The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 31, 1908, Image 3

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9 S
23CnIl at Citizens Bank For Dates
Middletoii Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phono 182 McCook Nebraska
J M Rupp
P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska
Hiss 11a JVL Briggs
jj will teach class on piano Grad
Y3 uatu of Bethany coiiBe rvaiorv
oi ijinusuorg jviiih oiuai
home of A G Bump Phono
Blick 2f2 Scholars call or
phone for further information
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnolls drug
store McCook Nebraska
McCook Nkwraska
CAgent of Lincoln Land Co and ot McCool
Water Wi rks Office in Poatofllco building
C H Boyle
C E Eideed
Long Distance lluie 44
Rooms 1 aurt 7 second tloor
Poetoflico Huildiup
Mctoot Neo
Oilico Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh B1k McCook
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
Or Herbert J Pratt
Registered Geaddate
Office over McConnells Drag Store
Telephones Office 160 residence 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location jnst across street in P Walsh
flcCook - Nebraska
at little cost
fcl flfifl flfl reward is offered to
OIlWUWiMW anyone for any sub
stance injurious to the health found
in Calumet Baking Powder
Pnrity is a prime essential in food
Calumet is madeonlyof pure wholesome
ingredients combined by skilled chemists
and complies with the pure food laws ot
all states It is the only high grade
Baking Powder on the market sold at
anoderate price
A Y A 51
McCook Lodgo No i5 A F k A M meets
nvury line nnd third Tuni riuy of the month Ht
800 p in in MiiHouic hull
Ciiauluh L Faiisehtock W M
Lov Cove Sec
McCook Lodgo No 1U7 H of B M I S B of
A meet first and tlird - ridnys of each mouth
in Odd Follows hall
McCook Lodro No 3 D of II meets wry
soi nnil and fonh Krinirsoi each mouth ittiUi
p in In Gnnschows lull
Mi- Lauki O uhkn C of II
Muh MatikO Wci mss Kuc
McConkAfrio No Iil4 F O j meets thti
pneond nnd fourth WcdiioSl s of t anli mouth
at 800 pm in UhuscIkiwm hull Social meui
mgs on tho lin t nnd lurd Widnesdnis
Eurokn Jittpter N ST O E S meiitR tin
serond and fourth Friday- of each month at
800 p m in Masonic h ill
Mks Sakaii E Kay W M
SyIjVESTEK Cokdeau br c
J K Harnos Post No 207 G A It meets nu
the llrst Saturday of each month at 2S0 pm
Ganschows hall
J M Hi ndeuhon Cmudr
J II Iakgur Adjt
knights or coiujinus
Council No 1126 K nf C meets the
fln t nnd third Tuesdays of each mouth ut 800
p in in Diamonds hall
Frank Real G K
G It Gale F Sec
MrCook Lodge N 42 K of P meets overj
Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall
J N Gaahde K R S
St John Commatidery No 1G K T meet1 nu
the second Thursdaj or each month at 800 p
in in Masonic hall
Emi iison Hanson E C
Sylvester Cordeal Rec
lady jaccaiieis
Yallny Qiicoii Hive No 2 L O M meets
evi ry first and third Thursday omings of each
mouth in hall
Mrs W B Mills Commander
Harriet E Willktts R K
locomotive engineers
McCook Division No 621 Hif L E meets
ov ry ilrst and third Satuidaj of oich monthnt
8 00 in Berrys hall
W C Sciienck C E
W D Uurnett F A E
locomotive firemen
McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E
meot every Saturday at 730 p m in Gans
chows hull
I D Pennington M
Geo A Campbell S c
Red Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meets
every second and fourth Tuesday of tho month
at 800 p in in Gnusuhow hall
D O Hewitt Pres
Yv II Anderson Rcc Sec
modern woodmen
Noble Camp No 665 M W A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each mouth at
830 p in in Ganschows hall
John Hunt V C
Barney Hofer Clerk
McCook Lodge No 137 1 O O F meets overy
Monday nl800 p m in Gansehow s hall
E H Doan N G
Scott Doan Sec
p e o
Chapter X P E O meets the second and
fourth Saturdays of each month at 280 p m
at tho homes of the various members
Mrs C W Britt Pros
Mrs J G ScnoBEL Cor See
railway conductors
Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the
second and fourth Sundays of each month at
300 p tu in Diamonds ball
Joe Hegenberger C Con
M O McCluee Sec
railway trainmen
C W Bronson Lodge No 487 B of R T
meets overy Friday at 800 p m in Berrys
H W Conovee M
F J Huston Sec
McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Diamonds hall
Web Stephens M W
C B Gray Rec
Kiug Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets
every first and third Thursday of each month at
80 p m in Masonic hall
Clarence B Gray H P
Clinton B Sawyer Sec
