The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 10, 1908, Image 1
mm I iS llM i J I - s v 2t TWENTY SIXTH YEAR w For Sale5 Year T Per Cent 1750 First Fnrm Mortgage on 160 Acres of Fino Frontier county laud which sold last year for 84000 Mortgages matures October 7 1912 Will tako check or draft A T Mykrs Lancaster Colo Via Holly SSSSXsg New Postmaster In Charge Stuart 13 McLean was ushered into the McCook postoffice Sunday morning the old postmaster F M Kimmell re tiring on Saturday night having com pleted a service covering ten years and having resigned in order to devote him self exclusively to the publication of his newspaper Thk McCook Triiiunh Alouzo Cone is the new assistant postmaster 1 J Brady late assistant postmaster takes a clerkship under the new post master succeeding Miss Sadie Coyle who becomes recording clerk in the county clerks office under Charles Skalla Miss Hattie Woolard continues in the position of general delivery clerk The Tribune expects the service to be up to the most reasonable expecta tions of the public prompt and effic ient SHIELD YOUR HANDS FROM HARM Cold weather brings distress to the housewife in the form of chapped red dened and roughened hands The chief cause is the many ways in which the hands must be immersed in water and than exposed to the air which causes contraction and chapping of the skin The practical remedy is the use of our household RUBBER GLOVES You cant until you have tried them realize what a boon they are Get a pair and wear them for dish washing and all other rough house work Price 100 L W McConnell Druggist R F D No 1 Nelson B Hall has moved into the farm just south of town vacated by Henry Kildaw who has moved to Cul berteon L J Thompson recently from Indian alo Iowa will farm the John Hume farm and will live in Mrs Mary Schla gels house Mrs Eliza Buck living on the A E Hammel farm a recent arrival from Ohio had the misfortune to lose her pocket book this week containing about 2000 Week of Prayer The union week of prayer meetings have been held each night this week at the different churches with good at tendance and interest The meeting f tonight Friday will be held at the Con gregational church There will be no meeting Saturday night Imported From Vienna Barney Hofer has received another crate of the fine imported souvenir china with views of McCook thereon Just the thing for presents 100 Mens Duck Coats 69c in our cut-to-the-quick sale 200 ones 149 8150 ones S119 425 ones 329 - The Thompson D G Co Hens Big Ulsters 389 in our cut-to-the-quick sale Velvet collar dress overcoats for 389 The Thompson D G Co Bear Skin Coats 189 in our cut - to - the - quick Bale colors brown red white The Thompson D G Co Choice Carnations 75c Per Dozen McCook Greenhouse phone 91 If its meat you can get it at Marshs market VWWWWWVI McCOOK MACHINE AND REPAIR SHOPS CAMERON BRENNING yWWWVAA T M CAMERON JOHN BRENHIHG Buggies Wagons Auto mobiles and all machinery repaired in a first class manner at a reasonable price at our new location West Dennison Street We Respectfully Ask Tour Patronage Ladies Circle Instals Officers The Ladies Circle of the G A R held its installation of officers on last Friday afternoon January 3rd 1908 with a largo attondanco Two new members wore initiated Tho circlo is growing briskly in mem bership and in interest shown for the good of the order At the close of the meoting refresh ments were served to both circle mem bers and members of the post The officers for the ensuing year are Adeline Dole president Mary Northrup senior vice president Anna Smith junior vice president Amanda Berry chaplain Ellen Lellow treasurer Ma tie Welles secretary Mary Walker conductress Agnes Rodstrom assistant conduct ress Mary Rhodes guard Anna Lewis assistant guard Mable M Kimmell musician The Rowland Wootton Wedding A happv event of which The Tribune had knowledge but which was in a re grettable manner overlooked last week was the wedding of Albin E Rowland and Miss Carrie Mae Wootton two esti mable 3 oung people of our city which took place on New Year evening under happiest auspices Rev E R Earlo of Saint Albans church performing the ceremony in the use of the ever-impressive ring ceremony and in the presence of about forty relatives and invited guests at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs WT Wootton of our city The presents were numerous and fine among them being one of exceptional beauty and value of hand made Mexi can linen the gift of th brides brother H E Wootton of Douglas