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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1908)
1 i A YEARS SUBSCRIPTION i vra I I f 1 I JL F 1 i FREE FREE V iruMjtM 0mm HBfcMtrtufm rfK yon will seni us it once a renewal or a iew subscription we will send io you every week throughout the year absolutely without cost a copy of The Kansas City Weekly Journal This great household paper is full to overflowing with good things Think of it it is the favored paper n over 206000 homes and after it is read is sent to relatives and friends in all parts of the world To get it free a whole year through you have but to send your renewal or new subscrip tion to The Tribune Enclose remittance and mail without delay Publisher of The McCook Tribune Enclosed you will find for subscription to The McCook Tribune and one years subscription to The Kansas City Weekly Journal v Name Town Street lj asXBlrWlSH5la3EQSN3Sr vt ji Jium mil iinaai PEN1SRS SENSIBLE USEFUL GIFTS for the HOLIDAYS Attractively Packed in Handsome Single Fair Boxes Thoy contain more and better rubber than any other make hare cold gilt non rusting metal parts and stron cord ends that cannot wear through The new back free action permits eass and comfort no matter what position the body may assume THEY OUTWEAB THREE ORDINARY KINDS WHICH MEANS THREE TIMES THE SERVICE OF USUAL SO CENT SORTS The MOST COMFORTABLE snapender made for man youth or boy In Light Heavy or Extra Heavy Wcichts Extra Long No Extra Cost They mnke Inexpensive itlfts every man youth or boy will gladly receive HEWES POTTER Dept 87 Lincoln Street Boston Mass Our useful Bnx Dos Scsfxvsxx Com an Cask mailed for 10c postage Instructiva booklet Style or Jtov to Dress Correctly free if you mention this publication t i THE McCOOK TRIBUNE and THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN Both a Full Year For Only m SRSSaassBtfaaaRmm 13SR m iSirj y All the News of the World and Home Only TwentyFive Cents More Than the Price of THE McCOOK TRIBUNE Alone The Weekly Inter Ocean Contains Each Week 21 columns of news 14 columns of talks by a practicnl farmer on farm topics economical machinery planting growing and storing of fruits and vegetables breeding and marketing of livestock 20 or more Lost and Found Poems and Songs 1 column of Health and Beauty Hints Best short and continued stories Chess and Checkers Puzzles and Complications Dr Keeders Home Health Club Miscellaneous Questions and answers Poems of the Day a special Washington letter taking cartoons and illustrations 5 columns of live entertaining editorials 7 columns of livo stock and market reports 40 questions and answers by readers on anything pertaining to the business of farming garden ing raising of live stock and poultry etc etc 10 to 20 questions on veterinary subjects 7 columns of information on recipes patterns formulas etc furnished by readers 14 to 21 columns of stories of public men his torical geographical and other miscellany 5 columns of a specially reported sermon by the Rev Dr Quayle of Chicago and the Sunday School lesson These features together with a Special Magazine Department make up the Leading Farm Home and News Paper of the West OUR The price of The Weeky Inter Ocean remains 100 a year The price of The McCook Tribune remains 1 00 a year OFFER o ne year will cost only 125 N B This special arrangement with The Weekly Inter Ocean is for a limited time only Subscribers to The Weekly Inter Ocean are assured that no papers will be sent after their subscriptions expire unless their subscriptions are renewed by cash payments i R F D No 1 Thrcorn BholIorH nro malting tilings hum in this noighboihood this week Mr and Mrs Will Muioi and child ren woro down from Trenton to attend her sisters wedding Now Year day There is no school in district No J this week on account of tie inability of tho teacher to find u boarding place Mrs JM Pnillips und Mrs O A Phillips arc expected honyj any day now from tlmii vsut io roMivej in Hubbr U and M hi jIc i C H uirill and family woro over frtmDii tv to ttttui d Smit i 1 ing Abo J J Lnffairy and family Miss Lvvi Jacobs has gono to Dnn bury to vi it foi v few days and attend tho reception given by Mr and Mrs J C LaiTiM ir I onor of f - non and bride Mr ai c Mr Wilson Rodman and mother A rs Ida Ko man woro up from Superior io attend heir nephew and cousin Koy Lallert s wedding New Year da Mrs J P Notloy whoso health has been precarious for some time we am happy to chronicle is now improving and found hopes are entertained that her recovery -vv III bo complete Charles Doveny wis terribly injured last Sunday by falling from tho wind mill town at their home just oat of tho city Tho oistanc is given at about HAPPILY WEDDKI NEW KAIt DAY Roy Lntferty and Vida Smith at high noon Jan 1 1903 woro married at tho home of the brides parents Mr nd Mrs W II Smith ono half miles north of McCook in the presence of 40 invit ed guests and relatives Tho presents were