The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 20, 1907, Image 8

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Presents for boys the boys will like
Presents for girls the girls admire
Presents for young and old in fact
Presents for everybody
Our enrnest endenvor in our preparation for Christmas has resulted
in tb collodion of ono of the most benutiful assortments of gifts evor dis
played in McCook
Rarely will circumstances permit such advantages for gratifying in
dividual preferences in the selection of gifts
We will not attempt to enumerate all the beautiful articles which our
stock comprises but we
Woodworth Co
LADIES this is more than ever your week at this pop
ular store
It is the ladies who have charge of that all important
feature of a really happy Christmas day THE CHRISTMAS
DINNER and it is to the ladies of McCook we address this
Our store is abundantly stocked with everything good to
pnt and all the choicest Christmas delicacies are to be found
here in any quantity We take a particular pleasure in call
ing your attention to our lines of Fresh Fruits Cranberries
Nuts Figs Dates etc and in fact everything you can pos
sibly need in getting up a sumptuous feast found in an up-to-date
The offerings given below really give but slight indication
of the variety and extent of the articles suitable for a genuine
Christmas dinner
Special Christmas Grocery Offerings
Christmas Candies in endless variety
Fine Crisp Celery Radishes and Lettuce Splendid Sweet
Potatoes and Cranberries
Choice Dried Fruits Dates Figs Oranges Lemons Ap
pies and Bananas
A Complete Line of Relishes Salad Dressings and Olives
A Full Assortment of Finest Coffees Teas Extracts and
Fahrenbruch Block W Dennison St Fone 30
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook at
noon today Friday are paying the fol
lowing prices
Corn S 50
Wheat 80
Qits 35
Rye 55
Barley 45
Hogs 3 75
Butter good 20
Eggs 24
R F D NO 1
John Kummer has moved with his
-family onto the W H Bryant farm pur
chased by him some time ago
John Hammel has bought the house
of two rooms on the F M Kennedy
place and with the assistance of neigh
bors moved the same onto his own place
Fred Adams has gone to Illinois on a
Tjsit of several weeks with his folks
Over a foot of snow on the level
The fall wheat fellows are feeling finer
than silk
How is this for a sample of winter
J I Lee is cutting seven inch ice for
his trade
Only two worthful items enter into
the value of advertising namely quant
ity and quality that is how many and
how good The McCook Tribune is in
a field by itself locally on these two
points We challenge and invite in
spection and comparison We can give
you from two to three times the value
for your money that any other Red
Willow county publication can offer
Our Cream Lotion is healing and
soothing to both face and hands and
give entire satisfaction
- A MoMiXLEH Druggist
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoffice December 20 1907
Billings O B Barryrover Mrs Jane
Cassady Dr C Derring Mr J
Field Mr Win Farr J A
Farr Jake Gould B N
Hoffman Andre Hadell Miss Mae
Johnson D R Kraft Mrs
Loysdon Mr Hazel Manso J W
Orme Miss Dollio Kelly T C
Shea Mr Tom Shaffer Mr E L
Simimon Mrs L B Shafer Mr William
Todd Miss Bell Van Brims Mr
Wood Mr M
Barry Mr J J Finnigan J
Kipp Mr Mike Long Harry
Manso J W Mather Miss Nora
Phillips Vernon Richardson Bud
Solace Lyman Spaulding Mrs Mac
Wood M M Warden Mr Moris
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Haye You Houses To Rent
Then you should be supplied with
rent receipt books The Tribune has
just what you want compact and com
A weekly newspaper that publishes
twenty one columns of good reliable
news each week is rare in these days of
cheap weeklies intended only to sell
some article that the publisher is inter
ested in Credit is due The Weekly
Inter Ocean for keeping its columns
filled with fresh and up-to-date news
Give it a trial by subscribing through
The McCook Tribune
Two carloads of furniture just re
ceived nt Pades Furniture Carpet Co
New rugs all kinds cheap at Pades
Furniture Carpet Co
Stenographer s note books for sale at
The Tribune office
New Forms for Applications and Proofs
Department of the Interior General
Land oflico Washington D C
Now forms of applications for Homo
stead Entry Soldiers Additional Homo
stead Entry Desert Land Entry and
for Timber or Stone Sworn Statements
Timber or Stone Final Proofsand Yearly
Proof in Desert Lund cases have boon
adopted and on and after March 1 1908
no entries will bo allowed in the class of
cises above mentioned unless executed
upon the now oflicial forms or upon
forms which are exact duplicates there
of both as to wording arrangement and
eizo Each of said forms is a combina
