The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 17, 1908, Image 7
M W ill i A M 1 11 A t wry 1 l i VJ fJS i J II WODDELL McCOOK NEB UVE STOCK and REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER 4 -Call at Citizens Bank For Dates MMdleton Ruby v PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phono 182 MeCook Nebraska YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF Rpjp Qp P O Box 131 MeCook Nebraska V fliss Ila M Briggs plane Grad- i will tfiiuh class on AY9 unto of Uutbany conse LW cm i iu Koiim St iservntory of Lindsborfr Studio at boino of A G Bump Fnone Black 252 Scholars call or phono for finther information ify A G BUMP I Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over MeConnelFs drug store MeCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY ATTOENEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTE1 McCooic Nebraska S5AK6itof Lincoln Ltuul Co and ol McCooi Waterworks Ollico in Poatolllce bnildinK C II Boyle C EEldbkd BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distance T one 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second ioor PoEtoilico Kiiiulinp Mccook Neo m R GUNN DENTIST PncNB 112 Ollico Rooms a and 5 Walsh Blk MeCook I GATEWOOD VAHUt DENTISTS Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 r H P SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS McCOOK NEBRASKA Herbert J Pratt Rkoistered Graduate Dentist Office over McConnelis Drng Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Office 160 residence 131 Former location Atlanta Georgia yjqsiW JWQSQ 71 J C BALL MeCook AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED FAIRBURY HANCHETT WINDMILL This is a warranted and eed windmill nothing better in m the market Write or call on Mr Ball before buying fk PHONE BLACK 307 0 rSERRY F y I - - M ft t ft f 1 ft JJ I t i Sbbimje IS BBliBTil I I I 1 1 TT If you will figure with us and quality of material s any object you will be easily convinced that xre out class all competition M1M1MIMMnil COULDNT BE BLUFFED The Judge Raised but tho Culprit Promptly Called A correspondent sends In the follow ing account of an Incident which oc curred In his presence In a Kentucky courtroom Under the laws of Kentucky tho penalty for gaming is a line of from 20 to 30 Judge W W Jones was holding a term of circuit court and when the case of the commonwealth of Kentucky against Daniel Cross was called he asked Daniel If he had a lawyer to defend him Daniel said ho had not and Judge Jones asked him what he wanted to do about his case which was a charge of gaming I dont know hardly judge said Daniel I thought I would just pay It off Were you actually playing said the judge 1 guess wo were Daniel replied About how much were you playing for Daniel the judge asked Oh nothing much said Daniel just a nickel or dime on the corner Well Daniel said the judge I will see jour dime and raise you 20 Daniel looked rather crestfallen for a moment but catching the force of the judges remark he quickly looked up at the judge and said Well judge I am satisfied that you have got mo beat so Ill not raise you but I guess I Avill have to call you Law Notes EXPENSIVE BOOKS Prices That Prevailed Before the In vention of Printing In the present day it seems very strange to read about the prices of books before the invention of printing King Alfred gave a very large es tate for a book on cosmography In the year 1174 Walter prior of St Swithins at Winchester purchased of the monks of Dorchester in Oxford shire Belles Homilies and St Aus tins Psalter for twelve measures of barley and a pall on which was em broidered in silver the history of St Birinus converting a Saxon king About the year 1400 a copy of John of Meuns Roman de la Hose was sold before the palace gate at Paris for 40 crowns or about 175 The Countess of Anjou paid for a copy of the nomilies of Halmon bishop of nalberstedt 200 sheep five quarters of wheat and the same quan tity of rye and millet In 1471 when Louis XI of France borrowed the works of Rhasis the Arabian physician from the faculty of medicine at Taris he not only deposit ed by way of pledge a considerable quantity of plate but he was obliged to procure a nobleman to join with him as surety in a deed binding him self under a great forfeiture to restore the books No Time to Lose Sir said the young man entering the office