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a thousand irksome petty economies had often longed for a sympathetic ear to pour into it a good honest complaint of hat ing to do this and that She could not exactly go this far with Cousin Will but she could say it was pretty hard to get along and gave some details She felt that she knew him so v well in those few hours Red heard with nods of assent He had scented the conditions at once It aint any fun skidding on the thin ice said he when they had con cluded the talk Ive had to count the beans I put In the pot and it made me hate arithmetic worse than when I went over yonder to school Well I them days have gone by for yon Mat tie He readied down and pulling out a green roll slapped it on the cen ter table Blow that in and limber up and remember that theres more behind it Miss Matties pride rose at a leap Will shraid I hope you dont think Ive toiu you this to get money from you He leaned forward put his hand on her shoulder and held her eyes with a sudden access of sternness and au thority And I hope Mattie said he that you dont think that I think anything of the kind The cousins stared into each others eyes for a full minute then Miss Mat tie spoke No Will said she I dont believe you do I shouldnt think I did retorted Red What in thunder would I do with all that money Why good Lord girl I could paper your house with 510 bills Now you try to fly them green kites like I tell you Miss Mattie broke down The not ful ly realized strain of fifteen years had made itself felt when the cord snap ped I dont know how to thank you I dont know what to say Oh Wil liam it seems too good to be true What you crying about Mattie said he in sore distress Now hold on Listen to me a minute Theres something I want you to do for me What is it she asked drying her eyes For dinner tomorrow he replied lets have a roast of beef about that size indicating a washtub The diversion was complete Why Will What would we ever do with it said she Do with It Why eat it But we couldnt eat all that Then throw whats left to the cats You aint going to fall down on mo the first favor I ask Avith mock seri ousness Etomach Will said Miss Mattie with a recovering smile I lniAe a good stomach thats al ways done the right thing by me when Ive done the right thing by it said Red And rnoreo er just look at the constitution I have to support But say old lady look at that pointing to the clock EleAen thirty time de cent people Avere putting up for the night The Avords brought to an acute stage a wandering fear which had passed through Miss Matties mind at inter vals during the evening Where was she to look for sleeping accommoda tions for a man She revolted against the convention that in her own mind ns well as the rest of Fairfield forbade the use of her house for the purpose Long habit of thought had made these niceties constitutional It was almost ns difficult for Miss Mattie to say Ill fix up your bed right there on the sofa as it Avould have been for Red to pick a mans pocket yet Avhen she thought of his instant and open gen erosity and Avhat a dismal return therefor it would be to thrust him out for reasons which she divined would have no meaning for him she heroical ly resohed to throw custom to the winds and speak But the difficulty was cut in another fashion Theres a little barn in the back yard that caught my eye said Red and if youll lend me a blanket Ill roll it- tliovo I Sleep in the barn loull not do any such thing cried Miss Mattie Youll sleep right here on the sofa or upstairs In my bed just as you choose If its all the same to you Id rather not So help me Bob Id smother in here Had the darnedest time coming since T was inim 7i contour me 1 mustnt move but I told him Id chuck just as I say Well I think thats just dreadful said Miss Mattie Id like to know what folks will think of me to hear I turned my own cousin out In the barn Her voice trailed off a little at the end as the gist of what they might say if he stayed in the house oc curred to her Well she continued I if youre set I suppose I cant object er Miss Mattie was not a good hand at playing a part Im set said Red blanket Get me a tion of the soft nirr jniil fillpd flic lin Youre ready for most Sure said Red Now good night old lady lie bent dOAA n in so nat ural a fashion that Miss Mattie had kissed him before she knew what she was going to do DoAvn to the barn through the soft June eA eniug Avent Red Avhistling a Mexican love song most melodiously Miss Mattie stood in the half opened door and listened Without Avas balm and starlight and the spirit of flowers breathed out in odors The quaint and pretty tune rose and fell quavered lilted along as it listed without re gard for law and order It struck Miss Mattie to the heart Her girlhood with its misty dreams of happiness came back to her on the Avings of music frftfjyf Tmir filg7 ns Mattie knelt mid sent I up her niodust petition to her Maker 1 and got Into her little white bed In the meantime Reds actions would have awakened suspicion He hunted around until he found 11 tin can then lit n match and rummaged the barn amid terror stricken squawks from the inhabitants the hens One two three four he counted Reckon I can last out till morning on that Mattie shes white people Just tho nicest I ever saw but she aint used to providing for a full grown man no stepped to the back of the barn and looked about him Nobody can see me from here he said In satis faction Then he scraped together u pile of chips and sticks and built a fire filled the till can at the brook sat and shifted the V Jj dJ 2 Wmself a cigarette and waited A utiu 0 w large yellow tomcat came out of the more I speak for the barn Mattie anfl ha green lieulghts and I speak real loud that Is I mean to say Im going to sleep In the barnv on him meaowlng tentatively Hello pussy said Red You unless theres somebody a heap larger wat n mImitean1 than you on the premises Now there s - be UKitJ j no use for you to talk Im gong to da i greedily came closer and begged for more The tin can boiled over Red popped the eggs in puffed Ids eiga I rette to a bright coal and looked at his watch by the light Gee Ten min I utes more now said he Hardly