The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 03, 1908, Image 1

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Opposite Monte Cristo
See How
They Harmonize
Almost Made Her Escape
Mrs Vivian DeVore an inmate of
county jail almost succeeded in making
her escape from the court house one
night last week While the now cells
were being placed in the jail Mrs De
Vere was kept in a room on the second
floor of the building She had succeed-
ed in getting out of the room and down
stairs and was about to step out of the
front door when the night watchman
appeared on the scene She hid in the
hallways of the building The night
watchman succeeded in getting word to
Sheriff Peterson While the officers
were searching the building for the
hiding woman she managed to get out
of the building and onto the sidewalk
but was captured on the corner by Night
Policeman Fitzgerald and placed in
She evidently had outside assistance
The night watchman saw a man at the
frontdoor at the same time he discover
ed the escaping female prisoner The
man skidood when the officer drew
his revolver
Wedding Bells
At the homo of Mr and Mrs D E
Eikenberry at 530 p m Wednesday
Mrs Eliza Simpson was united in mar
riage to Mr Albert W Utter The cer
emony was performed by Rev E
Burton of the Baptist church Only
the immediate relatives were present
After the marriage a three course lunch
eon was served Mr and Mrs Utter
will take up their residence in McCook
and will occupy tho house just north of
the M E church
At the home of Mr and Mrs W II
Smith just north of McCook at high
noon Wednesday their daughter Vida
was married to Roy P Lafferty of Dan
bury the ceremony being performed by
Rev E Burton of the Baptist church
After the marriage a bountiful dinner
was served to the many guests The
young couple are soon to make their
home at Flagler Colo
A Card
We ask attention to our clearing sale
advertized on the last page of this paper
The items are those needed at this time
The regular prices named are our bona
fida prices down to this moment and the
reductions offered will make every fam
ily loot to the state of their wardrobe
and replenish it for a twelve month
You are invited to participate The
Thompson DG Co
M E S Watch Party
The M E S club held its 1907 S
watch party at C L Wickwires home
this year Games and a supper were
items of pleasure the program extend
ing through the old into the new
Jacob Frank Injured
Yesterday afternoon while working at
the big saw at the carpenter shop Jacob
Frank was struck on the thigh and hip
by a small stick of timber and painfully
but not seriously injured
Imported From Vienna
Barney Hofer has received another
crate of the fine imported souvenir
china with views of McCook thereon
Just the thing for presents
Guaranteed Paints
Yon can gec a fully guaranteed paint
The Lincoln absolutely pure at Mc
Millens drugstore
Choice Carnations 75c Per Dozen
McCook Greenhouse phone 91
Cheap oranges that are cheap at the
White House
If its meat you can get it at Marshs
Mr rni
Buggies Wagons Auto
mobiles and all machinery
repaired in a first class
manner at a reasonable
price at our new location
West Dennison Street
AsKTonr Patronage
y i ja ntfrftrtrw a
Farewell to Father Loughran
Tho gathering at Menards opera
house ou Monday evening was an occa
sion long to bo remembered It was an
expression of esteem for one who has
moved among us for years and who now
goes out as ho came without our consent
or choice His coming was announced
by no herald no one bespoke for him
the place he now holds and he leaves us
as ho camu without ostentation to fol
low his work among another people
The law of compensation balances all
events in human life but in this instance
the people of McCook are left to guess
in what mysterious way the departure
of Father Loughrau can be to them a
Since it has become known that Fath
er Loughran was to be called from Mc
Cook expressions of regret have not only
come from those more intimately associ
ated with him in religious service but
have come from other and numerous
sources and tho farewell triven him on
Monday evening was but the blossoming
out into a grand culmination of the res
pect esteem the love and reverence
with which he is held by all who knew
The presents which he received came
from hearts overflowing and appreciated