I sent you a communication yesterday Well asked the grim faced man Well Mr Prater I thought perhaps you might give me a reply to my re quest and Wait a minute said Mr Prater Are you the man that sent this ac count for 10 for hats for my daugh ter No sir I Then you are the one that left this bill for 53 for her dresses Xo sir My commu Then It must be this for 7 for shoes No sir My note was one asking if I might have your daughters hand You want to marry her gasped Mr Prater Then turning over the pile of bills he urged Take her young man I dont know your name but take her quickly Shes talking about doing some more shopping London Scraps A Paris Restaurant The Parisian men are not likely to grumble at being asked to dine in dress clothes in any particular London restaurant for they have in Paris one dining place where this unwritten law has always been enforced No man ever goes to dine at the Armenonville in the Bois de Boulogne without put ting on his dress clothes Why fash ion has decreed that a Frenchman may dine at any of the boulevard restau rants in tenue de ville but must wear a swallowtail coat when he drives to the big park of Paris to dine no one knows It is custom and there to a Parisian is the end of it Bellman The Effect on the Nerves of Gambling How can a man do his daily work quietly which represents perhaps only the earning of a few shillings when his anxious other neurotic self is won dering how a horse he has never seen ridden by a jockey he has only heard of in a race he has only read about is faring as to money ostensibly his which he cannot afford to lose because he has not perhaps got it if he should have to pay Is such an existence likely to add to the race value of our stock of fleeting patriotism Frys Magazine Made Him a Sinker Farmer Jones to amateur hunter There wasnt a better water dawg liv in until you shootin geuts took to bor rowin im Now Is ides that full of shots hed sink to the bottom like a brick Loifdon Bystander The Meek You should try to be a little less assertive my dear Remember the meek shall inherit the earth Oh yes I dare say they will when the others have done with It Lon don Opinion Joys are not the property of the rich alone Horace In Business v i Jig D C Famous People of the Moment Kogoro Takahira Japanese Diplo mat Who Looks Like Kipling Thomas Taggarts Start expected ap pointment of Kogoro Taka hira as successor to Viscount AoII at Washington in the Japanese am bassadorship is taken to mean that Tokyo is especially the United States played in end ing that contest Viscount Aoki was appointed first ambassador on account of his high rank But Mr Takahira is himself an ambassador now being 4- 1 liwwl aT 1c frxiti iu nmlinocv at Rome His advancement to the em bassy at Washington would be looked upon as a well merited promotion He is about fifty three is a descendant of the old samurai is sometimes called a j Yanliee of the orient and is likened j in appearance to Rudyard Kipling t His diplomatic record is as follows j Attache in foreign office at Tokyo at twenty six charge daffaires of the Washington legation chief of the po litical bureau of the Japanese foreign office consul general at New York minister to Denmark and Holland The rise of Thomas Taggart chair man of the Democratic national com mittee who has been in the public eye on account of the meeting of that com mittee at Washington was altogether out of the ordinary About thirty years ago when the girls in the railway lunch room at Indianapolis said Draw one it was Taggart then a red cheek ed blue eyed and broad shouldered young Irishman who might have been seen turning the faucet of the coffee urn It was a happy combina tion of industry and good humor whicli caused the youths elevation through tho various stages of lunch counter keeper res taurant proprietor hotel keeper coun ty auditor and mayor of Indian apolis and which in due time won him the honor of presiding over the na tional campaign organization of his party Mr Taggart thinks his busi ness career began when he was about six Of his later youth he relates When I was working in Xenia one of my duties was to go up the roid every morning to buy flowers for my employer At the hotel across the way there lived a very pleasant lady Mrs John Dur nd One day she said to me Tom bring m a flower when you come back and every morning she would tell