The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 31, 1908, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Call Republican State Convention March
12 1908
Pursuant to the call of the Nntional
committee issued December 7 1907 tho
Republican electors of the utato of Ne
braska are hereby called to meot in con
vention in the city of Omaba on Thurs
day March 2 1908 at two oclock in
the afternoon for the purpose of select
ing four delegates at largo and four al
ternates to tbo Republican National
convention to bo hold in the city of
CI icago June 10 190S for the nomina
tion of candidates for president and vice
presidont of the United States
The basis of representation of the sev
ernl counties in said stato convention
shall be the vote cast for Honorable II
II Wilson for presidential elector at the
general election held for November 8
190 giving one delegate for each one
hundred fifty votes and the major frac
tion thereof so cast for said H Ii Wil
son but each county to be entitled to at
least one delegate Said apportionment
entitlis the several counties to the fol
lowing representation in the said con
Aduns 15
Aulelopo 12
Banner 1
Blfine 1
Boone 12
Bos Butte 4
Boyd 8
Brown 4
Buffalo 17
Burt 14
Butler 11
Csss 18
Cedar 12
Chase 2
Cherry 7
Cheyenne 5
Clay 14
Colfax 8
Cuming 10
Custer 18
Dakato 6
Dawes 5
Dawson 11
Deuel 3
Dixon 10
Dodge 19
Douglas 102
Dundy 3
Fillmore 13
Howard 8
Jefferson 14
Jnhnson 11
Kearney i 8
Keith 2
EyPfhi 3
Knox 14
L in caster 54
Lincoln 10
Logan 1
Loup 1
McPherson 1
Madison 15
Merrick 8
Nance 8
Nemaha 13
Nm kolls 11
Otoe 17
Pawnee 12
Perkins 1
Phelps 10
Pierce 7
Platte 13
Polk 8
Red Willow 9
Richardson 17
Rock 3
Snline 16
S irpy 7
Saunders 19
Franklin - 8 Scotts Bluff 4
Frontier 7 Seward 15
Furnas 10
Gage 29
Garfield 3
Gosper 4
Grant 1
Greeley 6
Sheridan 4
Sherman 5
Sioux 2
Stanton 6
Thayer 13
Thomas 1
- I l I Ml IIWW
Attention is called to the method pro
vided iorby tho resolution of the state
comhiittfco giving tho Republican elect
ors in each county where desired an op
portunity to express their preference for
candidato for president of tho United
States which plan of expressing said
preference has been forwarded to each
county chairman
Attention is also called to Section 3 of
Rule VI adopted by the said state com
mlttee providing for the filiig of cre
dentials and which rule is as IoIIjwb
Credentials of delegates to conven
tions bhall be filed with J hi- hocr tary of
tho stnt central committee at least five
days before t io dale of ridul emvention
Pursuant to said cah of the National
committee and the laws of Nabraska
the several congressional committees
are instructed to prof d in he usual
manner to name a time and place for
Holding their resp ctivn district conven
tions for the election of twodtlegates
and two alternates fioin each of said
congressional di tricts in conformity
with the requirements of the call of the
national committee the same basis of
representation being used in the several
counties as isnorein provided for the
state convention It is recommended
that the same place and date be selected
by said congressional committees for
holding said district conventions as
have been selected by this committee
for tho state convention
VVmHaywakd Chairman
r P Corrick Secretary
January 8 1903 Lincoln Nebraska
It is amusing to read theupKions and
viowd expressed by the press on the
question of selecting delegates to the
Republican national con sntirsi from
Nebraska But the cor census favors
the selection of other deleg ites than
th e now holding high official positions
in the state in which Thk Tribune
heartily concurs Not that holding of
11 position is a bar to becoming a
delegate rutthe rather that holding
such official position should not be used
as a lewraH to secure the coveted place
on th delegation Tho average office
holder in Nebraska is in no wise super
ior to the average of tho rank and file of
Nebraska Republicans the plea
of sending strong men and able dons not
in an wise preclude the naming of non
officing holding men
1 One of the old corpoiation guard
Christy of Clay county takes it upon
himself to express tho opinion and senti
ment of the Fifth district upon the
question of the primary Of course it
is against the primary system But
The Tribune doesnt recall the name
just now of any politician of the Chris
ty typo x who dbes favof the primary
system to the caucus and convention as
manipulated by the gang And as the
primarjvsystern becomes more familiar
to the people and is amended to meet
conditions prevailing they will like it
tho better But the politicians of a
17 Thurston g j certain type can never be expected to
Valley 8
Washington 12
Wayne 10
Webster 11