Noblo Camp No 862 R N A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
230 p m in Ganschows hall
Mrs Maey Walker Oracle
Mrs Augusta anton Rec
r s M
Council Nol6RSMmeets on
the last Saturday of each month at 800 p m
n Masonic hall
Ralph A Hagberg T I M
Sylvester Cordeal Sec
w o w
Meets second and fourth Thursdays at 8
oclock in Diamonds hall
Chas F Markwad C C
W C Moyer Clerk
Have You Houses To Rem
Then you should be supplied with
rent receipt books The Tribuse has
just what you want compact and com
Calumet Baking Powder may ben
freely used with the certainty that food j
made with it contains no narmtu
tirus a ft is chemically correct
and makes JTure wnoieftom
Thrilling Incident of tho Battlo cl
Bunkor Hili
Tho battle of Bunker III11 gave the
occasion for many deeds of valor and
since that day we hold a list of names
Illuminated in our memory One of
these names belongs to the Knight of
Derryfleld Do you remember who lie
was and can you recall the song of his
bravery Read of it once more and
have impressed again on your heart
the implicit obedience and perfect
I courage of the New Hampshire farm-
ers and their captain John Moor
When the forty five men of the litle
town of Derryfleld N II loft their
homes to fight for the great cause each
Knew mat no men were ever leu uy a
braver man than their beloved Captain
Moor His courage had Inspired many
of them in the French nnd Indian war
So eagerly when the alarm came in
179 they marched with him and his
drummer boy son to Cambridge where
he was entered a captain in Starks
And now comes the battle of Bunker
Hill Behind a fence piled thick with
grass Captain Moors company lay as
still as death An order had come from
Colonel Stark that not a shot was to be
fired until the British passed a stake
that was driven a short distance away
with perfect confidence in themselves
and their captain the farmers waited
waited motionless while that beauti
ful death dealing pageant of British
warriors swept grandly toward them
With the coolness and wonderful pre
cision of a dress parade the old world
came to meet the new the grenadiers
and light Infantry marching in single
file twelve feet apart the artillery ad
vancing more slowly and thundering
out an Insolent defiance to the con
ceited little rebels while on eam side
fve battalions formed an oblique line
to the fence reashvoiks The very
flower of the English army full blos
somed In learned maneuvers resplen
dent in shining arms and waving ban
ners advanced to meet a little group of
men untrained in tactics of warfare
only half armed clad in homespun
hiding behind a breastwork of grass
The dead line was crossed Bang
Bang Bang The little rebels were
awake at last Now not the stake
but a line of fallen bodies marked the
dead line Thunder and lightning
belched forth from that breastwork
A fire Intense steady killing and the
brave march of the Britishers was
checked A slight recoil and the offi
cers dashing up again urged the line
forward Not for one moment did the
grass fence cease its voice of fire and
shot One by one the brave grenadiers
and their dashing gallant officers fell
to the earth The ranks broke and the
proud host fled before the meager
handful of New Hampshire men Ah
if we could only have had grass breast
works and Captain John Moor all
along the American line C F Harri
son in Atlanta Constitution
A Philanthropist
An earnest east side worker says
that not long ago she was approaches
by an old gentleman who has the rep
utation of being something of a philan
thropist with the request that he bo
permitted to accompany her on one of
her rounds of visits Much pleased
the worker consented The destitute
condition in which many families were
found elicited expressions of deep sym
pathy from the old gentleman but tc
his companions surprise and regret
nothing more material Presently the
came upon a small girl weepirg bit
What is it my dear the old gen
tleman inquired
The child raised a tear stained face
and pointed into a dark alleyway Me
mudder sent mo to buy some bread
an I lost my dime in there an Ill git
licked awful she sobbed
Poor dear he remarked in a tender
voice at the same time putting his
hand into his vest pocket Dont cry
Here I j match Perhaps you will be
able to find it Harpers
Misled by Stationery
I wrote a note to ray washerwoman
about a week or two ago asking her
please to bring my clothes home f aid
the woman I needed them I hap
pened to be in a religious concern at
the time and used its paper to v itc
the note on Bertha came yesterd