many useful and pretty Rev Burton preformed tho ceiemony The young people have tho best wis ies of many May their life bo prosperous and happy week Dan Wolf and Elmer Oxley shipped a car load of hog to Denver Tuesday Five cars of hogs and one of cattle were shipped from this station Tuesday Any one can have the grip now with out being a member of somo fraternal society Gordon Athao of Wauneta is here this week putting electric lights in the opera house Mrs Cammack age 87 years died gunday morning and was buried Mon day afternoon Charles and Journey Cammack came down from Dundy county to attend their j mothers funeral Miss Lillie Fox is sick this week on account of which there is no school in the primary department Messrs Thompson and Walsworth are hero from Cambridge doing the plumbing for the new hotel The Workman and Degree of Hontr lodges held joint installation Tuesday evening A fine supper followed Vesta L Perkins of Hendley Neb will give a dramatic recital in the Christian church Friday eveniLg in the interest of our high school George Durbin of Toledo Ohio is manager of the Farmers Merchantile Co He comes to us highly recommended by those in whose employ he formerly worked Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since our last report Lincoln Land Co to City of MeCook deed to blk ll 1st McCook except 50 foot square tract Ernest Pearson and wife to Pete Pearson wd to se qr Barnett Lbr Co vs Penelope Thompson mech lien part neqrseqr 30-3-29 1 00 100 00 83 40 United States to Henry Fearn pat to w hf w hf Joseph Blair and wif6 to Fred Blair wd to lot 1 to 12 inclu sive blk II Esther Park Brtley 2300 CO United States to Henry L Good en berger pat to iiw qr 21-2-29 William T Clark vs Pratrick Walsh mech lien lot 1 2 blk 21 McCook 19 50 McLean Goddard et ux to Ed ward P Deharsh wd to lot 18 19 blk 23 Indianola 000 00 A weekly newspaper that publishes twenty one columns of good reliable L -to i 1Vr m I My n ot n oy tio - hid a di I piu tun miLi a 11 j Mil in p - tulli r i t - kidiiiM ineu r i soriK ition In f Jo feet Ihe ligaments of one arm wero cents momi r KirTt t r lntn - 1 XT Ar t unui tuiu t uiunuii wriM ituu severe iev J or oi internal injuries were sustained Ho was rend red inccnfious and did ncs regain consciousness for several days Hopes ar no v ontertiiinrd of is A pevcro hemorrhage greatly weakened him rVT vVEVK SVQT lost NiCock People Have a Weak Part And loo Ofici lis the Dack Every one has i v -ok bpot Too often its a ba i ba k Twinge fohow every sudden twist Dull aching up day and night Jells ou tin kidioysneid hel For backache is imlly I tdnry ache A kiinoy curt- is vh it ou need Douts Ki liio P dsoirufcick kidneys Cur Inc h and jl n win Is Mciail eup f mat ci Ji i me- iy States 1 f mi iti r take nu other r ii ing n tho Tt b j iys eiii v i er i f y nr She h tiM kic ki re el boh oy and i t mi i ith z r u i ils ntl t Tho r to fi tpient niiU K a I ruing cub oi Isionlly swell a I c n I tiia she viu unablo to wear her slu earned of Dtiana Kidney Pills ni thii tii g Piey might beofhu i t tehe ouurei a box at McDonnells dnigsore Shotookthom acijorilug k tho kidneys faoin becaiie i - ruu lai in actio and th 5 ba tc IC i 1 l j t tms S001 disapjit i s Kidne3 Pi Is re stored I i c ff t J jilMi l al Irice f0 Hit I Hullhlo oru for le United mj i - nd A iiuanutccd C ire lor Piles Iulii Sin Huij c - fc IMf Ii t J ts Willow county you ut Pyo Oivtmk t fiilx ty em ayras no it ittoi of ho a ion st aiding i3 titoi4 days 1ii t ji u ti jn gnes oaso and ret c f uur uigiyt hasnt it Bona iilta in siis and it will he or warded poni mid by IVrir Modicum Co Rt Loirs Mo Only two warJhfiil itfins outer into the value of ndv rtisiij mirmy quant ity uiJ qulit that is how many and how good Tiik McCook Tkiijunk is in a field by it jflf locally on theso two iiointH Wo chiilemif jinl rin BARTLEY I ct r linn vijiiiiiai laiin v 11 wii iriii S W Clark is on the sick list this j you from two to threo times tho vidua for your money tut any other Red publication can clfcr 0 Weary Sinner O weary s inuer why wilt thou roam So far away from home Viien Christ our ilaster bids you come And that on earth his will is done Why wilt thou wander far away In idle sin thy heart to stray When to hi- throne you kneel in peace And taste there of a holy feast Why need you say jou do not re t When 011 his loving gentle breast A love thats known to all mankind And hallowed joy of love divine Why dont you -ay that Christ divine Accept and he will call jou mine For such is his the Masters love In earth below and heaven above O weary sinner why do ye toil In sin oppressed to meet the foil Come for your Masters voice to hear For he has called us children dear Why need ye make this life so hard He will not turn jou as a bard But lift you up in strength to give And say to you that you are his O weary sinner come to him And listen to the story old Hell wash away your gilt of sin And take jou back into the fold iiy