tion of the several form and affidavits
formerly required to lie filed in such
cases and the use thereof will result in
a saving of time labor and expense to
the local land officers proof taking
officer and
It A Ballinokr Commissioner
The literary was line considering the
inclemency of the weather Tho pro
gram though short was well rendered
Iva Fox is staying with A M Benja
mans at present
We wish to correct an item in RFD
No 1 of last week The young people
mot at llarve Rowland to practice a
play which was rendered at lit rary
last Friday evening
Abe Peters A M Benjainan Claude
Towle Albert Signing all visited Mc
Cook on Monday and stirred up quite a
snow storm
John Wesch who had his leg broken
some time ago is up and able to be
Mrs Ethel Albrecht was quite sick
last week but is slowly recovering
Mr and Mrs Sigwing who left for
Atwood last wet k have not returned
on account of the snow The young
folks like keeping houe
Everybody was out rabbit hunting
Friday and Saturday Fine sport for
the boys
Mrs Clara M Cunningham is going
home Saturday to spend Christmas
with her parents
B W Benjaman purchased a span of
fine cream white ponies last week
A Chmtmas tree and an enterain
ment will be given at the school house
Christmas eve by the teacher and pu
pils of district 35
The snow may be a little too deep for
sleighing but wo hear no kick from the
We hear that Mr and Mrs Tuttlo ex
pect to leave for Southern Kansas soon
Mr and Mrs A M Benjamin are re
joicing over the arrival of a ten pound
girl born the 18th
Mrs Alex Ellis and children are suffer
with an attack of tonsilitis
Mr Lant got that new barn painted
in time for the snow
Alex Ellis is talking of having a snow
plow for his steamer as he is snow bound
at Josh Rowlands
While her parents were out doing
chores Wednesday night Nicey Olm
sted aged five years in some manner
caught her clothes on fire and was quite
serioulv burned
Mrs Ben King has been seriously ill
but is now some what better
Hazel Bellair and Cyrus Blake on
Sunday visited his niece Mary Blake
near Havana
A young couple started out sleigh
riding withjiugling in tho momingbut
came back in a buggy in the evening
Cyrus Blake who has been helping at
John Longneckers for the past three
months will soon leave for Iowa where
he will remain indefinitely
The carpenters are doing tho finishing
work on Owen Longneckers house
Hazel Bellair who has been with Mrs
John Longnecker for some weeks is at
home now
Mrs Bardon depot agents wife ex
pects to spend Christmas with her par
ents at Republican City
Mr and MrsPaImer expect to spend
the holidays with his parents at Stam
O B Wood is putting a glass front in
his butcher shop
The churches are all preparing for
their Christmas festivities
Floyd Ervin is expected home from
Grand Island where he has been attend
ing business college
The people are all rejoicing over the
fine snow and everybody that is fortun
ate enough to have a sleigh is making
good use of it
Mr Hanelines sale was postponed on
account of the stormy weather last Sat
Mrs Bert Everist died of typhoid
fever Funeral last Monday Leaves a
husband with eight children one with
typhoid fever and one with a broken leg
They have the sympathy of the entire
Elder Pettijohn and wife of Norton
Kans stopped over and visited with the
Burbridge family from Friday noon
until Saturday then went on to the
neighborhood of Blakeman where be
will hold a series of meetings for the
Church of Christ
Ths Dragon That Was Tamed by tho
Memory of a Shrew
Stories about shrews are very pop
ular in Persia Ilcre Is one of them
A man had a wife who was the plague
of his life At last he could bear it no
longer and threw her down a well
But three days later he relented and
let a rope dowu the well for her to
come up by If she was still alive In
stead of her a huge dragon came up
The man ws terribly frightened He
felt sure that the dragon would devour
him but Instead of devouring him it
overwhelmed him with gratitude and
promises of favors for having deliver
ed him from the society of such a ter
rible companion As a reward the
dragon entered into a conspiracy with
him It arranged to go and coll itself
round the body of the kings daughter
Then after the astrologers and magi
cians had used all their skill In vain
in the attempt to deliver her the man
was to come to the king and say
Sire I am the only person who can
save your daughter If I do not suc
ceed you may kill me
The dragon would recognize him and
release her and the king would of
course recompense the savior of his
daughter with splendid presents The
dragon made it a stipulation that if
he seized any other princess the man
was not to interfere on penalty of
death So the dragon went and coiled
