securing a
Smith Prenipr Typewriter in splendid
condition at half price call in The Tiu
jjune office and see the machine It is
-a bargain and will be sold because the
owner has two machines
Having decided to move to Kansas I
-will sell at public auction at my farm
eighteen miles southwest of McCook
eicht miles north of Traer Kans ten
uniles northeast of Horndon Kans on
commencing at ten oclock sharp the
fallowing property
Fifty 6 year old cows 23 2 year olds
25 yearlings 25 3 year old heifers 30
head of steers
One gray horse 5 yrs old 1400 1 bay
horse 4 yrs old 1500 1 sorrel horse 4
yrs old 1300 1 bav mare 6 yrs old
1100 1 bay mare 3 yrs old 1000 1 black
maro 3 yrs 1100 1 gray mare 12
yrs old 1300 1 sorrel horse 3 yrs old
-1150 1 forrel mare 3 yrs old 1000 1
bald face horse 7 yrs old 900 1 bay
horse 7 yrs old 900 1 mule 8 months
old G00 1 black yearling mare colt200
1 brown yearling horse colt 200
Onewagon 1 header box and wagon
1 2 seated carriage 1 single buggy 1
wheat drill 1 one horse drill 1 disc and
seeder lgang plow 1 2 row weed sled
2 riding cultivators 4 sets harness 1
saddle 1 com binder 2 walking plows
2 sod plows 1 mower 1 hay rake 1
sweep feed grinder 1 grindstone 1 steel
3 section harrow 1 wooden 3 section
row 1 riding lister 1 walkiner lister
household goods and other articles
Free lunch at noon
TERMS Sums under 810 cash on
sums of 10 and over a credit of nine
months will be given purchasers to give
note drawing ten percent interest from
date with approved security A dis 1
count of five per cent for cash on sums
of S10 and over No property to be
until settled for
pmiiiUiiii nJiiUiJHiumfcW
IT IfyCST 12 rax vXfdafW
iff - jzjs rVVUnrTjl fiNyW
strictly prohibits j K
8 the sale or alum raj m3Si kMI
m baking powder SkVS SSSiHBffl
i So does France BSsTrjaJBBBH
Hard and Soft Paper
in convenient sizes for desk use in fig
uring and making notes at the Tribune
office Very reasonable price
Have you ever tried an eraso ink
eraser Sei one at The Tkibcne of
Closing Out Sale
Having decided to leave the farm I will
sell at public sale where I now live 1
mile west and 3 miles north of McCook
commencing at 10 oclock the following
described property
One black horse coming 5 well broke
single or double 1000 lbs 1 team bay
mares 10 yrs old 1100 lbs 1 bay mare
12 yrs old 1400 lbs 1 work horse 10 yrs
old 1200 lbs 1 grey mare 11 yrs old
1100 lbs 3 weanling colts 1 coming
2-year-old colt
One high grade Hereford bull 2 yrs
old 3 good milk cows giving milk 1 or
more fresh soon 1 3 year old heifer fresh
in March
Mostly Leghorns
400 bu of corn 3 tons of hay 25 shocks
of fodder 6 bu of seed corn
Two wagons 1 top buggy 2 sets good
work harness 1 set new 1 set good sin
gle harness 1 Western Belle riding lister
new 2 walking cultviators 1 tongue and
1 tongueless 1 Bradley disc new 1 Os
born mower 1 hay rake 1 1 horse
Hoosier wheat drill 1 Piano head
er 2 header boxes 1 hay ladder 1 sod
plow and stirring plow 1 3 section har
row 1 lister harrow 1 grindstone house
hold goods and other articles too numer
ous to mention
Free Lunch at Noon
TERMS Sums under S10 cash on
sums of 10 and over a credit of eight
months will be given purchaser to give
note drawing ten percent interest from
date with approved security A dis
count of five percent for cash on sums
of S10 and over No property to be re
moved until settled for
V Franklin clerk J H WoddeIlAuct J H Woddell Auct V FranklinClerk
cattle wire
We have a most complete stock of high grade
standard goods When in need of anything in
our line we shall be pleased to have you call
for prices and examine our goods before making
your purchases
Polk Brothers
Dennison st HcCook Nebraska
Story of a Stuffed Cat In the
Smithsonian Institution
In the Smithsonian institution at
Washington is a case containing a
stuffed cat A curd attached to the
case setting forth the reasons why
this particular feline Is known to fame
gives official sanction to a tale thnt Is
In every respect as remarkable as any
emanating from the nature fakirs
The story of the cat Is as follows
Many years ago while the Washing
ton monument was still In an unfin
ished condition nn adventurous and
patriotic cat ascended the interior of
the shaft by means of the ropes and
scaffolding When the workmen ar
rived at the upper landing the next
morning and began to prepare for the
days work the cat took fright and
springing to the outer edge took the
leap of over COO feet to the hard earth
In the descent which was watched
closely by the -workmen the cat spread
herself out like a flying squirrel fell
slowly and alighted as cats always do
on all fours After turning over on the
soil a few times as if dazed she pre
pared to leave the grounds She had
proceeded almost beyond the shadow
of the monument when a stray terriir
pounced upon and killed her
One of the workmen rescued the re
mains of the cat and turned them over
to the Smithsonian Institution v hich
caused the skin to be uiouniM and
placed under the glass cast i oaths
The Way They Are Deflected by At
mospheric Causes
One of Uncle Sams scientists at
Washington gives an interesting ex
planation of the action of the wind In
preventing the spread of sound toward
the direction from which the wind
It is he claims not the wind as
such that prevents sound from trav