Arizona After the ceremony a wedding supper of bounteous proportions and culinary excellence was served The affair was one of joyousness and happy prospect McCook Markets Merchants and dealers in McCook at noon today Friday are paying the fol lowing prices Corn 55 Wheat - - 85 Oats 35 Rye 60 Barley 55 Hogs 3 85 Butter good 18 Eggs 24 To The Aid of Publishers The United States government has evidently taken over the job of the news paper publishers that has ever been their most difficult tasK namely that of making subscribers pay for their newspapers the government through the recent ordsr of the postmaster gen eral says that newspapers to secure admission to the government mails must be paid up in tho case of weekly papers at least within tne year An Ugly Scalp Wound James Cleveland an employe in Steve Wilsons livery barn sustained an ugly scalp wound Wednesday afternoon in being thrown out of a vehicle by a team which he was unable to manage A crescent shaped wound about four inches long was cut over the ear which demanded the surgeons skill and at tention No bones were fractured 650 Fox Scarfs for 399 in our cut-to-the-quick sale 500 scarfs for 339 375 ones for 239 150 ones for 99c 75c ones for 49c The Thompson D G Co 125 Teddy Bears for 9c in our cut-to-the quick sale 20 inch cloth dolls unstuffed 15c vstuffed 35c The Thompson D G Co 400 Mens Pants Now 299 in our cut-to-the-quick sale 250 ones 189 S175 ones 139 100 ones 79c The Thompson D G Co Theres no loss of weight when meats are smoked with our Liquid Smoke That means you can save more than the cost of the Liquid Smoke and have bet ter flavored and jucier meat Price 25c L W McConnell Druggist Three incandescent electric lights have been placed in front of the dials of the city clock on the court house tower to enable the people to note the time of night Fresh vegetables and celery every Wednesday and Saturday at the White House There will be no preaching services at the Baptist church next Sunday Apple week at the White House Ask Scott about it Fone 30 50c on the Dollar Slaughter Sale Nothing reserved Sale begins Jan uary 15th The Ideal Store ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Chas A Hasty of Arapahoe spent Sunday with his brother J W W T Spencers little son has the diphtheria but is getting along satis factorily Ed Flitcraft has commenced the erection of what will be one of the finest homes in Red Willow county on his farm just east of town v McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 10 1908 School Will Open Next Monday Friday Jan 10 1903 We the Board of Health of tho City of McCook wish to make tho following statement concerning tho state of con tagious diseases iu tho city Diphtheria is decreasing there being now but four casos under quarantine Wo havo therefore advised the Board of Educa tion to open the schools There is only ono now case of smallpox making two cases iu the City Contagious hospital and three private families under quar antine The situation is well under control and no apprehension is felt concerning tho future S C Beach M D City Physcian Secretary of Board of Health C S Fahnestock President of Board of Health After a thorough consideration of the conditions existing at present and dur ing the time intervening since the schools closed for the holiday vacation and a consultation with the Board of Health the Board of Education order that the schools be opened Monday January 13 1903 E H Doan President C W Barnes Secretary Christian Endeavor Election The Christian Endeavor society of the Congregational church elected the fol lowing officers at the semi annual busi ness meeting last Tuesday President Miss Ruth Campbell Vice President Leonard Hammel Sfcretary Miss Tressie Rector Treasurer Miss Millicent Slaby Pianist Miss Helen Schwab The meeting of the society next Sun day evening Will be of peculiar interest The missionary committee will formally introduce the station assigned to the society and personal letters from field and workers will be read All young people aro invited The New Post Officers The following officers of J K Barnes post were installed on last Saturday Posit Commander J M Henderson Senior Vice Commander Orlando Curtis Junior Vice Commander WP Burns Adjutant Jacob Steinmetz Quartermaster J A Wilcox Sergeant H H Mitchell Chaplain Louis Hayden Officer Day C H Barrett Officer Guard T C liegeman Sergeant Major J W Uuderhill Q M Sergeant A C Marsh Subscriptions When your subscription to any paper or magazine expires let us renew