as they were they could mean not so
much to him as did the presence of the
audiencecomposed as it was of young and
old Catholic and non Catholic business
men and professional men a representa
tive gathering with the Celtic blood in
The programme consisted of vocal and
instrumental music the presentation of
presents several impromptu speeches
refreshments and a farewell address by
Father Loughran No one could have
attended the meeting without going
away benefitted for after all the love
we liberate in our work andkin associ
ation with our fellows is the only love we
keop The refreshments were delicate
ly prepared and elegantly served and the
remainder of the programme was highly
entertaining but over and above it all
was a feeling of sadness The speeches
were as varied in character as tho sources
from which thy came and many happy
allusions we made to the Irish as a
people and to which race every speaker
wished to trace his kinship
Memoiies of the Emerald Isle came as
they ever will to all whose recollections
take them back to that childhood home
across the sea
That Father Loughran has been em
minently successful in his work goes
without saying His efforts have pro
duced a well organized and potent force
in his church and beyond this he has
been a most helpful factor in all that
benefits the town and community in the
broadest sense Difficulties have been
overcome aud obstacles surmounted and
victories celebruted in the spirit of one
who said If hindrances obstruct thy
way thy magnanimity display and let
thy strength be seen but oh if fortune
fill tho sail with more than a propitious
gale take half the canvas in
What if thy heaven be overcast the
dark appearance will not last expect a
brighter day the God that strings the
silver bow awakes sometimes the muses
too and lays his arrows by
Dr Hare
Temporary Restraining Order Granted
The suit of the McCook Water Co vs
Charles L Fahnestock as Mayor of the
City of McCook and others came up
before District Judge Orr Monday De
cember 30th and a temporary restrain
ing order was granted the company
The companys bond was placed at
810000 The restraining order is effec
tive until the next term of district court
which will hold its opening session Feb
ruary 3rd
The action involves the legality of
Ordinance No 136 of the City of Mc
Cook which was passed early last sum
merand which reduced the meter rate to
consumers of city water from thirty
cents per 1000 cubic feet to sixteen cents
per 1000 cubic feet The company claims
the sixteen cent rate is less than the
cost of production that they are operat
ing under the present ordinance at a loss
of about 8500 per quarter Hence their
appeal to the court for relief The in
come of the company for the past quart
er is given in the companys petition at
Sl44991 A deficiency of S220532 is
claimed for the past year basing calcu
lations on receipts for past quarter The
income for the past year is stated as
S2173100 with S2191610 as the total
The petition claims the plant to be
worth 810500000 of which 830000 is
represented by bonds and S75000 by
An Afflicted Family
Mr and Mrs Webb C Stevens have
the deepest and tenderest sympathy of
all in the dire and terrible illness of their
eldest son Emory aged eight years who
is regarded as hopelessly ill with mem
braneous croup and the sickness of an
other child with diphtheria Emory is
slightly improved today
Fortnlghtlys Christmas Week Hop
The Fortnightly Dancing Club held
its Christmas week hop in the Menard
opera house last Friday evening with
the usual ecstatic experiences and a
full attendance
New Cases Developed
The developments of this week are
four cases of small pox James Stein
man Mrs Fred Schlagel Mr Hicker
son and Mr Wyman are the unfortun
ates None severe
Declared Usual Dividend
The First National Bank at the an
nual meeting this week declared the
usual dividend No official changes
L W McConnell Druggist
Everything at our store is White
House quality Scott Stoner
7 i vs0
sum - - -
Wedding- of Former McCook Girl
Married at the residence of the brides
mother Mrs I P Moore at 4311 North
Gove street Tacoma Wash Miss Clara
O Haulein to Mr Thos E ONeill of
East Sound Wash Rev W S Ilan
lein brother of the bride officiating
Mr A F Reeves a former resident of
Red Willow county now of Berkeley
