The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 24, 1908, Image 1

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A rf
For Year 7 rer
Cent l50
Firat Farm Mortgage on 160
Acres of Fine Frontier county
land which sold Inst year for
84000 Mortgages matures
October 7 1912 Will tako
check or draft
A T Myers
Lancaster Colo
Via Holly
For Sale
TLo Royal Ruck farm of 320 acres
eight miles east of McCook Nebraska
west half of section 8 3 28 260 acres
under fine cultivation 40 acres timber
five room house One and a half mile
north of Republican river one mile north
of Red Willow station and elevator on
B M R R Red Willow creek flows
through tho tract making it one of the
finest farms in Red Willow county
Address Mrs Royal Buck
121 E Maple Ave Denver Colo
Republican County Central Committee
There will be a meeting of the Repub
lican County Central Committee in the
Commercial Club room Indianola
Wednesday afternoon January 29
1908 at ont oclock for the purpose of
fixing the date of the next Republican
County Convention and the transaction
of any other business which may pro
perly come before the committee
S R Smith Chairman
W D Mackechnik Secretary
Violet Water
The bath is rendered doubly refresh
ing by a little dash of toilet water
There is nothing more dainty and agree
able than violet water It is we think a
little better than any other It invests
every pore with its elusive fragrance
and adds a charm to the toilet that
nothing else cau Price 25c 50c and
1 a bottle
L W McConnell Druggist
Was Burled in Wilsonville
Mrs Isaac Austin died at her home
in Lebanon this county last Friday
morning Funeral services and inter
ment in Wilsonville Furnas county
Saturday afternoon which was attended
by relatives from Lincoln Denton Or
leans and other points
Ladies Skirts Cut Deep
The 1000 ones to 769 The 750
ones to 569 The 6 ones to 399
The 4 ones to 269 The 250 ones to
149 Alterations free just the same
The Thompson D G Co
Imported From Vienna
Barney Hofer has received another
crate of the fine imported souvenir
china with views of McCook thereon
Just the thing for presents
Attention AOUW Members
Call at the First National bank to
pay assessment No 1 now due Must
be paid by the 28th 1-17-2 ts
John Hunt Fncr
The Wise Buyer
takes advantage of the sale of blankets
at McCook Hardware Co This is the
time of year yourself and horses need
The Bon Ton
is now serving hot drinks and lunches
Also ice cream and cold drinks Foun
tain open year round
DeLong Mitchell Props
Guaranteed Paints
Yon can get a fully guaranteed paint
The Lincoln absolutely pure at Mc
Millens drugstore
One Minute Washers
at McCook Hardware Co Save all the
drudge of wash day
Cabbage turnips sweet potatoes
rutabagas carrots parsnips and onions
at the White House
trnriTr nt A PTITMT ATM1 5
n turn r v am m a
Buggies Wagons Auto
mobiles and all machinery
repaired in a first class
manner at a reasonable
price at our new location
West Dennison Street
We Respectfully Ask Your Patronage
Up to the time of going to press
this afternoon there have been no
new cases of smallpox for two days
the total is still 28 and several
will he released from quarantine
Sunday Dr S C Beach
Secretary Board of Health
Something Doing
We announce the following prises on
our muslins from and after this date
Lonsdale blchd muslin 10c
Hope blchd muslin 10c
Good as Gold blchd muslin 9c
Pride of tho Farm blchd muslin 7c
Sutton unblchd muslin 8c
Gregory unblchd muslin 6c
Belfast LL unblchd muslin 5c
First Choice blchd cambric muslin lie
Best 9 qtr blchd sheeting 28c
Rockdale 9 qtr unblchd sheeting 23c
Yes it takes cash to gee these but
thats nothing new all our goods are
sold for cash Thats Che secret of our
always lower prices No muslins will be
sold to merchants The Thompson D
G Co One price plain figures cash
only See our big line of embroideries
Attachment Day With Squire Berry
Yesterday was attachment day in
Squire Berrys court
The first suit was that of Jones vs
Hopkins in which Jones sought to se
cute something tangible from Hopkins
for his labor Tho suit was continued
until nine oclock this morning
The other attachment suit was run by
an employe of the bowling alley the
proprietor of which F B Bobbins is in
Denver and his son who has been in
charge being in Wymore
When the papers were served the
goods were being not ton ready for re
moval from the building by some part
ies who were in temporary charge
It all depends bu the care you take of
those you have now A clean tooth
will last a hundred years Absolute
and constant cleanliness is not possi