me what e would liltf but neer say anything ab it the money ily salary a very small e in those days was turned over to nv family but I was careful then and men aged to save a couple of dollars that I had made by extra work With tis money I paid for the flowers for Mrs Durand as long as It lasted Then I would borrow the money until I had spent in all 7 or S for flowers but I was ashamed to suggest payment to the lady Things went on from day to day but strangely enough I never despaired of be ihg repaid for my outlay One day she called me to her and handed me 15 At that time it seemed a tremendous sum and that really was the nucleus of any financial success I have had and stands out in rny life as a memory or a very happy time That day with that 115 In my pocket I would not have exchanged places with any one in the world It is claimed by some that it was not President Roosevelt who started the much talked of campaign against na ture faking but the venerable natural ist John Burroughs the Sage of Slab- side Yet Mr Bur if m - l - JOIIX OTItROUGUS roughs himself has told stories of the nature faking vari ety On occasion lit can tell just as mar velous tales of that kind as anybody else He related such a yarn at a dinner in Boston It was as easy to believe he said as many of the nature writers anecdotes Then he began My cousins wifes baby was very ill and finally the crisis came and the little one fell into a deep sleep John Burroughs as a Nature Fakir Captain Charles Polack Who Was Decorated by the Kaiser I The sleep was to be decisive On tin childs awakening the doctor would know whether It would live or dio Well In order that this momentous slumber might not be disturbed mj cousins wife going about on tiptoe muflled everything chair legs cups and saucers plates the doorbell And Sa the noble dog from his seat on the sofa taking in the situation at c anxious to main- j gucc silently got up on a chair and tain friendship aiuii i uKiit uay ciock uy ioucu with the United ing ine penuuium with his paw kogoko takahira states Mr hira made a fine record in this Captain Charles Polack of the North irv lofnrn i tho Tfiiinnoso minis- German Lloyd steamship Kaiser Wil way in which he distinguished him self The emperor conferred upon hiir the Third Order of tho Crown in recog nition of his skill and courage in sav minister to Italy Austria and Switzer- j captaix chaklks j r reI J uxvviv laiiu vice minister iui luieiyu auaus minister to the United States and am bassador to Italy The diplomat once j bravery heard two women discussing his na tion The Japanese said one of them ought to be excluded from the coun try Their young men come here to Fc hool and no sooner do they arrive than they begin a systematic course of cheating How is that asked the other They pay tuition for only one said the complainant and they learn enough for two or three THOMAS TAGGART ing Ids ship from destruction wher she became rudder less iu the open set and in bringing her sifely across the Atlantic and into port He is one of the youngest of ficers in the North German Lloyd service and the decoration recently conferred on him is the second he has received from the emperor He was given that ol the Red Eagle in recognition of his in rescuing from drowning four members of a boats crew oi which lie was in command while on the way to save the crew of a sinking ship For his courage and seamanship on this occasion Captain Polack re ceived the life saving medal of the Royal Humane society and was also decorated by the late Queen Victoria KING OSCAR OF SWEDEN A Most Learned Wise Respected and Democratic Monarch King Oscar II of Sweden was born at Stockholm In 1829 His father King Oscar I was a son of Joseph Francois Bernadotte the French peas ant who became a general under Na poleon and a giaat favorite with that conqueror When it was discovered that Charles XIII who occupied the Swedish throne from 1S09 to ISIS was childless Napoleon induced the na tional diet at Stockholm to establish Bernadotte crown prince On the death of Charles XIII he ascended the throne as Charles XIV King Oscar II was monarch of Nor way as well as Sweden up to about k vV I - llMJWiP W - - i S 4- I - - W -4 THE IiATE KING OSCAR II Of SWEDEN two years ago when the Norwegian storthing declared Norway independent of Sweden and the government of the latter country acquiesced