Ualif acting as grooms man and Miss
Adelaide Hanlein sister of bride as
brides maid
The bride with the othor members of
tho family camo to McCook in the early
days of the citys history 1884 aud
lived in McCook and vicinity for a num
ber of years attending the city schools
during tho administration of the late
Prof Valentine She afterward remov
ed to the state of Washington and en
gaged in teaching in which she attained
a very excellent degree of success and
Mr ONeil the groom is a young
man of intelligence integrity and on
ergy of character and by practical ex
perience added to a course in the Pull
man State Agricultural College has
become an intelligent and successful
fruit grower
After a short residence in East Sound
the bridal couple will take up their per
manent residence in Tacoma where the
groom will take a former position in a
wholesale fruit house
The wedding ceremony i which the
beautiful ring service was used was
witnessed by a number of intimate
friends and relatives and the bridal
couple was remembered in the gift of
numerous beautiful and costly wedding
presents After the ceremony a dainty
weddingluncheon was served and after
congratulations the guests departed
wishing the bridal couple many happy
years of married life Communicated
A New Year Service
The Methodist held a very helpful
watch night service New Year eve
Th6 first hour and a half was spent in
bible reading prayer and praise with
singing by the large Sunday school
choir This service was very spiritual
Than an informal social was held with
refreshments in which all enjoyed them
selves and met many new friends The
last half hour of tho year was spent in
a consecration altar service with scores
on their knees in prayer when the new
year came in Fully a hundred people
stayed to the closo of the service New
Year greetings were exchanged and the
people went to their homes with bright
hopes for the year 1908
When your subscription to any paper
or magazine expires let us renew them
for you also when you want to subscribe
for a daily paper to be delivered or come
by mail or for any magazine published
call on us and we will save you money
Will meet terms and prices of any re
liable publisher or subscription agency
Dont send away or give your orders to
strangers but go direct to the old re
liable B Hofer
McCook News Depot
special Notice
Beginning January 1 1908 The Mc
Cook Milling Co will change its meth
od of business to a strictly cash system
No favorites everybody treated alike
From that date please do not ask for
credit as we will have to refuse it All
persons owing the Milling Company
will please call and settle on or before
January 1st 12 6 6ts
E H Doan Manager
Successful Dance and Supper
The New Year dance and supper of
the A O U W was a most gratifying
success A great and jolly crowd
everyone entirely satisfied Two course
lunch was served at the Monte Cristo
which was handsomely decorated in
patriotic colors The Menard was also
prettily decorated
For Tiny Folks
We provide many things for the com
fort health and happiness of the little
ones All the reliable baby foods every
package guaranteed fresh All the best
infant remedies A full line of nipples
nursing bottles teething rings rattles
combs brushes soaps talcum powder
L W McConnell Druggist
Episcopal Mission
A Mission will be held in Saint Al
bans church beginning February 4th
and will continue for ten days or more
There will be two or three services
daily The Missioner is Rev Louis A
Arthur rector of Saint Stephens
church Grand Island Nebraska Dont
fail to hear him
Big Wolf Hunt New Year
The farmers of the district north and
west of AlcOook indulged in a big wolf
hunt Nw Year day killing several of
the varmints Another hunt is arranged
for next Monday The round up will
take place at the old Zimmerman place
Get in the game
A Feast of Bargains
On the back page of this paper will be
the large itemized announcement of the
clearing sale of The Thompson DG Co
which contains about 250 items cover
ing winter goods as well as many others
They will make your purse smile
Anti Saloon League Meeting
There will be a meeting of the Anti
Saloon league at the city hall Tuesday
night January 7 and everyone inter
ested in the cause for which it labors
should be present
Howe Smith President
