The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 17, 1908, Image 6

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County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska Jun - 1008
Tho board of county commissioners mcl
pursuant to adjournment Present C H Grny
P S Lofton mid S Prcmor county com
mishionera P K Rocdcr attorney nnd E J
Wilcox clerk
Tho minutes of previous meeting were read
and approved
The following claims were audited and allow
ed and on motion clerk wns instructed to draw
warrants on the county general fund levy of
1937 in payment thereof as follows
R B Campbell proff service 3rd qunrtcr 18 75
II J Arbogast sumo 10 25
White Line Transfer unloading jail fixt
ures 10 00
P E Reeder salary 1th quarter 200 00
E J Wilcox sumc 75 00
R W Devoe same 50 00
PaulyTuil Co jail fixtures 218 27
On motion board commenced tho examination
ofHhc accounts of E J Wilcox county clerki
aid continued same throughout the day
On motion board adjourned to meet January
31908 C U Gkay Chairman
Attest E J WncoxCounty Clerk
McCook Nebraska January II 1903
Hoard of county commissioners met pursuant
to adjournment present CHGray FSLofton
S Premer commissioners P E Reeder at
torney and E J Wilcox clerk
Tho minutes of previous meeting wero read
and approved
Tho board on motion continued tho examina
tion of tho accounts of EJ Wilcox county
clerk throughout tho day
On motion board adjourned to meet January
4 1903 C B Gkay Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox Clerk
McCook Neb January 4 1903
Tho board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present C H Gray F S
Lofton and S Premcr commissioners P E
Boeder attorney and E J Wilcox clerk
Tho following official bonds were examined
and on motion approved
Clifford Nadcn county treasurer
H I Peterson sheriff
J S LoIIow justice of tho peace Willow
Grove precinct
S 11 Smith justice of the peace Red Wiov
Mirlin Morris justice of the peace Fritsrb
Thomas Elms overseer road district No 4
Henry Corcoran overseer road district No 6
E J Baker overseer road district No 1 1
Joshua Rowland overseer road district NoiG
Annual settlements of the following road ocr
seers were examined and on motion the clerk
was instructed to draw orders on their respec
tive road districts in payment thereof as fol
M Rinck road oersecr district No 3 12 50
E F Couse road overseer district No 7 30 0
E B Nelson road overseer district No 14 10 00
A Peters road oerseer disirict No 16 23 75
C G Wilhelm road overseer district No 17 05 CO
C F Waterman road overseer dist No0 57 5
Tho following claims were audited and allow
ed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on tho county general fund in paj
ment thereof as follows
J C Moore fees and office expense 5 85
E E Shoomaker mdso for pauper 4 85
W H Harman repairing furniture 2 05
A L Cochran freight ou jail fixtures 176 73
C II Harman road overseer dist No C 7 50
On motion board adjourned to meet January
C 190S C B Gkay Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Neb January C 1908
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjurnment present C B Gray F S
Lofton S Premer commissioners P E Reed
er attorney and E J Wilcox clerk
Tho minutes of previous meeting were read
and on motion approved
The official bond of Charles Skalla county
clerk was examined and on motion approved
The board having made a careful examination
of the accounts of J C Moore county judge
find that he has received as fees from January
1 1907 to January S 190S both inclusive the
sum of 93511
On motion the board continued tho examina
tion of tho accounts of A L Cochran through
out tho day
On motion board adjourned to meet January
T 190S G B Gray Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox Clerk
McCook Nob January 7 1908
The board of commissioners met pursuant to
adjournment present C B Gray F S Lofton
and S Premer commissioners P E Reeder
uttorney and E J Wilcox clerk
The minutes of previous meeting were read
and on motion approved
On motion tho board continued tho examina
tion of tho accounts of A L Cochran county
trcasurer throughout the day
On motion board adjourned to meet January
8 1908 C B Gkay Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox Clerk