Wheeler 1
York 17
Total 925
It is recommended that no proxies be
allowed and that the delegates present
from each of the respective counties be
authorized to cast the full vote of their
be enamoured of it or of anything tend
ing to place directly with the people
the Iduty uf nominating and electing
candidates to office
The Red Cloud Commercial-Advertiser
announces its continued enlist
ment in a -10000 population campaign
for Red Cloud The brother is no
danger of being out of a job soon
Oui duebills or trade checks will not
be taken after the 6th of February
The Bee Hive
William Howard Taft secretary of -war and leading Republican presiden
tial candidate was born In Cincinnati Sept 15 1S57 A graduate of Yale and
Cincinnati Law school he began work as a reporter In 1887 he became judge
of the superior court of Cincinnati In 1800 he was appointed United States
solicitor general in 1S92 he became United States circuit judge in March
1900--he vrsnt iahs Philippines to oranla the American government there
Feb 1 ISOrf bs was appointed secretary b war He has rendered coospicu
ous serrice iritlw Philippines in Pope -Leo in Cuba ia
Panama and to American interests throughout the world
The constitutibnality of the
act of congress of June i 1898
prohibiting railroad companies
engaged in interstate commerce
from discriminating against the
members of labor organiztions in
the matter of employment was
called into question by the case
of William Adair vs the United
States which was decided by the
supreme court of the United
States today favorable to Adair
The opinion was by Justice Har
lan and held the law to be re
pugnant to the constitution
The court held that Adair as
master mechanic of the Louis
ville Nashville railroad had
the right to discharge an em
ploye because he was a member
of a labor organization just as it
is the employes right to quit such
employment because of his mem
bership in such organization
Such a course the decision added
might be unwise but regarded
as a mere matter of right there
could be no doubt Congress
could not under the constitution
authorize a violation of contract
under the guise of protecting in
terstate commerce
The Missouri supreme court
todav in the opinion by Judge
Burgess decided that the law
requiring that free return trans
portation be given to shippers
with each carload of live stock
by the railroads of this state is
unconstitutional on the ground
that it is a discrimination in rates
against other shippers and in
violation of the fourteenth amend
ment to the federal constitution
in that it takes property without
due process of law The case
was appealed to the supreme
court from Linn ccunty where
trie Doara 01 railroad commis
sioners brought suit against the
Burlington road The lower
court sustained the commission
ers contention and the railroad
company appealed The su
preme court overruled the de
cision of the lower court and the1
proceedings are ordered dismis
Governor Sheldon is fortun
ate in the possession of sound
ideas and courage of expression
on many matters In points is
his idea as expressed favoring the
indeterminate sentence of crim
inals and a board of pardons
Approximate justice demands
both and those states attempting
to realize the highest justice and
equity and the least failure and
wrong in the application of laws
are coming to the point mention
ed It is safe and sane ground
between the hysterical sentiment
alist and austere pound-of-flesh
The Royal Buck farm a very valu
able half section of earliest associations
in Red Willow county history has been
purchased by John F Helm of Red
Willow whose real estate holdings at
the mouth of Red Willow creek are
already of great and increasing value
The Buck farm has been in that familys
keeping for over 30 years and Mr
Helms residence has been contempor
Secretary Wilson of the department
of agriculture says that the unbounded
prosperity of the agriculturist is not due
to chance but is the result of
1 gent scientific business methods A
reader of The Weekly Inter Ocean has
placed before him each week the prac
tical and approved methods to which
Secretary Wilson refers It is a good
investment Only 125 for The Weekly
Inter Ocean and this paper one year
I have engaged George Stuart for tbo
fifteen hundred young men at Armour
Institute He will delight them I
heard him three times and I feel that I
have made the discovery of a really great
master of assemblies I laughed until I
was on the verge of collapse then I was
rescued oy a wise remark worthy of a
philosopher I wept like a little child
as he led me through scenes of boyish
delight or sympathy Then he lifted me
to heights of moral vision which I hope
I may never forsake Great is the mis