If your hens are not laying well give
them some Pratts Egg Producer It al
ways increases the number of eggs 25
cents a package
L W McConnell Druggist
Fresh vegetables every Wednesday
and Saturday at the White House
Office supplies at the Tribune office
Opposed to Increased Meter Rate
That McCook is deeply stirred by tho
water works companys application for
a restraining order directed against the
operation of the citys sixteen cent or
dinance was clearly attested by the at
tendance and interest evinced at the
public meeting of citizens held in the
court house last Friday evening
The gathering was held under auspices
of tho Water Consumers League and
about 150 citizons appeared to protest
against this last action of tho company
A resolution was adopted expressing
it as the sentiment of the meeting that
the city council is backed in hiring ad
ditional legal talent in resisting tho pro
ceedings of the water company against
the city ordinance
Municipal ownership was tho keynote
of the meeting and some of the address
es made were not in complimentary
terms of the companys plant or manage
ment In furtherance of this sentiment
a petition Was circulated and generally
signed asking the city council to call an
election at which the people of McCook
shalL have an opportunity to vote upon
the acceptance or rejection of the initia
tive and referendum law looking for
ward to tho future voting of bonds for
municipal water works purposes
The indications are that the McCook
water works question isentering upon
the final stage of its troublesome career
The company claims it is operating at
a loss
The people are in no mood to accept
an increase
Ask That Judgment Be Withheld
McCook Nebr January 1 1908
To Our Patrons
Owing to the fact that Ordinance No
13Gpassed by the city council last July
does not provide a rate of income suf
ficient to defray the actual and neces
sary cost of maintaining the Water
Works and providing a satisfactory ser
vice for our patrons this Company has
been compelled to ask the courts for
such relief as the facts and the law gov
erning such cases may warrant
A full and fair hearing will be had
as speedily as possible at which all the
facts will bo brought out and as a
matter of fairness we ask that judgment
of our course be withheld until all the
evidence is in Respectfully
McCook Water Works Company
J E Kelley Supt
The Observance of the Week of Prayer
There will be an observance of the
week of prayer by the different churches
in the form of union meetings beginning
Monday evening January 6th at eight
oclock Everybody who can is urged
to attend these services The following
is the schedule of meeting places and
leaders for the week
Monday Rev M B Carman Chris
tian church
Tuesday Mr H II Miller Baptist
Wednesday Baptist church
Thursday Rev G B Hawkes M E
Friday Rev E Burton Congrega
tional church
Saturday Rev M B Carman M E
Came and bring your friends
Kenyon Gives His Reason to Court
Dismissed from the service of a rail
road company because he seemed to
have his mind upon other things besides
his work John F Kenyon yesterday
explained the cause of his inattention to
business in the county court The end
of the matter was that his petition for
divorce from Viola E Kenyon fell upon
sympathetic ears and was granted by
Judire Hudson
Kenyon said hia wifes constant
nagging was ever on his mind and that
it was for this reason he lost position
Denver Post December 26th 1907
All of which will cause a smile of pity
from all who know the real facts of the
case here at home
K of P Officers Installed
At the regular meeting of McCook
lodge No 42 K of P Wednesday even
ing the following officers were installed
H W Conover vice chancellor B H
Stewart prelate J N Gaarde keeper of
records and seal L Thorgrimson mas
ter of exchequer Geo Kearns master
at arms J W Predmore outer guard
M Lawritson L W Stayner J F
Cordeal and Geo S Scott who had
been elected to the offices of chancellor
conmander master of finance master of
work and inner guard respectively are
to be installed next Wednesday night
A New Business Firm
Jeffries Diunell are the new proprie
tors of the South McCook store having
bought out J A Hess Oliver Jeffries
who was proprietor of the store for sev
eral years sold to Mr Hess last spring
He now associates with himself in the