McCook Neb Jauuary 8 190S
The board of commissioners met pursuant to
adjournment present C B Gray F S Lofton
andS Premer commissioners P E Beeder
attorney and E J Wilcox clerk
The meetings of previous meeting were read
and approved
Cn motion tho accounts of A L Cochran
county treasurerandE J WTilcox county clerk
were examined throughout the day
On motion board adjourned to meet January
91908 C B Gray Chairmau
Attest E J Wilcox Clerk
McCook Neb January 9 1903
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present F S Lofton S
Premer and C B Gray commissioners and
Charles Skalla clerk
Tho minutes of previous meeting were read
and on motion approved
On motion tho appointment or Millie Elbert
as deputy county clerk was approved
On motion tho appointment of Ernest F Os
born as deputy sheriff was approved
On motion tho following banks were designat
ed as county depositories First National Bank
of McCook McCook National Bank Citizens
Bank of McCook State Bank of Indianola
Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Indian
ola State Bank of Lebanon Marion State Bank
Bank of Danbury and Stato Bank of Bartley
The following depository bonds were examin
ed and on motion approved
First National Bank of McCook McCook Na
tional Bank Stato Bank of Lebanon Marion
Srate Bank Bank of Danbury Farmers and
Merchants Stato Bank of Indianola Stato Bank
of Indianola and State Bank of Bartley
Tho following official bonds were examined
and on motion approved
Millie Elbert deputy county clerk
Ernest F Osborn deputy county sheriff
C A Rodgers clerk of disirict court
J R Pence constable wiuow urovo precinct
accounts of A L Cochran county treasurer
throughout the day M
On motion board adjourned tojneet Jamiry
10 1903 Lofton Chairman
AttVst Charles SKALLAClerk
McCook Neb January 0 1901
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present F S Lofton S
Premcr and C B Gray commissioners and
Charles Skalla clerk
McCook Neb January 13 190S
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present F S Lofton S
Premer and C B Gray commissioners and
Charles Skalla clerk
Tho minutes of tho previous meeting wero
read and on motion approved
Tho board continued tho examination of tho
accounts of A L Cochran county treasurer
throughout the day
On motion board adjourned sine die
F S Lofton Chairman
Attest Charles Skalla Clerk
McCook Neb Jauuary 14 1908
The board of county commissioners met in
regulnr session present F S Lofton S Pre
mer and C B Graycommissionorsand Charles
Skalla clerk
The minutes of previous meeting were read
aid on motion approved
The clerk having advertised that tlio board
would recoivo sealed bids for furnishing the
various county officers with books blanks and
stationery for tho year 1998 tho roard on mo
tion proceeded to open and examino tho bids on
file and found the bid of the York Blank Book
Company as the only bid on file After duo con
sideration the board rejected said bid
On motion fho clerk was instructed to adver
tise for sealed bids for printing delinquent tax
list commissioners proceedings and legal
The official bond of James E Ryan justice of
the peaco for Indianola precinct was examined
pud on motion approved
On motion Chas W Kelley was appointed
county sun eyor to fill vacancy
On motion tho salary of tfie county superin
tendeut was fixed at 116000
On motion the county clerk was allowed the
sum of 30000 per annum to be paid quarterly
for performing the duties of clerk of the board
of county commissioners and attending to tne
business of the county
Tho following deputy assessors were appoint
ed by T A Endsley county assessor and their
appointments were confirmed by the board of
Alliance L McCafferty Bartley
Beacr O B Woods Danbury
Bondville Win Karp Indianola
Box Elder I E Neel Indianola
Coleman R E Divine McCook
Danbury T F Gockley Danbury
Driftwood O N Rector McCook
EastlValley WVN Lyman Bartley
Fritsch James Ryan Indianola
Gerver Alex Ellis McCook
Grant Ira Elliott McCook
Indianola Geo W Burt Indianola
Lebanon Chns F Waterman Lebanon
Missouri Ridge Oscar Thomas Danbury
North Valley Wm Nicholson Cambridge
Perry Chas Jacobs McCook
Red Willow Mathias Colling Indianola
Tyrone Ernest Pearson Lebanon