sion of humor great is the cleansing
power of tears which are without regret
great is trie realm of the noblelife and
George Stuart has the passport to them
all Rev Frank W Gunsaulus D D
Chicago 111
Str iBXZ tgygJ JT
W A MiddletonJr is home from
Mus F W Bosworth and son Ralph
are in Denver
W A Mitchell came up from Lin
coln close of last week
Miss Ruth Wiehe is visiting friends
at Brush Colo this week
Mrs A L Knowland returned last
Friday from her visit east
W N Cheney of McCook was in
town yesterday Cambridge Clarion
D T Welty of Cambridge was
among McCooks visitors on business
Mrs R D Austin returned Sunday
morning from visiting tho homefolks
in Red Cloud
Supt G H Thomas went down to
Lincoln last night on matters of educa
tional moment
Judge Keyes was up from Indianola
Wednesday on business befoie Judge
Moore in probate court
C F Lehn returned Wednesday
morning from a business trip to Den
ver and Greeley Colorado
Mrs Georoe Enoch and children
returned early in the week from their
visit in Crete and Lincoln
Mrs Anna Colfbr has been very ill
but is somewhat improved at this writ
ing A professional nurse attends
Miss Lowe of McCook is the guest
of Miss ChristenaLUndquist this week
Hendley cor Beaver City Tribune
Martin Hoqan came over from May-
wood end of week and took train here
for the east on his way to visit a sister
Mrs Margie Jeffries of McCook
was guest of John II Brown and family
from Friday night to Sunday night
Trenton Republican
Rev G B Hawkes of the Congrega
tional church was speaker of the day
at the Day of Prayer service at
Franklin Academy Thursday of this
H Simons has been called to Chicago
by death in the family and MrsSimons
mother Mrs Predmestky and brother
Fred are with her during the husbands
Mr and Mrs Charles Kklley are
the happy beneficiaries of a sweet visit
ation from the stork Wednesday A
fine eight pound boy is the gift and all
are getting on nicely
J L White of Curtis was in town
early days of the week working up his
defense in the Gossard embezzlement
case which comes up for trial in Dis
trict court next week
Rev M B Carman returned Wed
nesday to Benkelmah where he has
been assisting in revival meetings
which have been very successful there
having been 40 accessions to the church
Monday and Tuesday of this week
Schoteau Paul son of Mrs C D
Ercanbrack known to early residents
of McCook was in the city mid week
a few dns visiting old friends and
scenes Schoteau left the city about 20
years ago and of course finds that large
changes have taken place in his former
home His mother passed away about
two years since Mr Ercanbrack is
still located in Montana Schoteau is
in the governments reclamation service
in the west and northwest His wife
is visiting in Eastern Nebraska while
he is spending a few day in McCook
The following hitters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postofiice January 31 1907
Anderson Mr Floyd
Cseason Miss Nora
Elliott C T
Hill Mrs Nettie
Hess James
Han ey J D
Johnson Mrs Frank
Leonard Mr Harry
McCoy Mrs Ora
Robert Miss Clara
Smith Mr J P
Barnes J
Campbell Mrs Maud
Eckler Mr Jack
Gottlick F J
Hill Mrs Lennie
Hendershot Fred L
Hall Frank
Jackson Mr John
Matthews Mrs Eliza
Manerty P J
Pete J R
Quick M
Steimmiller Jake
Smith G II
Schultz A
Thompson Jud
Cramer Mr Frank
Drew Mr A
Forestey Mr F B
Hill Mr ST
Harding Mr James
Hough Chas
Lewis Laban
Moroson Nellie
Pierson Ben F
Southwell Miss Nettie
Schafer Mr Bill
Baraluch C
Damp Win
Grawyer G
Giesey Mr Lee
nolcomb Edna
Harding Jno
Haggard Miss Lela
Kuse Bros
Metiers J D
Marshall E
Perkins Miss Mary
Randolph Arthur
Stoner J L
Schaffer F
Scott Mr Raymond
Walker Mote
West Mr Clyde
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
S B McLean Postmaster
A weekly newspaper that publishes
twenty oue columns of good reliable
news each week is rare in these days of
cheap weeklies intended only to sell
some article that the publisher is inter
ested in Credit is due The Weekly
Inter Ocean for keeping its columns
filled with fresh and up-to-date news
Give it a trial by subscribing through
The McCook Tribune
Typewriter tor Sale
If you are interested in securing a
condition at half price call in The Tri
bune office and see the machine It is
a bargain and will be sold because the
owner has two machines
Say you saw it in The Tribune
Something New
J H Grannis
Of course you arent surprised
as we always have something
new but these
we have just received are the
real thing for wear not tear as
they are wool filled and linen
warp What do you know
about a couple of them while
the line is full and there are all
kinds of colors sizes and prices
Youd better hurry for although
theyll last you forever we just