eling against It but differences in the
strength of the wind If for instance
the wind is stronger above than be
low or stronger at one side its effect
wTill be to tilt the sound waves in one
direction or another
Differences of temperature in the air
also cause deflection of the waves of
sound Other atmospheric causes ex
ist which deflect sound from a straight
course and prevent it from going as
far in certain directions as it may
have been expected to go
Some of the sirens in this country
says the scientist produce sounds
which ought theoretically to be audible
at a distance or l5UU miles but in
fact the authorities are satisfied if
they are heard only two miles away
The reason for the discrepancy be
tween calculation and experiment was
probably atmospheric deflection of the
sound Minneapolis Journal
Every person who coughs should net
alarm himself with the idea that lie is
in a bad way Experience has con
vinced us of a fact that there are two
distinct kinds of coughs one proceed
ing from an affection of the lungs and
air tubes as in a cold the other pro
ceeding from effervescence in the
stomach The lungs cough is a symp
tom which all know to require atten
tion lest serious consequences ensue
The stomach cough is a much more
simple matter and may easily be got
quit of It is caused by the food and
drink which are put into the stomach
effervescing and producing an irrita
tion A knowledge of this fact ought
to lead persons so affected to ponder a
little on the nature of their ailment and
the tone of their digestive powers
The Underdog
TJnderdoggism does not arise wholly
from condition you find underdogs in
the very seats of the mighty but from
a winsome quality of mind which is in
herent You may know the underdog
by a certain negative attitude an ab
sence of assertion a denial of superior
ity a smiling air of seeing the humor
of the situation a droll hint of a wink
at his own discomfiture Some of
them it is true do make the mistake
of trying to be something else They
put on an imposing front and In a
momentary flood of favor and fortune
pose as dogs rampant Yet even in that
lofty attitude the tail may be observed
between the legs Atlantic
Expert Tattooers
The inhabitants of the Marquesas Is
lands are among the most expert tat
tooers on earth and not even the crown
of the head the fingers and the toes
are exempt from the needle The
hands are ornamented with utmost
care all the fingers having their own
pattern so the hand would look as
though incased in a tight fitting glove
were it not for the finger nails of enor
mous length which complete the hand
adornment of the wealthier natives
Couldnt Hear It
A man who was charged at the Wil
lesden police court with intoxication
and using bad language pleaded guilty
to the first part of the charge adding
As to the language I know nothing
about that because Im deaf London
My dear you grow prettier every
And shabbier John Compliments
are all very well but Id like to see a
little ready cash occasionally Wash
ington Herald
One More Right
Mistress Many a married woman
envies you your place here as cook for
us Bridget Cook Yesm cause I
can leave and they cant Uppin
A Curious Custom at the Courts
East Indian Princes
There Is a curious custom at the
courts of the Indian princes When a
British officer or a physician calls
upon a rajah he Is shown Into the re
ception or throne room where sits the
rajah surrounded by the great siate
officers After the exchange of the
usual salutations one of the officers
brings in a tray on which are display
ed jewels and golden ornaments stud
ded with valuable stones perhaps
worth 50000 or more The trayful of
valuables is supposed to be a present
from the rajah to his visitor and it
offered first to the gentleman who in
clining his head touches the edge of
the tray with the tips of his fingers
and it is then passed over to the lady
who invariably accompanies the Brit
ish officer if he is married on such oc
casions She follows the example of
her husband and tho tray and its con
tents are then returned to the jewel
room In lieu of the unaccepted jewels
a long necklace of tinsel of little value
is placed around the neck of each
where it remains during their stay
within the palace There is a very
strict law against any British officer
accepting a gift from a native prince
Even when a doctor may have per
formed some serious operation upon a
rajah who being grateful wishes to
give exclusive of a money fee vary
ing from 200 to 1000 according to
the operation performed a present of
a shawl golden cup or some similar
valuable the doctor must obtain spe
cial permission from the viceroy before
he dare accept the present If any
officer accepts a gift of any value with
out such permission he may have to
resign This rule was made because In
the old days when the East India com
pany governed India an officers pick
ings and the presents often extorted
from the rajahs were worth much
more to him than his salary London
Explanation by the Barber That
Did Not Quiet His Nerves
There were five of us hunting and
fishing iu the Queensland bush when
oue rainy day a stranger appeared He
said he was a tramp barber and as
none of us had been shaved for a fort
night we gave him half a days work
About four hours after he had left