himself round the daughter of the
shah and after every remedy had been
tried without success thi man came
and presented himself before the shah
saying Sue I am the only person
who can save your daughter If I do
not succeed you will kill me Then
the dragon taiiow hlri and went away
leaving the princess free and the klnti
bestowed her upon tho deliverer and
gave hiTi an enormous fortune
After a time the divgon went and
coiled Itrelf round the body of a prin
cess of Franghistan The king of
Franghistan who had heard of the
marvelous rescue of the shahs daugh
ter sent an embassy loaded with cost
ly presents to the court of Persia pray
ing her rescuer to come and free his
daughter also but the man remember
ed what he had promised the dragon
and was afraid to go LTis royal father-in-law
naturally did not under
stand the reason and was furious and
insisted that he should go
At last the man had to go but he
was in terror as to what would hap
pen for breaking his contract v ith the
dragon When ho arrived in the pres
ence of the dragon and the princess he
said to the dragon I have not brohen
my word I did not come to deliver
the princess but only to tell you that
my wife has succeeded in getting out
of the well and is coming to avenge
herself upon you as quickly as she
The dragon remembering the terri
ble time he had with the mans wife
flew away for he knew the proverb
that it is better to dwell in a wilder
ness than in a querulous and angry
woman Chicago News
A Farcical Vengeance
A magazine editor was congratulat
ing Richard Harding Davis on the suc
cess of his farces
You handle the farce said the edi
tor as skillfully as you used to handle
the short story You have the gift of
seeing everything in a farcical light
Could you treat farcically the situation
of a wifes elopement with her hus
bands friend Would you get any fun
out of a situation so grimly sad and
horrible as that
Mr Davis laughed
One of the principals in just such a
situation he said got a good deal of
fun out of it I allude to the deserted
husband Lie got fun and a terrible re
venge as well This deserted husband
sent the aforesaid best friend a packet
and the following letter
Dear Sir Please hand the incloseo
set of false teeth to my late wife and
ask her to be so good as to return my
fathers which in the hurry of the mo
ment she took by mistake
Making Home Attractive
A district visitor in the slums of Lon
don asked the wife of a notorious
drinker why she did not keep her hus
band from the public house
Why dont you make your home
look more attractive she asked
Im sure Ive tried ard to make it
omelike maam was the reply Ive
took up the parlor carpet and sprin
kled sawdust on the floor and put a
beer barrel in the corner but lor1
maam it aint made a bit of differ
Where Johnny Put the G
A teacher in a New England school
had found great difficulty in training
her pupils to pronounce fiial g One
day when a small boy was reading he
came to a sentence that he pronounced
as follows What a good time I am
No Johnny interrupted the teach
er you made a mistake Dont you
remember what Ive been telling you
Try that last sentence again
Johnn3 reread as before What a
good time I am havin
No no said the teacher a little im
patiently Dont you know all Ive
told you about pronouncing the g
Johnnys face lightened and he be
gan again confidently Gee what a
good time I am havin Everybodys
Easily Satisfied
Shaughuessy hearing that the bank
in which he kept his savings had fail
ed rushed around with his bankbook
and demanded his money The teller
began to count it out
Oh yeve got it have ye said
Shaughnessy with a sigh of relief
Kape it then 01 dont want it as
long as ye have it
Call and
your Staples
Xmas gifts
THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies
yKfU Santa I
I mEMz SHI n i n
i bSwi i
v If t M If Afk y u il
Has Most L i b e r a 1 1 y
filled all our stockings
and will fill yours at the
Our Large Stock is fast disappearing
Good variety as yet
The school report caids will be given
out today
The indications are that the Christ
mas program will be excellent
At the regular meeting of Culbertson
lodge No 21 D of II Dec 13th the
following officers were elected
Past Chief of Honor Mrs Carrie Par
Chief of Honor Mrs Emma Crews
Lady of Honor Miss Louise McNiece
Chief of Ceremonies Miss Mary Brad
Recorder Harry Lehman
Financier Mrs Mary Trimpey
Receiver Miss Blanche Cole
Usher Miss Minnie Keller
Inside Watch Mrs ane McNiece
Outside Watch Mrs Lizzi6 Bahan
Medical Examiner Dr A H Miller
Trustee George Trimpey
A Handy Receipt Bock
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
Is BelieyiBE
If you will figure with us and
quBlity of material s any object
you will be easily convinced that
we out class all competition
h -