business Arthur Dinnell
Married on New Year Day
Mr Jacob Gering and Mrs Lena Short
were united in marriage New Year day
the Rev Miller of the Methodist church
of Box Elder performing the ceremony
at the home of M rs Short Well wishes
Bought the McCook Laundry
The first of the year W C Blair pur
chased the McCook Steam Laundry
from G C Heckman who may reengage
in business in McCook
Still On
The Horse Blanket Sale at the
McCook Hardware Co
The boys had Martin Matson going
some this week on account of Marshs
wedding announcement but Martin
threatens to cut them out when he does
commit matrimony
Take a picture of the baby with an
Eastman kodak It will be a life long
L W McConnell Druggist
Cheap oranges that are cheap at the
White House
A New Law Firm
January 1st W S Morlan associated
with himself two rising and promising
young lawyers C D Ritchie and F L
Wolff both of whom have been connect
ed with his office for some time
Of tho senior partner nothing need bo
said In tho profession almost forty
years most of the time in the Republi
can valley he has easily taken and
maintained first place among tho law
yers of this section of Nebraska
C D Ritchie is a graduato of tho law
school of the Nebraska university and
a Theta Kappa Nu and holds an A B
from his Alma Mater of 1903 Mr
Ritchie came to McCook in 1905
F L Wolff was graduated from the
law school of the Nebraska Uuiversity
in 1904 and was with the law firm of
Wilson Brown Lincoln two years be
fore coming to McCook
Both of the junior partners have been
admitted to practice before tho state
supreme court the U S circuit court
of appeals the U S district court and
the U S circuit court They have
ability character and energy as assets
and are familiar with the genius that is
acquired by application and work
Powell Russell
Tho home of James Powell two miles
east of Max was the scene of a pretty
wedding Christmas day at high noon
where Rev Choeder spoke the words
which united Alma Leta to Mr Fred
Russell in holy matrimony
The sweet bride has grown from ear
liest childhood to womanhood in Mc
Cook and will be remembered by a
host of friends and school mates who
will wish her a long and happy life
The gronm is a young man of sterling
qualities and has won the respect and
admiration of all who know him
After tho ceremony an elaborate wed
ding dinner was served after which the
bride and groom went to the cosy little
home which has been prepared for
Only the near relatives witnessed the
ceremony The out of town guest
were Mrs Carrie Parish of Culbertson
Miss Winifred Browne of McCook and
Mr Boyle Powell of Longmont Colo
Com m un i cated
A Coat or Two
of our concentrated smoke will preserve
your meat as wll or better than tho
old fashion way of smoking meat with
a saving of time money and danger of
fire In 25 cent bottles
L W McConnell Druggist
Schools Not to Open Monday
At request of the board of health the
board of education has decided to not
open the public schools next Monday
but at a date to be announced Inter
Bought Out Merle
G C Heckman today closed the deal
for the purchase of the Merle Jjakery
and news stand
R F D NO 1
A small party assembled at the home
of Miss Geneva bitch last Friday eve
ning and enjoyed the sweets of a taffy
Mrs Mary Schlagels little boy has a
mild case of diphtheria
Doan Wood are putting up one of
tho largest and finest hog houses in Red
Willow couuty using cement or con
crete in its construction
The Christmas tree at the German
Lutheran church on Ash Creek was one
of the finest in the county
J B Fiechtner is building him a new
barn to go with that new home
The home of Mr and Mrs E J
Baker was the merry scene of a great
Christmas dinner participated in by
Mrs L J Burtless J W Burtless and
family R D Rodgers and family Air
and Mrs C a Rodgers T A Endsley
and family W P Broomfield and fam
Mr and Mrs Henry Ebert are visit
ing her folks at Sutton
Adolph Bower is over from Perry
visiting at Frank Dudeks since last
A week ago last Friday Hari Myer
lost his pocket book containing 8398 in
money and several checks He came to
town Saturday following and warned
banks against receiving the checks
Succeeding Sunday he and a young
Newfoundland went out on a search for
the missing wealth which was found by
the dog much to Haris joy Der hund