cant keep them because of the
sensiblepeople who trade with
us and who know a good thing
when they see it Call early
even if the times arent rushing
4fcfeb w s vW r
Rules Adopted Governing Expression of Choice for a Republican
Candidate for President
First The chairman and secretary of the state committee are hereby in
structed to have printed a sufficient number of official ballots which ballots shall
contain the names of all announced candidates for the Republican nomination for
President of the United States and two blank lines immediately under the names
of the candidates where any elector may write in the name of any person for
whom he desires to vote whose name does not appear on the ballot Said ballot
shall contain the words Official Ballot and the words Preference for candi
date for President of the United States with a square opposite each name and
opposite each blank line and shall contain the words Vote for One and be
arranged as the official ballots in the elections are arranged except as to the
position of the names on the ticket In printing ballots the position of the names
of the candidates thereon shall be changed on each 500 ballots so that the candi
dates shall alternate as to the first position on said ballot
Second The vote for preference for a candidate for President shall be taken
in each precinct at the time of holding the caucus or primary for the selection of
delegates to the county convention which shall elect delegates to the state conven
tion to be held in the city of Omaba on March 12 1908
Third Upon the request of the central committee of any county official
ballots shall be sent by the secretary of the state committee to the chairman of
such county committee who shall send the precinct committeeman at least five
days before the caucus or primary is held in said precinct the ballots for such
Fourth At the time of holding the caucus or primary in each precinct a
separate ballot box shall be furnished for said ballots
Fifth All qualified Republican electors shall have the right to vote their
preference for President at said caucus or primary
Sixth Before any ballot is delivered to the voter the chairman and clerk of
the caucus or the judges of the primary shall write their names across the back of
said ballot
Seventh The clerk of the primary or caucus shall make a list of the names
of the voters voting their preference for candidates for president which list to
gether with tho ballots cast and the tall -sheet showing the tallied vote cast
shall within 21 hours after said caucus or primary be transmitted to the chair
man of the Republican county committee of the county wherein said precinct is
Eighth Within five days of the time of holding such caucus or primary the
chairman of the county committee shall appoint two Republican electors of said
county to canvass the vote on said preference and the result of said canvass with
the certificate of said canvassers shall be at at once transmitted by mail to the
chairman of the state central committee at Lincoln Nebraska
Ninth The chairman of the state centrii committee shall at once tabulate
the vote so received and transmit by maii to the chairman of the congressional
committee in each district a statement showing the vote on presidential candi
dates in each county in his congressional district and the chairman of tho state
committee shall deliver to the chairman of the state convention to be held in che
city of Omaha on March 12 190S a statement snowing the vote received by him
on presidential candidates from all the counties in the state
We certify that the foregoing rules were adopted by the Republican state
central committee at Lincoln Nebraska January 8 190S
F P Corrick Secretary William Hayward Chairman
Mis3 Hazel Roop returned home from
Culbertson where she has been visiting
Will Stilgebouer wife and son re
turned from Covina Calif the climate
not agreeing with his wifes health
Mr Cribbin id home from Lincoln
where he has been since the holidays
Smith Premer Typewriter in splendid visiting his daughters
Grandma Bates is down with the
Mr Cantrall who has been under the
doctors care for several days is report
ed to be improving
Robert Cathcart has bought out
farmer Morgans interest in the restaur
ant business
Mr Ilellison has bought OB Woods
interest in the butcher shop
Mr and Mrs McGuire have arrived
from LaJunta Colo where they stopped
over on their return from Calif
Roy Thomas has gone on a trip to
St Joe and Bynumville Mo
Mrs Sina Smith and children who
have been visiting here returned to
their home in Wilsonville thi9 week
Elder Burt of Stamford is holding a
series of meetings at the opera house
m4sataSBlrt9i itifZ
fry I