them for you also when you Want to subscribe for a daily paper to be delivered or come by mail or for any magazine published call on us and we will save you money Will meet terms and prices of any re liable publisher or subscription agency Dont send away or give your orders to strangers but go direct to the old re liable B Hofer McCook News Depot Special Notice Beginning January i 1903 The Mc Cook Milling Co will change its meth od of business to a strictly cash system No favorites everybody treated alike From that date please do not ask for credit as we will have to refuse it All persons owing the Milling Company will please call and settle on or before January 1st 12 6 6ts E H Doan Manager TOILET AIDS BEAUTY HELPS We handle the leading imported and domestic specialties including many of special value that should be better known In any event we are quite cer tain to have what you want if not we will get it No special charges for spec ial orders L W McConnell Druggist Have Deeded Park to City The deed of the city park from the Lincoln Land Co to the City of Mc Cook was filed for record January 2nd A 50 font square tract on which the wa ter works standpipe is situated is ex cepted Will Guarantee the Work Having dissolved partnership with J H Yarger I am now prepared to do all kinds of plastering on my own aacount and to guarantee the work satisfactory 1 10 3ts J P Notley 1650 Ladles Coats Now 1099 in our cut-to-the-quick sale S1250 ones cuttoSSGO 10 00 ones to 069 750 ones to S4 G9 475 ones to 299 The Thompson D G Co 125 Mens Underwear Now 89c in our cut to-the-quick sale 100 kind for 79c 50c ones for 39c The Thomp son D G Co 100 Fascinators Cut to 69c in our cut-to-the-quick sale 50c ones to 35c 125 ones to 89c The Thomp son D GCo Gain to you One half off slaught er sale Sale begins January 1 Sth The Ideal Store Eating apples ask Scott about them Cooking apples ask Scott about them Apple week at the White House Ask Scott about it Fone 30 Rev Burton announces the death of Mrs Burtons father last Tuesday at Pierre S D He expects to be home by Sunday 19th The New Oificers in Charge January 9th tho first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January tho new county officers were duly installed in office the old officials accounts and records having first been inspected and verified and an accounting had and made with tho county commissioners The new officers aro county clerk Into this office Charles Skalla was in troduced The Tribune believes that Mr Skalla will make good and that his conduct of the office will be prompt efficient and courteous Miss Millie Elbert will be his deputy She was re cently advanced to that position under County Clerk E J Wilcox from that of recording olerk and is well qualified Miss Sadie Cnylo for five years a clerk in the McCook postoffice under Post master Kimmell will give a good ac count of herself as recording clerk county treasurer This important office of trust falls in to the hands of Clifford Nadon an ex cellent young man of fino qualifications of business and heart We expect noth ing but good report from him reliable steady experienced as he is in business affairs and courteous as he is by nature fTe is also to be congratulated upon his choice of deputy in selecting and so curing H W Conover the present de puty under County Treasurer Cochran Herb is accurate rapid genial and reliable and has been a very satisfactory deputy COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT Miss Claudia Hatcher will fil this place with credit and profit to the sys tem and educational matters in Red Willow county She succeeds an ener getic and efficient administration and will bring all of the qualifications neces sary to advance the work in tho office having had experience in teaching in both city and country schools which coupled with the necessary educational qualifications and fine administrative capacity open the way for a term of success and usefulness in the office of county superintendent of public instruc tion DISTRICT COURT CLERK Chester A Rodgers who has been vir tually the occupant of that office for the past year on account of the absence of R W Devoe at school steps in as chief in fact He has had valuable experience during his incumbency of that office and with his careful attention to busi ness and fine personal attainments will carry on the work of the office with suc cess and credit He is also clerk of the U S district and U S circuit courts COUNTY ASSESSOR T A Endsley follows Charles Skalla into