Ive a great notion to dischai go
you Bertha I told her Why diJut
you bring me my clothes Must I cet
enough things to wear a 3ear without
having them washed on your account
To tell you the truth Bertha apol
ogized meekly you wrote on thU
theah religious paypah and I dtdn
pay no tenshun to it I jes thought I
was some o them peepul writin to
ask me to come to prayah ineetin I
didnt know it was youali lettah miss
till yesterday mawnin when I got
tlahd of seeiu it around and opened it
so that was why I didnt git heah no
soonah with youah cloes New y rli
Moody on the Cards
One evening in San Francisco Eva1
gelist Moody sat in his room at the h
tel playing a game of cards with Mr-
Moody and two friends when a meh
senger came in with a dispatch Ai
the boy stood waiting for a reply Ml
Moody suddenly asked Wont you sit
down my lad and have a gamo of
authors with us
The boy declined and soon left tht
room Hardly had the door closed
when Mrs Moody said Why Dwighi
what made you think of Inviting thi
boy to sit down and play with us
My dear replied Moody dont yo
see If I had not called the boys atten
tion to the fact that we were playist
authors all the morning papers woul
certainly have announced under blfc
headlines that 1 L Moody hud uwu
discovered in a San Francisco Qotrt
engaged In a game of rordaV
- t
An Instanco of Finding Fun In tho
Midst of Disaster
The laugh often comes In tho very
-WW w A llSU UUU IfwMO
cannot check the response to the com
ical An instance of finding fun in the
midst of disaster Is told by Captain T
C Morton in the Southern Historical
Papers The Confederate picket line
was stationed on a sandy bottom near
a creek
John Ford one of the men on duty
was very plucky He was seated near
an uprooted tree and could be plainly
seen by all his company Suddenly a
i large mortar shell fell unexplodcd In
the sand about four feet from Iilin
the fuse smoking and sputtering
John took in the situation at a
glance He argued to himself that the
shell would burst before he could get
up and run away so that the safest
thing he could do would be to get into
the ground as fast as possible With
tue utmost rapidity he began to work
down into the sand with hands feet
and head The men watched the pro
ceedings shouting
Scratch John scratch Shes going
It Avas an exciting spectacle Never
was a man more in enrnest The sand
all about was in commotion and In the
few seconds the fizzing fuse gave him
John burrowed like a great gopher till
nothing but the bump of his back was
visible as the loose sand settled above
The explosion came with a tremen
dous jar which shook the ground and
sent hundreds of pieces of iron singing
through the air Every one held his
breath expecting to see puor John
blown into atoms When the smoke
and dust blew away it was seen that
Fords head was still on his shoulders
He looked cautiously up and seeing all
was right sang out a hearty Who
eeh as cheerily as if he had treed a
coon instead of having been face to
face with death A cheer and a laugh
ran all along the line
The Letter That Brought Freedom to
Sir John Trovanion
During the great rebellion Sir John
Trevauion a distinguished cavalier
was made prisoner and locked up in
Colchester castle Sir Charles Lucas
and Sir George Lisle had just been
made examples of as a warning to
raalignants and Trevanion had ev
ery reason to expect a similar end As
he awaited his doom he was startled
by the entrance of the jailer who
handed him a letter
Mayt do thee good growled the
fellow It has been well looked to be
fore it was permitted to come to you
Sir John took the letter and the jailer
left him his lamp by which to read it
Wbrthie Sir John Hope that Is ye best
comfort of ye afflictyd cannot much I
fear me help you now That I wolde say
to ycu is this only If ever I may be able
to requite that I do owe you stand not
upon asking of me Tis not much I can
do but what I can do bee thou verle
sure I wille I knowe that if dethe comes
if ordinary men fear it It frights not you
accounting it for a high honour to have
such a rewarde of your loyalty Pray yet
that you may be spared this soe bitter
cup We prty that you may be I fear
not that you will grudge any sufferings
Only if bie submission you can turn them
away tis the part of a wise man Tell
me an if you can to do for you any
thinge that you wolde have done The
general goes back on Wednesday Rest
Inge your servant to command R T
Now this letter was written accord
ing to a preconcerted cipher Every