ble but it can be nearest approached
by use of our antiseptic Monardine
once or twice daily Delightful to use
and thorough yet harmless in its action
25 and 50 cents a bottle
L W McConnell Druggist
When your subscription to any paper
or magazine expires let us renew them
for you also when you want to subscribe
for a daily paper to be delivered or come
by mail or for any magazine published
call on us and we will save you money
Will meet terms and prices of any re
liable publisher or subscription agency
Dont send away or give your orders to
strangers but go direct to the old re
liable B Hofer
McCook News Depot
A New Broom Factory
R B Askey of Oxford has purchased
the Williams residence on East Denni
son street which was damaged by fire
some time since He has moved the
building to South McCook and is en
gaged in making repairs on same He
expects to open a broom factory in the
building in near future
Real Opossum Hunt
They had a real opossum hunt up at
W R Starrs residence Tuesday night
in which W R and Sheriff Peterson
were the active participants Mr
Opossum was after some juicy young
fries when arrested and put to bleep by
the sheriffs gun
Black Fur Scarfs 35c
75c fur scarfs now 35c 150 ones
now 99c 275 ones now 169 5 00
ones now 3 39 650 Isabella Fox scarfs
now 399 Other fur items cut to the
quick The Thompson D G Co
Will Guarantee the Work
Having dissolved partnership with J
H Yarger I am now prepared to do all
kinds of plastering on my own account
and to guarantee the work satisfactory
J P Notley
Boys Blanket Coats 39c
They are warm They are neatly made
with corduroy collar and brass buttons
They make good school and play coats
Only small sizes left The Thompson
D G Co
50C Wool Sox NOW 29c
A few dozen pairs left of these
thoroughly good warm well knit pure
wool sox The Thompson D G Co
Grind Your Feed
with one of those grinders sold by Mc
Cook Hardware Co and it will go one
third farther
100 For Sale 100
High scoring Barred Plymonth Rock
Cockerels 100 each J W Burtless
Phone ash 1351
Enameled and Granite Ware
at McCook Hardware Co now selling
for less than you generally pay for tin
Mccook red willow county Nebraska Friday evening January 24 1908
McCook Is Not Quarantined
In view of the numerous untrue and utterly ridiculous
rumors being circulated relative to the small pox situation in
McCook we wish to take this means of putting you in pos
session of the facts as they actually exist There are at pres
ent 2j cases of small pox in this city all of them of a very
mild character There have been no deaths and no serious
cases of illness All infected and suspected persons are un
der rigid quarantine no one being allowed to enter or leave
the places where they are confined The town has not been
is not nor is it at all likely to be quarantined Everyone except
those noted above is moving to and from town and transact
ing business in the usual manner No stores are closed the
only restrictions are that as a measure of precaution public
gatherings have for the time being been prohibited
Dont believe every idle rumor You can obtain correct
information from the undersigned
C L Fahnestock Mayor
Geo S Scott Pres Com Club
McCook Nebraska January 20 1908
Money Talks
Mens suits reduced as follows The
1350 ones to 8969 The 1250 to 8899
The 81000 to 8769 The S750 ones to
8549 The 8500 ones to 8389 Mens
heavy high collar ulsters cut to 8389
Mens velvet collar dress overcoats cut
to 8389 The Thompson D G Co
State Health Inspector Commends
McCook Commercial Club
McCook Nebraska January 23 1908
To the Public
Believing they should take every possible step to stamp
out small pox the city authorities called on the slate board of
health to inspect their work as it was being done Dr W
H Wilson of Lincoln representing that body made a very
thorough and careful investigation of conditions in McCook
and upon his departure handed me the following certificate
Does this look good to you
Geo S Scott Pres Com Club
McCook Neb January 22 1908
I hereby certify that I put in the afternoon carefully in
vestigating the small pox situation in McCook and find that
the health officer and city board of health have the situation
well in hand and are faithfully and vigorously carrying out
the quarantine rule and regulations of the state board of
health and I believe that in the near future the disease will
be stamped out I further find that no deaths have occurred
and none likely to occur as the disease is in a mild form I
have no hesitancy in saying to the public that in my opinion