this office He has served as pre cinct assessor with credit and will no doubt fulfill the duties of the larger place with success and satisfaction keeping in mind the growing importance of that position in the countys business system The other new officials are Dr W A DeMay county coroner and Andrew Barber who will be equal to any emer gency PRESENT INCU3IUENTS Of the rest of the county directorate County Judge J C Moore Sheriff II I Peterson and Commissioner C B Gray are at present holding offices they con tinue in and of them nothing need be offered The proof of the pudding is in the eating They have administered their several positions and offices to the satisfaction of the people a fact which is finally determined by their election by large majorities for new terms In fine it is fair to expect that Red Willow county will enjoy tho services of efficient officers during the ensuing term Tooth Brushes No matter how particular you may be as to tooth brushes we can provide pre cisely what you want All sizes all the new styles all shapes and all grades of bristles Whether you are particular about wide choice or not you might as well have it All our better brushes are guaranteed and the prices are right through out L W McConnell Druggist 200 Dress Skirts Now 139 in our cut-to-the-quick sale 400 ones to 269 6 00 ones to 399 1000 ones to 769 Alterations free The Thompson D G Co Boys Overcoats 169 in our cut-to-the-quick sale Young mens velvet collar overcoats reduced to 299 The Thompson D G Co Girls Coats 119 in our cut-to-the-quick sale reduced from 175 6 00 ones cut to 399 The Thompson D G Co Still On The Horse Blanket Sale at the McCook Hardware Co Apple week at the White House Ask Scott about it Fone 30 McMillens cough cure is just what its name indicates A Cure for Cough Grand Coyote Hunt Tho peoplo of tho northwostern part of Rod Willow county are preparing for a great cojoto hunt Wednesday Janu ary 15th commencing at tou oclock sharp Tho north line will start two miles north of the Coleman school house Tho south line at the Republican river The west line at tho Rod Willow coucty Hitchcock county line Tho east line at the William Hammel road Tho round up will met in the neighborhood of tho old Troendley and old Lopper farms Captains are as follows South Side Will Smith Henry Cashon D fl Reish or East side Amiol Heinloin Fred Satcholl James Modrell North side A B Kinzor II J Bortner Thurston Doyle West side John Droll Albert Smith and George Henderson No teams or dogs allowed under nny circumstances ahead of tho lino Rifles of course are barred Get in tho game Worthful Evening Service Last Sundays evening service under the auspices of the Mens club of tho Congregational church was of fino in terest and worthful Besides tho ser mon by the pastor on Spiritual Brother hood there were two stirring anthems by the choir and the usual items of wor ship A number of the club members were present For next Sunday eening tho sormon topic will be Every Mans Lot He sides there will bo special music num bers The club extends a special invitation to the public to come and enjoy these services Mens Suits Cut Deep in our cut to the quick sale 1350 ones to 969 10 00 ones to 769 S850 ones to 599 6 50 ones to 169 500 ones to 3 b9 Tne Thompson D GCo Bear Skin Hoods 38c in our cut-to-the quick sale 35c hoods for 25c 75c ones for 55c 100 hoods for 79c The Thompson D G Co 100 For Sale 100 High scoring Barred Plymonth Rock Cockerels 100 each J W Burtless Phone ash 1351 Guaranteed Paints Yon can gee a fully guaranteed paint The Lincoln absolutely pure at Mc Millens drugstore Sleeping Garments 25c in our cut to-the-quick sale reduced from 35c 50c ones cut to 39j The Thompson D G Co SMALL MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE Eating apples ask Scott about them Cooking apples ask Scott about them Wisconsin Rutabag03 at the White House Gold Medal bulk coffee 20c to At Hubers Tea imported direct from Japan 50c and 60c Hubor Apple week at the White House Ask Scot about it Fone 30 McMillens cold tablots will cure your cold and stop your cough Just arrived J M 1816 canned fruits and vegetables Huber Hinbeshs 190S year 1 ooks best on the market For Sale by B Hofer The McCook Commercial Club is not dead but is just hibernating If its seasonable and in his line no use to go any farther than Marshs meat market It looked good to see that long string of wagons loaded with hogs drive into town Tuesday Perhaps life has no keener disappoint ments than the knowlege of the 