Valley Grange A D Johnston McCook
Willow Grove Chas H Harman and S
McClain McCook
On motion tho salary of the sheriff was fixed
at 90000 a year
On motion the salary of the deputy sheriff
was fixed at 18000 a jear
On motion the salary of tho janitor was fixed
at 30 a month
Pursuant to law in such cases made and pro
vided the board on motion selected tho follow
ing named persons from which to draw a jury
for the February 1908 term of tho district court
Alliance G W Probasco Patrick Callan
Beaver Ed Ervin J L Sims Chas Rogers
George Godown
Bondville Michael Esch Henry Vontz
Box Elder Ira Neel Thurston Doyle
Coleman John Bartlott
Danbury D E Whistler Peter Karthauser
Driftwood John Hesterworth
East Valley George E Carr C N Barber
Henry J Hall A L Cochran
Fritsch Hody Jones William Bergin
Gerver Alex Ellis
Grant A Peters
Indianola C C Burt Frank M Howe A L
Haley N J Uerling Leonard Smith
Lebanon C F Waterman E E Devoe U B
Missouri Ridge John G Ervin
North Valley F M Jennings
Terry W J Fleischman J H Woddell
Red Willow C J Suiter Mathias Colling
Tyrone P J Hickman
Valloy Grange George Zimmerman Gerald
Willow Grove Paul Anton Jack Bryan J C
Ball C B Budig J W Chase E E DeLong
Hurley F Dye John M Gaarde WE Hart E
S Howell Robert Highland F M Kimmell
Conrad Krieger George Kearns Ed Perkins
C F Lehn J E Moland J E Nelms Fred
Schlegel I M Smith W M Weidenhamer
In the matter of tho necessary expenses dur
ing the year on motion tho estimate for the
same for the year 190S was fixed as follows
County general fund 25000 00
County bridge fund 11000 00
County road fund 6000 00
Soldiers relief fund 500 00
Bartley Village bond 200 00
McCook city bond 00 00
McCook city sewer bond SCO 00
School district bonds 12000 00
continued next week
Secretary Wilson of the department
of agriculture says that the unbounded
Tho board continued the examination of tho J prosperltyofthe agriculturist is not due
o chance but is the result of
I gent scientific business methods A
readerjtpfvXbto Weekly Inter Ocean has
placed before him each week the prac
tical1 and approved methods to which
Secretary Wilson refers It is a good
investment Only 125 for The Weekly
Inter Ocean and this paper one year
MUJlXil tJhJj hTTj1TTMil ffirUffl fWragTtfTVffl
Tho minutes of tho previous meeting wero
read and on motion npproved
Jio depository bond of tho Citizens Bank of
McCook was examined nud ou motion approved
On motion tho appointment of Herbert W
Conovcr as deputy county treasurer was ap
Tiio official bond of Herbert W Conovcr as
deputy county treasurer was examined nnd on
motion approved
The board having made a carcfulcxamination
of tho nccounts of E J Wilcox county clerk
find tho following to bo n true and correct state
ment of all fees received and disbursed by him
from January 2 1907 to Janunry 8 1908 both in
Total fees received 35U iT
Paid county clerk 1500 00
Paid deputy clerk 700 00
Paid assistants COO 00
Excess foes paid county trcas 711 15
511 -15 3511 45
The board having made a careful examination
of the uccounts of P W Devoo clerk of tho
district court find Uo following to bo a true
and correct statement of nil fees received by
him from July 1 1907 to Januarys 1908 the
sum of 71020
Tho board continued tho examination of tho
accounts of A L Cochran county treasurer
throughout tho day
On motion board abjourned to meet January
13 1908 P S Lofton Chairman
Attest CirAULFS Skalla Clerk
Bapt st Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 b Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E buitTON Pastor
Christian Science Services Sun
day at 11 a in and Wednesday at 8
p m Subject Life Meetings
held in Diamond block Room open
Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2 to 4
i m Science literature on sale
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
S rraon addresses at 11 nnd 8 by Rev
Dr A J McMurtry of Oakland Calif
No charge made but a freewill olfering
will be received at the door Epworth
Le guo it 645 Prayer meeting Wed
nesday night at 745 All welcome
M b Cakman Pastor
Congregational Sunday school nt
10 a in Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p
m by pastor Junior Christian En
deavor at 3 p m Senior Endeavor
at 7 p m Prayer meetin g every