third letter after a stop was to tell In
this way Sir John made out Panel at
east end ot chapel slides On the fol
lowing evejlr the prisoner begged to
be allowed to pass an hour of private
devotion in the chapel By means of a
bribe this was accomplished Before
the hour had expired the chapel was
empty The bird had flown London
Tit Bits
A Quick Retort
Tennessee bred two great orators in
the olden days Andrew Johnson a
Democrat once president of the Unit
ed States and Gustavus A Henry a
Whig known as the Eagle Orator of
the South They ran against each
other for governor and when a long
series of joint debates had reached its
close Johnson addressed the Whigs in
the audience I have spoken with the
boasted eagle orator from the Missis
sippi river to the Unaka mountains
and as jet I see no flesh in his talons
nor blood on his beak Quick as a
flash Henry was on his feet saying
The American eagle is a proud bird
and feeVls not on carrion
Birds Muscular Power
Birds are possessed of enormous
muscular power far exceeding in some
cases that of any other warm blooded
creature There is an instance on rec
ord of an eagle weighing no more than
fourteen pounds lifting and carrying
oH a young pig which weighed no less
rlan forty two pounds How many
ien could even stagger along the
ground carrying three times their own
weight in their hands The kick of
an ostrich is a fearsome thing It
will break a mans thigh or even the
leg of a horse Exchange
When on Tour
Papa Ah my boy the old days were
the best Then we did our courting
walking In the country lanes gathering
buttercups and daisies
Son Why pop We go courting in
the country lanes just the same today
only instead of walking we go In autos
and instead of gathering daisies we
gather momentum Town and Coun
Not His Say
Beggs What do you say to your wlf e
when you come home late at night
Jaggs Foolish man What makes yon
think I get a chance to talk
Tho Domuro Brown Maiden In He
Holiday Attire
The Japanese college girl entertained
the fudge party with oriental remi
On every holiday she said the
Japanese maiden must rise and have
her toilet finished before the sun looks
aver Fujiyama our sacred mountain
And what a toilet The long coarse
black tresses are washed eomlxd nnd
greased til the head shines llk a
knob of polished black marble The
cheeks are rouged a fine pink The
throat neck and hoFotu are powdered
bt at the uapt of the neck there are
left tlrce lines of the original brown
skin in accordance with the rules of
Japanese cosmetic art
With charcoal she rounds and
lengthens her eyebrows She reddens
her lips with cherry paste adding a
git diamond to the center of the pout
ing lower lip She puts on eight fresh
garments and she ties her obi or great
sash In a symbolical knot Her socks
she doesnt wear stockings are very
white and pure and her clogs are
lacquered till they shine like a silk hat
Now she is ready to set out She
fills her silk tobacco pouch thrusts her
pipe in her girdle puts six paper hand
kerchiefs up her wide sleeve and sal
lies forth turningdier toes in and wav
ing her fan with a demure grace
Los Angeles Times
Tho Story of a Tooth Pulling by Peter
the Great
Peter the Great particularly delight
ed In drawing teeth nnd he strictly
enjoined his servants to send for him
when anything of that sort was to be
done One day his favorite valet do
chambrc seemed very melancholy The
czar asked him what was the matter
Oh your majesty said the man
my wife is suffering the greatest ag
ony from toothache and she obstinate
ly refuses to have the tooth taken out
If that is all said Peter we will
soon cure it Take me to her at once
When they arrived the woman de
clared that she was not sufferiug at
all there was nothing the matter with
That is the way she talks your
majesty said the valet She is suf
fering tortures
Hold her head and hands said the
czar I will have it out in a minute
And he instantly pulled out the indi
cated tooth with great dexterity amid
profuse thanks from the husband
What was Peters indignation to dis
cover a little later that his valet had
usedjhim as an executioner to punish
his wife who had never had an un
sound tooth in her head Argonaut
Bridge Whist
j At least GO per cent of the game of
1 bridge lies in the make A poor player
loses tricks and often the game and
rubber by his play but so many hands
occur in which there is really no play
that such losses are comparatively un
important compared with the havoc
wrought by an injudicious maker for
constantly his decision is invoked when