seems to me as If I could wait lit pulled the watch out several times j Whats the matter with the d 11 thing I believe its stopped lie growled But at last Time he shouted gleefullj kicked the can over I twl irn flirt- iirt If c f iroCiitirni tti 1 As she came in with this T T l - ul IC he added Say Mattie could you let iV lovr Mr Cat were going to do in t - iuu no s i lutii ui uuuui x k -1 habit of wanting something to eat in the middle of the night Certainly Dont you want some butter with it nere Ill fix it for 3011 on a plate No dont Avaste dish Avashlng Ill show yoa how to fix it no cut t 1 loaf of bread in half pulled out a poly some real eating said he Just sit right down and make yourself at home This is kind of fun by links Doavh Avent the ogs and down went the loaf of buad in genet us slice never forgetting a fair share for the cat Woosh I feel better cried Red And now for some slev lie sa ting Into tho Imoft the bhin P spread with butter There we are and kot oa tin fragrant old hay and nothing to bother with afterward roled Iseir In trice Thats up a a right smart notion Will l li1 a tur wIlen l but vouIl a cain on want a knife llpre he If onI l hivc In answer he drew out a leather case from his oue relation shes a dandy so pretty breast pocket and opened it and quiet and nice Shes a marker riss Mattie stood in the half opentd door and listened Within Avas knife fork spoon and two flat boxes for salt and pepper You see Im fixed said he Isnt that a cute trick she cried You shall have the roast of beef j admiringly Pears to me that youre fond of your j anything for all Ive got is Mattie The cat came up purring and mak ing bread lie sniffed feline fashion at Reds face Foo Shoo Go way pussy Set tle yourself doAvn and avoII pound onr ear for another forty miles I like you first rate Avhen you dont Avalk on my 1 face He stretched and yawned enor I mously Yes sir Matties all right j said he A-a-a-11 ri And Chantn Scechee Red Avas in the land of dreams j Here back in Gods country Avithln tAventy miles of the place Avhere he was born the Avanderer laid him down 1 again and in spite of raid and foray whisky and poker cards Avear and tear hard times and hardest test of all sudden fortune he Avas much the same impulsive honest generous devil-may-care boy avIio had left there tAventy four years ago Avhen Red gold were Isnt that a SAveet tuns she said j back on em but they aint got the vrith a lump in her throat j fram these fellers have She Avent up into her room and sat Bud in hand he walked beneath Mis doAvn a moment in confusion trying to Matties AvJndows and he was the grasp the reality of all that had hap- first thing her eye fell upon pened In the middle of the belief nor startled exclamation made him that these things Avere not so came the regret of a sensitive mind for errors committed She remembered Avith a sudden sinking that she had not thank- CHAPTER V HE next morning aAvoke arrows of shooting through the holes In iszj me out nam ana outsuic tin bird life the tAvittering and chirping I the fluent Avhistle and the Avarble the j cackle and the pompous croAv Avere in full chorus Where am I at this time said he as he took in the amcaw Oh I re member and his heart leaped Im in my own home by the Lord He went doAvn to the brook and washed drying hands and face on the silk neckerchief which is meant for use as well as for deco ation In the meantime Miss Mattie had awakened Avitli a sense of something delightful at hand the meaning of which escaped her for the time And then she remembered and sprang out of bed like a girl She went to the open the shutters and let the stirring morning air Aoav in This had been her habit for a long time The windoAv faced away from the road and no one could see Avho was not on Miss Matties OAvn prem ises But tins morning Red had wandfred around Stopping at the rosebushes he picked a rose That has the real old time smell he said as he held it to his nose SAveetbriers are good and I dont go look up before she had time to with draw Hello there he called joyfully How do you onen un this lav Yo ed him for the necklace And the look prettv aa cII lie added with a not ey lay even now on the parlor table 0f admiration Miss Mattie had th where he had cast it This added the wavy air wIlicll is never In iPtter physical fear of thieA es Down she order than when left to its own de- Avent and got the money counted out vices Her idea of coiffure was not to her unmitigated astonishment 300 the most becoming that could have and thrust it beneath her pilloAv Avith foeen selected as she felt that a a shiver She Avished she had thought young style of hairdressing was to tell him to take care of it But sup- foolish for a single Avoman of her pose the thieA es Avere to fall on him years Now with the nrettv soft hm as he slept Reds friends Avould haA e flying her eyes still humid with sleep peiit i mpauiy on me tniees ana a touch of color in her face from She rejoiced that the money AA as the surprise relieved against the fieecy Avhere it AA as Then she tried to re- shawl she had throAvn about her shoui member Avhat she had said throughout dors she was incontestable- both a dis the CA ening creet and pretty picture Yet Miss Weil I suppose I must have acted Mattie could not forget the bare feet like a ninny she concluded But and nightgoAvn although they were isnt he lust snlendid And as Cousin hiriio rm nocrnun i on that oyer was hotels Little white J handsome face with its daring and plaster and she was embarrassed IUU111S ILH nans uiuiub in ui Kma eyeS CatUC tO lier AlSlOll SUe IClC Still With nil tlm umorccifi you Worse than rattlesnakes for keep ing a man awake Reminds me of the hospital Horse fell on me once aad smashed me up so that I had to be sent to get puttied up again and I neA er struck sugh a month as that comforted I dont believe but what j cies Miss Mattie had a strong back hell make every alloAvance for hoAv bone of New England common sense exciteu i was saiu sue iie seems j sue answered that she felt verv Avell to understand those things for all hes indeed and to cover any awkward- sucu a large man en it aoesn t seem as if it could be true With a ness inquired what he had in nana bi J S 4 fi