3inall ness of the great Snow on the ground for the past four weeks and still considerable of it visible out in the country Furnished rooms for rent heat and bath Also a new six room dwelling Fred Bruns A G Bump room two over McCon nell s drug store is agent for some of Americas best insurance companies Consult him Mothers you cant afford to make pants for the boys when you can buy them at from 25 cents up per pair at Rozell Bargers The reason McConnells Balsam heals so quickly is because it immediately sooths and heals the irritated members of the air passages Price 25 cents Our Cream Lotion is healing and soothing to both face and hands and will give entire satisfaction A McMillen Druggist The citizen who takes advantage of the times to stand off creditors when he has the means at hand with which to liquidate can never stand high on the roll of honor of the countrys pa triots Patrons in northeastern part of school district No 1 this county are consider ing the advisability of building another school house in their part of the district to save their children going several miles to school On account of the schools remaining closed none of the teachers have return ed from their holiday vacation Miss Temple we understand will not return nt all and her place in the corps will have to be supplied nsfg rr l W IJfi v to 9ttlCtil AN ADVANTAGE Perhaps wo aro a little exacting In tlio hclcction f security lint you nro not rciiirul to pay interest on money you do not use nt THIS bank Partial payments nro accept ed Tho interest STOPS whenever payments arc made If you make a loan for six months and pay it in three you pay for tho time you used tho monoy ONLY You will find us fair nnd liberal on all propositions See us about public Hales THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK A Good Bank A Growing- Bank NUMBER 33 Leave your orders for Cut Flow ers Funeral Designs Lettuce Par sley etc at Heckmans Bakery-1-4 Slaughter Sale 1200 must be raised at once Sale begins Wed nesday January 15th The Ideal Store MINOR ITEMS OF NE S McConnell for drugs Everything in drugs McConnell Public sales aro growing fashionable Lettuce radishesceleryyoung onions Huber Cranberries the best evor at The White House All kinds of fruit -fresh each morn ingat Hubers McConnells San aparilla for all skin and blood diseases Family washing taken in five cents per pound Phono 3oc Big wolf hunt in the northwestern part of the county Monday When God made a consistently honest man he made a long pause Theres promot relief in a single dose of McConnells Headache Capsules For Kent Two unfurnished rooms with lights over Scotts grocery store I wish some one would sit down on Pandoras box lid good and hard for a while Colorado canned irrigated tomatoes peas and beans TJnequaled without a rival Huber Wellerette cigars sold only in drug stores the best 5 cents will buy For sale at Wood worth Cos Every day is bargain day at II S Godfrey Cos tho popular leaders in selling flour feed and hay It is pretty difficult to keep smiling all che time without an occasional wry face to break the monotony Last Friday niyht wa3 the regular Fortnightly hop at tho Menard with holiday attendance and gayety Go to Jeffries A Dinnell the South McCook merchants for groceries dry goods and notions Prices right Advertise McCook with imported colored view post cards and illustrated souvenir letters Sold by B Hofer If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business Men have you looked through our fine line of corduroysuits Rozell Barger Well show you how to operate the new camera Bring it in L W McConnell Druggist Have you noticed our advertisement on the railroad page of this issue Rozell Barger For Sale An Edison Standard phonograph good as new with seventy six records 1 3 2ts E A Phillipii Trunks and suit cases an elegant line new at fetchingly low figures Rozell Barger opposite the Monto Cristo Ten thousand post cards colored views of McCook made in Germany just received at B Hofers Price 2 for 5 cents Jeffries Dinnell the South McCook merchants offer you the best of general merchandise at the lowest possible price Give them a trial What do you need to go with the new camera you received Christmas We have everything any amateur needs Come in and let us start you right L W McConell Druggist Monte Cristo cab line To and from depot trains either way to all parts of the city day and night calls sapleroom and trunk hauling in connection Barn phone 10 Monte Cristo phone 2G9 C E Pedigo Propr Uooj 9ty