the public may come and go and transact business without
danger of contracting the disease the same as if it did not
exist W H Wilson M D
State Health Inspector
Mb3 Mary A George will be home
shortly from Scenic S D
Rev M S Satchell of Oxford was
a city visitor early in the week
Miss Tracey Uerling of Indianola is
visiting McCook relatives this week
G T Smith of Fort Morgan Colo
was a city visitor briefly last Saturday
H W Keyes of Indianola had legal
business in the countys capital Wed
Mrs A D Hedden of Alma was the
guest of her daughter Mrs William
Sullivan close of last week
Miss Alma Craw returned to her
home in Stratton last Sunday on No 13
Marjorie Schobel accompanying her for
a short visit
Mrs George Enoch and children
will leave in the morning for Crete and
Lincoln to be absent about ten days on
a visit to relatives
Little Emory Stevens whose recov
ery from diphtheria was regarded as
problematical we are pleased to note
is gradually becoming stronger and
complete recovery is expected
Frank and John Real went down to
Grafton Sunday to attend the funeral
of their aunt Mrs Ellen Real who was
buried in Grafton Monday Mrs Real
was the wife of Captain P S Real who
died at Grafton about 15 years ago
Deceased was 67 years of age and a
native of Ireland
Everything in drugs McConnell
White grapes at the White House
Wrights buckwheat at the White
Gold Medal bulk coffee 20c to 35c
At Hubers
Genuine imported Swiss cheese at the
White Hou3e
Tea imported direct from Japan 50c
and 60c Huber
Bulk pickles sweet sour or dill at
the White House
Now boys to get the latest tie go to
Rozell Bargers
Family washing taken in five cents
per pound Phone 35
It will pay you to see McConnell for
wall paper and paints
Fresh lettuce celery cucumbers to
matoes at the White House
JuBt arrived J M 1816 canned
fruits and vegetables Huber
Hinbeshs 1908 year books best on the
market For Sale by B Hofer
McMillens cough cure is just what
its name indicates A Cure for Cough
Another large consignment of those
oranges that are SWEET at the White
If its seasonable and in his line no
use to go any farther than Marshs meat
Cabbage turnips sweet potatoes
rutabagas carrots parsnips and onions
at the White House
Rev J F Lenman who has been
stationed at Cambridge and McCook
this summer has been in Hastings sev
eral days and may return to settle here
Hastings Democrat
Girl Victim of Assault
North Platte Neb Jan 20 While
alone in the farm house this afternoon
the fifteen-year-old daughter of George
Schickloy living seven miles southwest
of Wellfleet this county was brutally
assaulted by a strangor who is tonight
being pursued by a large posse which
hopes to capture him before morning
The girls assailant entered the house
about the middle of vthe afternoon beat
tho girl over the bead with a beer bot
tle till she was Houseless and dragged
her body to a secluded place about a
half mile away The girl latter recover
ed consciousness and told the people
who found her that she would be able
to identify the stranger if he could be
brought before her It was not known
tonight whether or not Mihs Schickley
would recover
The affair caused great excitement in
Lincoln and Hayes counties the farm
house being just across the line in the
latter county A posse was hastily or
ganized and set out in pursuit of the
stranger At midnight the posse was
at Curtis in Frontier county and sent
back word that it was only a few min
utes behind the fugitive Bloodhounds
were sent for from Lincoln
The Lincoln police rect ived this tele
gram from J C Hamilton constable
at Wellfleet last night
Soar bloodhounds and good man at
once Girl murdered anU body hid
ben Lincoln Journal
The latest information The Tribune
obtains from the above case is to the
effect that tho indications are that the
assault if one was really committed
was made by pirties living in that
neighborhood At any rate it is claimed
that the girl refuses to attempt identifi
cation of the parties although it is
claimed that at least one of them has
been apprehended
Largest Line of Embroideries
In connection with our announce
ment of new prices on muslins and cam
brics given elsowhere on this page you
will be interested in our very large
showing of embroideries including
matched sets of three edgings and an
insertion in cambric in nainsook in
swiss Also embroidery galloons and
bands Also wide corset cover embroid
eries and all over embroideries in swiss
and cambrics You are invited to in
spect them The Thompson D G Co
Steel Furnaces
absolutely gas and smose tight now