Wednesday at 745 p ni Sunday
ovaiiing the second musical program
under the auspices of the Mens club
wi bo ive The public is cordially
invited to these services
G b Hawkes Pastor
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in tho county clerks office
since our last report
Cora A Flitcraft and hus to
Aloyn C Hippie wd to lots 5
6 blk 11 West McCook S3000 00
U lited States to Calvin A
Scott r r o hf sw qr 32 3 30 2
Jsicob Kern and wife to Charles
F L Ln wd to lot 3 blk 7 1st
McCook 300
Have you over tried an
eraser See one at The
William M Paulson to Wm T
Schwordt wd to ne qr 1-4-29 1500 00
J W Slutts to Mary E Slutts
wd to w hf 1G 1 25 8000 00
John E Kelley and wife to B R
Askoy wd to lots 5 6 blk 7
1st add South McCook 100 00
Lincoln Land Co to Sarah
Schaffer wd to lot 4 blk 22
2nd McCook 100 00
Thomas b McPherson and wife
to Asa E Schalgolwd to w hf
sw qr 19-4-30 1200 00
William F Miller to Flora O
beeson wd to pt lot S blk 8
Springdale park add bai tley 250 00
Lincoln Land Co to Friedrick
Meissner wd to lot S blk 9
2nd McCook 225 00
State of Nebraska to Geo G
Warner deed to sec 30 127 4480 00
Harry Pool and wife to William
Schmid wd to lot 6 blk 15
Lebanon 500 00
Julius Schloesser and wife to
Hermann Schloesser wd to
seqr 28 4 28
1 00
Lincoln Land Co to Mary E
Waite wd to lot 9 blk 14 2nd
McCook 175 00
Lincoln Land Co to Charles F
Lehn wd to lots 1 2 blk 14
2nd McCook 575 00
LaFayette Iud Journal Father
Vaughan is one of the most brilliant
speakers upon the American lecture
platform His lecture was Sermons
from Shakespeare A more able ad
dress has never been heard in this city
The speaker was at one time on the
stage and this experience is now mak
ing itself felt in his presentation of
Shakespearean lectures Rev Vaughan
possesses many of the characteristics of
Richard Mansfield and many times yes
terday afternoon in his recital of Julius
Cajsar could be seen the same effect as
presented by Richard Mansfield at the
Grand Opera House a short time ago
He has a magnificent voice powerful
and appealing and in every way admir
ably adapted to deal with Shakespear
ean subjects
Only two worthful items enter into
the value of advertising namely quant
ity and quality that is how many and
how good The McCook Tribune is in
a field by itself locally on these two
points We challenge and invite in
spection and comparison We can give
you from two to three times the value
for your money that any other Red
Willow county publication can offer
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching blind bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6 toli
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
eraso ink
Tribune of-
nliwir in m iiiii if I
MciMPmmaaowiigirgaprx mtmiiiniMawi i mi iwuimii
Chuistian Uiblo school at 10 a in
Y P S C E at 7 p m Preaching nt
11 and 8 by Rev G Millor All are
Jatkoiic Order of services Mnss
3 a m Mass and sormon 1000 a in
ICvoning o at 8 oclock Sunday
2M Every Sunday
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a in and 8 p ni
Sunday Hchool at 10 a in All are
welcome to those services
E R Eaklk Rector
Washington and
Fraunces Tavern
Historic inn Where the General Bado
Farewell to Ills Officers In
New York Restored
ASIIINGTONS farewell to
his officers on Dec 4 1793
was one of the scenes in
uisiury uiai arc
surrounded with romantic Interest
The ceremony took place In the long
room of the old Fraunces tavern in
New York city and the one hundred
and twenty fourth anniversary of the
event was recently observed by ap
propriate exercises chief among them
being the formal turning over of the
building in whieh it occurred to Its
present owners the New York state
branch of the Society of the Sons of
the Revolution
This historic tayeru stands at the
corner of Broad and Pearl streets It
has been damaged by Are several times
since Washingtons day and In the
course of the changes made in repair
ing It came to have quite a different
appearance from the tavern of 1124
years ago The Sons of the devolution
acquired the property three years ago
and the society has spent 00000 In re
building the structure and making it
as nearly as possible like it was in the
time of the Revolution using the orig