in the sep aration As a young man the kiug was trained in the navy and at the University of Upsala He ascended the throne in 1S72 Few European sov ereigns have ever acquired such stand ing as scholars and staesinen as has been universally accorded to King Os car and few have ever acquired to such a degree the affection of their people or have been so democratic In the days of his greatest literary activ ity he turned out works of poetry and volumes on military history eritichm and general literature at a rate which left the public to wonder how h avvv found time to rule his kingdom bill it was generally acknowledged that he did the latter unusually well Rejected Manuscripts I received a lot of rejected manu scripts today said Titmarsh to a friend Did you I had no idea you had any ambition to shine as an author Not exactly that You see my sweetheart and 1 quarreled and she returned all ay letters A NEST HARD 16 FIND Remarkable and Artistic Home of tho Humming Bird The home of the humming bird Is one of the most remarkable and artistic creations of all bird architecture It Is u tiny delicate cup made of the soft est plant down saddled upon some rather slender branch so deftly that it seems a part thereof The saliva of the birds is used to compact and secure the material and likewise to coat the exterior with the gray green lichens so generally found upon trees This makes It so assimilate with the sur roundings that it is a very difficult ob ject to discover And thereby hangs a tale A gentleman had told me that if I would call upon him he would show me an occupied nest of a hum ming bird in his orchard When I came he was out of town but I thought I would see if I could not find the nest myself So I made inspection from tree to tree and presently the fe male hummer began to fly about me anxiously We played a game of hot and cold until it became evident that the nest must be in a certain low apple tree which had many dead lichen cov ered brandies Some of these came down nearly to the ground and for ter and when at the close of the j helm dcr Grosse who was highly hon- j lte awhile I stood by the tree run Russo Japanese war the Japanese le- 0lcd recently by the German emperor I nlS my eyes along each branch In or catlon at Washinton became an ls envied by his fellow officers in the j dcr trying to make out the nest while embassy in compliment to the part steamship service on account of the the female kept darting frantically at my head It must have been nearly a quarter of an hour before I discovered that I was standing almost touching the nest with my hands having been looking right over it all the time It contained two fresh eggs this being iu the early part of June The branch upon which it was built was complete ly overgrown with lichens and the nest being covered with them too win wonderfully disguised though there were no leaves to hide It From Ex poriances With Humming Birds b H K Job in Outing Magazine THE SMALLEST SCREWS To the Naked Eye They Look Like Specks of Dust The smallest screws in the world are those made in watch factories They are cut from steel wire by a machine but as the chips fall from the knife it looks as if the operator was simply cutting up the wire for his own di version One thing is certain no screws can be seen and yet a screw Is made by every third operation The fourth jewel wheel screw is next to invisible to the naked eye re sembling a speck of dust With a glass however it can be made out quite distinctly It has 200 threads to an inch These little screws are four one thousandth of an inch in diam eter and the heads are double iu size It lias been estimated that an ordinary thimble would hold 100000 of thorn About 1000000 of them are manu factured In the course of a month but no attempt is ever made to count them In determining the number 100 of them are placed on a very delicate balance and the number of the whole quantity calculated from the weight of these All the small parts of the watch are counted in this way prob ably 50 out of the 120 When they have been cut the screws are hardened and put into frames about 100 to the frame heads up This is done very rapidly hut entirely by the sense of touch instead of by sight so that a blind man with a little ex perience could perform the task The next step in the process is to polish the heads in an automatic ma