the safety of the game or its success
lies in his judgment of the value of
his hand To choose between hearts
or diamonds and no trumps to select
clubs rather than spades to know
when a five card suit is safe and
when one of four cards should be
chosen above all to keep an unrelax
ing attention upon the state of the
score with its shifting demands all
these are the sterling qualities of a
good maker Once sensible that you
are lacking in any such respect you
will find your game appreciably
strengthened by attention and study
Good Bridge
The Victorian English
The England which spoke the lan
guage which was already dying in the
eighteen sixties was before all things
a world of the country The sights and
sounds of nature played a far greater
part in the lives of the mass of the
people than they do today This is re
flected for instance in the way in
which birds and animals were spoken
of and the names given them I have
myself once or twice heard old people
in the country speak of the hen ns
Dame Partlet One is familiar with
the phrase from books of course it is
Chaucers Pertolette but once or
twice as a child I actually heard it I
suppose it would be impossible to hear
it anywhere now London Outlook
Fluency of Speech
The common Iiiify of speech in
many men and most women is owing
to a scarcity of matter and a scarcity
of words for vever is i master of
language a mind full of ideas
will be apt in to hesitate up
on the choict of I whereas com
mon speakers have only on set of
ideas and one set ot vord t clothe
them in and the e are reay
at the mourh s peipe ue faster
out of church when it i uost empty
than when a crowd is at the door
Dean Swift
Georgie ArnMe what does irony
mean Auntie It means to say one
thing and mean the nppoitc like call
ing a rainy iiiv a lne day Georgie
I think 1 if le td you auntie
Wouldnt this Ie irony Auntie 1
dont want a nice big piece of cake
Odd Change
Grabblt has given up bank clerking
to take a position as a conductor on
the electric cars
But thats an odd change
Odd change Sure Thats what In
duced him Bohemian
Let every bird Bin its own notfc
Danish Prorerb
A Edfar Hawkln
Phono ninckCKl
It H Evans
Ilioiio Bifick 1U
Contractors ana Builders
Plnni dnrvn lud 1 tinnitc ftirn
ishfcl on itpi I if t u 1 21 J n
McCook rnn
K P t j Van
h4 J IWVTiSi
cocmai Ma
rMdo to bnlld New Itnilnru AtrLllwlU
maKO you our permanent customer
Prize Collection
11 tho finest Turnip 7 iplendid Oala 8 best rarlo
Ues 10 Bprlf rioif bulb C4 Tanttle In all
Write to day Mention this Paper
to oom poiUc and cicklnr n4 recti this Talnablo
l cnUscuan or Heed nofttnam lontntr witn hit biir
- -
inatrncuTC iienniinu Beeanna riant iiuou
Ulu in ibout lh Jiest YftZlctles or SMdt riant tc
HW Buckle gaiMffSL
llir l ii K
i i jj
Y fi
The personal rccontnvnditirs of peo
ple who have been cured of coughs and
colds by Chamberlains Cough Remedy
have done more than all else to mike it a
staple article of trade and commerce ove
a large part of the civit cd world
When you keep your money in jour
pocket or hide it around jour home
jou are doin jutt that much to retard
the industrial growth f our commun
ity this is a detriment to jou as well
as others
When you keep jour money in tho
hank it is safe yet where it can be
loaned to those who will us e it for in
creasing and upbuilding of the busi
ness of the community this means an
increased property value in both town
an country If you want to be one of
thos e who help build up and improio
our town and surrounding country
come in and start an account with us
The amount of your depo it is noc so
material as tiie fact of making a tart
in the right direction
Safety Deposit Boxes i Per Year
McCook Nebraska
I have a selected list of irrgigated
farms in the itas in for rent why
not rent for a ear or two and
learn the piofits from irrigated
farming in the Basin and become
acquainted with the climate and
desirability of settling in that
region We al o help ou home
stead irrigated land or to buy
them at prices that will make you
money Millions of dollors are
now being spent irrigating Basin
lands HomePekersJ excursions
first and third Tuesdays of 1903
Write D Clem Deaver General
Acent Land seekers Information
Bureau Omaha
Homeseekers excursions first and
third Tuesdays to Colorado Wy
oming Big Horn Basin North
west Southwest and South Win
ter tourist rates daily to Florida
the Gulf Country the South and
Southern California Ask Agent
or undersigned for rates and de
icket Agent McCook Neb