inal bricks and timber for the most
part and following the pictures and
descriptions of the tavern as it existed
In the eighteenth century The prop
erty cost the society all told about
1000 This expense was chiefly met
through a bequest for the purpoe
from an ex president of the New York
state branch of the Sons of the Revo
lution Frederick S Tallnmdgo and a
memorial tablet reciting the fact of
his patriotic interest In the preserva
tion of the structure has been affixed
to the exterior and was unveiled on
the recent anniversary of Washing- j
tons leave taking of his officers An
other tablet was unveiled In the long
room bearing the following record
Fraunces tavern erected 1719
Queens Head tavern 1752 chamber
of commerce founded here 17H8 head-
quarters of committee of correspond
ence of fifty one 1774 this room the
scene of the farewell of General Wash
ington to his officers Dec 4 17S3
Sous of the Revolution reorganized
here Dec 4 1SS3 the property pur
chased by the Sons of the Revolution
in the state of New York 1904 formal
occupation taken by the Sons of the
Revolution Dec 4 1907
After the dedication of the tablets
letters from President Roosevelt and
Governor Hughes of New York were
Tradition had it that mine host
Fraunces was a genial man who at
tracted to his tavern the important
social affairs of the New York of his
period The merchants met here to
confer regarding the odious stamp act
The long room was the headquar
ters not only of the chamber of com
merce but of the St Andrews society
the governors of the province the New
York society and the Society For Pro
moting Arts and Agriculture The
wine cellar was once used as a jail
where unfortunate malefactors of the
days of King George were secretly
bottled up to repent of their sins at
leisure and amuse themselves by
scraping the green mold of the damp
floor off their boots Rusty chains used
to confine prisoners hang on the wall
The tavern will be used henceforth
not only as a place of refreshment but
as a historic museum When the
work of restoration was begun It was
necessary to turn out certain guests
who had lodged there among them
Patsy McGovern a longshoreman who
for thirty six straight years had been
accustomed to hang his jumpers in the
f ame room and who did not want to
move He protested that if George
Washington had been living that wor
thy statesman would not have allowed
the tenants to be ejected to make way
for a lot of musty relics
It makes you
long for
yw - lfXpi flrtSja
A weekly newspaper that publishes
twenty oue columns of good reliable
news each week is rare in these days of
cheap wefklies intended only to sell
some article that the publisher is inter
ested in Credit is rim The Weekly
Inter Ocean for keeping its columns
filled with fresh and up-to-date news
Give it a trial by subscribing through
The McCook Tkiuunb
Notice hereby Kiven that the partnership
heretofore existing between Daniel W Colon
anil Albert W Utter doin buMiie under the
iirin name of DW C0K011 and Company lias
this day been dissolved by mutual consent The
said Daniel W Colson assii lies and to pay all
indebtedness owing by the iirniaml is to collect
and receipt for all accounts and other indebt
edness owing to the firm
Dated this ilst day of December 107
Dvniii V Coisox
AiiuKT V Lrni
I In the County ourt of Red HiHow county
Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Lewis
j Edgar Cann deceased
I Notice is hereby ghen that 1 will sit at the
County Court room in McCook in said count
on the Cth day of July litis at the hour of ten
oclock A il to examine adjust and allow- all
I claims against said estate The time limited
j for the pre entation of liinis against said es
tate is July Drd IiOS and anj claim not pre-
sented by that time shall e fon ier buried I lie
time limited lor payment ol oeuts is one j nr
from January ird WOP
Dated January 3rd lOS
J C iloom County Judge
Cordeal McCnrl Attorneys
Tj irtue of an order of sale to me directed by
the clerk ol the district court of Ised Willow
county in the State of Nebraskaon a judgment
j rendered in said court in fa or of Minnie ila
tilda Miller plaintiff against Ubertina Roger-
I Ioy Rogers John S Miller Freida Ihillippi
Albert Ihillippi Daisy Ihillippi and Edwin