chine 10000 at a time The plate on which this is done is covered with oil and a grinding compound and on this the machine moves them very rapidly by a xeversing motion until they are in perfect condition Chicago Record Herald The Drama of Londons Fog There is a whole world of drama bound up in the chronicles of Londons fog This misty and mysterious vis itant far older than Gog or Magog which used to visit the watches of the night when the metropolis barely lifted itself out of the surrounding marshes 1 has a fund of comedy as well as trag 1 edy Countless murders have been committed under its sheltering cloak men and women have been waylaid children have been torn from their mothers and wives from their hus bands but on the other hand there are a few incidents of a less harrowing character Strand Magazine Curved Spokes There is no doubt that an iron wheel with curved spokes is much more at tractive to the eye than the ordinary variety but it is not on account of its appearance that it is constructed in this manner Wheels that are cast in ariahl contract a little in the procer of cooling and thoe made with sraigt T v- are always liable to oni in r a metal Tie curved vaiiety by allow- certain gr t avoid tii vd take in the t I a rriJ the magis trate f c in of yo i v 1 p v a Cue of 510 or he took to all days Tlats n jt a convc t sentence irur in fv nris onor - Philadelphia lx dger Tec V y io Drew an Elephant Little liatlys Grauy g down on our hud and in v- 1 minute please rid Graulv er What am I to do that for my pat Gladys Cause I wsst to draw an elephant Chicago News Love of money is the disease which renders us most pitiful and groveling Longiuus True blessedness consisteth in a good life and a happy death Solon I KIopp Barfiefl Qo Omaha Nob tbhoPIEEE3dE1Qb23uutl vSH 3160 F OBOmaha Quartorsawed Ook drowar fronts writing bod and dank top 30 lnche Ions 32 InchoBdoep SO Inches high The prlco of 33160 for this desk unhotrd of We era making a lender of this particular desk and we duty competition You onnt duplicate tnis bargain duality conoid ered IF ITS USED IN Ml OFFICE SEE US Office Furniture v yt p Deiki SUndint Deiki Chain Tabid Wrlto for Catalog Stationery ens Inks- Pecii Typo- JldllUUCl wrrsnpiMStock Books Rubber Band Loose Leal Uooks ana lliou tandi ot time tavint devices such as you need In your office every day Writs for Catalog iCgtll Blanks WehavetheonlyLegal BUnk Diriment Omaha and ship orders same day as received Writ lor Catalog Printinp Catalogs Briefs Pamphlets a imuufe Books such as your loca printer does not do Get our quotations Our prices are low quality considered Lithographing pftt graph Letterheads Billheads Cards Checks Bonds Etc Write for prices and samples B00k Binding Special made-to-order j vwx v b Blank Books County Record Books Intricate Ruling Magazine Binding and Keblnding ol every ucscripion Filin Furniture Modern nung x limfe J minima Cabincts for liling LADIES I Jail J 151 Ill 4 E F OS BORN A1 w j rinjAv rnf nftL CUITC3lUllUCIlbCt Wttl U IUUWA vauuuia Case for homt or offic use Legal Blank Cabinets Typewriter Paper wrje for booklet of Typewriter Paper our mpl e KIopp Bartiefi Go rl UPDIKE GRAIN SELLS IVr Ton Canon City Lump 900 JYIaitland Lump 850 Waitland Nut 8 CO Rex Lump 750 Sheridan Egg 750 Wier Lump 700 Pennsylvania Nut 13 00 S S GARVEY Mgr PHONE 169 jTgS fflim gy W E3 3 jm mirirnccc cppn ctirrcrnt uuQui o v- SPECIAL OFFER A Made to build New IJmlncs AtrlalWUl make you our permanent customer 1 Prize Collection 73r 11 the finest Turnip 7 SDlendul Onion 8 best varie BRAND Ask your for CHI CHETERS DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Kfd and Gold metallic boxes scaled -with Blue KlDDOn 1 AKS NO OTHEn Hut OF yonr find uiV fop ties 10 Sprinijfloirtrlng iiulbt 03 varieties in all GCAHAKTJSED TO P1EASE Write to day Mention this Paper SEPJD 10 CEP3TS to ccver poitag and packing and rtcaiva thl vnlaable jllertinn nr rMaa nnttnfilrt tetrpr wtln mv hit i - -v zJ r instructive licnuuiui cscca ana isoou w teiis oil aDoui ut iseat varuiiei oz setos riant etc H W RiiiM P WJ BUCKBEE STREET MUUWMVI fiUbiUUUUJlJ n iWS J W WEXTZ OSBOM WENTZ Draymen Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL DIAMOND CO BIAMOSD BKA1 PILLS for twentv FvQ years regarded as Best Safest Always Reliable SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE SS i MmTmmimm