V Axdcrsox NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given that the partner bin heretofore existing between Daniel W C0I 011 ana Albert Vv L tter doing business under the iirmnameorD V Colson and Company has this day been dis olved by mutual consent The saidlJaniel Colson assinies and to pay all indebtedness owing by the iimiand is to collect and receipt for all accounts and other indebt edness owing to the firm Dated this ilst day of December 1007 Dniii V Coiso Aiiut W UmK NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Red Willow county Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Lewis Ldgar Cami deceased Notice is hereby given that I will sit at the County Court room in McCook in said county on the Cth day of July lKJS at the hour of ten o clock A M to examine adju t and allow all claims against -aid e tate The time limited for the nre eutntioti of elaiiii iifRinr i tate is July 3rd 1WK and any claim not pre- sented by that time shall REFEREES SALE By virtue of an order of sale to me directed by the clerk of the district court of Red Willow county in the State of Nebra kaoii a judgment rendered in said court in favor of Mlnn Mr tilda Miller plaintiit again t Albertina Roger- Vy Io7HrM Joi S Freida Phlllippi l m1 1lipi Tai y Ihillippi and Edwin 1 nilllrini mi tin Iil r December 11 07 for the partition and sale of the I luiiuiwiu ui cnueu real estate to wit The east half of the southwe t quarter of soction two the northwest quarter of section one all in township two north of range twentj nine and lots one and two in block ten in the fourth ad dition to McCook all in Red Willow county Nebraska I will offer for sale to the highe t bidder for cash on the 11th day of February lMte at the front door of the court house in safd county at two o clock in the afternoon the above described real e tate Dated this 7th day of January lrOS J S Liil iw Referee NOTICE OF REFEREES SALE By virtue of an order of sale to me directed by the clerk of the di trict court of Red Willow rrimt if thtt tnin Vntn - -1 nmveonnh o u 1 i VY J ll Jm vvn ij laiciu tueau Lillys or i in court in lavor ot Unertma cheap weeklies intended only to sell iTiicllt some article that the publisher is inter ested in Credit is due The Weekly Inter Ocean for keeping its columns BEGGS7 CHERRY COUGH SYRUP Cures BRONCHITIS riiillippi Harvey Ihillippi Daisy Ihillippi Freida Il illitmi and Rov Hnorflfoiot on the eleventh day of Decemher PjOT fnrthl I partition and sale of the following described ri ii es an- io wii ine sou tn nail oi the north- failed with fresh and un-to-date news ast jmrterntid lots one and two section two town hip two north of range twenty nine west Lfive it a trial by subscribing through the principal meridian in said Red The McCook Tribute hw couuty I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 11th rim nf lfHJS at the front door of the court house in Mc Cook in said county at two oclock in che after noon the above decribed real estate Dated this 7th day of January IOCS M0 rts J S LeHew Referee U ii J SUTTON j mccook 4 i N JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA VV T C l A T T MnPnnlr T J L UlkLLf 11ULUU1 AGKNT FOR Tllli CILKURATIiD FAIRBURY HANCHETT WINDMILL This is a warranted and guaran eed windmill nothing better in the market Write or call on Mr Mall before Inlying qJ fHUfE BLACK 307 WkWrWM FRIEND TO FRIEND The personal rcroiiniciulitions of peo money if Pe IVC been cured of coughs and colds by Chamberlains Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and commerce ovci a large part of the civilized world KEEP YOUR MONEY CIRCULATING When you keep your money in your pocket or hide it around your home you are doing ju t that much to retard the industrial growth of our commun ity this is u detriment to you as well as cithers When jou keep your money in the bank it is safe yet where it can be loaned to thoM who will use it for in creasing and upbuilding of the busi ness of the community this means an increased property value in bothtown an country If you want to be one of those who help build up and improve our town and surrounding country come in and start an account with us The amount of jour deposit is not m material as the fact of making a start in the right direction Safety Deposit Boxes 1 Per Year THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK McConk Nebraska - ftftf Seeiiiff Is Beliera If you will figure with us and quulity of material s any object you will be easily convinced that we out class all competition be forever barred I lie j f JLS J JLIJ time limited for payment of debts is one year i r from January 3rd - -- Dated January 3rd 11XK T J f Mimaf fmiirvr i ri i - r rai -- v- iv lUVdU IUB LU 1 y It is boyound dispute that you will find the BEST GRADES of Lumber Lime Lath Shingles and EVERYTHING in the building line Al o a full stock of the BEST GRADES of Hard and Soft Coals at W C BULLARDS M O McCLUKE i none sso l jj anager i -