Ihillippi defendants on the eleventh day of
December lJ07 for the partition and sale of the
following described real estate to wit The
east half of the southwest quarter of section
two the northwest quarter of section one all in
township two north of range twentj nine and
lots one and two in block ten in the fourth ad
dition to McCook all in Red Willow county
Nebraska I will offer for sale to the highest
bidder for cash on the 11th day of February
litOS at the front door of the court house in said
county at two o clock in the afternoon the
above described real estate
Dated this 7th day of January liOS
J S LlIIew Referee
By virtue of an order of sale to me directed
by the clerk of the district court of Red Willow
county in the state of Nebra ka on a judgment
rendered in said court in favor of Albertina
Rogers plaintiff against John S Miller Minnie
Matilda Miller Edwin Ihillippi Albertina
Ihillippi Harvey Ihillippi Dai y Ihillippi
Freida Ihillippi and Roy Rogers defendants
on the eleventh day of December 1507 for the
partition and sale of the following described
real estate to wit The south half of the north
east quarter and lots one and two section two
township two north of range twentj nine west
of the sixth principal meridian in aid Red Wil
low county I will offer for sale to the highest
bidder for ca h on the 11th day of February
VMS at the front door of the court house in Mc
Cook in said county at two oclock in the after
noon the aboe described real estate
Dated this 7th day of January 10S
J S LeHew Referee
The Strte of Nebra ka Red Willow comity
ss In the county court In the matter of the
estate of Fannie E Green deceas -d
To the creditors of said estaie You are here
bv notified that I will it at the county court
i room in McCook in said county on the ZalU
day of June 1UW at the hour of one oclock p
m to receive and examine all claims against
said estate with a iew to their adju tment and
allowance The time limited for the
of claims agtin t said e tate six months
I from the 27th daj of December D 107 and
I r l i e r iu
luu nine iiuiiit ii iiu iiiiiuiil ui isuuu
jear from aid 27th day of December HV7
Witness my hand and the seal of -aid county
this 25rd day of December liU7
seaiJ J C Mooke County Judge
By virtue of an order of sale i ned from the
District Court of Red Willow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein Jam- E
Whitney is plaintiff and William II Trinkles
Trinkles his wife first real name unknown
to the plaintiff and Frank WWhitney were de
fendants to me directed and delhered I shall
offer at public sale and ell to the highe t bidd
er for ca h at the eT t door of thecourt hou e
in McCook Red Willow county Nebra ka on
the 10th day of February 1jCb at the hour of
one oclock I M the following described real
estate to wit Commencing one hundred feet
outh of the northeast corner of lot ill four in
block- ilOT ten -in We t McCook Red Willow
county Nebraka according to the recorded
plat thereof thence west one hundred forty feet
thence south one hundred feet thence eat one
hundred forty feet thence north one hundred
feet to the place of beginning to satisfy said
decree costs and accruing Dated this
tenth dav of January lWh
H I Peteksox Sheriff
Best for flaky pastry
1 wholesome bread and biscuit
-best for crisp cookies
best for delicious cakes tooth
some muffins doughnuts that
will melt in your mouth
Everything you usako well
it will help to make better
because its oeat Ky test
AnyboJy can cook well If tlicy use
Culmuet Uakina Powder Falluro
with it is almost Impossible
It is chemically correct and
makes Eurc WIioIcboiuo Jootl
Prlco is Moderate
i irf
v su
ss9L fm
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
i T rv
Paid rp Capital 550000 Surplus 12000
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location just ncrojn street iu I Walsh
Plumber mi
Steam Fitter
ELHWi liyZ
Iron Lead and Sewer P pe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boier Tr mmmgs
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Buiidmg
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
p r l ces
- runxriesaA
is flarshs
He wants
trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
The Butcher
Phone 12