used in about twenty of the best houses
in McCook Let us figure on your
heating job
McCook Hardware Co
Ladles So lnch Coats Cut Deepl
The 16 50 ones to 81C99 The 1350
ones to 8 99 The 1000 ones to 669
The 600 ones to 3 69 The 475 ones
to S299 Very desirable garments of
the latest style The best values ever
shown The Thompson D G Co
Farmers Bring in Samples
of your cane and millet seed and we will
endeavor to deal
McCook Hardware Co
Best Prints Now 6c
Simpsons Americans etc all now
6c The Thompson D G Co
White grappa at the White House
Wrights buckwheat at the White
Bulk pickles sweet sour or dill at
the White House
McMillans cold tablets will cure your
cold and stop your cough
Fresh lettuce cucumbers celery to
matoes at the White House
An order establishing rural free de
livery routes Nos 3 and 4 out of Mc
Cook is expected at an early date now
There have been no deaths in McCook
since December 3rd an unusual show
ing and remarkable record for mid
winter months
Our Cream Lotion is healing and
soothing to both face and hands and
will give entire satisfaction
A McMillen Druggist
Our Poultry Powders keep poultry in
perfect health It costs nothing to use
it if the sure increase of eggs is consid
L W McConnell Druggist
Youll feel better after one dose of
McConnells Little Liver Pills Your
liver will do its work properly and clear
your system of all clogging impurities
Price 25 cents
Edmond Dolan aged 75 years died
at 9 oclock Saturday morning at a Lin
coln hospital His home was formerly
at Indianola Nebraska where the body
will probably be taken for burial The
funeral arrangements have not been
made Lincoln Star
Did yon over think what miht
happen to jou or to your family if
any of nbovo should ilnd you with no
flour in thu bin mid no money in tho
Wouldnt it bo wiso for you to pro
vido against that day nnd to begin
Our bnuk nccommodnto all who
wish to lay nsido small sums
the Mccook
national bank
A Good Bank
A Growing Bank
McConnoll for drugs
White grapes at the White House
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Lettuce radishesceleryyoung onions
Wrights buckwheat at the White
If its meat you can get it at Marshs
Genuine imported Swiss cheese at the
White House
All kinds of fruit -fresh each morn
ing at Hubers
Bulk pickles sweet sour or dill at
the White House
One more week of the big bargain
sale Ilozell Barger
Fresh lettuce celery cucumbers to
matoes at the White House
Never such overcoats fur the money
Rozell Barger
For Sale First class piano Terms
very reasonable Inquire at this oflice
Another large consignment of those
oranges that are SWEET at the White
Fresh cut flowers on hand every
Saturday at Heckmans bakery
Colorado canned irrigated tomatoes
peas and beans Unequaled without
a rival Huber
Cabbage turnips sweet potatoes
rutabagas carrots parsnips and onions
at the White House
To the Boys Come and see our fine
line of blue serge suits One fifth off
now Rozell Barger
Carnations every day fresh from
the bush 75c per dozen McCook
The next hearing of the Skalla Ililler
contest case will come up before County
Judge Moore April 7th
Wellerette cigars sold only in drug
stores the best 5 cents will buy For
sale at Woodworth Cos
Every day is bargain day at H S
Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
Lineberg Peterson tailors will oc
cupy one of the new store rooms in the
Walsh block West Dodge street
There are some sinners outside of
McCook who even decline to be saved
by McCook preachers just now
Go to Jeffries Dinnell the South
McCook merchants for groceries dry
goods and notions Prices right
Advertise McCook with imported
colored view post cards and illustrated
souvenir letters Sold by B Hofer
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
Ten thousand post cards colored
views of McCook made in Germany
just received at B Hofers Price 2 for
5 cents
Advertising is Btrictly a business
proposition The Tribunes subscrip
tion book is open to any advertisers
Jeffries Dinnell the South McCook
merchants offer you the best of general
merchandise at the lowest possible price
Give them a trial
We can drop the sympathetic tear
with Bartley They have five cases of
smallpox but have them quarantined
and the disease well in band
When you start in to smoke again at
the end of the swear off try our
Baldwin cigars It is a mild plea
sant smoke that just suits beginners
L W McConnell Druggist
The profit of advertising has been
well demonstrated this month by sever
al McCook merchants who report splen
did sales notwithstanding the unusual
drawbacks to trade