us a band of fix men rode up and the
leader inquired if we had seen a tall
roughly dressed man pass that way
We told him of the barber and lie
looked from man to man and ex
Good gracious but you are all fresh
ly shaved
Yes we gave the barber a job
And lie shaved each one of you
He did and did it well
Boys do you hear that shouted
the man as he turned to his compan
What of it asked one of our party
Why he went insane yesterday and
cut a mans throat in his barbers
chair over at Dnadilla and were after
him to put him in an asylum
They rode away at a gallop and next
morning returned to our camp with the
man who had been captured after a
hard fight and was tied on his horse
lie seemed to remember us when he
was given a drink of water and as he
handed the cup back he quietly ob
I say gentlemen please excuse me
I meant to finish off the last man who
got shaved but I got to thinking of
something else and it slipped my
mind Cape Times
Beacon Fires In China
In China such beacon fires as spread
the alarm of the Spanisli armada
through England used to be the call
to war Many years ago the story
goes the emperor sat with a beautiful
woman looking toward the beacon
hills She would like to see those wait
ing piles lighted a nd upon her insist
ence the thing was done The greatest
excitement prevailed throughout the
provinces and troops came hurrying
in from all sides When the leaders
learned that no danger menaced that
the fires were lighted to satisfy the
whim of n woman their wrath fed on
their lost confidence and with the ac
tual call to arms the response was slow
and unenthusiastic It was a repetition
of the old story in Websters spelling
book Wolf had been cried too often
Antiquity of the Mortgage
The legal document known as a mort
gage can he traced as far back as the
dawn of authentic history The mort
gage comes directly down to us from
the Romans but its antiquity is much
more remote than the Roman nation
The Greeks Carthaginians Persians
Egyptians Babylonians all knew of
the mortgage and daily used it in their
business transactions It is safe to
say that the custom of giving mort
gages Is practically as old as settled
human society New York American
More Than Luck
Do you believe in special provi
Sure When I was a boy the school
I attended was struck by lightning one
night and burned
Nothing special about that
Oh but it was just the night before
the circus came to town Philadel
phia Ledger
Filial Obedience
Harold she murmured in his ear
mamma says I mustnt encourage you
to come here so often and I have
to do as she tells me of course but
you dont need any encouragement do
you dear
How poor are they that have no pa
tience Shakespeare
Office Stationery
Legal Blanks
Post Cards
Typewriter Papers
Note Books
Figuring Tabs
Cash Register Supplies
Notes and Receipts
Scale Books Etc
Mr Kelley has purchased the hard
ware stock of Fetterman Daily and
will moveinto tho Clifford Naden prop
Alfred Parmer has sold his farm to
Goodenburger and wo understand will
move with his family to Kondiko t e
first of March
Tho Misse3 Demarer and Caso of Leb
anon attended services at the hall Sun
day night
Miss Grace Phillips visited over Sun
day in Danbury
Roy Thomas came in on the noon
train Tuesday from Byransville Mo
Arno Thomas is having quite a tussle
with the whooping cough
W R Burbridge roturned from near
Franklin Neb where he has been hold
ing meetings the last three week
Will Stilgebouer and wife returned
from Marion where thoy were visiting
S W Stilgebouer and family
Mr Parmer3 uncle aunt mother and
brother were visiting with him last
week Saturday evening he gave a
pocial to the young folks of the town
Mr Wood is under the doctors care
and is reported quite poorly
Miss Libby Strain has been having
the grippe
Dan Clouse and Millie Billings took
Mrs Sim Billings to McCook where she
will visit with her son Fred before re
turning to her home at Boulder Colo
R F D No I
Mrs T AEndsley is with her daugh
ter Mrs W P Broomfield while Mr
Endsley is in Ohio to see his parents
Friday of next week Mr Endsleys
parents will celebrate the 5Sth anni
versary of their marriage and to this
event all the children will be present
Mr and Mrs Joseph Downs have
moved to McCook where they recently
bought a home in East McCook
Ernest Dutton has returned home
from his visit in Alamosa and other
Colorado points
G A Roedel has been in Superior
and Alma this week attending sales of
fine stock in which he invested
John Hume is at Judd Thompsons
and is considerably improved in health
Miss Ada Walkington visited at the
Shadeland ranch Friday Sunday
A D Bower is in Pittsburg Penna
where he was married on Tuesday of
this week
Albert Mellison departed last Friday
it is stated for the west
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook at
noon today Friday are paying the fol
lowing prices
Corn s 5T
Wheat 73
Oats io
e -
Barley J3
Hogs 3 H0
Butter oodj IS
gga 17
Seeds plants roses
bulbs vinps shrub-
fruit and ornamental
trees Colorado rown
best on earth LOW
PRICES Free cata
logue Agents wanted
The Uig Guoweus Donver Colo
We sell LAMPS at
When electric light
is dim you need
Our Lamps
Ideal Store
Per Ton
Canon City Lump 900
Maitland Lump 850
Maitland Nut 800
Rex Lump 750
Sheridan Egg 750
Wier Lump 700
Pennsylvania Nut 1300
Pennsylvania ss7l 950