is worth his weight in geld to Hari
J I Lee commenced filling his ice
house with No 1 ice last Thursday It
is nine to twelve inches thick and clear
as crystal
Gold Medal bulk coffee 20c to 35c
At Hubers
Sweet oranges that
White House
are sweet at the
Tea imported direct from Japan
and 60c Huber
Stenographer s note books for sale
The Tribune office
McMillens cold tablets will cure your
cold and stop your cough
We have oranges from 25c to 60c per
dozen at the White House
Just arrived J M 1846
fruits and vegetables Huber
House quality
at our store is
Scott Stoner
Hinbeshs 1908 year t ooks best on the
market For Sale by B Hofer
McMillens cough cure is just what
its nane indicates A Cure for Cough
Those 25c oranges at the White House
will be on sale but one day Saturday
Jan 4
If its seasonable and in his line no
use to go any farther than Marshs meat
Possibly you aro now
doing business at this
bank If so very good
If not wouldnt it be well
for you to start in at the
new yoar
With abundant capital
and with tho best of fac
ilities wo aro propared to
give you superior sorvico
A Good Bank
A Growing Bank
McConnell for drugs
Everything in drugs McConnell-
Lettuce radishesceioryyoung onions
Sweet oranges that aro sweet at the
White House
All kinds of fruit -fresh each morn
ing at Hubers
McConnells Sarsaparilla for all skin
and blood diseases
Family washing taken in five cents
per pound Phono 35c
We have oranges from 25c to 60c por
dozen at tho White House
Fresh vegetables every Wednesday
and Saturday at the White House
A G Bump has moved his office into
room 2 over McConnelFs drug store
Remember A G Bumps new location
room 2 over McCom ells drug store
Thoso 25c oranges at the White House
will be on sale but one day Saturday
Jan 1
Colorado canned irrigated tomatoes
ppas and beans TJnequaled without
a rival Huber
Wellerette cigars sold only in drug
stores the best 5 cents will buy For
sale at Woodworth Cos
Every day is bargain day at II S
Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
Go to Jeffries Dinnell the South
McCook merchants for groceries dry
goods and notions Prices right
Advertise McCook with imported
colored view post cards and illustrated
souvenir letters Sold by B Hofer
Rid your feet of corns by using Light
ning corn cure 10 cents
L W McConnkll Druggist
Floor Lac is a varnish stain made for
floors All colors
L W McConnell Druggist
For Rent One three room and one
four room dwelling Phone black 300
C C Hairless
For Sale An Edison Standard
phonograph good as new with seventy-
six records 1 3 2ts
E A PhilliiIi
If your are particular about the diug
store goods you buy you should come
here for we are particular too
L W McConnell Druggist
It is expected to have the new high
school building ready for the four grades
of the high school by the first of Feb
Trunks and suit cases an elegant
lin new at fetchingly low figures
Rozell Sz Barger opposite the Monte
Ten thousand post cards colored
views of McCook made in Germany
just received at B Hofers Price 2 for
5 cents
Dont harbor a cough or make a mis
take in the remedy McConnells
Balsam cures coughs promptly and in
the right way
Jeffries Dinnell the South McCook
merchant offer you the best of general
merchandise at the lowest possible price
Give them a trial
We have a remedy for the skin that
never fails It is delightful to use and
it keeps the skin soft and healthy Call
for McConnells Fragrant Lotion
Our Cream Lotion is healing and
soothing to both face and hands and
will give entire satisfaction
A McMillen Druggist
If you are figuring on saving money
in painting dont buy cheap low quality
paint The great saving comes through
S W P McConnell can prove it to
vou in black and white
Monte Cristo cab line To and from
depot trains either way to all parts of
the citv day and night calls sapleroom
and trunk hauling in connection Barn
phone 10 Monte Cristo phone 269
C E Pedigo Propr
Although a number of the members of
the Mens Sunday Evening Club were
absent on their holiday vacations the
evening service at the Congregational
church last Sunday evening was well
attended and all the members remained
ht the close of the service to attend the-
twenty minute business meeting of the
club at which arrangements were made
for tho evening servkfesin the future
under the auspices of the club